Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Carelessness and callousness may travel down the same road, whereas courage and commitment must stay on the road, they cannot go off the road. Being practical and patient is always something any person with any mind with common sense will realize. Evaluating and estimating are two things that all police officers have to do each and every time they patrol the streets of their communities where they were assigned to keep peace, unity and liberty flowing through the proper channels. Since your dignity, honesty and integrity filtered down throughout your humble life and outstanding career of six devoutly loyal years of service, Officer Cook, really all that can be stated is that you should still be here today. Being taken at such a young age when most people just begin to realize their dreams and aspirations, the hope is that the citizens have truly remembered a most remarkable and poignant young man, a police hero to be revered and saluted for generations to come. You were a man, Officer Cook, who embarked on a very special mission and that was to have the grace, gallantry and vision to see things through in order for people to realize and to be able to culture their ideals, dreams, goals and aspirations. Your sacrifice and bravery only enhances what we already knew about you and now God has taken you and your beloved soul to His Kingdom where you now continue that very sacred mission, to protect His streets and to look after those men and women who dared to risk, cared to share and to keep serenity and safety a priority for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 12, 2015

People respect people when they come forth and admit they made a mistake. Police officers are human beings also and when they make a miscue, hopefully they have the decency and common sense to come forth and admit as such. For your care, kindness, courtesies and consideration, Officer Cook, you were a forthright gentleman, officer and a most trustworthy public servant. If there were men and women who worked under your guidance and leadership, I'm sure if they slipped, made a bad decision, you would have pointed it out to them in a most classy and constructive fashion. To err is human to forgive is divine. All it would have taken on May 16, 1979, is for that troubled young man to surrender, you and your colleagues would have seen to it that he get the much needed assistance. But when you pull the trigger of a weapon and commit an act of not only callousness, but something so nefarious, how can things be alright? You acted bravely, your reacted with resolve and fairness, you conformed to firmness, your commitment as heroic as it was, was outstanding to save your comrades and those civilians from further harm, what more can a grateful Dade County say or offer the appropriate words of consolation to your loving family members at a time of grief and sadness as they mourned your sudden loss? It would have taken the words, "I'll drop the weapon and raise my hands." We know in the heat of battle everything may get lost in the kayos and bedlam. You'll never be forgotten for your sincerity, honor, dignity and integrity, this never will be lost as only your cherished and shining soul will light the darkness that still pervades this society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Deserting the Army would have been his only crime, once he committed violence against others and police officers things only and sadly escalated. Your loyalty and faithfulness will always be fondly remembered. It takes humility to admit to a mistake, it takes more courage to correct a flaw.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 12, 2015

In life we give the benefit of doubt to most people. In life a person is innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. You were a kind individual, Officer Cook, you were a devoutly faithful gentleman. You were a loyal and a most resourceful public servant, the likes of whom Dade County has seen through other comrades who have succeeded you. Everyone has their personal traits and characteristics that follow them throughout their life and in whatever pursuits they care to achieve. Accomplishment and endeavor are based on the effort one is willing to put forth. Police recruits who want to become police officers know the arduous tasks they face and the mountains they must climb to become successful. Hard work, a driven desire and a steadfast determination must appear with them as does honesty, dignity and integrity, this must follow them like a shadow. It followed you, Officer Cook and it never took you off the right path. You stayed the course. Your common sense and soothing voice, you one that was commanding, allowed to to calm down those whose emotions may have boiled over. On May 16, 1979, a situation had escalated in Liberty City in Miami, Florida and it was five minutes before you would end your shift with your partner that day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln, you heard on your radio call of an officer needing help regarding a domestic dispute, you were a block away and not dispatched and yet the two of you answered this call because it is logical and common sense to help a fellow sister or brother needing backup. God only knows as He plans our lives, helps shape our dreams, passions and aspirations, you went and with alacrity, swiftness and with a humbleness, you helped to diffuse a rather tense situation. You sacrificed your life for the entire Dade County community and its residents to live in peace, unity and in freedom. You lived your life with pride and honor as will as those residents because of your unwavering and unselfish courage, grace, bravery and gallantry. Your legacy stands this day as a testimonial as to how one should act and in how we place our priorities. These are the dictates of how we should conduct ourselves in modern society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If perhaps you were able to investigate this troubled young man, maybe the outcome that day would have been different. Unfortunately, we will never know, only you were a hero who saved at least seven lives, those citizens involved and your colleagues who were wounded and nearly killed. There never will be a doubt, you stood humbly tall and acted with quickness and assertiveness never to be witnessed again. Your actions made all who associated with you quite humble. You were a treasured and quite cherished human being whose soul continues ascending and whose brilliance shines forth each and every moment. God bless you and your loving family, comrades and friends from all around the country.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2015

Plans and thoughts are shared by police officers far and wide, from all different locations. The safety of every citizen, the safety of every police officer depends upon how far they are trained in how to handle each circumstance, dilemma and situation that is assigned to them to handle. Your safety and success, Officer Cook, was determined by your ability to communicate, identify and to be able to interview those who witnessed whether or not they were directly involved in anything. Being able to sort out all relevant information to be able to draw logical conclusions are all part of an officer's job description. You did yours very well my neighbor, friend and hero and it was all because of your demeanor, character and professional personality up and beyond any calls of duty. Your integrity, dignity, honor and bravery all came to the forefront at all times. Those comrades who at some point in their careers were fortunate enough to work alongside of you witnessed the truth keen vision, wisdom, knowledge and leadership skills so needed to resolve any and all problems that might crop up. Your commitment to excellence and boldness to act heroically has never be forgotten. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2015

The good folks of Dade County could raise a smile when they saw you patrolling their streets, Officer Cook, with that big smile and calming personality used at just the right moments. And exactly as to why and how all police officers should go about the business of conducting both their personal and professional affairs. Never give up. Never despair. When character and courage, leadership, honor, dignity and integrity all merge together at a crossroads, those citizens know who has their backs looking after their welfare. It was yourself, Officer Cook, a man of action, always looking for an edge to properly resolve any and all sources of conflict and turmoil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, from what seems to be an almost everyday happening, your maturity, your intellect and keen and divine wisdom could sure be sprinkled throughout our country where we the citizens expect not just bravery, courage and valor, but along with this the most important traits of justice and decency showing when to utilize a police issued weapon when the situation calls for it. I know it is certainly different and was back in your day, you were checked, tested and drilled constantly on basic police rules and fundamentals. I don't know why there seems to be a "Wyatt Earp" mentality within quite a few police communities. Something needs to be done rather quickly before kayos and anarchy rein on the streets where peace and serenity should rule. That is why you must keep your soul shining down forever on these lands as great as they may be.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2015

I think the words, Officer Cook, for this last reflection should have read your life and police career were borne from an outstanding upbringing and the morals so necessary to be able to function in our day to day world. Something you ascribed to with your humbleness, honesty and quality of character. You were not an envious person as you had all the right tools and essentials to make proper usage of your God given talents and abilities. It is said the apple does not fall far from the tree, if this is any indication, your success came the correct way, through perseverance, sweat, toil and both the mental and physical stamina demonstrated in the police academy and to those superiors who were the judges of your performances and of your dignity and integrity placed where it needed to be, within the boundaries of Dade County and its residents whom you served, protected and provided the necessary peace, unity and freedom for those to prosper. The pain, the anguish and torment of your loss still tugs at the hearts and minds of those loving family members, colleagues and friends who each witnessed your grace, gallantry, courage and valor in action. Humbly stated your humility and most giving heart and treasured soul still shine brightly today as they did when your heroic action on May 16, 1979, solidified your legacy among the many Dade County police heroes and heroines of the past. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. More people should appreciate all that is given to them. You had the best of everything along with your sister, Nancy to be able to succeed in life, one cut far too short, but a life well spent helping others to endure and to succeed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2015

I wish we all had that proverbial crystal ball. We don't unfortunately. Police officers as caring, considerate and as cautious as they need to function cannot always predict the outcome of how any event they encounter will resolve itself in the end. No one can take away an honest and dignified officer's level of diligence and concern that you had, Officer Cook, for the residents of Dade County and their well being. Central District where you worked out of sure had a most honorable, dignified and devoutly resolute individual patrolling the streets of an area where you were quite respected and admired by your peers for your faithfulness, decency and humbly humane nature. It was the drive and desire that led you to the beginning of an outstanding career of six loyal and fruitful years, twenty-five years of a well placed life about borne from a terrific upbringing from two wonderfully loving and giving parents. The pride they had as well as your sister and wife when your badge was pinned on your chest was just the genesis. The life of an individual founded on the principles of morals and solid character who went where his dreams and aspirations took him. Your maturity, wisdom and scope of knowledge and leadership skills would have definitely taken you up the police ladder to bigger opportunities. Because of your humbleness, commitment to excellence, swiftness to act, God has taken your shining and most cherished soul up to heaven where you have the awesome task of watching over His golden streets and looking down and helping make certain those who now watch and protect are safe from any harm that God forbid may come their way. God truly watches those who fear and remain loyal to His causes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. May 16, 1979, is a day of saluting your bravery, Officer Cook, as well as a day of intellectual introspection. Honoring you for an outstanding job of serving and protecting the quality of life in all mankind. If we could take back all these tragedies we would, God plans our lives and we must be grateful and give Him thanks for you, your life and service to a Dade County community that must not forget your loyalty and valor.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2015

I wish we all had that proverbial crystal ball. We don't unfortunately. Police officers as caring, considerate and as cautious as they need to function cannot always predict the outcome of how any event they encounter will resolve itself in the end. No one can take away an honest and dignified officer's level of diligence and concern that you had, Officer Cook, for the residents of Dade County and their well being. Central District where you worked out of sure had a most honorable, dignified and devoutly resolute individual patrolling the streets of an area where you were quite respected and admired by your peers for your faithfulness, decency and humbly humane nature. It was the drive and desire that led you to the beginning of an outstanding career of six loyal and fruitful years, twenty-five years of a well placed life about borne from a terrific upbringing from two wonderfully loving and giving parents. The pride they had as well as your sister and wife when your badge was pinned on your chest was just the genesis. The life of an individual founded on the principles of morals and solid character who went where his dreams and aspirations took him. Your maturity, wisdom and scope of knowledge and leadership skills would have definitely taken yo up the police ladder to bigger opportunities. Because of your humbleness, commitment to excellence, swiftness to act, God has taken your shining and most cherished soul up to heaven where you have the awesome task of watching over His golden streets and looking down and helping make certain those who now watch and protect are safe from any harm that God forbid may come their way. God truly watches those who fear and remain loyal to His causes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. May 16, 1979, is a day of saluting your bravery, Officer Cook, as well as a day of intellectual introspection. Honoring you for an outstanding job of serving and protecting the quality of life in all mankind. If we could take back all these tragedies we would, God plans our lives and we must be grateful and give Him thanks for you, your life and service to a Dade County community that must not forget your loyalty and valor.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2015

Police officers just like ordinary hard working people need to be good listeners. Having said that they need to attentively listen and remain impartial in how they go about resolving any and all conflicts and or disagreements that come before them. The rigorous training and classroom and out in the street exercises they go through on a day to day basis help better shape them in a professional atmosphere that assists both the citizens they serve and protect as well as themselves from all the perils they must endure. And because of your fundamentally honest and most dignified nature, Officer Cook, you were to navigate from one place to another securing integrity, decency, peace and unity among all residents of Dade County. In life we must make the most of what God implants within us. You took the baton, the blueprint so to speak and were able to formulate plans of action for each circumstance that was thrust before you. You demonstrated reliance, competency and responsibility. Your heroic and humble actions and the quality of your stellar professional character as shown on May 16, 1979, have and always will remain as the solid foundation by which all officers who have since succeeded you are expected to act. So much is required of any public servant, as brave and courageously valiant as you were my neighbor, friend and hero, let us hope and pray that all police officers, anyone remotely associated with the law enforcement profession acts and conducts their personal and professional lives with the same level of pride but most of all with honesty and loyalty. The uniform, badge and the weapon used to protect both the public and the officer most be utilized in a judicious and proper fashion. Kayos, mayhem and bedlam cannot replace peace, serenity and a calmness that must at all times rule in any community. Rest in peace. Just keep looking down, Officer Cook, I'm sure your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, is praying for the souls of both you and your beloved father, Charles, may he too rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 9, 2015

Today Officer Cook, I just wanted to make contact with your niece, Gina Wilkerson. I got hold of her brother-in-law, Nate Wilkerson and asked how your mother was doing. I was told she is doing well at age ninety-nine out in San Diego, California. She is living either with or near her grandson, Josh Hyatt. I will always keep you in my thoughts and prayers Mrs. Cook. When September 17, 2015 comes I would love to send you a little something, a card or note. I still have the letter you sent me while I was living in Hallandale Beach, Florida. Your son, Officer William C. "Billy" Cook, to me he will always be Officer Cook, he was a hero and a treasured soul of a gentleman. His legacy and memories of a well lived life and of a brave, courageous and valiant public servant will always be there for those to share and to reflect back. What more can we say about your esteemed and most beloved son? He deserves to be here today sharing in his family's happy occasions with his beloved wife, Karen, his sister, Nancy and of course with his wonderfully loving and faithfully devout mother. His life and career meant the world to all his close friends, comrades and acquaintances. His service of honor, dignity and integrity shall be one and everlasting as is his beautiful soul now with God up in heaven for nearly thirty-six years for eternal safekeeping as he now as they say walks a beat on God's golden streets. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Mrs. Cook, if you read these reflections of your beloved son, know I care and he will never be forgotten. His commitment and resolve will be fondly and loyally saluted. A man who sacrifices his life needs to be looked up to in the highest of degree of respect and admiration. I still have your letter and the envelope Mrs. Cook. I have it in a drawer for safekeeping.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 8, 2015

One thing regarding all police officers is that they must not display partiality or bias. Officers that worked alongside of you, Officer Cook, never had to be concerned regarding this matter. Since your maturity, wisdom and leadership skills were a cut above the rest. But, one must exhibit loyalty, faithfulness, dignity and compassion. Anything remotely opposite to this could possibly lead one down the wrong channel. Since Our Creator steers the compasses of His devoutly trustworthy public servants on paths of righteousness, there were never any complaints from residents whom you served, protected and dedicated your life and career to in seeing peace, unity and liberty come to fruition in their community. A loving person, a much beloved son, brother, husband, uncle and great-uncle, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A shining soul whose brightness will never be extinguished. A hero to be saluted for your gallantry and courage. A legend to be remembered forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 8, 2015

Police officers have to be many things, reserved, honorable, courteous and dignified. Bragging and acting above the law for men and women in positions of authority is something that can never be tolerated. You were by nature, Officer Cook, a cool and calm gentleman whose work ethics are the examples for all officers to follow. You were a man of values, a respected and law abiding person who dreamed of becoming a police officer from the time you were a young man. You showed compassion. You were a doer and a man of action. All your good deeds and heroically swift actions on May 16, 1979, has and will forever lead to the continuation of Dade County, its citizens and their enhancement. Your loving and humble nature are all a part of your legacy here in Dade County and throughout the entire police nation. Your character as stellar as it was endures now in your loving family members who continue your celebrated life and career. A smile once in a while and looking up to the big blue skies above are all the reasons we can gratefully acknowledge your wonderful and generous spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 8, 2015

Since you were a calm and rational person, Officer Cook, it's no wonder you were able to calm people down. If only that fateful day could you and your colleagues been able to calm down a troubled young man. Peace needs to be a two way street, not a one way with no possible solutions in sight. You'll always be remembered for your personality, honesty, dignity and integrity, all values of your stellar character and legacy which will last for all generations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God continues to keep peace, freedom and unity marching on as we pause and reflect back on your outstandingly humble life and career, all based on your upstanding upbringing. You made us all very proud of your accomplishments.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2015

Keep your focus on growth and making peace between all people. It is this very security and serenity that the citizens have come to rely upon from the many dignified and honorable men and women of the law enforcement profession. Your honesty and calming sense of reason, Officer Cook, was spoken to the point and as plainly as one could communicate to others. We know your wit, knowledge and basic leadership abilities were many of the reasons as to why your career and life turned out the way it did. Sometimes, functioning by ourselves is the method that needs to be employed to bring about a successful resolution to any problems at hand. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 7, 2015

Seeing that you were a master motivator, Officer Cook, the positive zeal you had for your professional position should come as no surprise as to why you were indeed a giant of a human being and even more so as a humbly devoted public servant. Metro-Dade Police Department has had its share of excellent officers who worked in its department and were an important member of this close knit family of brave and valiant officers who dare to risk their lives in order to safeguard the public peace, freedom and unity. All assignments require the greatest amount of precision and tact a fact not lost on your many colleagues who knew you Officer Cook and admired your sincere work ethic. Your stellar character has left a legacy that will be felt by all residents, comrades and friends who crossed paths with you personally and professionally. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, you were a grand man, taken way too young with more goodness left to fulfill. It is being addressed and accentuated by your comrades and treasured family who have missed you very dearly. We can only say what if God gave you more years, you had twenty-five very productive years of fantastic work that has funneled its way down to those valued friends and fellow sisters and brothers of the law enforcement community where you served and protected the honor, dignity and integrity of all citizens.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2015

We the people should be thankful for all that we have and as far as our needs go, we work and toil exceedingly hard to maintain and try to acquire the necessary character traits that will make us better as individuals. If one has food, clothing and shelter, it is stated that one has all that they need. If your upbringing is not one built on honor, dignity and integrity, it then becomes a bit tougher for one to accomplish. You can achieve. You can make a difference. You made this difference in Dade County, Officer Cook. Your vigilance, your diligence and perseverance all combined with your knowledge, wit, wisdom and leadership skills helped tip the scales of justice properly into the hands and feet of every resident whose lives you served and protected. There were no shortcuts in your life and career, Officer Cook, just a pronounced sense of bravery, courage and valor. Those humbly heroic actions of May 16, 1979, were just the tip of the iceberg so to speak. It is and has been the light of your treasured and very cherished soul which has continued to shine down upon us now as it did then. You were a very devout and loyally faithful gentleman and police officer, all the reasons why you were admired, respected and honored forever as your legacy of humility carries on in your loving family members. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your influence marches on in those who have succeeded you. Hopefully, they can carry your torch as poignantly and proficiently as you carried it.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 6, 2015

You were a strong person, Officer Cook, with an even special heart. There was nothing weak or diluted with your performance as a police officer. when you needed to be stern, a little tough then you did what your role demanded from you and from any other police officer. When you felt it necessary to be calm, your voice of sound reason could be counted on to bring about the means to a positive solution. That day of May 16, 1979, no one knew, much less thought that your department would heaven forbid lose one of their own. Situations in police work and in the profession happen daily, sometimes once in a while, no one can properly prepare themselves, you do prepare in the police academy and God steers our lives in many different directions for a reason. No rhyme or reason, good and bad occur and we must learn from these events and sadly contemplate how to move on with our futures. Your family members my neighbor, friend and hero have moved on with your treasured soul hovering above and giving them all the same humble and sage advice to be careful be kind, polite, be honorable in all your affairs and most of all maintain the proper level of compassion, consideration, dignity and integrity. It makes life and one's career that much more effective and trustworthy. Rest in peace. Your bravery, coupled with your sincerity has balanced the scales of peace, freedom and security for all Dade County residents. All your humility and humanity is missed today as it has touched the very souls of all who respected and admired you both professionally and personally.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2015

Positive things occur in people's lives when honor, dignity and stellar integrity is optimized to the maximum. A person's negative desires are based on illusions and by that I mean one should not go running to seek honor and a fame. A good name is based upon a man or woman's good deeds that they perform in this world. You surely performed many heroic and humble actions, Officer Cook, that certainly went over and beyond the calls of your official duties. No accident, no illusions, your whole life, all twenty-five years and your six year career at the Metro-Dade Police Department were solidly and squarely centered around the foundations of good character, integrity, wisdom and a humbly stated God given ability to be able to lead other comrades through thick and thin, through the tough moments, as we know and understand that not everything in life just lands at one's door, it must be earned and utilized very wisely to accentuate all that one can from their abilities. You were a very brave, courageous, valiant and outgoing gentleman and as well in your police work. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Hard work pays dividends to those who put forth the effort. You paid the price at the academy and an even bigger one which most of us cannot begin to fathom. You were a peacemaker who enhanced Dade County and its citizens like no other. I hope you family enjoyed a Happy Easter. As I was on my Passover vacation while out walking I thought about you and how you have been missed terribly and what this day would have been with your presence. I know from heaven your spirit is still and forever looking down along with your dad, Charles on what has been transpiring with your family. I'll keep praying for you, Mrs. Cook and hope you had a nice holiday. No smoke or mirrors were needed to see the real Officer William C. Cook, Badge# 1664. Your passion and patrolling perseverance have helped make a huge difference in people's lives today.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 5, 2015

Every time I view your picture, Officer Cook, of you in your police uniform smiling with the American flag behind, I think you as a wonderful human being and very special public servant that you were to all of Dade County residents. You faith and loyalty made you a very trusted and most reliable officer who came to the rescue of your colleagues on May 16, 1979 and other times as well. But it was your hope and belief that came to fruition as to why and how people could live and lead more sounder and much safer lives. This is where dignity, honesty and integrity parallel bravery, courageousness and valor. A life dependent on all these factors that led to your successful career. One on the upswing and headed for greatness and even more humility down the line. Never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I can see why you were a happy and very fortunate gift to this entire world, your department who cherished your grace and resolve and to all of mankind who feels the loss even to this day of such a devoted and outstanding gentleman and friend to all, a leader of other comrades. They can't replace your wit, wisdom or maturity, as this is something not everyone is born with. Heroes and heroines are mourned and revered for their extra special traits which not all people possess. Something intangible.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2015

A police officer's survival depends on several factors. Honesty, dignity, integrity and good fortune with a little of God's divine intervention mixed in. We do what makes us happy for the most part and since you had this calling, Officer Cook, to become a police officer from the time you were a young man, you persevered and pursued whatever avenues it took for you to become an ever faithfully humble and a most respected public servant. It had to have brought a smile to your loving and wonderful parents to have raised both a great son and same for your sister, Nancy. Money and materialistic things were not what the Cook Family was about, rather living in a peaceful home where you had your friends to pal around with and the decency of proper morals and values. You will always be remembered for your heroic actions, your firmness and resolve to properly carry out your professional tasks, your bravery, courage and valor all remain part of your enduring legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You had everything to look forward too and the tragedy of your untimely loss still hurts more than one can imagine.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2015

Since you were a people person, Officer Cook, you were able to turn some bad people into good citizens and you should be commended. Not all people can be rehabilitated, we try our best as do our loyal and brave men and women in the law enforcement to keep the peace and security moving forward. As one of the most resourceful and morally proper officers, it was your role to serve and protect Dade County streets and their residents, which you succeeded in doing for six years of dedicated and determined service. Practice makes perfect, though no one is perfect, only Our Creator is perfect and we who carry His blueprint try to make inroads that help to enhance this society. Your bravery, courage, and valor were all a treasured part of this world and it was all guided by your stellar character and enshrined by your legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 1, 2015

One should not allow the virtue of humility to render you submissive to someone who is cruel or unjust. As all police officers have to deal with all persons from all walks of life, we must be considerate of their feelings and try understand where they are coming from. Being the compassionate and ever humble gentleman and stellar police officer, Officer Cook, your integrity, dignity and honesty enabled you to go from point A to point B, from most any territory in Dade County patrolling and serving the common interest of all citizens who deserve to live peacefully among each other and to prosper in whatever endeavors they decide to undertake. You were a very brave and valiant public servant who has been forever remembered for your distinction, class and grace whenever called to act upon a situation. May 16, 1979 is a day we should all be grateful and salute your humility in both your upbringing and in your professional career. Metro-Dade Police Department had one of its finest officials on watch and you are missed very much by your loving family, personally and professionally. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 1, 2015

I know you never thought of yourself, Officer Cook, as a power hungry person, much less as an officer who was all too powerful. You carried yourself with a sense of pride and dignity. You gave the citizens of Dade County every ounce of your being and you showed other officers the finest examples of honesty, courage and grace. When officers take their jobs more seriously then that is the signal that the citizens know they are in truly good hands. Performance and perseverance do really go hand in hand as does diligence and vigilance. It is those supremely brave, valiant and committed officers who stand out and humbly and humanely carry out their assignments correctly the first time putting themselves in harm's way to enhance the lives of the residents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero,police work is not for the power hungry, it is for those devoted to serving, protecting and saving lives.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 31, 2015

Do all your good deeds with a smile and a youthful sense of enthusiasm. This was how you comported yourself, in life and during your police career. If all officers could act with a sense of urgency rather than callousness, the world would be better served. Your smile, Officer Cook, your desire to devote your total being to the enhancement of all residents in and around Dade County is how you are going to be best remembered and saluted proudly for your bravery, commitment to serve with excellence and with a renowned sense of honor, dignity and stellar integrity. You gave your beloved parents joy and pleasure, your sister, Nancy, was very proud of her darling younger brother and your beloved wife, Karen, who loved you and adored you very much. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. All your actions, Officer Cook, were completed with a fierce measure of desire, devotion, dedication and intense determination. Through your deeds and actions, Officer Cook, your family emulates these in their lives and aspirations.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 31, 2015

The lines of clean speech and proper communication must stay open for professional business seven days a week and for twenty-four hours a day. It's very essential for any and all police officers because of the nature of their work and job performance when dealing with the public. You were a master at speaking and in calming people down, Officer Cook, the Central District as does your whole department and the folks you so passionately served owe you a grateful thank you. Thank you for being a vital and a vibrant part of this community for twenty-five years, six of which you served with dedication and distinction. Your humility, honesty, dignity and integrity all went hand in hand when you were out on your patrols. How else shall we the people be one? One man can't get the job done alone, but with a combined team effort, the results then speak for themselves. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your resourcefulness, your renounced manner of professionalism spoke and still does to this day resonates loudly and clear.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 30, 2015

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