Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

People perceive reality in different ways. Yet, professionally and prolifically you were the consummate police officer, Officer Cook. You were the image of honesty, integrity and dignity. Today, as I was driving in Miami at NW 79th Street and NW 17th Avenue I cried as I was stopped at the light. All those enhancements because of your heroic actions of ingenuity and intuition. The boldness of a lion. The courage and commitment to ward off evil and to reign in peace and unity for all Dade County residents. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy of bravery and character is the staple that makes a man's family proud, his colleagues and friends happy to have been associated with a gentleman of humbleness and d humility. Officer Cook, your strength of body and mind positively held influence and calm over an entire community where you were well respected and quite cherished.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2016

What must be superior to just wearing a uniform, badge and carrying a weapon for service and protection is the cornerstones, the very foundations our great land was founded by and this is to be honest, to be dignified and to stay within a professional framework of stellar integrity. One cannot simply get into their patrol unit and stamp out crime by themselves. It takes some cunning means. It involves utilizing resolve. The power to perceive and to deduce what must follow after your vision and perseverance takes hold. Your resourcefulness, Officer Cook, was endless, your missions in and around Dade County were done with the nadir of success. There was much more left to accomplish, you achieved and now you are with God swerving a unique role as His angelic hero. A gentleman of humble nature whose humane feats are not only etched in marble and granite walls, they are permanently inscribed in our hearts and thoughts. Legacies of a hero's enhancements that stay with us forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your vision and leadership skills, Officer Cook, I hope and pray are being put to the test of good usage everyday. Citizens require them. Departments need their strictest attention.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 23, 2016

The precision of a dignified and highly regarded professional is what we count on to stand by and protect our rights, freedoms and to unify our community. The areas of the Dade County community where you were admired and cherished, Officer Cook, were like a second family to you. Their peace and enhancement is directly linked to your sacrifice in honor and in integrity. The strength of your courage, conviction and character could be measured exactly as you performed your roles each day. No less one day. No more the other. Each time out, diligence, convincing leadership and an unparalleled knowledge, the maturity way beyond your twenty-five years of insight, intuition and influence to calm others so needing such relief. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your heroic legacy of humility and humbleness is the very reason as to why those brave officers, the future protectors of our society endeavor to function as one unit. Divided we stand. United we fall. You have been missed terribly, but will never be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 23, 2016

Clear vision requires the ability to see things from afar. Violence and evil need the entire being of our beloved and most bravest of public servants. Devotion, faithfulness, resourcefulness, whatever is needed for the completion of any task large or small, we rely on their knowledge, wisdom and honesty to put matters back in their proper perspective. A man of nobleness you achieved through hard work and constant toil, Officer Cook. Humility and humanity serve as that reminder of how special one man's life and career goals were to Dade County and its community where you have been honored, saluted and revered for your excellent professionalism. You will continue to be admired for your integrity, dignity and boundless leadership. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The eyes of God keep your legacy of heroism alive in your loving family, your professional colleagues and close personal friends, many still look to you for sagely advice. It was that passion you had, Officer Cook, for compassion, consideration and concern for all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2016

Goodwill acquires its direction from a kindred spirit of peace and unity within a given community. When any public servant who takes an affirmation to protect and to serve our best interests it is done so with only the most honorable of intentions. You were one of the many ambassadors of goodwill and hope, Officer Cook and through your integrity and desired dignity, you were able to lead a humble mission in and around Dade County to secure the serenity of its citizens. Heroes and heroines like yourself take their good names and good genes and endeavor to spread them like seeds all around. Now, because of your undying and unwavering commitment to excellence and pride are you being fondly remembered for having the tenacity and bravery to succeed. Salutes of honor, perseverance and confidence in your diligence are being cherished by all comrades who served side by side with you. Support and enhancements can rightly and proudly take their cues from a wonderful soul of a gentleman and servant of God, faithful in all your professional roles and undertakings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Colleagues who have taken over your watch have tried to restore that which needs to be kept firmly in place. They rely on your shining soul to look over these happenings.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2016

All areas of safety and concern desire the finest quality in their sworn public servants. Metro-Dade Police Department and its excellent men and women toil extremely hard and long hours to keep the peace, serve and protect the protocols that come along with being secured. Officer Cook, your high caliber of integrity, honesty and dignity was always at its best when the time came calling. No one will forget your mission of resolve, loyalty and devotion to those who served beside of you. Your legacy rests firmly in the foundations of commitment, courage and in solid conviction to perform in an outstanding manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Peers today have saluted you, Officer Cook, for balancing valor and vigilance as any professional should. The tasks were great, you demonstrated brilliance and ingenuity like no other.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 21, 2016

Devotion to diabolical wickedness demands the highest of your stern measures. You gave your all, Officer Cook, your honor, bravery, courage and dignity for the integrity of Dade County and its people to keep its enhancements alive and well. Something you should still be with us today to continue in fulfilling your missions to Our Almighty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, a cherished man, a treasured and revered legacy of leadership, strength and passionate character.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 21, 2016

In the name of goodwill we salute those officers who placed their integrity, honesty and dignity on the firing lines in an effort to secure our liberties. Legacies don't just happen. They don't just crop up overnight. Character and its strength are created within our heroes and heroines from the moment they are conceived by their parents. The nourishment their mothers receive while carrying them in their wombs nurtures their minds as well. Your life growing up in North Miami Beach, Florida, Officer Cook, was the epitome of modesty and humility. The humane nature for you to serve and to properly preserve the dignity of all mankind. The relief you delivered to residents of Dade County has never been overlooked nor forgotten. Your good name, uniform and the badge of the Metro-Dade Police Department was well adorned and worn proudly with a purpose in persevering, all done with morals and principles that befit that which any police officer needs to carry with them. Patrolling calls for extreme measures at times and your training and skill set, Officer Cook, set you apart from other brave and courageous men and women. Your leadership capabilities, your responsibility and accountability too won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2016

One's due diligence demands the highest level of respect and honesty. That comes from those officers who have experienced the proper of upbringings. You were a very courageous young man, Officer Cook, your dignity driven by your faithful devotion to all you served and protected. Dade County during your watch more than forty-three years ago was quite different than it is today. We due bear in mind, nothing today that has stood the tests of time could be without your sacrifice and grateful determination. Peace and unity takes time to function correctly, you worked and toiled for the name of justice and the fairness everyone is entitled to live their lives by this crede. Officers who take heroic actions to quiet the very being of violence ought to be honored and saluted for valor beyond the calls of duty, which of course you will, Officer Cook. You will forever remain respected and treasured among your peers, friends and family members. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Police always have pressures when dealing with the sanctity of life, preservation and its quality are the keys to prosperity and freedom for all citizens.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2016

Fast and furious. Slow and methodical. We prefer caution and carefulness in all our devoted public servants. We dignify integrity and honesty with loyally, honor and decency as this challenges each official to perform accordingly. You served and persevered in Dade County while on patrol, Officer Cook, simply by being raised with a fabric of certain morals and ethics we come to expect from such a wonderfully cherished young man. That legacy of yours, Officer Cook, continues to humbly climb that ladder that all angels of mercy have demonstrated in bravery and courage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We leave God's decisions to ponder and yet you'll always be admired and respected for your heroic actions. Take your time and get things right and in the correct order of priority. The movement of peace, freedom and goodwill runs by these highest of standards.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 19, 2016

Grief and sorrow, joy and happiness all take their leads from Our Creator who gives us constant tests in life and during our chosen professions to witness if we are up to the supreme tasks that lie ahead. We plan today for a brighter tomorrow never fully realizing what may occur. The best laid plans of all people may need to be set aside. Police officers and their giving families know this when their loved one signs on to enter a police academy to begin the mightiest challenges they will face and confront daily. Officer Cook, being a humble and yet confident officer, you kept your poise and wits about you in a dignified and honorable fashion, reassuring Dade County and the good folks who reside there that no matter what happened you would be there to protect their liberty and peaceful movements all around. Now we salute your heroic deeds of bravery and valor, the symbol of a truly righteous and faithful servant. Those comrades must have embraced you with a big smile as you too embraced life. You loved people and were a very congenial gentleman, one whose inspiration will live on in your loved ones forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The path of your legacy is through that proverbial green garden of good morals, quality of character and a strength of heart to face what must be eliminated for all evil. The sadness of suddenly you left a gaping hole in our hearts, yet it gives us hope and reason to carry out the tasks as you so loyally achieved in your life and career. God's gardens need no moisture, the water is there already from those who sacrificed for our futures.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 19, 2016

Peace by perseverance. Dignity by desire. A passion to restore serenity to a given area, this is what the residents come to demand from our beloved and most courageous of officers. Public service implies exactly that due diligence, honesty and integrity from those fiercely loyal to the battle calls. You were a humble person, Officer Cook, who led by example and humility so we see clearly as to why you remain a heroic legend here in Dade County and all across our country. A cherished and gallant gentleman who won't be forgotten for having excellent character, the boldest of convictions and the commitment to back a remarkably positive influence over mankind. A beautiful soul that shines as it flies higher each day. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 19, 2016

I meant to say, Officer Cook, it was your never ending reserve of honesty, dignity and integrity that drove your passions to patrol, preserve and defend our liberties. When a man is diligent to his duty, is bold in his commitments and focuses on having intense integrity with a loyalty that will forever be respected, then what more can we say? Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It has been signed and sealed and delivered in only one way to God, your humbly heroic actions on May 16, 1979.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 19, 2016

Community service and public service all bear the same unending need for honor, integrity and dignity. When men and women are dispatched out into a community it is done so with the hope and goodwill that they will be successful in securing peace and unity for all. You did this very well, Officer Cook. Your diligence and reliability made you a top officer during your watch over Dade County and its residents. The loss of dignity itself when a brave servant loses their life comes right to the forefront. Nevertheless, you'll not be forgotten for your influence, care and compassion. What makes a hero's legacy stay founded in decency is how they lived their life and for their contributions to our society and yours, Officer Cook, were the most fruitful of achievements. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and courage, commitment and conviction have already crossed paths with other comrades who too gave their lives for enhancements to march on.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2016

Your excellent police work, Officer Cook, has been rewarded by Our Creator precisely because of your ending reserve of honesty, dignity and integrity. Curtain calls are for athletes. Police officers who have humbleness, humility and an unwavering sense of service receive their awards. God does give back to those who answer those very dangerous calls as you attended to , Officer Cook. And all these years after giving your life for Dade County and its citizens your comrades have remembered your loyalty and faithfulness. Your heroic legacy is like an angel which now travels eternally throughout those blue skies. The mysteries of life are just that. Your life and its missions were fulfilled and it was time for God to bring you back to be near your dad, Charles, who should rest in peace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2016

It is those who take direction who are more likely to accomplish their tasks than others. Our police officers who are the intuitive men and women who risk everything for us to proceed safely and smoothly. We wish them well in their efforts to fight off evil. And we pray that one day we shall reunite with you once again, Officer Cook, your humility and honesty is very much absent today. Every moment something in one's decorum is lacking, your dignity and integrity, my neighbor, friend and hero. Comrades who revered your work ethic must never lack these fundamental qualities as they steer these hopefully faithful and loyal servants through danger. You sacrificed your life and career, Officer Cook, so that enhancements in your community would stay anchored and everlasting. So too your legacy of humbleness which is eternal and the hope that springs eternal. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2016

Progression versus regression. The peace process must move forward if we are to succeed in making this place a better environment in which to live in. Your role as a public servant, Officer Cook, was one that was well planned out and composed of honor, dignity and integrity. Dade County steps forward because of your unwavering support to repel evil. This march forward in spite of violence can never regress. You'll always be fondly admired, saluted and respected for your valor and positive influence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Legacies progress down the roads of peaceful means and influence of friendly persuasions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2016

Mere mortals are we who eat our bread and drink the water which quenches our beings. You partook of God's gifts, Officer Cook and the tree of life by which you helped keep peace among all mankind still grows stronger today. the bonds of sisterhood and brotherhood were constructed openly with honor, integrity and dignity that lives on in your family and those who surrounded you on your patrols. It made Dade County more accountable and more safe. Treasured and adored. beloved and faithful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your humane courage and strength of character is like the water that flows from the stream. Take one drop and you'll be amazed at its power. The consummate calm and caring public servant now resting humbly among God's angelic heroes way up in those deep blue skies. your legacy, Officer Cook, will only be affirmed by your deeds of valor and graceful gallantry.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2016

Today I visited your grave, Officer Cook, someone, probably your comrades or the cemetery cleaned the shrubs and the ledger upon which rests the cross bearing your name. There were two sets of flowers and a beautiful butterfly, your soul cherished as it was and will forever be flying high up in the skies looking down and guiding those as brave and as honorable as you protecting making sure peace stays planted in all of Dade County and its residents.You such a dignified gentleman, one who humbly devoted himself to integrity and kindness, it just makes today much more difficult to accept that it's been thirty-seven years since your heroic sacrifice on our behalf. They don't come any more decent and deserving of all the salutes of humility due your way. But then again we expect this from all police officers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One man's life, career and legacy of love as pristine superior as it gets. It Shall Be One-that phrase of hope and goodwill you left behind will always be the passion for driving our dreams and aspirations forward. You knew one way, Officer Cook, forward and face to face endeavoring to conquer wickedness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2016

Parallel to truth and justice is humility and honesty. You can never protect and defend one's honor and property without the utmost integrity and dignity. You carried and comported yourself accordingly at all times, Officer Cook, your courage, character and the conviction to the commitment of excellence and in pride went hand in hand as you donned your uniform and badge of professional distinction and humbleness with a labor of love and sincerity for all Dade County residents. We can live more peacefully and without great tumult by the fact of the sacrifice you made to enhance future generations. One day as they grow older and gracefully gain more wisdom they can look back at your heroic actions that saved the lives of your esteemed comrades and civilians who too tried to calm a troubled young man. You performed in an outstanding manner, Officer Cook, you did all you could. God needed you more. May 16, 1979, is a day to honor your memory and to remember your achievements and successes during your life and police career. Certainly a sad day, yet reverence and resolve only with one-hundred percent full effort. Nothing will tarnish your name, uniform and badge worn smartly by a treasured gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy that will keep our world perpetually illuminated.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2016

Perseverance by persuasion. If that's what it takes to honorably discharge one's duties so long as the dignity and integrity follow along that suffices. What all police officers need to bear in mind is that as long as they stay true to their word and have a positive influence over the community they serve and protect then the residents shall have the respite and relief they truly deserve. All your years of diligence, all the lessons your beloved parents instilled in you, Officer Cook and your sister, Nancy, served you well enough to accomplish a monumental task that lied ahead of you. Dade County and its citizens stand firm on the foundations of enhancements brought about through your concern, consideration and dogged determination to see things through until completion. Now those sacred missions are served in God's highest skies where your beloved and cherished soul can watch over us, your family and colleagues who continue the roughest of wars against evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility requires us to keep sanity percolating within humanity. Tough times call for sometimes harsh actions. Your heroism, Officer Cook, leaves your humbleness anchored at all points, no matter where our travels take us, we can surely see the greatness you delivered to this nation and to society where only blessing and goodness shall always prevail.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2016

What runs side by side of every police official is honesty, dignity and integrity. When any officer is killed doing their job, a flag of fifty stars covers their casket, others stand at attention and salute one mighty valiant hero or heroine. When that American flag is folded and finally presented to a beloved family member r we surely look back on their unique mission of love and concern they performed on our behalf. For you, Officer Cook, you be fondly remembered for your calmness, humility and unquestionable diligence. It makes one's heroic legacy that much more meaningful. The unity, peace and goodwill of all mankind will continue its movement forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those stars represent all states that cherished your dignity, resourcefulness and resolve. No one was disappointed. Only your loved ones and friends who now bear a heavy burden carrying on with your faithful duties.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 14, 2016

Deserving and devoted. When the anniversary of our loved ones comes along, we stop, remember, reflect and honor their humbly heroic names. Officer Cook, you worked by the code of ethics and morals that drove your dignity and integrity around Dade County on your watches. Patrols of peace and perseverance paired greatly with each other. You'll now be well thought of and cherished forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy of the most unwavering bravery and commitment, character and strength of leadership to be revered for eternity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 14, 2016

We celebrate life so sweet and special with all its joyous moments. We mourn our loved ones and salute their gallantry, unwavering courage and honorable actions. Monday, May 16, 2016, we pause to remember your humble and humane life, Officer Cook. A dossier of desirable conduct, devoutness to Our Creator and a special and passionate desire to do good. Dade County can always look back in time and ponder the genuine public servant that drove through its community with a smile and a calming influence to steer others in a positive fashion. Comrades can certainly treasure their bonds they forged with you, Officer Cook, you always had their backs. You were one to gather pertinent information, not make insinuations. It was your standard which shall stand today as to the enhancements all citizens enjoy because of your unselfish sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Like the sands of time, your character, commitment to excellence and bravery will be grounded and etched in the walls of memory here and in Washington, D. C.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2016

In this seemingly never ending battle of violence we witness with our own two eyes those who genuinely care to preserve and protect the public interest. Your supremely valiant work, Officer Cook, must not and will never be forgotten. It was your honesty, integrity and dignity which blazed a trail for other comrades to follow after. We salute your bravery, maturity and leadership that enabled you to stay safe and to keep the peace and togetherness of a Dade County community yearning for it. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Yesterday, I saw a picture of your beloved Karen. She had to be a very wonderful woman and adored wife if only God had granted you more years. Your legacy has surrounded your loved ones and those who worked alongside of you doing battle over evil.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 13, 2016

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