Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The succinctness and sincerity that you dignified your department with, Officer Cook can never be overstated. Because of your honesty and integrity, all residents of the Dade County community can come together in peace and in resolve. when unity unites those who have fallen, the survivors must carry on the tasks as righteously as their beloved heroes. Cherished and full of care, compassion and concern, your character and commitment to excellence will be saluted forever. A gentleman with a kind heart, wisdom to dispense to all colleagues they shall never forget you, Officer Cook. You sacrificed so that imagination could travel through those pursuits of happiness. You were a happy person, more importantly a humble servant, faithful and loyal to all calls of duty. It took your every bit of inner energy to conquer this adversary we brand as evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero/

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2016

Accelerating your astuteness within the Dade County venues where dignity and integrity uplift our spirits, you were the consummate humble and honest hero to all. Never one to take his foot off the pedal, Officer Cook, it was full steam ahead in vigilance and in part to your due diligence. Comrades did their part professionally, they served alongside of you, Officer Cook. Wherever there is a chance to bring peace and liberty together at the same crossroads we must accomplish our goals no tailing off. Your legacy reflects the character, concern and valor you delivered to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2016

The spirits of our heroes never dies. It lives on in the members of their families who look to humbly carry on their sacred missions. We are tasked with burdens and responsibilities, it is not a race to see who crosses the finish line first, it is who handles their honor, dignity and integrity righteously. You were a proficient student, Officer Cook, one who was looking to seize more knowledge, wisdom and vision to see the big picture. Kind of like a large pencil with a gigantic eraser. Mistakes get made. Police are out on patrol and serve to limit the errors that may lead to lives lost and property damaged. Sometimes all you can do is pray and hope for better times. You were a great police officer, stoic and resolute, you put the peace and tranquility back on the map. Now as comrades look to serve and demonstrate bravery as you so faithfully did, let us pray and hope that their honesty, dignity and integrity is well placed as yours was, Officer Cook. Legacies teach lessons. The instruction is poignant and succinct: be honest, learn from miscues and take direction to heart, it may save a life and you can make a difference. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Citizens and the cooperation of the police make that change, they make enhancement that much more efficient too.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2016

Police patrol our communities hoping to eliminate danger, it shall die off and embellish the residents with dignity to fight on, to live our lives in safety, peace and in unity. You were a respected officer, Officer Cook, a man who could humbly handle his integrity and honor within its proper balances. Dade County residents did not need to fear, you were near. You answered your professional roles with confidence, your missions here in this world were extradited judiciously and most promptly. Now as you walk that beat in God's celestial kingdom, we must bear this in mind, the unwavering and unselfish sacrifice that you made to further our goals, your dreams and aspirations were to become a police officer, your comrades realize you succeeded mightily in this endeavor. You will be saluted for your unshakable bravery, boldness to commit and character of unquestionable ethics. Always proper conduct was afforded to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humanity's loss is God's way of directing His angelic heroes and heroines. They walk that sacred beat where no harm will ever come their way again. Life matters. Your life and career, Officer Cook, was more than a happenstance, it was a glorious mission of procurement and perseverance. No one could be more prouder. You were a hero. You were a Godsend and a blessed gentleman to all. Mrs. Cook, be well and remember you son's devoutness and faithfulness meant all the difference to Dade County, its citizens and their peace and calmness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 2, 2016

Situated within the locales of peace and togetherness, all one tries to accomplish is making sure that peace and stability lie within the borders of one another. Dade County can be a good place for one to pitch their tent, yet as all places, they can have evil inviting itself to a venue it most certainly does not belong. Officer Cook, you were a prominent officer who pursued the noble ideals of which we all try to emulate. Your dignity, integrity spoke loud and clear, your concern and battle for our rights spoke even louder. You'll be so honored for having the heart and mind to deal with all issues. When danger lurks, it was your foresight that saw, your visions of yesterday have become our enhancements for today, tomorrow and the future. One that was bright and sunny. Just wish you were here, Officer Cook, to enjoy and to get the message out there. it cannot be anymore direct and decisive. Stay the course, be yourself and most of all be true and loyal to those who share in this awesome burden. An onus of love and labor. You must have both to be successful. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 1, 2016

Conversational not confrontational. Class and candor. Trust and honor. Dignity and integrity. What does this signify? That your service to all Dade County, Officer Cook, was of par excellence. The citizens spoke, your answered those calls of unity and peace as precisely as any public servant would. Outstanding and humane. Humble, loyal and responsible. You won't be forgotten. When reason, logic and common sense navigate down the same roads, the hope and goodwill can only spill out one way, the people are then blessed. They were extremely blessed to have a hero of character, courage and conviction backing your every professional task. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 1, 2016

There shall not be any quit in a man's convictions. No caveats. Only commitment to courage and justice. Fairness and peace, unity and loyalty shall abide with your good name forever, Officer Cook. A gentleman's soul and wit helped to piece together freedom for all Dade County and its citizens. Those who serve and protect God's honor with integrity and dignity shall be so saluted. So you will continue to forever be honored, Officer Cook, for your sacrifice and serene humanity. Let humility and devotion stand together upon the pylons of peace and prosperity. A cherished individual with an engaging soul, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy where character and boldness rose like a lion awaiting to serve its Master. Your comrades and your wonderful family can be quite proud of your life and professional career missions. They delivered hope and goodwill to all of society.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 31, 2016

Good and honest, hard working and heroic, you were, Officer Cook, the quintessential no nonsense police officer. You stood and fought for truth and justice, law and order, calmness and courage for all Dade County. For all its residents you were dignified, honest and loyal until the end. The battles wage on, the wickedness one day will abate and we can live more securely. Peace and happiness. Righteous and devotion shall sound their horns and one day your family will see you once again, Officer Cook. Composed of quality character, inner strength within your heart and the valor that has ventured into our community and midst today and forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God carries us through life, challenges us, tests us and sustains our every movement., A mindful and respected gentleman of liberty, who championed the causes of our very existence. You were a Godsend and a man of humility and bravery tailored to fit what servants are supposed to represent. A uniform and badge soundly worn, a task proudly carried out.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 31, 2016

To disconnect from police officers would be unfair, unwise and down right cruel, for most people believe in the good and decent quality of work they do on behalf of modern society. With social media, the internet all you have to do is look and see for yourself the honest people who have served a noble and worthy cause. You served with character and distinction, Officer Cook. You were a compassionate person, one whose passion might have directed your trails to the top of your profession. God steered you, Officer Cook, you were most devout, faithful and resolute to getting the task at hand completed. May 16, 1979, was that humble example of commitment and action coming front and center. Dade County, Liberty City and its community were unnerved by a domestic dispute which escalated into a more serious episode of violence no one wants to witness. What the people saw was a genuine man of integrity and intuition displaying proper conduct to save his comrades and civilians who were involved. You were outstanding. Your effort and energy were instrumental in heading off more violence. You were a cherished and decent soul, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Courage takes conviction. Commitment requires the greatest care, concern and conduct to carry out your goals wisely. Your wisdom and maturity as reflected by your friends was way beyond your chronological years. My family will forever remember the Cook Family. Take care Mrs. Cook and God bless you. Your beloved son was a man of integrity and achievement. God watched over him then and will for eternity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 31, 2016

Our peace will never be bothered so long as you, Officer Cook and the many other heroes and heroines who have walked and continue on walking and policing our safety and peaceful movements stay the courses of decency and dignity. You have to bring honesty and integrity into the grand scheme of things to draw out the evil that Dade County and its citizens must still endure at times. You were a humane and loyal gentleman sent here on a very special and most unique assignment. A cherished and respectful individual does not lay back and rest on ceremony. It's those who were called to professional duty as you were called, Officer Cook. To provide, to procure and to persevere diligently and gainfully. You will always be fondly remembered by colleagues for bravery, astute character and a vitally important unselfish sacrifice which has spread this day to all of mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I apologize in one reflection I meant to say law enforcement. I left out the letter L. Your service was just that larger than one could imagine.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 31, 2016

When diabolic and evil actions walk the face of this earth, then it's high time for our bravest officers to take stern measures. The honorable women and men of the aw enforcement profession step up and employ their beings to keeping security and unity as one dimension. Officer Cook, Dade County and its folks were the most fortunate to have you on board with its safety and preservation. The most cherished and thoughtful servants are the ones saluted for discovering and redirecting the further enhancements which have kept unity flowing. Your heroic legacy, Officer Cook, will be remembered for its conviction, character and its unselfish and bold commitment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your family and its righteousness has one very special and gifted hero to look up to and to revere. Your accomplishments were the missions that God instills in all His angelic heroes and heroines. No resting on your self-esteem, Officer Cook, it was action ,action and action.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 31, 2016

Ruined by evil, tarnished by torment and terror, our most blessed officers of honor and integrity search for solutions in a dignified way that will pave the trails to peace and prosperity. You blazed the trails for others to eventually, though sadly takeover your watch, Officer Cook. You were a humble hero who fortified Dade County and its citizens with vigilance and vitality like no other. Now you serve a more heavenly role, Officer Cook, walking that proverbial beat in God's golden streets. Those streets will never harm you, Officer Cook, as you have many angelic colleagues serving alongside of you. Your soul brings us and your family that much required light, it will never burnout. Your legacy of boldness, character and conviction has tied one and all together in contentment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 30, 2016

In a humane and loving manner do we fondly look back on our heroes and heroines who performed their assigned professional roles without a hint of deviation. It is in their shining honesty, integrity and dignity that enhancement shall carry on. It marches on as does time no matter the season. There is a reason for the season, there is sense to handling situations fairly and most logically. You were located in Dade County, Officer Cook, to serve, save and to procure the much needed freedom and peace. To deviate would be akin to being dishonest. Officers may not stray from the proper courses of ethical conduct which in turn may lead to a detrimental outcome. Yours, Officer Cook, were ones of perseverance and persistence. Staying hopeful, faithful and optimistic, you'll be remembered for your devotion and desire to help others, lead officers through the ruins of havoc and violence. Always cherished and admired for class, decency and character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A person's determination shall never be impeded by any roadblocks which may hinder the peace movement.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 30, 2016

When roadblocks and obstacles detour us it's only a slight setback. For we plow ahead with our daily chores and tasks that test us as we lovingly perform the will of God. You performed your professional feats, Officer Cook, with a high octane of honesty, dignity and integrity. Sheer willpower enabled you to maintain peace and unity for Dade County and its residents. You were a humbly esteemed and respectful officer, a public servant who always went over and beyond the calls of duty. Your cherished actions of heroism and nobility showed why you were a gentleman of resolve. A mission clear cut. You protected, served and saved lives while placing your own in harm's way for our benefits. Enhancement marches on just as time does, it will never diminish your unwavering sacrifice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and conviction, courage and commitment never get lost in those we love and in whom we place our trust. The radar screen stills goes clockwise as those brave officers now walk a beat here looking to solve dilemmas and figure out answers to problems that may crop up.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 29, 2016

When class and the caliber of one's character collide as they should, one expects success no matter the endeavor. When humility, integrity and honesty team up with dignity, how can anything go awry? Nothing can detour a man who was on a mission of faithfulness, loyalty and reliability. Your achievements, Officer Cook ,are why we see relief and resolve circling their wagons here in Dade County. We may live for the moment, we continue aspiring because of you. You were an inspiration to all men and women whoever donned the badge and uniform of the Metro-Dade Police Department. Your legacy continues to grow as does your treasured soul, it shines on in your family, friends and colleagues who paired with you to battle violence. Your vigilance was just the remedy for what ailed people. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your heroism is with us everyday motivating us and encouraging us to do the will of God in an humane and loving manner.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 29, 2016

Informative, engaging and intuitive. Police must keep the general public up to date on affairs that pertain to the safety and peace of their community. As a master speaker and voice of calm and fairness, Officer Cook, your dignity, honesty and integrity led the fights against evil and now enhancement has broadened the horizons of Dade County and its citizens. You were their hero, your family's hero and the humble and loyal public servant who for six years gave every ounce of character, commitment and courage to fight on and gave the quality of life back to people. Everybody deserves a second chance, your passion and perseverance insured prosperity will continue. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 29, 2016

As the summer months end and the children head back to school more caution needs to be employed. These young men and women are our future. You still had a bright future in your professional life, Officer Cook. When a man's honesty, dignity and integrity are ripped apart from them, it is about as cruel and wicked as it can get. But, we shall be one. We must remain committed to the virtues that got us this far. Hate and evil together consume our lives, if we put a little more direction toward the pathways of decorum and decency as you so resourcefully did, Officer Cook, our lives here in Dade County will be much improved. You were a gallant and graceful public servant who saw wrong and tried his utmost to correct it. Your character and bravery were some of the benchmarks of a well lived life and a prosperous career that had more left to achieve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The humble words on a man's gravestone are their heroic legacy. It speaks to the very core of humanity and humility when blended as one are the personification magnified. The message is made more powerful than ever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 28, 2016

Racing off to face an adversary that can be detrimental to the peace and serenity of Dade County and its residents, you were one of the best, Officer Cook, a leader of all comrades, a humble and yet confident adviser to those who are tasked with facing this danger. A respected and cherished man who lived a life of honesty, dignity and integrity, you will be fondly saluted for having the commitment, the stamina and character to steer around and keep the sanctity for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Unwavering courage equals a heroic legacy that endures forever. Your faith has been blessed by Our Creator as He watches over your gifted soul.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 28, 2016

An impetuous officer may be a danger not only to themselves, but to their department. No matter officers are expected to remain honorable and devoted, faithful, loyal and dignified. They are our eyes and ears and must face peril in order to successfully a means of protection. The peace and life in Dade County during your time, Officer Cook, was so essential. When opportunity beats down that proverbial door, we must answer its call with unwavering strength and an inner resolve like no other. What speaks of your heroism, was your class, decency and desire which all have so duly honored. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Candor and courage, valiant and righteous, your hope brought new boundaries in an area where you were quite respected. Intelligence and a personable influence held the masses together as one.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 28, 2016

It seems like crime in North Miami Beach, Florida has reared its ugliness again, Officer Cook. Two people, one man found near Columbia Park on NE 13th Avenue on the east side of the Snake Creek Canal and the other victim, a woman found in a red car on NE 8th Place Never know what to make of this, a Rabbi was shot to death in August of 2014 on my block, NE 8th Court and NE 175th Street near your old home. It's a pity that has to occur, it catches the residents off guard and puts people on edge. Those that like to walk or run at night need to be careful, common sense must dominate in order to remain safe. By the way, Columbia Park is named for the space shuttle, Columbia which imploded on the day it was to return to the Cape Canaveral Space Center. That and the Challenger spacecraft which exploded seventy-three seconds into its flight. Your resolve was one of care, concern and the process of caution. Your integrity, dignity and honor never led you astray. You fortified Dade County and residents with marvelous service. Positive results in garnering peace and goodwill for all mankind. Now as you res tin peace my neighbor, friend and hero, it will solemnly be your unselfish commitment, convictions to courage and the commanding quality of character that drove your determination and dedication throughout your career professionally and in your personal life exemplified with a solid upbringing. You made your parents, sister, wife and family humbly proud. You spoke the truth and to everyone it was like music to their ears. We can hear those drums beating in God's sacred shelter. That was one of your pleasures while you attended Norland Senior High School, in Miami, Florida when you and Karen live din the section known then as Norwood. I still have a friend of my parents who lives there at 430 NW 184th Terrace, her husband was an officer too, they attended my Bar Mitzvah in April, 1972. I take walks at night, you just have to be careful. You cannot be held prisoner in your home. I walked the day the Rabbi was killed, if I left my home ten minutes earlier, I might have been harmed as well, people who commit crime, violent ones , do not like witnesses to their heinousness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 27, 2016

When bombarded with information, police officers must ascertain whether or not this mountain of material is relevant and can be can utilized to resolve any issue. Officers, of course, are trained to decipher and decide what is or is not helpful. Then again honesty, dignity, fairness and integrity must be mainstreamed into their professional affairs. Dade County and its citizens witnessed your grace and gallantry, Officer Cook. They admired your bravery, unwavering fight for their rights, freedoms and security. Whenever discretion is used it must be done so judiciously. No letting go or turning back. Perseverance and pride need to go ahead one-hundred percent and they achieved when you patrolled and preserved, Officer Cook. Now, as we remember your heroism of yesterday which has produced its greatest affects today, men and women colleagues come to honor and salute the memories of a very well lived life and a career constructed through morals and humanity, humility to all of society. It has ailments, though through your achievements, we as a community can go forward optimistically and faithfully. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 27, 2016

Informed people tend to make better decisions. Police professionals too who have been trained on the fundamentals likewise tend to make wiser and smarter decisions. The objectives remain the same no matter one's rank. To be considered an intelligent officer, one must act in a civil, decent and honorable way. Always, Officer Cook, at all times did you carry your integrity and character with class and precision, serving and protecting Dade County and its residents from the evil clutches of wickedness. That violence that took a loving gentleman with a kind heart, one that gave and gave so that enhancements would stayed based forever. A cherished soul who aided and saved lives of his comrades and those civilians on May 16, 1979 and way before that time. Who can forget? Heroes and heroines are those soft, valiant angelic souls who uplift our spirits with their resolve and resourcefulness, character, commitment to pride and excellence amplified. Efficiency personified, Officer Cook, diligence and perseverance and vigilance raised to a higher standard as was your professional conduct always giving that one-hundred percent effort, we as citizens all expect from our most caring of public servants. Your mastery of communication laid the foundations for togetherness and unity to touch the hearts and minds of all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The spirit of each person is so unique in how it can touch one's emotional pangs. You are missed very much, Officer Cook. We know God has you and your father, Charles, may he too rest in peace, tucked in His arms for safekeeping. May the light of your wonderful soul continue brightening our most darkest hours, days, weeks, months and years ahead.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 27, 2016

The world we live and share in now could be compared to a giant vacuum. And that vacuum if we do not act carefully and prudently may swallow us up, taking away our opportunities to make life better for those who strive for greatness. So better to be prepared and to follow in the footsteps of our most honorable and personable men and women of the law enforcement profession. Dade County and its citizens thrived when you patrolled and kept peace at their sides, Officer Cook. Violence, evil and terror shall face that big vacuum, God's when justice comes and all is better. Your humbleness and its heroism is saluted and duly honored, Officer Cook. you were an invaluable public servant and a prince of a gentleman. Your legacy securely resting on the walls of Tropical Park, in Miami, Florida, the National Police Memorial in Washington, D.C. and the Florida Sheriffs Association. Blessed are the peacemakers, the children of God, your devoutness and resolve won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 27, 2016

Our esteemed officers share a wealth of knowledge within their departments when it comes to serving and protecting the public. You were a most revered officer, Officer Cook, here in Dade County. You left a heroic legacy of honor, dignity and integrity behind for all future men and women to share. Cherished and admired, valiant and devoted to all causes that will one day lead to peace and unity . It was your calming tone of voice that laid the foundations for others to follow in. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A young man of character who committed himself to convictions from the heart will never be forgotten. Your soul rests securely in God's hands. Your family and community's angel of bravery and humanity now patrolling those golden streets with our comrades who paid the ultimate sacrifice. We won't forget you, Officer Cook. You were a thoughtful and insightful professional through and through.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 26, 2016

If society allows evil to overwhelm us, the bad people will think they have a permit to continue on in their wicked ways. Since Dade County had a very bright and charming young man, yourself, Officer Cook, patrolling and preserving the peace of this area, wickedness could be kept at bay. Integrity, dignity and honesty were intensely active during your watch. As thoughtful and energetic as you were, Officer Cook, comrades now salute your vision, bravery and unrelenting resolve to see your accomplishments through. Heroism dispatched humbly and humanely. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your character and esteem rest solemnly within your legacy of goodwill, peace and faith.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

August 26, 2016

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