Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Personification of one's character is why we can truly carry on. Our lives and your life and career, Officer Cook, had meaning. it was defined by your service and protection, perseverance and preservation to all Dade County. residents looked up to a wise and sage man for advise and it was dispensed in a most resourceful manner. The days march on, the peace and unity too need to remain the status quo. A revered gentleman with a kind heart and a soft tone of voice who took care of our matters in a most professional and cherished way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A grateful community salutes its hero of humility to all humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2016

The sky is blue, your due diligence, Officer cook, shown through. Clearer than ever was your compassion for all, yet honor, integrity and bravery took you through Dade County and its struggles. You were our liberator who proclaimed yourself to be a loyal and humble servant to the people as directed by God. Furthermore, enhancements like one's character, courage and convictions live on in your family and of course in your spirit. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Virtue is a passion and one who masters his passions is thus rewarded by His Master. God has you, Officer Cook righteously surrounded by other heroic angels of valor. You were a trusted friend to all never to be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2016

Nailing it down never is easy for any humble and brave soul. In a seemingly never ending battle over evil, our thoughts and prayers go out to the families of our honorable and truly determined public servants. You devoted to the causes of evil, Officer Cook and your commitment further proved the point that valor and vigilance do conquer this violent enemy that threatens society. Dade County back in your time, Officer Cook was under siege from violence and racial turbulence. You stopped evil that day, on May 16, 1979, you defended yourself and your comrades from the evil of a troubled young man, you did your job, professionally and very proficiently. Your character and its heroic legacy share in God's glorious kingdom where you now rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a vital cog in the wheels of justice turning properly, Officer Cook, people today can move forward in a smarter manner all because of your unselfish sacrifice. Before one puts that hammer down, better make certain you know what you are trying to achieve. It can only be accomplished through trial and error. Mistakes should be held in check. Consistency makes best friends with righteous convictions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2016

Only through the evils that are in adversity may diversity rise and shine like a bright sun. May the enhancements in Dade County live on through your strength of honesty, character and dignity, Officer Cook, your integrity to battle the wickedness that violence presents to citizens. Those people, Officer Cook, relied on your loyalty, courage and valor. The years roll on, the toils of battle are well documented, devotion and compassion rise like cream, to the top. You were a humble man, Officer Cook, a valuable resource of understanding, vision and concern in times of trouble and distress. Resolve like no other. A legacy befitting a true hero. Humanity's Godsend, an engaging smile that is sorely absent, God has the smiles of His angelic heroes and heroines held in His arms for eternal safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2016

Living in the freest country, we exist because of your virtues of dignity and integrity, Officer Cook. The impact you made on this Earth, one can't even begin to ponder. You were a scholarly man precisely because of your infinite wisdom, bravery and unwavering resolve. It is in a man's faithfulness and devotion to God that drives his desires, dedication and staunch determination. Dade County cherishes your passion, perseverance and due diligence to all responsibilities related to your professional challenges. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. What rests soundly is your endearing soul and charming character. It comes back to commitment, conviction the likes of which we expect all of our public servants to dignify. Justice and fairness is not to be taken lightly nor for granted, you excelled in how you could handle situations as they arose, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2016

We acclimate ourselves to living in and for the moment. Our thoughts help us to exonerate the feelings of evil experienced by some of us. America is still a great country. If violence and its roots can be sheared off it might just make more of us prosperous. We thrive. We drive our vehicles in search of a position, a dream of sorts, yet through it all we place our trust in Our Creator for wisdom and divine understanding. A person's spirituality can take them wherever the trails lead to. In Dade County, Officer Cook, the paths of justice began in your home and accentuated themselves through your diligence as one of our many heroes. A humble and loving gentleman who gave honesty, integrity and dignity newer meaning. Peace and its semblance of order and determination rested solidly in your persona and in the uniform you donned wisely and most efficiently. Comrades have saluted your resilience and vision to see what needed to be done. And you performed in an outstanding fashion tying up the loose ends and freeing those who were attached to this mayhem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 7, 2016

Forgoing your safety, Officer Cook, you put your solemn life and professional prowess on the line to reinvigorate the spirits of Dade County citizens. Those who relished your service and personal esteem of an amazingly brave gentleman have come to pay respects to a treasured legend and a hero so humble. When duty calls we the public servants who are being watched over by God, stake their reputations, honesty and integrity and place them in harm;s way for our peace of mind. Loyalty, law and order constantly tests the character and commitment that must be seen by all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your concern was concentrated in your comrades who too steered bravely within the corridors of where wickedness needs to be removed. The eruptions of evil must be contained as those so valuable restrain and keep their honor centered squarely in their garments of greatness. Those uniforms and badges look that much more better when accompanied by shiny shoes and a smiling disposition. You engaged people, Officer Cook, you were so versatile and mightily humane. Society salutes those who give their lives in order for prosperity to press on.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2016

Success comes to those who genuinely remain honest and dignified. Humility and integrity came to your doorsteps, Officer Cook, because of your character, convictions and unselfish bravery. When the heat rises, the fair and level headed persevere. You proved your department's trust in you my neighbor, friend and hero. Loyalty and justice were put to the test in Dade County. It delivered resolve, unity and peace to all. you passed all your professional examinations in life and in your career, one of bountiful proportions. Rest in peace. A leader's heroic legacy of commitment that will brighten the saddest of days, your soul will shine down and illuminate us forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2016

Heartache, heartbreak, the pain of hopeful anticipation that things will turn out well. You did your utmost, Officer Cook, to restore peace and serenity within the Dade County area where you were most reliable and resolute. It all stems for your honor, integrity and dignity that saw your career and life through. The cherished and pious public servants are the ones to be hailed as our heroes. You fought with unwavering valor and inner strength to carry you through your missions. Your zest for life, your thirst for intelligence was quenched by your desire to succeed mightily. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The calendars are marked, humility that served humanity to its fullest. Badge#1664 gave its most humblest service. No doubt whatsoever!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2016

There are no psychological quick fixes in life for what ails our society theses days. Violence, evil, terror and torment seem to have their radar squarely fixed upon us. You had a talent, Officer Cook, a skill a mindset to go on patrol and to serve and loyally protect and preserve the lives of Dade County and its people. If police officers most decent and sincere, keep their honor, dignity and composure within their uniforms and badges, then it can make all the difference. You were passionate and calm, vigilant and diligent. No jealousy or envy. If we can all start projecting our compasses in the right direction, our lives will have more meaning. Life has new meaning. Your unwavering courage, Officer Cook, brought further enhancement to a community hungry for change, thirsty for more unity and peace than ever before. Your heroic legacy has been guided by Our Creator who brought forth a most resourceful public servant and an angelic warrior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our quests for knowledge, decency and character were uplifted by your humble presence. Those missions, those goals of yours became the sterling reality of what optimism and hard work can bring anyone who at least gives and then puts forth the endeavor. Our toils and their rewards are based upon the effort put in. Police officers should never take shortcuts, only give a maximum attempt to resolve, solve and cause violence to cease and desist.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2016

Enormous responsibilities greet our most bravest and esteemed law enforcement personnel. The tasks and their challenges remain the greatest fear they face. But, they somehow muster the needed courage and commitment to get things accomplished fittingly and honorably. You were born with an intellect and everlasting maturity far beyond your twenty-five years, Officer Cook. It was wisdom, loyalty and determination that made all the difference and the integrity and dignity that too were factored into why Dade County and its proud residents can live in tranquility and unity can carry its weight around justice and fairness. You were a giving gentleman, Officer Cook, with a caring and compassionate heart. As a hero, humble and humane, you'll be saluted for having the class, character and convictions to serve and to preserve most prudently and proficiently. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Treasured and adored. Respectful and revered by your loving family members, resourceful comrades and friends all over the country including those who paid tribute to your accomplished life and professional career.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2016

Too many of us live tenuously. If we had more positive tenacity, we may be able to bestow more dignity and integrity within the world, one in which honesty is still the very best policy. Courtesy, manners scruples, principles, whatever is needed to fulfill the essential tasks of our everyday lives in which we just attempt to make the world a bit more prominent. Dade County and its citizens were filled with your loyalty and heroics, Officer Cook, seeing that they were accomplished honesty and justly, not just by matter of fact, people can and hopefully forever live more unified and more peacefully. You did everything right, by the book. You served, protected and saved all lives when the moments mattered. You can be sure your family, colleagues and friends will cherish your memories of exactly what we mean by action, resourcefulness and character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Legacies don't go down like ships sinking, they ascend up to the heavens above as does your wonderfully engaging soul. There was more engagement left to conquer, though, enhancement lives on in the hearts and minds of those who respected, admired and loved you. You'll always be their hero and Godsend. A man full of admiration for all mankind, things won't be the same, we can only carry on with your missions in life and in a career professionally balanced.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2016

For some they live in a false sense of security. The way to exist is to get yourself up, get moving and have positive thoughts, some sort of action. It does not need to be heroic, just something to make our world more prosperous. Officers life heroic lives and hope to produce the results of their labor as the brave souls who serve and protect. Dade County had you, Officer Cook, as one of its very own. Honorable, dignified and a gentleman of integrity. Integrity and intellect that will forever be saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The perseverance of your patrols has led to the enhancements, Officer Cook, it is the brighter days we have to look ahead.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 6, 2016

I meant to say, Officer Cook, that when your honesty and dignity filed through the corridors of Dade County, the residents knew they were safe. Morality is the microcosm of good behavior, the conduct that is expected from all officers. You showed the entire world, Officer cook, how to act, react and to speak politely to everyone. Good communication usually leads to good results. Comrades will always salute and honor you, a humble and humane individual whose cherished character will only enhance a legacy of heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God controls our mortality, we can only control our missions and deliver them as faithfully as God would expect from us.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 5, 2016

I wanted to end the last reflection with the words rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When a pleasant and decent man gives his life to tear down the walls of doom, we must remember him. You were a gallant and noble gentleman, Officer Cook, you put the word class back into police work, but then again, your colleagues knew who they were working with. A man of leadership. vision and wisdom beyond your years. Our Creator measures our performances and tests us daily to inspire us to further our pursuits. Justice was carried out fairly and proficiently when you, Officer Cook, patrolled Dade County roads. You'll never be forgotten. Determination and a driven desire steered your career and life, one with more left behind to accomplish. Those horizons were great, the pathways at times were arduous, you took the route of sanctity and honesty, it never let you down.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 5, 2016

Transparency takes its tune from honor and righteous. Those dignified to go out and patrol the streets are the heroes and heroines we stand up and salute for their courtesies and compassion. Of course, we honor you, Officer Cook and those comrades who exposed themselves to danger to protect our liberties and quiet. Great people let action speak for them. Talk is cheap, we must take that proverbial leap and tackle violence vigorously, wiping out its roots of destruction.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 5, 2016

There is hope where unity rises. There is peace when the grand entrance of both becomes apparent. There was a humbly spoken grand entrance when you came into this world, Officer Cook, a man full of zest and life, whose laughter and smile filled the rooms of engagement. You were the professional public servant whose dignity, integrity and honesty flied through the corridors of Dade County for twenty-years. Six years of model service, protection and perseverance beyond the imaginations of what we the people expect from our devoted men and women of valor, courage and bravery. Missions of yesterday have enhanced our tomorrows. You'll be fondly remembered for heroic conviction, commitment and character. It leaves a legacy that will be everlasting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 5, 2016

Proper principles, proficient perseverance and pivotal performance in the lines of duty with the dangers lurking all make the difference in the safety and security of people. And Dade County's citizens were treated and tested and yet you came through, Officer Cook and saved the day. You humanely and heroically saved your colleagues and civilians who couldn't be more grateful. One gentleman from the mold of honesty, decency, dignity and integrity working together to conjure up solutions to issues. The answers came. They were from loyalty, resolve and devotion to see your life and its challenging tasks through. A leader is one who thinks and uses their intelligence to visualize what might need to be done. Your class and commitment, Officer Cook, were the reasons sanity and sanctity have continued their enhancement through a community where you remain so honored and saluted for having the unselfish and unwavering bravery and courage to motivate others along the same channels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy is what makes being a public servant all about. Precision, diligence and preservation of lives and their property.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 5, 2016

God spreads His grace down on us and takes us on journeys we can only imagine. He takes His heroes and heroines of valor on His wings and brings their dignity, integrity and honor to the highest of courts, heaven awaits those brave and so bold who sacrificed on our behalf. You were our beloved humanitarian, Officer Cook, a uniquely humble and humane public servant who built his life and career around the morals of fine character and ethical behavior. Your family yearns for the day when they can reunite with your soul, one that protected and made Dade County and its citizens peaceful and accountable. Seeing that your leadership. wisdom and intellect was relied upon many times, it's no wonder you continue to be saluted and honored for your most heroic actions. May 16, 1979, will be always your day, Officer Cook, reserved for a man of resolve and devoutness to dedication, determination and firm commitment to professional calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2016

We have to thank you, Mr. Cosgriff for humbly creating this website for all fallen officers. If not for your perseverance and dedication, officers who honorably and bravely gave their lives might have been forgotten. Sometimes people say the strangest of things, sometimes what is reflected may not be so nice, more often than not, it's a note small or big left for the families of these gallant people to read, peruse and to contact those who stopped to leave a note, a prayer or a thought for the day. Though here in North Miami Beach, Florida where I reside with my family and where I grew up, three officers from the Metro-Dade Police Department have been notably absent from the officers down memorial page. They are Officer Frank Searcy killed in 1974. Carmen Gonzalez, killed in 1993 and Officer Nirza Rodriguez, killed in 2003. As you may have noticed, I leave reflections for Officer William C. Cook, who lived in North Miami Beach and grew up around the corner from me. My neighbor, friend and hero was an honorable gentleman with a spirit, humbly out to serve and to protect Dade County, its peace and enhancement rested upon his integrity, wisdom,vision and dignity. You were a cherished and respected public servant loyal to the calls of duty, a professional through and through. He was a humane man, a Godsend and hero to so many, humanity was indebted for his humility towards all mankind. Rest in peace. Your heroic legacy is the result of hard work and compassion and kindness displayed to everyone. Your family can be tremendously proud of your achievements. They are our motivations for us to follow through on your missions in life and during your watch. Watch over us, Officer Cook, keep the light of your soul shining down upon us, perhaps one day violence will cease. Unity shall reign down on us as we march on with our daily chores.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2016

The vigilance of this world began when creation reached its fruition. Once that came into being police officers, those brave men and women who decided to make that commitment took upon themselves the onus to serve and to protect the public. Some things in life are hard to come by, peace and civility are just a few to mention. But, you were there, Officer Cook, in Dade County patrolling and preserving our rights to live and to pursue our choices freely and without hesitation or reservation. Now thirty-seven years later because of your unwavering dependability and stellar accountability, you have been so honored and saluted for your honorable acts of heroism, dignity and integrity at its highest level. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy here rests humbly within your character, conviction and diligence. No one can ever forget your life and its piousness that is reflective of your loyalty and faithfulness to your comrades in arms.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 4, 2016

When grace and gallantry trot together with its heroes, we the people feel more secure. Dade County was made a safer haven thanks to your gargantuan and humbly heroic efforts, Officer Cook. Police must put the words honorable, dignity and integrity into their equations in order for the solutions of resolve to be more sure and forceful. We won't forget your persuasion, perseverance nor quality of commitment, Officer Cook. Your job was tough and yet accomplishment thru enhancement has kept peace and unity together on the same channel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A saluted gentleman who cherished his roles of pursuing justice fairly and quite adequately for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2016

Police officers devote their lives, careers, times and efforts into putting the finishing touches of peace and respect back into any given area. You placed Dade County on your broad shoulders, Officer Cook and made integrity, honor and dignity the call words for action. Physicality always trumps verbal demonstrations. No one could think of a more supremely gifted Godsend brought into this world to complete a more dangerous and perilous undertaking than you. Officer Cook, the gentleman with the brightest smile and engaging personality who delivered on his word, was brave and who will forever be cherished by his loving family, professional colleagues and close personal friends, They say love takes time, you were loved and revered by all. Your conduct and devoutness steered your dreams and ambitions quite well. Now your soul can look down upon us and its humility can shine on like a polished diamond. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Caring and sharing, twenty-five years of serious contemplation and prudent deliberation. The destiny of your enhancements here in Dade County and around the entire police world.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2016

We will let humanity take note of those who gave their lives and police careers for the humility of Our Creator's name. We let society speak up for their freedoms and concessions. Dade County and its people voiced themselves loud and clear, Officer Cook and it was badge# 1664, that uttered honesty, integrity and dignity when actions needed to taken. Calculated and calm, resourceful and yet influential when leadership had to come front and center. Being versatile and valiant, brave and accommodating, you will sure be saluted my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy remains the bookends that tied your life and career within the boundaries of a community where you were admired for character and absolute loyalty. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2016

Your answered your calls of humanity with honesty and humility, Officer Cook. A wise man carries his onuses within the scopes of dignity and integrity and it shall carry them for all their days. Dade County and its citizens have felt the pain as has your family from your loss. Yet, as remarkable as they are, they carry on with your missions of peace and unity as certainly as you faithfully did. You achieved. You left behind goals and aspirations of other brave and heroic men and women to accomplish. God controls our coming and going, He has taken you back to heaven to patrol His venues where nothing will ever harm you again. Commitment, class and decency all rest soundly in the framework of your legacy.Officer Cook. You were respected and admired and now saluted for valor and vision, those dreams and inspirations within our sights if we take the time and make the effort. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 3, 2016

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