Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Every human being has their own intrinsic value and only Our Creator knows what that is. One must keep climbing that spiritual ladder each day growing as we go up each step. Even the small steps which need guidance and navigation have to be attempted, this in itself helps to accentuate our growth. Your childhood, Officer Cook ,was one of tremendous growth, experimentation and acclimation through humble methods. Your police career was honesty, dignity and integrity being preached and practiced on a daily basis. No short cuts. No boasting. No callousness. No, only humane and special moments of kindness, caring and consideration which in turn led to the cooperation of all residents from Dade County helping you my neighbor, friend and hero secure the much necessary unity and liberty in allowing those who choose to pursue whatever they what to accomplish. These enhancements stand for your outstanding performance which guides us and keeps your legacy of bravery and courage bonded together forever. Rest in peace. Achievements and valor from our heroes and heroines always measure so perfectly when they stay accentuated. It helps maintain our futures all because of your unwavering and unselfish actions of humility perpetuated upon humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 19, 2015

Police officers represent all facets of their communities and during the performance of their professional duties may at times have to make split second decisions which can have results that may not be positive. For all your moments of outstanding work, Officer Cook, you had to deal with situations as they arose. Sometimes they are not popular, but for most of your life and during your career you made the right calls on what to do. We can only reflect back on what might have happened if things did not go so wrong on May 16, 1979. We, the most grateful citizens of Dade County recognize you for your heroic actions and valiant and dignified attempts to head off an act of domestic violence that could have escalated into something much worse. Your honorable boldness with an inherent integrity to be able to face evil and save the lives of your comrades and those civilians that you took an affirmation to serve and to protect, we call this superb and for all your humbleness you deserve to be saluted and praised for placating this evil that still threatens our society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your character, its strength and the resolve of your everlasting legacy stays forever implanted in our hearts and minds to cherish a true Godsend of a public servant. Greatness, grace and gallantry surely meant the world to a dearly treasured gentleman such as yourself, Officer Cook. Keep observing and assisting those who faithfully have resumed your watch. They need all our prayers and blessings to get them safely through the long days, afternoons and evenings.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 19, 2015

Strategy and being able to evaluate are factors that always seem to keep a police officer on their toes. For the balance of your career, Officer Cook, calm and rational tones were utilized by yourself to help you quiet a dilemma that needed resolving. That is where dignity, integrity, grit, grace and honorable actions must be undertaken for the safety, security and serenity of the general public. Your leadership developed first by you becoming a loyal and valued member of your department and its ranks. You had to become a good listener first and then a much better communicator. People have to be acceptable and willing to share ideas and information that could have the desired and maximum effect on any matter being dealt with at any moment. You were a cut above in all aspects of police work and the tragedy for your family members and colleagues is that your not here today to share and to expound upon those virtues. All coming from a humane and treasured soul of man and a police officer whose mission in life was to nurture and to spread the peace and unity in Dade County and within its citizens. You'll forever be loved, admired and respected as your legacy sustains us all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 18, 2015

Police officers job description is based on observing, patrolling, serving and in observing. Having the proper motivation, training and preparation to properly carry one's assignments is crucial. While working out on the various streets in your community, whether you walk, use a bicycle or drive a vehicle being able to have the keen sense of reason, excellent vision to locate and to discover what is transpiring are all important to any particular officer. Police serve the public interest and in general attempt to keep the necessary peace, freedom and unity within their area of watch. Protecting is another element that comes into their domain as there must be adequate relief to allow the residents to come and to go where they must in order to achieve their means. And for this, Officer Cook and in all your accomplishments in both your life and during your career with the Metro-Dade Police Department you were far superior than other officers. Your maturity, your humility and humbleness set you apart in that it allowed you the opportunity to honorably and with dignity, desire and determination to go out and converse with those you served to see how you could do more for them. May 16, 1979 served as this time when near the end of your shift you answered your last call for the foundation of enhancement to be better spread out within the fabric of the Dade County area. A soul of a man whose bravery, unselfish valor and undaunted courage reached out to save lives. Those of your fellow officers and those of the civilians who respected and admired your character surrounded by your marvelous work ethic bordered by proper conduct both professionally and personally. You'll never be forgotten because heroic legacy are not just a part of the past, they are for today, tomorrow and the future. All made brighter by your outstanding commitment to pride, excellence and intuitiveness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 18, 2015

The truth can set a person free, a lie can act as a spider's web in that it can ensnare a person with no means of escaping. Your family, colleagues and close personal friends never had that issue whatsoever with you, Officer Cook. You were an honest gentleman, an open officer to new and fresh ideas that enabled you to act as decently and as doggedly as you did. When dignity and integrity come close they share that very special common bond that all men and women who dare to risk their lives share as one. One officer can't run a department, it takes two or three-thousand to go out on the streets with a reason, with a common sense of logic dictated by their valor, courage and bravery all the key elements you possessed, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A sterling legacy of legitimate fortitude, compassion and consideration for all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2015

When involved in spiritual matters, remain steadfast in your principles and beliefs. It worked throughout your entire life and brief, but accomplished six year career as a Metro-Dade Police Officer Cook. You were a humble and humane, cherished and a treasured inspiration to all police officers on what it both takes and means to wear a police uniform so honorably and very proudly. One can state it often enough, the task begins in one's home and in your house, Officer Cook, where dignity and stellar integrity came together so perfectly, one can comprehend why you were successful, why you were admired and why you served and protected residents with a calming influence. Your leadership skills and maturity beyond your years served as a springboard for others to follow and to aspire to even greater heights. Your unwavering commitment to bravery, resolve, courage and valor do reflect a rich legacy of excellent character, its strength and boldness highlighted among those many heroes and heroines who served with a passion, patrolled with a purpose and engaged with an intuition marked by intelligence and the keen vision needed to carry out your professional goals and objectives. You will forever be missed, but never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Thank God for devout, loyal and very faithful and trustworthy servants such as yourself Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 17, 2015

One always should try to focus their full attention on positive things instead of complaining about the negative. In your line of work, Officer Cook, you stayed passionate, as calm as an officer could be and reassuring to the point of allowing Dade County citizens to enjoy their peace, unity and prosperity. One only needs to know the fine and upstanding character you had and the meaning of why you were outstandingly humble, along with being an honest and much dignified possessor of superb integrity. Your bravery and the spirit that was inside your home, within the uniform you donned proudly and admirably stands as a lesson we sure could all learn from. Heroes and heroines don't just pop up, they are born and bred from within a loving family environment and the upbringing one receives from their parents who raise them. Only the finest and much beloved and treasured gentleman who had the righteous humility to carry out his public service with class, morals and decency which needs to be accentuated within all police officers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2015

Police officers at times run into opposition when it comes to protecting and serving the public at large. You, Officer Cook, acted with honor and integrity so stellar that was and is exactly why you were so well admired and respected. Dade County residents come to respect those many brave and courageous men and women of the law enforcement profession who go out on patrol daily and exhibit the greatest degrees of valor and gallantry, trying at the very same time to channel care and compassion into their performance. Not such an easy task. More of an arduous role even with proper dedication and motivation. All your efforts, Officer Cook, have brought about many changes positive for the most part. I'm sad that you couldn't be here to witness these changes, these enhancements brought about through your heroic actions on May 16, 1979. For certainty a legacy of valor, grace and outstanding character to act as swiftly as you did and in the course of your commitment to pride, honor and excellence you saved at least seven lives and perhaps many more. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 16, 2015

A charming and pleasant young man that you were, Officer Cook, your calming and charismatic demeanor spoke volumes regarding your job performance. A task must be done with honesty, dignity and integrity. For your entire life and all too short career you were a man of your word. A man who fulfilled his missions in life and was taken to a better in God's heavenly abode to help patrol those sacred golden streets. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, your motivations in both your life and police career were predicated and dictated by the virtues of good character and flawless service and protection in keeping Dade County residents safe and secure. A brighter and better tomorrow is all made possible by your unwavering and unselfish sacrifice. A life is a terrible thing to waste when opportunity knocks, we must answer the calls of duty, you never backed down or ran from evil, you went face to face on May 16, 1979. A tragedy no family or department should ever know from again. You were truly cherished and a devout public servant. You meant the world to all of us. A heroic legacy to be held close to our hearts.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2015

Learn, explore, assess and plan, certainly before any police officer endeavors to tackle an assignment they must think about what and why they are undertaking such tasks. Officer Cook, you performed your professional responsibilities with the utmost care, consideration, relying on the cooperation, collaboration and consolidation of those Dade County residents that you both served and protected with a zest and a zeal for the truth and fairness that was expected of you. It can only be carried out if you are dignified, intensely loyal, faithful and honest. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A stellar life of integrity and outstanding character led to all your achievements.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 15, 2015

God helps channel our enthusiasm so that we may prosper. Police officers try to remain upbeat whenever they go out to battle wickedness. Your goal, your mission in life was to stamp out bad, Officer Cook and you surely succeeded where others may not have. We leave the honorable men and women to learn and attempt to figure out solutions to everything. No one is perfect and yet, Officer Cook, you were revered and admired greatly throughout your department. Your smile set the tone, your calming and soothing voice of reason left the doubters no longer in doubt. Your soul my neighbor, friend and hero moves with the gentle breezes that blow our way each and every moment. Rest in peace. You have to channel the power and know when to rein in any bad and unethical patterns of misconduct to achieve mightily.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2015

Elevate all that you do and when unity and peace cling together there is blessing. Amen to that. You watchful eyes, Officer Cook, surveyed the landscape of the Dade County community for six of the twenty-five years that you were accomplished in all your endeavors. There was your abundance of honesty, integrity and dignity steering you from one place to another where you strived to serve and to protect like no other police officer. You were fearless in your passions and pursuits, as well as undaunted by any impediments placed before you. Your legacy of outstanding character and professionalism will be forever remembered, as you remained the consummate resourceful and spirited gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your soul has received its elevation by the vary actions of your physical being.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 14, 2015

The king and queen may rule the palace, it is the gentleman and officer who honorably patrol the streets searching for improper behavior and endeavor to replace it with proper ethics and conduct befitting what we consider proper and prudent. This is what you meant to those you loyally served Officer Cook. We bring up how a person is raised in their homes by their loving and giving parents. The Cook Household in North Miami Beach, Florida was not much different from other homes. It was modest and morally responsible, both you and your sister, Nancy were this way. You accepted challenges and understood the meaning of hard work as opposed to just sitting back and waiting for something to fall right into your lap. I firmly believe this is why you and your beloved wife, Karen, were accomplished as both your families exemplified this characteristic. One can be very certain you 'll never be forgotten, for your humble and shining legacy was begun years before you gave your life on behalf of Dade County citizens. Brave, valiant, honest, dignified and forthcoming, all the traits of a model police officer, more importantly of a true human being who was respected and cherished in life and forever will be remembered this way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Parents raise their children a certain way and it is up to these children to abide and comport themselves properly as they grow up bringing honor and pride to their loved ones and colleagues who work on a daily basis with them. They are all heroes and heroines to be sure. Love of life and a bright smile certainly can travel a long way, yours, Officer Cook, keeps moving it will never cease as it stays implanted in thew hearts and minds of those who loved you and wanted only good things for you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 13, 2015

Compliance and complacency are two words that can never be confused nor combined with one another. They cannot encroach upon our domain if we are to be successful. For your entire life and police career, Officer Cook, you never backed away nor ran from a problem, rather as an honorable officer should do you took matters in your own hands on May 16, 1979 and attempted to stop a domestic situation from becoming worse. Brave men and women realize that this is their charge and their professional onus to serve and protect within the boundaries of ethical and moral standards, something you always ascribed to do. They don't come any more admired, humbled and treasured than yourself. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our Creator keeps your spirit alive and burning brightly because of your heroic vigilance and diligence in uniting Dade County citizens in peace and unity, enhancing all their pursuits of what we deem fitting and morally correct.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 13, 2015

Self-discipline and self-denial two habits that all law enforcement personnel must exercise at all times to be successful in all their travels of securing the much necessary peace and security. You were among the many splendid and outstanding police officers of your day, Officer Cook. Making the ultimate sacrifice for Dade County citizens to flourish and be able to live accordingly has meant the world to your loving family and esteemed colleagues who went with you out on the streets to battle evil. You were legendary. You were a champion of honesty, dignity and integrity. Your character lives forever beyond reproach. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It was your humility and engaging personality that afforded you the opportunity to become the very best you became. You were sadly denied the right you had to live on and to see things through the way the Cook Family accomplishes its goals and missions in and of life.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 12, 2015

Act with respect and kindness towards one another. Officer Cook, as a lover of nature and of all people, it was easy to comprehend why you were revered, respected and have been remembered for your professional exploits. All residents of Dade County should revere admire and humbly salute all their heroes and heroines. After all, our pursuits of peace and happiness cannot become fruitful unless men and women of honesty and valor intervene on our behalf. Responsible. Reliable. Resilient and vigilant, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Parents instill those core values in their children which usually produce an everlasting effect. You made them all proud of your desire and commitment to excellence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 12, 2015

A person's privacy is a very important emotional need. Being humble and humane carries with it great distinction. You carried your professional career with the very same honor, integrity and loyalty, Officer Cook. All the battles, all the good times, the sad ones too you were there to care. Sometimes for the ordinary person, it can be quite difficult to comprehend what police officers go through on a daily basis. Unless we are in your shoes and driving with them, it's hard to ponder, that maybe all we can do. Ponder. Reflect. All the diligence and hard work it takes to become a very top notch officer. Unless you sit in on a class, go to a field to watch the recruits jog, climbs walls, scale fences, dive into canals, we just don't know. You did all that quite superbly, my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook. You bravery, courage and valor was endless. Your boldness and swiftness to act as you did on May 16, 1979, was even more braver than we could ever know. You relished a challenge and you accomplished something humbly speaking better then any of of us could ever imagine. Rest in peace. A fitting legacy of outstanding character accentuated by an even more dignified gentleman. Resolve and resourcefulness surely helped to personify both your life and police career. We contemplate life. But first before this can occur, there must be a determination and a motivation before one can take the first step. A life and a chosen career are first built from the bottom up. That is how you started, Officer Cook. We'll never forget your caring, kindness and compassion you had for all people no matter their circumstances.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 11, 2015

I am walking around my house this morning thinking about you, Officer Cook and the fact that you should have been allowed to grow older and ace gracefully. In about two months, September 17, 2015, your beloved mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, may you live and be well will celebrate her 100th birthday with her family and friends. You were her darling and much cherished and treasured son who will forever be remembered as a Dade County police hero. You fought the battles against evil and yet you maintained a core of ethics, decency, honesty and bravery wherever you patrolled. Your six years of loyal and faithful service to the residents of a community where you were revered, respected and admired stays forever in the hearts and minds of those who cherished their times with a decent and humane gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God plans our every movement and I know Mrs. Cook, your husband, Charles, may he too res tin peace is sharing his eternity watching his son, Officer William Coleman Cook, Badge#1664, a truly versatile and uniquely distinguished public servant and most importantly, a fine example of giant of a human being.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 11, 2015

Police work has its amazing moments. Officer Cook, you were an astute man and an unassuming officer, though when the time came for you to perform professionally, there you were making a big difference in our modern society. It comes down to scruples, honesty and integrity. All the physical attributes do not mean a ting if one does not possess the correct mental facilities. But in your life and during your solid police career, there was no need to panic or to worry. You held up your end very well indeed. Fate and fortunate sometimes cross paths, for all officers there still is the obligation to protect and to serve the public interest. All performed gracefully,with gallantry and of course with loving reverence for your official position. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, your bravery, courage and valor stay entrenched within your heroic legacy, one which is never to be forgotten and always saluted. The heart and soul of the Cook Family is darling and prideful and you were fiercely loyal to all mankind, a tenderness and a gentle compassion to do God's will with nothing but youthful zeal and plenty of energy. All public servants should act this way, it will make them much better officers.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 10, 2015

Boldness to bravely act upon a situation that called for dire efforts to resolve a domestic dispute that went so wrong. It was your common sense and calming influence that saved your colleagues and civilians whose lives hung in the balance. All based and channeled upon your valor, Officer Cook, which not only was valuable, it was validated by your resourcefulness to act with the humblest and the highest of honorable intentions. Driven by desire, dignity and integrity all instilled in you at a tender young age by your loving mother and father. All we have to do is to keep our eyes peeled upon the stars at night where your cherished soul illuminates our universe where you served and protected Dade County residents with all you might. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A heartfelt thank you and staunch salute for your heroism and a legacy which bolsters your humane character. Heroes and heroines all lead and live their lives by the very first rule and that is by discipline, values and ethical morals. There can be no doubt, Officer Cook, you left large shoes to fill. A huge responsibility. The onus is on us to conduct and govern ourselves accordingly as you did.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 10, 2015

Your family is mighty proud of all your accomplishments, so much so, although your life should have been allowed to continue. Your good work as a Metro-Dade Police Officer stood for meaningful, devoted and positively outstanding professional performance by one of the best officers of his time. Officer Cook, you gave us a glimmer of hope, fueled by relentless optimism and unwavering faith in God who steered you throughout all of your trials and tribulations in and around the Dade County community. A venue where the residents expect and demand excellence in character, honor in honing in on evil, all while maintaining everlasting dignity, integrity, bravery and valor. You were a good man who exemplified class, decency and unselfish caring and compassion. The passion through which you patrolled was similar to your words of concern and consideration not often seen in some officers. They all must have these characteristics in order to succeed and achieve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A forever look into a heroic legacy of charm, charisma and commitment to sacrifice for the will of the people. You'll never be forgotten. We salute your valiant actions of May 16, 1979, as they have all led to changes for the better and embellishments which may never be seen in a community where you were treasured and cherished. For what you stood for, Officer Cook, you should have been able to view and carry on with your life along with these changes. The landscape has been made much brighter by your continuous motivations to rid evil from our midst.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 9, 2015

You came from a distinguished family, Officer Cook. The lineage your family now carries is of great and very humble distinction. Because it can only be that way if one is honorable, dignified and possesses stellar integrity. When the flag from your casket was folded and presented to your widow, your beloved wife, Karen, it was plain to witness why you were a heroic savior to Dade County and its citizens. Your courageous actions lifted the spirits of those you served and protected in building the foundations of freedom, peace and unity. You were a calming influence by nature and a peacemaker who persevered through diligence, respect and mutual admiration. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The American flag represents the ideals of an entire country bonding together in times of calamity and tragedy. You were mourned and you have been remembered for having the keen vision, wisdom, intestinal fortitude and leadership capabilities along with an innate maturity to size up dilemmas which needed some one as humanely confident as yourself.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 9, 2015

A man of gentle persuasion and of humane enhancements, you were the embodiment of self preservation, Officer Cook. You were the police officer, so full of life, so rich in vigor and spirit, we the residents of Dade County looked up to you in times of distress to provide the much needed, the much anticipated hope, faith and optimism. How much humility is required from our heroes who give of themselves? I'll tell you my neighbor, friend and hero, you were there, way before that tragic day of May 16, 1979. From the moment you took your first breath until your last ounce of unwavering strength physically and of the character which supported your every movement you appeared and gave solid effort every watch. Privately and in public your whole persona was based upon how you could make this society safer and more proficient. A man of action speaks little, it is and was your conduct and commitment to excellence, achievement and courage that propelled your drive, desire and determination to succeed where others may not have. A sure light that radiates the essence of your legacy forever. Rest in peace. Beauty really is in the eyes of the beholder. A beautiful and pleasant soul of a human being, there was much left undone, Officer Cook, God knows what He is doing, He saw your missions and needed you for a much more sacred and extra special assignment guarding His pearly gates.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 8, 2015

A humble and very respected police officer such as yourself, Officer Cook, was able to lead by example others. It is such treasured heroes and heroines who by their honor and integrity act with bravery and reverence in serving and protecting the public domain. Dade County never forgets those diligent and resourceful professionals who dare to risk their lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 8, 2015

Before one can blend in society, one must first act in a dignified manner in their homes. For those admired and respected citizens such as yourself, Officer Cook, not many lessons on this important subject needed to be stressed. It is all in the makings of honorable men and women who protect and serve the public interest as you more than adequately did for twenty-five years, six very loyal and productive ones with the Metro-Dade Police Department. They don't come any more humbler than yourself. You were admired and beloved, a sure sign of your goodness, bravery, valor and courage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The brightness of your treasured soul has kept on shining down on your family and colleagues. Your character and its boldness to commit your life to acts of unwavering sacrifice stay us forever and never to be forgotten. Maturity and leadership when measured against one the other always assist those in their pursuits and aspirations in both their lives and chosen endeavors. That ruler is ready to measure the strength and conviction of those who have followed your lead. Let us hope they measure up fittingly and with a proper ascent of morals that come with their chosen profession where dignity and integrity are always called upon to help both the individual and the officer who is confronting any given problem that needs resolving.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 7, 2015

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