Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The values society places on life and the integrity by which we choose to function and maintain our decencies depends in large part to the honesty of all police officers. You were one of Dade County's finest and most efficient officers, Officer Cook. A man of loyalty, resolve and faith. Devotion to service and protection were among the many staples of your outstanding career and life, one lived by principles of good behavior and commitment to excellence. If something needed to get done, you were there. Almost forty years later your legacy of heroism, Officer Cook, stays enhanced within your comrades, family and close friends who valued your spirit of kindness and a cherished heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You did your part, now it's time for other officers to walk that beat in humility and in dignity. Mankind rests within the laurels of ethical conduct, anything less and this very wickedness just keeps on moving toward us like an avalanche.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 5, 2016

To summon the courage, to muster what has to be done, you need a clear path of honesty and integrity leading your travels. Taking you on your patrols of Dade County, Officer Cook, was your dignity that was drawn from you inner strength. Police professionals must call upon their resources to begin to understand the reasons and goals behind their missions. Those missions may at times by mixed with emotion, yet if they stay strong to their resolve situations can be overcome, thus the citizens are free and clear of worry. Peace now becomes a reality. This was your strong point, Officer Cook, uniting people of all backgrounds, speaking calmly, coolly and compassionately. Never again shall violence rear its ugly head. Your performed your role in an outstanding fashion and won't ever be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A hero's legacy rests safely in God's hands now along with an angel of valor and grace. A spirit that keeps on travelling to offer help wherever it is necessary. A wonderful heart humanity will not forget.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 5, 2016

Parlaying diligence and excellence in honorable and courageous actions, the people in Dade County can exist in unity and peace by your loving devotion and desire to see your missions accomplished, Officer Cook. A man born into a home filled with love and humbleness. Your parents can only be proud of your life and its goals with which you achieved through loyal means, hard work and a sense of pride in commitment and conviction. Your friends and partners can salute your astuteness, character and legacy of goodwill to all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. With more left to fulfill, it is now up to your family and colleagues to protect us and make us at ease as you so faithfully did.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 5, 2016

A propensity to provide, preservation through perseverance, protecting and patrolling the public interest that is what is expected and is to be expedited judiciously by all honest, loyal and dignified men and women of the law enforcement profession who make our lives safer and more peaceful. A man of humility to all mankind, Officer Cook, you delivered outstanding service and the faithfulness that is looked upon by the people. Thirty-seven years later enhancement rests soundly upon your leadership and guidance, the calming influence instigated in times of calamity. Instigated to be regarded as a positive step, one your colleagues trusted that would yield fruitful results. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 5, 2016

Heroism from the heart delivered by an honest gentleman and police officer undaunted by a challenge that was placed in front of you, Officer Cook. Thank God for dignified men and women like yourself, who understood their roles in life and faithfully executed their missions to completion. Dade County can relax a little bit because we had men of commitment and unchallenged character who laid a path for future officers to follow in. That road at times can be quite narrow, with a little perseverance the task is more clearer than ever. Your loving family,comrades and friends have saluted your courage and your legacy of service for the peace and security of your community which has never forgotten you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2016

Believe in yourself. Have a conviction and take up a noble cause. That is the mission that all police officers engage in when they begin their professional roles. The genesis is the beginnings of honesty, dignity and integrity which stays with them throughout their lives and careers. After all they are our bravest and most valiant who dare to wander into the roots of evil and the very violence that is spun from this mayhem. Dade County and its residents were fortunate enough to have you, Officer Cook, patrolling and protecting. If only your character, class and decency could have saved you that day. You will always be remembered for your engaging style and will be admired and cherished as a human being par excellence who fought and never wavered nor turned the other way. Peace and unity can stay enhanced forever because of your humility and gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 4, 2016

Doctors heal. Police save lives. Honesty, dignity and integrity provide the elixir to what ails our nation. We depend upon the righteous public servants such as yourself, Officer Cook. You were present and all accounted for when needed. No matter the problem, no matter the time, you were there to save and to console. Now we still need consolation, your loss was too great for some to bear, you kept your word giving peace, unity and freedom new meaning to Dade County residents. Now God has you protected where nothing will ever again harm you. Your legacy of character, commitment and the pride you had serving and preserving. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When our heroes and heroines sacrifice their lives, the gaping holes are there and yet we must summon the courage to fiercely carry on their messages. Hope does spring eternal. Your family has seen it and lived through it, but with God and your community we shall stand as one.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2016

Everyday is a judgment day, so where there is honor, there is dignity and integrity. Right in its place all because of your unwavering commitment. Officer Cook. A humble man of distinction who led other officers by your desire, devotion and solid determination. Dade County and its citizens can rest easier by the professional work ethic you displayed each patrol. Never a more braver warrior whose diligence has provided a blanket of security and serenity for all/ Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy has promoted and delivered the hope, faith and goodwill to all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 3, 2016

No swaying an honest and dignified gentleman, our warrior, our savior, Officer Cook. You were a humble representative of the Dade County community and its police department who lived up to its standards. Your eyes and ears were our safety nets in which peace and liberty could spread its blankets around us keeping us firmly enhanced and being able to thrive freely. Comrades, family and friends cannot forget nor overlook your character, courage and compassion delivered fairly to everyone. You learned all the right things, Officer Cook, from your parents which in turn carried over to the police academy. Your heroic legacy grants each of us the chance to anchor our hopes and dreams firmly to those aspirations you had, Officer Cook. You were an invaluable resource to all Dade County, to your family and to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Decency, devotion and determination all belong on the same ledger as does your fighting spirit which has validated all the achievements during your lifetime.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2016

So that the citizens of any venue may live freely an din peace, officers need to supplement their work habits with the right balance of honor, decorum and integrity. Dade County and its residents were certainly filled with much promise and hope during your watches, Officer Cook. A most beloved man of uncompromising intelligence and influence, your life and professional feats were maintained by your unwavering courage, character and conviction These words are for not only reliable and righteous people to live by, they are for all mankind to breathe in the scents of sound reasoning during times of duress. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your treasured legacy of unity, goodwill and class will be saluted and honored forever. Your affirmation meant putting your life for humanity on the line each day and none of us will forget your engaging personality and the spirit by which you comprehended and respected life and its sacredness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 2, 2016

I seem to have a proclivity for being able to reflect back upon your life and career, Officer Cook. Why not? Your were a humble man, a loyal and genuinely honest officer. You gave your life and career to that the citizens of Dade County may choose what they want to pursue. Choose wisely. Think intellectually. You were the consummate professional who dignified his life and your department with class, decency and character of which your colleagues took the strength from their hearts to draw upon this.Your respect and admiration for all mankind remains cherished and treasured this day and forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A righteous hero who was devoted to the cause and who pursued peace and unity with equal diligence and vigilance. Always there will be that feeling if we could have met each other.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2016

A gentleman of his word, You were a humble man of sound character, commitment to excellence, you took great pride in wearing your police uniform and badge of professional courtesies and ethics. A servant of God, any servant should be fair and balanced, dignified and honest, integrated with integrity, this carried you, Officer Cook, throughout your life, career and missions of duty when they came calling. A respected man with a genuine love for his professional position. I don't know if she did, I wonder if Karen ever went on any patrols with you. I have read some reflections where family members ride with their brave souls. Obviously, it can be dangerous, I guess they want to see firsthand what is going on. Dade County and its residents can forever live in hope and goodwill that their peace and unity was dignified by your valuable presence to them. Your heroic legacy of faith and devotion, desire and determination shall never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Colleagues salute a valiant man, a courageous and kind gentleman. A treasured man with decency, class and conviction. You fought as a warrior never giving in to wickedness. Humility to humanity personified through and through.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2016

What can derail a promising police career is the lack of professional courtesy along with the required, integrity, dignity and honesty. It can make or break some careers, even the lives of such public servants. Yes, we know police work is stressful. Yes, we understand, maybe not fully that it is dangerous, but in order to secure unity and peace for all Dade County citizens you had to remain in line with other comrades, Officer Cook. You stayed true to form and led by your examples of character, class and encouragement. Nothing better than an honest officer such as yourself always giving a total effort that is greatly missed today. You would be retired and sharing so much with Karen. You were respected and admired for having the commitment to see things through, your family wishes you were here among them doting on your great-nieces and great-nephew. A great family. Still wished I had met your mother, Mrs. Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The people of Dade County were grateful to have you serving and protecting their lives, thus allowing them to pursue whatever they choose to accomplish.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 1, 2016

Attention to detail, consecrated with honesty, dignity and integrity, for most of our bravest public servants a sure fire way to remain successful and safe. After each day that one ventures into danger. Some days are are less filled with danger, though the stress, the unknowing what one might have to overcome is out there. Adversity is nothing new or foreign to men and women of authority who proudly wear their uniforms of encouragement and character. You wore yours quite humbly, Officer Cook and Dade County and its residents were much better served. You provided proof that quality of service, commitment and in convictions goes a long way toward bringing peace and unity back as one foundation and dispelling evil from being the cornerstone of kayos, bedlam and mayhem. Your heroic actions do fortify your legacy of grace, gallantry and valor. They make us all proud in particular the ones who worked with you and befriended a man of engagement and a smiling charisma. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your soul and its gentleness are stationed among God's heavenly shelters where you now walk your beat. His sacred streets are safe and so are you and dyour comrades who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2016

Having worked strictly by the book, rules, regulations and department standards were always observed as they should be. A man's dignity, integrity and honesty, a woman's also are on the line when they don their uniform and badge. Your character, class and candor further enhanced your humble legacy, Officer Cook. Comrades and colleagues, strangers, friends and your loving family all so honored and saluted your intellect, intelligence and ingenuity as did all Dade County, its citizens and those whom you served quite loyally. A gentleman whose thirst for more knowledge and a telling maturity beyond your years were the exact reasons as to why we can live and thrive today as all do. You kept peace and hope moving down the very same street as did your faith, devoutness and determination. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God completes our missions even though your life and career had more left to fulfill. We understand this. God as master of our universe is righteous to all His public servants who stay dignified and you were blessed as a hero and a true Godsend to all mankind. You never ran away from violence, Officer Cook,, you confronted it as any officer should, head on, face to face.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2016

Life is not a lottery. Life has everything that is good to offer, though it has dangers and challenges that can frustrate folks at times. One thing police officers must keep in mind while they are patrolling and serving the public is to remain calm and even keeled. Your influence over Dade County and its residents, Officer Cook, was to focus on honesty, integrity and dignity. No small feat for some officers today who still stray and commit crimes themselves. Remember everyone matters. Every moment utilized justly saves lives. Your affirmation to take the reins and to be available to lead others with decency and class cannot ever be overlooked. You were a caring and most compassionate individual. You were cherished and respected from among your peers and possessed the right attitude to intelligently make decisions that have left folks more stable and solidified than ever before. We know your humility and character was just what was needed for peace and unity for all to prosper. Enhancement was always in good hands, now God has your good hands and righteousness wrapped in His palms for eternal safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, your legacy of bravery and heroism is the launching pad for other officers to ascribe to perform proudly and with excellence as you always delivered. Only first class in your upbringing and convictions to see things through until their finality.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 31, 2016

A life led by action is better than one spoken by words. You have to pick up your feet and move to coordinate and consolidate positive means. A master collaborator and communicator, you were one of Metro-Dade Police Department's best, Officer Cook. No challenge was too small for you to undertake. First and foremost, you were caring, considerate and honorable. Your mannerisms of dignity and integrity carried over from your home to your job, it made the people of Dade County more at ease. It's the progress through the process that sets the wheels of prosperity, unity and peace turning forward. We can look back and salute a hero of the most humble character with the courage to support your convictions. A commitment to pride and excellence that never wavered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Truth and justice always was front and center. The Cook Family lived by devotion, faith and determination to help others in their times of need. A beloved gentleman with a kind heart and a keen vision to view things clearly and concisely.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2016

Victory by honest intentions surely vindicates the heroic actions of any brave officer. Although, victory is only assured when violence is not on the constant move. Your patrols of Dade County and its residents, Officer Cook, were secured with integrity, dignity and a mutual respect for all. You remain admired and loyal for fighting those forces which at times can get the best of us. An outstanding and first class professional in influence, leadership and in character. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. A legacy of valor and the hope of peace and unity always reigning down upon us.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 30, 2016

You were the consummate gentleman, Officer Cook. You served all Dade County with a consummate pride, distinction and dignity.When honesty and integrity run side by side each other, the end resolution is usually one that is positive in nature. A man's convictions to stay brave, to face any peril under the blankets of valor, we can only salute them. A remarkable career headed in only one direction, upward. But, sadly it is your beloved soul, Officer Cook, the beacon of light and the prayers, the hope of many that shines brightly down upon us. Its rays bathe us like no other hero. A person of reason, a leader who kept the peace while keeping his coolness and faith despite adversity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's honor roll of heroic angels seems to tragically increase almost daily, way too many, at least His sacred streets are being scoured and secured by one of the best. A humble and humane Godsend, Officer Cook, you'll always be memorialized as a blessing to our society. You tried your best to head of evil that fateful day. May 16, 1979, won't ever leave our minds, hearts and sincerest prayers.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2016

To leave a legacy of impeccable resolve and to have a great-niece named Legacy. Your family feels so much love and respect for their uncle and great-uncle "Bo" as you called, Officer Cook. I still don't know how you were called Bo. One day I will try to find out. In the meantime, your integrity, honesty and class has and always will come to the surface. You were a very noble, humble and yet you stayed the courses of reality with your beyond the calls of securing peace and safety for all Dade County residents. May you be an inspiration to all who look to begin their careers as police officers of excellent character and the courageousness to ward off the effects of wickedness. You stayed true to colleagues, loyal to your family and displayed an engaging personality to your close personal friends. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. All of our nation owes you, Officer Cook, a large salute and an unwavering debt of gratitude. You made believers of us and enhancement for those fortunate to witness its beauty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2016

Jumping to conclusions is akin to jumping the gun. Police professionals similarly to other persons should not make hasty assumptions without seeing the completely true picture. You must be astute with the rationale and intelligence to judge by decision what must be done to resolve a dilemma therefore leading to a positive outcome. It was a humble young man's honesty, dignity and integrity that allowed you, Officer Cook, to lead others through those supposed burning bushes. Police officers like firefighters must put out trouble in areas before they progress into much more complex dilemmas. You were forceful when it called for force. Faithful and calm when your influence demanded it. Respected and admired for class, candor and character without any doubt as to how you performed your tasks. Life has tests and challenges, your mission here, Officer Cook, was to accomplish through desire and determination, dignity and the right of all Dade County citizens to reside in unity and in peace. Badge#1664 and the humane gentleman who donned his uniform for six years of service and the commission of good deeds while heroically enhancing preservation for all shall not be forgotten. You upheld the values of humanity and the very reasons why we demand ethics and core values from our bravest of law enforcement personnel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The mission of your legacy stays bounded by the four corners of: honor, class, devotion and intelligence. Once a bullet leaves its chamber it can never be taken back. Great care must be taken responsibly and discreetly when utilizing any firearm. Standing tall means doing your job sincerely and with the highest intelligence that police work demands from its providers of perseverance and preservation.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2016

I heard about another police shooting in San Diego, California where your mother lives. Mrs. Cook, you have continued living a very blessed life. Your beloved son and our hero here in Dade County, Officer Cook, had all the right credentials to get his tasks done properly. Honesty, dignity and the embodiment of stellar integrity helped him greatly in his pursuits of peace and prosperity, hope and goodwill for those faithful enough to live their lives with value that is instilled in each of us. You were a gallant man, a cherished officer whose duty was to protect and serve. You did that with great pride. With commitment and bravery beyond the calls of duty, you came to aid those in danger and performed in an outstanding professional fashion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. History will surely demonstrate your legacy of a hero's embrace on mankind. it will be honored and so saluted forever. The desire and dedication that has continued our dreams and trips of hope down those narrow pathways. Watch those who serve us and may your soul, Officer Cook, keep its countenance shining brightly down on this society. Those rays of hope can shield us from the very violence which threatens our futures. There are futures and goals, dreams and aspirations which we look to accomplish. You too had more left to achieve. God knows His faithful servants and assists them in all their missions. Police walk this very tight line with not much give. It can only happen when feedback is given promptly and positively. You listened, Officer Cook and provided proof of your diligence and vigilance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2016

As I have reflected, Officer Cook, I lead Sabbath services at various Independent and Assisted Living residents in Metropolitan Miami-Dade and Broward Counties. I try my best to listen and assist them whenever necessary. I don't consider myself a hero. I just try to be honest and dignified, stay calm whenever the situation arises. You had to be everything that any police official is expected be. You acted with dignity and class, courage and perseverance, pride and conviction, the commitment to be decent and deliver on your affirmation to reign in terror and make peace and unity words to live our lives for and by. Today, we come to salute your authority of astuteness, your intellect and intuition of diligence, so matter what was happening at any particular moment, the people were safe and happy due to your service and instincts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It is inscribed on your gravestone, "We Shall be One," One Nation Under God With Liberty and Justice For All. It took your bravery to exact this very noble and prideful notion of why we live in peace and serenity, Officer Cook. Enhancement is the foundation of why we continue to aspire as you did. Your goal and inspiration was for all to march on in decency and character. The right to pursue quietly and in peace. United We Stand. Divided We Fall. No more falling only standing side by side all people coming together for a common cause.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2016

The fruits of a person's labor are sometimes those humbly heroic actions that go unnoticed. Better to be humble and honest, than treacherous and troublesome. Your life and career, Officer Cook, were the pristine examples of faith, loyalty and confident resourcefulness. You kept your composure and yet acted in an outstanding manner on May 16, 1979, to serve and protect those residents in Dade County who expected and deserved nothing less. They received more than what could be given back to you. If you were here today, Officer Cook, we would all be happy. You left behind a legacy of grace, gallantry and goodwill among all folks. A loving family, loyal comrades who served and battled the roots of evil with you daily have saluted your wisdom, integrity and courage. Your close personal friends have missed your friendship, smile and maturity beyond your years, the vision to see things through. A mission of inspiration well performed. Humanity to all that was built of quality character, conviction and the concentration to peacefully resolve any quarrel that may have arisen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It take guts and the right stamina to get things done right the first time. life doesn't always allow do overs. Police don't always get second chances. You made the most of your life, Officer Cook, the driven desire to achieve, the devotion and determination to conquer. Your humility bears out these facts. I'll always miss that opportunity to have known you personally. You were quite a special gentleman with a spirit that reflected your persona. I will keep you in my prayers Mrs. Cook. I hope you enjoyed your trip to Key West a few years ago. I wish I could have driven you down there. We could have caught up on some time reminiscing. Your beloved son was a man among men and his career and life spoke the words of what dignity and integrity can bring in blessings to a servant of God who was righteous in all his ways.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2016

The sands of time cast our fortunes in life. The moments are few. The days and hours are fleeting. One must make the most of that which the Almighty has provided us. He gave you, Officer Cook, the inner spiritual strength to be an honest and faithful policeman. You were born from a loving home and given something most of us do not possess. That certain ability to handle a stress and most rigorous job. But, Dade County and its residents felt your loving embrace, your passionate dignity that was spread far and wide around them. It has maintained them, sustained them and given them opportunity and optimism like never before. You will be remembered and so treasured for bravely coming to our aid. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Life moves on.and yet that reverence and smiling face, yours is terribly missed. You were a friend to all, a blessing and a most humbly and heroic Godsend.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

July 29, 2016

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