Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Commit yourself to courage through honor and dignity. Have the bravery and valor to perform your job freely and without doubt or reservation. Officer Cook, you worked as a police officer preserving and protecting the enhancements all people deserve. Dade County has come to salute its most skilled and humble public servants. You were reserved, yet distinguished, hopeful not boastful. You stayed the course and served as a calming influence for generations to come. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 6, 2016

Commitment means having the honesty to submit yourself to the will of God. You had the humble pride, Officer Cook and yet possessed the necessary dignity and integrity to keep Dade County individuals on a higher plane of peace and unity. That today is surely missed. Though that is the challenge all police officers face each day as they expose their lives and careers to this evil element. The starting place for you, Officer Cook, was in your home where you learned from your devoted parents all the right lessons Humility and good character must begin someplace, if not here then where? You will remain cherished as a loyal officer, a brave comrade and a gifted leader who prided himself in excellence where it was most wanted. Your legacy of honesty, class and the will to survive won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your friends are still here looking up to your soul for some sage advice. It rubbed off on many people and has carried them through their lives today.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 5, 2016

Captivating and communicating are too part of any public servant's resume. And yet without honor, dignity, decency and integrity you can't begin to function as you should. This very dangerous profession, police work, demands that its brave and talented men and women have certain qualities which in turn makes them a cut above other hard working people. Fortunately, Officer Cook, you were able to maintain law and order in Dade County by being honorable and sincere. You were a master speaker whose calming influence has led to so many changes, changes you should be allowed to witness, though you will never be forgotten for courageous performing that day. Humility and humanity always came together to produce the finest results when you policed and protected the public safety which in turn has kept peace and togetherness as one. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 5, 2016

One who commits evil and runs through the gates of wickedness has to lie in a hornet's nest of stinging pain. One who seeks peace and pursues it is called a righteous person. As an honorable and trustworthy gentleman, Officer Cook, your family, your professional peers, personal friends all had partaken in the fruits of wisdom. Even with your congeniality, sense of humor and engaging personality, you had the decency, dignity and integrity to make people feel wanted, safe and secure. Nothing more could the residents of Dade County ask for other than you still being here today spreading goodwill, good cheer and offering the enhancements of optimism, hope and equality. You were well respected, admired by all and most of all remain a hero forever treasured for acting in an unwavering and unselfish manner to save many lives that sad day of May 16, 1979. A day humanity won't soon forget. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2016

For the wisest of people they try to perform their daily jobs based upon good work and honesty. Police officers on the other hand have to perform dangerous assignments that they chose as a profession where character, dignity and integrity carry them through. You performed as a person, Officer Cook and who was looked upon for sage advice, sound logic and leadership capabilities that not too many possess. When we look to our bravest and most courageous heroes and heroines who maintain the calming influences as the fundamentals behind peace and serenity, Dade County surely was guided by these traits and you will forever be remembered for having the sound mind and fairness in judgement to see these things through. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Clarity has been and will always be attached to your heroically humble legacy of strength in commitment to pride and excellence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 4, 2016

The phrase I used in the last reflection should have read to try emulating this over and over and that Metro-Dade Police Department was glad to have you, Officer Cook, among its ranks. Sometimes it is easy to overlook a person's accomplishments during their lifetimes and in the professions they choose to follow. Since a police officer's life and career is judged based upon, honesty, dignity, integrity, character and performance that alone would be a handful for most to digest. Your resourcefulness was spread far and wide around Dade County and its various venues. I know I could not do what you did. It takes sheer fortitude and faith that Our Lord will guide your travels accordingly. He did for six years of solid and outstanding effort and for twenty-five years gave you the sage wisdom and knowledge to serve and protect us with a calming influence and a voice of reason. That leadership is ringing loud and clearly from God's heavenly shelter where you now patrol His golden streets. There is no tumult. There is no war. There is not hatred nor bigotry. There are only His many brave and guardian angels of heroism, action and hope. This springs eternal. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. In sickness and in health you are there hovering above us and guiding our pathways in life to the humble fruits of success which you partook from. You can only take if you make a deposit of some sort of action which will in turn better this world. One made better and enhanced further by your labors of love and reverence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 3, 2016

To live each day and to enjoy the fruits of success is what brings us happiness. Trying emulating this over and over for most of us this would be next to impossible. For one who's faithful, honest and devout, we praise them humbly speaking. This was how your life and professional career, Officer Cook, was formulated. It starts in one's home life and how they are raised upon morality and dignified actions. It then translates as they grow up and mature into people who have a sense of balance between good and what is deemed not good. All the time, the training, the field and classroom hours spent helped mold you into the fine police officer that not only Metro-Dade Police Department among its ranks, but the residents of Dade County where you were respected and honored and continue to be admired for your dedication and perseverance to security and peace. When these two forces combine as one, people feel a sense of relief in that they can fulfill their goals, dreams and aspirations just as you did for twenty-five years with more left to accomplish. The mission in life is clear, pursue what makes you happy, challenge your inner being to fairness, decency and integrity. It will by itself leave a legacy that is more than a footnote. You left us too soon, Officer Cook, you achievements serve as a balance beam for us stand tall as you did when confronted with violence. rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your soul stands out among the many courageous heroes and heroines who sacrificed for a just and a noble cause.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 3, 2016

Your attitude is your gratitude. Meaning one thanks their Creator for all that they have. Being a police officer can be a thankless job for all that one must juggle. Balancing what needs to get done in order for citizens to live safe and sound. This is always a top priority. Placing things in their proper perspective, always how you lived your life and performed your role, Officer Cook. After all for one to achieve, honesty, integrity and dignity must be placed at the top of your professional agenda. And I know you were thankful. I can't think of too many sons who would visit their mothers after work to inquire how they are doing. You did. I could tell by your mother's letter to me what kind of a loving son and a hero you were to her. If only you could have celebrated her one-hundredth birthday with her and Karen out in San Diego, California. You were a loyal comrade, a treasured friend to all and the ultimate personification of a warm and congenial gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Legacies of hope, faith and peace last forever as does your soul, it continues lighting up our world from all this evil that you fought on a daily basis. You fought tooth and nail to preserve, serve and protect.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 2, 2016

For one to achieve success and accomplishment in their life and chosen endeavor, trust and faith in God is essential. Being the devout man that you were, Officer Cook, those who knew you saw greatness and humility in whatever you undertook. Your police career was drawn from your pleasant and honorable upbringing by your two loving and devoted parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cook, your beloved heroic son, Officer William C. Cook, possessed that natural ability to lead other comrades through his dignity, integrity and respect he had for authority and for having certain God given talents that not everyone has. To become a leader, one must first aspire and then to be an inspiration for others to properly follow their lead. You were admired and remain cherished among your peers and those residents of Dade County whom you faithfully protected and served. The world lost a great man on May 16, 1979. Your family continues serving and striving to maintain with loving humbleness all that you fulfilled during your life. Never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 2, 2016

The calming influence that all police officers should rely on serves as the measuring stick for how any outcome will be positive. When you went out on patrol, Officer Cook, Liberty City or wherever you served and protected, the citizens knew they would be treated in a first class manner by your courtesies. Not everyone is covered by decency or morals, your life and career was the epitome of class, honesty and dignity. God takes those truly righteous heroes and heroines to heaven, sheltering them as their souls that were most beloved go from one point to another. You'll always be treasured and admired for the life and career you assumed. W make choices in life that will benefit society. Your decision was based upon deductive reasoning and sound logic. What else can we say? You were a hero and warrior until the end. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2016

As we begin this new year, let us reflect back on the past year in which too much violence permeated this world. A world made safer by your efforts, Officer Cook. Where honor, dignity and integrity came together to assist you better in this war of wickedness. You will be remembered for having the heroic humility to see all things through. And as such your legacy will reflect that. One of decency, dedication and devotion to the calls of professional duty. You live on in your family's heart, your colleagues hearts and those who befriended a truly cherished gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Thirty-seven will soon be fast approaching, the enhancements and security you allowed Dade County residents with only reinforces your terrific upbringing.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2016

New Year's Day comes in two days. let us all offer a small prayer for peace, love and hope being channeled properly in 2016. You were a champion of this, Officer Cook. You took the correct steps in an effort to ensure this would occur. Your untimely loss is a loss for all mankind, police officers whatever chosen professions we choose to undertake. At least you were honest, had dignity and integrity surrounding your every move around Dade County roads. Too many bad things happening to good people and you were a good man. A loyal follower who turned out to be an inspired leader of other police. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your thoughtfulness, gallantry and professional demeanor have been greatly absent. Commitment and your character certainly steered your missions and now Our pilot navigates your soul from one point to another. I want for you, Mrs. Cook to have a wonderful January first filled with good health, peace and prosperity for all. Your beloved and darling son filled this world with his peaceful disposition and care with compassion for his fellowman.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 30, 2015

Deduction by honesty, devotion and desire driven by dignity, heroism by humility, all the right stuff that all police officers must have to carry out their jobs properly. Officer Cook, you were a gentle soul, a devout and faithful man, an individual of calm and concern. Dade County and its people could surely rely on a very resourceful and revered man of action whose missions in twenty-five years of life were twofold and that was to serve and to protect the public trust and maintain peace and everlasting unity among its neighborhoods. Those who were fortunate enough to have known you miss your warm and big smile and the integrity you possessed to persevere and perform everyday in an outstanding manner right until your last watch on May 16, 1979. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. There will never be an issue whatsoever with your admired legacy, in that it will permeate down to all your colleagues of the future who by their bravery and courage look to get a handle on the evil that still rears its ugly head. People deserve the right to live quietly and with security within their homes and communities.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 30, 2015

We praise the Lord and thank Him for the times our loved ones were around us. All the good and sometimes the not so good. Twenty-five years does not seem like a long time, the trouble is why? You accomplished more in your life and career, Officer Cook ,than most of us would ever know. You were fiercely determined, devoted and driven by a powerful and yet humble work ethic, consisting of morals, honesty and integrity. That lasts even as you rest in peace now my neighbor, friend and hero. God's grace and your sagely wisdom are now the very ingredients in helping your comrades to stay safe. Patrol those golden streets well just as you faithfully did for Dade County residents for six years of stellar and heroic work. Always treasured and respected. Dignified and mindful of all mankind, the peace and enhancements we have today moving forward is directly attributed and was courageously brought about through your endeavors.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 29, 2015

Conceit and deceit can lead anyone down the wrong path. Honor and integrity when merged as one do usually lead to proper conduct and can make a career takeoff. Your wonderful life and police career, Officer Cook, was highlighted by many wonderful times and moments. Though sadly those times and moments ended way too soon back on May 16, 1979. It was a very sad day for the entire police world, your family and friends. But you were humble, lovable, respected, concise and precise to every detail that would lend a hand in your being able to serve and to protect Dade County citizens, affording them the right to live freely and with peace surrounding them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy of heroic actions remains the dignity of your blessed soul and its strength of character and commitment to pride and excellence. Bravery and valor help eliminate violence when that person is engaged in thoughtful and productive work habits.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 29, 2015

Heroes and heroes captivate us with their quite unique and unwavering valor and bravery. It all starts with being honest and having the necessary dignity and integrity to commit oneself to performing the tasks at hand. Challenging enough for the ordinary person who works a nine to five shift. Police work is not just a nine to five assignment, it can be much longer depending on what is needed to bring out a cooperation between citizens and those who have taken a solemn affirmation to serve and to protect. Something as a young man must have stirred your passions, Officer Cook, to have chosen a profession where it's a central theme to be decent, honest and to be driven and devoted to accomplish. Having been one of your department's finest officers, it's no secret as to why you have remained cherished and have been saluted for your heroic actions of May 16, 1979. Twenty-five years young and so much more to left to fulfill. Your missions to stamp out evil and help to enhance the lives of all Dade County residents continues this day and will forever. It was that modest pride and excellence that you kept up with in a deserving manner.You rendered outstanding leadership and the courage to assist other colleagues to intelligently handle whatever tasks were given to them. Hope, peace and strength lie within your bright and shining soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2015

Where honesty, dignity and integrity travel, longevity and success may be close behind. For it is with our most angelic and very special men and women who patrol our streets and communities hoping to weed out evil. No small chore. Mo easy task. One gigantic challenge and it lies within the beings and souls of our courageously decent public servants, of which you were one of, Officer Cook. It's the way you composed yourself, maintaining calm and peace within the Dade County community where you were respected and loyal to your fellow comrades. All of whom dug deep into the trenches to combat this menacing enemy. Violence takes no time off as it permeates our society while we are asleep at night and those assigned to serve and protect us look out for our souls so we can rest easily. Your quality of character and its inner strength circles around us forever guiding our every movement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your humble and humane service in both your career and during your life of achievement will always be our inspirational motivating factor.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2015

We commit ourselves to giving honor and salutes to those women and men who dare to risk their beings to save our souls from harm. You took the challenge, Officer Cook, to protect and to serve the public interest. Dade County certainly remembers its heroes and heroines who have kept the wheels of peace and enhancement moving forward. Pride and excellence function as one when the dignity, honesty and integrity of that person is bound as one. You'll never be forgotten Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2015

The boldness of those many supremely brave and courageous men and women clarifies what we the citizens already knew regarding their dignified and honorable character and commitment. Your humble and charming disposition, Officer Cook, has enabled all residents of Dade County to live and to prosper in a peaceful and unified manner. It's when courage and discipline merge as one that all police officers can properly function accords to the rules spelled out by their departments. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy of trust built by a cherished and faithful and loyal gentleman.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2015

My wife and I have a younger son, Joshua, like your nephew, Mr. Hyatt. He is learning in Jerusalem, Israel where violence sadly seems to be an everyday part of living in the Middle East. You were a servant whose makeup included serving and protecting all citizens of Dade County. and for that you'll not be forgotten. After sixty-seven years you think the Arabs and the Israeli people could co-exist in peace and in harmony. Sadly not. And more sadder that it takes many sacrifices of honorable and loyal women and men to get a point across regarding wanton violence. Although some of these deaths were accidents or through duty related illness. Gunfire still ranks as the leading cause. For what you meant as an inspired leader, Officer Cook, society surely feels the deep wounds of your passing. You lent credence and courage to a profession that at times lacks these important characteristics. You will remain cherished and humble for doing an outstanding job under duress and stress. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We go from strength to strength all because of your morals and proper conduct to reign in violence and its path that sometimes is jagged. No one can predict the future. We live as you lived and enjoyed life, from moment to moment. Your legacy is guarded by God who breathes life into our very beings.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 26, 2015

You were a most proficient public servant, Officer Cook. You delivered punctuality, perseverance and professional demeanor we come to expect from our most admired and sincerest heroes. If only we could uncover why did you lose your life to a troubled young man whose life was filled with hatred and depression? Your honesty, dignity stay forever within our midst. The strength and power of your soul continues its heavenly path lighting up the darkest corners. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Warmth and love. Respect and reverence marked your life and a career filled with so much more left to fulfill. Your mission was complete and now God has taken you upward to guard His golden streets. The guardian angel, the Dade County hero who restored unity and peace into our lives and souls. The young man apparently had no past criminal record. Gives one something to ponder. Once something like that happens it is hard to turn back. Very tragic. Your loss continues to eat inside of me this day.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 26, 2015

Courage and courtesy are behind those who validate our world with their valor. Words sometimes carry emptiness unless the deeds speak more boldly than what comes from our mouths. Officer Cook, your decisiveness, your awareness and devotion to all calls of professional duty are the proof positive as to why you remain our hero. True to form, you acted as any officer would have on May 16, 1979 and saved many lives while giving up yours honorably and with grace and integrity all driving your passions in life to become a police officer. Loyal and faithful. Commitment to ethics and morals are what we judge our finest women and men who bravely risk everything for peace and unity in Dade County to exist as well as around the world. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2015

Today is a day for many people to celebrate, Christmas. A day for prayer. A time to be with our loved ones. A moment to look back on your life and career, Officer Cook. One that was filled with much promise, hope and fulfillment. I know God certainly has you and your dad, Charles, two, humbly honorable and very dignified gentlemen sheltered where you can watch over your family. Your performance and heroism will not be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Today brings out the strength and power of your beautiful soul as it lights up the universe.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2015

As a representative of peace and unification, Officer Cook, we must be mindful and respectful of the sacrifices you made on our behalf. We pause to reflect and remember with solemness your honesty, boldness in commitment and the perseverance to pursue evil and eradicate it from our midst. You were that loyal and humble leader who could mold other brave men and women to perform their tasks justly, not just as a matter of fact. Leaders don'y grow on trees as does fruit, your hard work and all the sweat and toil involved allowed your successes in life to reach a fruition. There was more to achieve, more left to fulfill. Now as a hero who gave, God turns your eternal life to another page and that is to watch over the flock and help Him secure the relief from despair and frustration. Turn that to happiness, peace and good health to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. To all who exposed themselves to wipe out violence, may the day of redemption and the Messiah come soon. Speedily and quickly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2015

When righteousness and indignity get intertwined it usually spells trouble for any community. So this is why we need strong able bodied women and men to both protect and serve so that the climate may be one of unity, peace and prosperity and as we approach these holiday times the world and this nation surely relies on its most honorable to undertake this very special and sacred mission. One that you relished, Officer Cook. One that you were admired for achieving calm and to take the yoke of leadership and to be able to translate that element to other colleagues who today respect and honorably salute your heroism and bravery. A legacy and pillar of character personified many times over. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The souls of the righteous stay aflame forever. The light of the indignant that bulb must be changed more often than not. Happy and healthy holiday to the entire police nation. You folks are the real heroes and heroines who put your lives and careers on the line for our liberties.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2015

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