Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Wherever you are is home and the earth is paradise. Wherever
you set your holy feet is holy land. You don't live off it like a parasite. You live in it and it in you. Or you don't survive. And that is the only worship of God there is. Wherever a person is is like something holy, because it's something they may believe strongly in. Police work would be a very prime example of this. And where you patrolled, Officer Cook, this would be your home away from home for six years. Your watch was one that was dictated by desire, dedication and sheer determination. All the moments of your career and humble life were indeed well documented. They were cemented by honor and dignity. God has no qualms with His servants as long as they put forth the effort. You excelled in this area and in all matters personal and professional. Now you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero in a place of no suffering, no struggles whatsoever. Keep observing and assisting God as He assists those who do battle. We must eradicate wickedness from this society if our children, all people for that matter are to live safely and soundly. Those six years helped the cause quite immensely.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 5, 2014

I believe the earth exists and in each minim mote of its dust the holy glow of thy candle. Thou unknown I know, thou spirit, giver, lover of making of the wrought letter, wrought flower, iron, deed, dream. Dust of the earth, help thou my unbelief. Drift, gray become gold, in the beam of vision. I believe with doubt. I doubt and interrupt my doubt with belief. Be beloved, threatened world. Each minim mote. Not the poisonous luminescence forced out of its privacy, the sacred lock of its cell broken. No, the ordinary glow of common dust in ancient sunlight. Be, that I may believe. Amen. We all need to be eternally grateful to the very many wonderful men and women of the law enforcement profession who go to war with this enemy we label evil. Officer Cook, it was your vivid vision and sense of reason and commitment that assisted greatly in steering your career through Dade County venues. Sometimes it takes humility to process the information needed to carry out such a dangerous job. You were that kind of civic minded individual, that devoutly righteous and caring person to use those tools properly to get your tasks at hand completed. Your stellar character will be fondly remembered as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A person is born from the dust of this earth and when their missions on this earth are finished, God returns their physical being back to the earth and sends their souls on a very special assignment. To look over those officers who continue to honor their memories in honor, dignity and integrity. Vile and ignominious actions can never ever destroy the good name of one of God's many loyal and truly faithful servants of which you were Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 5, 2014

We are so proud of the sky that we produce on our horizon. Our stars twinkle and wink as if they know us; we have no problem of recognition. Our rocks and pine trees speak for us. All your loving family and friends were proud to have known such a humble hero as yourself, Officer Cook. Whenever you went out on patrol everything was always centered on your compass and your horizons drove you to a higher level of performance. Now your soul, treasured and cherished as it was and will only forever be soars to the constellations that illuminate the night skies. Heroes and heroines do come and go, we would rather they retire with dignity, than have their lives taken at young ages or some older officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice in bravery, courage and in valor. You'll continue to be remembered for enhancing the lives of all Dade County residents that you protected, served and and as well made their lives more prosperous. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Darkness has been reduced somewhat by your endeavors in fighting the good fight, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 5, 2014

In protecting the earth, we found good pine needles and harsh dried wood along with rocks helpful. When you begin to examine our earth, you find tiny mushrooms and small grass blades, ornamented by the chatter of ground squirrels. You find our soil is soft and rocky, it does not permit artificial soil topping. Our pine trees are diligent, dedicated and graceful, in either life or death they will always perform their duty of pine trees. Equipped with sap and bark, we find our world of wilderness so refreshing. Along with summer's drum, we produce occasional thundershowers, wet and dry messages. We can't miss the point, since this earth is so bending and open to us, along with the rocks, we are not so shy. We are so proud-we can make a wound in a pine tree and it bleeds sap and courts us, in spite of the setting sun shadow. They bend and serve so graciously, whether dead or alive. We love our pines and rocks, they are not covered with the superstitious setting sun chemical manure of this and that. Nothing fanatical about you, Officer Cook, you were straightforward and as steady in loyalty and in devotion to all people in Dade County where you performed under sometimes arduous circumstances,while balancing all with grace, honor, dignity and in integrity. Your legacy as does your heroic actions on May 16, 1979, forever stand tall. Never bending or unwavering. Humbleness in a genuine manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 5, 2014

There is religion in everything around us, a calm and holy religion. In the unbreathing things in nature. It is a meek and blessed influence. Stealing in as it were unaware upon the heart, it comes quickly and without excitement. It has no terror, no gloom. It does not rouse up the passions. It is untrammeled by creeds. It is written on the arched sky, it looks out from every star. It is on the sailing cloud and in the invisible wind, it is among the hills and valleys of the earth. Where the shrubless mountain top pierces the thin atmosphere of eternal winter. Or where the mighty forest fluctuates before the strong wind, with its dark waves of green foliage. It is spread out like a legible language upon the broad face of an unsleeping ocean. It is the poetry of nature, it is that which uplifts the spirit within us and which opens to our imagination a world of spiritual beauty and holiness. Whenever police officers go to a scene, anything can cause a situation to get out of control and it can eventually rouse the negativity from those intent on committing evil. Your sole purpose as a devoted, dedicated and determined police officer, Officer Cook, was to keep the peace and control of the area, not let things escalate out of hand. A spiritual man, you lived your life and the foundations of your career based upon honesty, dignity and integrity and this is why the citizens of Dade County trusted your sound instincts in serving and in protecting their causes. You and your comrades who gave their lives are serving God as His heavenly heroes and heroines, angels who were brave, courageous and valiant in their service to their communities. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2014

The way we stand, you can see we have grown up this way together out of the same soil, with the same rains, leaning in the same way toward the sun. See how we lean together in the same direction. How the dead limbs of one of us rest in the branches of another. How those branches have grown around the limbs. How the two are inseparable. And if you look you can see the different ways we have taken this place into us. Magnolias, oak, fir, whatever trees we plant, they grow. People too grow up, they come from something small and as they mature they too blossom into what we hope is something successful. Each of us is shaped and configured the way God sees fit. We might not comprehend the reasoning behind this, but if we ponder and look back the answer may be staring us in the eyes. We all have a quality about our characters, there is a purpose and as means to an end. All of us are exquisite as we stand, each moment of our very lives, this cycle is repeated, no detail is unlovely. For a loving person, Officer Cook, time marches on all these decades after you made the ultimate sacrifice. There are the trees that still stand tall. As tall a man of honor, humility, dignity and integrity as you were in life, including of course, your police career, you did make a difference. Great strides have occurred in Dade County and all in part because of yourself, Officer Cook and the other excellently trained, brave and courageous men and women of the police community. Your successes in life are the now the yardsticks for those men and women to adhere to. Big shoes to fill and they can only be filled if they act as you did accordingly with respect and compassion. The leadership, maturity and wisdom will follow them once they are seasoned veterans. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The police position is a two way street, a check and balance system. One looks after the other. That is why departments have an Internal Affairs Division, to help police their own.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2014

Consider the life of trees, aside from the ax, what trees acquire from man is immeasurable. From their mute forms there flows a poise in silence, a lonely sound and motion in response to the wind. What peace comes to those aware of the voice and bearing of trees! trees do not scream for attention. A tree, a rock, has no pretense, only a real growth out of itself, in close communion with the universal spirit. A tree retains a deep serenity. It establishes in the earth not only its root system, but also those roots of its beauty and its unknown consciousness. Sometimes one may sense a glisten of that consciousness and with such perspective, feel that man is not necessarily the highest form of life. We know trees as part of the ecological system play a vital role in all of our lives. So do police officers in maintaining the calm, peace, freedom and unity in our communities. You were a very poised individual, Officer Cook, not one to fly off the handle. You kept your dignity, integrity, honor and respect about you. You endeavored at all times of your watches to keep composed when dealing with an issue that needed to be resolved so that it never occurs again. Domestic quarrels, robberies and other crimes all fall under an officer's jurisdiction, you just performed as well if not better than some. The leadership skills, your wisdom and sound voice of logic always prevailed. Now, your mission is to help God prevail as you patrol His golden streets. As a nature lover, you enjoyed photographing trees and other wondrous creations. When your beloved wife, Karen, had to find a burial ground for you, knowing her beloved husband, she chose a spot near that tall tree near your grave. Serenity came alive. Those buried next to you are indeed next to a true Dade County police hero. A humble gentleman who was just performing his official duties when you and your partner that day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln walked into a problem you dealt with many other times. Bravery, courage and valor certainly were some of the many hallmarks of your life and career. Both lived and accentuated with devout faith, grace and a very humane resourcefulness. You treated everyone and everything with its due and proper respect. A legacy your loving family will pass down for generations to come.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2014

Consider the life of trees, aside from the ax, what trees acquire from man is immeasurable. From their mute forms there flows a poise in silence, a lonely sound and motion in response to the wind. What peace comes to those aware of the voice and bearing of trees! trees do not scream for attention. A tree, a rock, has no pretense, only a real growth out of itself, in close communion with the universal spirit. A tree retains a deep serenity. It establishes in the earth not only its root system, but also those roots of its beauty and its unknown consciousness. Sometimes one may sense a glisten of that consciousness and with such perspective, feel that man is not necessarily the highest form of life. We know trees as part of the ecological system play a vital role in all of our lives. So do police officers in maintaining the calm, peace, freedom and unity in our communities. You were a very poised individual, Officer Cook, not one to fly off the handle. You kept your dignity, integrity, honor and respect about you. You endeavored at all times of your watches to keep composed when dealing with an issue that needed to be resolved so that it never occurs again. Domestic quarrels, robberies and other crimes all fall under an officer's jurisdiction, you just performed a swell if not better than some. The leadership skills, your wisdom and sound voice of logic always prevailed. Now, your mission is to help God prevail as you patrol His golden streets. As a nature lover, you enjoyed photographing trees and other wondrous creations. When your beloved wife, Karen, had to find a burial ground for you, knowing her beloved husband, she chose a spot near that tall tree near your grave. Serenity came alive. Those buried next to you are indeed next to a true Dade County police hero. A humble gentleman who was just performing his official duties when you and your partner that day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln walked into a problem you dealt with many other times. bravery, courage and valor certainly were some of the many hallmarks of your life and career. Both lived and accentuated with devout faith, grace and a very humane resourcefulness. You treated everyone and everything with its due and proper respect. A legacy your loving family will pass down for generations to come.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2014

O God, my mother, my father, Lord of the hills, Lord of the valleys, of the forest, be patient with me. I am about to do what has always been done. Now I make you an offering, that you may be warned. I am about to bother your heart. perhaps you will have the strength to endure it. I am going to work you in order that I may live. Let no animal pursue me, no snake, no scorpion, no wasp annoy me, no falling timber hit me, no ax, no machete catch me. With all my heart I am going to work you. With your soul, with all your God-given resources, Officer Cook, did you solemnly pursue justice. All your bravery, courageousness and valiant endeavors can be forever corroborated up in heaven. Nothing will ever harm you my neighbor, friend and hero. You lined up and answered every call with a passion, a compassion and to balance this, you achieved gracefully, humbly, your honesty, dignity and integrity vanquished as much wickedness as any one police officer could handle. Believe me, the citizens you served and protected knew you could accomplish a full workload. Only kindness and actions which speak louder than words accentuated your official watch. Rest in peace. One day the sting of evil, its stench will completely be evaporated from this society. And all because of your humane mannerisms, Officer Cook. A greatly inspirational gentleman working a dangerous profession where lives hang in the balance. You sir hung in, stared down this evil face to face and truly made an immense difference in the manner in which Dade County residents can now and from back in 1979, pursue their lives, live the dream, balance opportunity with human endeavor. Your legacy is and will be forever like your badge and shoes, polished to the maximum. This was your image and that of Karen's too. This is the reason your marriage was meant to be. Two loyally hard working individuals whose talents and skills reached out and touched many lives. No one will ever fault you, Officer Cook, for answering that domestic call on May 16, 1979, because you poured your entire being into your work. The citizens were number one on your list of priorities.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 3, 2014

The Earth, adorned with heights and gentle slopes and plains, bears plants and herbs of various healing powers. May she spread wide for us, and afford us joy! On whom are ocean, river and all waters, on whom have sprung up food and plowman's crops, on whom moves all that breathes and stirs abroad- Earth, may she grant to us the long first rain! Whatever I dig up of you, O earth, may you have quick replenishment! O purifying One, may my thrust never reach into your vital points, your heart! O Earth, O Mother, dispose my lot in gracious fashion that I may be at ease and in harmony with your powers. All that you performed in this world, Officer Cook, was solely for our good. You kept harmony humming, you brought dignity and integrity to a higher level than ever before. When the sun shines or the clouds yield moisture, it is in part because of your effort in bravery, courage and valor. you made the most of your life and career, even though all that was tragically cut way too short. Your heroism never has or will be abbreviated, for it is honest men and women who dedicate themselves to a just cause. Unity, peace and freedom in their communities. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 3, 2014

As a devout person, Officer Cook, you went to church, attended mass and received communion. As the Jjewish people get ready tomorrow night to usher in The Day of Atonement, we call Yom Kippur, let us pray that we can learn how to forgive each other. A lesson to be sure your loving parents instilled in both you and Nancy. As one of over twenty-one thousand police officers who have sacrificed on our behalf, we should all learn from a man of stellar character who spoke only the truth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The truth always carries one forward. It's the deceit that causes doom and the despair that make one go backward. I know you had good friends like Mr. Cooperman and Mr. Oliphant. You were popular and very well liked by everyone. I wish we could have known each other.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 2, 2014

Weep Not For Me Though I am gone into the gentle night, grieve if you will, but not for long upon my soul's sweet flight. There is no need for tears, I am at peace, my soul is at rest, there is no pain. I suffer not, for with your love I was blessed. I am in a place of comfort, the fear now is gone, put these things out of your thoughts, in your memory I live on. Remember not my fight for breath, remember not strife, please don't dwell upon my death, but celebrate my life. We all remember your life, Officer Cook. Those who loved you, your family. Those who worked with you and admired you, your colleagues. Those who befriended you, your friends from all over. And I'm sure you had many. As the many marvelous character traits and then some, so too were your friends, companions. You faced daunting tasks each day and you handled them with sense of purpose and good grace. You blessed those in need, assisted anyone in times of trouble or distress, you were there. No one ever had to prod you along, you maintained a composure to lead and that wisdom and maturity remained unmatched. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Wipe the tears of sorrow, turn them to gladness, for one day we will reunite with you again. There will be a lot of catching up to do. That's for sure.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 2, 2014

The Measure Of A man Not-How did he pass? But-How did he live? Not-What did he gain? But-What did he give? These are the things that measure the worth of a man as a man, regardless of birth. Not-What was his station? But-Had he a heart? And-How did he play his God-given part? Was he ever ready with a word of good cheer? To bring back a smile, to banish a tear? Not-What was his House of Worship? Not-What was his creed? But-had he befriended those really in need? Not-What did the sketch in the newspaper say? But-How many were sorry when he passed away? These are the things that measure the worth of a man as a man, regardless of birth. Your life and career, Officer Cook and its accomplishments were accentuated by many things. Your solid upbringing by your wonderful and beloved parents. Your humbleness. Your honor, dignity and integrity during your service and protection of all Dade County residents. The dogged determination, devotion to God, loyalty and dedication beyond any of your official duties. The bravery to behold, the courage to commit and to command. The wisdom, maturity and valor which will forever validate your personal and professional achievements. A wonderfully caring and loving wife in Karen and your big sister, Nancy, who was with you growing up as you traveled the path to becoming one excellent police officer with Metro-Dade Police Department. Keep the banner of benevolence flying high across the clear blue sky. As I looked at your picture of a proud gentleman, with that million dollar smile, I cried. You are missed by all and your heroism will shine on as your legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. There are those that act, police work is no act, it has to be spurred from within and great fortitude is necessary to handle all the rigors of this dangerous profession. You loved your job and the vocabulary you took to work was an honest day's work done with honesty, dignity and an integral vitality. Reliability and responsibility needed to be incorporated as well.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 2, 2014

A pessimist ponders, an optimist overcomes. Whatever and whenever a daunting challenge faced you, Officer Cook, it was your unrivaled common sense, leadership skills, wisdom and maturity that allowed you to overcome. Despite all the rigorous training police officers undergo at the police academy, it is up to those men and women who pledge a solemn commitment to act within professional standards with honesty, dignity and integrity. Persuasion and perseverance assist one another when an officer acts in the proper frame of mind and in physical action to solve and resolve any issues that arise while out on patrol. You were humbly speaking, Officer Cook, one of the more superior officers in this endeavor and for six years of a well planned and hard working career, it never steered you wrong. Steer God's eternal rudder from the heavens above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2014

I'm going to plant a heart in the earth, water it with love from a vein. I'm going to praise it with the push of muscle and care for it in the sound of all dimensions. I'm going to leave a heart in the earth so it may it grow and flower, a heart that throbs with longing, that adores everything green, that will be strength and nourishment for birds that will be the sap of plants and mountains. You planted many seeds of wisdom, encouragement and confidence in all other officers and in the residents at large, Officer Cook. It was your word, your solemn and faithful affirmation to watch over this community. A venue where you were admired for serving with loyalty and devout determination. Nothing would stop you except that awful day when you made the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf. You'll always be known, revered and loved. Cherished and treasured, you were truly a hero and a Metro-Dade Police Department Godsend. No supervisor or commander had to ever worry how Badge#1664, belonging to Officer William Coleman Cook was going to perform his official duties. Dedicated until the end, unwavering and humanely steadfast until your last breath trying to stamp out wickedness from this world. You did your part, it is now up to other officers to follow your leadership and direct with good council. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. With you and your father looking down on us, all we have to do, it's a huge onus and that is to carry on as you both did during your careers and in your lives. Perhaps a tall task, but with patience and calm it can happen, reality comes alive. Optimism overcomes pessimism and doubt, take a gander at the big picture.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2014

Although they have tightly bound my arms and legs, all over the mountain I hear the song of birds. And the forest is filled with the perfume of spring flowers. Who can prevent me from freely enjoying these? Which take from the long journey a little of its loneliness. It's been quite lonely since your untimely passing, Officer Cook, but one thing is for sure, you are wrapped around God's heavenly wings forever. The birds sing, the flowers bloom and life seems to continue, though you are missed so dearly. The courage you summoned on May 16, 1979, the bravery you mustered, the valiance you validated are all part of your heroic legacy which shall stand always for those citizens of Dade County that you served and protected with your engaging smile and congeniality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Evil tragically victimizes, but it never validates, it is those heroes and heroines who do battle against this force daily who are victorious and in the end are validated by their missions and in their efforts.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2014

Blessed is the spot and the house, the place and the city. The heart, the mountain, the refuge, the cave, the valley, the land, the sea, the island, the meadow where the mention of God has been made and His praise glorified. As devout and as faithful as both you, Officer Cook and your beloved wife, Karen were, anyone who knew you, knew the friend and public servant that you truly were, personally and professionally. You stood at the peak and with justice, truth speaking as the voice of logic and reasoning for those who you served and protected, went about your daily official affairs with zeal, enthusiasm and pride. The respect and honor you afforded people, should have been passed down to this troubled young man, tragically you paid the ultimate price as all officers keep this in mind when conducting their business. But make no mistake, for six loyal and fruitful years, you devoted your time and energy to making a huge imprint upon our society and will always be fondly remembered for this. It is the bold women and men of the police profession who embody these characteristic traits which are the vital cogs to serving and in protecting. The area you called home, Officer Cook, your humble abode, here in North Miami, Florida where Karen and you called home, was the welcoming venue for any and all guests who came over to talk shop, sports, have a meal and really savor your company, companionship and most of all your friendship. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your humbleness and calming concern stood out front and center.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 30, 2014

O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain, for purple mountains majesty above the fruited plain. America, America, God shed His grace on thee. And crowned thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea. The day you gave your life, Officer Cook, God's spacious skies were very sunny and hot outside. Despite the atmospheric conditions, you hung in there and endeavored to weather the storm against evil. The wickedness of May 16, 1979, was something of an indignant and ignominious act against all law enforcement personnel who wage this seemingly never ending battle against a ruination of society. You my neighbor, friend and hero, lived a very humble and blessed life, with a police career that was cut way too short by violence. You had all the makings of a very promising career, earmarked by honor, integrity and dignity. It was your humanely brave actions, calculated courage and vigorous valor that helped in a way of your heroics in saving and protecting your comrades who were wounded and nearly killed and those three civilians, two who also had been wounded. The brothers and sisters, your colleagues, all have you to thank, Officer Cook. You have allowed them by your unselfish sacrifice to see another sunrise, sunset and the many waves in our oceans. God has indeed shed His grace and bestowed His kindnesses upon your most beloved and treasured soul. Rest in peace. Your badge shown brilliantly by your actions and mannerisms. You made your family and I will always consider you my friend, you made my cry, but blessed to have known what heroes and heroines are really made of. Your humility is your legacy, one can accentuate all that you represented to Dade County and its residents.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 30, 2014

You ask why I perch on a jade green mountain? I laugh but say nothing. My heart free like a peach blossom in the flowing stream going by in the depths in another world not among men. Well right at this moment, Officer Cook, you and Karen should be vacationing at the top of ski resort if skiing was your passion. Like the waves of the mighty oceans at night, you very beloved soul travels about them and illuminates the darkness that is cast out there. Evil robbed you of your young life and career, but the wonderful memories your beloved family has of you cannot be taken away. Your beloved wife, Karen, your darling mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, your big sister, Nancy and her lovely family of which I met some of all know you to be their five-star police hero through and through. Through your honest and dignified representation of all Dade County citizens, the seeds that have blossomed and stand for your bravery to act, your courage to lead, your dignity and integrity so vital to your service, protection and patrol of those who placed their trust and loyalty in you. Since we both grew up in the North Miami Beach, Florida community where you were known, admired and loved, I doff my cap when I walk each day by your block and offer you a very hearty salute for your valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The sun shines brightly, the stars twinkle glowingly for it's the labor of love by men and women in the law enforcement arena, Officer Cook, who have delivered quality and do it in a most humanely humble manner. God bless you and your family. God's perches hold those who made the ultimate sacrifice allowing them to stand guard over those who took over your watch. You'll never steer them off course.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 29, 2014

For the Lord your God is bringing you unto a good land, a land of flowing streams, with springs and underground waters welling up in valleys and hills, a land of wheat and barley, of vines, fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive trees and honey, a land where you may eat without scarcity, where you will lack nothing, a land where stones are iron, from hills where you may mine copper. You shall eat your fill and bless the Lord your God for the good land He has given you. We can certainly thank the Lord for all that you did, Officer Cook, while you were among us. You looked at each moment as a blessing and take full advantage of your abilities to make Dade County residents, serene, safer and much more secure. Your honor, dignity and integrity, coupled with your bravery to act, your courage to command humbly and the valor so vital to any police officer's mission captivated the minds and hearts of all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.God blesses are who serve Him in truth and in kindness. You were a treasured soul and a gem of a gentleman.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 29, 2014

It is in so many ways fruitful. All creation comes from it. Yet it forms not only the basic raw material for humankind, but also the substance of the incarnation of God's children. You were one of God's chosen angels, Officer Cook and now you have a special mission to gently watch over all men and women of the law enforcement communities in making certain they are doing their utmost to serve and protect with the same both mind and skillset that you crafted during your watch. Make sure they are performing admirably and with due respect to all citizens, in that they too possess, honor, dignity and integrity. This is not born in every person, it has to be sharpened, practiced and preached. It will serve them if they are devoted, dedicated and determined as you faithfully executed your official duties. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a thoughtful individual, calm and caring. One can never go wrong following this example.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 28, 2014

The earth is at the same time mother, she is mother of all that is natural, mother of all that is human. She is the mother of all, for contained in her are the seeds of all. Your beloved mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, may you live and be well, Officer Cook, is and was the reason, because not just for our dads, but our mothers who have the seeds of life implanted in their wombs for nine months, gave birth to a real honest and endearing son. One whose genius and level-headed assisted you in staying the honorable course. This never ever let you down and was the basis for your humble life and quite outstanding police career with the Metro-Dade Police Department. It would not take a rocket scientist or nuclear engineer to figure out why you were successful. In a profession that is very dangerous and demands the utmost mindset and concentration, you exhibited bravery to behold, courage to create and valor to validate. your calming voice of reason, logic and compassion were also the centerpieces of a well carved out career and the sacrifice that was made by you, Officer Cook, on May 16, 1979, was exemplary in that you voluntarily went to a scene you had visited many other times and endeavored to right a problem of which you had a vast experience in dealing with for six years of sweat, toil and excellent results. As stated before, good can only trump evil. You commit a crime, be prepared to do the time. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Mr. and Mrs. Cook, your beloved and darling son, "Billy," Officer William C. Cook, was your pride and joy along with his beloved sister, Nancy and through his humility, comes the fruits of his labor and the seeds of hope, freedom and unity that he planted in the hearts and minds of all Dade County residents to blossom for future generations. I'm terribly sorry I never had the opportunity to meet such a warm and caring family as The Cook Family. A pioneer family in the North Miami Beach, Florida community where you were loved, cherished, treasured as a public servant and most of all respected and revered.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 28, 2014

I part the out thrusting branches and come in beneath, the blessed and the blessing trees. Though, I am silent, there is singing around me. Though, I am dark, there is vision around me. Though, I am heavy, there is flight around me. The sun, she is setting in the tall grass beneath the pines, where the heart beats one with the land, where the mule deer approach their antlers raised, where with palms unturned we pray. We pray daily for your soul, Officer Cook and for the souls of those departed officers who gave their live sin the line of duty serving the communities where they were revered and respected. You rest near an oak tree, sturdy as ever, so too your professional teats were as sturdy as ever. Bravery, courage, honor and respect does not just come or turn on with a blink of an eye or a snap of a finger. It began as the genesis from your beloved parents who raised you and Nancy, Officer Cook, with a fabric of morals and ethical admiration for every human being who has walked the face of this earth. As one of God's golden angels, your wings can continue their flights above this earth helping God protect those who took over and have faithfully continued your watch. These officers are the branches of the trees of which you firmly planted the seeds of hope, unity and freedom which we pray will continue to blossom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 27, 2014

Rustle and shimmer of icy creek waters stones turn underfoot, small and hard on toes, cold nose dripping, singing inside, creek music, heart music, smell of sun on gravel. I pledge allegiance. Police officers all take a pledge to perform their jobs, their professions to the very best of their abilities. And you performed your job, Officer Cook, with a highly professional skill set based on determination, honesty, dignity and integrity. You were not afraid to do anything that would only serve and protect the citizens of Dade County. Hot weather or cold weather, rain or shine, your resourcefulness, your unwavering faith served your community many times over. And now the sacrifice you made has stood the test of time and will forever benefit those who relied on your bravery, courage and valor to make their lives safer and more prosperous. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 27, 2014

The strength of fire, the taste of salmon, the trail of the sun, the life that never goes away, they speak to me and my heart soars. You acted on May 16, 1979, Officer Cook, with total zeal and countless energy to help your comrades head off something that you had a God-given talent to undertake. The next time we fire up our grills and put some charcoal in them, maybe we should think about your life with Karen, your police career which was so dear and near to you, then come to the realization that heroes and heroines are not just created and placed out in their communities to serve and to protect. God only knows when they are called to His heavenly tribunal, why do things, evil have to occur to mostly good law abiding citizens of which police still are. They too have rights, but it is the rights, freedoms and unities of the residents that are their number one responsibility and priority. Seeing people obey the laws of which they take a solemn oath to may sure they are doing what is deemed proper. The respect, honor dignity and integrity that you carried with you, Officer Cook, this shall never be taken from you. Violence is something we have been dealing with for centuries, just one day we pray it is curbed forever. In the grand scheme of Dade County, you played an essential role in an effort to rid this evil from our environment. You will always be thought of in the highest regard. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 26, 2014

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