Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

One should not allow laziness to cause you to procrastinate. So when delinquency and dereliction to duty end up colliding with one another the results are sure to be bad. But, when dignity, honor and integrity go down the same road, traveling the same paths, the opposite usually occurs and the results of resourcefulness and success are high up that proverbial ladder. All your work, Officer Cook, was totally and without any hidden agendas for the welfare and good of Dade County residents. You were as humbly confident and sure of your abilities and your professional performance made you able to lead other officers through the daily chores of policing and protecting. You were one to take care of your business when it needed to be handled thus allowing peace, unity and prosperity to settle in among those who admired and shared your work ethic. Some are born with talent, others it takes a little longer for those skills to come to the forefront. Outstanding service followed by class, decency and morals all becoming a top notch police officer. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, your courage, your bravery and valor validates what we recognized all along, that your stellar character and transparent legacy are here to be reflected upon forever. Your cherished and giving soul continues its climb to God's heavenly kingdom as it lights up this land. It's the total reflection of both your life lived with humility and your pristine career highlighted by humbleness. More officers need to stay on the ball as you persevered in order to achieve success.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2015

Increasing one's initiative generally helps one accomplish more. But since you were that kind of caring, compassionate and honest individual, Officer Cook, no pushing, prodding or anymore motivation was necessary for you to do your professional tasks. In life we find out that there are those who need so to speak a "kick in the pants" to get them going. Police work is all about challenges. It is those dignified and honorable men and women who succeed in life and during their careers no matter the duration. Your life and career, Officer Cook, were sadly taken while you had much more left to gift and to fulfill in this world. You had the best in two loving parents who transmitted to both you and to your sister, Nancy, the very important lessons in life and these included, do right, being honest and possessing the much needed morals and character to become first class citizens. So when you went out serving and protecting Dade County residents keeping them unified and peaceful, those traits were already attached to your uniform and badge of commitment to honor, pride and excellent service to all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your valor, courage and bravery was indeed born within you and for your sacrifice you have been remembered as a police hero here in Dade County forever. Your legacy of service, decency and integrity will too be remembered by your co-workers, family and friends.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2015

Canvassing and caring, all part of any given officer's daily routine. The safety and welfare of a community depends upon that officer's cooperation they receive from within their community, it also involves the dignity, integrity and honesty of that officer. You were the every best, Officer Cook , in leading others and being instrumental in helping to both calm and sooth people's emotions when they became frayed. As revered and as admired as you were during your time, it's no wonder you were singled out for accommodations for your excellent police work . Dade County citizens have something to be optimistic for as their enhancements are a direct result of your unselfish bravery, courage to commitment and the validation of your valiant attempts on May 16, 1979, to stop a dispute between two persons that threatened a part of Dade County where you served and protected with the utmost character, class and desire. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. For our heroes and heroines of dedication, devotion and determination, there is always going to be a special place reserved in God;s kingdom to receive their loving embraces when they lay down their lives to keep alive the hopes and aspirations of others. They now become our heroes and heroines of inspiration. You more than cared, Officer Cook. You pitched in more times than we will ever know. The foundations of liberty, unity and peace are now securely and always have been part of your glowing legacy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2015

All police officers have their strengths and perceived weaknesses. It is up to that officer to try and improve upon their weaknesses so as not to be exposed to the dangers and perils that lurk out in the streets where they patrol serving and protecting the common interest of peace and unity for all. You were an amazing person, Officer Cook. Truly a treasured and a most cherished and faithfully resourceful gentleman. Dade County citizens came to know, respect and admire your integrity, honesty and inherent dignity. It carried you quite well for twenty-five years and for six years as a Metro-Dade Police Officer. That void that has been left by your untimely passing may never truly be filled, only through the hopes of optimism and dignity among all mankind that you labored tirelessly to achieve. Your legacy and the very foundations of your stellar character are the benchmarks all future officers aspire to become. You worked, you became devoted to your profession. Hard work and effort usually produce positive results. You cared and you were there in boldness and commitment to pride and excellence so uniquely found among the brave, courageous and valiant heroes and heroines of the law enforcement community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were that personable officer to help make all of your comrades stronger in faith, honor and resolve. No prodding was ever needed to motivate you. Today's officers need much more motivating to succeed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2015

I know whatever you did, Officer Cook, you accomplished with modesty, humbleness and above all, you did it was honor and class, the very best lessons that your loving parents taught you stayed ingrained within your being. So too, your life and career as a Metro-Dade Police Officer were only focused on the maintenance and welfare of all citizens. You gave with your heart, the stained glass window your beloved wife, Karen, donated in your memory to your church was given with humbleness, class and the highest amount of regards, respect and unconditional love she had for you, Officer Cook. Bravery, courage and valor are not the things all persons are born with, you grew up and learned the important lessons behind these words and what it means to live your life as a hero of which you will forever be in Dade County Police History. That glass window signifies sacrifice, dignity and integrity all of which you possessed and so much more, so much more life did you have to live. Our Creator must take the very best of His angels to patrol His streets and you my neighbor, friend and hero are truly one of them. Rest in peace. Our beloved professionals of the law enforcement community give each day, sometimes, sadly an officer's sacrifice is that way of enhancing a given area and the legacy of that particular hero or heroine's character is there for us to see how they reacted when commitment to pride and excellence is called upon.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2015

In all different types of work certain plans have to be drawn, certain preparations made, in your day, Officer Cook, the officer that stays cool, calm and collected usually has the best results. In other words the outcome is for the benefits of the residents who are served and protected. May 16, 1979, was a day no one expected to end on a somber note. Yes, you were there to serve all Dade County, yes, you were decent and filled with honesty. Finally, yes, your dignity and integrity were at the front of the ranks. Sometimes, we plan, it is up to Our Creator with His help steering us from place to place where we try to succeed. You did this very superbly for six years of loyal and faithful commitment to excellence. This boldness, this unwavering and unselfish resourcefulness has made huge strides in how people live with their freedoms, peace and unity surrounding them. Your legacy, Officer Cook, rests here in this world, as you my neighbor, friend and hero rest in peace with your distinguished and most humble soul continuing to light up a community that sometimes seems more troubled than other venues around the country. Your valor, courage and bravery were the outstanding traits of a well lived life and profoundly professional and a most consummately fulfilled career. One born from devotion to duty and a sheer desire to help all others. No one can ever take away your good name and all the wonderful humanities you performed during your twenty-five years of life. Perseverance and excellent preparation usually lead to good things. You were that kind of gentleman and even more so that as a police officer.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2015

Seeing a young man smiling with so much more life left to fulfill so many things, one can only wonder what things would be like today, Officer Cook, with your serene and loving presence helping keep your family and their dreams and goals focused on what needs to be done. They have marched on and have dedicated their desires and devotions to those that you held dear to your heart. A heart of gold, a heart that gave back more to Dade County residents than one could imagine. Your honesty, dignity and integrity were the characteristics that indeed make up an honest officer. You were one determined individual who sought to relieve people of their burdens and enhance their peace, freedom and unity to do whatever they choose to accomplish. A treasured and truly righteous individual who lived his life by ethics and morals, the fabric of your endearing and heroic legacy stays knitted together this day and forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, it was your grace and gregarious nature which is remembered by your loving family and the police family of which you served and protected alongside of so many brave and courageous personnel of the law enforcement profession. Your smile, Officer Cook, has continued brightening those darkest days. The gloom of evil will be confronted and eradicate done day. Your sacrifice on behalf of mankind will serve as the springboard for peace and happiness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2015

Agile, able, astute assertive, words that people need in order to achieve beyond their God given abilities. All police officers when confronted with a problem need calm, dignity, honor and enhanced integrity to be able come up with a resolution. You were the very best at solving and calming people, Officer Cook. Your training knowledge did enable to to fix what needed fixing. If only that day of May 16, 1979, could things have been simply patched up by your commitment to excellence and the boldness of your low tone of voice and the sound logic you applied to all assignments that came your way. Surely, your approaches were successful for the most part and the legacy of quality character, bravery, courage and valor will not be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a five star police officer who employed all the right tools to get the job done right the first time. You were one of many heroes and heroines in Dade County who were able to keep peace and unity bonded together. Enhancements and improvements are what we expect our men and women of law enforcement to represent as they are the public servants to the citizens they both protect and serve. And serve with wisdom and great fortitude.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2015

I meant to say, Officer Cook, firm, yet fair. Fruitful and devoted. You were everything parents would expect from their children. Astute, yet humble. Respectful yet reserved. Courteous not careless. Considerate not callous. Wonderful not wandering. Whatever it takes for a police officer to perform their jobs promptly, prudently and professionally, then this is precisely what is required. The ones who display, integrity, honor and dignity, have the perseverance and diligence to succeed. Many have tried, some may have failed. Effort can sometimes make up for what is lacking, but given the kind of officer a department is looking to hire, then much more in terms of character and skill are definitely needed for success to be achieved. You were at top of the line in humility and bravery, nothing could take that line down. That day, on May 16, 1979, you were right there in Liberty City, Miami, Florida coming to the aid of your colleagues and those civilians who saw you patrol their area quite a lot. It speaks a lot of your courage and convictions, your valiant attempts to thwart evil, what you meant to society as a whole could never again be replicated. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your fairness, your boldness has made believers of all residents of Dade County as to what one gentleman's actions could do to fortify in terms of growth and in enhancement of peace, unity and the liberty to pursue one's aspirations, dreams and desires. We must not forget they were yours as well, Officer Cook, Your sacrifice has surely helped bond a community together where you were known, respected and greatly admired for your talents, charm and charisma. And you have been greatly missed ever since that very tragic day in Dade County police history. A hero forever!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2015

Everything from the moment a police officer graduates from the police academy, puts on their uniform until the time they retire has to be performed on a professional level of mutual trust and understanding. The officers must be firm, yet firm, honest with integrity, careful not callous. Considerate and dignified. This is what Dade County residents come to expect from all their men and women of bravery, boldness, commitment to excellence, pride and perseverance. You were just that type of professional, Officer Cook, all of your intentions without any shadow of doubt were for heaven's sake and it is precisely because of your monumental motivations that God now has a legendary hero stationed next to Him as you are for safekeeping, patrolling those golden streets where no more harm will ever come your way. Your positive influence resonated loudly through your department and the Central Division where you worked tirelessly to promote freedom, peace and unity. It was not what you could get, it was what you could give and you gave plenty back to the citizens in humility and humbleness, this is what your heroic legacy rests upon. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When a man wears his pride on his chest and performs over and beyond the calls of duty we respect and admire him, you've been proudly noted and saluted for your service and will forever remain a cherished and treasured individual, you will always be our hero and an officer that all others will look up to.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2015

When placed in a leadership position over other officers the leader of those women and men has to act accordingly and to able to give commands that will benefit the citizens and those of the officers themselves. The safety and security of everyone rides on those decisions that need to be made. It was obvious that you were a born leader, Officer Cook, as you had the humble ingenuity and intelligence to give directions. Your status as a top notch police officer, a man of honor, a person of dignity and decency, a gentleman of stellar integrity, it was a God given talent you had in leading others as not everyone is born with this trait. We are supposed to give people the benefit of doubt, in your profession, where lives of both the officers and the public are on the line, this cannot always happen. Though, you constantly strived for consistency all done with class and dignity, you be remembered for your valor, courage, courtesy and bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2015

I'm amazed as I read once again of a police shooting, Officer Cook, in Cleveland, Ohio in which an officer was found innocent of killing two persons who had led police on a chase across the city of Cleveland. There were one-hundred and thirty-seven shots fired at this car at two African American persons, a man and a woman. This particular officer according to the judge who ruled on the case said he didn't know who fired the fatal shots. The prosecutor also stated its case was not totally airtight, it had some reasonable doubt. I'm glad in your day, Officer Cook, you were a careful and studious officer, who was decent and honorable. What has our society nowadays come to? The court ruled the shooting as justified in that the officer may have been in danger of his life. We know police have to take certain actions to protect not only themselves but the public at large that they took an affirmation to serve and to protect. The peace and unity of all communities and neighborhoods must resonate loudly and not be disturbed by wanton violence and evil. Perhaps, this couple should have slowed down, pulled over and obeyed the directives of those officers. We of course were not in that vehicle and we cannot pretend to be in their minds as to what they possibly were pondering. You were a level minded officer. You were reasonable and rational. You were respected. I think people took you seriously as they knew you from patrolling their streets for six years of professional commitment to excellence, pride and honor. Chief Dale Bowlin would not place any of his talented and reliable officers in charge of others if he knew they could not lead and first take orders before giving them. A lot goes in the makeup of such highly distinguished women and men. Valor, bravery and valor does constitute part of this equation. By being resourceful and gaining positive results that is how any officer's career is going to end up after they retire. Something, Officer Cook, you should have been allowed to do on your own terms. Somethings are completely in Our Creator's hands, as He has many humble, cherished and loyal servants such as yourself cradled there for eternal safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your service of devotion, dedication and sincere determination will always serve as an inspiration forever. There was no finer officer who served their time with as much class and decency as you did. You'll always be remembered for enhancing the beauty and quietness of all Dade County residents and their venues. Thank the Lord you donned your uniform with the utmost epitome of grace and gallantry.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2015

A devout and faithful person has a mastery over their traits. Difficulties may arise periodically, the individual who has complete faith and trust in the Almighty will be able to overcome. You had this trait, Officer Cook, first of all, you and your sister, Nancy, grew up in a caring and loving home, nurtured by the love and warmth, charm and grace of your two loving parents. They would not allow failure or pessimism to creep into your home. As you were growing up you learned all the valuable lessons that life has to offer. Honesty, responsibility, integrity and dignity would surely cling to you as you begin your trek to becoming a top notch police officer. The peace, the serene nature of Dade County and its citizens would soon become your number one priority as you served and protected all people with that same level of calmness and unbiased fairness. No one is perfect, yet you were one of the best officers during your watch and its was your stellar character and heroic humbleness that you will forever be remembered for. Once a hero or heroine's legacy is built upon the foundations of bravery, courage and valor it can never be torn down. It stays a part of your family, your comrades and friends from outside your profession for all future generations to stand up and take careful notice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2015

Love of wisdom increases your wisdom and since your were wise and mature, Officer Cook, beyond your years, it is no wonder you were a very devoted and resourceful police officer. Your caring concern, coupled with your intuitive and intelligent nature was what helped you sustain yourself and that of those officers who partnered with you sometimes. We all need something to acquire something, after all, we are all born from a blueprint of what God expects us to all accomplish. That is to make this a safer world to live, learn, laugh a little, love a little and produce results that make us humbly proud. Well you achieved, Officer Cook, you didn't just try. You got the job done and as a matter of fact, you did your assignments in an honorable and dignified manner. The scope of your integrity is something that all officers today could surely use a lesson or two in. You loved your family, they loved you, you could not have made them prouder. You were a respectful gentleman. A treasured and a most cherished leader of hope, optimism and you continue to inspire as you did when you first started your police career nearly forty-two years ago. A man of reason for all seasons, you instilled class and decency out on Dade County streets while serving and protecting the public interest. Unity, peace and prosperity could not have been placed in any better hands than yours. As God now cradles one of his many angels of sterling character and heroic humility, let it be known that your legacy remains forever etched in all our hearts and souls. It bonds the past, the present and the future. This is the cornerstone, the foundation, the building block that all police departments should begin. Take one look at Officer William C. Cook, Badge#1664. Do a little research and you'll find the reason why. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 23, 2015

Venerable and versatile, honorable and humble, these are the characteristics we look for in our heroes and heroines of the law enforcement profession. The police departments that hire their officers look at many other issues, among them of course is desire, dignity and stellar integrity. Of which you maintained all of these, Officer Cook, as you patrolled the corridors of Dade County. Your sense of guidance and direction not only improved enhancements back when you performed your tasks, but have continued on this day thirty-six years after you gave your life to secure the freedom, peace and unity for all. A very uniquely talented and skilled individual who was not only well received, but well respected among the ranks of all your colleagues. Your service of distinction, dedication and determination has continued its march, though you have been greatly missed by all, your loving police family and its surrounding community as well as your loving family members who have been successful in all their endeavors as you watch from God's heavens above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The light of your soul, Officer Cook, will always shine down upon us with the consideration, care and concern you carried for all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 23, 2015

You really loved your profession and the opportunities that presented themselves to you, Officer Cook. You were self-confident, motivated to all the essential causes. You were honorable and dignified. You knew when to ease up a bit and when to be firm and in control. That is why all officers enjoyed working side by side with you. A person who is humble, yet knows their limitations and when to utilize them properly will have more success than the one who is lacking these qualities. Arrogance can only inflame a situation. Composure and confidence carry equal weight as much as diligence and determination. Your success and achievements in both your life and during your police career were centered upon knowing what needed to be used to bring resolve to a situation. And loyalty and humility assisted you as much as your maintaining a calm and optimistic approach. Life is filled with challenges, police officers, whatever job you choose to perform, do it with integrity, perform it with candor and wisdom, carry it out with class and decorum, it's the decent thing to do and you did everything my neighbor, friend and hero with the essence of class and character which humbly represents your heroic legacy. Dade County residents rest, relax whatever they choose to do because of your unselfish bravery, unwavering support to valor, grace and courage. Rest in peace. Serenity along with a sense of humor do help lighten the mood from time to time. Being constantly under stress does not serve any use. You were a hero and a cherished Godsend. You were there because you cared. Not scared. We all have some fears, officers cannot exhibit these fears, otherwise how can they perform at an optimal level.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2015

At times compassion can distort justice. This cannot ever happen. What is supposed to occur is common sense, objectivity, fairness, honesty, dignity and integrity, obviously awareness of the problem at hand which relies on the officers and their impartial judgment. You never showed favoritism, Officer Cook, you never displayed anger, when things may have seemed out of hand, it was your level head, clear conscience and sure resourcefulness. Police officers are not all alike, but their actions have to warrant using composure and this must be applied regularly. Compassion, kindness, care and consideration are all fine traits to acquire, but they too must be balanced equitably and utilized in a very proficient and prudent manner. The brave, the valiant and the courageous must incorporate, decency, dignity and whatever ethical means are called upon to reach a fair conclusion and resolution to the problem or dilemmas at hand. You were fair to all people, Officer Cook, you kept your poise and powers of persuasion together as one unit. You kept persevering in all your actions, May 16, 1979, was no different, you went to a scene, a dispute of domestic consequences and you attempted to rationally and calmly convince a troubled young man to surrender. Your swiftness to respond, your boldness to honor your commitment to assist your colleagues and those civilians in trouble sent a message to all citizens of Dade County that heinousness and evil will not ever be tolerated. You were a treasured soul, a humble public servant serving the right causes and your stellar character will always remain a vital foundation of what we come to expect from our police officers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your thoughtfulness and sacrifice has enabled all the enhancements to continue blossoming today.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2015

Promises are meant to be kept and not broken. Law enforcement personnel are not in the profession to make promises, though, they do act from time to time as negotiators which I'm sure you did from time to time, Officer Cook, all on a count of your calming and reassuring tone of voice, which in turn helped you give direction to your comrades who like you were fighting the forces of wickedness every day in Dade County. How could the residents be any more safer and secure? There are limits. Police officers must go over and beyond the limits of integrity and honesty when dealing with any given crisis placed before them. Bravery, cunning and sheer talent, skill and will power must then takeover and arrange the tone. You were a happy man, Officer Cook. You were a charitable and devout gentleman. You were loyal and humble, resourceful and caring beyond any doubt. Your heroic actions at all times have certainly enhanced a community where you were welcomed, admired and respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When I say go over the limits of integrity, it must stay with them at all times even in their private and quiet moments too. It must be treated as a sacred bond which one takes when they first put on a uniform to begin their career. Treat it well with excellence, honor and pride, you'll be amazed how far it can carry you to achievement. The goal is to serve and protect. Wisdom and righteousness go very well in the scope of that plan.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 21, 2015

When wording a rebuke or slight correction of someone, you must do so with caution. Police officers come to rely on their basic instincts to get a message across to the general population. When people make unreasonable demands of us, we must not show anger, rather, one must exhibit patience which is a virtue. Officer Cook, as brave, courageous and as valiant a police officer that you were in performance, intelligence, integrity and in dignity for six years, you led the way for all other officers who followed you in the pathways of honesty which you so faithfully pursued in Dade County helping make peace, liberty and unity a reality for its citizens and you will never be forgotten for your straightforward approach and fairness beyond comparison. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Residents took you for your word, a bond of humble and respected loyalty. God rewards the patience, perseverance and humility of all His public servants.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 21, 2015

Successful, astute, confident, resolving, intuitive, fruitful, independent, considerate and effusive. Sacrifice, a word most people incorporate into their lifestyles and or their careers. If words and well wishes could bring you back with us, Officer Cook, things would probably be better for all of us. You certainly devoted your life and those ideals which were instilled in you at a young age to many causes. Serving as a humble public servant for all of Dade County residents, promoting peace and unity and its values that are central to helping make people's lives more healthier, more humane, more prosperous, what more can we say? Of course before all this takes shape, you must carry some honor, quite a lot of it, enhanced dignity and integrity to assist you in navigating around the various venues where you patrolled with gallantry and grace, vigilance and diligence, persistence and perseverance. When someone we revere, when someone we love and care about, we someone we respect and admire does for us what not every person would dare to accomplish, then we call this a sacrifice and for this we honor every resting officer whose bravery, courage and valor is beyond our greatest comprehension with all the salutes of pride an din excellence to boldness, in commitment and that is a legacy which stays etched upon our hearts and souls forever, not just on granite or marble slabs for those to pause and reflect. For your heroic and loyal actions, Officer Cook, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Bravery and swiftness helps overcome callousness and wickedness. You surely acted in a most outstanding manner, Officer Cook , on May 16, 1979, one of many days never to be forgotten. You won't be forgotten. Liberty City has not forgot you. Police history holds its heroes and heroines close to their hearts forever. And you are together with your father, Charles, may he too rest in peace. God has you both cradled in His palms for eternal safekeeping.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2015

A police department, that is all police departments need to stay focused on all its officers having quality of character, good morals, honesty, integrity and dignity. We can never lose sight of all of our brave and courageously talented women and men from our law enforcement profession. You were a supremely and humbly talented officer, Officer Cook, your values and focus never waned, you concentrated on your tasks at hand each day and for this the citizens of Dade County will be forever grateful to you for keeping their hopes, dreams, unity and calmness alive. It is you my neighbor, friend and hero who too should be alive and well continuing to live out your life, your dreams with your beloved wife, Karen. If you do read these reflections I post of your beloved husband, Officer Cook, may he rest in peace, you should realize I cared about him when I first heard of what happened to him and how bad I felt and cried when I continue to read about his life and career as we grew up in the same area of North Miami Beach, Florida. His career and life along with that of your life and nursing career went hand and hand. Two loving and giving people, two cherished souls, Officer Cook's soul and enduring legacy continue to light up this world, one he made a little better by his unwavering and unselfish commitment to pride, honor and excellence. The book "Forgotten Heroes" brought back memories of old, yet nothing is old. Today at age sixty-one, you still would be helping people and being with your mother, may she live and be well. Sadly, twenty-nine years after his untimely passing did I read that he lived in North Miami Beach, Florida. You too, Karen, you and your husband should live and be well.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2015

Wow! Today was the day thirty-six years ago that your colleagues, family and friends bid you a final farewell at your Inspector's Funeral, Officer Cook. This was a sad day for my family as well, it was my parents last anniversary they shared and celebrated together. I'm sorry we did not attend your services and regret very deeply not meeting you personally or your mother. At least I received a very touching letter from your mother and met your niece, Gina and her husband, Trevor and their kids. Great family. But that goes without saying. A man of principles. A humble public servant of faith, devotion and resolve. A treasured and loyal gentleman of honesty, dignity and integrity. Thirty-six years, moreover forty-two years ago seeing you in your uniform, one you wore proudly and with compassion for all behind our American flag, does bring a tear to my eyes. You gave up your life and a career you excelled at to bring enhancement and change to all Dade County citizens. Everyone wished you could have been part of that change, Officer Cook. You were unfazed and undaunted by any challenges that came your way. Life itself is a tall order filled with many tests and challenges, it is up to us to overcome any stumbling blocks placed our way. Bravery, desire, commitment to excellence are not traits we are all born with, your were born with sincerity, class and decency. Thank the Lord for your wonderful parents, sister and most of all, yourself, my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer William C. Cook, a beloved Godsend and a very trustworthy and talented police officer. Rest in peace. Just as it was on May 19, 1979, today is too a Chamber of Commerce day in Miami, bright sunny skies and hot of course. Those dog days of summer are fast approaching. You'll never be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 19, 2015

Doing acts of kindness without expecting anything in return. Police officers are expected to live up to this creed. You did this for your entire life and six year police career, Officer Cook, never looking for anything in return. No ulterior motives. All your motives were well placed and well spent. No resentment. Only the gratitude of all Dade County who came to know and admire your honesty, dignity, integrity, driven desire and sincere work ethic. Your humbly heroic actions on May 16, 1979, served as a springboard for the advanced enhancement and prosperity for all mankind. Your bravery, courage and valor have since and forever will travel down the same path as your strength of character and the legacy you left for your family, colleagues and friends to travel through. God takes His most humblest of angels to patrol His golden streets, He never loses sight of them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 19, 2015

Whatever we do, we should do so to serve the Almighty, for it is by His hands that we have been created to serve Him. And serve and protect, you did this exceedingly well, Officer Cook, so loyal, faithful, reliable, responsible and dependable, nothing more could be asked of our devoted and honorable public servants. Our health and welfare are our number priority, so you took excellent care of yourself, ate right, worked out by playing tennis with your friends and got the proper amount of sleep at night. Nothing like a good night's sleep while the stars are twinkling. Your dignity and integrity was always shining like the sun, too bad the young man who took your young life and ended a police career headed for humble greatness did not have his affairs, honesty and dignity structured and set up properly. But, you will forever be honored for having the courage, valor and bravery to act in an outstanding manner on May 16, 1979, to ward off more trouble in the Liberty City areas of Miami in Dade County keeping serenity, unity and togetherness bonded as one. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No one ever forgets a gentleman of commitment, boldness and most of all quality of character which was your life, career and upbringing and now becomes the very treasured and cherished part of your legacy. All those ideals, all those values surely made you very successful and qualified to lead other officers. You made your family, comrades and all your acquaintances very proud to have known you, loved you, admired and respected you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2015

Always strive to be your best each day. Look at it as another opportunity to make the world a better place. If police officers ascribed to this theory then perhaps some would not go off course in terms of honesty, dignity and integrity which are paramount tools in performing one's job of serving and protecting. Lacking the wisdom to make correct decisions can surely lead or cost someone their life God forbid. Officer Cook, you never were lacking in anything as humbly stated by your friend, Chief Jacobs, you were years ahead of the crowd in terms of maturity and intellect, everything you did on behalf of all Dade County residents served to make them more secure, more at rest, more at ease and more unified. Yesterday, there was an article in the Miami Herald regarding the McDuffie incidents and the riots in Dade County that ensued in 1980. Your former boss, Chief Dale P. Bowlin was mentioned as was the former director of the Metro-Dade Police Department, Bobby Jones. If you were still on the force those were your colleagues and even though they were acquitted by a jury in Tampa, Florida where the trial was moved, there was plenty of wisdom and whatever else lacking. You were a good person. You were a humanely faithful and loyal public servant. You were tremendously devoted, determined and dedicated to your profession and of course to your lovely family and beloved wife, Karen. It was your heroic actions of bravery, courage, valor and commitment to excellence that you will forever be remembered for. Your legacy is one built on the foundations of decency, class and strength of your sterling character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If there was one wise thing lacking in your day, it would have been sidepanels for you and your comrades. You always prepared and were ready for battle at all times. Evil must be wiped out and eliminated in order for the good of mankind to prosper and to achieve those goals necessary for survival.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2015

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