Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Thank God for your efforts, Officer Cook. Praise the Lord for your passions and the strength to surmise and to achieve greatness. All humbly completed. Your missions that you were tasked with choosing and accepting were the genesis of what you desired to become. One who sets their sights and minds on becoming something that affects society and keeps the everlasting peace where it is needed the most should be applauded and given whatever honor is humbly due to them. It can only take place if one is reliable, honest and stays dignified. You did these things very well my neighbor, friend and hero. Now God has taken you to heaven to complete your important role, that is to watch over your future comrades, ones who have taken over your watch. Let's pray they stay safe and keep honesty surrounding them. The citizens demand it.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 23, 2015

Ambitious not ambiguous, bold not befuddled, courageous not callous nor cowardly, desire not deceit, efficient not enigmatic, we can go on through the end of the alphabet. But you were an honorable man, Officer Cook, with the willpower to succeed, the determination to stay the courses of honesty, dignity and integrity. They can either sway an individual to accomplish or heaven forbid lead a person to do improper and unethical acts. You were, Officer Cook, an excellent police officer, a skilled communicator whose influence as calming as it was helped to maintain law and order within the Dade County community, one where you were admired and saluted for your heroic bravery. At least you were up to challenges that present themselves to any public servant. We can be appreciative. Humble and humane, devoted and diligent. They are were worn proudly on your uniform and badge. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One needs to look at an individual's class, decency and upbringing to arrive at the conclusions as to why you able to lead others. Your comrades and family members and a nation at large miss you tremendously.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 23, 2015

When hate and evil get ahead of peace and unity, our country and those brave souls who are charged with the burden of protecting us are put to the test, we remember them. You will be honored, Officer cook, for having the humble passions of serving all Dade County citizens, both young and old who fight on just to maintain and to prosper. It was your integrity, dignity and honorable commitment all consolidated as one to make us free from harm. It was a terrible tragedy to lose you at such a young age with much more left to achieve. In your life of twenty-five years you still did accomplish and for those enhancements in and around Dade County we will remember you and your staunch bravery. You were a straightforward individual who had the kind of morals and ethics that all police departments look for in their recruits. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Hate and the heinous actions of a troubled young man will never tarnish nor desecrate the uniform and badge you wore with both humility and pride.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2015

For how you performed your duties, Officer Cook, Dade County and its residents will remember you. It was your honesty and dignity that drove your pursuits and passions in both your life and career that you will be saluted for. Gallantry and courage, commitment and the character to act accordingly don't just happen. They are born and taught, practiced and preached from the time we are still young and vulnerable. One has to possess within themselves a certain distinguishable fortitude to want to make things happen properly. Truth be said, you were cherished and remain so this day. Never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The strength of a person's caring and concern all separates them from those we call heroes and heroines.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2015

No matter the time, place or season, we remember them. Honor, dignity and integrity never take a break or sabbatical when they all team up in the fight against violence and bloodshed and baseless hatred as well. People take breaks, but they also take their cues from men and women who distinguish themselves as you did, Officer Cook.There is never any rhyme or reason as to why your life was taken in a callous and a blatantly heinous way.You performed your professional roles with all the wisdom, fortitude and understanding so needed to achieve that for which Dade County and its residents. And you will not be forgotten, only saluted for bravery and sincere valor we don't always comprehend. We know many things, you were our hero. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Good manners and character do go hand in hand.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2015

We shake of the dust from our shelves, place our books or whatever we own back on them. We, place our hopes and dreams in the hands of the many heroic and bravest of men and women. All of you have been and continue serving us in an unselfish and an unwavering manner. All of what you accomplished, Officer Cook, was done properly and ethically with honor, dignity, decency and integrity and does not ever take away your positive outlook on life and a career that was headed upward. six years of resiliency and proficiency that was unmatched, a legacy of devout faith, character and the commitment to battle that which was necessary to squash out wickedness. You were a grand and loyal gentleman and an even humbler human being, something God observes in His creations. Only a true Godsend now serving as our guardian angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2015

If unity and peace bond us as one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all, then hate and wickedness can only be divisive and then the entire structure of freedom and movement can only be stuck in one gear. And because police officers and their departments must be on the same page and in total accord with ethics and proper conduct, then it goes to reason as to why our very dearest men and women who lay their lives down for our security and sanctity are remembered and saluted as you are, Officer Cook. For having the skill and talents to begin to take on and to tackle any situation you are to be commended. Peace, honesty, dignity and decency must take its genesis somewhere and for you it started in your home environment. Manners and courtesy is all a part of the grand scheme of how you comported yourself while doing your job and one you handled quite well. You'll not be forgotten for your caring, your commitment to courage and the character and its backbone behind all your efforts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, all is validated by your perseverance and due diligence to consider and to conquer. You made enhancement a permanent part of the Dade County community for its citizens to both live and to thrive in a decent and in a desirable manner. As loyal and as treasured as you were, Officer Cook, you never ever backed down or away from any challenges and life surely gives us a whole lot of tests each day on our plates to see what we can accomplish. You succeeded mightily and still had plenty more left to fulfill. God counts. We count our blessings. It was and always will be a pleasure to have received such a warm and congenial letter from your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook and to have met the Wilkerson Family. Wishing you Mrs. Cook a very warm and Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year and to the Wilkerson's the same messages of warmth and peace. And to you too Justin. Your son and uncle was a very warm and humble hero and devout servant of God.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2015

As faithful servants of God, it would be expected that we own up to our onuses. And surely from our beloved and brave men and women of the law enforcement communities where their honor, dignity and unquestionable integrity is always being tried and tested. Your thinking and performances in the streets, Officer Cook, were always planned accordingly and where a calming voice of compassion, reason and concern was needed, then this was what you brought with you each day. We can be certainly thankful for heroes and heroines such as yourself who take their professional positions seriously enough to serve and to protect the residents of Dade County of which you were a loyal and valuable officer who won't be forgotten for having the preparedness to act as you did that day of May 16, 1979. A very sad day for your loving family members, colleagues who went out to fight this evil with you and your very many close personal friends. You remain our guardian angel who continues to light up the skies with your very special soul and an unwavering ans humble character to match. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2015

Arrogance and disobedience have no place in any workplace and in life itself. So keeping the calm and carrying a stabilizing influence, Officer Cook, did go hand in hand when you went on patrol to preserve and to protect the public interest. Everything in life is usually centered around a purpose, your purpose was to keep dignity, peace and unity together, Officer Cook. And for this Dade County and its citizens are extremely grateful. When dignity, character and honesty are placed in the front, this then carries more weight and offers that brave soul the chance to justly do the will of God. And being the everlasting faithful servant of Our Creator, it all started here. All the preparation, practice and planing came together to make you the humble success you were my neighbor, friend and hero. You can rest in peace knowing you helped enhance the lives of so many individuals through your heroic actions of May 16, 1979. Your life and career with the Metro-Dade Police Department is symbolized in the accolades and salutes you continue to receive today. After all, humility surpasses the self-centered trait of arrogance and one who acts in a pompous and conceited fashion. Turn from evil and do good, seek peace and pursue it. Your parents, sister and your beloved Karen would have been proud. They were proud and you are missed very much today and everyday. God has a most compassionate angel patrolling His golden streets above.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2015

For a man of faith and principles, Officer Cook, you had not only needed to be honest and loyal, you had to keep your wits and composure about you while leading other comrades through dangerous areas. So sustaining your enthusiasm was obviously important as was any other matters pertinent to perseverance and resolving conflicts within the neighborhoods where residents looked not only for your strength of character, but the commitment to excellence and pride in what you did. Performing on a high scale and being able to possess integrity really does take a lot of practice, as all police officers are expected to conduct their affairs professionally and with the utmost respect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, it was your courage and valor that has and always will allow your heroic legacy to stay with us forever. There will never be a dark moment. Only the shining light of your treasured and beloved soul.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2015

Most of all your were honorable and dignified, Officer Cook. We can never fault a person for trying hard. You gave it your all and were outstanding in the face of evil. Brave and decisive marked your career and life, one lived by the values of consideration and good intentions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were loved and admired by all. If I had the opportunity to have met you, I too would have cherished the times together. The world's inspirational public servants protecting and preserving like no other.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2015

Love and hate. Sadly our world revolves around these two words. You were about peace and harmony, Officer cook, achieving where most of us would not dare to venture. You were resilient, resourceful and most of us honorable and most dignified. We sure could use more Officer Cooks in this world. Quite a few police officers named Cook who sacrificed for a better world and you know what they were decent and caring, driven to wipe out evil like you. Your colleagues have paid homage to a wonderful man, a hero whose determination, marked with valor and loyalty protected Dade County residents like no other. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your strength fights on in your family and they have never let you down, only kept your good name alive in their hearts. God's chosen angelic heroes and heroines took their cues from Our Creator.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2015

For your motivations, Officer Cook, ours should be just as lofty. A person's dreams, goals and aspirations should motivate us, especially when you wanted to become a police officer. You would be amazed at some of the changes. It's still a crying shame you couldn't be here to witness them. You will be remembered for possessing honor, class, dignity and integrity. A hero is never far from our hearts and minds. You certainly won't be far. We just have to look up at night and see the glaring light from your beloved soul. A gentleman's charm, charisma and commitment, like the cream always rises to the top. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2015

For having the gumption to enter the police department, Officer Cook, you should be saluted and you are, for your bravery and honor. People make decisions everyday that carry with them enormous onuses. Since you were fearless and humble, no wonder you were accomplished. Those successes have been taken to heaven with you my neighbor, friend and hero where you rest in peace. You rest knowing you were the hero your family and colleagues knew you to be. Your dignity and integrity have stayed within those who came to admire and cherish their moments with you. We comprehend the gravity of what any officer may or must do for society to live in a peaceful and prosperous manner. We shall overcome the grief and live as righteously as you did. Morals and character, its strength and resolve can be emulated, it just takes a little longer for some to catch up.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 17, 2015

Construction versus destruction. One having proper manners and ethical conduct to be able to patrol and preserve the public domain. First, your life, Officer Cook, started as a child growing up and being given the very best tools of success that would later serve as your instruments to lead and yet take instruction from other officers. There can be no doubt as to your honor, dignity and core of integrity as it navigated you through the havens of Dade County and its residents. We must be strong and brave and with humbleness strive to reach our goals as they are a part of our daily agendas. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Through your commitment to excellence and pride are we able to march on as boldly and with a purpose as you carefully did. One day the devastation of wickedness will be annihilated.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 17, 2015

Ramifications and results of success in destiny are how officers are judged. You were rated as a top police officer, Officer Cook and it was your honesty and intuition that led to your accomplishments. No one can ever forget your smile, congenial disposition or voice of calm that helped you protect and serve Dade County and its residents. A pillar of strength and humility are some of your outstanding characteristics by which you have been fondly remembered. Legacies don't just come and go, forever they stay cemented within our humble heroes and heroines who were brave enough to sacrifice so we can aspire to bigger and better things. You did have goals, Officer Cook, dignity and integrity came to the forefront on May 16, 1979 when you performed in a supreme manner saving your comrades and civilians from further harm. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You remain respected and treasured throughout the entire police world. God has taken you to a new calling where you now commit to an even more important role, looking out for your colleagues here who attempt to rein in evil through honesty and truth.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 16, 2015

I meant to say six years of reliable service. Those six years were better than some officers. Well spent. Most meaningful. Desirable and dignified. You upheld your end, Officer Cook, it's time we upheld our end. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If legacies as humble and loving as yours was could speak, one can only imagine. Those good values, morals and sterling credentials allowed you to succeed where others may not have. There was more to fulfill, nonetheless, your inspirations have stayed with us forever. Memories of a hero never get washed away. They stay with forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 16, 2015

You were that shining star, Officer Cook. You were Dade County's best and one of its most valiant public servants. One can only ponder what things would be like if you were alive today. Your spirit's alive and well, it does constitute the reasons of your honor, dignity and humility. As calm, cool and as composed as you always were, it's no wonder the people smile when they saw you out on patrol. Folksy, not phony. Beloved and benevolent all marked the answers as to why we celebrate and remember your well-lived life and a career that though it was ix years of loyal and dependably reliable service had much more left to fulfill and to enhance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Caring commitment and a sterling character, one of humane giving takes over as does pride and excellence. Never to be undone. Never to be forgotten. A hero through and sure.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 15, 2015

To dream the impossible dream, to fight with unbearable sorrow, to reach the unreachable stars, let's just say for all that our bravest and most courageous men and women police officers have to put in to be able to shake out the evil, we as ordinary citizens can only imagine. Exactly, as you made your life and career, Officer Cook, into a prosperous and thriving achievement. No matter the time. No matter the day. Everything you worked very hard to accomplish mattered. Your integrity, your dignity, honesty and composure all factored into making you a humble servant, one who is very deserving of the salutes for all your heroic actions. May 16, 1979 did matter and is very relevant when one of the many fearless and outstanding officers gives their life, something we sometimes take for granted. Take nothing for granted. Your diligence and commitment was from the roots of your quality of character and spurred all your efforts of peace and liberty into the Dade County community where you were admired, revered and cherished in a most profound and beloved fashion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We do bear the unbearable sorrow, your family bears a hole, a loss impossible to fill. Their fruits of work and fulfillment are a direct effect of your endeavors as tireless and as unwavering as they always were. The benefits can be felt. Life does march on as does time which never takes a break. You were beloved and are missed tremendously back then and today. Though your spirit flies high and does reach those stars at night, look up to the big blue sky, there's Officer Cook's spirit illuminating a world still filled with too much darkness. You'll never be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 15, 2015

I must apologize to you, Officer Cook. I meant to say uncharacteristically deficient is something that is not, repeat, not to be tolerated by any police officer. You stood for observance and compassion and expected your colleagues to tow the same line. Honesty, dignity and integrity lead to the best achievements we can hope and pray for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You led by example and battled with the utmost grace and valor anyone could expect from a professional public servant. Nothing can ever disgrace nor tarnish a uniform and badge worn with pride, excellence and loyal commitment. Badge#1664 rests easily and peacefully upon your cherished spirit.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2015

Seeing and hearing were a very diligent individual and an even more outstanding police officer, it goes to reason why you were such a beloved figure among the many Dade County police heroes and heroines, Officer Cook. Though you deserved a better fate, we know the wonderful enhancements were made through your ultimate sacrifice. The price we pay for our unity and peace goes right through our bravest men and women who preserve and protect, patrol and persevere like nobody else. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. In spirit you will always be my neighbor, friend and hero. Just wish I had the most humblest of pleasures to meet you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2015

Clean living and an honest upbringing go hand in hand to a successful career. You enjoyed accomplishment for most of your twenty-five years, Officer Cook. How else were you to humbly perform? By being dignified, loyal and very faithful to Dade County, its citizens and comrades who went toe to toe with you to fight the fiercest of wars against evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your character and its heroic legacy really mean so much to the entire world. You were a treasured Godsend.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 14, 2015

Police officers just as all people have to distinguish between good and bad. Having a good eye and keen sense of logic you were able to look and draw conclusions, Officer Cook, upon your years of training and experience. And having the prerequisite of honesty and integrity, surely they assisted you quite dearly in helping to overcome any problematic dilemmas. One thing stands for certain, your pride and passion made you among the finest officers in the history of the Metro-Dade Police Department and surely worth the salutes of respect and admiration that have and will forever come your way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County was always in good hands as long as you patrolled and preserved the dignity of all people. Officer Cook. No mistakes about that statement. Intellect and diligence directed both your life and professional prowess.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2015

Professionally proficient. Ethically efficient. Uncharacteristically deficient, this last trait is something to be tolerated from any officer. And you were that caring and concerned public servant, Officer Cook, who cherished life, valued your career and gave up something we consider very treasured. The many improvements and enhancements in and around Dade County can be directly linked to your supreme and outstanding protection of all mankind. It all goes back to character and commitment, you can't have one without the other. You'll be looked upon forever as our hero as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No bias. Just truth, honesty, dignity and sterling integrity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 13, 2015

We leave these reflections for the families of these brave and valiant men and women which we can ponder about. Officer Cook, you were raised with character and honesty. So it's no wonder you have been saluted for doing more than an ordinary job. It takes a yeoman like effort to calm people and to save people from inevitable harm. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God has taken your legacy of magnificent achievements to a higher level where you can now patrol those golden streets with no more harm coming your way.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 12, 2015

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