Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Dignity deserves recognition. Bravery, valor and courage require a wholesome salute. Exactly what we afford those young and older energetic souls who lay their lives down for our benefit. Officer Cook, you honorably served Dade County and its residents preserving and protecting their interests. Firmly grounded by a decent and loving upbringing your commitment to vigilance and resiliency helped to keep peace and has endured until now and will forever stay the course. Your gallantry and congenial ways surely helped you and your comrades in this pursuit and battle against evil. A warrior until the end, your badge and uniform represented the ideals and guidelines by which all departments operate proficiently and professionally each day. You are missed will always be saluted for heroically acting as you did on May 16, 1979. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your convictions and boldness are two of the many foundations upon that which your legacy stands.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2015

Appreciate the joy you receive when you make others happy. Those who are loyal and faithful are the individuals who reap their rewards from Our Creator. Police officers and other public servants are expected to maintain a fair balance between honesty, dignity and integrity as this steers them throughout their lives and professional careers. What motivated you, Officer Cook, was your firm belief and desire to assist others and every breath of your life was dedicated to this endeavor.If only every officer around this town, state and country could act with principles and character as you displayed. Only God is perfect in all His ways and only God has His reasons as to why He takes those so brave and reverent souls to patrol His golden streets in the heavens above. You remain cherished and treasured as both a humble human being, an excellent police officer and a gentleman whose decorum and determination helped to keep peace and unity moving forward in Dade County. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2015

Life does have its moments. Some are happy. Other times sadness comes buzzing through the door like a swarm of bees. As a devout and most faithful gentleman, Officer Cook, you could actually witness the bright side of things. You went through the losses of some of your comrades. One never knows quite when that day will come. As a strong and resilient young man who was dedicated to protecting and serving through, dignity, integrity and honesty through commitment, it would a bit difficult to understand why God called you home to His abode. Your father, Charles, may he too rest in peace was waiting for his loving and darling son to come and greet him with that bright smile, engaging laugh and terrific bear hug. Your comrades paid you the fondest farewell and have remained committed to carrying out your legacy of hope and peace for all. Being attuned to people's needs, your strength of character, courage and bravery stays with your family, friends and colleagues forever.Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You'll never be far from our hearts and minds and I'll always say prayers for you, Mrs. Cook. You should live and be well at one-hundred. You raised a very loving, loyal and humble family.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2015

When listening and focusing in on someone talking to you, listen very carefully to the tone of their voice and the way the message is being communicated to you. When you spoke, Officer Cook, all Dade County residents took your words to heart, probably a very good reason you were a valued public servant. Having the honesty, dignity and integrity can assist any officer greatly as they tackle the daily challenges of their profession. Maintaining the dedication, desire and decency does help combat in the fight against evil. You witnessed this happening every watch. You stayed calm and determined to see all things through. Your heroic legacy reflects this very fact as now God watches over you and the many valiant and brave men and women who have sacrificed for the enhancement of their communities. You were admired, respected and cherished in a town and city where your professional participation helped take a bite out of crime. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Through your courage, conviction and commitment do way enjoy our freedom to do whatever in peaceful times and in unity for all mankind

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2015

Radiance and relevance, two words, simple as they are that describe one man whose style and effort fit like a glove. Officer Cook, you captured the imagination of an entire community that you not only grew up in, but loved, served and protected with every ounce of your unwavering strength and regard for all people. Without honesty and integrity the cogs of justice would fall off the wheels and kayos would then ensue. Character, commitment and conviction, just as your valor and courage helped navigate you safely through any issue that cropped up. You will never be forgotten. Heroes and heroines should always be saluted and remembered for having the common sense, the rationale to see a problem, recognize a problem and then to be able to resolve, solve whatever is called for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 23, 2015

You were always the most considerate and courteous officer patrolling Dade streets, Officer Cook. Thank goodness you were an honest and very dignified person. How could the citizens be any less grateful for what you meant. Your life and career stood for unique intuition, intellect and the wisdom needed to carry out basic tasks and it was your maturity that made you such a cherished and treasured gentleman and police officer. so we say it is your heroic legacy that will reminds us of why we have such brave and humble individuals working a profession that has many dangers and perils, yet has its rewards too. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God has your beautiful smile up in His abode, those who knew you have so many wonderful memories. You're missed very much.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 23, 2015

Always looking for the bad guys, you were that top of the line officer, Officer Cook, who could be relied upon in the darkest moments. So fitting for you to display your honesty, dignity and integrity even when not required to answer that call of May 16, 1979. Having gone to many different scenes, there you were saving lives of your partner and comrades, civilians from all walks of life. One who puts their own life and career on the line deserves our highest accolades, salutes and fondest regards. All your efforts showcased what we knew about your commitment and personality, it is attached to a strong legacy never to be pulled apart. We just hope that those who have succeeded you maintain the decorum class and decency as you did for twenty-five years of faithful service to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humane and valiant until the end. Resilient and diligent at every moment. No looking away. Focused and unselfish. A man of maturity and leadership beyond your age.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 22, 2015

A mellow individual whose demeanor represented the very epitome of professional courtesy we expect from all public servants. And Officer Cook, you were just a gentle and humble human being whose manner fortified all of our pursuits and dreams that we share. Visions of tomorrow could only take shape because of your sacrifice and the honor and dignity which upheld your outstanding life and police career. Now the hard part is when those who loved and cherished your unwavering spirit had to say goodbye for now. Your spirit continues its flight up in the heavens of Our Creator where His many heroes of loyalty, faith and resourcefulness now rest in peace as you do my neighbor, friend and hero. How blessed, how fortunate were those to have met and greeted you with the same bright smile and integrity that engaged all Dade County citizens. Your legacy of hope, enhancement, education and enlightenment stands as foundations of a well lived life and career that had much left to accomplish. The missions of yesterday, Officer Cook, are the reasons we strive to carry on your aspirations, your goals, your achievements, whatever tasks you completed, we just attempt to march on. Time does not stand still. You would expect us to move on and endeavor to be ourselves, be honest, be fiercely loyal, be devoted and dedicated, God helps take care of the remaining essentials of our quality and commitments to pride and excellence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 22, 2015

Your smiling face, your calming influence, the two sides of every officer and what should be displayed on their uniforms and on their badges. Your uniform, Officer Cook, stood for the epitome of peace, resolve and intuition. How else could you humbly give direction to others if you could not follow the rules and regulations of your department? You always went by the book and conducted your professional affairs with bravery, valor and honesty. All these years later you are still and forever being saluted and appreciated. A hero of the highest regard who got the job done right with vision, knowledge and the boldness to stand in face to face against evil. No running. No hiding. No turning your back when you were counted on the most. Strong and steady. Mindful and meaningful. Your loyalty and fulfillment of your life and its missions of which you were sent her e by God have been accomplished all with success. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A true Godsend now with Our Creator as one of His many heroic angels who held the peace and protected our rights to live freely and without any quarrels whatsoever. Badge#1664 rests soundly as does the loving and cherished gentleman who wore it integrity, honor and humility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davi

October 21, 2015

In the crazy world we live in today we surely can be most grateful and thankful for such devoted and honorable public servants such as yourself, Officer Cook. At least for most of your life and professional career you were able to conquer tough dilemmas and you were able to tackle the tall challenges placed before you. Desire, dignity and sheer determination do go hand in hand as they steer an officer's watch. Now up in heaven with so many our brave and resourceful souls, you take on the challenge to watch over those protecting our liberties, unity and peace. Their legacies of character, commitment and conviction are the ultimate motivations in making this a more serene world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Police always try to maintain a fine line between good and bad, you were a humble and humane gentleman who acquitted yourself accordingly at all times. Dade County residents can speak of you in glowing terms and with the warmest of sincerity. Outstanding and engaging all for heaven's sake.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 21, 2015

We will remember you gregarious nature and smiling face forever, Officer Cook. You were at the top of your profession when you left us way too soon. I'll continue saying prayers for your mom. She raised two wonderful kids and her darling son who represented honesty, bravery and integrity. Colleagues and friends from all over have never forgotten your big heart and humility. One can only succeed by lifting up the fallen, healing the broken and uplifting the downtrodden. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 20, 2015

Heroes of our past should have been allowed to reach old age, although we know those decisions are up to God. You were a superb servant, Officer Cook, brimming with humbleness and honesty that enabled you to lead other men and women as brave as you were. One day we may receive answers as to why our world still has violence permeating its air waves. Your legacy of strength and character stays everlasting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 20, 2015

Seeing that you were one gallant and great individual, Officer Cook, it would be difficult if you did not achieve a means of success. You stayed true to your bond, you loved being with people and serving their needs. We don't happen to come upon heroes, so humble and as courageous as yourself. You were a class person, filled with driven desire, decency and dignity. But it is an officer's honest appearance that will take them places. For twenty-five years of your life, Officer Cook from a happy childhood until May 16, 1979, God watched over you and your pathways in life. He continues guiding your legacy through thick and thin as those brave women and men try to conquer what you endeavored to eliminate, evil and wanton violence that threatens the very fabric of our society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2015

The attitude police officers should adopt is one of concern and being cautious. By being honest and dignified does go a long way in helping them solve and resolve any problems that may arise. For your part, Officer Cook, you were most trusted and dependable, a valuable member of your department who provided first class decency, service and protection. You remain cherished and beloved, your colleagues have never forgotten your sincerity and bravery. You carried other officers and it was your humble leadership that steered others in the proper directions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Legacies are meant to last forever just as your heroic actions of May 16, 1979 that saved many lives, your comrades that day were grateful and remain that way towards a most revered and blessed servant and most importantly a gentleman and faithful human being.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2015

Savvy and sound, sincere and serene all the ways that make a police officer's job a bit less stressful. You were one of the best, Officer Cook. A most loyal and dignified servant. You took those matters into your hands and with a sense of pride and excellence excelled in making Dade County and its residents lives matter. These enhancements brought about through your generosity and resolve have remained constant reminders of what you meant to us as a true police hero. Humble, compassionate with humility that bravely and valiantly patrolled our streets in a community where you were known and admired. Your legacy of hope and prosperity stays grounded in the belief that violence will soon one day be eradicated and all by your sacrifice and concern for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 17, 2015

The greater your faith and devoutness the easier you can overcome hardships. In your family, Officer Cook, your father, Charles passed away when you were in your early twenties. You helped your mother, Mrs. Cook. You were loving and kind. Considerate and polite to all people. Obviously, you and your sister, Nancy, were raised with proper conduct and the results were demonstrated by your actions each and everyday. May 16, 1979, was just that day when your training, your class, decency and desire came to the surface. Valiantly and bravely without reservations, you arrived at a scene you went to many other times. You assessed the situation and professionally did what any officer would do along with Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln, your partner that day. God only knows why you were taken at such a young age with more left to fulfill. Our dreams and goals, your dreams goals and aspirations all were successful because you believed. You stayed calm, collected yourself and maintained integrity, honesty and dignity while displaying the courage and commitment necessary in all public servants. You be revered and saluted for having the common sense, wisdom to battle, the vision to see clearly your missions ahead of you. Most of all your legacy rests on the cornerstones of character, a word used to describe a person's inner and outer exhibition of living by good conduct, morals and values. All of which you possessed and much more. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were the absolute epitome of grace, loyalty, decency and perseverance that Dade County citizens will never forget. Most police officers do good, it is those we lay to rest that are missed the most.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 17, 2015

The more elevated a person is the greater awareness of your obligation. With any line of work, profession or endeavor in life comes responsibility and we must not shirk our onuses. You never did, Officer Cook and for not forsaking your affirmation, God saw fit to steer your life and police career with honor, dignity and stellar integrity. Twenty-five years is a relatively short time, three-hundred months, but it is what you make of your endeavors that you will be judged in the end. And believe me you'll be cherished, treasured and admired for all your heroic actions. The residents of Dade County have resolve. They can live a bit more at rest because of your unselfish character, courage, conviction and most of all your commitment to see justice meted out fairly and promptly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your smile, your caring and compassion, Officer Cook, has indeed lifted the spirits of those brave men and women who have followed you and as per their affirmation try to maintain the balance between peace, freedom and unity among one another. God saw your missions in life and your professional career. Now He has taken you to an even higher place, more sacred, safer and sounder than we could even begin to ponder. No more harm will come your way as you patrol those golden streets in His heavenly shelter along with your father, Charles, may he too rest in peace. I'll continue praying for you, Mrs. Cook. Stay well. God bless you. You continue to stand as the devoted inspiration to your entire family. Your darling and heroic son will always be respected for his vision, maturity and strong sense of leadership. His loving presence and friendship will always be sorely missed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 17, 2015

A never forgotten hero is one who acts with honor and humility in all their actions. Truly one of the best officers during your watch, Officer Cook. Your time as a Metro-Dade Police Officer was spent patrolling and persevering, while keeping people safe and sound. Your courage and badge held together your integrity and honesty. since life as a public servant has its moments, at least the days, hours, months and years of your life were well spent and every ounce of your being was utilized in a most meaningful way. We keep your character and legacy encased for all to view, nothing can impune your valor and bravery. and no one will forget you. They will cherish the time spent with you. the congenial side of your personality will always come to the forefront. You made Dade residents matter. Lives were enhanced by your unwavering commitment to do God's will out of love, respect and loyalty to those closest to you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis s. Davis

October 16, 2015

Consistancy and courage. The passion behind all our actions is what our Creator expects from His loyal and treasured servants. For this, Officer Cook, you shall be remembered and cherished forever. Thank God honesty, integrity and dignity left a humble future for your family and friends to continue your achievements that were done for only heaven's sake. You remain a most loved and respected officer and a gentleman. You gave your all. As your sister, Nancy said I believe all give some and some give all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy brought about through the pursuits of peace and happiness in a tender and caring manner.

Rabbi Lewis s. Davis

October 16, 2015

Sunday through Saturday we rely on the keen eyes and wise vision of all public servants. Officer Cook, we relied on your intellect, intuition and ingenuity to guide us along the pathways of righteousness. All driven by your integrity, dignity and wonderful smile which lit up any place you were in attendance. Your peaceful and calming influence spurred outstanding results when it mattered the most. You will be revered and remembered for having the dedication and determination to see all situations to a successful conclusion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your commitment and quality of congenial personality is what we ask from our officers. You brought everything to your profession, Officer Cook ,nothing was absent, only your kindness and consideration. Care and concern were how most problems were resolved by your engaging sense of fairness and justice for all. The peace and unity keeps marching on because of your unselfish and most courageous actions of May 16, 1979.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 15, 2015

Grace and gallantry go hand in hand when defending our most basic rights. You took the time, Officer Cook and went to great lengths to serve and protect all citizens of Dade County. Whenever the calls of duty go out over the radio, it is then that we look yo our devoted and dignified officers to provide honorable and dependable service.. You were a trusted and cherished human being, a man with a generous heart whose bravery and courage won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your heroics rests in the legacy of character and strength you left for others to follow.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 15, 2015

In the grand scheme of professional police work, we the citizens look for our brave and courageous women and men to be honest and calm under duress. You can be honest, calm under the rigors of a position that demands every ounce of strength and hope from loyal and reliable persons. Among the many highly dedicated and devoted people, Officer Cook, the edge you carried on your badge and uniform gave you at least the chance to upright a ship that may be leaking. Before any of our hopes and dreams capsized, at least you tried to calm your best and to help a troubled young man rationalize his behavior. But, unfortunately things boiled over, tensions reached a point where things escalated, the humbleness in yourself, Officer Cook, was not lost, nor was your commitment, boldness, legacy of heroic character and labor of love while all the time serving and protecting our interests. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were among the excellent officers of your time and generation and now that has been passed, the torch of hope to other fine men and women. Every detail to attention must not be just glossed over, it must be incorporated into your everyday achievements, whatever and whenever they may lie. Nothing left to chance, just a day's effort to keep the security and serenity in Dade County, it's the dreams and aspirations of all, just as you had these same goals in mind. The energy you put into a project comes back many times over based on the endeavor. You always accounted for one-hundred percent effort Officer Cook, your smile and congeniality said it all. It was the gentleman in you and the maturity beyond your youthful years of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2015

Weaving in and out of a community, a police officer responds to whatever is placed in their hands. The awesome power of responsibility rests in their beings and in their brave souls. Whenever you were out on patrol, Officer Cook, you made sure your honesty, integrity, dignity and ingenuity were not far behind. That is what separates the special heroes and heroines who fight a seemingly never ending battle against evil, a ruination of our society. You were a humane and cherished gentleman whose breath brought life back to those on the brink. Extinction has been replaced by enhancement. Peace, unity and freedom can once again survive this threat. Always the most loyal, faithful and dependable servant, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sometimes the tapestry looks magnificent, it's how the deeds and your honorable actions were all accomplished in the name of God and for heaven;s sake.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 14, 2015

You can be sure your actions, deeds and honesty, Officer Cook, will forever remain greatly regarded. Your commitment, your integrity has hammered home the point of why it is essential to have law abiding public servants. Treasured and trusted. United and understanding. Caring and concerned. The greatest tributes continue to pour in and will forever do so. That's what you meant in loyalty and service to Dade County residents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your character and legacy have firmed the belief in morals and decency. We expect the very best from our bravest souls of conviction and in consideration.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 13, 2015

Never fail to notice when a man or woman lays down their being in the name of honor, justice and peace. While we may never knows the true identities of our heroes and heroines, their names strike dignity and admiration in the communities where they patrol and endeavor to keep trouble from wrapping itself in and around town. For all your efforts, Officer Cook, you were a gallant man who humble and resourceful presence cast away any doubts that we would be safe and sound. Time marches on since your untimely passing, it does not push away the legacy of love, hope and optimism you left behind for those friends, family members and anyone who saw you daily. They have this to cling to forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a man of integrity, morals and leadership skills so outstanding you'll be saluted for having the unwavering compassion to fight what ails our society today. Principles and faith carried both your life and professional career that had more left to fulfill. As we say God only knows. He comprehends the gravity of all situations and any and all circumstances.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 13, 2015

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