Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Life should never be taken for granted. Yesterday, I thought about you, Officer Cook, as I always do and cried. I wondered how your friend, Officer Keith DiGenova is doing these days. That awful day of May 16, 1979, in which your young life and career were taken heinously from you, no one can mistake honorably heroic actions, dignity and integrity to last a lifetime. What you accomplished in your life can never be replicated. Humility and the grace to carry on with your legacy is the one sure way to salute your memory. The mindset of a Godsend whose morals and character that has left an indelible impression upon our society and those whom you protected and served. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 21, 2016

For most people Sunday starts a new week. And yet it is these days, hours, weeks, months and years that seem to be so long. Now as the time will change in a few weeks, we remember you, Officer Cook. As the date of your end of watch draws near we cannot forget your undying love, your unselfish dignity, integrity and honesty to all professional calls of duty. Persevering and pondering, you gave your best endeavors on a daily basis ensuring the safety and serenity of all Dade County residents. Your vigilance and valor humbly validate your legacy of heroism, hope and enhancement. As cherished and respected, admired and revered as you were, please let your wonderful soul continue lighting up our beautiful heavens above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The compassion, commitment and convictions were always there. badge#1664 was always present and accounted for whenever you patrolled the streets of a community in which you were an integral part of.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 21, 2016

The Lord reveals Himself in mysterious ways we can only ponder. Police officers show themselves by their honesty, dignity and integrity. They acquit themselves as you did, Officer Cook, with loyalty and a passion to perform your professional roles promptly, not just as a matter of fact. Facts help solve crimes, they go a along way in deciding cases. Having a positive demeanor and a calming voice of reason, it too helps the cause. For six devoted and humanely humble years, a quarter of your life, Officer Cook, you were involved in law enforcement as you saw a niche in serving others. And for your heroic actions of May 16, 1979, you have been and will be remembered for your grace, gallantry and valor. The words and principles by which we live our lives. They were your causes, your goals, your dreams and desires. You understood where they would take you. Your community, your family and colleagues and close personal friends could not be any prouder of your wisdom, leadership and commitment to see justice and truth carried out efficiently and with perseverance. The righteous pursue. The simple pursue. The effort in the pursuit is the reward we gain from God later on. Honesty shall always be the best policy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 20, 2016

A pursuer of peace, a visionary of vigilance, more importantly an honorable, decent and humbly courageous hero, Officer Cook, you were back in your day one of Dade County's finest and most respected officers. It goes to demonstrate that if you are reared properly with character, morals and principles, then it can take you a long way to success if the desire, decency and integrity are all present and accounted for. You'll not be forgotten for assisting with the peace and unity process of all citizens. Badge#1664 and the uniform worn with humility and pride has been saluted as you remain cherished and beloved forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy founded upon dignity and determination that was essential in calming and communicating with everyone. Only the goodness of Our Creator allows us the opportunities to flourish, we should take advantage when they present themselves, serve with faith and be devout to resolve whatever issues confront us.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 20, 2016

The fight will end one day and we the people can be exceedingly thankful. Men and women like yourself, Officer Cook, don't just pop into our lives. Yet, you dreamed. You aspired to become a police officer, a man of morals and character whose life was devoted to actions of righteousness. Violence tragically happens all over the world, without your courage and commitment we could not live in peace and prosperity. You continue to live on in your family and their aspirations and goals that they try to achieve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy lives forever as a cherished and respected gentleman. And an even humbler and most humane individual.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 19, 2016

Those of us who act with caution and not despair are blessed. And it is those brave and honorable men and women police officers who have sacrificed for the goodwill of all mankind. You lived a life of devotion and dedication to dignity and integrity, Officer Cook and so this day and each day we take time to pause and reflect back on your life. One bright smile, one calming voice of hope and peace, of optimism for Dade County and its residents. You'll be remembered for the sheer will to battle evil and the enhancements that have been fortified by your courage and decency to do what we deemed proper. Always fair and yet loyal and most faithful to your comrades in arms. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.l

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 19, 2016

Women and men who risk everything only deserve our most humane blessings and salutes of honor. Let their passion be filled with dignity and integrity as your journeys, Officer Cook, were led by these scruples. No doubt about your heroic life, career and upbringing, it brought joy and peace to all mankind. Your legacy remains stellar in courage and conviction, the strength meant to carry on. And now we too must shoulder those burdens that you solidly placed on your shoulders. All police officers as efficient as they try to be are our eyes and ears as they serve and protect the so called public interest. You worked hard, loved your work and were adored by all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A fascinating and inspirational person, a more humble human being. First class all the way.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2016

Fascination versus fabrication. There those of us who are so called police buffs, interested in how our devoted and courageous officers go about their professional responsibilities. I may not have known you, Officer Cook and yet when I heard and read the accounts of what happened to you on May 16, 1979, I though and cried. Now thirty-seven years later, I still cannot fathom why while just doing your job with integrity, dignity and honor, the very same wanton violence that you tried to stop, took your young life and career, a career marked for many more humble achievements. A God giving soul with a giant heart ready to help others pursue and stay safe. Why? You were a beautiful person with an engaging personality who was described as a true hero and police officer who cared about Dade County and its residents. All by your sterling character and commitment to excellence and justice. The right enhancements to live by and to live in unity for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Only truth from your lips and this was no fantasy. No false images. You saw the Officer Cook whose soul still burns brightly and who was compassionate about his role. Respected by all who bravely go about their daily challenges.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2016

To dare to dream, our goals are the fuels that stoke the furnace of enhancements. Your dreams, Officer Cook, were fulfilled and fruitfully maintained while patrolling the venues of Dade County honorably, with dignity and everlasting integrity. The labors of love, respect and admiration which we afford our most beloved professional public servants who bravely go out and protect our liberties and unity. If not for your leadership, vision and keen wisdom, then no telling how the landscape would look today. It does reveal courage, diligence and keeping the channels of communication open between one and all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your soul is kept lit by doing what was deemed proper and fitting. May 16, 1979 will never be forgotten. It needs no reminder, you stood for truth and loyalty, Officer Cook. A most cherished gentleman who heroics saved many lives that very tragic day. You deserved a better fate and yet God in His infinite wisdom hold our journeys in His holy hands.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 17, 2016

You did an outstanding job, Officer Cook, at preservation and in saving lives. Our future generations can hopefully look forward to the day when violence has once and for all finally been conquered. A tall onus, but with the help and endeavors of your colleagues who have since taken over your watch, the burdens have been decreased. What must hold the forts of freedom and peace steady are honesty, dignity and integrity, otherwise the war will rage on in a manner that will make it more difficult to grasp the severity of the situation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Many certain things have stayed stable and forever will, your caring concern, your commitment to justice and fairness, your strength of character bold and yet humble enough to stand up to the wickedness you fought feverishly to contain. Maintaining a calming influence surely served Dade County citizens as compassionately as you so faithfully persevered.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 17, 2016

For those who seek pleasure let them seek. For those who are concerned and brave let them seek righteousness. For those who look for the challenges of life, let them become men and women police officers who display honesty, dignity and integrity and are properly prepared to go out and battle against a sometimes hidden villain, evil. You fought the good fight, Officer Cook and yo did an outstanding job protecting the best interests of Dade County. All that is needed from those who have since succeeded you is a little honor, class, decency and faithful concerns. A tall order for most folks but with a little skill and resolve the role can be achieved. You go out to patrol and preserve the enhancements of unity and peace and let Our Lord perform His role. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your mission is now complete sadly and you now tackle a much more uniquely distinct role, to act as a guardian angel over those golden streets. Your care and character now speak as your legacy of our futures and the hopes of peace, trust, and goodwill for all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 17, 2016

It is never easy to leave sorrow and grief behind. The gaping hole it brings can never truly be filled. It leaves those left behind to mourn your very untimely loss, Officer Cook, with a burden. An onus to behave properly, to act honorably and with integrity and dignity following those who carry on with your humbly heroic legacy. A foundation of concern, consideration, character and stellar commitment. All it took from you, Officer Cook, was to be loyal, decent, show class and to put in whatever time was needed for you to succeed. Something you accomplished in a grand manner accentuated by your unwavering resolve and courage to see peace and unity be bonded together in the very end where now all Dade County citizens can rest a bit more securely and with the hopes of a brighter tomorrow. Education, endearment and enhancement can now step forward justly and without any reservations or premonitions. All because a cherished and much beloved hero dared and aspired to be the very best public service professional that your department proudly had within their ranks. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 17, 2016

A pat on the back. A friendly handshake. A humbly loving embrace, once our loved ones depart from this world, it is with those precious memories that we remember them. The moments, Officer Cook, can be fleeting, life passes one by before you know it. Better enjoy your time in this world and you made all the moments count, your police career counted more than we could ever ponder. Six years goes by like the blink of an eye. Twenty-five years of honorable service to all mankind. Dignity and determination like no other. How about character and courage like no other? What made your life and career so special, Officer Cook? Outstanding service and leadership without needing any prodding. Actions do speak louder than words, May 16, 1979 spoke, Dade County, its residents and your department took notice, one of forty-two men and women who gave something for our lives, pleasures and enhancements to precede forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You will be saluted for your unwavering commitment and a uniform with a badge worn proudly and quite proficiently. Presentable and pristine. Practical and optimistic. A true hero, a devout and treasured gentleman and a Godsend. You were a very blessed man, Officer Cook, your name shall always be for a blessing. Your soul and spirit shall always fly higher.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 15, 2016

Pious and proud. Resilient and reliable. Humble and humane, heroic until the end. One bullet that robbed your family, friends and colleagues of seeing your engaging personality, a smile so wide it would have lit up anywhere that you went, Officer Cook. And yet this very violence that you bravely and honestly fought on a daily basis has left behind wonderful enhancements of which you should have been granted the right to witness. Crystal clear vision, loyal leadership, gallantry and grace behind your calming demeanor, no telling what more there was to fulfill. We mourn your charisma, commitment, dignity and integrity which now have become an invaluable part of your treasured legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You'll be forever remembered for the loving spirit and a generously giving heart. The air we breathe is because of the fire and fight to preserve our liberties and unity in a peaceful and constructive manner.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 15, 2016

People play games. Police officers participate in life and the saving of human life, so cherished and valuable that we take for granted at times. One can laugh. One can cry. The happy moments we share with one another and those not so happy ones we relive with our friends. Your family, colleagues and friends, Officer Cook, can most definitely relish the good times, for in your short twenty-five years on this Earth you brought more hope and joy than anyone could imagine. For you, Mr. and Mrs. Cook, your son's beloved nature was cherished by all. For you, Nancy, you darling younger brother meant the world to you and the dignity and integrity for which he diligently lived his life by, an entire police nation and Dade County folks can surely live to prosper, live to choose and to aspire as your brother did with bravery and a sense of optimism guided by fairness and justice to all. For yourself, Karen, your husband was your soul mate as you directions were steered together as one by Our Creator. He has been missed. The heroic actions of May 16, 1979 have not been forgotten, the enhancements in Dade County were made primarily through his ultimate sacrifice to secure the peace and quality of life all folks want and very much deserve. Your legacy, the foundation of goodwill, perseverance and purpose will stand as will your unwavering and unselfish character to serving the public interest as one of the many faithful and loyal servants to represent their department professionally and most proficiently. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Always will you be in my heart, thoughts and prayers Mrs. Cook. God bless you, your family and your wonderfully humble and loving son, Officer William C. Cook. Life is not a game, matter of fact it is a daily test, a challenge to see if we are up to the tasks that await us as we awake from our slumber. God looks forward to hearing and witnessing our greatness on display. Yours, Officer Cook, remains humane and treasured. A sure lesson for us to learn. The art of principles and good character never should be lacking, the reservoir should be flowing freely.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 14, 2016

Firm and yet fair, diligent and protective, this is what we come to expect from our valiant women and men of the various law enforcement communities around our nation. For your principles, dignity and honesty, Officer Cook, Dade County and its citizens relied upon your professional skills quite greatly. You were deserving of more life to continue fulfilling your community's needs and those loving relatives you left behind to mourn and to remember a most gallant gentleman. A man of vision, wisdom and the leadership capacities to take Dade County into the next generation. We cherish your life, look back on the arduous work that was needed to springboard your humble accomplishments in the role of gaining unity and peace for all. It is with your distinguished legacy of heroism and the strength drawn out in commitment to excellence and the pride to wear your police uniform and badge very nobly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A prideful and devout man who practiced and preached the morals of living and thriving in an honorable fashion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 14, 2016

Dedication and determination lead to humble achievement and in persevering against the fight in battling evil. Officer Cook, you were a source of relief and preservation for Dade County. Deserving heroes who possess the necessary honesty, integrity and dignity are due their due salutes for exhibiting bravery and valor. The Metro-Dade Police Department honors your intelligence, intuitiveness and wisdom to lead other colleagues in this seemingly never ending fight. An A for effort and outstanding commitment and astuteness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 14, 2016

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Your loss from your family, comrades and close personal friends, Officer Cook, has only toughened their resolve to forge on and to make this world a better place to dwell and to achieve whatever we choose to try our hands at. You made heroes out of your colleagues. Officers more accountable to the residents of Dade County, but most of all you showed them how to perform a meaningful role with honesty, integrity and dignity. Our beloved heroes and heroines give up what we classify as sacred, life and a career in which they look to create a niche. It was your diligence, desire and a driven passion to influence people to strive to become better contributors to this society. And with your humble and noble actions we have all been better served, though you are missed quite terribly. One day as I've said many times violence shall be eliminated and peace and unity that you fought so fiercely to achieve will by the only thing that keeps us travelling along the straight and narrow path. Ethics and morals were the solid foundations and cornerstones of your wonderful career and life that had much more left to fulfill. God sees our missions accordingly, now you are in heaven patrolling His golden streets where nothing will ever harm you again. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 13, 2016

We love what we do. We proceed with our plans and pray that nothing interferes with them. Police officers have a role and a responsibility to see that the folks they serve are protected. Your mission, Officer Cook, was to be diligent, honest and dignified in all your tasks. Which at times may be cumbersome, but since you desired to become a public servant, you performed whatever needed doing. You lived your life with patience, perseverance and a purpose. All were achieved successfully, humbly and bravely. You will forever be known for having the talents to lead other men and women and remain cherished and admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 13, 2016

The slate is wiped clean when our beloved and most courageous men and women protect and serve our best interests. You fought with honor, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, so we could proceed on with life. Your life and profession are the most noblest and humblest things that make a person who they are. Growing up in a warm and nurturing home, dreaming and planning to become a police officer, a most responsible and arduous task for any ordinary individual, but you accomplished. You had many achievements, the drums, tennis, photography and hunting. You loved and embraced the very essence and spirit of what we call life. You had a lovely wife, Karen and everything to live for. The hero in you will be cherished forever as will your dignity and care for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If not for your concern and presence, no telling how our slates would look today.Enhancements live on because of your unselfish sacrifice on behalf of our society.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 12, 2016

A mission complete and yet work and dreams not completely fulfilled, your life and police career meant the world to you, Officer Cook, to your lovely family and esteemed colleagues they were your sources of enhancement. Your honesty, decency, candor and class will not be forgotten. A devout man whose life was led by the fabric of courage, character and commitment, Dade County can be most appreciative for your most sincerest effort in the war versus evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I'm sorry Officer Cook that I did not mention your name in the last reflection. You'll always be my friend, Officer Cook. I miss those tennis games, Wish we could have played. Keep smiling and watching down from God's heavens above.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 12, 2016

When someone we love and care about passes from among us we mourn their loss. The pain and grief at time seem unbearable, but as time goes on as they would want us to move on with our lives. That's what you wanted your family and comrades to do and that was to keep up the battle against evil. To ratchet the strength to carry on a bravely as we can. Your skills when combined with your integrity and dignity did forge a pretty large shield versus this epidemic labeled as wickedness. One can't sugar coat this, the simple fact is that you were a hero who battled and at least achieved in bringing peace and enhancements that have brought the citizens together. Surely a legacy by which you will sincerely be remembered and saluted for your devotion and faithfulness to a righteous cause. Peace. Persistence. Energetic. Articulate. Concerned. Empowered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and your commitment to both pride and excellence of which excelled will stay on that Wall of Honor, those two Walls of Honor as you have taken your eternal place as one of God's humane guardian angels.Heaven only shelters those pious and devout men and women of humility and honesty who have taken on the toughest of challenges in steering people down the straight pathways of life and aspirations. We aspire. You inspired. We followed. You lead by ethics and proper examples. None more important than honesty and truth dripping off your lips. We would all race to that proverbial fountain of truth, justice and fairness to all

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 12, 2016

Since serving as a police officer can be unpredictable, one never knows when that time may come calling. We plan. We practice. We train. Whatever you had to do, Officer Cook, to persevere. and to stay the course you did. When honesty and humility meet at the same crossroad you know you have done your professional role quite properly. And for all the residents of Dade County a job well done as were your heroic actions on May 16, 1979. No telling what further evil would have erupted, Officer Cook, if not for your dignified and determined presence. Miami, Florida has many different venues and wherever you patrolled you realized peace and freedom would be accentuated for the goodness of all mankind by a treasured and revered gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Violence is perpetrated by those who feel its deemed proper. You were a mighty brave and valiantly courageous man to stand forth and face whatever those daunting tasks that fell you way to resolve. A doer and a humbly inspirational leader.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 12, 2016

So pristine was your life, Officer Cook, so humble and yet self-confident in all your abilities. You were mighty brave, honorable with humility, dedicated to serving with dignity, intuitive and intellectually instrumental in leading other comrades. Integrity, a core word for any public servant, anyone who dares to endeavor at whatever they choose to try. Police work is not rocket science, nor is it a piece of cake. You have to have the determination and perseverance to make things happen. The dominoes must fall properly, your behavior stellar beyond reproach. All the reasons you were brave, valiant and cutout to handle the rigors and professional roles that are demanded.from you. Never forgotten. Always cherished and humbly distinguished. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The fight goes on.The legacy stays lit for others to inspire by your soul's light.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 11, 2016

The times and the seasons we remember you, Officer Cook. No matter, snow, sleet or a drizzling rain we never forget you. How can you forget much less not honor someone so brave and bold who in their convictions served Dade County with so much class, decency and dignity? You'll remain cherished and your heroic actions speak highly of you as does your legacy. Strength of character is the one sure way to relive a man whose mission was to service and enhance his community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 11, 2016

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