Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Life has its up and down moments. Tests, challenges pitfalls and perils. No matter who we are, we must face reality and any adversity that comes from it. For twenty-five years, Officer Cook, you faced any adversity square on, looked at it with dignity, integrity and honor, no matter how perplexing you were able to figure things out and arrive at a peaceful resolution. Some of us daydream. Others take matters into their own hands. As a calm and collected as you were, Officer Cook, by day's end you were accountable. You were accessible. Reliability and responsibility afforded your fellow colleagues are why your humbly heroic legacy remains solidified. No man's character is above department rules and policy. Ethics and proper professional conduct have always been an officer's number one priority. Yours, my neighbor, friend and hero are why we can live and prosper peacefully. Dade County and its residents enjoy the enhancements brought about through your unwavering love and concern for them. Never forgotten. Continue lighting up the skies with your brave soul. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davi

October 12, 2015

Police officers have a lot to ponder, just getting through the day can in itself have hurdles to jump over. While out in the public eye serving and protecting the dignity and freedom of all citizens. You were a person who lived in the present, Officer Cook and made it your business to be honest and maintain your class, decency and integrity. You will be remembered for having the valor, courage and bravery to interact and communicate firmly and fairly with all mankind. Surely, a legacy of much more than hope and optimism. Character is our humble reminder of who we are and why God placed us here. Charisma and calm, congenial and compassionate were your morals my neighbor, friend and hero and they were used both in your professional career and in your private life. Rest in peace. All taking you down the pathways of success. A mission well done. Keep watching over us.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 12, 2015

Time and destiny. One never really understands where they will take us. Our travels may be long and arduous. They may just be around the block. Wherever life takes us we can be happy. Your wonderful life, Officer Cook, built upon the structures of humility, honesty and dignity exemplified the meaning of what it takes a person to become accomplished. Kind of like playing an instrument. You played the drums in high school. Though, it took much practice, you still had to work at it. Practice makes perfect, though this world is not perfect, only Our Creator. He tries to steer His servants in a proper direction lending credence to all their pursuits. Yours were orchestrated only for His will and for what you accomplished they paid long lasting dividends for all Dade County residents. Valor, courage that came from a loyal and faithful gentleman, yourself, Officer Cook, have insured long lasting enhancements forever in the lives of all. You will be treasured and looked upon as a warrior and savior who took on evil and attempted to eliminate it. A tall order for any officer, you acted heroically and in an outstanding manner. Your legacy is just that compliment humbly speaking to your conviction and style of service and protection. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 10, 2015

Courtesy, compassion and compliments are what is expected from both police officers and from residents who are grateful of the professionalism afforded them by their public servants. Commitment to bravely as you did, Officer Cook, on May 16, 1979, the courage one must first possess after having the essential honesty, dignity and integrity to deal with any issues or situations that arise are what we probably would remember most officers for. You have been revered and cherished for acting in as calm a manner as you could, you saved at least seven lives, more for sure as your legacy of heroism and character continue sits ascendance this day. I know, your family knows and your comrades know you are in heaven patrolling over God's golden streets where no harm can ever come your again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The humble take compliments and proceed to the next trying task at hand trying to secure the necessary peace, freedom and unity for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 10, 2015

Somehow, Officer Cook, as does your family and friends all wish you were still here today. You are here in spirit as your loving and humble soul keeps ascending to God's golden gates above. The skies, the heavens have been made much brighter because of your presence. We keep asking why does God take good people at an age when they are strong and young, with more left to accomplish? Don't know the answer. Those who knew you personally and professionally knew and recognized an honest officer when they saw one. You challenged others to reacher higher for success. Leadership is like honor in the sense that one pursues one, the other comes to those who have maintained an unquestionable character. A legacy of heroism achieved by doing acts of unwavering and unselfish conviction. Commitment and conviction are the foundations by which we are judged no matter what line of work we choose to accomplish. You left a remarkable path for others to walk down. So now the opportunity presents itself for us to conquer. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Better to chase after honesty, humility and humanity than conceit, dishonor and callousness. The reward one receives for not straying is greater than you could ever imagine. Big shoes were left to fill when you left this world, the way you did. Though you left us as a police hero, so treasured and respected. Your sacrifice bears this out. You are missed very much. Words don't begin to recount your life and stellar career that was headed all in the right directions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 9, 2015

Clues yield results. Production and proficiency lead to high quality service if the right tools are found within the fabric of that individual. Seeing that you were a cherished and honorable gentleman, Officer Cook, it is no wonder so many persons relied on your dignified instincts. We do come to respect and to rely upon so many officers to pursue the object of righteousness. You came to the forefront in all your endeavors. The work that is needed to accomplish can only occur if one is honest and carries themselves with an enhanced integrity. The future of society now resides in the honorable actions of those who have taken over your watch. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 9, 2015

Success leaves clues. Commitment, character, honesty, dignity and integrity leave something else. They leave an untarnished reputation upon that brave and valiant police hero who lays their life down for a common cause. Your legacy of service and protection, Officer Cook, has been noted as you have been remembered for having the decency and class to come to the aid of your friends, your colleagues and those citizens who came to rely on your profession skills and leadership qualifications that humbly manifested themselves in both your career and during your life. Success breeds achievement. Transgression leaves an unkindly mark on the one guilty of mistaking honesty with dishonesty. Your were a trusted and very faithful servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 9, 2015

Joy and happiness are the cornerstones of faithfully and devoutly handling any job and its tasks that come our way. Your joy, Officer Cook was to become a police officer and to make your entire family tree proud. You left them all smiling and crying tears of joy even though your life and career were cut sadly way too short. And yet because of your unselfish sacrifice my neighbor, friend and hero, we pay homage to your honesty, valor and integrity always coming together at just the right moment in time. Time can be just a snapshot, a small glimpse into our futures. We never know where destiny will come calling, we do know for sure, your destiny, Officer Cook, had the right DNA to navigate you effectively and for the most part safely in and about Dade County. Residents can more free to accomplish, more at peace to succeed, more unified to stand up for their rights, your heroism and legacy all bears this fact out. Rest in peace among the valiant and gallant warriors who went to war over wanton wickedness. You were among those courageous and dignified souls who fortified our lives by your character, class and consideration. Compassion for all, trust and reliability take center stage whenever you were leading others. Happier times shall be had by all. In God's kingdom you'll have the best seat to witness the resurrection, Officer cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 8, 2015

The Lord watches over the simple. He blesses their deeds. Blessings come from the heavens above where God watches over those brave and reverent officers who exhibited the honor and bravery to perform their assignments in a fitting and timely manner. All your good deeds, all your fruitful and loyal career you were there, Officer Cook, to shield those who needed protecting. Never once thinking about your safety, your courage and heroic commitment to pride and excellence, the character by which your entire life was properly constructed, stood for resolute resourcefulness, humility within your department and the integrity and boldness to act as you so faithfully did on May 16, 1979. Enhancements take place even when we don't take notice of them, it was your spark of compassion and labor of love that has kept the peace and unity flowing as it should. Dade County can stand front and center in hope, renewal and optimism. Your life and police career were the boundaries to be cherished, saluted and never forgotten. It takes an awful lot to properly maintain a solid career, yours, Officer Cook, were the epitome of class, decency, desire, dedication and staunch determination. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God watches over His heroes and heroines as a mother watches over her children.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 8, 2015

Villains get their day in a court of law as do the victims of their wanton wickedness. police officers, the good women and men so brave and sure get their days humbly by serving and protecting endeavoring to keep us from harm's way. Sometimes things workout for the good, other times maybe not so well. All in all a tough task for one who must be firm in commitment. They need to possess excellent character. They must remain free from bias, stay fair and contain within their hearts honesty, dignity and unquestionable integrity. All the right ingredients, Officer Cook, that made you well respected and greatly admired in and around Dade County. Residents can be forever happy you were there to shield them from violence or whatever. You remain revered, treasured and will always be remembered for having the courage to stand toe to toe versus evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 7, 2015

A vile person disrespects authority, their hearts are clouded with deceit and infamy. A valiant individual is one who respects their superiors and inquires how they can perform at a higher level doing marvelous deeds to make this a better place to live. And this was your life and police career, Officer Cook. It was guided by the wings of integrity, dignity and honesty. Three things that usually can never lead a person astray. Heroes and heroines contain the humble and humane character that guarantees their legacies stay unblemished. When these brave and cherished servants protect our serenity and security we come to salute their memories and pay homage to them at every and all opportunities. Your reliability, dependability and responsibility lies now in all future officers who now face the same risks and perils as you did in making Dade County citizens that much better, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Wherever you patrolled you were admired and looked upon for your wisdom and leadership, a resource hard to come by today. Some have it. Some don't.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 7, 2015

God gives you something if you complain. He gave you, Officer Cook, the wisdom, the knowledge, the understanding to differentiate what was honorable, where your dignity and integrity lied. It was emblazoned on your police uniform and on Badge#1664. Nothing more finer could be said of a loyal and trusted public servant who displays common sense and ethical conduct in serving and protecting, as you did for six years, Officer Cook, in and around the streets of Dade County. You were both cherished, treasured and most passionate about your role to defend our freedoms, safety and peace which you too had the right to pursue and to live under the serenity of its blanket. People make the most of their opportunities in life and during their careers. With all the perils, dangers and risks associated with this important role, you furthermore demonstrated the ability to act bravely and and valiantly in an unselfish manner protecting lives and offering hope and renewal to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The humane and humble need not complain for they know God gives them their daily bread and sustenance. He provides them shelter and clothing on their back. You were taught these lessons well. One does not forget their upbringings of their saintly and loving mother and father. Your son , Officer William C. Cook did his community proud and deserves a hero's salute and the utmost respect for giving his life to make this a safer society in which to live and to breathe. Your breath has invigorated and enhanced this community to a higher level of understanding of what it takes to make peace a pleasant reality. The world as a whole surely needs it. Police officers all heroes and heroines are there to lend a helping hand.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2015

An individual who is devout and faithful to God doesn't need to worry about those materialistic pursuits in life. Why? Because God provides the proper path through motivation, resiliency, honesty and dignity for one to go by. To cross the bridge so to speak, just endeavor as best you can, assist others in their times of distress and act with stellar integrity. Police officers are charged with these awesome responsibilities and so much more. This is why you were able to maintain a semblance of calm in Dade County, Officer Cook. This was the venue you called home. This was where you took your cues on basic ethics and morally righteous conduct. Departments have to watch over their own, with yourself they had no problems whatsoever. You sheer determination and dedication to the causes of peace and unity were designed. Your colleagues were your friends both in and out of work. You were a brave and gallant man whose legacy of humanity and heroism reflects such. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Courage in character and in commitment will always be saluted when you are forever remembered. You will never be forgotten. Your achievements stand as the cornerstones of faith, loyalty and intelligence, as was the maturity which led you down a perfect path with only truth coming from your lips.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2015

Everything we do. Every task we accomplish is a direct result of Our Lord steering us in a proper direction with a sense of pride, purpose and self-motivation. All of our honorable, brave and dignified law enforcement personnel endeavor to function this way. Not all times are they successful. Sadly some stray from the prescribed course. But never did you, Officer Cook, go off that path. You stayed true to your profession. Honest to your colleagues. Dependable and loyal to all Dade County residents. As sure as a sunny day, there you were backing up your comrades with the same smile, sound leadership and maturity that produced a wonderful and humble leader of others. Our paths in life and in our careers may not always cross each over. We never met and yet reading and hearing accounts of what happened on May 16, 1979 to you, one can stop, think, ponder and conclude that you were a congenial and valiant hero who made a difference, in that you saved at least seven lives that day and possibly many more by your actions of hope in the name of peace, unity and goodwill. The sound of gunfire did leave a tragic and large hole in your family, friends and colleagues hearts. Yet it did not leave your good name, character, commitment and courage tarnished as God now holds you and other law enforcement heroes and heroines closer to His heart forever sheltering you from the violence that took you from us all because of your unselfish and unwavering actions of courageousness. Underscored by your devotion, determination and devotion to the calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I still cry thinking about you today. You meant a lot to this community and to my family. This world lost a very dear and treasured soul and more importantly a true gentleman.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 5, 2015

Everyone needs to be aware. Alert of what is ahead of them. Sometimes the trails become confusing, not always getting us from point A to point B as we hope. Wickedness, cruelty and violence stills is out there in our society, permeating and wreaking havoc upon those honest citizens who go about their daily routines in a constructively positive manner. The life and career of all police officers, all who serve and protect the public trust in a sacred fashion with integrity and dignity recognize and realize the perils that may lie ahead. You understood your role, Officer Cook, never squandering any opportunity to assist others. Perhaps because of your style of persuasion, maintaining a calming influence surely backed all your efforts through your six years of loyal, faithful and dedicated service to Dade County. Now comes the time for its citizens to repay you somehow for your sacrifice which has enabled all to live more freely and safely. Saluting your character, your cherished soul, your professional commitment to both excellence and pride all is borne from your good name and to the proper morals and ethics which in turn surrounded both your career and life, though tragically they were cut way too short. God though has a plan and design in mind for all His devoutly brave and courageous servants. Saving one's friends from harm is one of those callings, now you reside in the hearts of family, friends and colleagues to be humbly remembered forever as a true and trustworthy police hero. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Having accomplished your mission here, you now are given an even greater task and that is to assist God with protecting those who like yourself built a humble career of dedicated service to all mankind. You were a good person with a beautiful smile. Everytime I look at your picture of you in your uniform. you were happy, yet those who knew you are downtrodden because we know there was more left for you to achieve. God knows the fulfillment capacity of those who are here and measures out just exactly what they need to succeed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 5, 2015

We pursue our passions and labors of love by vigorously and truthfully going after our dreams and goals. Sometimes chasing after what we want becomes a little tiring, but in the end the person who exemplifies honorable actions, dignified thoughts and integrity in their mannerisms is more likely to succeed. At least we should try to be inclined to be faithful and loyal to those servants such as yourself, Officer Cook, who placed their life on the line for us to live on and to thrive. Only a warm hearted and wonderfully valiant officer would surely exhibit that kind of honorable commitment to their friends and it is your humanity to mankind that should be saluted and remembered forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Love may at times be blind, boldness rests in the sight of those who look for assistance and on May 16, 1979, justice was not blind. Justice prevailed and because of you, Officer Cook, your colleagues were saved as were those civilians who tried to lend a helping hand. Your righteousness has and will live on in your family's hearts and minds.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2015

Vindication only becomes validation when one is willing to put forth the effort. You poured your life and soul into becoming the very best policeman you could become. Officer Cook, you gave something we regard as special, your life. What more can we say? It can be noted your comported yourself with honor, dignity and integrity. Your commitment, courage and demeanor were exactly what Dade County residents needed to stay unified and peaceful. The peace of the community on May 16, 1979 may have been broken. Your character and charisma will never be extinguished, for it is the very light of your engaging soul that continues dispelling the evil of this society. One you cared very deeply about. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Keep watching over your family, friends and this entire nation of the many brave and devoted officers. who blaze the same righteous trails as you traveled down. When one keeps honest and determined to their aspirations, dreams and goals, they can never go wrong. You made our lives more prosperous and this is truly what matters. A blessed man. A most trustworthy servant. A humble and humane gentleman.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2015

I meant to say Officer Cook, you will be saluted for having the desire and fortitude to both serve and protect Dade County citizens. It was by God's divine hands that you were an outstanding public servant, honest, dignified and reliable to all. Comrades and friends have come to salute your bravery, which has served as the vindication and validation of both your courage and commitment. The character by which our heroes and heroines perform their professional assignments is based upon the upbringing and training they receive. After that is achieved they go out into a community and try to maintain the much needed peace and unity a reality. Your life and sacrifice, Officer Cook, has represented all these years later your due diligence and perseverance to the priorities at hand. Plenty of tasks. Plenty of resourcefulness. All stemming from integrity and the challenge to change the landscape of an area where you were cherished and remain a humane gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2015

Police work is not a profession to be envied by anyone. In fact it's a labor of one's love and appreciation in helping their fellow neighbor. So many times, officers just as ordinary people go to great lengths to make other lives more safer and peaceful. Certain areas of a community where you were known and respected, Officer Cook, needed a little more service and dedication. You gave that and so much more, it would be hard to imagine or even ponder what it really takes to wear a police uniform and badge and to be able to handle the rigors, stress and dangers of a very much demanding position. Police officers do make friends, they also unfortunately make enemies, people less inclined to go along with the normal routines that this society go through each moment. You believed in yourself, Officer Cook. You practiced and preached honesty, respect, dignity and accountability. So much to glean. So much to comprehend. So much hard work, toil and tears go into making a solid officer. After all, you did have a private life with your beloved wife, Karen. Your family can only wonder what things would be like today. Yo would be retired and helping others, doing deeds and labors of love. For it was your loyalty and faithfulness to Our Creator who steered your every movement in and around Dade County affording you the honor and admiration of all residents you so solemnly protected. The peace and unity were a part of your heroic legacy. The character and commitment are driven by one's integrity and founded upon the values of valor, courage and bravery. You were a brave young man. You were a gentleman so treasured and full of humility. North Miami Beach and your friends and neighbors were most fortunate to have you in their midst. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You be saluted and remembered for sacrificing more than we could ever begin to fathom. Just wish we could have met. I was honored to meet some of your family members and to receive the letter from your one-hundred year-old mother, Mrs. Julia Cook. Be well Mrs. Cook. I will continue praying for you, for your husband and very loving and darling son, Officer William C."Billy" Cook. His intelligence and maturity allowed him the opportunity to shape and mold the lives and careers of those as courageous and as gallant as he was. Always the optimist. Now because of his life and profession, hope and peace can live on in others by virtue of his accomplishments.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 3, 2015

Police officers just as all people must show compassion, care and the greatest honor, dignity and integrity when dealing with the public. The decency and ethics they strive to project into the citizens they serve and watch over are borne from their upbringings and have to reflect the values they place into their profession and the assignments they are given everyday. For your part, Officer Cook, you realized this was an essential part of your life and career. A career dotted with success. A life of growing up in a loving and humble home environment. Nothing can take away all that you meant heroically to your department and the women and men who served alongside of you. You were everyone's shining star as well as their inspiration. Your boldness, your constitution and commitment all stemmed from your cherished being and now have and will live on as does your beautiful spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 3, 2015

Do not be afraid. Keep your optimism high. Be devoted. determined and dedicated. be yourself. Remain modest, yet cautious. You were a positive gentleman, Officer Cook. One who could lead others while thinking logically outside the box. You cared. Residents of Dade County come to depend upon those men and women who show concern, passion, yet always worry or ponder how to serve and to protect the liberty, peace and unity that we sometimes take for granted. You never took anything for granted. I just wish we could have met. Comrades here and all around the country paid their tributes to you for a job well done. Keep a smile and watch over us and in particular your colleagues today who have taken your place among the many dignified and honorable public servants placing their lives on the line for the serenity of all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 2, 2015

Some of us dream big. Some of us ponder how we want our lives to turn out, you, Officer Cook, aspired through honesty, dignity and integrity to become a police officer so diligent and thoughtful. Because of how you lived your life and performed a profession not many would want to do, Dade County and its citizens can rest more soundly today, tonight and forever. You have not been forgotten. Cherished, respectful and valiant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The circle of friendship and faith stay camped around your home and around your adoring parents. Heroes and heroines stay with us forever in spirit, yours lights up the entire world, not just the skies at night. A legacy of charm and grace culminated by commitment to excellence in character and in bravery.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 2, 2015

The ideas and ideals that we dream about are why we live in a world the place that allows us to choose and to be able to accomplish things freely. You grew up during a time, Officer Cook, where you could live and prosper in a rather decent and loving home. Seeing that you and your sister, Nancy, were raised as honorable and with morals, successful could not be found that far away. For it was your bravery, integrity, hope and optimism that we all can thrive and achieve our dreams and goals just as you did. God takes His special guardian angels to His abode and keeps them forever safe from any harm. Your clarity of conviction, your commitment to pride, excellence and character have been saluted as you have been cherished and never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. This is what you will always remain in the hearts and souls of your family and colleagues.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2015

The cream of the crop always rises to the top. And so with a sense of pride and dignity do we the citizens of Dade County cherish and pay homage to the many brave, honorable and courageous women and men in the law enforcement profession who were driven to serve and to protect our freedoms, unity and peace. Officer Cook, you were a gallant and valiant representative of your department, who had integrity and the humble character to make a humble difference in how this world has been enhanced. The records will reveal your heroic legacy of staunch commitment and pride, loyalty and diligence, faithfulness and success. This can never be expunged from your intelligence and maturity beyond your years. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You rose to the challenge and without doubt or hesitation you instilled confidence in both your comrades and the citizens who trusted your skills in making them feel safer.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2015

We gird ourselves in strength. Police officers gird themselves properly attired and with a steady abundance of honesty, integrity and dignity. Each department has its own motto, I don't know what the Metro-Dade Police Department motto. But, serving with pride and honor to excellence is probably a good springboard. Officer Cook, as devout and as faithful to Our Creator as you were, you served with a complete honesty. You kept your wits about you, you acted rationally and fairly. You were a great listener and a better orator. Logic and common sense should dictate all officers plans as they travel around their communities serving and protecting the peace and unity of the people. Your legacy of heroism reflects grace, gallantry and valor at all times. Your character was beyond reproach as any officers should be. You donned your uniform and badge with class, distinction and courage beyond anything we can imagine. Everyone reacts differently to dilemmas. My neighbor, friend and hero, you professionally persevered and stood face to face with a monster we call wickedness. You will be remembered and saluted for having the acumen to handle the rigors of a most demanding job. Rest in peace. Good relations occur when two sides can agree to common grounds.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 30, 2015

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