Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Attacking wickedness takes every measure of one's own very special heart and soul. You must be devout, loyal and faithful. Any deviance from proper, morals, honesty, dignity and integrity, all hopes may become lost. That fog of evil, the cloud of violence always seems to be lingering longer than we can stand. You role, Officer Cook, was to make our days a bit brighter, a little more safer, much more prosperous, uniquely special. You were a humbly special young man with so many God given gifts, Dade County and its residents were the recipients of your generosity and good grace. Gallantry and valor, unwavering, unselfish, no denying you were meant to become a very treasured public servant who battled each day to make our lives more special. Now as you rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero, it is up to those who have been handed the so called baton to help keep up this war over evil. Violence shall be extinct one day real soon as the light of your special soul keeps its beams on this society. It will never go out. There was no quit, no surrendering. Where lives mattered there was Officer William C. Cook, Badge#1664 to represent our causes and to be fair and just with everyone.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 26, 2016

Every human being has two inclinations, one good the other bad. It is up to our motivations to keep the evil one at bay and the good one helps us to function properly. Police officers work under the umbrella of hoping to unite, hoping to keep the peace, hoping to remain safe while keeping the population at large the same. You maintained hope and goodwill, Officer Cook, all along while focusing on being decent, honorable and having your integrity and dignity centered on Dade County and its residents quest for serenity. Now as our beloved hero, you'll be forever honored and cherished for the life you led, the professional career for which you led other colleagues practically and proficiently. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An endearing legacy that has all the credentials of commitment, conviction and character heroically attached. You were a gentleman and a good soul to all, Officer Cook. A loss that has left society with a gaping hole, one day as we keep reaching and endeavoring as you so faithfully did, that pit of anguish and torment will lessen a bit. You made people smile, most of all you preserved and protected them with the highest of standards.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 26, 2016

Institutions are places for higher learning. The police academy is an institution where one's own constitution must be in place. It must be grounded within the normalcies of honesty, integrity and dignity. You learned your lessons well, Officer Cook. You took things in stride and as per your solemn affirmation made Dade County a safer venue for all to live and to prosper. Colleagues have saluted your gumption, your grace and gallantry, bravery and unwavering attention to all mankind. God knows His creatures. He plans out our missions justly. Your life and career, Officer Cook, were formed the day you arrived, your faith and devoutness, passion and desire stayed with you fighting off violence until the very end. A man amongst men. Maturity and intelligence that we hope others will follow, it will make their patrols of peace and freedom that much more smoother. God takes His humble heroes and heroines and watches over them as they patrol His sacred venues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 26, 2016

Police officers deflect danger away from the public insuring that we are shielded from harm. They are our advocates for peace and unity as you were, Officer cook, for those of us who dwelled in Dade County. I pass a sign that says bloom where you are planted, well your honor, dignity and integrity was well grounded within a community where you were respected and cherished. A soft spoken gentleman with a humble compassion who channeled his talents to be able to lead other comrades through peril in order for resolve and success to achieved. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Through it all your legacy of heroism, Officer Cook, stands within the boundaries of character, faith and hope that other officers will commit to do the right thing, to act morally, to be humane and to be loyal to the causes of righteousness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 26, 2016

Proper character takes its cues from one's honesty, dignity and integrity as well as that person's respect towards Our Creator. You were a very devout individual, Officer Cook, a man of spirituality and faith that was legislated into your daily tasks both personal and professional. It goes without saying you were a caring and above all decent human being. A police officer needs more than simplicity in their lives as the degree of difficulty and its challenges climbs higher on that ladder. One must not get caught nor become entangled within those rungs. You were not, Officer Cook and neither were Dade County and its citizens who were your partners in your service and protection of them. The preservation of society depends upon a number of factors, conviction, commitment and diligence in which vigilance is not misplaced. You were a hero who will be saluted for your unwavering valor, courage and bravery enhanced as an ethical public servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Legacies stem from humble desires driven through compassion, care and concern with decency and devotion following you all your days, Officer Cook. Your hopes and dreams have now become our aspirations and goals in life for us to wisely pursue. Pursue peace and let justice be as bold as that of a lion. fairness for all. Dignity and prosperity for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 25, 2016

The inflection in one's voice is the most likely signal as to how they carry the constitution of their character. It is in the institution of one's honesty, integrity and dignity that is the opening to where fairness, unity and peace may emerge from. Your calming yet passionate ways, Officer Cook, were why you were successful in dealing with most problems, more specifically domestic issues. Dade County for as large an area as it is and now has become has problems and yet there are selling points as to why people move here. To navigate around, to be fair and diplomatic, it takes all the particular resolve to summon all the inner strength of one's heart. Thank God you had your priorities in order. You were a gallantly cherished gentleman, Officer Cook, whose faith brought hope and good spirits to all mankind. Society can be extremely grateful for your heroics and humility above the calls of duty. rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Always commitment and pride which in turn led to enhancement and resourcefulness. A life and career emulated on the patterns of decency, class and desire through dedication and powerful determination. A mission accomplished. Your soul will forever illuminate this world from the darkness of evil and gloom.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 25, 2016

A calm and dignified officer can achieve more than a hot tempered and less than honest officer. If we put two and two together, Officer Cook, we are certain to find the humbleness behind your honesty and integrity. It was forever integrated within your work ethics. no man shall forget the heroism in your actions on May 16, 1979. All Dade County shall stand for peace, prosperity and righteousness. All of your department looks back fondly on your character, heart and the enormous burdens you placed squarely on your shoulders for our ingenuity to take shape. A legacy standing on the principles of professionalism, priority and diligence. A gentleman with your intuition, Officer Cook, saw the big picture and acted prudently, precisely and most proficiently. Personifying what we already knew you were destined for more. It was God carrying you through your tasks and then needing your spirit for a most important assignment. Keep watching and observing those as brave as you serving and protecting our freedoms. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Always the cherished and treasured legend and true police hero. You came to the call and gave your all. You served and noe deserve all the salutes of honor and nobility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 24, 2016

Everyday you went out on patrol, Officer Cook, you placed your life and career on the line. You put integrity, dignity and the honor of serving the public squarely on the line. When danger came calling you found yourself trying to come to grips with a young man who was troubled. If he could have come to reasoning before all that mayhem ensued, the outcome might have been different. You won't be forgotten, Officer Cook. You'll remain a loyal and dedicated young man who was concerned with the public welfare, a lesson or two might be gleaned. Expectations can only be accomplished through trial and error and studious practice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A man of devoutness who now is carefully patrolling God's golden streets. He plans those daily eternal itineraries with consideration and determination that you watch over us accordingly, Officer Cook. A sacrifice of humane value, one where humbleness stands front and center.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 24, 2016

On a crusade to crash the gauntlets of wickedness, you spearheaded Dade County and its residents on the journeys of peace like never seen before, Officer Cook. The pounding evil takes out of people can only be quashed by honorable and dignified public servants. Of the many heroes and heroines of integrity and decency, Officer Cook, you stood toe to toe and face to face confronting a wicked adversary. But, you were present and accounted for. There was no running away, no pausing. just all out assault, a battle that nowadays seems never concluding. A man to be saluted and so honored here in Florida, in our Nation's Capitol and the entire country for having stellar character, strength of heart and a dogged determination to pursue peace and freedom so that one may pursue their dreams and aspirations. They were yours too, Officer Cook, as you too had a loving family of friends and comrades who have never stopped cherishing your memory. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. So it is etched on your headstone, "We Shall Be One." You need your entire body and mind to function justly and fairly. Freedom demands the greatest care and concern, it expects patience and perseverance from every police professional, along with a solid endeavor.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 24, 2016

Retrain. Regain. Restrain. Remain. The first word means to practice that which you have been trained at or for. Police work and its profession full of rigors, danger and stress certainly all comes to mind. Regain, to take back that which you may have lost. When it comes to honesty, dignity and integrity one must not lose this aspect. The hero you were, Officer Cook, you kept peace, sanctity and security covered on all corners of Dade County. Restrain means to hold back, any officer depending on the place and situation at times must use discretion when brandishing a firearm, being too trigger happy can lead to all sorts of kayos and mayhem. To remain means to stay the way one is for the moment. You remained a calming influence over all people. Your mannerisms reflected your outstanding character, courage, conviction and commitment to both pride and in excellence. It's not only wearing your uniform and badge wisely, it is having the presence of mind through meticulous calculation of knowing what each circumstance dictates. The citizens were most fortunate to have a humble young man of spirit and a gentleman who was admired and respected for his morals. Your conduct, Officer Cook, was based upon your humane upbringing and the opportunity to serve and to protect the common cause. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Clearly a legacy of decent and noble grace and gallantry. You will be saluted and fondly remembered for aiding your colleagues and the civilians who relished your patrolling their quietness. The enhancements are still here, just wish you were here to witness to view humanity and humility giving its all to silence evil. A man of resolve delivers on his missions of faith, hope and optimism on a regular basis. You gave your total package, Officer Cook and the people are most grateful.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 24, 2016

A characteristic of a calm individual is in the person's honesty, integrity and dignity above and beyond anything else. Dade County, its citizens and their property were put in solid hands, Officer Cook ,through your esteemed service and preservation over all mankind. We cannot take back the time, but, we can surely utilize each and every moment properly and prudently. The world is made up of many different people who are capable of making a major impact. Your quality of commitment and pride you took to work everyday was just a springboard. That is why you have been saluted by comrades, revered by your loving family members and spoken about in the highest regard by friends. It is said absence makes the heart grow fonder, you are sorely missed and the very evil you guarded us from shall one day be eliminated forever we pray. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your soul in heaven knows who needs admonishing, who has performed beyond expectation, the light of a cherished gentleman will never be extinguished.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 23, 2016

If dignity follows a person in their missions, then so too must honor and decency. The saying you can't have your cake and eat it too sounds familiar. All police officials must bear and share the onuses of fairness, all people are supposed to be granted this right through one's service and protection of their rights. Dade County and its residents were at least guaranteed you would uphold their rights to peace and liberty, Officer Cook. You were a sound thinker, able to calm people down when emotions ran high. They still do only thing now it has been left up to your successors to garner and act as well as you did. Their character, composure and convictions must stay in line and march in unison as you so faithfully did, Officer Cook. No nonsense, work ethics and morals to fit the professional roles you undertook and you will be fondly remembered for class and courage. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A hero's legacy remains our heartfelt appreciation of the efforts you made, Officer Cook, to maintain our serenity and the very important sanctity of life. One that is priceless. Your life and career was exactly that. Words just begin to tell the story.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 23, 2016

We want tranquility and harmony and it seems to me that we the people and our most devoted and resourceful public servants have got to be open and up to the challenges at hand. Sense and logic, calmness, honesty and fairness for all must prevail. Dade County had a leader, a gentleman among its ranks who was unafraid to go out and patrol to serve and to protect, plain and simple. You were that individual, Officer Cook, who was charged with making human life and its sanctity matter again. Cherished and careful, quality of character and the strength of your valor, you will be fondly remembered and solemnly saluted for your commitment and pride in excelling in a professional role not cut out for everyone. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dignity deserves one to be honored for integrity and intuition the public does nor always comprehend. You were a downright decent human being, a treasured man whose missions rightfully revealed your heroic upbringing.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2016

Performing many different roles, a police officer must be more than wise. They must be focused on honesty, dependability, dignity and integrity. With all that is needed to function at the highest level, ever wonder how some men and women can last for decades at a profession that calls upon one's resources to handle all kinds of tasks. You were not a taskmaster, Officer Cook, a master at calming people down, Dade County relished your respectful and resolving influence otherwise how could peace and quiet be realized. They were and you my neighbor, friend and hero were a Godsend of character and determination. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2016

Sweat is part of working whether indoors or outdoors, it is all part of the effort that all police officers must share. But, then humility and humbleness must certainly follow close behind. You were a dedicated public servant, Officer Cook. The core values of honesty, decency and dignity always came with you on your daily rounds of patrolling the peace and unity of Dade County and its citizens. A community where you have been saluted for your integrity, gallantry and humanity to help you succeed in all your missions. Sadly, you paid the ultimate price for our freedoms, your liberties as well, yet enhancement lives on in your family, colleagues and close personal friends because of unwavering commitment and command in leading others through these tough battles. A cherished and respectable gentleman who carried the yoke for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and courage you were blessed with. We should be blessed by Our Creator with the acumen and stamina to perform as outstandingly as you so faithfully did. As a peacemaker and caretaker for us, Officer Cook, you'll always be one of God's most special heroic angels.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 22, 2016

Those of us who sweat and toil in dignity will find the honesty and integrity to make clear our intentions. If you smile and are happy doing a job you enjoy it can make all the difference. Police officers serve and protect the public interest at all times. They go out in dangerous spots where peril lies ahead and give every ounce of breath and an inner strength of their hearts to make unity and peace permanent. Dade County, Officer Cook, was your assigned area of expertise, you knew exactly what needed to be fixed to maintain optimal results. You'll always be cherished and honored for your courage and class of character that made all the difference. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A humble legacy reserved for a very dedicated and devout gentleman. Dreams can come true, but only if the endeavor is centered properly. The pieces must fit justly, fairness and compassion to all is what we expect from our beloved and esteemed heroes and heroines.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2016

One spark of peace and contentment can turn into a fireball of hope. It's all the residents ask for from their reliable and dignified men and women who serve their needs. The officers who display a desire to perform honorably are the ones who reap dividends for their protection. Dade County depended on you, Officer Cook and never was anyone ever disappointed. You produced resolve without reservation, intelligence and ingenuity with fresh ideas. It was God's will directing your every movement and colleagues and your family have those beautiful memories of your life and career one with more left to achieve. In heaven along with your comrades who too sacrificed you all have a very special role, that is to watch and observe those who have taken your watch and are as brave and valiant as you were. When pride and conviction meet up with character and commitment you know the meaning of a true hero's life and for this, Officer Cook, you'll be forever saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 21, 2016

We look to Our Creator for His knowledge, wisdom and divine intellect. The citizens of Dade County look up to their most dignified and honest men and women to see them through their adversities. One has to bear this mind, they can only perform their professional duties if peace and unity work as a tag team. The officers that worked with you, Officer Cook, were the most fortunate and blessed comrades. The heroic men and women are the reasons for our sanctity and serenity. The problems in society can be linked in part to lack of awareness, faith and education. One cannot have enhancement where there is not any education. It opens eyes, clears our ears and humbles our lips. You were a cherished man indeed, Officer Cook, your commitments and convictions were your success, it is too bad you left this world too soon, violence took a wonderful servant of class, candor and decency. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. As my oldest son, Matthew, celebrates his twenty-sixth birthday out in San Francisco, California, I will continue to pray for the health and welfare of your one-hundred year old mother, Mrs. Julia Cook. I wished I could have driven you to Key West, Florida, the four hours would have been both humble and priceless. Take care Mrs. Cook and all the best.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2016

Fate has its eyes cast upon us where destiny takes those who are honorable and loyal in their most dignified pursuits. Events call for certain means. Calamity calls for certain resources to be utilized to bring about a proper conclusion. Dade County delivered a true humane and humble hero to its people. Yourself, Officer Cook, a man whose devotion and character lied in your every move. A twist here. A turn there and rest assured one who lived in the area at the time would be protected and served righteously. It was your style of engagement, my neighbor, friend and hero. It has left a legacy where prominence and optimism can spring as hope does eternal. There will never be a question, your unwavering courage and unselfish valor has helped to seal the deal with everyone who wants to live more peacefully. You made it happen, Officer Cook, along with your colleagues who too battled fiercely for reality not distortion to occur. No one more nobler. Just an honest and dependable hero to all. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2016

Bringing together the talents of all brave public servants requires the collaboration of ideas from every side in which issues need to be resolved. They sit and ponder, understand where each is coming from. But in the end, desire through honesty, dignity and integrity must be on the table for success to reach its fruition. For your resources, Officer Cook, all that and your desire, drive and ambition steered your patrol vehicle around the boundaries of Dade County as your endeavor to keep peace and prosperity personified. Missions of humane and humble proportions with vigilance and valor right there at their hero's side. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gentle giant who calmly spoke the truth and acted as thoughtfully as anyone can during that domestic disturbance which threatened the dignity and freedom of the people. And you were there to lend a hand and save the lives of your friends, your fellow officers and the civilians embroiled in that nastiness. Ignominious to say the least and very heinous. Progress. Energy. Astuteness. Character. Effort. Peace takes more than we can even ponder if it is ever going to be a reality in this society. You were that peacemaker, Officer Cook and so much more.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2016

Positive achievements. No negativity. Progress brought through bravery, courage and valor. It was delivered prudently, promptly and proficiently. Honor, integrity and dignity are the living embodiment of a person's noblest of actions blessed by Our Lord. A man of God, Officer Cook, who honored his parents, spoke the truth and had the embellishment of humanity and humility working as your partners as you patrolled Dade County in maintaining liberty for all and peace for all. Consummated by your compassion, conviction and commitment, your legacy of hope and vision is and will remain forever the message we need to witness, the work as hard as it might be that needs to be accomplished in your good name and your blessed memory. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2016

God guides our pathways in life and during the careers we choose to follow. He leads the hands of those who inscribed your solemn name and heroic honesty on its walls, panels, wherever people can go to witness the honest and humbly accomplishments of a very brave young man. You earned your right, Officer Cook, to be saluted and honored forever for your professional work ethics and character. A devout man. A gentleman who honored his parents and creator with humility that is not always seen in every public servant. Police work demands certain skills, certain wisdom, certain clear vision to see ahead where resolution fits solidly in that square or round peg. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The wise and pious live on by their composure and a willingness to adopt to whatever is mandated by any given circumstance they may face. You are missed very much, Officer Cook. Your smile is missed too. We think and God laughs. Fighting crime is no laughing matter, you took your tasks quite seriously and provided enormous relief for Dade County residents expecting to find the shelters of peace and serenity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2016

We look at the twinkle in one's eye. The sparkle of something dynamically special. We see the light. We pray for hope and a safe outcome. It was your humble way, Officer Cook, of serving and protecting the citizens of Dade County, wisely, with honesty, integrity and dignity. It was all drawn from your inner strength, to be able to somehow muster the courage to fight that never ending battle over wickedness, its violence so terrible, its evil so crippling and yet you heroically performed as a pro. As all police departments expect their bravest and most valiant to achieve resolutions. Resolve can retard the process and yet it never hampered your efforts. Quite a faithful and treasured man, a loyal public servant who helped make peace and unity a realization for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legitimate way of honoring and saluting one's legacy is by humbly trying to live as righteously as you are able. Perform acts of kindness. God is watching. He is the eternal gatekeeper who opens those gates wide as the souls of His most beloved angels of bravery are awaiting our arrivals one day. Redemption can relieve the world of all the pain and suffering. Your soul, Officer Cook, is watching us go to work, completing those tasks at hand, those missions you left for us to accomplish.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2016

The Sheriffs of Florida and their deputies will never forget the sacrifice you and your family made to uphold our laws and protect society.

Your name has been inscribed on the Florida Sheriffs and the National Law Enforcement Memorial and in our hearts. May you forever rest in peace.

A scripture inscribed on the Florida Sheriffs Law Enforcement Memorial:

"Blessed are the peacemakers,
for they shall be called the children
of God." Matthew 5:9

Executive Director Steve Casey
Florida Sheriffs Association

August 20, 2016

Swift and sure, humble and humane, honest and dignified, all the makings for one's successes in their pursuits in life and in the professions they choose to follow. Have a goal, stick to a path and follow the lines righteously, don't let your mind lead you astray. Nothing left you, Officer Cook, always in command of your principles and in the general realities of what made you so loyal and faithful. Now because of your sacrifice, because of your unwavering bravery and commitment to excellence, you are so deserving of the honors and salutes afforded to a special Dade County police hero. A representative of humanity, one who carried himself and his department through missions of humility that shine on as does your very treasured soul. The matter of character, its caring and consideration to all mankind does indeed validate your heroic legacy, as you were a true professional affirming peace and unity, justice and fairness to all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You are so honored as this society was privileged to have you serve us as a true Godsend. You were a blessing to your family, comrades and close friends. Perseverance and partnership to a community where you were devoted, dedicated and determined to fight off the forces of evil. Always the humbly faithful servant who now watches over us with God's guiding grace steering the travels of His angelic heroes and heroines.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 20, 2016

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