Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

When onuses call you were right there, Officer Cook, delivering a solid effort. It could only be achieved through your honorable and most humbly dignified actions. Heroes and heroines lead lives that are sterling in character, commitment to excellence and conviction to handle whatever issues needed resolving. Gallantry and grace distributed to all citizens of Dade County and the quality of protect ion and service that has left a lasting enhancement in peace, unity and goodwill for all. Your heroic legacy remains the staple for which all public servants must carry on and for your devoted family members to thrive by as they succeed in their endeavors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Nothing can tarnish a badge and uniform wore very humbly and proudly displayed with courage, bravery and resourcefulness. You never backed down from wickedness, Officer Cook. You did your utmost to assist people and had a very caring heart, one of gold.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 5, 2016

Patriotism is the embodiment of heroism and within your soul, Officer Cook, it was the source of your dignity, honesty and integrity. A career as a police officer that was most promising with more accomplishment left to fulfill, you'll never be forgotten for coming to the rescue of your colleagues and those civilians who depended on your service and protection. You will always remain cherished and very valiant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 5, 2016

We greet each new day with a smile as you faithfully greeted the day and all folks, Officer Cook. That marvelous upbringing you received surely paid dividends. Dade County and its residents were afforded the finest in care and in service when you patrolled those streets which at times can be unforgiving. Forty-three years ago that smile, Officer Cook, can still be felt within your beautiful spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A uniform of unity and hope. A badge of boldness, brilliance and a most loving man with a golden heart. God has all His angelic heroes and heroines in His golden shelter for eternal safekeeping.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2016

When our men and women heroes and heroines give something such as their lives for our enhancements to move forward, we salute their class and decency. We treasure your memory, Officer Cook, a model citizen, a top flight Metro-Dade Police Officer, an intellectual gentleman of character, commitment and courage. You battled and fought the forces that evil presents these uniquely supreme individuals. Peace and unity rely upon one another as did those of us on May 16, 1979, North Miami Beach, where you grew up and an entire nation felt the anguish of your sudden loss, as heroic and yet reserved as you were my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2016

With liberty and justice for all comes the perils of keeping honesty, integrity and dignity anchored on a uniform you wore so humbly, Officer Cook. You relished a challenge and the amount of effort that went into your professional duties. Nowadays, it seems as if some public servants just go through the motions. As admired and as cherished as you were to your esteemed comrades, Officer Cook, so too the community of Dade County can remember the spirit beneath your wings that carried your physical presence throughout your patrols protecting the preservation of all mankind. Your heroic legacy of courage, character and conviction should be taken seriously by all future police officers. It is in these brave and loyal individuals that we can call for help in staying unified as one community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gentleman who served with a refreshing attitude and inspired all folks in the right manner.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2016

One must have compassion and yet be most compassionate about their duties and the due diligence that rests behind each task at hand. Your unwavering courage, dignity and honorable actions, Officer cook, was the springboards of enhancements in and around Dade County. The citizens can rest easier knowing a very loyal and faithfully devout servant protected their unity and freedoms. Police work can be grueling, taxing to say the least, but with your commitment to justice, Officer Cook, the peace process has been given a proper foundation for other officers to try their hands at combating evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No quit in your bravery, nothing can slow down your family members from succeeding as mightily, yet as humanely and as humbly as you performed. May 16, 1979 was the day of recognition that you delivered resolve and admiration as all officers are expected to do.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 3, 2016

Whenever I hear or read of any police officer charged with a crime, I think of you, Officer Cook, you were a very decent and honorable gentleman. Your colleagues have always looked back on your courageous life and career that constituted and kept the streets of Dade County safe from harm. Now looking back on your passion to become a public servant one must think about all that you went through. Just about each morning, I drive by the old Bennett and Ulm Funeral Chapel where your wake and visitation was held on Friday, May 18,1979, truly a humble gathering to honor a most beloved and esteemed officer of fairness and justice for all. Auxiliary Bishop John Joseph Nevins on a sunny Saturday, May 19, 1979, put these words into context stating, there must be a Good Friday before there can be an Easter Sunday. I think the meaning is clear, one most compose themselves at all times with integrity and dignity if they are to succeed and keep grinding along that path. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy fulfilled. An affirmation upheld.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2016

Those drums you beat at Norland High School, Officer Cook, were loud and clear. Just as loud, clear and concise were your honesty, dignity and integrity that went out on your patrols of the good people of Dade County. When the sound of violence can longer be heard, there will never be a discouraging word, only the voices of sound reason and logic, your care and calming compassion for those seeking renewal and hope from one of God's most loyal, true hero and a most valued servant. Now that your mission in this world was deemed finished by Our Creator, you can rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero high above in God's golden dome where His angels of heroism rest beside one another. Your legacy of strength, courage and commitment all now are together forever. Comrades too as will your wonderful family fondly salute their son, brother, uncle and great-uncle as will your beloved wife, Karen, who was your widow honor your endearing memory. You emancipated and you enhanced so the future can march forward in a dignified a classy fashion. You'll never be forgotten, Officer Cook. never. Always cherished, revered and admired by all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 2, 2016

We the people enjoy having marvelous and wonderful men and women courageous enough to take their turns trying to wipe out evil. Officer Cook, you led a life of integrity, honesty and stellar dignity by virtue of your excellent upbringing, Dade County wants and most importantly needs the continued participation of all its brave and resourceful officers to stand out humbly and in taking charge to reign in wickedness. Rules are set by departments to ensure quality of service and renewed safety for both the residents and those officers who serve and protect the public interest. Colleagues always will look back on your life and career, Officer Cook they'll keep your flames of passion alive as your beautiful soul continues its flight high above in God's grandest of skies. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Legends live and achieve through their righteousness. Your accomplishments, Officer Cook, stay grounded in the optimism you provided all mankind through your humane sacrifice, your legacy of character and its strength reveals the wisdom you imparted in all your comrades and in those who befriended you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2016

Performing a dangerous job and yet you could be counted on to do your tasks with alacrity, dignity, integrity and honesty. You can't say enough, Officer Cook, regarding your feats of heroism and the forever lasting enhancements brought about through your courage, valor and bravery. Comrades, friends and your very special family have kept the flames of hope and goodwill alive through your unwavering spirit. Dade County residents can rest soundly each and every night by your grace, gallantry and protection of citizens who allowed you into their community. We don't forget our heroes and heroines. You remain treasured and it was your loyalty and resolve that forever keeps you, Officer Cook, in our hearts and thoughts as are your wonderful parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The legacy you left for us to salute and to celebrate is one of character, commitment and conviction to both pride and excellence. The uniform of the Metro-Dade Police Department was donned clearly and concisely as were your actions of caring, concern and consideration that drove your career and allowed you to lead through your positive intentions. Life is serious and so is the good work you achieved in this world. We'll remember your engaging smile, Officer Cook and all you delivered in a first class and decent way.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

June 1, 2016

To dream the impossible dream, there was no dreaming, no nightmares, your sensible approach to everyday matters, Officer Cook, was the accommodation you made to all people. It was the community of Dade County that needs to be grateful. Heroes of honor, integrity and dignity separate themselves from most folks. They perform a danger job, a profession that absolutely does not tolerate ineptitude. The skills required are among the highest of standards set up for a reason. Bravery and courage when utilized hand in hand help shield officers from harm, more so they protect the citizens who rely on the accountability of each woman and man who boldly commits to convictions of concern and leadership. We place that solemn trust in those who live wisely and conduct their tasks by the golden rule. You did, Officer Cook and therefore God saw your mission as complete and now has taken you back to heaven to patrol His golden streets where you won't be harmed anymore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Never a bad word, only a uniform and badge donned humbly most efficiently. All that is good in Dade County can be directly traced to your sacrifice.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2016

One would think that honesty, dignity and integrity could deter violence since this characteristic must be found within any law enforcement officer. We know the world today is drastically different than when you served and protected Dade County residents, Officer Cook. You were a man and a gentleman whose life mission and goal was to become the finest police officer of morals one could find. You were more my neighbor, friend and hero, you were a heroic Godsend brought into this world to save lives and to change the outcomes of people's lives. From despair to enhancement, from silence to action. Sometimes better to be taciturn, that alone distinguishes you from the rest. Your influence of passion, calm and consideration remains cherished this day as it did on May 16, 1979. Never to be forgotten, always saluted with a legacy of humanity and humility. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 31, 2016

Your devotion and resolve to influence others to do good will not be forgotten, Officer Cook. Dade County residents have felt those positive vibrations for over thirty-seven years now. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy of fulfillment and fruition to last forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2016

Conformity and honesty steer a police officer's integrity. Your decency and politeness, Officer Cook, will forever be saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 30, 2016

Police help restore our dignity and safety. They are charged with so many tasks, it's no small wonder how they can stay the course of honor, integrity and dignity. Many have left that trail, you kept right on protecting, Officer Cook. You kept sanity and sense where calamity and confusion reared its evil wings. Now all these years later you have been so honored, cherished and admired for your humane and heroic actions of reverence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We leave you and your angelic comrades in God's palms for perpetual safekeeping. Legacies are the meanings of life and the preciousness of its daily tests to see if we are up to its challenges that are someday rewarded. Your missions, Officer Cook ,were deemed complete and your achieved beyond what was expected from you. Your colleagues could attest to this fact. So true and so could your loving family members.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2016

Words that end with the letters i, t, and y, they serve as springboards for what is expected of any law abiding police officer. Conformity, responsibility, accountability and dignity, these are the characteristics that carried your humble life and professional career, Officer Cook. You were a devoted man of humility whose honesty protected the sacred venues here in Dade County where your reverence and loyalty has been remembered and saluted. One can surely never forget the roots you set down here in North Miami Beach, Florida where you grew up. Certainly, no one can lose sight of your honorable upbringing. Because of your intellect, keen vision and clear perspective of what needed to be done, you focused on how you could make folks feel more at ease. They were beyond a doubt very blessed top have a very determined gentleman serving their interests. Now we can look back fondly on your heroic legacy where hope, health and goodwill among all mankind rested together peacefully and all were united by your enhancements which represented the sacrifice you made, Officer Cook, to allow us to continue to prosper and aspire to be all that we could be. Heroism takes its genesis at home and your home was very nurturing and caring. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We pause and reflect on that which all police deem as integral, your integrity, Officer Cook, was of pride and commitment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 29, 2016

To receive accolades for outstanding police work, it makes a person humble. It takes all the skills, the courage and humility to be able to fight through thick and thin. It was your way of doing things, Officer Cook. A certain order you must have set up and whenever you answered any call, it was your calming influence, honesty and confidence that helped see you through. This continues to inspire Dade County's folks all these years later. Your upbringing, your convictions to life and how you cherished your moments and years that have left a lasting memory. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy of goodwill, peace and enhancement, education and communication to live on in your family, comrades and close personal friends. They adored you, loved you and respected your passionate work ethic. You were a humble man, Officer Cook and as personable as they come. I wished we had known each other. I'll always have that regret.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2016

You walked righteously. You served Dade County with grace, dignity and gallantry, Officer Cook. You will be revered and remembered for having the honesty and stellar integrity to go out and patrol its streets and free us from worry and despair. It is now up to those who serve with valor and commitment to stand tall and humble in this never ending war of evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your heroism, its strength and your legacy will forever rest upon the cornerstones of faith and reliability. What a blessed gentleman and humane public servant you were, Officer Cook. Fondly saluted. Humbly honored.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 28, 2016

To give of yourself, to give your life and professional career for the honored enhancements in life and the people you serve and protect, one can't be any clearer. What you meant to our world and to your police department, Officer Cook, your achievements for six years and for twenty-five years could not be anymore humane. You went down as a Dade County hero whose legacy will remain forever etched in our hearts and thoughts. Our prayers go out to your family, friends and colleagues who too displayed the same level of integrity and dignity as you my neighbor, friend and hero patrolled the streets with each watch. You will forever be honored, revered and saluted for giving that which we consider as sacred, life. Live in fairness and in effort. Always, you were the giver, Officer Cook, you gave reassurance, resolve and faithful resourcefulness. If only you were here today to witness the changes brought about through your diligent professional work ethic surrounded by desire, devotion and valor. Courage and its strength all wrapped around your loving relatives. They continue your pursuits in life that you smiled so wonderfully over. You lived and conquered this wickedness and won't ever be forgotten. Honor every resting officer. A hero cherished and adored by mankind. Your parents raised a great son and daughter in Nancy. Badge#1664 will be remembered for the gentleman who wore it proudly and with a zeal, a passion like no other.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2016

To have the dexterity to be driven to fiercely fight the battles against evil, to have the desire and fever to be devoted and diligent, one must have the right and honorable, brave and dignified men and women of the law enforcement community. They take a solemn affirmation to stand in there face to face and confront a giant of an adversary. Liberty City was your responsibility, Officer Cook and it was in your determination to see peace and prosperity raise its curtains in order for those citizens to see another sun arising and another moon at night. Your principles and integrity never wavered, for they cast an everlasting enhancement upon those who relished and treasured seeing your shining presence among them. Your soul shines as brightly as that smile you had when being photographed behind our American flag, it left us way too soon and yet comrades have admired and saluted your heroism, your humility and humanity to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, your courageousness, character and commitment have sealed your professional feats have left a remarkable chore for those future officers to lead other officers by the high standards and ethics that inspired others and your loving family members. You fulfilled God's mission and now in heaven you walk that beat on His golden streets protecting us from any harm.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 27, 2016

Those heroes and heroines who have faithfully discharged their honorable duties and sacrificed for the goodwill of all mankind rest in eternal slumber knowing their legacies remain dignified and everlasting with that word we call integrity. You can't get anyplace in life without a semblance of this. You can hope and pray, you can dream big. It's only going to happen with forethought and long and hard work. That ladder is tough to climb, with patience and persistence, Officer Cook, it maintained you well for twenty-five years. Dade County was in excellent hands as you patrolled and served delivering peace to all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your valor, your commitment to pride never left your soul. It is up in heaven serving a more unique eternal mission.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2016

The fates of all women, men and their children rest in the authentic professionalism of those who bravely persevere. All of these actions of compassion, honesty and a labor of love cannot occur if these officers do not display them in their everyday lives. You observed right from wrong, Officer Cook and it was through a careful and righteous upbringing that you grew up to become the man, the leader who showed the ropes of your position to others. Justice and peace, unity and serenity for all Dade County residents to stay anchored forever. For eternity as your cherished and admired spirit continues its patrols of God's golden streets above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It will be your legacy, courage and strength of heart that now consumes our thoughts and passions. Police work is by no means simple or mundane. it requires certain skills of the body and mind to make one's travels more accomplished and meaningful.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 26, 2016

Everyone has different emotions. Some let you know it. Others hide or shy away from it. There is no getting away from the fact that you were an honorable and very decent man, Officer Cook. There is no running away from one who humbly speaking possesses dignity and integrity. Having said that, Dade County and its citizens have to be quite grateful to a hero who looked out for their security and unity as one community. We all share in the grief of your untimely passing, a loss so deep, it can never be forgotten. You made believers of us all, even those who did not know you personally. Your family, your parents were very happy their beloved son, now one of God's many angels saved many lives on May 16, 1979, a day your department and the nation lost a valued and loyal servant, whose vigilance and valor stay etched within us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Nothing lacking. Your loss to humanity has left a giant challenge ahead for us. Society by your very actions without a doubt or capitulation is more enhanced and the sorrow of you not being here hurts very badly. I'm still very humbled to have met Gina and her family and to have received that warm and sentimental letter from your mother, Mrs. Cook. I'll always remember your son and his gifts and contributions to all mankind/

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2016

The eyes of God look down upon us with the and promise of a good day. Your soul, Officer Cook, surely shines down its grace, honor and dignity within your loving family, your colleagues whose integrity was put to the test everyday. Now, thirty-seven years later, we are all put to the test to see if your peacekeeping missions stay successful. You were accomplished. You were fair and just. You acquitted yourself with solid professionalism that has left a lasting heroic legacy. Forever treasured and revered as a persevering young man, a gentleman of candor and courage, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your spirit, Officer Cook, guides us on the straight and righteous paths of achievement as God keeps you safe in His glorious shelter.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 25, 2016

Persuasive and persevering, the beginning of any hero's pursuits of evil. For one to chase after happiness. the honesty, dignity and integrity must be absorbed within that officer. It was all within you, Officer Cook, you were the ever faithful savior of Dade County citizens. Our peaceful missions in life were gently held in your hands, as now God has your lovely soul held in His palms for safekeeping. God holds your fellow angelic comrades who like yourself sacrificed for the benefit of goodwill and hope to spread its wings and fly as high as it can fly. The seal of satisfaction lies in your humanity to all mankind with the outstanding character and courage to back your every movement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Vigilant and astute. Committed and self-confident in your abilities to both take direction and to humbly give direction, that's all we can ask along with the effort which never wavered.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2016

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