Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The torment and anguish families experience only strengthens our resolve to do better and to further enhance the honesty and dignity of their heroically humble legacies. Your family, Officer Cook, loved and cherished you, they now carry on your name in integrity, character and commitment. Your service to Dade County and its residents remains the focal point of both your life and the police career you humanely carried out in faithfulness and in loyalty to your esteemed comrades of which you were a very valuable and versatile part of. The pain is there, yet those who knew and admired you still feel the warmth of your treasured soul as it continue sits travels up above in God's firmament. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroes and heroines will always be sheltered in God's palms where no harm will ever come your way again.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 27, 2016

Courageously caring. Doggedly determined. Calming and compassionate. The words of love and humility that describe our most beloved and valiant men and women of the law enforcement community. Dade County has seen many officers finely trained, skillfully tooled who have risen through its ranks, those of them who gave their lives and careers in an effort to serve and to protect Dade County and its citizens we salute them as heroes and heroines. As one of the many who chose this profession, Officer Cook, one that is considered highly dangerous and yet has its rewards for outstanding service above and beyond the calls of duty, we say thank you for your role in sheltering peace, brokering bonds between all citizens. You were a devoted officer, Officer Cook, cherished and admired by all colleagues. You remain revered by all and will continue to be honored for your integrity and dignity. If courage, conviction and character alone could bring you back, we would be most appreciative. You are with God resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, being sheltered in His wings where your soul rests and keeps lighting up the skies with happiness, peace, hope and optimism.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 26, 2016

There are consequences for consternation and there are achievements for those very dedicated officers such as yourself, Officer Cook, who preserved and protected our liberties in honor, dignity and bravery. It is one thing to make a living, it is another to commit your character and boldness, to place it squarely on the line day after day for enhance to continue its shadows of peace and unity over Dade County. And you were a humble and loyal servant of God who desired to help those in need. You will be forever remembered for the inner strength and leadership capabilities used to calm down those who tensions may have gotten the better of them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 26, 2016

I wish I had the opportunity to have met your parents, Officer Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Cook, you raised two children, your daughter, Nancy and her brother, Officer William C. Cook, known to his friends and colleagues as Bill or Billy. They were the shining examples of how a parent wishes for their kids to turn out. Honesty, integrity, dignity all their lives was carried properly by them. They were thoughtful, caring and decent to all people. Officer Cook, for having the strength to police and protect we the people should be grateful. You have been remembered for being faithful, positive and for having the intense desire to lead other officers. Nowadays, leadership and humility seem to get lost in one's train of thought. You comprehended what was necessary to get the task completed and to act according to rules and department standards. Morals and commitment takes time and practice, you worked exceedingly hard to become the top flight officer that served for six years of distinction, all with a calming presence and tone of voice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your family was very devout and a great source of spiritual strength for one to draw upon. You were a faithful and treasured servant and an even humbler gentleman.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2016

The world today as we experience life's joys, pleasures and the sadness of losing a loved one through the very violence that they took an affirmation to try to control, it leaves one to ponder the reason why? You were fiercely determined, Officer Cook, through your honor, dignity and integrity to help eliminate this very thing. I'm sure you performed your official duties quite well and provided outstanding and loyal service to all Dade County citizens. The people spoke and you will never be forgotten for having the courage, character and boldness to act as you did. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2016

Hugs are certainly better than drugs. The prescription for a more peaceful universe is more friendly communications between all people. It does not matter your background, race or education, Officer Cook, your brown police uniform worn proudly and honorably signaled a new dawn for all citizens. Thank God you were a calm person by nature. Thank goodness for your decency and dignity. Those who carry on your legacy do so with the utmost strength of valor and vigilance. The cherished and treasured will only and forevermore have a special place within our hearts and souls. Your soul, Officer Cook keeps lighting up this world as we keep up your sacrifice that endeavored to destroy this wickedness from our midst. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If only that sad day of May 16, 1979, could peace and common sense conversation, we wish it could have prevailed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2016

For the serenity and unity of this God given world, we search for the answers as to why violence and terror occur on almost an everyday occurrence. And that's where you were found, Officer Cook, diligently patrolling the corners of the Dade County community with a sense of pride, honesty and stellar integrity. The civilized people come to rely on their protection from our esteemed public servants. The heroes and heroines, so humble and loyal, respected by all give their beings in order to enhance our futures. You too had a future, Officer Cook, there was more determination left to fulfill, a mission well done. Courage and commitment well rounded. A legacy to be well remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2016

We had in my area a Rabbi who humbly speaking taught young men and women for over thirty years in North Miami Beach, Florida. Rabbi Goldenberg, of blessed memory had the very same attributes as you did, Officer Cook, he stayed low key and calm, he was honorable and most dignified even as he battled a serious health issue which he passed away last July, 2015 from. He was sixty-seven years young and left behind a wife, twelve children and many grandchildren. He was beloved and cherished, treasured and resourceful. The kids and their parents all adored him. He had a unique style of teaching as you had a distinctive style of patrolling and keeping the peace and unity in the Dade County area. He is buried in the cemetery next door, Mount Sinai Memorial Park in the front section just to the east of the office. It is a shame you and Karen did not get the opportunity to meet a wonderful person. You were that same devoted person who loved his job and relished the chance to assist others through your humanely heroic actions. You and Rabbi Goldenberg were the masters at teaching and reaching out to give instruction. The words of the righteous speak out loudly and most profoundly. At his services there were over four -hundred people to pay their respects. It says a lot regarding your lives and careers. Determination and desire can take one down the long path to success if the endeavor is attempted. God look sand sees the rest. Your souls together have continued lighting up our skies by day and at night. He always had a smile and waved to me as I was walking in the area. He too lived around the corner from me. You are both missed tremendously.He loved shaping and molding people as you, Officer Cook. Two Godsends sent here to deliver a mission of hope, peace, faith and fairness for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 23, 2016

Manners and courtesy are all part of any police officer's job descriptions. Not just going out on patrol to preserve and to maintain the peace and decency of any community. For your valuable assistance, Officer Cook, you also delivered honesty, dignity and integrity to a chosen profession where the perils and tasks are great. You desired to become an officer, a humble public servant who brought desired results to the residents of Dade County, those changes have allowed others to become likewise prosperous, it would have been marvelous had you been allowed to witness these enhancements received by your unselfish and unwavering commitment to bravery, determination and extreme resourcefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A well mannered man on a mission to fight the wickedness that still plagues our society. Your strength of character shows us precisely why you acted on May 16, 1979 as you did. You were outstanding in saving your colleagues from further harm as well as those civilians who tried to do something to help out. It took leadership and a calming voice. You did your best, Officer cook, now it's up to others to carry on diligently and with wisdom.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 23, 2016

Graceful and gregarious, you were a most admired friend to all, Officer Cook. Your dignity and honor meant all the difference to the residents you protected. But, you were reverent and courageous for coming to a scene in which emotions were boiling over. Your smile has been very much missed. Your devotion missed as well, We know nothing can bring you back physically among us. Officer Cook, your soul of engagement will only shine brightly in God's golden heavens above where you rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. That conviction and sense of caring and concern will remain cherished forever. Dade County, its unity and peace will remain the very essence of the challenges s you faced on a daily basis. You did not run from evil, in fact you stood face to face confronting that which is our greatest enemy. Engaging and educating, your leadership skills will always have a profound effect upon others who took over your watch. It is up to them to carry the torch of responsibility with the same sense of urgency and honesty that you possessed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 22, 2016

Solidarity and the solemness that officers take when they are supposed to serve and to protect with honor, dignity and integrity. You served, Officer Cook, with reverence for your position and a uniform that stood for fairness and bravery. Dade County will always remain accountable as all its heroes and heroines who were relentless in all their pursuits. You will never be forgotten for valiantly sacrificing for the goodness of mankind. A solid effort bounded by good character and morals. You were a most humane and humbly beloved servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A person's word is their bond and must be honored in the proper manner.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 22, 2016

We shall be one. Those poignant words on your gravestone that are meant to stir our emotions in that this world was created for everyone no matter their, race, background or etc. When you were born, Officer Cook, ,it was a pretty special time in the Cook household. A little boy who grew up to become a man, a special humble hero who gave his life in honor, dignity and integrity for all Dade County citizens to live and to prosper in peace, liberty and to be unified as one. One man under God who believed in equality and justice for all. You were brave and valiant for all the important reasons. And you'll never be forgotten. You made this world a better place by your humanity and humane actions. Those salutes of honor just as your beautiful soul continue to illuminate this world forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Courage and conviction leave a legacy that attracts the ears and eyes of other comrades to take notice of. You came to rescue your colleagues and those civilians involved in that awful domestic dispute. all you were doing was your role in an outstanding professional fashion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 22, 2016

Convenience is when something seems easy to get or to reach. And yet most jobs or professions require much thought,many hours of studying and loads of plain old commonsense. What you had, Officer Cook, was honesty, integrity and dignity. This prevailed throughout your life and police career. Your comrades who worked and battled this wickedness with you have remembered your kindness, passion and total perseverance to get the job done right the first time out. You'll always be cherished, treasured and well respected by all. Today, I stopped and visited your grave, Officer Cook, you were a very devout man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You worked for everything you ever got and deserved to still be among your family and friends. God's designs are meant fo a purpose as He is the chief architect of this world.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 22, 2016

There is no mystery in how you lived a good life and had a solid career, Officer Cook, one that humbly speaking had more left to fulfill. You did leave behind pleasant and wonderful memories and yet your loss is something not easy to get over. God sees us for who we are and gives us teats and challenges to incorporate into our everyday scheme of things so basic to life. Nothing can happen without a core of honor, integrity and stellar dignity. Police officers function under this umbrella each time they go out to patrol, serve and protect others from danger. You were a well rounded and very admired gentleman in your community and within your ranks. You will always be honored for having valor, courage and morals to act accordingly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A strength of responsibility and vision to lead others through dark moments. Your loss, Officer Cook, obviously was a very sad time and yet what lights up our world is your beautiful soul which touched the hearts of so many people. The smile and kindness will never be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 20, 2016

Heroes and heroines, ordinary people whose humble and love for their careers distinguishes them from others. Humility, honesty, dignity and integrity separates those who dare, those who care and those who demonstrate the reason and the intelligence to resolve that which requires their supreme efforts. Your consideration, Officer Cook, the personal touch you as one of the bravest and most cherished officers among the many loyal Metro-Dade Police Officers showed us, your family, comrades and friends exactly the man who answered the calls up and beyond what was expected of them. You performed as your superiors knew you would with commitment, character and conviction to leave a loving and glowing legacy of love and respect behind for others to follow. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 20, 2016

Silence is golden. Humility is having the commonsense and abilities to lead other brave colleagues. But it will always be having the integrity, honesty and dignity to see one through the perils and pitfalls in life. You had this keen sense of vision, Officer Cook, to observe the big picture in the community of Dade County. Cherished and admired you remain forever treasured. It was your gallantry that will be saluted. You made mankind that much more complete, as the unity and peace of all may continue forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One's modesty and upbringing are how God judges us in the end.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 20, 2016

A commitment to maintaining law and order requires one to have honesty, dignity and integrity. Your life and career, Officer Cook, was upheld by the virtues of these and many other qualities. The citizens of Dade County have come to always recognize its police heroes and heroines. There is just something special regarding a person who works hard and its loyal to their comrades. You all had to face this evil and try to battle it on a daily basis. Resourcefulness and resolve takes reason and training to achieve. Six years of fruition cannot ever take away twenty-five years of courage, conviction, bravery and valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 20, 2016

A chief priority for any honest public servant is the welfare of those they loyally protect and serve. As we know those women and men must possess upstanding dignity and the stellar integrity to follow that straight path in uniting people in peace and in prosperity. Dade County residents were in fine hands when you patrolled, Officer Cook. You remain treasured and respected as your friends and colleagues salute you this day and everyday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Let the righteously humbly deeds which carried your life and professional endeavors continue speaking volumes today. You taught. led and motivated others to act as responsibly as you did forty-three years ago. The valor and braveness in character was the strength by which you performed more than admirably.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 18, 2016

To the heroic men and women of the past, we salute your resolve and bravery now and forevermore. Officer Cook, it is and was your humility and love for your role that we come to honor and revere. The commitment and character was always present, you respect for all mankind did leave that imprint that will never leave us, our thoughts and hearts. Comrades, friends gave homage to one truly resourceful gentleman, who prided himself on class, decency and the honesty to persevere. My family will always have a special place in their hearts for someone so courageous. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 18, 2016

To the boldest of men and women who dare to conquer evil, we salute their gallantry and integrity. The wicked may flee, bu they cannot escape God's punishment. Those who ran to greet you, Officer Cook, were always greeted with a smile and hello. Your personal care of Dade County, Officer Cook, was well grounded in honesty and dignity. Your heroics will be forever cherished. The people thought very highly of you and your caring persona. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 18, 2016

Riots, unruliness and racial tensions are always something that officers need to be concerned with no matter where they live and patrol. Having dealt with domestic issues and ant crimes that needed your greatest effort in solving, Officer Cook, I'm sure your calmness and common sense approaches usually worked out in favor of any person who asked for such help. You were brave and decent until the end. Valiant and vigilant, persevering and dignified whenever speaking to anyone, your strength of conviction was one of fairness to and for all and serving with a friendly smile, yet stern when called for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I'll submit you will always be remembered as outgoing and courteous. Your family, comrades and friends will cherish those moments and times they spent with you and Karen. You were a talented officer and an even more a humbly heroic Godsend.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 17, 2016

Happiness brings peace and serenity to all mankind. When our beloved public servants patrol and preserve the dignity and integrity of mankind we call this humble and courageous. Exactly what you delivered to Dade County and its citizens, Officer Cook. But you brought something more intricate to your profession, honesty, a characteristic that should be found in all people, especially police officers. Not all have what it takes to get the most out of a very demanding and dangerous job. You were supreme in your effort and assertive when called for. Legacies of a beloved family members stay with us so that we may never forget them and the challenges that awaited them everyday. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We slumber in peace and in good health because of your unselfish and unwavering commitment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 17, 2016

The pleasantness of your voice, though I was not blessed to ever converse with you, Officer Cook. Your reason, your leadership and the capacity to help reign in violence, you can't say more more. You were an honorable hero whose class and courage marked the many wonderful memories of your life and police career. Your sacrifice left behind enhancements to be shared and enjoyed for many years to come. In Dade County it's heroes and heroines such as yourself, Officer Cook, who leave something very special for us to emulate. Hard to do. Class, commitment and character, the strength by which you served gallantly never conceding, never walking away, turning your back. As you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero may we never turn our backs when our most esteemed and brave officers appear to help us in the most toughest moments.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 17, 2016

Your family and the public at large that you served and protected, Officer Cook, were blessed by the pursuits of a most honorable and dignified gentleman. The sweetness of your character, the charisma of all your professional actions, still it's hard to get over your very untimely loss. A loss for all Dade County, your family and for all mankind. For twenty-five years those who knew you were blessed to see the true visions of a humbly heroic Godsend, who bestowed his integrity and courage among the residents that were inspired by your own aspirations. Aspirations to make a distinct difference in our society and this will not ever be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. In the clutch could you surely be counted on to deliver results and to calmly cool down the emotions of the troubled. You missions were complete though much was still left behind for you to accomplish. May those brave officers who carry your torch be inspired in honesty, dedication and in decency as you faithfully patrolled those venues where your service was most called upon.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 17, 2016

From Chief Bowlin to Chief Jacobs, many have come to offer memories of a warm and cerebral gentleman. One who was fair, yet unbiased, honorable and beloved, dignified with integrity and one who could lead other colleagues through the perils that are out there in Dade County and its streets. Each venue presents one with enough to swallow, yet if the humility and work ethic is accounted for, success can take its rightful position. That was how you viewed your opportunity, Officer Cook, to make an indelible impression forevermore. Though, it is character, gallantry and resolve that help to make a community solidified in peace and in unity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. For generations to come your sacrifice has left behind the ingredients to make Dade County safer and more serene.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 16, 2016

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