Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Day by day, morning after morning, afternoon and during the evening hours were you there in the Dade County community, Officer Cook, to police and to serve the public interest with your candor, honor, dignity and integrity. You were a staunch member of your department whose humility and humbleness flowed from your veins as did the intelligence and influence you utilize din calming others. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. There you were bravely and rationally facing evil face to face allowing us to remain at ease to be able to pursue our goals and aspirations in a peaceful way.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 4, 2016

By doing your job honestly, Officer Cook, you gave others the right to continue maintaining their beliefs and hopes in the same manner as you worked diligently to fulfill those dreams which in the end became a reality. You poured your heart and soul passionately into ideas of how to resolve problems, how to keep people calm, you displayed the proper frame of mind for what was dictated at the moment. Dade County always remembers its heroes and heroines who gave something for the serenity and enhancement of those who relied on your honesty, dignity and integrity. During the stressful times your comrades came to admire and respect your due diligence which to this day has left a lasting impression. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A lasting legacy of courage, character, conviction and dedication are riding behind the wings of humanity and humbleness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2016

Public servants who are our most humble and yet courageous men and women from the law enforcement community need our support in the fight against crime. A man on a mission of peace, hope and unity such as the one you navigated your whole life and career upon, Officer Cook, I believe God blessed you, your family and in His very own way instilled characteristics we don't always see in others. You kept your poise, your calm and your presence over the Dade County landscape, so that its citizens could thrive more decently. Honor, integrity and dignity still had to make its way with you as God saw your dreams and hopes reach reality. The fulfillment of a yearning to become the best kept you centered on the challenges placed in front of you. You will always remain loyal, faithful and cherished among your colleagues and family who watched you grow up to become a gentleman of humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 3, 2016

Ignominious actions take away from our security blankets of which all police officers endeavor to spread over a community. You spread joy and hope, goodwill and freedom, Officer Cook, now Dade County relishes in your actions of empowerment which in turn has led to the many changes of prosperity and for that we can gratefully salute and thank you for your valiant efforts. Violence we pray will one day be soon eliminated from our blessed society. You were a healer, a gentleman revered by all and missed terribly by your family, comrades and close personals friends. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A lifetime of character, courage and conviction sadly snuffed out by a coward who could not face reality and all he had to do was to put down his weapon and surrender peacefully. May 16, 1979, never will be lost nor ever forgotten. You were a true hero and servant, Officer Cook. Your legacy shines as does your soul.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2016

Going to a park or beach to surf, swim and just have fun, we can thank our most esteemed and bravely heroic police officers. They have the driven desire and determination, common sense and honesty to help lead them through any kind of turmoil and distress. You were a compassionate man, Officer Cook and those residents of Dade County always relied on your professional courtesies and instincts to shelter them from harm's way and to keep their peace, liberty and civility bound as one. Now we salute your heroic actions, humble and humane as was your integrity and dignity. A treasured warrior. A much beloved and faithful servant that served and protected beyond any calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The commitment and pride to succeed in excelling at what most of us would dare want to challenge.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2016

Complacency never sits well for those who are actively pursuing peace and you were a prince of peace and passion, Officer Cook. you stood for honor, decency and dignity that carried you through most of your professional challenges. We say for those brave and valiant public servants you are to be cherished and remembered for having that humble wisdom, love and respect for others. Genuine integrity and a manner of leading other colleagues through thick and thin, the most difficult hours you were our hero and savior. A fiercely loyal and reliable warrior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Action and common sense approaches to most problems, your tone, Officer Cook, spoke of calming influences.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 2, 2016

We dare not to encroach upon someone's space, if we do, let it be in the name of heaven. A good man. A stellar gentleman devout and loyal, honest and dependable, Officer Cook, you came down to Florida as a young child who grew up to become a man and an even more accomplished police officer. We sure can't begin to thank you through and through for giving your life in the name of peace. A word that denotes many connotations. What does stand out is how you acquitted yourself, professionally in dignity and in integrity. These are the basics for if any officer goes out on these sometimes dangerous streets with all the planning and training they receive, no telling what might transpire. You fulfilled your role, God saw your mission to fruition and now as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, let it be known for all to salute your character, courage and commitment to excellence and pride. A job well done. A uniform and badge worn honorably and with great humility. A legacy never to be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2016

Engagement, encouragement and enhancement, the words all of our brave and heroic officers live their lives and model their professional roles by these words. But also needed in the equation is honor, integrity and dignity as well. All the right tools you needed to function properly by, Officer Cook. To repel any sign of trouble it was Our Lord steering you by these much needed vocabulary words. Not just talk, you were a man of action that protected and served the citizens of Dade County starting thirty-seven years ago. And now because of your unwavering and unselfish sacrifice dialogue, optimism and hope resound soundly within all of a community where you have been honored and saluted for your outstanding actions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. While God allows you rest eternally, He also allows your dreams, goals and aspirations to shed new light on a new generation. A period of renewal and self-preservation guide by the brightness of your humbly beautiful soul. Talk, be happy and be resilient in all that you faithfully accomplish. Achievement at times exacts a price, you paid the dearest price for our peace, liberty and security, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 1, 2016

A young woman so brave and courageous as you were, Officer Cook, Officer Ashley M. Guindon, lost her life in the line of duty as you did thirty-seven years ago. She answered her first call, a domestic issue and was shot to death. Her first day on the job. She was brave, honest and possessed the necessary dignity and integrity as you did, Officer Cook. For the violence that you dealt with in keeping Dade County residents safe, you are to be saluted. You were always be respected, admired and revered for becoming the top notch police officer that you were. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Commitment with a smile, a passion like no other, leadership and intelligence backing your every move, God takes His heroes and heroines and now that another guardian angel has joined you, you can watch over her. WE thank God for you, Officer Cook and the blessings of your humbly good name.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 29, 2016

Mayhem and kayos. It's always something officers need to be aware of and to proceed on the side of caution. Your devotion, Officer Cook, was founded upon the morals of stellar character, honesty, dignity and integrity. Never a worry. Though I am sure your beloved wife, Karen worried as did your sister, Nancy and your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook. You were their hero who remains cherished and admired by all the residents of Dade County. Your service and protection was of great importance in preserving their peace and unity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your humble legacy rests forever in God's heavenly abode.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 28, 2016

The thoughts of any police officer should always be focused on the goodwill of the people. The citizens of Dade County speak loud and clear. They spoke that way on May 16, 1979, Officer cook, whenever they observed you out on patrol making certain they would be safe. You lessened the evil, you fought the battles over violence, the fight you had on your hands that day along with your colleagues was probably one tough task, also the fact you were a block away and yet you didn't have to respond. We know that is not an officer's motto. Your morals, honesty and upbringing would not allow you to see your comrades facing danger so you went and were determined to calm this troubled young man down. You performed in an outstanding way and gave your life so others could live on. Your beautiful spirit lives on and rests in the hearts of not only family, it is instilled in all who knew you as well. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your courageousness and resolve rests within your heroic legacy, one guaranteed to burn eternally. God will make sure of this. The deeds of the righteous are rewarded for us to observe. This won't ever be disturbed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2016

When dignified women and men go out in any community to patrol, preserve and protect the public from evil, this is their offering to our society and it is a solemn role based upon the principles of ethical conduct, honesty and integrity.Surely, Officer Cook, you possessed all the proper morals and attributes to see your missions until the end. You were that humbly dedicated servant, whose loyalty and reverence, decency and diligence stayed with you all your life. Your career brought nothing but proud and happy moments for your wonderful family to cherish and to treasure forever. Courage, character and commitment from a brave soul that shines atop God's heavenly shelter where you now patrol His golden streets. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy has been and will be saluted for all time. What you accomplished in humility and in enhancement could never be replicated. What needs replicating is for those who have taken over your watch to act decisively in proper conduct professionally and carry on with honesty, dignity and a positive influence for others to act right.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 27, 2016

Preservation and reconciliation do go hand in hand. Without one you cannot ever garner the other. Honor and decorum go together and every officer who takes that solemn affirmation to serve and protect must be made aware of this before starting out. You were a dedicated servant, Officer Cook, no one had to say anything. Your actions spoke louder and clearer than anything else. We came to rely on your dignity and intelligence to see us through. Your missions were completed even though there was more for you to fulfill. Please watch over us, Officer Cook, keep shining positive vibes that one day violence and bloodshed will stop forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your diligence has made Dade County rest a little easier today. To receive you have to give something, your sacrifice sadly was the dearest price. You'll never be forgotten. A humble hero with legendary humility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 26, 2016

Undermining one's dignity, integrity and honesty can certainly harm morale and even more so it could endanger other police officers who share in the onuses of service and protection. So supremely superior of an officer, you went out, Officer Cook, within the Dade County community to enhance and to offer relief to its residents. Loyal and cherished individuals know their roles, it is not a numbers game. Each brave and valiant professional, goes about their assignments in their own classy and decent fashion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Devotion, faith and desire have left a lasting imprint upon your heroic legacy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 26, 2016

I meant to say, Officer Cook, you served with three important criteria: honor, integrity and dignity, but it's the assignment to get facts straight and do your roles as promptly and as properly as possible. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It will always rest in your commitment, character and the conviction to act as you did on May 16, 1979. Everyday you;ll be cherished for your humbly remarkable feats. Service with a smile, passion with care. Consideration and kindness befitting all people. Honesty shall always carry those it to a reward waiting for them.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 26, 2016

A man's honor is important. A police officer's dignity and integrity is more essential when trying to resolve and to solve much more complex issues that threaten the very fabric our society. Your upbringing, Officer Cook, was the epitome of humbleness and a genuine respect you had for all people. Safety, serenity and unity were hitched to your uniform and badge that was worn proudly and quite well. We honor your commitment, valor and courage to perform an unwavering task that challenges most of us. Your mindset was of leadership. vision and the strength to carry on. Your soul burns brightly today a sit always has since May 16, 1979. Make no mistake you were a true hero to Dade County and its citizens. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You put the people first and always had your priorities in order. Our Creator has one divine and faithful servant patrolling His golden streets.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2016

We know this world can be cruel, vicious and no telling what else. The job and responsibility of all our bravest officers is to at least be able to remain calm amid problems and to communicate this to the residents they serve and protect. You did this in a very loving and humble manner, Officer Cook. Not just with your smile and engaging personality, nut with three most important criteria: honor, integrity and dignity. It was your class, decency and decorum along with your desire and determination that helped in your growth. You remain cherished, loyal and faithful as this too was essential in your vigilance and perseverance in securing Dade County's peace and those enhancements that are too apart of your legacy. For generations to come your admiration and respect will be enhanced as well. Sacrifice comes with a very dear price that you my neighbor, friend and hero as you rest in peace shall not ever be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2016

While compassionately, fervently and honestly carrying out your professional duties, Officer Cook, you were able to maintain poise and calm amid the strife that was occurring within Dade County and its neighboring venues. But than again your dignity and integrity were instrumental in all your accomplishments in both your life and career. Your comrades, family and friends can all look back and remember a very brave and courageous young man with a talent for aiding others. Peace and freedom remain the cornerstones of your heroic legacy built upon strength and character as those cornerstones that we rely upon in all our heroes and heroines. Every last ounce of effort and energy is needed to battle the forces of wickedness that our society prays that one day it will be eradicated. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 25, 2016

Spring will be just around the corner, yet for all seasons your beloved soul, Officer Cook, stays fixated within us. It's in your family, friends and colleagues who battled the forces of evil with you daily. Your devotion, dedication and desire to make peace will always be the foundations of your life and a career complimented with honesty, dignity and integrity. To the brave and courageous women and men who fought and continue fighting for our unities and freedoms we surely salute them. They afforded us the enhancements through their empowerment, your sacrifice my neighbor, friend and hero stays rock solid in diligence and in perseverance. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 24, 2016

The fruits of our labor are our rewards in the world to come. They belong to us so long as we are honest, dignified and proficient. You were that diligent a man, Officer Cook, you dared to dream, you worked your hardest to reach that crowning pinnacle of your life, a career that helped you and Karen purchase a home in North Miami in the Norland section. A humble hero, a precious and loyal protector of human rights and peace that was spread throughout Dade County and its residents. Today, I visited your grave, Officer cook, where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One legacy that will stand the tests of time. Strength in leadership skills, commitment and character will keep your soul aflame in God's friendly confines. Heaven awaits those faithfully cherished heroes and heroines.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 24, 2016

Hello Chief Jacobs. The invite is still there whenever you visit South Florida and we can go together and visit your classmate, friend and police academy colleague, Officer Cook. To you he will always be Bill Cook, I'm just a little more formal. If I had known you, Officer Cook, you would have said to me no William, just Bill or Billy as you were known by in North Miami Beach, Florida where you grew up to become a model police officer, an honest and dignified gentleman and even more a truly humane and humble public servant and quality human being. I should try to call Officer Frank Piloto as you both battled the evil that still lingers sadly on Dade County streets. There have been quite a few youngsters killed within the last year in shootings. When will the violence stop? I wish you were still around, Officer Cook ,to calmly and most proficiently serve, protect and pacify these insane people who seem to think that killing these young people with their whole life in front of them is justified. It is not tolerable. Domestic violence is not condonable. It took your life and halted a career and life that had much more to treasure and to achieve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your character, care, concern and courage are the things you will be continually honored and saluted for. Praise God for giving us one beloved and talented leader of liberty, peace and unity. Dade County won't forget you, Officer Cook. The soul of a wise man only ascends, the wicked have to face their maker sooner or later.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 23, 2016

Time changes. Do we change our tunes and act with a little more dignity? Sometimes a little straightforward conversation is all that is required to turn a person's life around. That was why Metro-Dade's Police Department had you, Officer Cook among its finest guardians of service and protection. The credence of peace and togetherness must always be as one and also your powers of humble persuasion helped greatly in calming folks down who were a bit agitated. Feelings run high at times, with badge#1664 patrolling those streets people felt more secure, seeing that you were a taciturn and peaceful man of nature. It will always be your honesty and integrity that rightfully guided you and now as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, it is Our Lord taking your soul from one place to another. In life the commitment and character were there, it's still there as it will never depart from those heavenly shelters where you are now being loyally watched over as you guide those in bravery who have resumed your position.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 23, 2016

The aura of an individual is the life they lead honorably, with both dignity and integrity incorporating their every movement. All your travels, your journeys in both your life and career, Officer Cook, were steered by God's graceful hands for such a devout and faithfully reliable servant that you were shall never be forgotten. courage, wisdom and commitment to excellence and heroism shall always be saluted as you were a most cherished friend and esteemed comrade to all. Dade County relishes and remembers those men and women who displayed undaunted perseverance and diligence. You were an accomplished gentleman of hope, justice and peace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The light of your soul illuminates our entire society one that was perpetuated with your humility and gallant leadership.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 23, 2016

We sometimes have to swallow the bad along with the good that life has to offer us. We pay heed and remember the souls of our dignified and loving family members who besides being admired, respected and treasured were the carriers of peace, unity and prosperity in their communities. In Dade County, Officer Cook, you took the mantle and carried the torch of hope, faithfulness and optimism as far it could travel. Now after almost thirty-seven years, that light from your beloved soul is still burning brilliantly, no flickering. Those who battled crime with you can still look back and never forget your bravery and friendship within the ranks of your department. Though many changes have since taken place they are a direct result of your unwavering sacrifice to permit our desires and aspirations to continue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your family has mourned your passing and yet your class, decency and commitment to mankind has no been forgotten. Things change. People change. Your good name, Officer Cook will be perpetuated for eternity. And it all reverberates back to your honorably humble upbringing.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 22, 2016

Police officers patrol, preserve and protect the public constituency, they are the citizens who come to rely on these honorable, brave and most dignified souls of life and its prosperity. As part of this professional fraternity, Officer Cook, you were charged with maintaining the very peace and unity so that contingencies don't always have to be put into place. But your character, eloquence and calming voice of reason and compassion was surely the thing that paved your ways in both your life and during your career which was humbly topped off by achievement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, you'll always be in my prayers and thoughts, a cherished soul who exemplified greatness. God welcomes His heroines and heroes with open arms to take a sacred place in His heavenly shelter to assist Him in patrolling those golden streets and to look down upon their families and colleagues who have taken over their watches in both diligence and in perseverance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 22, 2016

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