Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

A reflection could be taken to mean a mirage. Something you think you see up ahead on the road. Reflections here are statements, a prayer, a thought that looks back on the life of any police hero. One who gives their life and career ought to receive back salutes and whatever honors they humbly deserve. A man such as yourself, Officer Cook, who lived a devout and dedicated life pursuing real aspirations, sound judgments rested upon your every patrol. Conservation and careful consideration were attained through your integrity and dignity which was habitual all twenty-five years of your life my neighbor, friend and hero. The thoughts of Dade County residents being protected by your esteem sure ratchet up wonderful memories. Though the pain and heartache still exist, your spirit live son in your family and comrades who served alongside of you. Rest in peace. Nothing mystical about a life devoted to fighting crime. Nothing whimsical of a man who dared to dream and reached that successful that was headed for more achievement down the straight and narrow road. God's trails are perfectly aligned one can never get lost, you'll be directing the traffic, Officer Cook, awaiting others who have made that ultimate sacrifice to benefit our society.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 14, 2016

Spurred on to battle atrocities, police officers advance through their ranks by virtue of being reliant, honorable and highly dignified, It is in their confidence and integrity that they can lead others as they pursue those who have pestered and tormented us through evil. You planned, Officer Cook, I'm sure for a lengthy career and only one revelation matters the most and that is Our Creator who determines the length of our days and breathes. You were a sensational gentleman who had a genuinely easy going disposition. It made working with you great in the sense that while leading others they could take advice from you and transfer that to the people. Dade County was kept peaceful and safe because of your humility and commitment to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Ideas and ideals from you to your peers, straight from your heart, a very good place to start.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 14, 2016

Repulsed by the ruination of violence, the one cure is to gather your inner strength and to affix resolve and sheer resourcefulness to one's uniform of a chosen profession. You decided, Officer Cook, to become a top flight police officer in Dade County. Dade County where some of those fierce battles over evil were fought with honor, integrity and dignity. It was your demeanor that was instrumental in protecting the residents, preserving peace and unity for all. Your courtesy, conduct and character was the very best as it assisted your greatly in all your pursuits. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroism written and stamped on your humble legacy. Brave servants who are devout and most faithful to God give back their righteousness and more importantly their spirits to God for eternal keeping. You'll always be cherished, revered and respected for cleaning wickedness off the streets. All venues were validated by your inspirational valor.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 13, 2016

Awareness, astuteness they require a masterful amount of practice and training in order for any public servant worth their salt to be accomplished. Boldness and bravery are learned habits put in one's professional agenda each day that is lived with honesty, dignity and integrity. Character, class and courage are shared in a loving home where one starts their life, learning and exploring the things that matter most. What mattered to you, Officer Cook, was your family, your parents who loved and nurtured you and your sister, Nancy. While you were growing up and becoming a young man, you had ideas to become a police officer. So as you advanced in high school, you formulated a plan of action through rigorous training and much practice in a classroom and in the streets. Always practice what you preached, you were a quick learner and so Dade County and its citizens were the humble recipients of excellent service and protection by yourself, the role model of humility and in consistency. Never forgotten, you will always be so honored and saluted for your heroism here in Dade County and over the entire nation. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Resting on laurels is one thing, acting with morals bringing pride and honor to your comrades and department is something that should be in every fabric and thread of a police officer's professional appearance. Your missions of yesterday, Officer Cook, have resulted in a brighter today and tomorrow, enhancement lives on precisely because of your unwavering valor and sacrifice which has spoken loudly and with more clearness and clarity than ever. You were a wonderful and cherished young man with a soul full of gold, as with all heroes they exhibit, more giving, perseverance, vigilance and diligence than most of us could ever comprehend. You were a savior and a fierce warrior on May 16, 1979. No one will overlook that fact.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 13, 2016

Balance and structure are ways of life and for that matter, the words all police officers honest and brave strive to live by. The rhythms of integrity and dignity must always be employed and placed within reach of that officer. You put your heart and soul into your profession, Officer Cook and it allowed you that leverage to go out on patrol in Dade County to shake evil off its base while keeping people safe and sound. You brought joy to your family through your humbleness and humility to all mankind. Resourcefulness and resolve was delivered to your colleagues and department. The verdict is in, those who have succeeded you must assure their compatriots that they will solemnly carry on the burdens of faithfulness as you so confidently did during your watch. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The history books here in Dade County and around the entire police nation will only reveal your legacy stands for courage, conviction and stellar character. There are movers and shakers, you were, Officer Cook, the living and shining example of both, implemented in an outstanding manner.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 13, 2016

Infectious smiles are contagious. Better be honest, have dignity and wear your integrity modesty. God does not expect perfection from His creatures. He just wants us to try our best. Dade County's residents got more than they could have ever wanted. They observed your drive, your desire, devotion and fairness to all mankind. Loyalty and faithfulness to your colleagues and to protect and serve the public, this was meant for you to become. If one consolidates their entire being into their total body of work, at least you made the world a better place to exist. Peace and unity can now take their rightful places. Like a carousel, the world keeps going, God delivers His heroes and heroines of boldness, precision and character. For our part, all we need to do is be a good listener and partner with our most esteemed law enforcement professionals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A smile starts any day on the proper path.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 12, 2016

Doing things justly and rightly by the book is more favorable than running off and going astray. Nine out of ten officers try to stay honorable and dignified. That one rogue and dishonest public servant can throw an entire department into possible strife and loads of problems if they are not weeded out before hitting the pavement to start the service and protection part of their professional careers. No one had a bad thing to say about you, Officer Cook, a man who donned integrity and dignity on his uniform and badge, was cherished and loyal to his comrades. You came to the rescue that day, May 16, 1979 and countless lives and those of your colleagues were saved from a very troubled young man, who had no apparent criminal history. Why? His actions were heinous and ignominious, yours were heroic and bold. Commitment and character carry their own special flags to be saluted forever. Never out of sight nor our minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A special man whose special mission was the personification of liberty, peace and unity for all here in Dade County. All any officer does each day is to trust in themselves, their beliefs, abilities and take that for which they trained for and place it on the line in those streets where violence has a tendency to happen. You just attempt to head things off before they reach a crescendo. Officer Cook, you dignified righteousness and gave a higher meaning to respect, relief and faithfulness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 12, 2016

Longevity is a word that describes the chronological years of how long a person has lived. Heroism is what a person does that exemplifies how they lived and produced during their life. You can live for one hundred years and just be an average individual flying so to speak under the radar screen. You lived for twenty-five years, Officer Cook and all your years were spent dealing with people. Occupying your thoughts and tasks with honor, decorum, decency and a God given desire through determination, devotion and supreme dedication. What else could be expected from an outstanding public servant who toiled and persevered within Dade County and its parameters? You were a very blessed man, Officer Cook, perceived as a spokesman of liberty, unity , peace and common sense that must prevail with any duly affirmed police officer. All these years later you are still highly regarded and solemnly remembered for having the unwavering courage, bravery to commitment and valor in your sincerest convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We salute character, class and morals from our most beloved and esteemed warriors and saviors who championed the causes of safety and serenity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 12, 2016

Police officers each day deal with danger and the insurmountable tasks that occupy those honest and valiant enough to provide us protection and peace. One never knows what lies beneath the boundaries of a community. Careful caution must be applied at all times while those who serve remain with their integrity and dignity intact. Your peaceful nature, Officer Cook, paid dividends to the Dade area you served with grace and gallantry. One's own life and heroic upbringing can make a huge difference in any outcome. Reserved, yet resolute helped you and your fellow comrades save lives and property and afford the citizens the freedom to wisely pursue their ideals and dreams. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You'll always be noted and saluted, Officer Cook, for valor with a cause. Enhancement marches on as does time. A legacy that has instilled wonderful memories of a young man who rightly channeled his passions to further intuition and wisdom beyond the breath of your years.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 11, 2016

When insanity and instability reign, resolve and resourcefulness must rule. It along with honor and decency must somehow rise above the ruins. When tension and terror run rampant, incisiveness must meet up with commitment and character. During your life and excellent police career, Officer Cook, you were thrust into many roles, peacemaker, coordinator, liberator, savior and warrior, perhaps the most humble of positions was that of a hero, a man who through his own life never gave up or gave in. When evil demonstrates its domination over us, we must be ready to devote our determination and dedication to the rightful causes. You were there, Officer Cook, to serve and protect the spirit and passions of one and all knowing full well you might have to surrender something we may take for granted. That being your life which had meaning, serving with humility to all of humanity does require a certain bravery, a special kind of soul from a treasured gentleman. You and your legacy will be saluted forever coming to the aid of others. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 11, 2016

Conservation and preservation, the words citizens rely upon all honest and dignified officers to fulfill during their patrols of any given community. We look to the heavens above for Our Creator's heavenly advice. You were a devout and faithful young man, Officer Cook, a man whose ideals, dreams and aspirations were solidly in front of you. When people spoke you listened. Lives mattered then and they still do. Our country and for that matter the world suffers from lack of morals, lack of character, lack of awareness, education. It can surely use a lesson or two. Back in your day, Officer Cook, you were able to lead other colleagues through the tough times by virtue of being a good follower and listener. The road to success starts out a bit choppy, rough to say the least, but through all the violence and tension that existed in Dade County then, you called upon your resourcefulness to get things done, to get the ship floating again. Never will you be forgotten. You heroic actions on May 16, 1979, not only saved lives of your comrades and civilians, it allowed enhancements to go forward. You cannot stop a good thing. You were a gentleman of pride whose passions for excellence kept peace and unity turning. The wheels of justice keep rotating, let us hope and pray the revolutions stay in sync with one another. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 11, 2016

Combative. Combustive. Confrontational. Actions that may lead to dire consequences if not headed off at its genesis. All any duly sworn police officer can do is to calmly and decisively stop these from occurring before kayos and mayhem reach the curbs. Dade County is much safer and more serene nowadays because of your astute awareness, Officer Cook. Women and men who thrust themselves into the law enforcement profession realize full well what might transpire if aggressive means are not instituted. You were a man of civility, rationality and all of things honesty. Any police uniform and badge worn represents the fabric of integrity and proper conduct which you displayed at all times. You will be saluted and humbly honored for having unselfish character, the kind of convictions that restored the public peace and trust. A distinction that rests within any heroes and heroines legacies. It's forever. God allows those who toiled, sweated and persevered to sleep soundly without harm in His enchanted kingdom. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those who have been passed your torch carry it with serious onuses.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 11, 2016

We can't drown ourselves nor wallow in self pity. All we can do is continue to battle. Fight for our rights, freedoms and dignity. We struggle with the scopes of integrity as they are the parameters of our days and years. We cope as best we can, yet somehow something is amiss. You charming personality, Officer Cook ,is missing terribly, thirty-seven years is too long without seeing that wide smile and friendly advice. Dade County relies on those steady and brave officers who have taken your watch as no one can replace a hero so valued by his peers and family. Devotion and dedication were your institutions that piloted your professional career. One that had more left to achieve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. To contend, confound and to confuse our enemies maybe they will see the light and the wars can die down and cease. Peace, unity and social justice can be realized by all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 10, 2016

A commercial says think outside the bun. At times all police officers must think outside the box, but do so cautiously. That square gets pretty narrow for those servants of honesty, dignity and integrity who stray from the proper path. You took your job seriously, Officer Cook, the results humbly explain your life and as to why you decided to become an officer. You enjoyed the rigors and challenges even with perils and danger lurking ahead. Dade County can assuredly look back, its unity and peace were brought to them by your humble being. A man of conviction, boldness and concern all mixed together to produce an excellent protector. Celebrated and saluted for bravery beyond the calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Clarity clearly and calmly enhanced your presence among your comrades who fought tooth and nail for our security and quality of life. One day God will lift up the fallen, the postures of His heroes and heroines will be straight as an arrow.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 10, 2016

In a world beset by violence and terror lately, understanding the problems and thinking of solutions that might appease those tempted to carry on, one should ponder instead of acting clueless. You comprehended your professional roles, Officer Cook, your unwavering courage, your unselfish fight for right, a dignified public servant who tried his best to make all Dade County residents secure and at peace. A humanitarian who dealt with compassion, that was your passion. If only those walls where your name is enshrined could communicate back to us? Thoughts of an honorable man, one who humbleness was centered deep inside his integrity, it made all the changes possible. All these enhancements then for a brighter today and tomorrow. Visions of yesterday. Wow! If only good conduct and loyalty could revive you and your fellow angelic heroes and heroines and reunite you back with your loved ones? Once God takes someone back to His heavenly shelter they are there for eternity, certainly no harm can ever come your way again. You looked people in the eye, Officer Cook, straightforward, no hedging, you left no doubt on the humanitarian ways of your life and career driven by character and achievement. A legacy legitimized, a very special story of a courageous young man and a gentleman with a kind heart and a spirit that gave back more than anything else. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 10, 2016

We cherish. We treasure. We admire. We view the beauty of God's world as a rainbow of sorts. it takes and blends different people together all striving for a common purpose. That is to be at peace. To be as one community. Dade County and its prosperity and blessings were all the focal points of your service, Officer Cook, you held them together as you were the glue that bonded your family as one. Yes, you made them laugh, smile and though you are not sadly here today, you have never been out of their thoughts nor that of your loyal colleagues. You protected us as honorably and as dignified as one public servant could. If integrity and intelligence could return you back to your family, think for a moment how many of God's heroic angels would be returned to their loved ones? The uniform and badge you donned spoke of your convictions and considerations afforded to all of society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy that has set free the oppressed and has only enhanced our futures for the best while we pursue our dreams and goals as you so respectfully did.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 10, 2016

In the land of the free and the home of the brave we seem to have an infatuation with various things. Better yet, we should have a yearning to be efficient at what we want to excel at. Eyes to see close. Lips to speak. Ears to hear from near. Police officers, ordinary men and women that decide to become a public servant where they place their lives in harm's way to safeguard the public should always be commended. You were commended, Officer Cook, for doing an outstanding job of liberating and unifying Dade County and its residents. There is no escaping the truth, it spoke brilliantly, boldly and most profoundly. Class, credence and clarity along with your honesty, dignity and integrity prevailed during your watch over us and now many years later after sacrificing your life and career to befit us, comrades solemnly salute your astuteness, composure, commitment and the character within your humble legacy. It communicates a precise message so dear that one who lives with morals and fights the wars of evil with such principles shall be rewarded for their efforts. You have been, Officer Cook, for we know humanity records the pious deeds of one's own humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Let the clout of your character, care and concern uplift your beautiful soul as it continues its ascent to God's heavenly kingdom where other heroic angels await its arrival.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 10, 2016

Resting on laurels, not acting with morals, akin to dishonesty and lack of professional dignity and integrity. You conducted your affairs, Officer Cook, with the highest level of regard and respect for all Dade County and its people. Fortifying your preservation and protection with gusto and class, you will forever be solemnly remembered as a hero who fought with commitment, pride and character. Those ideals live on in your family and colleagues, they try to maintain peace in their pursuits in life as you did for others during your career enabling them to go on. The mission statement of your heroic legacy is fight for right, let freedom reign. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The flaws of some police officers must be weeded out before they take to the streets where the stakes safety wise now are much greater than ever before.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2016

In a world of torment and violence world can be more harmful than good. We must instruct our children who are our legacies for generations to come that only actions can sway the public disfavor in our society. You lived it, Officer Cook. You breathed it. Its posture meaning integrity and honor must remain upright. If we allow dignity to bend, then heaven forbid what might occur next. You steered in and around Dade County and its people, Officer cook ,affirming to stabilize law and order, peace and justice for one and all. Now we look back fondly and respectfully on your legacy of morals, commitment and concern, for it was in your constitution that we live on. The battles rage. The fight wages on. We must take note and prepare ourselves if we are to survive and sustain. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your were cherished and committed to goals and their agendas. I would humbly say a mission achieved. Enhancement realized, but only if we stay the course in a dignified manner as you did so faithfully, Officer Cook. Embellishment is able to speak its mind through peace and resolve.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2016

Passions flair, yet compassion must stay humble. To dignify justice one must be focused on honor and integrity, for they navigate our trials and tribulations. Dade County and its citizens back in your time, Officer Cook suffered from injustice and tensions that ran wild. They needed a source of refreshment to quench their thirst for peace in order for it to blanket them day and night. Public servants must act the part so that motivation becomes their means of protecting. They use the tools of their profession with discretion, which is the better part of valor. You'll be fondly remembered for common sense and resolve that was your primary resource. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Show us a man of character, we will show you a true hero, a man of God in his devoutness and faith. Officer Cook, you were Central Division's hero whose mission endeared itself to all of society.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2016

Knowledge is stored. Vision is open. Leadership is gained through humility and the trust of others. When a man travels on his missions of faith and peace, we pray he stays safe in order for him to perform rightly. You worked on your assignments quite well, Officer Cook, better yet, you composed yourself in a robe of dignity and integrity. When officers are first hired, departments look for honest women and men, bravery and valor follow their trails of nobility and intuition. You were a man of intelligence, Officer Cook, an officer whose passion personified Dade County and its residents who have been able to live calmly and collectively as one community where you were admired and respected for your heroism. rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When things go right its easy to boast, you did not brag, Officer Cook, you were the go to officer that others admired.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2016

The prayers of the pious spread their devotions upon the wings of the devoted. Those who are determined to fight evil are not fickle nor faint, for they have been given plan of action by Our Creator. Their marching orders are as follows: pursue and eliminate through honor and decency. Continue the battles with integrity and dignity. As a faithful and revered gentleman, Officer Cook, you were tasked with many roles, the biggest hurdle you had to clear was to remain dominant as a leadership and a follower too, otherwise if you could not accept direction or advise, how could you maintain a professional with others on such serious dilemmas? You were a fervent and humble man capable of dominating in a positive way control over escalating situations. You were brave and courageous, cherished as a human being who drove his desires to become the best you could be. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Class and conviction count as much as compassion and your quality of character. Excellence and pride wearing your uniform of choice with a badge of boldness, justice and fairness to all Dade County citizens who have been able to live peacefully and serenely. Your sacrifice won't ever be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2016

There are times for celebrating. There are times to grieve and to mourn. For some, time can slowly heal those wounds which families bare when a loved one is lost. Your family, Officer Cook, is fairly resilient as you were in professional duty. You were many things in life, honest, you had dignity and integrity steering your patrols in and around Dade County with amazing grace and gallantry. No matter the time, the area, you could be relied upon to carry your weight which you did very heroically. Colleagues will now salute your valor and character to commitment which are now a part of your legacy to mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Violence never breaks for anything and neither do devoted men and women, brave and confident as you, Officer Cook. God planted your hands within humanity's soul which you touched with a certain aura of gentleness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2016

We tend at times to gloss over things. Crime requires the greatest vigilance. You devoted your life and professional prowess, Officer Cook, to the citizens of Dade County by being loyal and dependable, trustworthy and honest, dignified and faithful. One's pursuits in life must be chosen wisely and then when ready you may begin to serve and protect. One never or should I say should not forget a gifted and humble servant as you were, Officer Cook, you were carrying out the will of God. You relished your time spent policing and preserving. Because of your heroism you will be saluted for proper actions and conduct befitting an officer. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 9, 2016

We nourish our beings and souls with food so vital to keep our engines running smoothly. We drink water to hydrate ourselves when the sweat pours down our faces. Police officers yearn for peace and contentment, they do so with honor, dignity and integrity. Officer Cook, you poured your soul into all your professional endeavors, making Dade County that much more safer. the citizens have spoken loud and clear, one doesn't need to be boisterous. Sometimes it's the calming tone of clarity that defines peace and a free spirit. We remember our heroes such as yourself, who gave of themselves and paid the very dearest price of character and quality commitment. This will never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Clarity and persuasion spoke the volumes of valor when you validated your patrols of perseverance and persistence. A treasured man on a mission of fulfillment and achievement. God recognizes His devout and devoted angels, they surround Him twenty-four seven.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 8, 2016

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