Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

Leave a Reflection

Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Motherhood is the highest and most noblest occupation. Amen to that. For without others loving and devoted mothers, we would not be here in this world being fruitful and fulfilling the promises that we are each born with. Your wonderful mother, Officer Cook, at age ninety-nine, has lived all her life since her darling and honorable son,yourself, was taken away much too young with unfulfilled dreams and goals left to achieve. You did accomplish many things during your twenty-five years of life, namely you served with a unique air of humbleness, you were devoted to noble causes while keeping both your integrity and dignity intact. You were polite and courteous. Kind and considerate. Wickedness and its ugly scent has surely been lessened by the enormous strength of your character, precision and outstanding performance. From a personal standpoint, you were a truly treasured, cherished and loyal public servant, whose diligence and vigilance in serving and in protecting all Dade County residents shall remain as your legacy as humane and as endearing forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We thank God for the many mothers, as loving, compassionate as they are. Your mother, Officer Cook, will be in my thoughts and prayers. If you read any of these reflections of your supremely and bravely humble son, Officer William C. "Billy" Cook, Bill to his friends, know I have always remembered and will continue to carry on his loving memory by emulating the goodwill and heroic actions he delivered each and everyday to this world. Mrs. Cook, I still would love to meet you or to personally speak with you. God bless you. A humble, devout and kind a person as this world could ever know along with your late husband, Charles, may he too rest in peace. Probably are plenty of smiles abounding in God's kingdom as I leave this reflection. Laughter is good for the heart and soul. I would surmise after parenthood, police work is the most humblest of professions in that it takes the absolute proper individual to perform all its assignments particularly with honesty and correct physical and mental fortitude. You had that Officer Cook and so many more wonderfully endearing characteristics. To witness your child succeed gives parents the greatest pleasure they could have. Your children, Nancy and her darling younger brother, Billy, Officer Cook, both prepared well and were ready for the challenges that life sends our way.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 10, 2015

When you love something, pursue it with all your might and vigor. Wisdom, honesty, dignity and integrity should be pursued and followed intensely. How else can one succeed without these key factors? People loved and respected your intellect and everything about you, Officer Cook. The calmness, the knowledge, the leadership abilities you brought with you to the Metro-Dade Police Department are going to be enshrined within the headquarters of your division for generations to come. You cannot forget any officer who goes over and beyond what is required of them. On May 16, 1979, actions dictated you going to a domestic call, one you handled many other times bravely and most professionally. People of course react to different situations, as do the officers themselves who are trained to handle anything that comes their way. Fear didn't get into your mind, you courageously went with your partner, your unwavering commitment was outstanding as you saved your colleagues and those civilians from an even worse fate. No telling what today would be like seeing your smiling face and radiant presence among us. You could light up an entire room I'm sure of that. Your character and class did indeed grace this world for twenty-five years. They come and go quickly in the blink of an eye. Now comes the time to honor your memory, to salute your assertiveness and astuteness for what you meant to the peace and safety of all Dade County residents. Your legacy was being built beginning on November 30, 1953 up until May 16 ,1979. It keeps expanding as your cherished soul continues climbing higher and higher. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were undaunted by challenges, sadly that young man presented both you and your comrades with one challenge, one assignment where God tried His best to intervene and deliver you to a safer resolution. You were a man of resourcefulness. You were a capable and dignified man of action. No passiveness whatsoever and that is why you will be forever honored, admired and revered, loved by your family, peers and loads of personal friends. The entire police nation suffered greatly when you left us much too soon. But the memories stay with us forever as does your good name.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2015

Because of your strong driven desire to become a top notch police officer, Officer Cook, for those who knew you personally, it is plain to see why you had much success in all your endeavors. God usually drives those who cling to His teachings and for sure you did for all your life and career which was filled with honor, dignity and much integrity and still had much more left to fulfill. You won't be forgotten for your bravery, courage, valor and commitment to pride, honesty and excellence. Those that at first fail must pick themselves up and keep pursuing. We were created to make this world a better place to live and to prosper. You were a humble public servant, whose charisma and character stood the tests of time. We all wish you were given more time for we know, your family, friends and comrades knew you to be a talented leader, mature beyond your years, wise and wonderfully devoted to all the right causes of peace, unity and the relentless pursuits of freedom which assist us in any and in all endeavors in life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Police officers must have a strong will to overcome any negative things that could spell trouble for them and the citizens they serve and protect. Your determination, dedication, devotion and desire to duty has all been surely etched in those marble and granite walls as has your legacy as one of the many Dade County police heroes and heroines. No one forgets goodness and one who gives up their life for the enhancement of the people they are both faithful and loyal to. Goodwill trumps evil and you, Officer Cook, delivered promise each and everyday. No half hearted attempts, just one-hundred percent full and undivided effort. Your principles, ethics and morals were incorporated into your priorities of the residents being number one as they should always be.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 9, 2015

When someone we know and love passes away, gets killed young or old, we mourn them, we remember them for the honesty, dignity and integrity with which they represented themselves in their communities where they served and protected those residents with distinction. You were that kind of special man, Officer Cook, for six years of devotion, determination and dedication you made an excellent accounting of yourself. The accolades of honor followed behind you, you were not that kind of gentleman nor police officer. You shunned the limelight and instead preferred serving wit a humble and loving nature. A person's tone of voice can sometimes be the deciding factor in how they are going to successfully perform their assignments. God directed your pathways in life. It is our faith and fates that are placed into God's hands to keep us safe and sound. May 16, 1979, stands as that day when after twenty-five years of a most dignified life and sound career that He called you home. Violence took you from our midst very sadly while you still had much more to fulfill. It is your wonderfully loving family members who gracefully carry on with that which you left unfinished. Your mission of hope, grace and valor has certainly illuminated the darkest of days. your cherished and treasured soul keep watching us as it looks down from God's heavenly kingdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Legacies are not just given, they are earned by the quality and strength of one's character. Yours, Officer Cook, was measured by your total daily effort with which you put forth. All residents can be quite thankful for someone like yourself to be around serving us with prudence and to wear the police uniform proudly while helping those who might not have been able to help themselves. all those proud moments you gave your parents along with your sister, Nancy, are the ones that will last a lifetime. They can never be taken. A hero's good name and actions of wisdom, maturity and leadership, they too can not be extinguished. All police officers need to live and perform by a crede of standards and ethics, otherwise heaven help those who rely on these men and women of sound mind and body to acquit themselves in a meaningful way to keep peace and unity as one. Your memory conjures up only positive things as to why you were so reliable and highly respected and admired. Badge#1664 meant so much to your family, a community at large that won't ever forget your sacrifice.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2015

One should not try to impress others with their humility. Presenting false images of how one should conduct their affairs is to be frowned upon. There was no fooling around, no mirage only the finest effort reserved for the good citizens of Dade County. Our hopes,dreams and the faith and trust we put in Our Creator to steer us through our daily destinies. Officer Cook, you were a man of faith and principle, you were a man of integrity, honor and dignity. Our lives, our feats, our actions are placed in God's hands. we can contemplate all the reasons as to why things happen. Why do they to such nice people, a man such as yourself, humble and admired, loyal and faithful. Your resolve to get things done will be one of the many ways you will be forever remembered. Caring, kind, brave and cheerful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, your class of character dictates how you are well thought. A person's actions also dictate how their good name is spread throughout society and yours was one of humble proportions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 8, 2015

Good work needs to be publicized and when police officers are both humble and loyal, the results usually speak for themselves. Your work, Officer Cook was the complete and total example of character, honesty and devotion. You made people feel good about themselves. It was a quiet confidence, a model officer who delved into only something that would benefit mankind. We the people are grateful, exceedingly loyal to a man of keen vision, quality of principles. How else could we honor your good name and a life built on the foundations of dignity and integrity? Our police heroes and heroines their whole lives and careers professionally stand forever as legacies of sheer dedication, devotion, desire and faithfulness. One can't buy happiness, you surely cannot buy any of these traits, one is raised with them and then one continues to comport themselves by these traits in a decent and distinguishable fashion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You carried both the flag and torch of the Metro-Dade Police Department with diligence and deserve all the accolades that come your way today. Your spirit certainly keeps on soaring higher and higher everyday. All because you were functioning on a higher level than most comrades. You kept the wheels of decency, dignity and class always moving forward. One can look back at the past, it's the future of all people that today's officers have to lookout for. Officers looked to you, Officer Cook, for your wisdom, maturity and leadership abilities. They were all right at the top.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2015

Each new day should be viewed as an opportunity for all mankind to produce and to prosper wholeheartedly. Without any shadow of a doubt your life and career, Officer Cook, was the loving and living example of a deliberate and calculating individual who always thought before you acted. When you joined the Metro-Dade Police Department back in 1973, all your life you were brought by your wonderful and loving parents with a code of honor and ethics. This was transferred to your police work which was performed on the same high level that is demanded and expected from any chosen profession. Yours expects its men and women to behave righteous, proceed on the streets with integrity, dignity, class and a basic sense of resiliency and loyalty. From dust to ashes, from emptiness to enhancement that is how, Officer Cook, you will forever be remembered as a decent, admired and forthright person, a real gentleman who took his life and career both seriously enough to spread the goodwill of freedom, peace and unity centered solely on the best interests of all Dade County residents. Contemplating and considering your occupation and how well you were committed to seeing that fairness and justice was deliberated in a common sense manner, your heroic actions have allowed your shining legacy of class and character to continue its accent to God's heavens above where you now patrol God's golden streets. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your sacrifice and that of forty-one other comrades has allowed the goodwill to keeping flowing. You are heroes and heroines of bravery, commitment to excellence, pride and honor. Your valiant actions have dictated the reasons why people can both live in peace and function as they do. Your spirits reside in your colleagues today who have carried on your watches. Your watch, Officer Cook, had removed the shame and distrust that the citizens may have suffered from. You were truly all class, decorum and dedication, with a central core of determination to see all things through. You didn't wait for chances and challenges to knock at your door my friend, Officer Cook, you took matters in a rational and most passionate way. You were the Central Division's calming influence. You were very happy to serve and the results presented themselves in all your accomplishments.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 7, 2015

Those who wish to demand that everything be by the way they wish is arrogance. The humble person dreams, plans and endeavors to carry out their hopes to fruition. You did all these things, Officer Cook and you did them only one way, that way was with honor and a quiet touch of dignity and humility. A gentleman who was treasured, cherished and admired by all his peers, citizens and anyone you came into contact with personally and professionally. Since all police officers must deal with people compassionately and with full confidence in their God given abilities, we can see why you were that confident in your skills and your capabilities to calm down people when their emotions ran high. It takes a solid effort. It takes a bravery and courage most of us cannot even conjure up. You had all the right tools and mechanics to succeed and it was your professionalism that saved lives, brokered peace and enabled unity to keep its wings spread out over Dade County then and now. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your commitment to silence evil has kept alive the aspirations and desires of all and your legacy of class and dignity will stay forever grounded in the hearts and minds of all who were touched with your honesty and integrity. Thank God arrogance was never a source of concern for you, Officer Cook, astuteness and vigilance were the words you spread throughout Dade County and they were doled out very well.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 6, 2015

Internalize life's values to such a degree that you will not forget them. The principle of that statement rings loudly today as it did yesterday. And for the many fine and outstanding police officers who gave their lives to keep Dade County citizens safe and sound no further words need to be spoken. The truth of the matter is that you were such an upstanding and honest officer, Officer Cook. You dignified the police department with your humbly exemplary actions. They were swift. They were courageous. They were bold. And you were valiant and quite resourceful in coming to the aid of your comrades and those civilians that day of May 16, 1979, when you left no doubts regarding your character in commitment to excellence and in bravery. Your actions demonstrated what is meant by coming to the aid of your fellow sisters and brothers of the law enforcement profession when circumstances dictate appropriate and drastic measures. You will never be forgotten for your attributes of courtesy, class and decency to all mankind. A legacy guaranteed to be carried on by your loving family members and your comrades who don the uniform of the Metro-Dade Police Department. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your class and dreams of success surely remain etched in the hearts and minds of all. If our dreams and desires come even close to your dreams and desires then the world we live in will be that much better served. Distinction and determination were the words we all need to live by and to share in their message. You did spread this message, Officer Cook, hopefully it will resound loudly and clearly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 6, 2015

Each person in this world is obligated to go out and try somehow to make this a better place to live. A rather simple statement with a much more profound meaning. You went out, Officer Cook, each moment of your life, one that was filled with so many memories I'm sure and a police career that was headed for even brighter days. We can only imagine what things would look like if you were here today to witness with your own eyes what has been transpiring since you left us over thirty-six years ago. Twenty-five years of love and admiration for those you served with honesty, integrity and plenty of dignity. Those who are loyal to their Creator are the ones who are rewarded for all their efforts. You sir, my neighbor, friend and hero have been rewarded and Our Creator has protected you and your father, Charles, may he too rest in peace, with the same abounding love and respect you possessed for all human beings. Rest in peace. You carried your character and legacy with much decency and class. A friendly wake up call for your colleagues who distinguish themselves today in service and humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 5, 2015

For all the good police officers that serve and protect our country and its various locales, we still do have out there corrupt and dishonest men and women who need to be taken off the streets. The simplicity and succinctness of that statement needs to be explained to those who dare act in a rash and dishonest manner. I'm thankful and so are all Dade citizens that you, Officer Cook, were a decent and respectful gentleman and a cherished and loyal police officer. Civility and common sense was always reinforced all the while you were being diligent and highly vigilant. The hopes, dreams and peace of all people were made more secure and safe by your heroic efforts to combat this terror we brand as evil that still rears its ugliness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The legacy and labor of love and goodwill you carried and tried to instill in all mankind still shines ever so brightly. You carried the torch of freedom very humbly and with a savvy sense of humility. No embarrassments whatsoever from any superior, comrade, neighbor or friend. You were there to act on May 16, 1979 and you did so with unwavering and unselfish boldness. There are always lessons to be learned from our police heroes and heroines homegrown or otherwise. It was their honor and character that was and is placed in danger to serve and to keep us unified as one nation. "We Shall Be One." Words to live by and for you, Officer Cook, you sacrificed the greatest, most sacred thing for us, your life and career, one that will never be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 5, 2015

Breaking in new officers is quite a challenge, but as long as these new recruits are willing to sacrifice and spend the necessary hours putting in the training, it will make their patrols of the citizens a bit more easier. Though police work is not simple, it has more complexities than we could ever imagine. One is exposed to so many dangers, I can't even imagine what you went through, Officer Cook, staying the course, while keeping your dignity, integrity and honor fastened to your uniform and badge. Seeing that you were a studious individual and one who was willing to go the extra mile, all this made the people more comfortable and thus you could carry out your job with the greatest confidence. Leading others is not a simple or routine task, it takes lots of experience and being able to properly articulate what needs to be done. You were a master motivator and speaker, so your friends-colleagues knew you respected them and always solicited their input. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your bravery, courage, valor and honesty keep the rays of hope, faith and optimism burning brightly upon those people you served and protected with humility and an esteemed humbleness. You honored this world with your God given talents, God has allowed your legacy to stay a part of your family, comrades and friends, this is what is meant by people of character and those heroes and heroines are the souls of character and achievement.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2015

Conventional wisdom says that all police officers must be honorable, possess, dignity, contain within the uniforms they don, stellar integrity. For what they have to deal with each day, one really has to be on the ball and functioning with all mental and physical attributes that help make the citizens safer and more secure. You were a very engaging and intellectually well developed police officer, Officer Cook. Charisma and concern for all people assist officers, it remains how they handle the rigors of their job with the utmost character and faith that things will be resolved. Your courage, valor and bravery, Officer Cook, consummated your very prosperous life and police career that was sadly cut way too short by wanton and heinous violence that other men and women as brave and as honest as you, Officer Cook, continue fighting for the rights and peace of all people. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your wisdom, maturity and leadership humbly helped you take command and it lessened the worries of all residents.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 4, 2015

Getting back to usage of police power, if you somehow make a mistake at least have the courage and conviction to own up to it. Power-hungry people have a strong tendency to deny making miscues. Since you were the consummate intellectual officer, Officer Cook, you honestly used all the correct and proper tools of your profession to carry out your assignments wisely and courageously. All of your comrades could see and witness one who blended and built intelligence along with leadership and love for his community. Your passion, Officer Cook, enhanced your legacy as a Dade County hero for all-time sake. Never any character issues, never a bad word spoken, never any trouble, just resourcefulness and rapidity in coming to your colleagues' aid and that of the citizens that you were loyal to in service by word of your affirmation. God keeps His word and for your outstanding achievements you have been protected by His heavenly shelter along with that of your fellow brave and valiant comrades of heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Leadership skills are learned and first absorbed in the best venue to start, in one's home where their parents give only the best lessons and preach the truth and nothing but the truth. When the truth comes off of one's lips like honey, we know the rest of what follows next. For all your life and career, Officer Cook, we need not look out in left field to find the sources of and to your success.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2015

Be yourself, but remember this, God gives every creature the ability to utilize their full potential. Since all police officers are in a position of power, one must be very cautious and careful not to be careless and to abuse their official power. This of course never happened to you, Officer Cook, nor did any thoughts creep into your mind regarding misuse of power or violating the public trust. What did enter your mind was honor, dignity and integrity all centered around being able to fulfill your daily tasks. The cream of the crop usually rises to the top and so this was your method of patrolling, serving and protecting Dade County residents. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Abuse of power in dishonest men and women of the law enforcement profession can lead to a whole wide range of bad outcomes, not to mention a loss of life for a citizen and or for any officer, God forbid.It causes a dark day for officers not to mention it blemishes a department. it sullies the integrity of good officers who act accordingly within the law You were the quintessential officer who commanded respect and gave it back to all people who were eternally grateful for your service of class, distinction and dedication. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your humble potential was more than we could ever imagine. You always acquitted yourself with one hundred percent effort. Bravery. Courage. Valor and commitment to pride, honor and excellence. The truth that comes from a person's lips shall be their badge of honor. It was yours, Officer Cook, six years of loyal and devoted service. Twenty-five years of fruitful and faithfully determined heroic actions. More was to come, God knows our journeys in life and measures our every movement.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2015

God gives this world many gifts, some easily viewed by the naked eye, others not so clear. You know what, those special gifts are, men and women of the law enforcement profession, such as yourself, Officer Cook, the proud and humbly devoted public servant who put himself in harm's way to serve and to protect the peace and togetherness of the people in a given community, Dade County Florida. We take time to acknowledge the honest, the dignified and those whose integrity stands out and highlights their careers. Your career was mounted on the cogs of good morals and ethical conduct. The wheels of justice seem to go round and round, you my neighbor, friend and hero were an integral part of that daily process, a hero who won't be forgotten and one cherished man whose legacy stands front and center among the many brave and reverent officers who give that little extra each day they are living their lives as loyal and faithful officers. Simultaneously, you were there as a friend, an officer and respected and loving hero. Your family and comrades will never forget your wisdom, passion, maturity and honesty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2015

Those persons fortunate enough to have known you, Officer Cook, were always greeted with a pleasant hello and a smile. Seeing your picture smiling and one who was very proud to wear the police uniform of the Metro-Dade Police Department, it was plain to see why you were so dedicated and devoted to your official position. You were the kind of individual who could handle various calls at anytime. Police have to be responsible and reliable enough to multi-task. Of course, this only starts when one is honorable, dignified and shows great integrity, enough to channel their energies into their work which at times can be stressful and yet the security of the citizens, their calm, peace and freedom is what is priority number one. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, you were that humble and humane a gentleman who walked this earth just trying to help people out, now as one of God's many heroes, you walk literally side by side with Him. That smile, Officer Cook, is greatly missed everyday. May 16, 1979, you bravely showed the entire nation your grit, gallantry and perseverance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2015

Dade county like all other venues can be known as a haven of havoc, another word as is bedlam, kayos and mayhem. But, you were where you needed to be, Officer Cook. You were an astute person and an excellently determined officer. It's hard to imagine where Dade County residents would be today if not for your service and police work that was graced with honor, integrity and dignity. People today seem to make light of what is required from any officer and all their pursuits both in life and during their professional career must be achieved through fairness and sheer resolve. As fruitful and as loyal as you were, Officer Cook, your life should have been allowed to continue as there was more left for you to fulfill and to enjoy with your beloved wife, Karen. God determines our lots in life and yours my neighbor, friend and hero was truly devoted and quite dignified for twenty-five years. You took care of the havoc, even as your comrades were under siege on May 16, 1979, saving them and those civilians from even more harm. The Dade County venue was your haven in which your humbleness and humanity was always displayed, thus allowing freedom, peace and unity to blend in with its citizens. You could always be counted on for your service of pride, devotion and decency. Decorum ruled when you patrolled my friend and so did class and reliability. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2015

Convenience, consistency and a quiet confidence, all a part of a police officer's daily duties. You were just that kind of officer, Officer Cook, you learned your lessons well. All a child's transformations are begun in their homes and during their youth these morals and values of what we consider good behavior are emphasized over and over. In your home my neighbor, friend and hero, the points your parents made did not need to be repeated too many times. It was your honorable intentions, good fortune, grace, dignity and integrity which carried your life and career what was performed decently and with a resourceful and unwavering bravery, valor and courage. Rest in peace. Your honor, humility and pride in both commitment and in consistency stand as your heroic legacy forever as you are now with Our Creator as one of His golden angels. Good leadership skills start from when one is young enough to begin to comprehend the meaning of both taking commands and directing other comrades by giving instructions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2015

One who has complete faith in God and places their focus squarely on doing His will, will be rewarded. As a devout and charitable person, Officer Cook, since you were a young man, you were involved in various community activities that would later prove most beneficial to your police career. As a Cub scout and as a Boy scout, there are so many lessons to be learned. First, you learn how to get along and co-exist with other young men. You go camping, hiking, maybe go on survival camp outs, though, I was a scout as well, I did go with my dad on these outings, as you probably did with your dad. I was not a big fan of survival camping. Compasses, knives and canteens are the tools of these activities. The tools of the police profession are honor, dignity and integrity, all things we learn as we are growing up. The scouts teach and implement these characteristics upon all the young men under their leadership. And now I can see why you were a born leader. Humbleness and compassion sure help make better prepared for the jobs ahead of them. So it was all your God given skills, Officer Cook, which made you more aware and certainly more sure of your missions in life. To reflect back on your life and career, one needs to know it was not only your bravery, valor and unselfish courage which steered you through Dade County serving and protecting all citizens, it was your resounding diplomacy, dignity, honor and stellar integrity which made you one of the best officer during your time. Your legacy is as humble a reminder of what we come to expect from our beloved and esteemed heroes and heroines. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your character carries your family members pursuits this day and everyday. They could not be prouder of what you meant to this world and to this community where you were revered and well respected. Class and decency were carried on your uniform, it's an officer's friendly reminder of what is require.d of them and from them. From one hero alone, the public can learn so many things from that one individual.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2015

Police officers should be respected and admired, not envied for the causes and pursuits of justice and fairness that they deliver on a daily basis. You were one of the many talented, loyal and faithful officers of your time, Officer Cook, and experience teaches us that those brave and courageous men and women who distinguish themselves in honor, dignity and with integrity are the ones who will succeed in their tasks of a profession they chose freely and without hesitation to join. We realize that police work is not for everyone, not the timid, nor those who are not physically or mentally able to perform up to the standards set by each department. But, you carried out your assignments, Officer Cook, not only by the book, you handled them with resourcefulness and resiliency. Obviously, today times are much different for officers, they still have to act with class and decency. As one of Dade County's many police heroes, it was how you were brought up, raised and understood what the meaning of good character was all about. Honorable and humble. Respected and well thought of. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Envy and greed can lead a person down the wrong path, your path in life, Officer Cook, was directed with a fabric of good morals and total reliance upon those skills which enabled you to command our colleagues. A man of humility and compassion, a treasured public servant does not envy their fellow man, they reach out and assist them as you did on May 16, 1979, when evil and danger was lurking in the Liberty City section of Miami that awfully sad day you were taken from us. And rest assured you will never be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2015

I want to think how we, the common person can be ever so grateful when a man of principle, a gentleman literally and of keen vision sacrifices everything he has on our behalf. Saluting their valor. Celebrating their life and their accomplishments. In twenty-five years of life, six of them well spent and well productive years within the Dade County area, you spent a good deal of your time and effort, Officer Cook, patrolling and following through on your affirmation you first made back in 1973, when you became a police officer with the Metro-Dade Police Department. Class and morals. Discipline and due diligence. Promise and perseverance. Honesty and humility. All the backbones and the very cornerstones of your life and career shared by your parents, sister, wife partners, colleagues and friends, many of whom came to remember and honor your memory at your Inspector's Funeral. No one can predict when their time will conclude, surely on May 19, 1979, which was supposed to be your first weekend off on the day shift when you and Karen could have been enjoying your time off together. Who could have seen this day coming. Not to someone, not yet in the prime of life, who had more,much more to live for and to accomplish. Your bravery, your courage and valor was taken, a part of this country and nation suffers whenever a police officer gives their life and goes before their time. That is precisely why, Officer Cook, you are not forgotten, you are remembered as is your legacy of character and leadership, morals and scruples which can never be stained because your good name and heroic stature grows each day with all that has changed since you started your career of decorum, vigilance and goodwill. The words: corruption, arrogance, rogue, rude and obnoxious never belong in any person's vocabulary, surely not in any given police officer's. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. All your efforts have been rewarded from Our Creator who keeps you safe from any harm. You were a peacemaker who calmed those whose emotions got the better of them.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2015

Learning to do things in their proper order takes much skill and practice. Practice, practice, practice. Those drums you used to beat in the hallways of Norland Senior High School in Miami, Florida, Officer Cook, it took loads of practice sessions to do that quite superbly. To become the best at anything, loafing on a couch won't quite produce the best of results. Certainly, the ideas and notions you had in wanting to become a police officer, those first gathered hope while growing up in North Miami Beach, Florida. A smiling happy young man who was given all the right tools to achieve. The police academy then polished and trained you in all that you had to learn in order to function correctly and with dignity. Your savvy, your honor and decency then funneled down until you were qualified to go out on your patrol serving and watching over the public decency of those residents who came to admire and to respect your authority. Yet for as brave as you were, my neighbor, friend and hero, there was so much more left for you to fulfill. You championed the causes of goodwill among all people. You challenged people to realize that there was hope and optimism where dignity resided. Those powers of persuasion were helped along by your unwavering and unselfish commitment to excellence, assisted by your pride and devotion, all a part of your shining legacy. Yes, it keeps shining down on those who continue your battles against evil and the roots that soon will extracted from our society. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2015

Women and men born with class and good behavior know the value of gracing this land with honor, integrity and dignity. It has been ingrained and well placed within their lives. The foundations of outstanding upbringings share in this feat and it's no easy accomplishment. It takes its genesis from when our heroes and heroines are small children learning what it takes to achieve their goals and dreams in life. Obviously, to become a good police officer, plenty of seasoning, dedication and discipline are necessary. You had this thirst for knowledge, Officer Cook, from the time you were a young man until you grew up to become an excellent police officer. You were humble enough to learn the ropes from other colleagues and then you gained the inherent wisdom to pass this down to others. We cannot of course forget your maturity beyond your years, way ahead of the crowd. It still remains your humility, dignity and integrity along with the stellar honesty which today remains as a part of your legacy as a Dade County police hero. We shall be one, meaning one nation, one community where you served and protected its citizens tirelessly, continuing the bonds of liberty and justice for all along with unity and peace that is so vital to the growth of an area. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, those ideas and dreams you had and worked to make them a reality have been passed on to your family members who continue your work ethic as it was performed with class and decency. This is the only way we can survive and Mrs. Cook, I will always say a pray for you, stay well out in San Diego, California. Your son was and will always be an inspiration to all mankind. Whenever I take my daily walk, I pass your house and salute your son's heroic life and his career which he took to heart very seriously.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2015

I know, Officer Cook, you utilized all of your God given talents to the maximum and it was your devoutness and resolve that carried you in both your life, personally and professionally in your police career as well. Maximizing one's disciplines, one's habits, one morals does take quite a lot of effort not to mention a lot of skill and due diligence. This can only occur if that officer is dedicated and determined to behave properly and to function according to their department's official guidelines. Your honor, dignity and integrity had built during your watch many bridges of hope, faith, loyalty and optimism between all residents of Dade County. Many years-thirty-six years later, the sacrifice you made has continued upon those enhancements, embellishing what we all knew about you, Officer Cook. A loyal and faithful servant of solid character, your commitment to duty, your swiftness to act, heroically as you did on May 16, 1979, has served people well. If only you could have witnessed today all those improvements and changes within the infrastructure of which you certainly should have been allowed to view. The view from God's kingdom is the best view and one that is reserved for His golden angels, heroes and heroines alike who were brave, courageous, valiant and humble in nature. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2015

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