Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Insolent people can never be as successful as the ones who remain humble and dignified to the causes and foundations they pursue as a means of bringing security and unity to a community. You were raised, Officer Cook, with values and old fashion honesty. This in turn helped you mightily in your pursuits of justice and the fairness that goes along with helping those persons stay straight. It is a hard chore, but with God's help, Officer Cook, you were able to influence others in a positive and constructive manner. A smile. A friendly hello. A firm handshake all go into making a man or woman from the child they were born as. United we stand, we stand to salute your courage, your convictions to pride and the valor to resolve any situation that confronted you. An officer's job is really never completed until the day they retire and for you, my neighbor, friend and hero there was more left to finish. The good Lord whom you served with devotion had other more important plans and that was for you to patrol His sacred streets where you and other brave officers now reside for eternity. Rest in peace. You can be sure, Officer Cook, you completed with reverence and resourcefulness your professional roles. Now it's the time for others to take the baton and step forward. The challenges await them. The brave and honorable do have a monumental task. You faced them freely and with an unwavering diligence. Insightful and a man of stellar integrity you remain treasured and will not be forgotten. Dade County honors those who represented their ranks with honor and who wore their badges on their uniforms the very same way.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 10, 2016

Our most beloved public servants instill the necessary honor, dignity and integrity in each comrade they battle the forces of evil and they shine like the brightest of stars, those who paid the dearest of prices. Officer Cook, you were one of Metro-Dade County;s most loyal and faithful servants. The residents came to appreciate your responses to their needs. You made peace and unity a reality which until this day and forevermore stands for your heroism and commitment in character, strength of resolve and the humblest of passions to lead others by your ethics and proper professional conduct. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroes and heroines shoulder the load of tasks and they always succeed in some way, shape and form in furthering our most sacred of enhancements.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 10, 2016

To be able to exercise to relieve stress is one thing, to make it a daily routine is another cycle altogether. But peace and quiet were what you were noted for, Officer Cook, calming and resolving, a police officer's best friends if the dignity, integrity and honesty is very present. All venues have their issues, impediments and roadblocks that lied ahead of you, at least a soul such as yourself was not fearful of these challenges. Humble, yet relentless, you presented yourself with what the citizens needed to hear, hopefully all these years later, it is still ringing clearly like a bell. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Legacies and commitments of our courageous heroes and heroines continue surrounding us as their beautiful souls help keep watch over God's golden streets. people flourish because of unwavering and unselfish devotion, desire and determination from servants like yourself, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 8, 2016

Execution and the powers to be behind every intelligent, honorable and most dignified police officers who serve and protect the public interest, these are the most bravest and courage who look to conquer and vanquish evil and its violent episodes forever. You performed your role in an outstanding fashion, Officer Cook and for having made the most supreme sacrifice may you be saluted and remembered forevermore. Forever the legacy of pride, character and commitment worn so ever humbly on your uniform. Forever will Dade County residents cherish your life and career. It was your humility that led your travels on your patrols of perseverance and self-preservation for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Having the passionate and yet the calming influence, you became one of the most revered and yet one of the most eloquent gentlemen within your department.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 8, 2016

I meant to say, Officer Cook, how much time do we take to empower ourselves to make these changes? You took time and worked very skillfully to make a change for the enhancements that all Dade County witnesses through your honesty, bravery and integrity. Certainly something that makes those who knew and worked with you mighty proud. A commitment is when someone takes an onus upon themselves to do something that makes others better. You worked fearlessly and through your leadership capabilities made other comrades better. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God tests our mettle on a daily basis to see if we are up to the challenges and tasks at hand.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 8, 2016

In your memory, Officer Cook and in reverence to a life led by example in honesty, dignity, integrity and professionalism, we the people of Dade County look back on your conduct and ethics that assisted you greatly in protecting those who relied on you resourcefulness, reasoning and intuition. Staying the course every watch, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Securing our futures with your past endeavors, you were a most valuable asset to this world. The wickedness that inhabits this society will one day soon be wiped out. You did your part, it is the moment of decision for us.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 7, 2016

Today is Super Bowl Sunday. But for our most honorable and bravest of public service it's a day when salutes of gallantry and gallantry are accentuated. For you, Officer Cook, everyday is a day to remember your wonderful life and career filled with accomplishments. You will be cherished and treasured forever as a calming warrior whose vision of unity and peace has led to the enhancements Dade County and its residents come to deserve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy remains humble and humane as dignified as the upbringing your parents gave you. We are given the tools to success, how much time do take to empower ourselves?

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 7, 2016

You are deserving of all salutes of honor, dignity and valor that come your way, Officer Cook. Whatever you achieved was made possible through diligence and determination to see evil wiped away from the hearts of Dade County citizens. Humbleness and humility never takes time off, they reside in your family and prayers we say that those who have succeeded you remain safe.Their devotion, their endeavor helps to spear head your past trials and tribulations. This war is daunting and a tall order for the many valiant and brave souls, but with calm and calculating results we can hopefully witness forevermore peace and unity staying together for those who pursue their pleasures in life. Your career and character remain cherished as you wore your uniform and badge with excellence. Your profession calls upon dignity and eloquence to stand front and center. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2016

Deserving. Devoted. Service. Effortless. Resourceful. Valiant. Intuitive. Never ending. Gallantry. All of which make up a person who devotes their time to the troubles of the world. The world is still plagued by violence, Officer Cook, the very evil which took you from among your loving family and professional colleagues. At least you never gave up hope on anyone. Matter of fact, you stayed the course and persevered beyond anybody's imagination. You were honorable and dignified, kept calm under the rigors of a position quite dangerous where at anytime you may be called to perform something drastic in an effort to save lives. May 16, 1979 was that perfect example of bravery and unwavering loyalty all coming together to serve and to protect Dade County and its residents. And you will never be forgotten. You remain a humbly cherished hero of endearment and enhancement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 6, 2016

The genes in any family can be directly traced to those relatives who toiled and worked valiantly for everything they earned. Nothing is granted. Nothing is just handed to someone. You sweat and labor just as anyone would. And so for your life and police career, Officer Cook, you allowed your honesty, dignity and integrity to be incorporated along with all characteristics that go into the essence of a courageously profound public servant of which you are one of many heroic souls who braved danger to do what was deemed proper. Ethics, morals and values, we cannot say enough as your commitment to excellence now rests in the highest abode. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The Cook Family deserves our most heartfelt and sincerest thanks for your mettle, wisdom and leadership abilities. You made the officers you led by example that much more capable and imparted that very same knowledge and understanding of what it takes to achieve safety and peace for all residents. Forevermore Dade County will be grateful.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2016

With a youthful spirit, with a joyful dignity did you serve Dade County citizens, Officer Cook. Seeing that humbly bright and engaging smile, it makes you wonder all the things you could still be fulfilling. Your source of renewal and energy was drawn from your giving heart and with a stellar integrity and character you kept peace and serenity locked as one. You'll be remembered for having the calming effect all police officers should have with them when they patrol their communities. Enhancement is brought about not only love and sacrifice, it is blended together with compassion and a consideration for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy of hard work, devotion and courage to validate all your endeavors Forever young. Forever cherished and admired.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2016

Dealing with the complex issues that life serves our way, it is in those humbly brave and honorable public servants that we place our trust and the loyalty and very dignity which they bring to their professional positions. You brought everything to the table, Officer Cook and for those fortunate enough to work alongside of you how very blessed they were. You fought the battles of evil and violence, persevering with vigilance and valor. Courage and enhancement have marked the revitalization in and around Dade County and forever the citizens have been grateful. Your legacy of character and commitment to excellence will always be as bright as is your soul which continues lighting up our pathways in life all made possible through your influence of calm and care. Composure and a compassion like no other. You demonstrated the highest sphere of outstanding work ethics coupled with your stellar integrity which in turn made your navigation a bit more smoother. The tragedy of your loss is always going to tug at our hearts, for your loving family and colleagues life goes on as you would want for them to succeed as you did and pickup the baton and keep that torch of hope and peace you lit to stay forever burning brilliantly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 5, 2016

The day we are born we travel and go from place to place in a peaceful and serene fashion. Police officers go out on their patrols looking to keep things running as normally as they should. For your time as a police officer, Officer Cook, it was your destiny through and true with humility, honor and dignity leading the way as you dealt with whatever challenges confronted you. You were a humble and diligent gentleman, composed and calm when going about your professional duties. Now as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, you will be saluted and admired for having the heroic means to see to it that Dade County was served and protected in an equal and fair manner.,

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 4, 2016

Officers from moment to moment, from time to time might think "outside the box." For those professionals who have honesty, integrity and a keen sense of what needs to be done, the challenges that present themselves in those venues that need more observance become a bit more clearer to those brave enough to undertake whatever may occur. To you, Officer Cook, we say thank you for enhancing our community. Honorable saluted for the valor and diligence due each person. Being able to rationalize and have the calmness to stop violence before it struck. You faithfully and loyally accepted whatever was required to restore unity and peace. Securing our futures while sacrificing your life and future, we cannot think of anything more nobler. A wise man says little and lets their heroic actions speak loudly, yours did and are reverberating each day back to us through your spirit. Your wonderful soul keeping its pathways clear up in heaven where you now patrol God's sacred streets. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A good listener always gets the attention of their messages through kind words and by utilizing a calming demeanor. You did this humbly and with labor of love for life and the career you dignified with personification.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2016

Completing our basic tasks while dealing with the complex situations that life and our jobs have to offer. For any police officer who has honor, dignity and integrity within themselves, the problems they face may seem daunting, but with a little wisdom and self-preservation the role can be made a bit more routine. For you, Officer Cook, Dade County and its residents never needed to worry, you were there to provide relief, resourcefulness and a firm and fair resolve in carrying out the law promptly and prudently. You were a blessed Godsend, a comrade who courageously and heroically dealt with evil and the violence it wrought in an outstanding and commendable manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, a treasured and cherished man whose mission was founded by the principles of peace, togetherness and goodwill to be honored and saluted forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2016

Obstacles that impede our successes can be looked at as only temporary. No one takes a beating as a bragger. You performed superbly, Officer Cook, all your professional duties with the very same diligence, dedication, desire and determination as most of your colleagues did. It was your courage, valor, dignity and honesty that was worn quite proudly for all Dade County citizens to see and take note of on a daily basis. Consistency, commitment and devoutness carry one's travels, they certainly navigated your journeys. You were a peacemaker, a heroic man on a mission of opportunity to make things better. Your sacrifice represents the highest level of giving back, a commitment of unwavering character we don't always see. Crystal clear was your values and proper ethical conduct in all your affairs. One can grow and learn from a humble man, righteous in all his ways. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Impediments can be tackled and moved aside for the sake of unity and peace to reside and to prosper in any given community. You have been recognized and saluted wholeheartedly for all your most sincerest efforts.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2016

Something that keeps us from performing our basic tasks should not keep us down. Police officers train for all situations and they go about their jobs both serving and protecting with the hope and dignity that God will lead them to safety and a successful outcome. You toiled for six years, Officer Cook, in the Dade County community where you were admired and respected for inspiring the masses and bringing people from all walks of life together in peace, unity and goodwill. Nothing kept a beloved and esteemed gentleman like yourself, Officer Cook, down for long. For we see that heroes and heroines, their tender and compassionate souls do stay lit and continue their journeys in heaven where they illuminate the darkness that violence still brings with it. The burdens are great, the role of any officer is to provide safety, serenity and security for those they watch. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, your legacy of pride, honor and character stays well lit above no matter the day or time. You were a talented and humble Godsend. Always remembered, never forgotten, in love and respect.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 3, 2016

We take ownership for our achievements and those endeavors which are not as successful. Sometimes in life, one gets just one chance to accomplish or not. Your goals and successes in your life and police career, Officer Cook, were not only for the sake of heaven, they were honorably gained through honor, wisdom and integrity. We can look back on a hero's actions, your in particular,they were humanely humble and supremely inspiring. Inspiring in that all these changes in and around the Dade County community were delivered with cherished hopes and reference for the position, uniform and badge you donned proudly. Your commitment to character and bravery has and forever will lay the foundations of your heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 1, 2016

You wonder how one can take solace and comfort from the sudden loss of a beloved member of a family. I would think one way would be to accomplish as honestly as you can, do a small deed that in turn makes the world a better place to thrive. Surely, this was your theme, Officer Cook and it was both preached and practiced in your loving home, that was to be decent and honest, civilized and courteous to everyone. From then on as both a professional as a police officer whose duty was to serve and protect Dade County and its residents, a job your handled with outstanding class and caring consideration with bravery and admiration for your position. Now as our hero, humble, humane and most cherished, your memory, the life and career you exemplified in everything we expect from our heroes and heroines can stay forever as your legacy of hope, truth and justice with fairness to all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The comfort the Cook Family receives is that their beloved was truly unselfish and unwavering in those dangerous tasks that lied ahead of you, faced each day cheerfully and as optimistically as one can face them. Evil and violence are never easy to be reckoned with, you, Officer Cook, handled your affairs promptly and only with great endeavor.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 1, 2016

Freedom means the ability to do whatever we choose to do. To accomplish a goal, a desire and aspiration. For someone as humble, yet as brave as you were, Officer Cook, you directed your skills and mindset into becoming a Metro-Dade Police Officer. I don't think Dade County or its citizens could have been any happier. For we see within those like yourself who take on a career that presents many challenges for those fit enough to carry themselves honorably and with integrity in character and commitment, you were outstanding coming to the aid of comrades and those residents who relied on your fairness and unselfish support. You stood in there confronting evil, spreading peace and unity, goodwill among our society. One that still hurts deeply from your loss. We have tried to carry on with the burdens that your sacrifice helped to enhance those around you. Their liberties and pursuits of joy have continued as those comrades have never forgotten your faithfulness, reliability and leadership skills that assisted others in this fight over evil. One day with your soul watching over those brave men and women who tackle this challenge as you so loyally did we will prevail. The future rests in their hands and feet. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy of courage will always be looked back upon in reverence. The respect and courtesy you bestowed upon all people, this all comes from an outstanding and honorable upbringing.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 31, 2016

Unwavering without hesitation, police officers are expected to travel in and around their communities they both serve and protect. They are required to do so with integrity and with dignity and the high commitment of honesty. Anything short of these expectations and their roles may be make much harder to fulfill. Your role, Officer Cook, was to preserve and defend the rights and liberties of all Dade County residents. You performed humbly and with a humanely compassionate side not always seen from our most loyal and dedicated public servants. You'll forever be known as a warrior, a savior, most of all a heroically resourceful colleague and friend to all. Mankind is forever indebted to your gratefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The fight over evil goes on. Your missions continue as you now patrol God's golden streets. Your soul does permeate in and around your loving family members who have remembered a gallant gentleman, treasured and admired by everyone.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 31, 2016

Having the faith to be courageous, having the honesty to further our society in all that is good, the ingredients we look for in our bravest and most dignified, the humblest of our public servants. They serve a very unique role in that they give their entire being, sometimes their lives for ours to carry on. For having said this, Officer Cook, you enhanced the decency and character through your valiant commitment to fight the ongoing forces of wickedness. Sometimes violence takes its toll, it exacts the honesty and integrity, vision and leadership abilities from those skillful and more importantly faithful and loyal enough to stand in there with this diabolical and deranged object. People grow up. Hopefully they live happy and productive childhoods as you and your sister, Nancy did, Officer Cook. For what transpired that day of May 16, 1979, a day police departments from across our nation and the citizens of Dade County will not soon forget, you gave something humbly. Your life and the wonderfully cherished soul to protect and to maintain the peace, hope and unity we the citizens count on. Accountable, dependable and reliable beyond the calls of official duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No mistaking pride and bravery. A job well done. A uniform and badge worn with humility and consideration to all. Your colleagues have never forgotten you nor the wisdom and capabilities you possessed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 30, 2016

In love there is hope. In honesty there is dignity. In war there is unity to bond together and bring peace to its highest level. Evil represents an impediment that threatens the promise of respect and admiration. On May 16, 1979, in Liberty City in Miami, Florida, you were there, Officer Cook, poised and ready to stand face to face and confront an act of violence perpetrated against mankind. You acted with professionalism to preserve and to protect our rights of freedom and its pursuits of happiness that are apart of our lives. Your life and career meant something to your comrades, your family, those loved ones who watched you grow up to become the man of humbleness and humility, class and courtesy leading others down the correct path. Your role was to assist in this seemingly never ending war against violence and there you were with unwavering commitment, unselfish courage, bravery and the boldness of your strength of character to take charge. You succeeded. It is now up to those who have taken over to lead the fight diligently and with an undaunted perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 30, 2016

Thank God for decent and honorable officers whose honesty, dignity and integrity lead them down the proper paths. Thank God for you, Officer Cook, a gentleman whose mission was to deliver professional service and protection to everybody in Dade County. It was conducted and achieved by your intelligence, intuition and keen vision, leadership abilities that helped to inspire other officers to follow suit. After nearly thirty-seven since the day you gave your life and career for us and for our dreams and goals to reach fruition you have never been forgotten. How do you forget a humble servant of God devout and righteous in his ways? You don't. We just keep praying and persevering as you would inscribe as to do. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It will always stand to reason that your courage, character and commitment remain the foundations of your heroic legacy. One made by diligence and pride in the uniform and badge you wore with modesty and humility. It glows as does your revered and admired soul which now continues its journeys throughout God's heavenly kingdom. Keep patrolling those golden streets. We will keep praying for you Mrs. Cook. Always. Your beloved and precious son, Officer William Coleman Cook, was indeed the example of kindness, grace and courtesy to all mankind.,

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 29, 2016

God in His infinite ways and plans dictates our every move. Police officers sworn to uphold the law are too governed by this edict. You were a calm person, Officer Cook, who let his integrity, honesty and dignity direct your every move too. Dade County could not have been in more capable hands. Your colleagues those who rose through the police academy stood there with you to fight this permeating wave of wickedness and sadly, yet humbly and honorably were there to pay you a fond tribute when you sacrificed your life and career so the enhancements of life and its pursuits for those residents could continue. It goes without saying you should have been allowed to see them through and for that matter all other missions in life. Life has its twists and turns, for twenty-five humbly productive and fruitfully resourceful ones you accomplished. You were cherished and loved, respected and revered. A legacy of compassion and consideration at the highest level. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 29, 2016

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