Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Tradition calls for extreme care in all that we set out to achieve. It involves not only searching within your framework for the morals deemed proper to carry out a task, but the honesty, dignity and integrity to go through with any challenges at hand. When confronted by evil, you did not run, Officer Cook, rather you hung in and fought the tough battle to instill peace, calm and unity within the lives of Dade County citizens. And you cannot ever be forgotten for your one-hundred percent endeavors at all times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your humble legacy of faith and resolve, courage and bravery rests alongside your compassionate soul. Women and men of commitment and pride remember from where they came and respect the badge and uniform they once worn with extreme humility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 29, 2016

Everyday we should establish a time set aside for some soul-searching. Take an accounting of who we are and where we need to go in order to make this world that much safer. Surely, something you must have put time aside to do, Officer Cook. Police officers have to wear not just a clean and proper uniform and badge, they have to deal with many different things at once. There is not dodging any issue they must confront. You looked at all matters, Officer Cook, professionally, honorably and with a sense of not just pride, but with an urgency. As most of us know, crime does not rest, it do not take a timeout. It's real and out there for those brave and valiant enough, strong and mentally able to tackle its challenges. The opportunity is real and one that is enormous for anyone public servant to have to meet up with face to face. You rose to the task, Officer Cook, you remained calm and focused, dignified and humane all while protecting and serving Dade County and its best interest. You performed on May 16, 1979 in an outstanding manner, saving your comrades from more harm, even death and the civilians involved in that wickedness. Your sacrifice represents the lessons we may have learned from one of the very best leaders of comrades who like yourself were dedicated and cared about humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God when we get to heaven make the real accounting and judges us according to our proper morals and conducts in all our actions. Police officers are always going to be judged and held to a higher professional standard. The hard working and honest men and women have nothing to fear, those who don't quite measure up need to look real close at themselves in the mirror. Start now before it's too late. You were a man of peace, hope and optimism, Officer Cook. Why shouldn't colleagues emulate this pattern?

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 28, 2016

Our saviors who are brave and sure deserve our respect and salutes of dignity for all they provide us with. That is honesty, integrity, loyalty and dignity. The fabric by which and of which we come to trust these heroes and heroines from our law enforcement communities. You were a major contributor to the Metro-Dade Police Department, Officer Cook and your fairness and firmness to mete out unity, peace and liberty will never be forgotten. You were a well liked and respected officer within the ranks. Courteous and polite, intellectual and idealistic. Practical and persevering, calming and reasonable, that's what Dade County folks came to remember you for. It makes your humbly heroic legacy stand as the cornerstone of character, conviction and determination. You were certainly devoted to battle the right causes in an effort to eliminate violence and crime from our midst. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your upbringing and career will stay within in thoughts, hearts and minds as your soul travels in the heavens above patrolling those golden streets as one of God's finest guardian angels.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 28, 2016

Those I Died For You shirts which display heroes and heroines who gave their lives for Dade County citizens I caught a glimpse with your name on the back, Officer Cook and Detective Scott Richard Rakow with his name. I was fortunate enough to meet and talk with his mother, Mrs. B. J. Rakow at the police memorial either in 2010 or 2011. I met his widow, Mrs. Toni Lester and his daughter, Erica Rakow, who is a television reporter for Channel 10 WPLG-TV. Amazing meeting both of your relatives. You both were honorable, dignified and compassionate heroes who died doing what was proper. And that was fighting evil. Detective Rakow was killed chasing a drug dealer. Two remarkable gentleman characterized by poise, passion and commitment to integrity. Detective Rakow rests in peace at Lakeside Memorial Park in Doral. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Intuition. Desire. Fortitude' Yearning. Morals and values were your backbones, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 27, 2016

Visiting your grave, Officer Cook, to honor your service and dedication to the people of Dade County is a project I'm humbled to have accepted upon myself. I would think that one who gives their life for a noble cause deserves the salutes of humility and honor that come their way. Bravery and valor don't just pop into a person's life, for it is how one lived and conducted their affairs. Yours were conducted with candor, commitment and excellence in knowing you performed admirably in seeing peace and unity brought together as one. You'll never be forgotten. Your heroic legacy glows as does your beautiful soul as it now patrols God's golden streets. A treasured guardian angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One can only smile and look back proudly on your passion and what you delivered in quality service to everyone including caring for your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook. You will be in my thoughts and prayers forever. Stay well in San Diego.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 27, 2016

To continue the validation of good over evil, the battles must be fought to their fullest. The honest, the dignified all remain so. Those whose character is humbled with integrity shall stay the course. And as always, Officer Cook, you lived your life personified by strength in pride, commitment and loyalty. There can never be any complaints or anything else that would tarnish your professional reputation among those honorable enough to battle this wickedness on a daily basis. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Badge$1664 was worn proudly,carefully and most passionate. Dade County citizens got consideration, respect and care when you protected and served their interests.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 27, 2016

What I meant to say, Officer Cook, is that the only quit is when violence is quieted. In these professional matters you excelled mightily. Police officers are trained and taught not to give in only in extenuating circumstances. Every situation they confront is unique and challenging enough. They must maintain an approach where only honest and dignified methods are utilized. This was why you were the person, the servant of humility who personified what we come to look for in our heroes and heroines. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You went down fighting with a commitment and strength of character that remains your legacy of valor. The bad guys shall never be victorious, for as long as we have those righteous enough to keep waging war, integrity and its remnants shall not be lost.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 27, 2016

There can be no quit. No giving in. No giving up the battles, the ones waged daily to reign in violence. It's an officer's creed to pursue and to weed out evil. Your assignment, Officer Cook, one you chose thoughtfully and without reservation called for you to act professionally and proficiently at all times no matter the circumstances as dictated by the situation at hand. You were proper and honest, you comported yourself, with integrity and dignity, something your colleagues looked up to you for. And so this was why you were a talented and humble leader of others, also it was your keen wisdom and being able to size up matters pertinent to resolutions of cases. No matter you traveled down the straight path, you kept people calm and reassured them things would be fine. A positive influence among all mankind, a diligence second to none. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Quality of commitment, honorable ethics, morals above reproach are glowing in heaven as is your wonderful soul, one which gave back more than we could ever imagine. Just loyal and devout all your life and during a marvelous career as well, though, there was more left to fulfill. God uplifts those righteous people who fulfill His edicts. You were a faithful servant and now you are a heroic guardian angel tasked with even greater responsibility. You were a man of stability and common sense, Officer Cook. Justice could never go blind when you were serving and protecting residents of Dade County.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2016

There can be quit. No giving in. No giving up the battles, the ones waged daily to reign in violence. It's an officer's creed to pursue and to weed out evil. Your assignment, Officer Cook, one you chose thoughtfully and without reservation called for you to act professionally and proficiently at all times no matter the circumstances as dictated by the situation at hand. You were proper and honest, you comported yourself, with integrity and dignity, something your colleagues looked up to you for. And so this was why you were a talented and humble leader of others, also it was your keen wisdom and being able to size up matters pertinent to resolutions of cases. No matter you traveled down the straight path, you kept people calm and reassured them things would be fine. A positive influence among all mankind, a diligence second to none. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Quality of commitment, honorable ethics, morals above reproach are glowing in heaven as is your wonderful soul, one which gave back more than we could ever imagine. Just loyal and devout all your life and during a marvelous career as well, though, there was more left to fulfill. God uplifts those righteous people who fulfill His edicts. You were a faithful servant and now you are a heroic guardian angel tasked with even greater responsibility. You were a man of stability and common sense, Officer Cook. Justice could never go blind when you were serving and protecting residents of Dade County.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2016

Dedication, devotion, determination. Devious and diabolical. The first three words most people need to have if they are going to succeed. The last two words, you better serve and protect with all your might and keep these off of the streets. You kept peace and unity, Officer Cook, freedom and justice bound together as one because you were an honorable, dignified and humble gentleman. Having the intellect, the integrity and the unselfish strength of character helped all your efforts. Those made easier by your bravery, courage and valor that enabled all citizens of Dade County to live and to prosper in a more meaningful way. You'll not be forgotten for your heroic actions on May 16, 1979 and will remain cherished and respected for assisting those who relied on you the most. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. For performing a profession where everything is placed on the line you need the proper resources to be able to achieve to some degree. Your humility, Officer Cook, was the affirmation as to why we have these enhancements today and forever. Still wish you were here with us to witness these bountiful occurances

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2016

Pious people step up to the plate so to speak and give their sheer effort to enable those less fortunate to prosper. As a humble servant of God, Officer Cook, it was your task of choice to invigorate us with a special gentle and loving compassion brought about through wisdom, honesty and sterling character. Your dignity and integrity will stand as the two cornerstones of a both meaningful and accomplished professional. The people of Dade County can sing their praises for your courage and resourcefulness. Enhancements and life pursuits can be realized because of your calming influence. An influence still felt far and wide wherever we may journey to. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, we sleep comfortably as you rest in God's heavenly abode protecting and patrolling those golden streets with the same due perseverance as you solemnly displayed here in this community. A place you called home and where you were humbly admired and revered. The righteous can rest soundly, it's the evildoers that need to stay awake and to be aware of their consequences for their heinous actions. You tried to calm. You stayed the course, firm and fair. Passionate and compassionate. A police officer can be both of these traits so long as they maintain honesty and dignity in all their mannerisms.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 25, 2016

One who makes the supreme sacrifice for our liberties is called a humble hero. When an individual chooses to follow a path in life and as their career, we stop and take notice. A man's honor, integrity and dignity are always on the front line when it comes to service and protection of the public no matter the circumstance. Your courage and bravery, Officer Cook, has always been remembered fondly. You were an integral member of your department and a gentleman of commitment, character and unwavering compassion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Forever it shall be known that your legacy of wisdom and knowledge are some of the many reasons we in Dade County live on and can pursue because of your trustworthiness and loyalty. Keep looking down upon us, Officer Cook. You were a wise man full of righteousness and one who possessed a kind and giving heart.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 25, 2016

Rituals. We all have our customs and habits in life that we wish to perform daily. There some you cannot escape, they are to be honorable, dignified and respectful of authority, meaning honor your parents and those in life who lead and give one directions. We can assume and state with clarity that you honored your folks, never letting them down. You were polite and courteous. You followed rules and regulations, meant to enhance your performance while keeping people and yourself safe from danger. As treasured as you were to your comrades who worked alongside of you, you were the source of wisdom, knowledge and leadership they looked up to in times of duress. When times get tough and you have had enough still keep trying. But most of all, remain trustworthy, loyal and faithful, generally it will carry you. Twenty-five years doesn't seem like a long time, it was how you utilized your time, Officer Cook, the devotion and determination were squarely packed on your uniform and badge, as was your stellar commitment. The heroic legacy you left behind glistens with strength of character and fortitude to do what was deemed proper. To serve and protect Dade County citizens from any violence where peace and prosperity needed to be plugged in. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Surely your aspirations have helped change some of our future inspirations. Those enhancements all brought about through courage and sheer effort which never lacked when you toiled on our behalf. If we could adapt some of your customs, Officer Cook, the world might just be a better place to both live and to thrive.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 24, 2016

When glory and lack of humility interfere with honesty and dignity, there is a certain disconnect that could result in a poor outcome for any law abiding police officer whose job is to not only carry themselves with integrity, but to make real sure this resides within the residents of the communities they police and protect. You did your job, Officer Cook, as well if not better than others. Forty-one brave and humane servants from your Metro-Dade Police Department laid their lives down in order for freedom and peace, unity and dignity to prosper judiciously, fairness and for the rights of all mankind to continue its growth. No dream. Reality. The realization of your cherished soul, doing its soul searching as you navigated those dangerous venues, while staying calm and mindful of your professional responsibilities to character and commitment to excellence and pride. You are all to be remembered for your gallantry, grace and dedication. It takes a driven desire and a passion burning from within to succeed and you my neighbor, friend and hero achieved with humbly more left to accomplish. God sees and saw your mission in this world to motivate and speak the message, now you have a greater task at hand, that is to patrol His golden streets where nothing will ever harm you again. Rest i n peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 24, 2016

For every season there is new hope, a cause for goodwill between all mankind. Each individual should experience some joy in fulfilling his or her role in the wonders of life. Police officers are not any different in this situation. They serve and protect as brave souls who too have rights. Like the citizens they patrol the streets for, they have lives to live, must take direction from superiors, have decency and honesty pinned to their uniform and badge. They must function in all conditions. Climbing a wall, swimming, running, whatever the task, it can be most challenging to some and yet this is what they chose to aspire to become. It's the toughest who are physically and mentally capable, able to stay honest. Persevere and maintain steadfast dignity, loyalty and integrity. Remain accountable. All the traits of a much beloved and faithful public servant, Officer Cook. It's a tall glass filled with a lot and yet for six years of dedicated and determined service to Dade County this was what you represented to our society. The ailments are still there, your absence only can make our hearts and minds grow fonder. There was more left to achieve, the violence that took you from our midst did create a gaping hole hard to plug, but your family's resourcefulness allows them to continue carrying on your legacy of commitment to character, excellence and pride. Those comrades who are still with us today, do pause and reflect back on your life and career and do salute your bravery, courage and unwavering valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. All year you were there, Officer Cook, your beautiful smile behind our American flag forty-three years ago says it all. When badge#1664 was humbly pinned on your chest, it was time to go out, converse and motivate others to do the same while you were trying to keep peace and freedom centered on the right line. You are missed very much, we can't bring you back. This is the sad part. God has taken a marvelously concerned guardian angel to watch over His golden streets. I know you relished your life and loved being a police officer, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 23, 2016

One's kindness and one being taken advantage of, gives you something to ponder. Although, I did not know personally, Officer Cook, I feel that I can reflect back on your life and career from the accounts of some family members. Your nephew, Justin, who I spoke to and to your niece, Gina. The love you had for your family, respect for your parents, your home environment, it all was the assistance in making you what you became. That was as a very humble and successful police officer, who remains forever respected and cherished for performing his professional duties with calm, humility, honor, dignity and integrity. A handful for some of today's officers who seem to stray from the pathways of proper behavior and commitment to a sound character. Bravery and valor you had was of course to be commended and you deserve the salutes for sacrificing on behalf of Dade County and its residents. Those who perform today having taken over you watch have the eyes and ears of those they serve and protect, but in police work it is a two-way street. You receive what you give back. You poured your heart and soul into your job, Officer Cook and it's your heroic legacy that speaks to us everyday from the heavens above where you have been resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your family, colleagues and friends can take some solace in knowing you cared and were most considerate, you did not back down from evil locking eye to eye, face to face with it daily bringing promise, peace, hope and unity to a community where you were raised, admired and quite devoted.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 23, 2016

Common sense in a common place can be the ultimately deciding factor in whether any dilemmas can be resolved and handled as professionally as it should. You handled your affairs, Officer Cook, with honorable and dignified intentions. The history of our Dade County police heroes and heroines bears this out. For they are not only brave and resourceful, they are devout and dedicated to the right causes of duty. Their legacies and commitments have far exceeded the hopes we the ordinary citizen has for our public servants. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When you patrolled the streets where you were known and honored, it was your character that was taken to a higher level. The downtrodden could look up, the less fortunate could take note and for the rest of us relief, reliability and accountability. There was no capitulation when you had to silence the very violence that threatens the fabric of our generation.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 22, 2016

Rhetoric has no place in police work or for that matter in any chosen endeavor. One must walk and honorably perform their duties. As it says though I walk in the valley of death I fear no harm. And with God overseeing our bravest and most faithful of servants, one must keep calm and strive to both serve and to protect. You were a humbly proud man. A humane servant who valor and dignity, integrity and inner strength helped see you to all your missions, Officer Cook. So as heroic as you were my neighbor, friend and hero, you are being saluted and praised forever. Your legacy lives on as does your giving spirit in that it still continues its paths in heaven glowing brightly upon our society, one of which you were cherished and passionate. Your priorities were always in order. First and last the residents of Dade County. Peace and liberty. Courage and care. Rest in peace. If you speak then you must follow through with action. Make the people know they can depend upon your quality of character and wisdom.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 22, 2016

To err is human, to forgive is divine. Though it is every officer's duty to properly and swiftly clean up and try and eliminate this wickedness from among our society. There are good things and no so good things lurking out there, but there you were, Officer Cook, honorably and loyally discharging your official duties. Your achievements and successes were based upon your solid and wise vision, the role you had as a leader of others. Intelligence and intuition are compared to courage and consistency in that they must be displayed on a daily basis. Having said that you'll always remain our hero, Officer Cook, dignified and determined to stamp out evil for as long as you were able. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dignity and compassion as does all good morals and conduct start in one's house. Your home was filled with nothing but love, consideration and honesty. Your smile lit up a room and made others that much more wiser to the various tasks at hand. You were a devout man of humility, faith and everlasting and unwavering fortitude. Sometimes one must dig deeper to realize their strengths and potentials. You had the talent and skills, the mindset to only achieve and you gave a superior effort daily, whether day, afternoon or by the light of the stars from above.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 22, 2016

To live humbly, to perform humanely and to sacrifice one's life with honor and dignity, these are our beloved sisters and brothers all from the same fabric. It doesn't matter the color or style of uniform, it is the same badge of integrity worn by all officers. And you were one of this country's many heroes, Officer Cook, still shining so brightly your beautiful soul in heaven. We seek to understand why violence taken wonderfully treasured individuals and yet God sees your professional missions through and decides he needs your service for a more important role. You will always be adored, admired and saluted for having the bravery and courage to face whatever you had to confront in order to better serve and to protect Dade residents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and commitment never take breaks, if they did, disaster would then undermine the ranks jeopardizing those we owe our allegiances to.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 22, 2016

In life, sometimes this is no choice, we must do what we must to sustain ourselves. You maintained the dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, of Dade County and its venues through your honesty. A cherished and compassionate soul, thirty-seven years ago, though you first began forty years ago on the long journey or trek to becoming a leader of other officers. All accomplished through long hard work, perseverance and a spirit of optimism and the hope that diligence, desire, devotion and determination would see you complete your missions. God saw you, Officer Cook, as a beautiful guardian angel with a sincere heart and took you with Him back to His heavenly gates to help patrol His golden streets where no harm would ever come your way again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your comrades who now rest eternally beside you were all heroes and heroines with exactly the same level of work ethic and morals to go out and courageously battle tooth and nail with you. You will never be forgotten. Character and valor never get lost. One day very soon the battle over evil will be done and let us pray that day comes soon.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 20, 2016

To those who perform humbly, we salute their bravery and gallantry with humility. Otherwise, how could an officer heroically go out and patrol their communities with honor, dignity and integrity? For what you meant, Officer Cook, to all the people of Dade County, how else can they not think of you. All public servant who face the harsh reality of violence and evil are indeed very special individuals. A gentleman goes forth with his fight against crime, does so passionately as this was your chosen line of work, you went about your business calmly and with a voice of reason and positive influence, one can't say too much more. You'll be remembered as a warrior and as a hero through and through, so will your commitment and legacy, it too will remain forever lasting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 20, 2016

A friend by day, a friend by night. That is what our police officers are to us. They give their every last ounce of effort and sweat to keep us safe and sound. If not for your outstanding professionalism, Officer Cook, your integrity, decency and class, no telling what the landscape of Dade County would look like today. It was your sincerest character and the inner strength that was behind you and with God navigating your every move, you were able to enrich those lives in a community where you were admired and very cherished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. There is no mistaking commitment to excellence and the courage you maintained to persevere. Your family and those who knew you are very proud. You are a true hero to everyone. I'll never forget you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 19, 2016

By the grace of God do we wake up, breathe clean air and live life to its fullest. Unfortunately, many good people, police officers don't always get this opportunity. Although, their sacrifices enable us to continue with whatever plans we make. It's a shame, Officer Cook, your life and career, one performed valiantly, honorably and with everlasting dignity ended when it did. But this was what you chose to become and you were humbly successful in all your heroic endeavors. Dade County and its citizens, your colleagues and personal friends knew you would not deceive nor let them down by ignoring that domestic call on May 16, 1979. There you were, Badge#1664 there to act and to save lives of both your comrades who battled with you and the civilians caught in the face of evil. Your legacy and character won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 19, 2016

By the light of day, by the stars at night, these are the times when our most loyal and faithful patrol our streets ensuring our peace and serenity. Bravery and honesty are at all times centered upon each and every movement of our esteemed and beloved heroes and heroines. Now as the stars at night twinkle, so too does your very treasured soul, Officer Cook. Its dignity and integrity sees to it that the light never goes out. It must not be extinguished because you meant too much to the investment of welfare and goodwill for all mankind. It remains a person's humble character, its strength and the will to inspire through your valued leadership all made possible by diligence, perseverance and hard work each watch. Evil never sleeps as do those who commit these cowardly acts such as what happened on May 16, 1979. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were very revered and admired, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 18, 2016

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