Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

As I said to your former partner, best friend and tennis partner, Officer Keith DiGenova, Officer Cook, small Chevrolet Nova, a small street and bigger troubles caused by a maniac. A man who was looking for problems and he found them. Yet, you and your colleagues were all heroes that day and you are the man whom we pay homage and salute your dignity, integrity and humble honor, all stoic, stellar and sterling as they tried to accomplish a peaceful resolution of a most pressing matter. if you put versatility, accountability and sanctity together in the very same formation, the foundations of stability and unity should abide. They sadly did not and you, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero shall rest in peace with Our Creator blessing and rewarding your character, truth and hope. Such trust and loyalty can never be tarnished nor disrespected. They carried out their earthly missions with class, decency and desire, pure heart and soul pumped into your chosen labors of passion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 12, 2022

Police have difficult and yet delicate tasks every moment that must be honored and carried forthwith truth, trust and dignity that is most reliable. Yours, Officer Cook and your heroic integrity made Dade County more aware, more safe and more prepared. I don't think anyone wants to meet their Maker at such an early age as you had left to fulfill. Your character was well known and well documented as you exhibited effort, efficiency and the hope of a new day dawning. A shame you could not live on to accomplish more your loved ones have willingly and humbly carried both the torch baton of your valor and heroism all noble and sacred that created and air of awareness and virtue. So versatile and wise, virtue walking its angelic beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 12, 2022

The past always upholds, embraces and enriches our future. It was yours too, Officer Cook, such a tragic loss for your family and department who were left to mourn and to grieve your loss. You made the ultimate sacrifice of honesty, dignity and integrity to champion Dade County and its residents in everlasting peace. A stable building block of your heroism and its shining legacy. You never took life for granted and for Mr. Pearsall he was a wicked man bent on taking the lives of the very authority that enhances our very lifestyles. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Virtuous, caring and with a golden heart and soul that is now in heaven watching over us.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 12, 2022

Pride is how you feel inside. Obviously, if you are an honest individual you care about the people who you represent and protect as every pulse in your young being cared greatly for Dade County. A role you took seriously and with dignity, integrity and ingenuity following your patrols. It was a very sad day for your family, peers and mankind, Officer Cook, to witness a true hero giving his life so that security, safety and serenity could continue down those roads of harmony and tranquility. Never forgotten and saluted for bravery, virtue and sacred journeys carried forth now by your beloved family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 12, 2022

Devotion deserves our humane honor. After all, Officer Cook, your integrity, dignity and reverence were what jumped into those fierce flames of unimaginable danger all in the name of God to shield Dade County from more harm. You surely performed your roles and profession strictly by the book and always maintained discipline and dedication the intuition of a genuine public servant. Now and for eternity will you remain cherished, tireless and unselfish in your responsibilities to uphold justice, the truth and trust will only enhance your heart, soul and spirit's climbs up the ladder of perfection as a heroic angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 12, 2022

The blanket of hope, the gallantry of goodwill, the ferocity of faithfulness they were all the epilogs of your unwavering, undying and unyielding honor, heart and perseverance, Officer Cook. So heroic and dignified every ounce of your integrity, character and truthful trust was utilized to allow Dade County and its people the opportunity to live serene lives of purpose, cause and reason. To function and to remain vitally stable is a component of your elements of endeavor and accountability. You'll forever be saluted for answering that domestic call on what was deemed your final day of a short life cut that way by another man's disrespect and lack of heart. Yours, my neighbor, friend and hero was humble, loyal and always esteemed. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 12, 2022

The eye of every storm has its viciousness and your vision, versatility and valor, Officer Cook, preserved the safety and image of all mankind and Dade County. A gentleman of honor, dignity and integrity who lived and practiced his faith with the esteem and loyalty of a wonderful spirit. All soul and heart racing to that domestic scene where no one would have ever imagined your precious young life being ended by a man of heinous proportions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The building blocks were constructed by a man of consideration, care and concern. Foundations forever fruitful.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2022

The gears of gallantry and greatness were always going forward. You paid it forward, Officer Cook and Dade County was kept vitally safe and secure. You always had dignity, integrity and honesty partnering with you and your essential character, commitment and conviction all truth and all trust. We honor your life and service by remembering your sacred missions of hope and goodwill, your faithfulness was humane and heroic as nobility and accountability were forevermore documented. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2022

You have to fit plenty into a day where danger, peril and terror lurk. Dade County was the venue where undying, unrelenting and unending heroism was poured into your sincerest of endeavors, Officer Cook. Your badge and uniform were worn with dignity, integrity and the characters in the words honor and humbleness. If your mother and father could have seen you that day when you sacrificed your heart and soul, well they were always proud of you. Their gratitude is know next to them in heaven as you all rest in peace my neighbors, friends and hero. Trustworthiness and trust so resourceful, thoughtful and diligent. The people have their safe havens precisely by virtue of a mature public servant and an angel who has walked his beat with eternity shadowing your spirit.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2022

A sure way to be humanely recognized is to act with class, desire, decency and devotion. With your gumption, determination and loyal dedication to your department, Officer Cook, they won't forget your life and career of humility and soul. Dade County won't overlook your special actions of heroism, integrity and honesty all dignified and all to the point. Success, accomplishment and achievement are learned in the classrooms way before you hit those pavements. Your scruples, ethics and mettle certainly brought violence to its knees and that tragic day the man who robbed you of your life had to be taken down by your comrade, Detective Blocker before more infamy raised its nastiness. You are to be humbly saluted for validating what your family, peers and friends already knew, Officer Cook, how great a human being you were consummate and unwavering. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2022

The streets where you gave your life, Officer Cook, were transformed into serenity by virtue of all your components of courage, dignity and the elements of stoic, heroic and stellar integrity. They were cast far and wide to bring about a vivid sense of truth and trust. You my friend, neighbor and hero shall continue being wrapped in God's humbly perfect arms where He holds your angelic soul of tireless character and just commitments to pride and excelling in all your paths and trails of tenacity and fortitude. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2022

God rewards the righteous and punishes those who commit transgression. Your life and career of honor, loyalty, esteem and dignity, Officer Cook, will humbly be saluted and etched in your family's hearts to cherish a man of integrity, respect and character. The class, protection and effort you gave Dade County afforded its citizens the freedom to live peacefully without fear. Never a more meaningful life of wisdom, virtue and valor patrolling your beloved community. Always blessed with acumen, awareness and the principles so dear to our hearts and souls. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2022

Karen, Nancy, Gina and the rest of your beloved family were and are proud of you. they won't stop loving and adoring you even though Karen remarried thirteen years ago. A career, a life, noble deeds all blessed and distributed among the humble citizens of Dade County where your life of service, trust and devotion has always been and will keep being paid humane homage. The memory of you has never vanished and neither has your wisdom, scruples and mettle you proudly maintained while being diligent in all your efforts. Humanity has missed you and your sweet smile just as your family has. Always a kind and polite manner orchestrating these perilous roads. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2022

The count is on and justice must be served. It must be delivered every waking second by those who make a supreme sacrifice to place their lives on the line so honor, peace, integrity and dignity can follow each other down path of pristine vigilance. Your due diligence over Dade County, Officer Cook, was just the genesis of your life and career exemplary and efficient. It started there and sadly on May 16, 1979 ended where you answered your very last call of courage, heart and robust soul blessed by God and now eternally angelic as he directs your spirit through the pearly gates. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2022

We can put our heads safely on our pillows at night because of you, Officer Cook. For badge#1664 represented itself with heart, soul and humane honesty that allowed your professional passions to reach fruition. For this the folks living in Dade County can do so with some semblance of security. Your maturity was way above the crowd and your fellow officers can certainly remember a stoic man of devotion, faith and goodwill delivering his words of information, ingenuity and intelligence from a heart of unwavering experience. The cornerstones have been built by a resourceful young man, a first class public servant who cared about everyone and his family during tragic times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2022

When things go haywire a man's heart, soul and heroism must shift into high gear. Terror roars like a hungry lion and you must be prudent and prepared to face all challenges. Honesty, dignity and integrity must be blazing in the sense that you have to keep up the battles and fights to conclude its nastiness. Your consummate trust and truth, Officer Cook, prevented more evil to Dade County than we will ever comprehend. Your efforts sincere and humble have been blessed, treasured and rewarded for their service and steadfast dedication to mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2022

Polished, persevering and proficient, all in a day or night's work to create that impression that has lasted forever. Society has suffered since your sacrifice, Officer Cook, so heroic, honorable and dignified. A man in control of his journeys here in Dade County with so much more to live for and to accomplish. We will never know why your life and career ended because of one man's seemingly unrelenting evil against you and your fellow officers who were just trying to stop a wayward situation from elevating into more violence. Humility, character and reverence are supposed to be the posts of support and your legacy signifies this. Never forgotten and solemnly saluted for versatility, sanctity and virtue above and beyond the calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2022

Honor. Remember. Salute. Nearly forty-three years later, Officer Cook, you continue being paid loyal tributes for your sincere concern, care and consideration of all Dade County residents. Nothing sadly can restore you to your family as they celebrate Palm Sunday today, then Good Friday and Easter Sunday next week. You taught us the most invaluable lesson of all and that was to be humble, dignified and possess a high measure of integrity which ferried your patrols over us and and own happiness, stability and serenity. All from a heart and soul of virtue, valor and vision leading your trustworthy trails of truth and wholesome character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The foundations are because of your energetic spirit now in heaven serving angelic missions above.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2022

Mr. Pearsall should have known better obviously. But even living with three generations of his family something was seriously eschew. Your honor, integrity and heroic dignity , Officer Cook, shall forever be saluted for Dade County was the venue of respect and diligence that always keeps being rewarded and blessed. So cherished and loyal. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God should have afforded you more years to spread goodwill and hope within the fabrics of mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2022

Forever a tragedy, Officer Cook, how your life and career ended so senselessly that day. For your loved ones and Dade County folks you were everything to them. A man off and running in virtue, honesty and heart. It was found in the dignity of your special soul the real value of your workmanship. All vehicles and vessels of character, commitment to excelling and having pride. To do an outstanding job and to be solemnly paid homage for your versatility and trust. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2022

One look at your smile, Officer Cook, said all about what humility and heart can do to enhance one's devout character. Dade County had you for six years of dedicated service. The kind of humanely heroic honor that you were bestowed and for being composed in integrity, dignity and virtue, the streets were fairly safe and secure when you patrolled. A warrior gallant and tireless in your unwavering onuses. To free us from the clutches of callousness you sure were brave and cool under pressure. Remembered and saluted for durability punctuated by desire. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2022

Common ground must steer the currents of peace and longevity. For Dade County residents this meant your every bit of heart and endeavor would be put into your sincerest of work ethics, Officer Cook, The veins and blood all were honest, decent and most surely dignified. Integrity and character that was every bit your truth and trust always accentuated. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2022

You never lost your sense of diligence nor did you ever get derailed from your main journeys here in Dade County, Officer Cook. An honored hero whose legacy of dignity and integrity shines brightly forevermore in heaven where your angelic missions have been protected by Our Master. The Lord directed your heart, soul and spirit to where serenity and safe havens should be placed down. If versatility, vision and virtue were your vehicles then accountability, character and convictions were all truthful and most trusted. You just continue to be missed, a life taken way too early. I guess destiny and fate were sincerely linked to your humble heroism the actions of a man so bold and wonderful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2022

Superb, stoic and stellar, but humbly speaking you were completely honorable and heroic, Officer cook, in your duties to watch and to protect the citizens of Dade county from mounting violence. Your respect, dignity and integrity have been mourned and saluted all these decades later after your sacrifice. No matter the situation there was no hesitation, you acted in a trustworthy and true manner as all heroes shall. Your good name cherished and greatly admired stood for character, care and commitment perpetuated and accentuated beyond the letter of the law. The foundations and cornerstones you constructed are for a safer tomorrow yet one you should have been allowed to be a part of. Heaven has an angel of sacred missions where goodwill, hope and faith were spread far and wide. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your parents raised a son born of humility, heart and virtue. Same with your big sister Nancy may she and her family enjoy Easter.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2022

Your wisdom, comprehension and understanding were way beyond the crowd. Maturity, vision and values that served and saved the honesty, dignity and integrity of life here in your neighborhood of Dade County, Officer Cook. Your family, peers and acquaintances have surely missed you, your smile and sensitive nature so caring and considerate. A hero who received all the tributes richly deserved for his life of humility, heart and respectful character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The sun rises tomorrow and sets as well you surely should have been afforded the opportunity to retire as most as most of your fellow officers did. The Central was your territory and your tenacity unlocked our very peace and freedom to move about as we choose.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 8, 2022

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