Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

You came from a distinguished family, Officer Cook. The lineage your family now carries is of great and very humble distinction. Because it can only be that way if one is honorable, dignified and possesses stellar integrity. When the flag from your casket was folded and presented to your widow, your beloved wife, Karen, it was plain to witness why you were a heroic savior to Dade County and its citizens. Your courageous actions lifted the spirits of those you served and protected in building the foundations of freedom, peace and unity. You were a calming influence by nature and a peacemaker who persevered through diligence, respect and mutual admiration. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The American flag represents the ideals of an entire country bonding together in times of calamity and tragedy. You were mourned and you have been remembered for having the keen vision, wisdom, intestinal fortitude and leadership capabilities along with an innate maturity to size up dilemmas which needed some one as humanely confident as yourself.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 9, 2015

A man of gentle persuasion and of humane enhancements, you were the embodiment of self preservation, Officer Cook. You were the police officer, so full of life, so rich in vigor and spirit, we the residents of Dade County looked up to you in times of distress to provide the much needed, the much anticipated hope, faith and optimism. How much humility is required from our heroes who give of themselves? I'll tell you my neighbor, friend and hero, you were there, way before that tragic day of May 16, 1979. From the moment you took your first breath until your last ounce of unwavering strength physically and of the character which supported your every movement you appeared and gave solid effort every watch. Privately and in public your whole persona was based upon how you could make this society safer and more proficient. A man of action speaks little, it is and was your conduct and commitment to excellence, achievement and courage that propelled your drive, desire and determination to succeed where others may not have. A sure light that radiates the essence of your legacy forever. Rest in peace. Beauty really is in the eyes of the beholder. A beautiful and pleasant soul of a human being, there was much left undone, Officer Cook, God knows what He is doing, He saw your missions and needed you for a much more sacred and extra special assignment guarding His pearly gates.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 8, 2015

A humble and very respected police officer such as yourself, Officer Cook, was able to lead by example others. It is such treasured heroes and heroines who by their honor and integrity act with bravery and reverence in serving and protecting the public domain. Dade County never forgets those diligent and resourceful professionals who dare to risk their lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 8, 2015

Before one can blend in society, one must first act in a dignified manner in their homes. For those admired and respected citizens such as yourself, Officer Cook, not many lessons on this important subject needed to be stressed. It is all in the makings of honorable men and women who protect and serve the public interest as you more than adequately did for twenty-five years, six very loyal and productive ones with the Metro-Dade Police Department. They don't come any more humbler than yourself. You were admired and beloved, a sure sign of your goodness, bravery, valor and courage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The brightness of your treasured soul has kept on shining down on your family and colleagues. Your character and its boldness to commit your life to acts of unwavering sacrifice stay us forever and never to be forgotten. Maturity and leadership when measured against one the other always assist those in their pursuits and aspirations in both their lives and chosen endeavors. That ruler is ready to measure the strength and conviction of those who have followed your lead. Let us hope they measure up fittingly and with a proper ascent of morals that come with their chosen profession where dignity and integrity are always called upon to help both the individual and the officer who is confronting any given problem that needs resolving.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 7, 2015

God does not expect perfection from His creatures, He just expects us to try and be good citizens. Officer Cook, if there was one confession to make, it's that I should have there to help you and to save your life somehow, though I know the paramedics did their best along with the doctors in the emergency room of North Shore Hospital. You were a pious gentleman. A devoted son, brother and husband. Your dignity and honor stood for gallantry and grace along with your heroic actions of courage and bravery. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your humble enhancement of the world has stood as your humane legacy of humility. The epitome of effervescent and energetic endeavor, your achievements will forever light up this world where you served and protected the public peace, holding up the values and ethics that are expected from all police officers. Everything runs along a two way street and it is that onus which men and women who take an oath need to abide by.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 7, 2015

As a student of your profession and as a teacher of other officers you led by your examples, Officer Cook, it is plain to see why you were so well liked, admired and respected by all your peers. Yet, you never succumb to peer pressure or bad habits that some officers seem to have emblazoned on their uniforms. No, your dignity, respect, honorable intentions all were performed in an exemplary fashion. You treasured your opportunities in both your private life and in your professional role as a public servant. Make no mistake, your life my neighbor, friend and hero was one of blessing, faith and a devotion to doing good deeds, helping raise those who needed a little uplifting from time to time. Courage, valor and bravery were stenciled on your badge and uniform making those who knew you mighty proud. I look at your smile when you had your picture taken in front of our American flag, makes you want to sob like a baby and yet this was one of your happiest moments for your family, your parents, sister and beloved wife, Karen. If only I was there in your mother's home that day in 2009 when Karen, your niece, Gina, Nancy and your mother remembered your heroic life you gave on behalf of the citizens of Dade County. The boxes of Kleenex tissues would have been used up. You are missed very much. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 6, 2015

Our hopes and dreams rest within our heroes and heroines of the law enforcement profession. As a happy person, Officer Cook, you saw to it that your comrades were well taken care of.The peace of any community rests squarely on each officer's shoulders as everyone must pull their own weight in this seemingly never ending battle over a vile and most inhumane villain we call evil. Those who have taken an affirmation to serve and protect the public interest never know when that very same evil may happen upon them God forbid. So long as you prepare properly, maintain a high vigilance of decorum, decency and honor, then Our Creator will stay with you guiding your loyal and fruitful pathways in life. He did for you, Officer Cook, for twenty-five years and for six years of versatility and valued service to Dade County, your humanity and humility resided within you. All of these factors have helped to accentuate the growth of your legacy of character, its strength and the unselfish boldness to stay within your commitments to pride, honor and excellence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your life and police career have kept the spotlights of enhancement and its embellishments shining on in Dade County, Florida where you served with outstanding work ethics and a deep rooted core of resourcefulness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 6, 2015

Sometimes one may feel no enthusiasm or other emotions while praying, you should strive to feel something causing your heart to react to the words that come from your lips. Prayer is a time for passion and you had a deep rooted passion and an unwavering commitment, Officer Cook, to become a police officer who provided quality and outstanding honesty, dignity and integrity to the hearts and souls of all Dade County residents. You epitomized the necessary qualifications to unite peace, liberty, safety and serenity as one unit. No one will ever forget your bravery, courage and valiant efforts of May 16, 1979, in which you gave your life and career to champion the causes of goodwill. Mankind never stops pursuing, my neighbor, friend and hero, your character and boldness have formed the combination of your cherished and heroic legacy. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 6, 2015

I meant to say, Officer Cook, that you were a loyal and humble public servant of and for all Dade County citizens and your life should have been allowed to continue as you would have celebrated July the 4th with your family and friends. You were a devout and treasured human being who placed your hands in the arms of God where our hopes and dreams res too. The strength of character, your commitment to pride and joy have been realized by those family members and colleagues who both respected and admired your endeavors. Words are empty unless cultivated by motivation and determination all brought on through your honor, dignity and integrity. The inner power that rests within all officers must be championed for the good of society to make peace and togetherness reach their pinnacle. You aspired to become successful and the loyalty you brought to your profession stands as your legacy of character and boldness which enabled you to lead others. The power of prayer can be awfully overwhelming at times, but once it is put into practice and devotion each day, it make one very humble, even trepidation may set in. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your thoughts, dreams and desires have been cherished and saluted forever as one of our many heroes of this police community and all across this great land.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 5, 2015

Be cautious, but not insistent when asking for anything in your prayers. Ask for what you want as a request. We would all want for you to be alive and well today, Officer Cook, sharing a happy life of retirement with Karen and your family. We can ask for something, it is solely up to God to grant it. Regardless of what we need, be it livelihood or anything else, it is not proper to insist stubbornly that God should fulfill our requests. We should ask calmly, reasonably and just entreat God for kindness and mercy. Exactly how you were brought up, Officer Cook and why you were a dignified and honorable public servant, more importantly, a very decent human being who brought honor and humility to your department. A legacy should stand for courage, hope, bravery and valor. That is why we salute your efforts in serving and protecting all Dade County citizens. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were both consistent and insistent on the cooperation of those you watched over. God shines His mercy on those officers who have taken your place combating what you did for six faithful and loyal years of professional service.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 4, 2015

The light of prayer is to be bold which you were, Officer Cook. The secret of prayer and faithfulness is to be bold and to have the audacity to partition God for everything we need, even if we need to ask Him to work miracles for us. Only with boldness and daring can we stand up and pray to God. When we consider and ponder God's utter greatness, if we form any conception at all and think of our own smallness and worthlessness, how can we stand up and pray before Him? Even so, when we pray, we must cast our timidity aside and boldly ask Him for everything we need. Only with bold assertiveness can we overcome the obstacles and barriers that stand in our way of our service to God. Nothing stood in your way of our pursuits of safety, serenity, peace and freedom, Officer Cook and on May 16, 1979, this was well noted and humbled carried out in honesty, dignity and integrity. Your legacy of heroism, bravery, courageousness and valor will forever be saluted, remembered as we pray forever that your cherished soul looks down on all of us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 4, 2015

The perils of life can be mysterious. One never knows when Our Creator will come calling. It is those brave and valiant men and women of the law enforcement community such as yourself, Officer Cook, who carried the highest standards of ethics with your every watch. Every police officer should be imbued with these values, your pathway in life was what led you to a humbly successful life and career, all be it sadly cut way too short because of this violence we label as wickedness. Honesty, versatility and a vigilance that was better than most, you will be remembered for your decency, class and solid character which is counted on from all professionals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Shine on as you keep observing from God's golden gardens where you patrol those sacred golden streets.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2015

Be happy for the fortune of others. We the people of Dade County, are very sad at your loss, Officer Cook and yet very grateful you served the residents with unwavering integrity, dignity and honorably heroic actions. When any officer gives their life and career for the good of the community one can only pause, salute and reflect back upon their lives which they drew from the stellar strength of their character. Your commitment to excellence, Officer Cook, stands as the cornerstone of a well rounded life and a police career grounded in the foundations of bravery, courage and valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The legacy of a truly humble and humane gentleman rests among those angels of God whose bravery also carried their lives and careers.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 3, 2015

Toiling in good deeds can only lead to the pursuit of goodness. Praying and helping others as you precisely did for twenty-five years, Officer Cook, made you the person you became. Honesty, integrity and dignity all take their cues from one's parents and your folks, my neighbor, friend and hero raised you and Nancy just the way we expect people to act toward others. Dade County was very fortunate to have a humble and uniquely devoted officer among their ranks. For what it is worth, you integrated respect and goodwill with a sense of logic and values, this helped make people feel at ease. Police do a lot and yet for what they undertake, they are expected to act honorably and with a bravery, boldness, valor and courage that is in their hearts. Your heart, Officer Cook, was golden. Your work ethic invaluable. Your fearlessness unwavering. The sacrifice you made demonstrated your unselfish initiative and commitment to fulfill the needs of all residents. Your family and comrades can surely stand proud and salute a legacy of heroism and great affection you had for your responsibilities. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 2, 2015

I meant to say, Officer Cook, that those who perpetrate evil, their punishment is in the hands and eyes of God. Police officers just as the civilians are supposed to try and get along as they serve and protect our common interest of peace and civility. As creatures of the Almighty, we are created in the image that he creates us and each one of us possesses a spark of divinity within us. Therefore, proper respect should be afforded to all. You were loyal and faithful, respectful and resolute. Of course your honesty, dignity, integrity and bravery led your way throughout your life and police career. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. As a master communicator, your role as a public servant was to endeavor to convey a message of restraint to those who were planning to violate the rights of others by committing evil actions. Your legacy is both stellar and outstanding just as your humble character. You were cherished, treasured and very beloved.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 2, 2015

No ulterior motives were necessary to produce what we all knew about you, Officer Cook, your career and life were the products of honor and integrity. Not anything that would sully your department where all men and women step to the plate each moment to battle the forces of evil. Wickedness only deflates the persona of those perpetrate it and you my neighbor, friend and hero stood in there and with clarity and bravery endeavored to derail this young man's ignominious actions against society, its officers who serve and protect and the civilians who rely on the steadiness of law enforcement to guide their paths in life.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 1, 2015

Caring and consideration, cautious in approaching any problem needing a resolution, you were the consummate professional, Officer Cook. But what drove your life and career with Metro-Dade Police Department was your firmness, honesty, dignity, candor and stellar integrity. Your life of twenty-five years, your successful police career, faithful and loyal beyond any shadow of doubt for six years was the true epitome of class, undeniable resolve and bravery. Courage and valor in the face of evil which on May 16, 1979, threatened to undermine Dade County and its esteemed residents. You were there. You were humble and cherished. You were loved, respected and admired for having the boldness to act and the commitment to pride and excellence. You were the beacon of faith, hope, peace, unity and optimism. Your legacy truly shines on from the heavens above as you keep close watch over those officers who have taken over your watch, all constructed from discipline, hours of hard work and proper training. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A terrific upbringing is like fruit on a tree, it yields great results.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 1, 2015

All we can ever ask from our diligent and vigilant police officers is that they perform honorably and with everlasting dignity and stellar integrity. You never gave any less effort, Officer Cook. Your loved ones, colleagues and friends are the ones who have been denied the opportunity to see you live today and to fortify this community of Dade County where you served and patrolled with intuition, intelligence, bravery and humble courage right up until your last breath. You had more to live for. I would imagine God make those plans and puts them into action. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You solidified peace through your esteemed determination, devotion, desire and outstanding loyalty and faithfulness to help your fellow public servants and the citizens who both respected and admired your values, morals, character and work ethic. You are in heaven serving now an even greater task at hand, holding things together with your fellow brothers and sisters who made the very same leadership decisions and sacrificed for the goodwill and kindred spirit of our society. You loved people. They flocked to you in humility and you demonstrated how to get things done right professionally the first time around. This is the brightness of your legacy. You led by example in commitment to excellence and in having a keen vision of how we should conduct our lives privately and publicly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2015

Our normal mood should be joy and happiness. You were a man of action who enjoyed his life and career. It was your humble honesty, dignity and integrity which allowed you to patrol, serve and to protect all Dade County residents. May 16, 1979, Officer Cook, was about your resolve, your firmness and commitment to act according in saving lives of both your comrades and the people you served. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, a humanely valued public servant whose legacy shines as brightly today as it did thirty-six years ago when you gave your life for peace and prosperity to cover the darkness of evil which continues to rear its ugliness. A proud man who cherished his life, your family, your parents, wife, Karen and sister, Nancy. All of them miss you dearly and haven't forgotten, your bravery, courage and valor. No one forgets a person of action especially when their plans come from God.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 30, 2015

Police officers joy hands in unity and in providing the necessary calmness in their communities of labor and sweat. That was what you were about, Officer Cook. So devout, so faithful and so resoundingly resourceful. You were always in tune to the citizens of Dade County and their issues. It's heroes like yourself my neighbor, friend and hero who are in your pursuits of happiness and prosperity, the very souls, the very foundations of righteousness, honor, dignity and integrity. Your character and abounding spirit still and forever will hover over us who carry on your life pursuits that you were not allowed to carry on because of the very violence of which you affirmed to attempt to corral and you did quite well in this endeavor. Rest in peace. Your courage, valor and bravery have all set the tones of your cherished and humble legacy. You are missed by all and remain admired, respected and revered by all who knew you. You remain a heavenly Godsend, unafraid to tackle the big challenges that were placed before you. Chief Bowlin had one terrific gentleman among his many excellent police officers. Being one of God's superior angels you now have the biggest job and that is to patrol those golden streets above where no harm will ever come your way. You meant that much to me and my family and to society. We cannot forget your boldness and commitment to see justice dispensed properly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 29, 2015

Police officers work in unison to make certain that safety and calmness forge one bond. Here in Dade County, Florida there are those officers who seemingly never stop in their pursuits of honor, dignity and integrity. It is habit forming and you, Officer Cook, were truly one of the very best officers who watched and served, protected with the ultimate diligence and vigilance. Back in your day, my neighbor, friend and hero, if only those side panels were around. Your partner and colleagues who went out on that domestic call in Liberty City, in Miami, a place that now could be considered a "hot spot" for crime was a locale that you secured by your daily presence. A young man humbled by the very opportunity to make a difference. And what a difference you made for society, what a humane and treasured gentleman you were. You treated people with a calmness, a caring concern and most of all you were dignified, honorable and had a genuine integrity not always witnessed by some of today's officers. Police work is serious business and you saw to it, Officer Cook, that it was handled loyally, fairly and with valor and courage. Your whole life of twenty-five all too short years were quite successful and yet we know you had more left to complete. God saw your missions through and now has you patrolling His golden streets with the same level of consideration and humility. Rest in peace. I would love to speak with Officer Francisco Piloto, Jr. He worked with you and knew you personally as that admired and respected friend and comrade who would give his life on behalf of Dade County. Your legacy maintains its humbleness as does your cherished soul as it climbs higher and higher each and everyday illuminating our world where you toiled and labored for all to live peacefully and with a purpose to life. These were your goals and aspirations as well, as we know officers have rights and lives and yet they are expected to carry on with morals and principles which guide them in their moments of duress, stress, whatever they are involved in.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 28, 2015

Always find the time to delve into something that interests you. The moments may be brief. We never know. One thing your comrades could never ever say about you, Officer Cook, is that you were a procrastinator. You gave your entire being saving lives, serving with assurance and honor, all Dade County citizens keeping them safe and sound. It is and was your integrity, dignity, courageous spirit that led you around all the venues you patrolled for six loyal and humble years of service to all mankind. Your heroic actions on May 16, 1979, were the results of an outstanding and spirited upbringing by your loving parents. You made them proud. You made your department proud to have a reliable public servant who was always willing to go the extra mile. A legacy born from stellar character which was drawn from the strength of your resolve and the very faithfulness needed from our heroes and heroines of law enforcement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You performed your assignments with firmness, fairness and a commitment to peace, unity and liberty, allowing each to take shape.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 28, 2015

Love of others sometimes calls for sacrifices, you gave your life, Officer Cook, for the respect and admiration of all Dade County residents. What more can we say? What can be said is that you were a humble and revered officer, entrenched in dignity, integrity and stellar honesty. Your bravery combined with your courage and valor has left an indelible impression upon your treasured legacy. A true hero among all heroes and heroines of this nation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your actions on May 16, 1979, spoke louder than any words spoken. You came to the aid of your colleagues and those civilians and they were ever so grateful.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 26, 2015

As creatures of God, our status here in this world is temporary in the sense that it is obligatory for us to attempt to make this place a better place to live. Officer Cook, as our hero whose legacy continues its growth as does your beautiful soul which keeps climbing higher and higher everyday. Your whole life and dignified police career was followed by outstanding character of honesty, bravery and integrity important to all those in positions of serving and protecting. The peace of Dade County rests in your courageous hands and feet which took you from place. Enhancements have occurred because of your unconditional respect and admiration you had for all mankind. Your humility makes us stand up and take note of why we have very special people who are granted certain God-given skills and talents not seen by the ordinary individual. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 25, 2015

Composure in the face of adversity, while focusing on your professional duties, Officer Cook, of a situation that is neither benign nor innocuous does say a lot. Whenever officers are confronted with a problem, it always demands their full measure of attention to detail with honor, bravery and integrity. The resolve in all your endeavors, Officer Cook, carries beyond the scope of our comprehension. You were destined for even more greatness humbly and humanely speaking. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, your legacy and that of our nation of police heroes shines as brightly as your strength of character and boldness you displayed in front of Dade County whom you served and protected until May 16, 1979. A day never to be forgotten, as we cherish, treasure, admire and revere those who sacrifice with a hearty salute.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 24, 2015

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