Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Dignity and respect lead honor and integrity far down the line of one's truthful and trustworthy trails of justice. Yours, Officer Cook, began almost fifty years ago here in Dade County, the heroically small building blocks leading to a more pronounced career, a life that has been stoically remembered, duly saluted and fondly celebrated for all the accentuation of acumen, vision and wisdom. Such outstanding work all because of caring and sincere heart and soul of virtue. The vehicles that uplifted your patrols of your community where stability and peace are certain essentials. The versatility, accountability and responsibility were shouldered by you, a youthfully fit young man capable and understanding your roles and no one will forget your life and sacrifice you made that day of May 16, 1979. The light of your spirit shines brightly up above as you serve your eternal roles as an angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2022

Challenges stimulate our hearts and minds into action. Talk is cheap unless supported by legs, arms and hands moving constantly to complete the arduous tasks at hand. Dade County was your neighborhood of never ending unselfishness, tireless energy to create a peaceful environment that folks could be proud of, Officer Cook. A hero who represented the borders, streets and corners with character, charm and a smile of commitment. Your oath was more than wisdom, vision and maturity, it was the stellar performance of a man whose gifts and talents expanded for beyond our hopes and dreams. Yes, your faithfulness, goodwill and sincere promises were met and your earthly missions were deemed as finished sadly. May 16,1979 is a day, an hour where your life and its memories, Officer Cook, will be shared and duly noted. For a pious man receives his rewards and you my neighbor, friend and hero are truly being blessed for their esteem every second in heaven. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2022

The baton of bravery and virtue that your family carries, Officer Cook, is more than a torch of tenacity, more than a keepsake of your career and stoic life of heroism. It's memories of mettle, discipline and devotion dedicating yourself to honor, dignity and integrity tracking tranquility and the realization that Dade County wanted a man who was more than a stabilizer. More than a machine, but one who had a heart, soul and an angelic spirit that now walks a heavenly beat above. The salutes of humanity for a gentleman missed by his family and all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2022

You provided prevention at the ultimate price, Officer Cook, as your honorable and heroic sacrifice gave Dade County the stability and semblance of serenity most called for. A warrior, a veteran officer who relished his life and career pursuits even though danger lurked where you patrolled. The citizens could always be appreciative of your character, trust, truth and loyalty to your fellow comrades that along with integrity and dignity is never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2022

Human beings have infatuations and expectations. Men and women who don uniforms and wear badges of humility,heart and character are angels who may at some point have to make the ultimate sacrifice to see serenity, safety and security through until the end. Integrity and dignity have to serve with pride and the honored commitments you represented, Officer Cook, they shall be remembered and etched within your family's hearts, minds and souls. Their adventures and virtue are a part a living part of their dedicated lives, to steer and guide them on paths and trails of truth and righteousness. No one was better than yourself at calming and resolving domestic conflicts it's truly a disgrace what Mr. Pearsall did that day to you and your fellow officers, the civilians who were hurt by his vile and venomous lack of character and respect for authority. I hope Officer DiGenova and Officer Edgerton have happy days and to their families and yours, the Wilkerson and Tidwells a happy and healthy Easter. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Life goes on somewhere up in the deepest of blue skies you are watching and smiling as they carry the torch of your tenacity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2022

There are times when police work is a race against the clock when lives matter. When trouble grips a region, a community is up in arms and demands immediate answers to perplexing dilemmas. You had most of the clues and answers. Officer Cook, badge#1664 was virtue, honesty and integrity all personified. All intense and all encompassing. Dignity devoted and resourceful to the challenges at hand, Dade County won't forget you and neither will your loved ones as they get ready to bring in the Easter holiday as my family ushers in Passover. All faiths uniting for a common sense of reason and violence is not allowed to ruin such plans. Truth and trustworthiness conquer. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2022

A steady and a sturdy hand on the rudder makes the compass keep its direction. Your sense of balance, bravery and high level of accomplishment, Officer Cook, made that distinct and heroic difference to all who lived and continue residing here in Dade County. You were raised with all the right chemistry and genes of gallantry, integrity and the dignity that all noble and sacred public servants have to possess. A heart and soul all tireless, unselfish and energetic while carrying out the tall order of perilous tasks. But, always esteemed, trusted and loyal to the pursuits of justice done right. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2022

One's heart and soul of dignity, integrity and character must all be honest and sincere. Being bold is one element, being a man who supported his words with freedom for mankind and the desire to create an impression that has lasted and will carry over for generations to come, your life and career of scruples and reverence, Officer Cook, has surely been paid homage as your family continues its goodwill, faith and hope that your spirit will keep guiding their earthiest of journeys. The missions you shouldered won't be overlooked nor shelved for a man with a constitution and intuition that engaged and enriched humanity keeps being blessed and rewarded going forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2022

The yokes of trust and truth lied within your solemn heart of humility and loyalty, Officer Cook. Dade County and its people won't forget you, their hero and most of all your family's as they carry forward your legacy of honor,integrity and dignity which stood the tests of time. Your faithful missions were sadly deemed as completed and Our Lord took your sweet and virtuous soul back home to His perfect world to rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Commitment and conviction always spot on and to the point. It's a terrible tragedy your calming voice could not have coaxed to surrender peacefully rather than all the evil that permeated around the streets at that hour. May 16,1979 will forever be remembered as the day when your sacrificed your life and career to save the citizens and your fellow officers. Heaven has an angel replete with compassion, courage and humane concern.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2022

If calmness and serenity could forevermore bring us everything in happiness, health, peace and prosperity every person would never say no. You were consummate, dedicated and devoted to your duties, Officer Cook, to honorably and to heroically restore our way of life. This was your aspiration, your dignity and integrity being placed in danger to shield us from harm. A class gentleman of character, truth and respect honored and saluted for heart, soul and all vehicles of versatility and virtue which made Dade County more efficient and effervescent. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2022

Location, location, location, it's where your humanely heroic honesty, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, was aptly applied to try and to resolve and to calm a tense situation here in Dade County. The citizens surely were grateful for your unrelenting virtue, versatility and bravery. It certainly goes to character and your resourcefulness. You'll always be saluted and given respects for doing a job with total heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2022

Reverence and dignity were packed into your badge and uniform of class, desire and decency, Officer Cook, all components of your life and career crusades restoring order in Dade County. A man's character spoke volumes and your heart and soul had that and even more honor, dignity and integrity built to battle evil and adversity. The tenacious trails of truth and trust all paved with hope and righteous goodwill. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2022

Location, location, location, it's where your humanely heroic honesty, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook, was aptly applied to try and to resolve and to calm a tense situation here in Dade County. The citizens surely were grateful for your unrelenting virtue, versatility and bravery. It certainly goes to character and your resourcefulness. You'll always be saluted and given respects for doing a job with total heart and soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2022

Violence screams terror and no doubt your solemn heart and soul, Officer Cook, beckoned for your aid and advice. Dade County was made safer because of your reassuring calmness, courage and consideration. The honesty of one heroic young man whose integrity and dignity reached out for the folks needing essential preservation. You made strides that set up the cornerstones for a more confident future. Character, commitment and conviction all virtue, all real truth and trust so much ingenuity and intuition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2022

When harmony is achieved, your earthly missions begin to reach fulfillment. Your life and career, Officer Cook, were determined by Our Maker and for Dade County they were the fortunate community to have received your heroic honor, dignity and integrity that went into your ventures of vision, valor and virtue. Outstanding and upstanding character that was humbly truthful, faithful and trusted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2022

Being bold is being humble. Your heart, soul and spirit, Officer Cook, heroically served and saved Dade County and now are the very inspirations for which your family carries your legacy of faith, goodwill and hope forward. Honesty, integrity and dignity that faced adversity and was true loyalty and trusted allegiance never forgotten as we salute your wisdom, vision and virtue, the letters of character and commitment with a humane smile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2022

A tragedy is just that. But, you'll be so fondly remembered and solemnly saluted for providing the where with all seeing justice, truth and trust carried our fairly and firmly on behalf of a grateful community. Honor, dignity and integrity all determined to make an impression forever to be faithfully honored. Dade County was and is still a venue filled with virtue and people who truly care about one another. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 1, 2022

You open the book, read it and soak in the words of inspiration. You are the very example of a dependable servant so dignified, honest and full of integrity. Dade County will never overlook your exploits of unwavering endeavor all launching our sense of peace, hope and directional goodwill. Officer Cook, humanity has missed your smile and sweet heart of charm, candor and charisma. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 1, 2022

The weather changes as the winds blow and your versatility, valor and virtue all meant the world, Officer Cook. Dade County was an area where your tireless and unselfish expertise was utilized daily to serve and to protect the public. Integrity straight ahead, dignity so dedicated to the causes of truth and justice. Your cherished name, heart and legacy will forever be bounded by the very foundations you set down. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 1, 2022

A man whose bond, oath and words of humility all came from your blessed heart and treasured soul of honesty, integrity and dignity. Dade County, Officer Cook, was just the right spot for your devoutness and steadfast resourcefulness. Your family has missed you very much and the sadness lingers. You were one great man, a human being who was outstanding in all your efforts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 1, 2022

Dade County was fortified with your humble and dignified patrols in search of tranquility. Officer Cook, you were the consummate public servant who surely earned your stripes by virtue of integrity and heroism. Honor that continues to be paid homage for your duties above and beyond your difficult onuses. The residents appreciated your sincerity, kindness and compassion that extended to society. The stars are bright and aligned because of your career and life of preservation never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 1, 2022

The right gentleman to humbly, heroically and honorably protect our very best interests. Yes, Officer Cook, Dade County was where acumen, wisdom, and dignity looked peril right in the eyes. You paid the ultimate sacrifice for the enhancement, enrichment and character of all humanity. Mankind has missed your truly amazing personality, the best versions above 10.0 of truthful conviction, trusted commitment to excellence and pride from doing yeoman work on behalf of your community's welfare. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 1, 2022

The kings and queens on the chessboard are the integrity, dignity and honor that escorted your routes of resolve, resiliency and resourcefulness, Officer Cook. So duly ordained to fight and to battle sheer terror and violence here in Dade County that created the senses and directions of stability and quiet. Every human being is entitled to be treated justly well you did so in an outstanding manner and for this you won't be overlooked nor forgotten. The means of mettle, values and scruples weigh heavily and the scales of serenity mean that much. A sacrifice not to be sheltered, rather remembered fondly, humbly and most solemnly as we offer salutes for having a concerned heart and determined soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 31, 2022

The Lord's everlasting love of mankind is His firm, perfect and most honorable bond that allows good women and men the opportunity to pursue peaceful means that all areas are allowed. Your word and bond, Officer Cook, was unyielding, unbending and relentless in Dade County being able to live in harmony. The shelters of courage and respect were raised to the maximum by virtue of vigilance, vision and the wings of wisdom carrying you through missions of dignity and integrity. To face adversity head on not many would have accomplished but your justice, truth and trustworthy heroism were the means to safety and security that humanity misses so dearly today as much as your smile, loyalty and versatility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 31, 2022

Achievement first arrives as wisdom, vision and maturity came across as focused, dignified and most assuredly as honorable. Your integrity and unselfish work ethic, Officer Cook, spared Dade County more harm and suffering. Though your family suffered greatly because of losing you to a man's violence while carrying out your core onuses. The world rests because you cared, showed interest in our welfare and were resourceful in every mission of faith, hope and goodwill put forth in a stellar manner to be solemnly saluted as all heroes of character must possess to serve the intellect of the public. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 31, 2022

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