Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

A man with a passion, a warrior with wisdom, a savior with a mission built on heart, soul and excellent character patrolling Dade County as only you could, Officer Cook, with your heroic integrity, dignity and respect filtering in and around the community where your blessed, cherished and truthfully trusted name remains humble and rewarded by Our Lord. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A foundation to be lauded for its life and career of yearning and climbing the ladder of responsibility to command other comrades.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2022

Where can you turn to in times of trouble and distress.? We sought your advice and council, Officer Cook, so humble and honored, you'll be regarded forevermore as a man of integrity, ingenuity and dignity which kept Dade County safe for the most part. A gentleman of humbleness who caught and subdued evil. Always keeping your sacred oath and spreading goodwill, hope and decency through your life and career. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Trust and truth support the pillars of perseverance and your thoughtful intuitions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 19, 2022

A preponderance of faith and humility carried your life and career, Officer Cook. A man whose destiny was headed for much more accomplishment. Your earthly missions of dignity, integrity and honesty were all validated by your unselfish wisdom and unwavering virtue. Dade County was the community were your solemn life has been fondly remembered. Character, commitment and conviction all trusted and truthful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 19, 2022

No holds barred when violence needs to be taken off the streets and you did your job, Officer Cook, with heroic honor, respectful conduct, dignity and integrity all filtering from your veins of vision, virtue and versatility. For this you are to be saluted as Dade County can stand humbly tall and proud as your family is of you. So diligent and caring and with special vigilance may your heart and soul be blessed and rewarded for their sacred journeys and missions of hope, faithfulness and trusted goodwill. The truth walks its angelic beat above as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 19, 2022

Screams mean something. Yet your calming voice of reason, Officer Cook, was what Dade County needed in a time of crisis. Police must deal with every problem, situation and event that unfolds and removing the evil that still exists today. Your faith and soul my neighbor, friend and hero was dignity and integrity addressing the issues at hand. The hope and resourcefulness will always be noted as loyalty and congeniality spread their truth and trust far and wide. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2022

You get your feet wet at first and then go a little deeper into the waters. Trouble is evil, violence and wickedness trek upward and all public servants must uplift and enhance their given venues and replace terror with goodwill, hope and faith. You worked in Dade County, Officer Cook, always as a devout hero full of intensity, integrity and intelligence. The dignity and honesty flowing from your badge and uniform all donned with class and decency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2022

One moment of peace is because of heroes like yourself, Officer Cook, who cared, were considerate and were concerned about humanity's health and welfare. Dade County's stability was driven by you as you never took your foot off of the pedal of perseverance, precision and proficiency. It is what a hero of valor and virtue does when faced with trouble. Your first rate dignity, dependability and integrity of total accountability cleared the roads of serious circumstances and on May 16, 1979 you sacrificed your career and life for the values and morals to continue forward as your loved ones attempt to accomplish. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2022

You drive to search for peace and when you spot a possible problem you endeavor to extinguish its flames before things get out of hand. Every watch, Officer Cook, was the vehicles of heroism moving forward to deliver a sense and a direction of hope to Dade County. A gentleman with a quick wit, a pleasant smile and yet a serious demeanor that undertook many challenging and perilous assignments to gather peace and unity for society. Character and dignity, along with integrity and ingenuity surfacing to suffocate the likes of vile and evil people. Forever humbly treasured, esteemed and loyal, always solemnly remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2022

You circled the wagons of hope, goodwill and serenity all by being faithful, polite and honorable. Certainly a man to be saluted for fortitude, integrity and dignity, Officer Cook. Dade County and its people won't forget your ironclad valor, determination and a yearning to be dedicated to your profession. The tears surely on May 16 and on the 19th when your family, colleagues and your community gathered to mourn and to lay your sweet and versatile soul to rest. Virtue, wisdom and maturity marked a life and career of humble trust and truth forevermore. To my neighbor, friend and hero of character, commitment and conviction rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2022

The world is darker because of your absence, Officer Cook. Dade County though was served and protected by your deepest of honor, humblest of dignity and the hindsight of integrity. They all meshed well in the battles and fights over violence and terror. One evil man taking your life and nearly those of your fellow officers. Just a first class hero of heart, soul and reverent character striving to bring peace and serenity into your community that honors you by its homage and trusted salutes of virtue and wisdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 18, 2022

Go with the flow and let the sun shine where it will brighten your day. Somehow with your heart, soul and spirit up in heaven, Officer Cook, your family's days have been a bit brighter, though the gaping hole still lingers after so many decades. You were just so special, so humble and precise in all your actions that helped Dade County and its people gain a sense of real quiet, peace and prosperity that is not granted as we must somehow stay the trails and paths of truth, trust and loyalty. Reverence and character must stay aboard the same ship if violence is to be eliminated from humanity's chairs where callousness sometimes lurks. Always saluted and well regarded. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were always there for us we have to be present for your loved ones as they carry forward your heroic legacy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 17, 2022

Gallantry that stood for greatness. Boldness that represented humility and heart. We can clearly say that you were a marvelous man, Officer Cook, young, honest and of course humanely heroic. Your professional acumen saved lives that day that otherwise would be lost to madman shooting up the streets of Liberty City here in Dade County. I was driving today near where your sign is and not far from where you gave your integrity, dignity and vigilance in order for harmony and stability to take their proper places. One classy gentleman with a soul that forever remains angelic. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 17, 2022

Truth and trust are one's code of honor, dignity and integrity. You were measured and consummate in all your duties and roles policing Dade County, Officer Cook. One great man with a giant heart and soul that cared and gave. The ultimate sacrifice was your heavenly reward for being a blessed hero of wisdom, maturity and virtue. Mettle, scruples and values today has to define that person's onuses when safety, security and serenity are on the line. It's everyone's job to affect the surroundings of their environment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 17, 2022

Police work requires accentuation and perpetual heart and soul that are clearly characterized by honesty, dignity and integrity. Their cores must not be broken for if they became tangled our very liberty and safety would be called into question and the citizens would surely feel uneasy. Your performance, Officer Cook, made certain that Dade County would be preserved and protected by an unselfish man of God devout, loyal and faithful to the challenges that lied ahead. The paths and trails were trying but with heart and soul, virtue and being wise beyond your years of professional expertise the tasks and assignments would be handled with the most care, concern and consideration that Our Lord's humility brings. The day of destiny comes calling and obviously no public servant wants to be called home before their time. You had so much more to achieve, the Man above had other more important eternal duties for you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 17, 2022

The spirit returns to heaven along with the soul of humility and character while your heart forever remains cherished and most humanely dignified, Officer Cook, for its heroic honor and grace embraced Dade County and humanity for twenty-five short years. Yet they were consummate in every way, shape and form and never backed off or down when our very tranquility was at risk. For possessing integrity and respectful commitments, trust and truth mat God bless and reward you as you take your humble place in the Thin Blue Line above where perfection and stability mark the streets where only heroes and heroines roam and soar as angels forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 17, 2022

Dade County was the flock and you, Officer Cook, was its heroic angel of honor, hope and heroism giving protection and perseverance with a golden heart and mortal soul. The residents have never forgotten you and both the integrity and dignity that never quit nor wavered. Such a truthful and trusted warrior fair and firm who sought stability and peace for all mankind. May 16, 1979 passed but your life, career and wisdom, its virtues priceless won't be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, class, commitment to pride and excellence that was displayed and demonstrated on a daily basis.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 17, 2022

Your heart and soul thrived working in the environment that allowed you to best serve Dade County folks. A man with a thirst and a passion to learn more, the ladders of your persistence were paved with Our Maker's humble blessings. For being honest, dignified and brave, Officer Cook, may your family that pursues its dreams, goals and aspirations be rewarded with health, peace and humility of heart and soul. They carry forward with your agendas of acumen and virtue strapped to their broadest of shoulders. The burdens never cease and one day real soon terror, evil and torment will abate forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A refined human being esteemed, principled and always meticulous in your humanely earthly undertakings.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2022

For your comrades, Officers DiGenova and Edgerton, Officer Cook, today is a very sad day for them as well though they survived that violent afternoon that turned their lives of honor and decency upside down. They are heroes too and you'll forever be paid homage as a hero who Dade County can really cherish. Your esteem, dignity and integrity is bounded by the assurances of those who have taken over your watch as we pray with heart and soul they will be safe, return home after their shift and continue honoring your heroism packaged with virtue, valor and wisdom from a very mature public servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Only class, character and convictions of trust and truth can save the day. Heaven has them stored for safekeeping.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2022

The world surely has changed since you left it many decades ago, Officer Cook. You left behind memories, heroic heart and soul, a man of class and character who sought reason, cause and purpose while patrolling the streets of Dade County. Honest, dignified with a humble degree of integrity that searched every nook and cranny for peace, happiness and humility that mankind certainly thrives for. We salute your name and legend for their inner spirits of longevity and inspiration because that is what we must do continuing your dedication and fundamental life of tireless preservation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2022

Nature shifts gears as the winds blow from different directions. Your mind, soul and heart, Officer Cook, were all heroically true to form. Trusted character and humility create a sense of dignity and integrity that is better suited for mankind to thrive and reach it purposes. Dade County was where your life and career sadly concluded with still much left on the radar screens of giving and being a servant of goodwill delivering the capitals of courage and consideration while helping to lead others through peril and danger. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Foundations you began, Officer Cook, are still alive and well today thanks in part to your esteem and loyalty. They are all being guarded for eternity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2022

The panels of hope, respect and diligence were ripped apart when that evil and cowardly man took your life, Officer Cook and Dade County along with your family suffered tremendous pain, agony and grief that plunged them into mourning your loss. A heart and soul blessed with charm, charisma and care all looking after the residents who embraced your smile and wise sincerity. Character and conviction that progressed along the tracks of truth, trust and honest integrity all facing terror and adversity head on. You were consummate in effort, vigilant in efficiency and validated your dreams, desires and aspirations with heroic goodwill and faithfulness that devoted their watches to harmony. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2022

Though when I was at the grave today, Officer Cook, it appeared as though someone removed the flags from the pole supporting them. Why anyone would I don't know lack of respect, proper honor due a hero and no class. You were a sweet and sincere young man well versed in acumen, awareness and being astute and alert at all moments. For this Dade County and its folks can be thankful, your family misses you greatly. A man high in values, morals and principles, integrity, truth and dignity focusing on their earthly missions which enhanced, enriched and embraced society's highest certain level of values. Its relevance, resiliency and resourcefulness won't be forgotten. God has an angel of wisdom, virtue and responsibilities all taken seriously to protect and defend our very rights of freedom and hope. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2022

Today, I visited your grave, Officer Cook, forty-three years after giving your life and career for Dade County's safety and well being. Your life had direction, dedication and unselfish desire navigating your trails of truth, trust and a humbly blessed, noble and sacred heart of heroism. A gentleman gifted and talented should never have died you should be alive and well today living out a happy, prosperous and treasured retirement. The good Lord must have needed your soul and spirit of commitment to excellence and the character of a man blessed with virtue, wisdom and vision. Future generations will be told of your life and its undying legacy working tirelessly for our stability and peace of mind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 16, 2022

Facts are that. Fiction, fantasy and fallacy don't uplift honor, valor and dignity. They serve to undermine integrity, character and the stellar commitments that you undertook, Officer Cook. To ponder teaching music and drums obviously would have been safer your heart and mind were prepared and set to defend our liberties here in Dade County. A hero who sacrificed his life for the benefit of the people's goodwill, hope and resourcefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The mind of integrity and the virtue of a mature gentleman trying his utmost enhance and enrich his community. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You continue to reap your esteemed rewards and blessings from above as those who have succeeded you try to emulate your thoughtful character and sincere versatility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2022

Never overlook nor forget the charm, charisma and honor of a most wise and virtuous man. All the instincts of ingenuity, intuition and intelligence that were humbly wrapped around your fingers of action, Officer Cook. Dade County was the location of your integrity, dignity and grateful reverence so concerned, caring and straight from your serene soul and heart. History will forever tell us how your life and performed beyond your central duties. Responsible and duly accountable, a hero's legacy that is advanced forward by your loving and cherished family. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 15, 2022

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