Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Your sweet smile and disposition were the ways you befriended many people, Officer Cook. We know it was truly more than that. It was your astuteness, your assertiveness and your awareness that made you very confident in your abilities to get the job done right. Your studies at the police academy gave you pleasure and yet served as your resource as valuable as it was to go out and serve residents. It was your valor, your courage and bravery that satisfied not only yourself, but it made your supervisors sure they could rely on you to not only patrol, but to be able to lead other officers. You were a reserved, yet happy person, healthy and hearty. Your mother, your sister and your wife were the cornerstones, the centerpieces of both your career and life. You served Dade County diligently and with a sense of dignity and integrity. Smiles and tears will resonate from Tropical Park tonight as your family and comrades will gather to remember you and your pristine character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You raced to scenes only looking to save and preserve the value and dignity of people's lives.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2015

You gave the word freedom a very real meaning, Officer Cook and it was in your humble and unselfish actions as heroic as they were. God gave you the most cherished intuition and intellect to channel that which you learned and to be available to share it with Dade County and its residents. It was your hope, your honor, your dignity and proficient integrity that allowed you to bravely and courageously patrol the streets where you were admired and respected. Unity and peace were placed back in the palms of the citizens for which you solemnly took an affirmation to serve and to protect. You now occupy an important place in God's Divine Kingdom as one of His heroically treasured angels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Personable and unassuming surely assisted you throughout your life and professional police career. Metro-Dade Police Department takes the time tonight to honor and proudly salute your legacy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 7, 2015

You were brought up in a fine and upstanding home, Officer Cook, so there were no doubts whatsoever about your character. Stellar and sterling, pristine and personable would be some words to describe your life and the career paths that followed closely behind. No pessimism, no negativity. Only superb and superior service to all Dade County citizens. Since you were humble and yet confident in your talents and God given abilities it is and was plain to see why you were one of the most loyal and dependable police officers of your time. You unwavering commitment to excellence, your boldness to act as bravely and as swiftly as you did will forever be remembered. Pride in how you donned your uniform and displayed your badge with an overwhelming sense of pride only begins to underscore your effort to enhance those who relied upon your grace and gallantry. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, for what you meant to your family, comrades and friends, your reliability, resolve and profound responsibility will always standout as an integral part of your heroic legacy. Rest in peace. You provided us with peace and unity, the least we could give back to you is a hearty salute and the honor all heroes and heroines deserve for laying down their lives for unselfish reasons. Your sense of fairness and being without prejudice or bias never led you astray. Sadly, some of today's public servants could learn a lesson or two from you and how you conducted your professional affairs with morals and an abundance of highly ethical behavior. We the citizens will always be indebted and most grateful to you. Meaningful. Devoted. Polite. Determined. They could stand for the first letters of Metro-Dade Police Department. Badge#1664 rests well on the treasured gentleman who wore it. You gave your all in the war against evil. An albatross that can threaten mankind if it is not eliminated. You, Officer Cook, showed great perseverance and diligence never to be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 6, 2015

That is one thing that can blind even the most humblest of public servants. Desires and bad work habits, things a good police officer tries to stay away from. You stayed away from evil and temptation, Officer Cook and it never led you away from your assigned duties. The only way we can truly be free people conceived in liberty and justice for all is not to be blinded with greed and other such improper conduct. It was your courage, your convictions to commit yourself to honesty, dignity and integrity which in turn served you quite well for your entire life and police career of six years. Those years of watching over Dade County were well placed as well as most meaningful. Bravery and valor dictated your life as it was represented as a hero whose legacy remains as stellar today as it was nearly thirty-six years ago. You were a humanely gifted person. A cherished soul whose memories will never fade, they will only blossom and stay everlasting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The sanity and sanctity of life was why you sacrificed everything on our entire behalf for the enhancement of those who continue to aspire to even higher heights. Keep observing Officer Cook. We won't ever forget you! You meant the world to so many people.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 6, 2015

As much as one can humbly rise through doing good deeds, so too can one fall from the good graces of Our Creator by straying from the proper path. Feeling sorry for one's self, isn't going to change things at the moment. All people good and bad can change and it is up to the ones who can adopt quickly to change that stand a better chance of fairing well. Since you were able to lead other officers, Officer Cook, you recognized the element and climate where changing would bring about a resolution to any problems at hand. You acted with dignity and courage, grace and honor, compassion and fairness, so that no individual would feel as though they were not being treated equitably. You were a non sense police officer, yet you could laugh and make people, your comrades or friends relax at times and feel very much at ease. Your expectations, spiritually and professionally never waned. You were there for anyone any time. You were bold and swift when the moment called for it and May 16, 1979, was just that time. No one knows when God will call His servants home, a lovable and highly respected heroic angel was taken home to serve His Creator in a manner befitting the honor and courage you my neighbor, friend and hero displayed while out patrolling Dade County streets helping shape, reform and keep the peace and unity fairly balanced. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 5, 2015

The relationship between the body and the soul are as one. A soul cannot exist alone in this world. The body alone is just dust from the earth. What made you the supremely humble and yet confident police officer, Officer Cook, was the fact that you pursued all things in your life with dignity, honesty and with stellar integrity. You dreamed. You cared and were a most compassionate individual. Dade County and its citizens can really be appreciative for all your efforts, heroic and humane as they were in coming to the rescue of both your colleagues and those civilians caught that day of May 16, 1979, in a rather precarious situation. All because of your valor, instincts, courage and bravery can the people rest a little easier by day and night. Your professional courtesies were always there on the streets for those to admire, applaud and respect. So too is your cherished life and career with your sterling character and legacy which continues to be hailed and saluted this day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your soul has and always will keep its light and rays of hope and optimism aglow in this community and the world at large. Your physical presence has been missed and the memories of a wonderful life remain with your loved ones to share for all future generations. You were an inspiration and a treasured public servant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 5, 2015

The proper word I wanted to use is ideals of what it takes to be an open minded and truly trustworthy professional law enforcement representative. You create your pathways in life by virtue of how you behave, how you act and how you comport yourself. You only conducted your affairs, Officer Cook, in righteousness, resolve and a sense of integrity, dignity and honesty. Police officers look to improve the morale of others by boosting their own conduct whether it be on or off duty. Elevating one's peers surely helps when it comes to protecting and serving the public's goodwill. Your sense of fairness and calm, Officer Cook, has and always will be remembered for eternity. A humble person learns from others, God forbid a rogue person tries to pass themselves off as something entirely against the boundaries if what we deem as normal acceptable behavior. You were a confident person. You were a fruitful and faithful servant whose courage and valor have been the yardsticks by which all other officers have tried to measure up to such high standards. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You gave your life in humility, allowing us to keep nurturing those same aspirations that led you to a successful career, though one life and all the promise that accompanied it cut way too short by this evil element we call violence. One day real soon the world will never again see such heinous and unfathomable behavior manifesting itself within the realms of our modern day society.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 4, 2015

Awareness in finding favor in the eyes of others is dependent on the will of the Almighty and would permit one to ask for something when it is proper. Since you followed the laws of nature and were a very faithful humble and devout public servant, it's easy to comprehend why you were not only well liked and well respected, but admired for your tireless and unwavering work ethic all accentuated by the virtues of honesty, integrity and dignity. These traits don't just happen overnight. They are not just learned, but must be practiced and preached over and over in a home where the foundations of such morals and values are enhanced and in fact practiced to their fullest extreme daily. We are given certain gifts, but no guarantees how things may turn out. What transpired for your twenty-five years and six years of decent and desirable service, Officer Cook, were the exact manifications of what it takes to be an open minded and truly trustworthy professional law enforcement representative. If there was one thing you may have requested Officer Cook, that might have been for your department to outfit its officers with those side panels. All you did is heroically and bravely go out and patrol the residents of Dade County who were only seeking safe shelter, peace, freedom and unity among all others. Your compassion and passion has continued to be the driving force behind these changes we envision when driving in and around this community of which you were a most focal part and it is your enduring character and legacy which still stand tall as does the light of your soul still shining brightly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. People are hopefully aware of our public servants serving the common interest with one uniquely common purpose and that is for the safety of all people.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 4, 2015

Leadership does take shape in all people. It is in God's most loving and honorable servants that the baton of being a solid and steady leader starts to sprout its roots. It is nurtured and nourished by plenty of dignity, honor, integrity and hope that those many brave and courageous men and women of the law enforcement profession who risk their lives for our securities must firmly have. Your role as a leader and as a mentor to others, Officer Cook, was firmly planted, and its seeds began their growth when you started out as a Public Safety Officer at Jackson Hospital in Miami, Florida back in the early 1970's. A positive supporter and a role model to the many humble and talented officers during your watch at the Metro-Dade Police Department was substantiated by only the most positive influences you maintained throughout your six years of loyal and faithful service. All citizens deserve the dignity and intelligence of those who have taken an affirmation to carry out their assigned duties with the utmost respect their position demands and with a central core of values and ethics that underline and underscore what is required of its highly trained public servants. Action is much more difficult than words, anyone can converse and chit chat, but when the time comes to produce results of resolve and resolution, then things must be in order for the correct outcomes to be achieved. You were that humble and admired officer, my neighbor, friend and hero. No one knows why you were taken, only the knowledge of a terribly crazed young man bent on violence and hatred towards the establishment of honorable men and women who served for a cause such as yourself, Officer Cook. Twenty-five years of a well lived life, a happy childhood growing up, a multitude of friends, who knew your personality and common sense approaches to life that would serve as a benefit to your career. You were indeed a most humane gentleman and a treasured and cherished soul. You now watch over this community and a society where violence and hatred have no place among good people. You served God's will and protected mankind like no other individual. Rest in peace. God only takes His most heroic angels of positive persuasion up to heaven where He can watch over them for all they meant to their loving families, colleagues and friends from all over this entire nation conceived in liberty and justice for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2015

One's praise can never be redundant. All people shall praise the Lord for all His works. So long as we have a breath and are alive, we should take the time to thank Him for all He does on our behalf. Police officers and all persons regardless of their chosen profession need to be aware of straying from their path of which they travel down to patrol and to serve and protect the peace and liberty of its citizens. Officer Cook, you were always aware of your environment and were careful to utilize the honor, dignity and integrity for a just purpose. You were a most devout and faithful public servant, whose unwavering courage, abounding bravery and resolving valor made people feel more comfortable and at ease. We must guard our evil inclinations and prevent evil from rearing its ugliness. You always did the right thing and were a blessed Godsend to all Dade County residents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. For all our police heroes and heroines we shall always sing the praises of these men and women who lay their lives down so that we can live safely and without any doubts whatsoever. Good people keep practicing what they learn and preach what they are taught. Your parents, Officer Cook, taught you and Nancy all the correct lessons and they stayed with you at all times. They could not be prouder of all your achievements and accomplishments. All done through perseverance and positive persistence. A darling man, a devoted police officer, a loving husband, son, brother, uncle and great-uncle. You continue to be missed very much.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2015

One's praise can never be redundant. All people shall praise the Lord for all His works. So long as we have a breath and are alive, we should take the time to thank Him for all He does on our behalf. Police officers and all persons regardless of their chosen profession need to be aware of straying from their path of which they travel down to patrol and to serve and protect the peace and liberty of its citizens. Officer Cook, you were always aware of your environment and were careful to utilize the honor, dignity and integrity for a just purpose. You were a most devout and faithful public servant, whose unwavering courage, abounding bravery and resolving valor made people feel more comfortable and at ease. We must guard our evil inclinations and prevent evil from rearing its ugliness. You always did the right thing and were a blessed Godsend to all Dade County residents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. For all our police heroes and heroines we shall always sing the praises of these men and women who lay their lives down so that we can live safely and without any doubts whatsoever. Good people keep practicing what they learn and preach what they are taught. Your parents, Officer Cook, taught you and Nancy all the correct lessons and they stayed with you at all times. They could not be prouder of all your achievements and accomplishments. All done through perseverance and positive persistence. A darling man, a devoted police officer, a loving husband, son, brother, uncle and great-uncle.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 3, 2015

Being the devout and faithful person that you were as you grew up, Officer Cook, it no wonder that God did in fact steer your pathway in life to becoming a police officer. But, in order to reach that goal, there were a number of steps you first had to climb to reach that proverbial summit. The academy at Miami-Dade Community College as it was called back in the day, I attended and received my Associate of Arts Degree and then attended Florida International University where I received my Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communications and Journalism. You studied day and night. You planned your schedule to allow you the time to be with family, something most important to many young men and women who are devoted and very loyal to their parents. You were devoted to your mother after your father, Charles, passed away in November, 1976. You would check and visit your mother each day and all that you finally reached fruition in achieving was of course directly by the wonderful nurturing and upbringing of your parents. God did not allow you to falter, instead he graced your life and career with paths of dignity, honesty and integrity. Yet, He delivered you on May 16, 1979, to an area where you patrolled and loyally served and protected its residents. Your bravery, courage and valor are the lasting inspirations which make up your sterling character and stellar legacy all of which is very much saluted this day and forever. Your heroism is a direct source of what you placed in life, in how you trusted our Creator and in how you served lovingly as a public servant to all the people. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God rules the world. He rules because of His many talented and faithful servants such as yourself, Officer Cook, a man of vision, wisdom, knowledge and a maturity beyond your years. Like Chief Jacobs, your friend said about you, you were years ahead of the crowd. Well liked, well mannered, one who conducted both his personal and professional affairs with the epitome of class and determination. We had so many things in common, it's a tragedy you are not here today to share in them. The number one thing, your valued and cherished friendship. It all starts here. Everything else is accentuated because of a friendship. Playing tennis, whatever one does with their life. It's soon coming up to the anniversary of your passing, God willing I'll go and visit your grave and pray for your soul and for the inspirations, aspirations, dreams and desires that one day the hope of peace and freedom for all can materialize and finally take shape. Your awareness was the very source of our optimism. Your due diligence was why we can hope and pray as well for everything to turn out properly. When I play tennis with my wife, Holly, I think about you. You played near where you are resting in peace, even that area has changed since then. Remarkable, in what one man's fiercely loyal and devoted desire can due to an area enhance it like no other venue. By the way, Officer Cook, I still play with only wooden rackets. You would have given me plenty of great exercise running around the court chasing your serves, forehand and backhand.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 2, 2015

When one experiences joy, do not say or do anything that will decrease it. One thing that can always be declared is that you were a very successful young man, Officer Cook, you made your parents and sister very happy, very proud of all your accomplishments. When you met and married your beloved wife, Karen, all your family and friends were very happy. You settled down, bought a new home not too far from where I once lived and were looking forward to a happy and healthy life together. Each time I look at your picture of you smiling in your police uniform, I realize this was your goal and what you desired to grow up to become. Forty-two years ago is a long time and yet if we can look back on your well valued and inspirational life and most dedicated career, there are for sure the many positive memories of a brave and courageous, humble, yet well mannered and polite gentleman who served Dade County and its residents with authenticity, honor, integrity and dignity which has continued enhancing those residents who admired and respected your valor and boldness, which will never be forgotten, as will the cherished legacy which you left for others to try and follow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sorrow and joy are of course two different emotions, the sadness over losing you at such a young age when you had so much more left to fulfill, the joy and decency which you delivered each and every day to this community, this society, your parents, your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, should live and be well at age ninety-nine out in San Diego, California and to an entire nation of which you were one of its many heroes who served gallantly and with prestige and a renowned sense of distinction.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 2, 2015

A faultfinder will try to find something wrong in every scenario and this will cause much harm. Perhaps the young man who took your life, Officer Cook and nearly took the lives of your comrades had this particular character defect, though he was plotting and planning to carry out a nefarious and ignominious act against police officers long before this day. Very sad that his wickedness was launched against you and your loyal colleagues who took an affirmation to protect the public. You were a very noble and courageous man. A decent and very caring individual who took his talents where God intended for you to travel. You went down the road of resolve, the pathways of perseverance, the venues of vigilance and the avenues of astuteness. No one would ever fault your boldness and loyalty to act as heroically as you so faithfully did on May 16, 1979. Your family, friends, comrades whoever you shared those moments truly remembers the man behind Badge#1664, Officer William C. Cook. It is your memory that is saluted and embraced as a loving and treasured soul of a person who only wanted what was right for each resident of Dade County Florida. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Faults can be corrected. Evil we hope and pray can be eliminated and peace can permanently be placed back where it firmly belongs and that is on the streets of a community where admiration, representation and resolution were part of your professional demeanor.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 1, 2015

I believe, Officer Cook, I meant to say your honesty, dignity and stellar integrity has kept your good name and solid character together all these years later. You have to mean what you mean, say something that makes sense, is lucid and most logical. One should only speak when spoken to unless it is a matter of life and death. I'm sure quite a number of times you had to converse with more than one person at a time, but since your were an excellent police officer, both fair and unbiased, you were able to consider the plights of both parties. There was a situation that occurred in Baltimore, Maryland the other day. An African American man was arrested and died of injuries while in police custody. This is just the beginning. There were riots and looting, similar to what happened in Miami, Florida about a year after your tragic death. Now six officers have been arrested and charged with various crimes ranging from homicide to false imprisonment. I know and we all know from the deepest depths from our hearts, that you were a man of class, dignity, responsibility and loyalty. It's a shame not just when an officer dies in the line of duty, but while working for the citizens they both serve and protect the peace they go astray and disgrace and tarnish a uniform and badge they are supposed to wear and carry with not just bravery, but sterling character, morals and whatever they need to honorably carry out their assigned professional tasks. The Arthur Lee McDuffie Riots were what boiled over in Dade County, sadly you were not there my neighbor, friend and hero to help quell the violence, caused by colleagues from your department who beat this gentleman with their flashlights causing his death. And yet when they went to trial they were found innocent of all charges. Rest in peace. It is your honor, your soul that still and forever shines brightly in the darkest moments. Common sense and reason followed you all your twenty-five years of life and for all six years of faithful and resolute service with Metro-Dade's Police Department. You were a stand up person and a most reliable person when times got rough. Your calming voice can still be heard whispering sage advice to other officers and even to your loving family members. I know it's being heeded.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 1, 2015

We praise people when they excel in something special. Yet the most mundane chores seem to get overlooked. No one ever had to be concerned when it was on your shoulders, Officer Cook, to do the job professionally and correct the very first time out. Loyalty and faithful resolve can surely travel a long way for any police officer who deservedly and humbly engages in acts of honor and remains humble about what they just did. Heroes and heroines who dare to risk their lives to enhance our safety surely are forever entitled to all the praises and salutes of honor, dignity and stellar integrity which they steadfastly maintain in any community. You were one terrific gentleman, literally, but more importantly an excellently devoted and determined police officer. Metro-Dade Police Department has many talented and honest men and women patrolling its streets, you were one of forty-two loyal and specially blessed heroes so perfectly dedicated to the professional needs of all residents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2015

One who is deserving of accolades is the person who both quietly and humbly fulfills the tasks they are assigned to at the moment. Thank God we have many dedicated and fiercely loyal men and women in the police profession who are not afraid to get down, get dirty or banged up to dispense law and order among the citizens. Officer Cook, you took each day, each moment and analyzed what needed to be done. We have our list of priorities, yours was in making sure peace and unity were placed where they deserve to be. Thankfully, your loving nature along with honesty and good old fashioned integrity and dignity were embraced by you. We all knew where this came from. Your loving parents and the excellent upbringing you had along with an assortment of friends and colleagues who knew they had a true gem of an individual among their ranks. You certainly deserve all salutes, all remembrances and this has kept your stellar forever cemented along with the many other police heroes and heroines in and around the Dade County where you were respected and admired for having courage and fortitude to try and eradicate evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 29, 2015

When you and Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln answered that call, Officer Cook, you knew trouble was brewing. Everything you could do, you did and for that you are to be commended. There was no quit, Officer Cook, because your comrades knew your personality would not allow for that. Officers always have to look at their tasks and assignments for more than two sides. You have to be objective and subjective, yet firm and fair and unbiased. You were very blessed with many God-given talents and we all thank God for them. Your skill. Your integrity and honor, dignity and bravery were the things you left home each day with them on your uniform, badge and the patrol unit you drove around Dade County protecting people and keeping the safety and serenity of all mankind together. The proper maintenance of oneself is the source of how one behaves, since an officer's conduct must be beyond reproach. You were an excellent listener and an even better communicator all because of your caring and concern, your calmness and voice of passion and logic. How else could one sooth emotions of people when they become frayed? Your swiftness in reacting, your boldness to endeavor to save your comrades and those citizens who lives were being threatened by that young man, what can be said? Your heroic actions and ethical has stood out all these years later as does your glowing legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You gave your entire effort, Officer Cook, now it's up to those brave and caring men and women who have succeeded you to keep up the frantic pace. You are watching I'm sure and everyone knows this. Your soul keeps shining on down from heaven and this is a Godsend unto itself. You were humbly dedicated, devoted and fiercely loyal. And for this you will never be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2015

Unfortunately, there are police officers who behave in a rogue and rode manner. Arrogance and callousness have no place on the streets where good officers, talented and self-driven patrol with honor, dignity and integrity. Dade County and its citizens sure appreciated your wisdom, core of knowledge and maturity beyond your years, all excellent and very fruitful. Resourcefulness and resolve can only be utilized when an officer intensifies their concern for the total welfare of those they serve and protect. Why? Why did all that evil on May 16, 1979 rear its ugliness? No one knows. When humble public servants just doing their official tasks are attacked, harmed and have their lives taken by the wanton and heinous actions of someone troubled it gives one reason to think and to wonder why? You were a terrific person, Officer Cook, loved by your family, respected and admired by your colleagues and your personal friends, you were a dearly devoted gentleman, a treasured hero and an outstanding contributor to this world. You are missed and your life and career continues to be remembered and saluted today as does your legacy and the stellar character that is the hallmark of both your career and engaging life and personality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Nothing rude or rogue when it comes to the officer wearing badge#1664, Officer William C. Cook. It was your morals and ideals that carried you throughout anything you set your mind to fulfill and achieve you certainly did.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 28, 2015

Cooperation cannot happen without the carefully planned care and meaningful consideration of all residents. Fortunately, Officer Cook, you were there in honor, integrity and in dignity to see all things through. Liberty City or wherever you patrolled were made that much safer and more secure by your unwavering and unselfish endeavors. All this cannot occur if not for some perseverance and hard work to maintain the effort needed to carry out your professional responsibilities. Calming and calculating each plan you put into action to resolve what needed solving. You were the Metro-Dade Police Department's most humble public servant who shall forever be noted and saluted for your character, a word that can never get lost in the police profession. Bravery and courage reside with those lives and careers that distinctly reflect this notion of what decent people should represent among those who were born into this world to achieve, accomplish and to make things a little easier for all to get along. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2015

Flexibility in any person's life can certainly travel a long way. This can be achieved so long as an officer keeps their dignity, integrity and honor intact. Being firm, bending, but not snapping are the most sound methods that any officer can employ to solve and resolve any dilemma that calls for this means. You were that kind of officer, Officer Cook. Fair, yet firm. Decisive and no wavering, no waffling. It is your stellar commitment to peace, keeping this intact, the unity of Dade County residents who deserve at least this much for any officer. You delivered on boldness, swiftness and unselfishness. Your vigilance, your vitality and zest for life and the promising career that you steadily maintained have all been remembered by your professional peers and many friends who came to honor you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your character, your charisma were all the bright symbols of an outstanding and well lived life and very accomplished time you worked hard on our behalf to help keep us safe and secure.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 27, 2015

You always remembered to honor your parents, Officer Cook and after your father, Charles, may he rest in peace, passed away in November of 1976, you would make it your business to go and visit your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, each day and to check on her welfare. God bless you Mrs. Cook. Your son, Officer William C. Cook, your "Billy" or "Bill" as you addressed him was the stellar man, the treasured public servant who kept his affirmation in seeing that his community where he loved serving and protecting was shielded from the wanton violence that sadly took his life and kept a very promising career from becoming even more fulfilling. He did fulfill his dreams and aspirations. You kept wanting to soak up more knowledge, Officer Cook , like that proverbial sponge. Your insights, your intuition, your intellect were all a cut above the rest of the crowd of those colleagues who were as devoted as yourself. Just take your maturity and we could all imagine how successful we all would be with just a tad of hard work and honorable intentions. Always considerate, only caring about how you could muster the strength to gather those together to cooperate and to be able to live their lives freely and without any hint of tension and turmoil. It says a lot of your character and the heroic legacy you humbly started creating for yourself from the time of your birth. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Resolutions. promises and insights are meaningless unless backed by intensive motivation and sure handed commitment by all those men and women who bravely, courageously and valiantly accept all the challenges of their profession and take heart when they go out into the streets to patrol. You were a highly motivated police officer, who captivated those around you with your self-confidence knowing you were going to get the job done right with no second guessing. Thinking logically and soothing people with a calming voice of reason are why you are saluted and very highly thought of each and every day.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2015

When people suffer from any affliction, we should strive to use this as a vehicle for self-improvement. You utilized all your resources, Officer Cook, from honesty, dignity, integrity and dedication to spear-head your efforts to serve and to protect all residents of Dade County from violence and evil hatred and bloodshed. Your life and the career in which you sacrificed your life is the genesis of the word enhancement, which has made the lives of all people that much better. People can smile. They can laugh. They can endeavor to make an honest day's wages through self-preservation. The unity your effort brought forth for six years loyal and faithful years of hard work and in perseverance and particularly on May 16, 1979, has been a Godsend for those who have suffered from any type of affection or anguish. It's hard on those who admired and respected you to have continued your watch, but onward they must go. Your loving family members have continued the furthering of your humbleness and very giving and humane nature. Bravery, courage to face what must be faced in order try and either limit or eradicate its ugliness is something for the many valiant heroes and heroines who grace us with their gallantry and diligence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You graced us with so much more we could not even imagine. What you stood for in life, you represented in honor and commitment to boldly respond to a scene that needed someone with your knowledge, firmness and leadership abilities. Society thanks you, Officer Cook, for your steadfast desire, determination and dominance in fighting for the rights of all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 26, 2015

Encouraging a person to do what is deemed the proper thing will only have a positive effect on their life and even their career. You were the kind of individual, Officer Cook, who was not afraid to make a change if you felt it would make you a better officer. But of course since you were a faithful and a loyal public servant you had no problem with something that would be for the enhancement of the Dade County community where you were looked up to and greatly admired. Your leadership capabilities all came to the forefront because of the honorable intentions that all police officers must carry with them. And then the integrity and dignity have to follow close behind. Your alertness and boldness, the commitment to pride and excellence was always your signature and it was proudly and humanely worn on your uniform and on Badge#1664 that was pinned on your chest and now as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, it is still pinned to your chest. Your sacrifice is the living proof that nothing deterred you from your fulfillment and commitment to enhancing our lives for a brighter future. That future is now and tomorrow and it's a crying shame you could not be here to witness these tomorrows, these brighter days. I know your mother, sister and all your beloved family misses you. They can gaze up to the big blue sky and still see that big bright smile of yours. It will never disappear. Your life was a reflection of your character symbolized by doing good deeds and in helping others.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2015

The success of a person depends upon the effort that person is willing to put forth. All of us are great in the eyes of God and for what it is worth, if one puts forth the attempt to either change their personality or some characteristic trait, then the world will become a better place to both survive and prosper. One God devoted man, one loving husband, one loving and darling brother, Officer Cook, you were Charles and Julia Cook's caring and loyal son. You were a warrior who was unafraid to change how we live. Your police career is the living testimony of how we should all strive to utilize our greatness and potentials to the best of our abilities. After all we are each given a carefully planned blueprint on how to live and to conduct our lives by principles and rules of proper conduct including how we speak to one another. Honesty, dignity and integrity should be our governing body of how we choose to live in peace and in unity among all mankind. Arrogance and conceit blind a person from stepping forward and carrying out their tasks. On May 16, 1979, you, Officer Cook, my neighbor, friend and hero carried out these roles because of your humble intellect and professional accomplishments and you will be forever remembered as a Dade County police hero whose stellar life and career will always be your legacy. Big shoes to fill. As you would say we must go on. We cling to those precious memories and to the day when we will see you once again. Rest in peace. Your calming voice was just a humble reminder of how we should speak to each other.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 25, 2015

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