Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

A time for loving and a time for hating. How can you have both? This is just the way the world functions. All the monumental moments, all the experiences, all the joyful times of pleasure, sadly, we still have moments of grief. More than just fleeting seconds. It can take years to overcome the misery of losing a beloved family member. Exactly when a police officer gives their life in the line of duty further enhancing the serenity of their given communities where they were selected to serve and to protect. Sometimes, Officer Cook, we don't get the opportunity to offer a fitting goodbye. The logic of our modern society demands that whenever an experience offers two sides, only one can be good, the other not so good. You received my neighbor, friend and hero an Inspector's Funeral, fond and emotionally noted goodbye with honor, dignity and the same integrity that was the epicenter of your amazing and humble life and police career. You were admired and loved by so many citizens, officers from our locales and the many friends who shed many tears over your untimely loss. A loss felt as much today, this very moment as was felt nearly thirty-six years ago. So hard to believe time has seemingly flown by that fast. Like batting an eyelash. The bad can be removed, Officer Cook, by perpetuating your memory with the same care and consideration in which you afforded all people. The task may appear impossible, but with a little perseverance and persuasion hope and reality can come together as one in a positive and in a constructive fashion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your loss, your sacrifice on our behalf can never undermine all the good work you performed valiantly and gracefully on our behalf. We are forever indebted to you, Officer Cook. You never turned a blind eye on anything. May 16, 1979, bears this component of your life and career in which your boldness and resolve came front and center. There was no running or turning the other cheek. You stood in there face to face to confront a problem that seems to continually plague us. Just a loving and concerned human being whose humanity shall be one and endure for eternity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 8, 2015

The world exists. There is no question about this fact. The question that burns in the bellies is whether we as God's chosen children can do anything, make an attempt to make this place a safer venue to live in and to prosper. No matter what your chosen line of work or professional endeavor may become we strive to complete out tasks in a timely manner. It is up to us to do it honestly, with integrity and dignity, as there are standards of moral conduct that must be adhered to. Officer Cook, as you pursued peace, liberty and freedom for all people in Dade County we are reminded of the perils, dangers and risks that are associated with police work. A tall task for someone as respected and as humble as yourself. The grace, valor and commitment was always there. The swiftness to act heroic in the very face of adversity is exactly what sets our brave and courageous heroines and heroes apart from the ordinary hard working citizen. In the Cook household that proverbial apple of advancement and class along with the unbridled and unwavering responsibility did not fall far from the tree. The seeds you planted, Officer Cook have sprouted and are awaiting to be nurtured by all your future comrades who now have succeeded you in watching, serving and protecting the good residents of Dade County. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dedication, determination, devotion and desire starts during one's upbringing and what a person makes as their lot in life and in their career carries over to what their legacy will eventually become. Your soul as cherished and as treasured as it was and continues to be helps keep the light on in this world making it a bit easier to distinguish between good and evil. The blessings of those who have known you, Officer Cook, will surely pay dividends later on in their lives and during their professional careers. It will never be repetitious to say you will forever be missed. You gave your all in this battle, war on crime and its wickedness that still rears its ugliness. Certainly that light assists your colleagues in finding the bad guys, the bad apples and taking them off the streets.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 8, 2015

There is more to reality than meets the eye. The everyday world would be an illusion. It is real only in the way a dream is real. We witness it, we hear it and we live it. We place our trust and our lives on it and in an instant it is gone. The reality and perception can be something that may never actually be seen, heard or comprehended. Nonetheless, all you wanted to broker, Officer Cook, was for all parties, all residents to live together as one in liberty, peace and unity. As a duly sworn officer, it was your daily assignment to relieve the stress, the tension and turmoil from Dade County and this was achieved on a high level of sanctity, dignity and integrity. Your humanitarian efforts are the cornerstones and foundations that have been laid for the future. Domestic disputes we hope and optimistically pray for all to dwell in peace, where children can walk, play together, ride their bicycles and cross the streets in a much more safer and sounder atmosphere. You did your job well. Your decency, desire and dedication when coupled with your fierce determination left nothing to be overlooked. Only a talented and decent gentleman whose family and loyal colleagues and friends who have treasured your memory all these years later and will continue to do so. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your beautiful soul continues lighting up this world and dispelling the gloom of darkness that still casts its eyes upon us. Brighter days await all of us.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 7, 2015

I meant to say, Officer Cook, that the community where you served and patrolled in and about was not a wilderness. It is and can be a confusing maze of good and unfortunately stumbling blocks lying ahead. Now it is up to every police officer to correctly navigate around them serving only the good of every citizen. The mysteries of life and within our lives around them are etched within the sidewalks, homes, whatever. Your job, Officer Cook, was to try and unlock and take away the evil, leaving the good for those people to prosper and live within the relative calm and peaceful influences that somehow surround them. Sometimes there just aren't any reasons that seem real plausible as to why bad things occur to good people. Police officers risk their lives as you did on May 16, 1979, in bravery, courage and valor in committing themselves to accomplish what we deem as fitting and just. Nothing is obvious. Things just seem hidden from our view. You made this universe better prepared for the future under your watchful eyes and ears. The good deeds and your heroic actions won't ever fly under our radar screens. The legacy you left for other officers to follow and try to emulate has been there and left for their benefit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 7, 2015

A community where a police officer patrols is no a wilderness, it is a venue for all to prosper. To live in peace and in liberty. To be united as one. Your service to Dade County, Officer Cook, was comprised of many elements. In order for any police officer to function and to be responsible to the residents they serve and protect they must maintain a central decorum of decency, honor, desire to keep justice moving forward and their determination and devotion must be balanced equally on the same beam. No qualms from anyone on any of these points. The finer points were the ones you instructed other officers of and it was your maturity, keen sense of awareness, vision and intellect that steered you from one situation to another. The citizens were most honored to have you among them listening, watching, sharing and most importantly caring for their welfare. Going over and beyond the scope of your profession endeared you to so many who have kept you and your soul in their hearts and in their thoughts all these years later. You have been missed terribly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2015

Then there is being alone in the most God forsaken place. Where God visits after all. Leaving one's home, one's parents and one's family. Somewhere where I will learn what I will learn. Where I can see what I will be. You left California, Officer Cook and came down to Florida in 1954 to settle here and explore what you might do for a career while growing up in North Miami Beach, Florida. You decided you wanted a career in law enforcement. And what a superbly marvelous career you began to carve out if not for a wanton act of violence that took you from your family, colleagues, friends and your beloved wife, Karen. You will always be remembered for your bravery, honesty, dignity and integrity. God it is said watches over the simple, the humble and those hard working people who uphold His covenant. You did this rather loyally and very faithfully. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The lessons of your upbringing have never been far from your loving family members.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2015

He would even have to discover the way he would discover while he was on his way. Of him it was said. A man who set out and did not know for which place he was destined. From the time you were a young man, Officer Cook, you knew the direction your compass would take you. It took you from high school to the Miami-Dade College Police Academy where you studied, trained and learned the ropes of what was expected from every recruit who wanted to become an excellent police officer. You were humbly speaking that good of an officer, that you were able to utilize your vast knowledge and intuitive resources and share this with other men and women as brave and valiant as yourself. Your dignity and integrity helped to weed out the brazen and viciousness from Dade County and its streets. There have not been many as superior as yourself my neighbor, friend and hero. So as you rest in peace with your guiding light reflecting off your soul, let us hope with fervor and pray with an optimistic attitude that peace, freedom and unity will forever blanket our world that sorely needs its covers of protection. You discovered the straight and narrow, now let us the citizens seek this route and never become sidetracked. It's our only way to help our officers help us and themselves in safety and in security.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2015

If you think you know what you will find, then you will find nothing. If you expect nothing, then you will always be surprised. And to be able to bless God, Our Creator who creates the world anew every morning.So it is with setting out on the path of liberation leaving everything. Police officers leave their homes in search of the truth and justice and we never know if they are going to return safely to their families. We hope and pray they will. Officer Cook, you left everything out on the streets of Dade County of which you loyally and faithfully patrolled in search of peace and unity for the residents. The preconceptions, the notions, the what ifs, the why, the reasons why bad happens to good people. The definition of a hero is one who sacrifices on behalf of the people for the people. This was not just a pipe dream, but a goal and an aspiration of which you maintained through constant diligence and hard work. Your bravery and courage were no accident. Your field of vision was outstanding as was the long list of comrades and friends you gained by being simply a nice person and an even more humbler public servant. You set the direction for others to follow and those trails are even more remarkable by your feats in life and in your career. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You always found the good in everyone and would never look down at anyone. One of Chief Dale Bowlin's best and most courageous officers.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2015

There is a place that is as far from here as breathing out is from breathing in. Every word that comes from our lips is very dear and near to all of us. Since all of us are in some way linked to the first man created by God, we are compared to a miniature version of the universe. Every sound, every syllable that is spoken holds a mystery of life most of us might not be able to comprehend. Remember the days of old, God found someone in the wilderness of the land, He placed them upon the high places of this earth, that they would nourish themselves from what the land yielded. It was honey from a rock. Think about it, God gives so many words in our life times to converse about and when we have spoken those words in whatever language we understand, then starts the proverbial clock. Those words had better be like honey as sweet as they sound and not shattered glass that spills out from our lips. Only the words of grace, honesty, dignity and integrity when incorporated as one were spoken by you, Officer Cook for twenty-five years. My neighbor, friend and hero, you had more to live for, you had more common sense to dispense to others, God speaks, our response is to listen and to be able to communicate His finer points. Violence today is such a "hot topic" its language is conveyed all across this land and throughout the four corners of this great and grand universe. Quite a piece of land. For you, Officer Cook, your patrol took you around Dade County listening and watching the citizens you took an affirmation to serve, keeping together their rights, peace and unity so essential for them to prosper in a healthy and calm environment. You were the best, no doubt about it. Rest in peace. The peace you dreamed to create. The aspirations that would associate you then, now and forever with all those brave and courageous souls who like you gave up their lives for a common purpose. Peace. Equality. Hope. Enhancement. Take some of these first letters and you have the word heap, you deserve all the salutes, accolades that have always carried your heroic legacy. Your good name and humility shall be one and stand for doing above and beyond what was expected of you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2015

Do not bring worry upon yourself, for as our sages say worry can do both harm and even cost one their life. If one wants to attain true inner peace and happiness, they should at least once or more a day speak in some language to God. Our Creator understands the many tongues that are spoken. Since God's mercy and His majestic glory fills the world it would make communicating with Him all the more the better. Whatever is in our hearts, speaking with Him in even our most intimate moments will lessen our burden. You were a very faithful and devout individual, Officer Cook and whenever you communicated with anyone it was only the truth coming from your mouth. You and Nancy were raised with the proper values and morals, so this was easier for you than most to carry over as a police officer. Every job in particular public servant who go out and protect our freedoms and dignities have to be sound and logically common sense thinking persons. You were one of the many brave and valiant heroes and heroines in Dade County police history who distinguished themselves with your grace and most sincere resourcefulness. All of this has not and won't ever be forgotten. Fear is something a police officer stores in the back of their minds, for if they are worried at all times they would not be able to perform their jobs properly the first time. There are not too do overs. Success hangs in the balance of their instincts and intuitiveness. To be a leader of other officers one must maintain a code of precisely prescribed instructions, possess a certain level head and maturity beyond one's years which you must certainly had Officer Cook. Speaking and calming people down was inbred within you and humbly speaking you were one of the best during your career. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. As a humane gentleman it was far more easier for people to approach you and for you to show them the way. You showed you colleagues the ropes on how to manage their careers and probably even their personal lives if they seemed bothered or troubled by anything.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2015

Everything looks different after you may have been sitting or standing for a while. The most ordinarily common thing, like lifting a cup of water to drink or brushing one's teeth becomes so beautiful. Ever wonder why we must thank the Lord for small favors, for various miracles that occur each and everyday? As we age and grow older each day when the windows of opportunity start to close how we have to try a little harder to achieve our goals. Fortunately, in your life, Officer Cook, you did not wait too long to focus in on your goals, dreams and aspirations. The proper upbringing starts when one is small as a toddler and then when they start to crawl along and then take steps walking, this is when the wheels start to go faster and faster into motion. You were on this crusade, a mission to become one of the best police officers in Dade County, wherever you would have traveled, class, honor, dignity and integrity would have been your kite strings that followed you as you watched over us with passion and a profound sense of perseverance. There is a very resounding difference in the landscape of Dade County today and all because of your professional courtesies and sincere resourcefulness. Your life and career meant something as does every life of a police officer who gives theirs up for the honor and safety of the people they protect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. At age, the tender age of twenty-five should you have been enjoying your life, as your friends stated, you had a wonderful wife in Karen and a career that was just blossoming with hope, confidence and optimism. Calming people down is never an easy task even for the most highly trained police officer that you were, but you were able to stay course and just on May 16, 1979, you were taken way too soon and God called you back to His heavenly shelter where He continues watching over your serene and perfect soul.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2015

You acted with class and seriousness, Officer Cook. And all of the positive attributes you so possessed, are today and have always flowed within the bloodlines of your dear family members. The secret to one having a keen sense of vision is seeing innocently from a new viewpoint, a new perspective if you will and not what one is used to seeing from that what you expect to see. Sometimes our eyes do play tricks on us and we can be deceived. Your valor, your accomplishments in both your life and in your professional police career were not at all deception. It's only diabolical when one person has wickedness framed in their mind and sets out on a crooked course of evil coupled with kayos, bedlam, mayhem and terror that is perpetrated against law abiding citizens those of Dade County or wherever. And as a duly sworn police officer, Officer Cook, it was your job to try and gets things right by attempting to simmer down the hostilities that existed in a community that you patrolled and were known, revered and admired. All your bravery, all your self-sacrifice has been forever duly noted. You and Karen were both very reflective individuals and your goals and aspirations were meant not only to enhance one another, but that of the ordinary person or as a nurse, each patient that she cared for. Since kindness, compassion and decency were both etched within your physical and spiritual capabilities it's plain to see why you had a good marriage and what would have been a healthy, long and prosperous life if not for wanton violence that too you away from her and your family and comrades at sadly way too young of age. Your sage advice though can still be felt today and everyday from God's golden streets that you now protect as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Decency, common sense and class are the important things we as ordinary people can learn from a most humble and humane police hero that was cherished and treasured then, now and forever. Police officers have to observe and explore every angle of whatever they face, this is a given. It's sometimes what is"outside the box" that may be meant to confuse and confound them. That's not happening where you rest now, Officer Cook, because only God has the most perfect of vision as to how this world is to be seen.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2015

The longing for truth can only enhance one's dreams and desires. When the volume seems to get turned up, then do we try harder. You didn't need your volume cranked up ever, Officer Cook, because you only gave the citizens of Dade County one-hundred percent full effort. That goes for your courage, bravery, valor, decency, fortitude, honor and integrity. Whenever called and whatever the assignment called for you were ready, waiting and able. Sincerity is a main focus in helping to manage and to take control of any situation that may get out of hand. Understanding the dilemma and as calmly as possible, you were able to get your point across in an effort to upgrade their lives. We certainly can be thankful to you, our humble hero through and through. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. As I leave this reflection, I'm looking out of my window at the menacing clouds and the winds that are swaying the trees by my North Miami Beach, Florida house, I guess this could remind me of you my neighbor, friend and hero, patrolling in all atmospheric conditions, laboring for peace, liberty and unity, though on May 16, 1979, from what I read, it was hot and sunny, a Chamber of Commerce day, a tourist' dream. But, your sacrifice was no accident, as you went boldly head on into the face of wickedness and saved seven lives that day in a matter of five minutes. We can ponder that for a moment five minutes, three-hundred seconds, one man's life, young life and a very talented police officer on a special mission of dignity and direction suddenly taken from his family, co-workers and an immeasurable pool of acquaintances. You were indeed a special man, Officer Cook, your unselfish passion when meshed together with your kindness and consideration for all people were a dynamic that surely no ordinary person can really totally comprehend. You gave. You shared. the scope of all matters you had to access before acting upon them, simply a marvelous feat of police professionalism. Rest in peace. The truth is and always will be that you handled yourself personally and professionally was class and seriousness. How else could you accomplish in of your goals, dreams and aspirations. You are our inspiration and all these characteristics still beat loudly when your family members bloodlines. Loud and clear. No need to turn up the volume. The message you imparted is very clear.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2015

Do you think it's possible? Not the great and humble acts of heroism? But the little simple thing of walking hand in hand with a friend to the next station? To just simply trust in your instincts and let one little space in life transport from one point to another. You courage, Officer Cook, took you on all your patrols of Dade County residents. But this was not the only factor or trait that helped you to achieve. One must enhance their life and career goals by honesty, integrity and dignity bordering around the fences and walls of freedom, peace and unity that all logically and calmly thinking police officers need to have at their disposal, in other words they must be surrounded by them twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. You have to begin to place your trust in God, which you did as a very devout and faithful public servant. Trusting your friends, your comrades who in turn learned by your examples, leadership, knowledge and instincts is what made you the humane individual and class officer that Metro-Dade County had and has come to know and respect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God surely has a very loyal and trusted guardian angel now with Him for eternity. Officer William C. Cook has and always will be honored and saluted for all his unwavering and committed actions. I miss just meeting and greeting you. Your family misses the attention they would receive from you, those hugs and embraces are shared by all. Keep your vigilance up Officer Cook from God's heavenly abode.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 2, 2015

With your white hair blowing about, how can I stay the same? Today, if you were here with your family and friends, Officer Cook, we might just be a little more happier. By the way, at the still young age of sixty-one you would probably have a full head of dark wavy hair, sprinkled with a touch of gray. This signifies your youth, wit and unmatched maturity beyond your years. Years of comprehension brought about through resourcefulness, a sense of keen vision for how you would want things to turn out. Some of us may at times act timid and shy, but your heroism stemmed from unwavering acts of boldness, bravery coupled with the courage to succeed. The valor validates your humble nature and appeal you had for all residents that came under your watchful eyes and ears. If only now can we truly realize how saner our world would be thanks to great and modest heroes and heroines such as yourself. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. In the end God sorts out through His method all of this craziness how He wants our society to be. That is to just make an effort. take your time and to think things through and through. Officer Cook, you were the building block to securing peace and liberty and restoring justice to an area riddled with tension and turmoil. The date of May 16, 1979 bears this statement out as you and forty-one other Metro-Dade Police Officers actions put a permanent stamp on the total enhancement of a forgiving and thriving venue. Health, peace and prosperity is all we can ask for. God delivers on His promises. You, Officer Cook, stood up to your end and went above and beyond the calls of your official duties. Forever remembered. All your pursuits were fashioned in a terrifically relentless manner with only class and par excellence professionally behind them.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 1, 2015

I was not awake day or night. I thought I knew who I was, but I was you. Did we leave something behind? have we left out some vague detail? Forgetfulness and the ability of forgiveness seem to go hand in hand. When our brave women and men in the law enforcement communities lay their lives down in order for our freedoms and unity to march onward, we must not forget. So forgive us and the very next time remember to salute or to perform some good deed to cherish their memory. You were a man of humbleness, Officer Cook. A very special gentleman whose chosen career path took you down the roads of decency and higher ethical standards than most. But, it was your dignity, coupled together with your integrity and honor that brought the outstanding acts of bravery, courage and valor to be forever saluted. The commitment and resolve which manifested itself to the citizens of Dade County on May 16, 1979, will always be that which your treasured legacy will be viewed by all. To forgive is divine, to act with class and ethics based on one's upbringing is paramount to performing exceptionally. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Ignorance and regret were words surely not in your vocabulary, Officer Cook, just common sense logic, diligence and vigilance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 1, 2015

Questions. We get bombarded with them on a daily basis. Sometimes we have the answers, other times not. No one knows all the correct answers otherwise we probably would not be in this world. For it is God, who has the answers under lock and key. It is that eternal treasure chest that He gives us something to pry it open. And yet we keep figuring out how to do the job. How can we accommodate the God of mercy, the God who is perfect in His ways, who would only do something that would befit us in a positive manner. You achieved quite a lot in your life, Officer Cook, than most of us would if we lived for a hundred years. As I've reflected to you that I go to nursing and assisted living centers on Friday to lead a Jewish Sabbath Service and in my travels, I come across quite a few residents one-hundred years and older. This September 17, 2015, your mother willing be turning one-hundred years old. Mrs. Cook, you are a remarkable woman whose entire life and faith has been devoted to God and to living a healthy lifestyle. You preached this to your children and the lessons that both you and your husband, Charles, may he rest in peace along with your son, my neighbor, friend and hero too never eluded them. He stayed the course. He was honest. He was brave and courageous. Officer Cook practiced calm and sensibility even in the face of impending gloom and evil. He spoke passionately and yet, remained humble in his honor, dignity and integrity to all mankind. Finer words, humbler words could never be spoken. I know I never met your beloved son, but, I know that as the son of a veteran New York City Policeman, everything mentioned regarding your "Billy" is something you can look back and only share the fondest of memories. His life while taken too soon was one conceived on love and compassion to serve and to protect as a dedicated and devotedly determined Metro-Dade Police Officer who will never be out of our hearts and thoughts, because he poured his every ounce of energy, leadership, knowledge and maturity into his chosen profession which resulted in a lot of thought and both mental and physical training to succeed at. He achieved on all fronts. You certainly can be very proud of his standards and endeavors. The questions are still floating around, it was your constitution that was as solid as a rock. You delivered quality, excellence and gallantry beyond the calls of duty. Believe it or not God rewards those who toil and maintain the peaceful atmospheres on His behalf. Your son, Mr. and Mrs. Cook and Nancy, your beloved son and darling brother is reaping for all that he planted in this earth. Let us conclude this reflection with the words, "God takes care of those who take care of all others."

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 31, 2015

It is not the person who has too little, but the person who craves more that is poor. You had a fine upbringing, Officer Cook. You devoted parents made sure both you and your big sister, Nancy had the essentials of a roof over your head, clothing to wear and food to nourish yourselves. Your humbleness and where you grew up here in the city of North Miami Beach, Florida was where you begin your ascendance toward becoming a police officer. Yes, you did enjoy your childhood. Yes, you did have loads of friends, your neighbors to pal around with, most importantly, you and your sister had the total love and unconditional support from your parents. I'll always have you in my thoughts and prayers, Mrs. Cook. You had the unwavering and cherished support from your beloved wife, Karen, who was there for you, loved you as you afforded her the same afffection. Neither rested on your seats until your work days were complete. And I know the nursing profession, just as your profession, my neighbor, friend and hero is a very demanding and time consuming job where the utmost responsibility and faithfulness is expected from each nurse, each police officer. The jobs both require, honesty and commitment. Dignity toward the citizens, as well as stellar character and integrity help to create a vacuum of goodwill. In your household there was no lack of character, consistency and courage. You maintained the bravery for six years to be able to go out on patrol and endeavor to help to keep the peace and unity moving along so that the residents would feel most at ease. Now that you have served your time and having been both diligent and vigilant, God has sadly called you home to His shelter above where you and your comrades who have made the same ultimate sacrifice can watch over us. Rest in peace. Your career, your dreams and desires were met with hope and optimism that there would surely be a brighter tomorrow for all of us. You were a mover and a shaker in Dade County, Officer Cook, there can be no doubt your legacy stands as strongly now as it did nearly thirty-six years ago. We the people of Dade County and in North Miami Beach, Florida are just a little poorer now that you have passed and a little emptier not having you among us physically. Spiritually, you have never left us, because your bountiful and treasured soul continues to light up this land in an effort to dispel the darkness of evil. Something you fought as a good person, a very talented officer and a man who humility allowed you to do what had to be done. Your mission now in retirement should have been allowed to continue. God, Our Creator makes those decisions, He needed you for a much more special. very special mission. The care, compassion, consideration and cooperation was always there. Something for us to have in mind when we step out to accomplish our goals and our aspirations.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 31, 2015

As for me or the next person, we may not have known you personally, Officer Cook, that doesn't make your tragically senseless loss any easier to bear. The wounds, the sorrow, the healing can take many, many years to overcome such grief and to be able to move on and function with our lives. We live in a society that we think and pray acts rationally with compassion and hope, prosperity and goodwill for all mankind. You certainly deserved my neighbor, friend and hero a much better outcome. You were a brave officer, yet still much too young to have had your life taken by an awful act of vile and viciousness. The gaping hole left in your family's hearts is one that as all families of officers who sacrifice have to comprehend and be able to deal with the unfathomable grief that consumes their lives forever. They slowly deal with their loved one's loss, try to put the pieces together and slowly heal and thrive as a family tries to do during this time of mourning. When your father passed, Officer Cook, you were there to help keep the Cook Family united. And now it is up to your loving and beautiful family members to keep each member moving along the same path of wisdom, righteousness and devoutness as you so faithfully demonstrated during your life. Your bravery, valor and commitment have indeed followed you to heaven where Our Lord was waiting for you with open arms where now He would shadow and protect you from any more harm. Rest in peace. Those of us still fortunate to live and to prosper have you to eternally thank for your unselfish and unwavering acts of honesty, dignity and integrity. We do know there is one God in heaven and on earth. We do know that Badge#1664 worn by you, Officer Cook, was worn proudly and with a reserved humility. You graced this world for twenty-five years, we know, Dade County residents knew who watched over them protecting their common interests. You were an integral part of the peace and freedom process never to be forgotten. This is and remains your legacy forever Ignorance, despair and regret cannot be linked with violence, all police officers just try to stay honest and keep on course in this seemingly never ending battle, a war against that will never undermine the fabric of our communities and this society as a whole. Believe me I cried when I heard what had happened that day, May 16, 1979 to you and I still cry today from time to time thinking about you and what was left unfinished in a life, career and a happy marriage all tragically shortened by wanton evil against yourself, your department and our nation as one.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 30, 2015

I used to believe you were unknowing. Unknowing of how it was for me, as if you were never the blossom trying to become the tree. Officer Cook, you and your big sister, Nancy, were the blossoms from your family tree. But, we all knew how you would turnout and succeed beyond our widest expectations. Devout and humble, loyal and faithful, valiant and vigilant, courageous and brave. These words only begin to frame the life and police career of one of Dade County's many heroines and heroes from the past. It was your past watch over all citizens that has served and protected them in a most honorable manner. Not everyone can attend the police academy. Not everyone is cut out and handed a blueprint in how to maintain and to get the most from their life. But, you my neighbor, friend and hero, grew up into a congenial young man, a humane gentleman whose gentle soul because of your solemness to duty floats now higher and higher as you now patrol over Our Creator's golden streets of heaven. Rest in peace. Your past achievements are the direct correlation of why peace and unity can survive and thrive together as one. Your calming influence, unbridled wisdom and masterful maturity also link up to your enduring legacy which is solid as an oak tree which is near your grave where you rest in eternity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 30, 2015

There are only two ways to live your life. One is though nothing is a miracle. The other is as if everything is. Miracles do happen each day. But, they only occur if we do a positive deed to help shape and make this world a better place to live and enjoy its fruits. You lived your life, Officer Cook, on the upside of righteousness and sincerity. You always went over the bounds to assist someone in need. And indeed this was done by example on May 16, 1979, you were alerted along with your partner that day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln to a domestic situation in Liberty city in Miami. You went and performed your role in an outstanding fashion coming to your comrades calls for help. Obviously no one could have ever envisioned the final outcome. The residents saw the real you, Officer William C. Cook, Badge#1664 admirably and ably pitching in to try and take a troubled young man who was bent on evil off of the streets. You were very brave and valiant to stand toe to toe, face to face and take trouble away from the citizens. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 29, 2015

Think to yourself that everyday may be your last; the hour to which you do not look forward will come as a welcome surprise. Professions that carry with them such inherent dangers, police work, its many fine and highly trained men and women leave their homes one day and heaven forbid may not return to their loved ones. It happens and boy oh boy the sorrowful feelings, the guilt, the shame that won't often don't get to say goodbye. You were prideful and very mindful, Officer Cook, that each and everyday you faced such perils. You handled a rigorous job with exactly the proper mindset and skill level to see most of your assignments through until the end. The bravery, courage and conviction carried over to other fine men and women who have since succeeded you. You are now their guardian angel who watches over them, the people of Dade County that you served, protected and delivered the ultimate framework of liberty, unity and peace. Easier words to say, tougher and more challenging to carry out. You did accomplish. You did achieve. You were bounded by integrity, dignity and honesty sometimes so rare as each officer must strive to perform up to snuff by these principles of ethical conduct and morals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You mastered all the essentials and now because of your ultimate humane mastery are you now with Our father and King helping Him to protect His heavenly and golden streets. I would surmise the two words you would say to any of your colleagues out there, be careful.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 29, 2015

We enjoy our lives by eating, drinking and celebrating our family occasions. Part of the beauty in living is to be able to share an embrace with another person. The price of embracing is your life and now those of us who look for a suitable mate enjoy it with all the fervor. All public servants certainly enjoy their down time from their demanding jobs, their professions that call for honesty, bravery, courtesy and courage to commitment while at times under duress. You were the ever faithful and respectful police officer, Officer Cook, the demands on you were great and yet you humbly accomplished a most difficult and yet a profoundly meaningful career, although cut way too short by the violence committed by a troubled young man. Your vigilance and valor, your integrity and dignity was no accident, as you were raised by two very caring and loving parents who instilled a belief in you that if you did things in a timely and orderly manner, you would succeed and you most definitely did. Six years of loyal and dedicated service to all Dade County residents was done through trial and error and hard old fashioned work, sweat and much toil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You are patrolling God's golden streets with the same amount of energy that you expended during your watch. Everyone was so proud of you when you graduated the Police Academy and wore your uniform for the very first time with class and humility. Sadly, the only celebration, though not fun and laughter were the tears that were shed at your Inspector's Funeral in which your fondness for life and a youthful zeal to achieve were noted in your eulogy. Gone too soon. A Godsend beyond the calls of duty. A superb servant with a real sense of congeniality. You'll forever be remembered for your leadership, wisdom and maturity that surely would have advanced your career father up the ranks of your department. You and Karen, Officer Cook, were the class and epitome of a true host and hostess. I know she misses you so much as does your beloved family, friends and loyal colleagues.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 29, 2015

Innocence can be described as someone not responsible for doing an improper act or a person, a young child who might be timid about something. Not all people are innocent, in that they think they can fool the world thinking they are as white as snow, when in fact they are as guilty as sin. You were the sensible type of individual, Officer Cook, who acted accordingly and conducted all your personal and professional affairs with the utmost class and consideration. The citizens of Dade County did not have to fear anything when you went out on patrol to help permanently banish evil and to bring lost lasting relief from tension and turmoil. Everything was done with care and cooperation, integrity and dignity, braveness, commitment and valor that now has been elevated to the heavens above where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A friend to all. A supporter of unity. A liberator whose message still rings as loudly now as it did more than forty years ago. The likes of which will never be witnessed again, though your vision still speaks volumes. Violence perpetrated against law enforcement officers will never be innocent, it's only a sad part of our modern day society that we all hope and pray that our highly trained and motivated officers can surely grab its tails and never let go until it's completely eliminated. At least, Officer Cook, all be it, you left us way too soon, you left room for hope, optimism and equality in place of despair, regret and ignorance. A legacy surely to tug away at our hearts and souls. Your beautiful and treasured soul certainly lights up this universe as it keeps ascending to God's golden throne. Your bright smile and wide grin keeps the sun shining and the happiness abounding.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 28, 2015

In the morning sow my seed and in the evening withhold not my hand. What do we utilize our hands for? We use them to motion someone over to us. We use them to protect and to defend ourselves from evil. We place our hands over our faces when we are joyful and when we shed tears and get emotional. Police officers use their hands, feet and lips to convey points of information to the citizens of which they serve and protect and allow for liberty, peace and unity to be cast upon them. Officer Cook, you gamefully and very diligently used your hands. Your whole being was used in an honorable and in a dignified manner bringing honor to your family and your department. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's hands cradle you forever with love and reverence, in the very same fashion that your hands were utilized. Everything you enhanced, people have reaped the benefits from your stellar character. Only humility and humbleness came from those faithful and devout hands. Your embraces would certainly come in handy nowadays. You continue to be missed very much.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 28, 2015

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