Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

In eleven days, Officer Cook, you would have been celebrating your sixty-second birthday. All the what ifs, could, should or woulds, you can roll them around in your mind and you still come up with why. Why did this happen to such a terrific man, a well trained officer and simply put a supremely outstanding public servant? God knows. He knows. You placed a life of service and pride, commitment to battle, the courage to confront, all placed squarely on your big broad shoulders and were fortunate. For those of us who know those who patrol and preserve our dignities, we have been honored. Your honor, trust and integrity backed your every movement. Faith and hope lie close together as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The optimism that allows Dade County citizens to live in peace, to entertain enhance, to educate others and most of all to eradicate the stench of evil that took your young life, Officer Cook, this has served one important lesson, to be on guard and use your common sense and rationale, you always applied this to your life and career. A trusted and treasured hero for all time sake.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2015

I still visit your son, Officer William C. Cook's grave which I did this morning. Your cherished son, Mrs. Cook, was loved by all respected by his peers and most importantly, cherished and miss very dearly by his entire family. What he meant in terms of serving and protecting Dade County residents, humble and caring. loyal and faithful, the honesty, dignity and integrity always figured into anything he pursued during his life and in his professional police career. Officers thrive on serving, so any challenges that await them must be faced bravely and with a confident resolve. Getting to the bottom of things only just is the tip of the iceberg. You have not been forgotten and your actions of heroism always stay in the thoughts, hearts and minds of all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 19, 2015

If all the words of these reflections could bring those we love back from the heavens above, I would say you've created a miracle. It can't though they are never out of sight or from our hearts and thoughts. We pray, Officer Cook, your family stays strong and for the welfare of your one-hundred year old mother, Mrs. Julia Cook. I have come across parents of fallen officers who have reached that milestone, if only your darling, beloved and most humbly treasured son, Officer William C. Cook, could have lived to see his extended family. It continues to thrive and to pursue through his good deeds of character, commitment, courage and class, while his honesty, integrity and dignity stays based in their hearts and souls. His legacy of accomplishment, his mission to patrol, preserve and to protect stays within those comrades who have long since succeeded him on his watch. We pray they remain safe and stay focused in their convictions to eradicate wickedness from our world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God watches over your beautiful soul that still shines as brightly as the constellations above us at night.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2015

Living in a world full of wonders and no telling what might happen. Last week in Paris, France there was another act of terror. Hundreds killed and injured. Makes you think, Officer Cook, how all the times you spent patrolling Dade County streets in an honorable and dignified fashion. Police can only do so much, this is the bottom line. Of course they answer calls like you did even when not called upon. This is what is meant by heroically and with a sense of urgency and decency going to a particular scene and trying to save lives while serving and watching over your own by calmly and cautiously evaluating the situation to see what needs to be done to bring about a peaceful resolution. You stand as a man of commitment to excellence, a humble and respected officer with a constitution of endearment always enhancing and making those individuals safer. Excuses have no place in any professional line of endeavor. Only the most sincerest and most compassionate persons belong in public service. Heroes and heroines after all are to be saluted for their outstanding valor, courage and bravery, something always displayed in your home, Officer Cook. For the righteous there is a blessing. For the evil the punishment is meted out by Our Creator. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Sacrificing for the people is what may be called upon by our dearest loved ones.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 18, 2015

For some the punishment fits the crime. Taking the life of any police officer, a person of humility, dignity, integrity and most of all honesty demands the most severest of punishment. Officer Cook, the man who took your young life, robbed you of your dignity and what was still left for you to fulfill had his life taken by your friend and comrade, Detective Daniel Blocker. Make no mistake you were and will always be admired for having the boldness, the commitment to excellence and pride, the faithfulness to act accordingly to save at least seven lives that awfully tragic day of May 16, 1979, a day never to be forgotten in Dade County history. History and heroism does run together along the same track as does peace and unity.It is the glue that keeps us the residents surviving and thriving in enhancement and in prosperity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, your memory, your life and career was exactly as Our Creator planned. Your mission was completed sadly and now you can humbly take your position patrolling God's golden streets forever. I still am amazed how persons can get away with taking the life of any officer without any punishment whatsoever. Really sad, burns my britches so to speak.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 17, 2015

Pounding the pavement, walking a beat, protecting, serving and preserving our safety, peace and unity. So many different things for any officer to comprehend and be able to maintain their professional courtesy, honesty, dignity and integrity. So much and yet you handled all, Officer Cook, with respect and admiration that your position called for at all times. We the citizen has to keep in mind is that you go out, leave your home and hopefully God willing you return safely by day or night to your loved ones. Your family, your colleagues and a host of your personal friends all know your were gallant, not timid, firm and focused, not off on a wild goose chase. You were reserved and humble, fearless and brave, your legacy of heroic actions reflects as such. You'll stay cherished and forever remembered for having the decency, class and proper ethical conduct to produce outstanding achievement. Six years maybe a short stint, but the maturity to lead others far surpassed what other comrades were capable of. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officers as maddening as it is out there, still need to think and properly employ a plan of resolution. Actions still resonates louder than words alone.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 17, 2015

Gallantry and grace, pain and suffering, some of us experience one of these things during our lives, maybe more. One thing for sure, Officer Cook, the rewards of heaven are surely reserved for the heroes and heroines of yesterday and the past who have provided us with more than a passing eye, a glimpse of their integrity, dignity and inner strength of commitment. Undaunted by the challenges that all officers need to go through to properly carry out their just duties. But you remain treasured and cherished by your characteristic mannerisms that allowed you to meet the needs of all Dade County residents. Never forgotten. Always greeting people with a smile and courtesy that far transcends anything we might understand, your upbringing, humble and proper, only the truth came from your lips, advice to lead, maturity unmatched, you were and remain always our savior and fearless warrior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God gives us these tests daily to see if we can maximize our days, lives and years. Twenty-five years of enrichment, enhancement, honor, pride and excellence, what more can we say? You had more left to fulfill, it's up to those who faithfully and with a boldness like no other pursue and track down evil and wipe it away from our society. We realize even the finest men and women can only do so much. Police work demands accountability, acceptability and must importantly reliability. You had that Officer Cook, from heaven above keep filtering it down to your friends and colleagues who proudly wear the Metro-Dade Police Department uniform. It is worn with a reason, a purpose and with a plan of action heroically in mind. No gimmicks. Only the best of intentions and profound thoughtfulness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2015

I just found out yesterday, Officer Cook, that you have another niece, your nephew, Josh Hyatt has a sister and that she manages the home of your parents and where you and your sister, Nancy lived. You live on in the hearts of so many people who knew you and admired your integrity, honesty, bravery and resounding faithfulness to your comrades. Truly a legacy we all would want to emulate from a humble gentleman and an outstanding public servant. Dade County and its citizens stay bonded in peace and freedom where their enhancements can further be pursued because of your unwavering and unselfish sacrifice to all calls of professional duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The slumber of the wicked will be one day awakened by the actions of God's righteous heroes and heroines.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2015

Officer Cook as one of the many heroes of law enforcement, you were most beloved in and around your community. North Miami Beach and the Liberty City portion of Miami where you served and protected is one that they will always know what you sacrificed in order for strength in honor, peace and unity and in order for this to stay bonded as one. It takes the most skilled and the most humblest of human beings who served an important role. Some roles are difficult to maintain much less to achieve. Remember the good times, your family certain has, though we all wish you were still here with us sharing happy times. You were a cut above most individuals and gallant until the end. Everyday, every watch you displayed the necessary resolve and resourcefulness to properly and promptly take care of your professional assignments. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The stain of wickedness can never tarnish your heroic actions and a badge you wore along with your uniform which stood for pride and excellence. Treasured and trustworthy. Bold and benevolent. Helpful and considerate. We try to live by your creed and proper morals.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 15, 2015

We circle the day when those we loved left us. Their departures leave us with beautiful memories, though the sadness and grief over their loss still lingers. You can be sure these brave and honorable women and men will not be forgotten. Officer Cook, you were the consummate humble and humane officer, a servant sent here by Our Creator to carry out good deeds. Through integrity and dignity we pay homage to your life, career and remember a very cherished and good natured person. One that all Dade County residents will always keep in mind. You patrolled. You persevered and prevailed in all your endeavors and achieved more than we could ever comprehend. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those who possess character, courage and commitment deserve our salutes for their heroic actions. May 16, 1979 is a day no one will ever forget.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 15, 2015

Shielding and serving our best interests, you were a humbly supreme officer, Officer Cook. God does give and take, you took your talents and skills to the next level with honesty, decorum and the firm desire and belief that you would make a difference. You made an impact we may never fully realize. When men and women train to become police officers, no telling what may transpire, in your case, Officer Cook ,modesty, morals and ethics allowed you to stay honed in on what needed to be accomplished to allow peace, liberty and unity to stay together among all Dade County residents. You can be certain you will never be forgotten. Your personable style and congeniality will be etched upon those you served, your family and colleagues who believed in your leadership, wisdom and maturity beyond your years. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Courage, excellence in commitment all fortify your humbly heroic legacy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 14, 2015

A mountain of courage, boldness to be brave, honor to act all go into the makings of an excellent police officer. It is these tests by which we judge our valiant public servants. You were among the many heroes, Officer Cook, placing yourself in harm's way to shield us. Still being humble and having the humility do perform what is deemed proper is what we the residents look for in our servants. Cherished, loving, diligent and strong in truth and in character, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy, your family's legacy of nobility and decency lives on forever. No more finer foundation to remember a true hero, a legend of a gentleman, literally and in outstanding dedication to all calls of duty. God truly has a golden guardian angel protecting His streets.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 14, 2015

Keep reaching. Keep preaching the message of liberty, peace and unity, one day real soon it will sink in. For your twenty-five years of an honorable and dedicated life, Officer Cook, what more could be said. That you were a splendid police officer, a dignified human being, a devout man of faith, firmness and fairness to all citizens. You stay cherished and revered in the hearts of who knew you, worked with you and just had humble conversations regarding life with you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A flame within your beloved soul still burns brightly as does your legacy of commitment and courage. We keep you alive and try to expound your virtues, integrity and nobility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 13, 2015

Police work is never easy. Life is not just a bowl of cherries. It has its dangers and its rewards. After all, it is up to Our Lord to handle reward for doing right and to punish if we commit a transgression. Your whole young life and professional career, Officer Cook, was the way we expect people to carry on. Be honest. Be dignified. be yourself and true to those you serve. Dade County citizens can be truly thankful for courageous and valiant officers like yourself. You just try your best, stay on a pathway of proper morals and ethical conduct and God in His infinite wisdom will look after you. He has watched your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook and allowed her to celebrate her to see and enjoy in good health birthday one-hundred. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, your commitment, strength of character now rests alongside a humble legacy. A true hero who always and only placed those you protected in front of yourself.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 13, 2015

Replete with honor and dignity, these are the traits by which police officers live and function in their official positions. As a man of faith and reverence, Officer Cook, you were gentleman of resolve and resourcefulness, to be able to carry on and to keep up with a rigorous schedule says a lot of our bravest men and women. You helped put back peace and security into a community yearning for it. You won't be forgotten and will forever be cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 13, 2015

We review a person's life and look back on their careers they chose to pursue. Work makes a person stop, think and take notice. When you patrolled Dade County venues, Officer Cook, people noticed. They know the officers who bare these burdens of which danger may lurk out there. You were able, willing and ready to fully tackle these problems all because you possessed and maintained a high level of quality, commitment, honesty and integrity. Sometimes these factors are hard to find in certain men and women. Sure bravery, courage and valor work themselves into your productivity of solving and resolving disputes between residents, but you were present and accounted for. We say treasure the moments, cherish the good times, don't let the memories pass you by. You were a humble hero, a more gallant gentleman than we could ever know. It's your comrades who now stand ready to salute your achievements that stand as the founding cornerstones of a well performed career, still one cut way too short with more to fulfill and yet a life of truth, hope and faith, seeing you were a devout man. It is this optimism which keeps you soul a flame and the evil you had to deal with hopefully being eradicated for goo done day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your trustworthiness will always stand the tests of time Officer Cook. Alacrity and being astute can only help a public servant, it can never hinder them in their pursuits of justice and fairness. Knowledge and wisdom with a keen eye also figures into the equation of perseverance and diligence. They never left your side nor sight.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 12, 2015

Deserving of all the accolades, you were a supremely humble, yet confidant officer, Officer Cook, who could lead others by virtue of your honor, integrity and dignity. Police officers while taking on mounting challenges on a daily basis must stay focused and primed for whatever pitfalls lie ahead. You will always remain in the hearts of your family, friends and colleagues, as surely as your heroic legacy remains the staple by which all other men and women of quality, decency and courage patrol the streets where you were respected and well-liked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A man or woman who works hard, gives total effort as part of their department and who embodies the ethics and proper conduct essential receives the fitting salutes of achievement. Accomplishment can only occur when one sets their minds to the pursuits of their endeavors with honorable actions that give credence to producing a positive result.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 12, 2015

We should always support our police officers anyway we can. They look forward to the citizens assisting them. The demanding profession they choose to undertake requires the utmost comprehension of difficult issues they must tackle. Taking on new challenges made you a better individual, Officer Cook, seeing that you were a born leader of other men and women. God takes His heroes and heroines to heaven where He keeps their character and legacies intact and for the sacrifices they made, salutes of honor, integrity and dignity stay continuous. You were a treasured man, a truly cherished officer and an outstanding officer who won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 11, 2015

No matter how far you may feel you are from God, if you put forth the effort you can come closer. Now as one of God's golden angels, Officer Cook, you serve a much more important mission and that is to watch over those officers as honest and as dignified as you were. The residents of Dade County count and surely rely on officers of character, courage and strength to fortify all their efforts. Your resolve and valor continues living on in your family members, friends and colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a supreme servant and a humbler hero who exemplified the much needed determination, desire and devotion to the calls of duty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 11, 2015

Let your ears hear what comes from your lips, let your actions speak louder and more concise than words alone. Exactly, what you did your whole life and career, Officer Cook. As surely as God watches over His heroes and heroines, you carried out your assignments loyally and because of your unselfish actions do we realize the basic tenets of liberty, peace and unity throughout the venues of Dade County where its residents share in a revival so to speak. Enhancement, engagement and education bond as one because of your cherished achievements, Officer Cook, the consummate public servant and humble man who was and is loved, admired and respected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your eyes and ears allowed you to calm down those whose anger might have boiled over a bit. Central Division had the best officer and a most uniquely qualified man of action, whose missions were done with grace and valor.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 10, 2015

We never want to be embroiled in controversy, yet police officers have to deal with this issue on a daily basis. One certainty, if they stay focused, honest and sincere, then they will be able to have a better handle on situations they need to resolve. Your will, Officer Cook, to faithfully solve dilemmas was to remain as calm as you could. Keep your wits and dignity about you and then the training and motivation you obtained then allowed you to carry out your position bravely and most courageously. Thus leaving no doubt whatsoever of your flawless character and commitment to excel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 10, 2015

A man's good name, a person's honor and respect that they deserve for their honor, dignity and integrity require a hearty salute. Your good name, Officer Cook spurred by your determination to make freedom a reality for Dade County residents will never be forgotten. It was your bravery and courage, commitment to excel in a demanding profession where compassion and patience is very much needed. Your legacy remains as together as the peace and liberty you provided while on patrol. It is the future officers who must look back on your vigilance which has validated your every outstanding achievement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Thank God for the Cook family and their wonderfully brave and courageous son, a faithful servant and a devout gentleman.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 9, 2015

Everyone endeavors at their own pace. Some mature faster than others and are able to grasp and comprehend difficult things. Police work is never easy, there is no east way to become a police officer. Either you have the tools, the makings, the honesty or you don't. On behalf of all Dade County residents, you had it all in a humble manner, Officer Cook. You were brought up on the fundamentals of dignity, courtesy and respect, which has been given honorably back to you. You have been saluted for possessing the keen wisdom and courage to be able to handle the rigors of a demanding profession. You left behind a legacy central to commitment, pride and excellence and brought forth enhancements that have made unity and peace remain in place this day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We continue your inroads to a brighter tomorrow by virtue of your actions on May 16, 1979. Never to be far from our thoughts, though you departed this world all too soon, you left a wonderful and loving to fondly reflect back on a treasured gentleman of persuasion and in perseverance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 9, 2015

I meant to say you were treasured, Officer Cook, trustworthy beyond any doubt, your watchful eyes and ears allowed us all to live and to prosper in serenity and in peace. The amount of love and affection you had for all Dade County and its residents cannot be simply measured. But, you were a heroic gentleman, a devout individual and a fair person whose devotion and honesty far transcends anything we could imagine. Praise the Lord for righteous and valiant servants such as yourself, Officer Cook. If you read these reflections of your beloved uncle, "Bo," Gina. I would love to know how your grandmother, Mrs. Cook is doing these days out in San Diego, California. Justin told me when I met him in September 2010 that September 17th of this year she turned hundred. I'll always continue saying prayers for you Mrs. Cook. As I've always said your son, Officer William C. Cook, your "Billy" was as brave and as outstandingly supreme as they come. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 8, 2015

A time to be born. A time to live and prosper. Sadly, as part of the life cycle a time to pass. No matter what you do and accomplish with your life, Our Lord decides when to call you to His heavenly abode. After twenty-five well spent and most profoundly meaningful years on this earth, you were taken to heaven, Officer Cook. Your dignity, honesty and integrity went along with you. Only if you were still present here could you pass on the wisdom and vision you gained through a humble upbringing and by making wise and the noblest of choices by becoming a police officer of first class in character, conviction, courage and commitment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Never to be forgotten. Always treasure, cherished and greatly admired and respected. Dade County citizens were always in your good hands in service and protection. A true professional and hero at all times.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 8, 2015

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