Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Resting on one's laurels cannot accomplish anything positive. Acting and speaking with authority and self-confidence can achieve more than you could ponder. If a police officer stays within the foundations of dignity, integrity and honesty at least they have a fighting chance to quell any problems that might occur. Officer Cook, you were the model officer who patrolled the streets of Dade County offering peace, hope and the availability to pursue whatever we chose to chase after. One should always choose wisely. After all, wisdom and intelligence are gifts of God to be used and distributed fairly. Justice is meant to be doled out in the same fashion. Comrades and friends all respected you first as a gentleman with a big heart and a resourceful soul that keeps lighting up our world. Your absence can only make our hearts grow fonder of a wonderful person and a humane servant who composed himself at all moments as a hero to his family, friends and colleagues who battled with you on a daily basis the wickedness still lurking in our community. A community that cared about you and shares in your loss today as it did on May 16, 1979. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We shall remember this you cared, were concerned and above of were polite, considerate and acted with morals, the strength of your character, courage, commitment and conviction to both excellence and pride. You were loved and revered by everyone, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2016

Invention is the innovation of ingenuity. Surveillance is the service of watching over a collective throng of people. What goes into any officer's devout and faithful duties rests upon their dignity, integrity and honesty all driven by their mental and physical work ethics born out of habit. Your roles, Officer Cook, were destined to be driven by all of the above. Practice makes perfect, yet it is only God who is perfect in all His ways. Dade County residents were made safer by your invaluable perseverance and patience that must be displayed by all men and women of the law enforcement profession. You will be admired and saluted for having the know how to calmly influence others to do what is right and for the leadership and wisdom to combat that monster we brand as evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your heroic legacy and your soul are now being guided for eternity by God's divine grace, the same humbleness you shared with all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2016

We leave certain challenges, tasks and assignments to those personnel who have been supremely trained to go out and patrol the peace and unity of the public at large. Dade County and your department relied upon you basic good instincts, Officer Cook, to see things through to a safe and peaceful resolution. What better shape we are today because of your unwavering sacrifice to perform in a heroic fashion. Heroes and heroines are mature, yet humble by nature as they go about their professional duties. You took your life and career about as honorably and with as much integrity and dignity as possible. All of this put together meant the people would be safe, secure and serene. Your legacy reflects the basics of both a lived well lived and a career that was successful all by your courage and character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your put your stamp of resiliency and resolve forever on that marble wall of honor at Miami's Tropical; Park and at the Police Memorial in Washington, D. C.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 18, 2016

The sounds of silence can be deafening, yet when there is no noise there is calm and quietness. The loudness of sounds echoing around Liberty City on May 16, 1979, were coming from the hero you were, Officer Cook, sad that are that tumult and kayos had to happen because of a troubled young man who was misguided in thinking violence against society would solve whatever problems he had. One will not ever forget your passion, perseverance and honesty in bringing dignity and integrity back into the hands of all Dade County residents. The best laid plans of our supremely brave and valiant men and women of the police community can sometimes tragically go off the true and just path. But you'll be saluted for aiding and saving many lives that day. You came to work ready for whatever tasks lay ahead of you. Commitment and conviction coupled with your outstanding character always appeared on guard. You gave the effort and now other comrades must share in this tremendous onus as well. rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 18, 2016

Life is joyful. Life has its challenges and certain limitations. We leave our protection and freedoms in the capable hands of men and women like yourself, Officer Cook, who keep the rudder steady. You experienced many things in your twenty-five years, first and most importantly was your family. Your family in my opinion was a pioneer family in North Miami Beach, Florida. Your beloved parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles and Julia Cook, were the rule models for both you and your sister, Nancy. Honesty, dignity and integrity were the words of wisdom spoken in your home, so it's plan to see why you were the consummate police officer here in Dade County. You were the reason why enhancements continue going forward, yet we can always look back on a life of heroism, courage and conviction, realize the commitment and character was never lacking. You will be saluted and remembered for having the knowledge and leadership to encourage others comrades to stay the course. There was more left to achieve and yet your mission was fulfilled and God took your beautiful soul back to heaven for an even more greater mission. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A humble man yesterday, today and forevermore. There will never be a question. You performed in an outstanding fashion, Officer Cook, saving lives, this was your love for both Our Creator and all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 17, 2016

Justice may be blind, in the eyes of God things are perfectly clear. Justice one day will prevail for all who have transgressed. For a model police officer, Officer Cook, you were a humbly outstanding and loyal public servant whose honesty, candor and consideration spoke for you. Your heroic actions of May 16, 1979, reverberated around Dade County and its people spreading messages of calm, peace and unity for all. This is what has made your legacy grounded on the cornerstones of transparency. No matter the time or place you were there to aid and to do whatever was needed for the security of the civilians and your comrades who too worn their with pride and professionalism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The eyes of all look up to the heavens above where you now patrol God's sacred streets keeping up safe and serene.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 17, 2016

The humble speak softly. It is in their undying and compassionate ways that chores and assignments get carried out. You carried out your missions in life and during your career, Officer Cook, as well if not better than most. Seeing reality is what makes police want to act honesty, with integrity and dignity proceeding their every movement. Faith and devotion may take a person down the trail toward success, but if the upbringing with politeness and manners does not come before all else, the chances are achievement may be harder to attain. A person of quality character and conviction, something you always aspired to be, Officer Cook, assisted you greatly in changing the way Dade County citizens hope, live and stay unified. Your valor and grace, calming influence of decisiveness has left such an imprint that can never be tarnished as you donned your professional uniform and badge with pride, excellence and resolve in intuition and leadership not always visible to most folks. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Actions will only represent more than chatter. You went out and performed in one way, the only way you knew humanely and heroically.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 17, 2016

To be able to live and to breathe the air we breathe we can in large measure thanks to our beloved heroes and heroines of the law enforcement community who perform more than mundane and routine tasks. Your service and protection to all Dade County residents, Officer Cook, has served as an inspiration to what unwavering commitment is all about. As adored as you were by your loving family members, so too were you as treasured and revered by all your colleagues who too bravely and efficiently went out on their patrols to fight the miserable and vile forces of evil. Never knowing if they too were going to return to their homes and families safe and sound. One humble man's heroic legacy of devotion, class and decency now stands forever centered upon the foundations of morally righteous conduct with the strength of compassion, concern and character to match. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The cause any officer represents is the effect their sacrifice leaves in terms of perpetual enhancements. Your actions, Officer Cook, have left a noticeable impression upon our society, one that goodwill, peace and unity will never be taken away, nor will your good name ever be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 17, 2016

Sometimes a good tongue lashing is what it takes to make a person more accountable. If you were here today, Officer Cook, you would be that individual to deliver such a rebuke to some of your colleagues for their unacceptable behavior. Police work demands the utmost decency, dignity and integrity, if the honesty, devotion and desire is lacking perhaps one should look for another way to earn a living. It is not just a way to support yourself and family, it is having the proper mind and body to undertake the rigors of not only a dangerous task, but one that rewards those who achieve smartly and with a sense of pride and humility. All the right tools you garnered from a sound upbringing only accomplished with class and concern. Thus your heroic legacy of honor, hope and goodwill shines as brightly today as does your wonderful soul now travelling high above in God's heavenly abode. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You committed yourself to doing what was right, why can't others follow suit? You'll not be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 15, 2016

The tip of the hat and the raising of the hand to salute and to honor one humbly brave warrior. This is you, Officer cook. This was for your unwavering courage and commitment to the citizens of Dade County who came to count on your outstanding resourcefulness and relentless pursuit of excellence in dealing with violence or any issue where the steadiness of law enforcement is called upon to act heroically, promptly and most professionally. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your life and career of character and efficiency will stay embedded in the hearts and minds of those who cherished and admired a great and gallant gentleman.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 15, 2016

You had the urgency to decently act as a humble and humane hero, Officer Cook. Those who are reverent and faithful to the calls of Our Lord have nothing to fear, for we know and their beloved families know they will ultimately be rewarded one day for their dignity, integrity and bravery. It all sounds routine, but it is most certainly not. You went out on patrol and sought to sooth people from serious harm. Your priorities were in order, first and foremost the citizens and Dade County will always be indebted for your heroic response, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. With piousness comes the salutes of valor reserved just for men and women such as yourself. A job well done. A uniform and badge worn smartly and the message delivered to the point.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 15, 2016

Today, being my birthday it would have been a great day to tour Our Nation's Capitol and visit the Police Memorial, look up your name on the walls of honor. Humility and humbleness you brought to your family, your community and the world at large. You see the visions of yesterday, your undying actions of bravery have led to the continuations of a brighter tomorrow. Dade County observes its heroes and heroines as one unit with souls and hearts that beat as one. You stood tall in conviction, courage, character and had the sense of urgency to decency act heroically as you showed Dade County residents on May 16, 1979. Surely, a day to be saluted forever, though there was more left to fulfill. God looks at our missions and pursuits in life and recognizes a more important role where no more harm will ever come your way. Having placed yourself, Officer Cook, face to face with evil, you will be revered for saving and aiding your comrades and those civilians who needed your help the most. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Deeds of nobleness should be so honored and after nearly thirty-seven years you will stay honored and remembered for your spirit of righteousness and the gallantry to properly and professionally carry out your tasks which are always a challenge for even the brightest of minds and most physically gifted persons. A true gentleman and a police hero to be admired by everyone who now lives and breathes the same air that God created. Your family will forever be proud of your heroism.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 14, 2016

Police work tests the mind and mettle of any honest and dignified public servant. When that admired and cherished has what it takes to make peace and liberty occur, we then salute them. Your integrity and grit, Officer Cook, has been remembered and noted. You were the man whom others relied upon in times of strife and crisis. Your charisma and commitment shall never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your unwavering loyalty and sacrifice has allowed Dade County and its citizens to stand proud and tall, courage through it all will forever be respected and admired. Your intellect and leadership was indeed younger than your twenty-five years. Years of engagement, ingenuity and a calming influence of reason that must be exercised at all moments. God has His reasons riding behind all of our journeys in life and in the chosen professions that we work very diligently to succeed in.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 14, 2016

I meant to say, Officer Cook, that your close personal friends will come to salute your valor and dignity of care and compassion that you served and protected citizens with forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The integrity of your enhancements has been preserved today and will remain intact foe future generations to stand up and take notice. When you answered a call it was done in two ways aside from honestly, it was done clearly and quite concisely. The hero in you was humble, humane and balanced with stellar humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 14, 2016

Professionals should take their onuses seriously. Police officers should respect the words of honor, dignity and integrity. Obey them as you would want others to follow suit. You took life and your career quite seriously, Officer Cook, we pray that our loved ones stay safe and return home safely after performing brave and yet difficult tasks that assist in the procurement of security and freedom. We ask God to stand by as they navigate from turn to turn, from venue to venue going face to face with evil as you did on May 16, 1979. it was your strength and courage that was the yardstick in settling arguments and discord. It was your valor that vindicated the oppressed. It was your tone and purposeful voice of reason that enabled you to enhance the areas of Dade County that needed a little lift, something extra to see it through. The darkest of days has been lit up by your cherished and treasured soul of goodwill. rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your signature of heroism has stamped your humble legacy and message of humanity is now free and clear.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 13, 2016

A gem of a gentleman, a pearl of wisdom from a humble and most humane hero. You honored us, Officer Cook and Our Creator with your unwavering devotion not always seen from our esteemed police officers. The sense of responsibility that comes from leading others has hopefully been passed down to others who now carry your dignity and integrity. It is meant to pacify and persuade those who may be tempted to commit violence to rethink their stance. Seeing that you were a calming influence it is no wonder Dade County and its residents can now and forever live lives of peace and togetherness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Of course character without commitment and conviction can only go so far. Your mission was deemed complete, now the salutes of bravery and reverence may be given forevermore. The future generations will soon realize what Officer William C. Cook meant to his community, family, colleagues and close personal. Your pride was in outstanding service and preservation to all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 13, 2016

Beautiful people possess wonderful souls and it is in the heroic actions of these brave and honorable men and women that we pin our hopes and dreams of a life of plenty. Plenty of blessings as they are sent to us a Godsends. Their exceptional and moral roles they take on in leading other officers through the pitfalls and perils that look to ensnare them. You pursued integrity and decency, Officer Cook, in a most faithful and devoted fashion. Not many have kept their wits about them and displayed the dignity necessary to carry out demanding professional assignments. Revered and respected, resourceful and resilient,. we let your legacy of heroism be treasured and saluted, for we all understand what you meant to both your family and your department. Your colleagues were an extended family and you provided them with renewal, loyalty and a firm resolve to dispatch truth and righteousness in a loving and yet fair manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We celebrate a well lived life and a career that was looking bright as bright as the sun that shines each day, your soul does this as we are reminded of your sacrifice that has further enhanced Dade County and its residents.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 12, 2016

Better to be gregarious and engaging then arrogant and lazy. This kind of behavior can never be tolerated. Thank God we have honorable and dignified personnel such as yourself, Officer Cook, who were the bravest of souls when it came to serving the people of Dade County.You have since be remembered and saluted for your leadership and fortitude in combating a beast we label as evil. it doesn't take a rocket scientist to calculate your worth among your comrades and superiors who knew you as a loyal and determined young man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of distinction. Your legacy of courage, strength of character and commitment were the outlines of a successful career, although there was much more left to achieve. Your mission helped solidify our hopes, dreams and aspirations of peace and goodwill between all folks. I'm sure citizens relished in speaking with you, Officer Cook, a gentleman of humbleness and the humanity to gets things done promptly and fittingly. You spoke, the wise tuned in to your message.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 12, 2016

God welcomes us to the world. When our time and missions are completed He again greets us with open arms. Our society was greeted with your presence, Officer Cook, a measure of hope, honor and determination. Devotion and faith to see good things happen, to remove negativity, violence from keeping the peace and freedom moving on. You kept your calm and it was your positive influence that was built upon your courage, character and commitment. You are remembered for having the wit and leadership, the diligence to courageously dole out justice and fairness to all mankind. One man whose soul will stay lit to help lead us through the perils of life. Your life and career, Officer Cook, recognized honorable actions with the highest of scruples. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy of wholesome proportions that has spread itself from one corner to the next. This affection shall be saluted as has your good name and a uniform and badge worn proudly and concisely.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2016

When trouble is brewing police officers are usually the first professionals who bravely answer that call of duty in an effort to mobilize the peace and safety of a given area. Their mettle, integrity, dignity and honesty is always put to the test. They must be ready and willing, available to withstand the rigors of a very demanding role. May 16, 1979, was just that day, Officer Cook. It was a very hot day that time just after two in the afternoon. Liberty City where you served and protected its residents valiantly was filled with tension and domestic discord. All you were performing was your role of conviction, character and commitment in a humbly heroic fashion. You displayed a fighting heart, the strength of a warrior and the perseverance of an angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God surely takes His devoted and dedicated officers to a higher level where their treasured souls can now watch over those who take to war over wickedness. You tried and achieved in building enhancements to last forever in the boundaries of all Dade County. Your response that day, Officer Cook, was supreme as was your humility which is something public servants should carry with them at all times.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2016

God listens to the cries of His flock and has mercy and kindness wrapped around their souls. He follows His benevolent and bravest heroes around as they secure and preserve, protect and serve our best interests. Dade County citizens come to those they know are reliable and resourceful, dignified and honest to get things squared away properly. That was your mission, Officer Cook, in an honest and constructive manner, to weed out destruction and disarray. It was replaced with peace and communication by all your comrades, thus leading to the enhancements that all share in today, tomorrow and in the future. Six years of outstanding service has left behind a humbly heroic legacy of character and commitment that we will never see again from a more finer gentleman who was treasured and highly admired by all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You listened on May 16, 1979, Officer Cook, you stayed calm and maintained your focus saving your comrades lives and those civilians who trusted your instincts of leadership and intuition.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2016

Police work is the role of those who honorably and quite bravely chose to pursue. It is in their actions that we can live our lives more serenely and more peacefully because of their heroism to do what is in the best interests of all mankind. Officer Cook, your integrity and dignity are the legacies of humbleness you left for others to emulate. As cherished and as respected as you were, it is still difficult to contemplate your loss to this world and yet you meant the world to your family and friends. The solace they receive is that you my neighbor, friend and hero are resting in peace in God's arms patrolling and helping to spiritually keep alive those who have faithfully and without reservation continued your fight against wickedness. All your actions of compassion and consideration were and are still very much appreciated. Mankind values the noblest of deeds by its beloved heroes and heroines.

Rabbi Lewis S. DavisPolice

April 10, 2016

With outstanding service comes the satisfaction of a job well done. Well done, Officer Cook. Your honorably heroic intentions have left the residents of Dade County feeling safer and more unified. One who sacrifices for their colleagues and those who trusted your calming influence we say a big thank you. The instilling of good conduct and proper ethical behavior within your department won't ever be forgotten. You cannot overlook a gentleman who comported himself with dignity and integrity, that would be akin to overlooking their legacy. Your character and courage carried your life, career and whatever pursuits in life you enjoyed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One who acts righteously is rewarded many times over by Our Creator.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2016

The elements of surprise are out in our world reminding us of the possible dangers that threaten the very fabric of people's lives. Police officers no matter how honest and dignified they are have to be aware of their environment. Six loyal and dependable years you patrolled the streets of Dade County, Officer Cook. You were accountable, astute and faithful in all your endeavors. You were a responsible person, committed to do what was right. The morals of our beloved public servants are out there being judged and scrutinized on a daily basis. You were a top notch professional who provided the same reassurance and resiliency when it mattered the most. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. What matters now is the humble and heroically valiant legacy you left for others to pattern their careers after.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2016

We greet people with a smile or firm handshake. You greeted those persons openly and with a big smile. You were a happy person, Officer Cook, yet not one to rest on their laurels. Integrity, dignity and honesty can take a person down a long way toward success if they are willing and able to put in the proper amount of effort. It takes a special person to withstand the rigors of police work. My neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, you were that gifted Godsend who came into this world to do just that. Your missions in life and during your career encompassed many tasks of which a calm demeanor and having a certain passion was necessary for the assignment to be carried out properly. You will be remembered for having that loyalty and care that was essential for the enhancement of hope and unity to continue its positive travels within Dade County and a community where you have been saluted for your gracefulness and gallantry. Rest in peace. Your heroism and the legacy you left for others to emulate has been carried out in love and in respect for others to pass on when that time arises. There was more left to accomplish. Your achievements have rewarded your family members who have succeeded in their lives with your wonderful soul watching their every trial and tribulation. You have greeted sadly more heroes and heroines into God's heavenly shelter. The pain and anguish, heartbreak and sorrow should one day end forever. You were all very unique and special servants of Our Creator. Character and consideration followed your patrols of your communities.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 8, 2016

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