Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Yearning for yesterday, learning for today, earning for tomorrow can be attributed to those valiant souls who undertook a task so dangerous, yet in their blood they had these callings. Your calling, Officer Cook, was to become a valuable member of your force. Displaying honesty, integrity and dignity while staying away from bad habits surely brought resolve and perseverance to your professional career and to a well lived life. Loyalty is a two way street, the pathways cleared if the conviction, commitment and character are present and accounted for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God is the chief judge who makes His judgments firm and just. Exactly the way you patrolled the Dade County streets procuring and delivering the much needed peace and unity for everyone. Your bravery, Officer Cook , has humbly afforded you salutes of endearment for the enhancements that have stood for all these years and will God willing maintain their state through your heroism.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 18, 2016

Understanding the urgency of one's undertaking, patrolling an area in search of law and order can take its toll on those unprepared to handle the daily rigors of what is required from honorable officers.You were prepared as most were, Officer Cook ,during your time with the Metro-Dade Police Department. You compounded hours of training and in the field work to make a career take you where it should. You were an invaluable member of the fraternity who won't be forgotten for your work ethics all integrated with conduct befitting a professional. A dignified man with honor and integrity who goes about his business the right way, this legacy of commitment, boldness and valor stays with them forever. God takes those humble and brave angelic heroes to His throne above where you now occupy a most important task, that is to walk that beat on those sacred streets where nothing will ever harm you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Astuteness, intervention and creativity can help to prolong any chosen endeavor. In police work thinking outside the box at times may be a way of preservation and its utilities for a serene society.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 18, 2016

With pertinence to being consistent, one's honesty must be on the level similar to their dignity and integrity if all central tasks are to be carried out properly. Straying from the course could be dangerous for not only that officer, but for an entire community. In Dade County, you performed your assignments, Officer Cook, with the greatest esteem and respect for all. The residents have lived peacefully and have been able to thrive in a nurturing environment. Comrades salute their fellow officers who go above and beyond the calls of duty, especially when they are loyal to the causes by which they fight for liberty when evil is fast approaching. You will always be so respected and admired for heroically coming to aid them and those people involved in that domestic dispute. A legacy as clear as a bell with character, care and concern for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. if all public servants pulled a part of the rope, the effort is there and achievement can be noted. The realization of your resolve and resourcefulness was always accounted for, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 18, 2016

The fruits of faith are the labors of righteous heroes. The pious who plow ahead with their professional agendas of honesty, dignity and integrity. Companions that drove your life and career, Officer Cook, to newer heights. The levels of enhancement today rest solidly because of your unselfish commitment, character and concern that have spoken loudly and most boldly in Dade County, where they have kept peace and unity glued snugly together for the last thirty-seven years. The salutes and fond memories of your life and profession, Officer Cook, have revealed the truest of humble gentlemen, one whose mission accomplished fulfillment of a life's dream. The names of those who sacrificed their lives are etched and engraved on the walls of honor, memories and heroism at its most finest moment. Your name, Officer Cook, blessed by faith, devotion and loyalty are the legacies by which we perform a task that has danger lurking ahead and yet has reward from God to those who serve righteously. rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2016

The formulas for a successful and humble police career are based upon the foundations and computations of keeping yourself busy with honesty, integrity and dignity while being grounded with class, commitment to excellence and having sterling character. Certain words in the police language can never be overstated. Nor can having cooperation and politeness from the citizens you protect and defend help defuse certain problems. Nothing is easy. Nothing shall be taken for granted. You performed your job, Officer Cook, at a high level, a premium of quality maintenance, prudent proficiency and intense and devoted leadership that has all comrades saluting your life and the career you chose to pursue. When things got hot, you drove yourself to humility and calmness. Dade County residents relied on your unwavering valor and boldness to witness your missions through. A hero whose legacy has all the proper cornerstones of precision, faith and determination, all the causes of not only your passion to achieve, but to have compassion in a meaningful and equitable way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2016

If perseverance and persistence are better than procrastination, they what can be uttered in the name of one lacking in morals, honesty, dignity and integrity? They shall seek and pursue other avenues of duly honorable employment. You pursued police work, Officer Cook, precisely because this was your calling. It made you grow into a well rounded person. The self-sacrifice you made on behalf of all Dade County citizens can never be overlooked. You were that dependable man of unwavering assurance whose faith, hope and optimism kept the preservation, dignity and peace of all mankind centered around the values that we place in our society. And you'll be remembered for having the charisma and candor, class and decency to act upon an issue that still perpetrates itself in our society. Domestic violence. It has no class, discipline or character other than those acting in this shell of senselessness committing heinous actions that are most detrimental. Thank God on May 16, 1979, Officer Cook, you showed up when you did, there was no thoughts to return to your station house even though no one would have placed blame at your feet. You acted decisively and exhibited leadership that was heroic and outstanding to save your colleagues and the civilians involved. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One man's rich legacy of fairness, justice and the chase for quiet and safety. Liberty City won't forget you. That sign on NW 75th Street spells out the details of your upbringing and the caliber of your compassion you had, Officer Cook, for all. Balanced and bold as you donned your badge and uniform fittingly and with firmness to solve and to resolve.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2016

When all else deserts us, then it is time to be cunning. Nothing cute or quaint. Just get down to work and focus on the basics to see you through. What delivered prompt and efficient effort to resolve Dade County and its residents? Your labors of love and admiration you had for your role, Officer Cook. Comrades can really be the ones who were most fortunate to have paired with you, a genuinely modest gentleman of honor, dignity and integrity. It engineered your exploits of loyalty and gallantry. It sharpened your mind and character which when consummated they made you a more diligent officer, though you were quite diligent, quite vigilant and always one who wanted to soak up more knowledge like an ink blotter. We leave your heroic actions and the legacy that spelled out your life and career to those who have so saluted your courage and bravery. You led by example. You followed superiors and made them better men and women by virtue by your service and preservation of all mankind. Conservation without procrastination. No letting up. You answered your calls with humility and humane acts of kindness and compassion. The C of your blessed name, Officer Cook, is and was consideration at all times for everyone no matter who they were. A smile, a handshake and a pleasant greeting engaged those who knew you. The treasured gentleman with a kind soul to match.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2016

Peace can only occur when violence and wickedness cease. Insurmountable odds sometimes frequent our esteemed officers whose burdens are already at a crescendo. But, if you have loyal and dedicated men and women serving in the field brokering freedom as you did so resourcefully, Officer Cook, problems become a bit less, though the challenges remain as arduous as ever. You were never complacent, you took your career and life very seriously and for six years of sound commitment to excellence and astute character, you will never be forgotten by your sisters or brothers who served as valiantly and continue to do so as you did. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God gives us His servants and He placed your talents, Officer Cook, right where they belonged here in Dade County serving and protecting its people. Squarely on top of situations, you were a humble man who missions of fervor, fearless as were your accomplishments, Officer Cook. A powerful speaker with a more sharper message. That all now resonates from God's heavenly tribunal.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2016

The bells of bravery toll for those brothers and sisters of the police world whose lives go way beyond bravery and humility. They travel the far reaches of talent and luck, good fortune is saved for those whose resolve and reverence conquers new heights. Violence and terror are the number one adversary of an officer. You reigned in evil, Officer Cook ,with much desire and dignity having honesty and integrity shadowing you.r every movement in and around Dade County. residents have fared much better these days thanks to your heroic efforts of the past thirty-seven years. Always thought of and saluted for having a semblance of common sense and rational when times of peace and freedom come calling. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your soul rests upon God's gentle palms of grace and righteousness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2016

No officer, I repeat no public servant wants to ever be harmed, shot or otherwise. As I view this down page honoring men and women whose bravery goes above and beyond any professional calls of duty, I'm still perplexed as to why any officer would want another comrade to shoot them to feel what it is like. It happened in Missouri several years ago, Officer Cook. Officer Dan DeKraai, asked a colleague to shoot him. They were training using blanks and had switched back to live ammo. His colleague forgot, Officer DeKraai turned his back and was shot and killed by accident. We were not there that fateful day. Obviously, for the officer who pulled that trigger, he has to live the rest of his days with that horrible realization floating in his mind. The DeKraai family has to live without a husband and father. He was I believe thirty-six years old. You were twenty-five, Officer Cook, when you gave your life and career in honor and in respect for Dade County residents to live peacefully and more securely. You left a beautiful and valiant legacy of character, class and solid commitment for other comrades to pattern their careers and lives after. You always be close to us in spirit, we are here for for your family if they want to communicate with me. The lines are open twenty-four seven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2016

Desire through righteousness, drive through diligence, devotion through faithfulness, determination by decency, here we have it, some of the notes in any officer's handbook on how to patrol with honesty and integrity incorporating each navigation you made in and around Dade County, Officer Cook. If the confidence and self-esteem is present, if the morals and conduct is backing your every vital professional role and the tasks that accompany your service are there, you can remain and achieve something important, keeping togetherness and serenity tied to one another. Class and courage within one's character has got to be executed for preservation to take on a much deeper meaning. You will be cherished and respected, saluted and so honored, Officer Cook, for having the concern and pride necessary to wear a uniform and badge that spelled out your goals, dreams and aspirations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The walks I take in North Miami Beach day and night help me clear my mind so that I can elucidate my thoughts more succinctly. Your heroism is that way, very open, very succinct. Your legacy speaks to the heart of this important objective.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2016

We all have regrets in life. Yet each of us tries to live and carry on with the daily functions that are essential to live and to achieve. Police officers, the honorable and living examples of valor, dignity, bravery and decency lead the way for others to follow those trails of peace and unity. Never a moment to let up nor to let one's guard down, you led Dade County, its citizens and other colleagues, Officer Cook, by desire, class and concern for one and all. God takes His heroes of meticulous character, conviction and commitment to excellence and watches over their humility and humbleness that they exhibited while serving and preserving. There can be no better judge of character than God Himself as you now walk that heavenly beat, Officer Cook in Our Creator's golden streets where nothing will ever harm you. You should not have been harmed in the first place, for we understand it's an officers obligation to put themselves in harm's way to save lives. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The combination of being well received, cherished and admired was the right blend for a gentleman so devoted to his profession. Your legacy of consideration and clarity took its messages from intelligence and due diligence. Vigilance found its rightful spot when you patrolled, Officer Cook and so too his your spirit found that eternal comfort watching over us and shining more glowingly than ever. I will always regret not knowing you, Officer Cook, your parents and sister. Though, at least I did met some of your family members. Alexis, Skyler, Legend and Legacy will all grow up to be successful citizens as you were. Gina and Trevor take care too.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2016

The modernization of our society comes at a cost sometimes. That is through the honesty and boldness of our most beloved and esteemed police heroes. As one of the many here in Dade County, Officer Cook, it was your vital role to be dignified and to protect with integrity the peace and freedom, unity and progression of all residents. You were a beloved and faithfully loyal officer who responded to the professional calls of duty with alacrity and ingenuity. You left a wonderful legacy for your family members to follow in. The Cook name that of your dad and yourself lives on in the hearts of all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your heroic sacrifice brought resounding enhancement for all to marvel at and to partake of for future generations.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 17, 2016

Your family's faith, Officer Cook, has allowed your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook to live a life of righteousness and dignity. She and your father, Charles, may he rest in peace, taught you and your sister, Nancy, those lessons that would aptly carry you and your desire to become a police officer in Dade County. It was here where your leadership, character and bravery would form a highlight of a career and life that was most accomplished. Nothing left you, Officer Cook, when you took to the streets to serve, protect and preserve life and property. You remain a cherished and loyal servant who now watches over other comrades who were as brave as you were in His kingdom above. Your beautiful soul can shine forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. To apply and to comply, our role as residents and any officer's job to reign in terror allowing for peace and serenity to prosper.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2016

Deviation can spell disaster. Honesty and humility make a better couple. When dignity and integrity meet at the same crossroads, surely resolve and resourcefulness can come front and center. Dade County and its citizens were always the centerpiece of your vigilance, Officer Cook. It's the diligence that sometimes deserts us in time of a crisis. There was no fear, you were near, Officer Cook, preserving the public trust while commuting from place to place saving the character and convictions of all folks. Always saluted and duly honored for heroics beyond the calls of your professional tasks. One gentleman's legacy of bravery, one mission completed par excellence. Rest in peace neighbor, friend and hero. We survive. We try to fulfill your tasks that were sadly left for us to take an onus for. Your family carries on gallantry and nobility as you did. Happy birthday Mrs. Cook. Enjoy your one-hundred and first in good health, peace and prosperity. Your son and your family were the living, breathing and shining examples of faith, devoutness and determination. Thank God for honorable and humble public servants as yourself, Officer Cook. The world will never be the same without your guidance, though it now comes from God's heavenly abode.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2016

Besides the honesty, dignity and required integrity officers must pass tests that access their mental capacities and a physical exam to evaluate their health and stamina. One test we all have to take, God's thorough test, not a pop quiz, a basic assessment to test our resolve, one of which you passed, Officer Cook, with flying colors. There was no need to take a makeup. Dade County fared quite well when you greeted people and patrolled their community for peace and unity. Colleagues appreciate candor, class and decency, you gave every last ounce of effort in attempting to rid this world of one giant of a menace, violence. God took you, Officer Cook, back to heaven where you now rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your heroism and its legacy, the humble genesis of an excellent upbringing by two loving and caring parents.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2016

So young to depart from this world, you left behind honesty, integrity and dignity to be carried out by your family, comrades and those you served, Officer Cook. the cowardly actions that police officers have to fight against, this war seems to never cease. Dade County suffered a searing loss, every time the lives of good women and men so brave and loyal, humble and humane are taken, we mourn, for the gaping hole can never really be filled. Yes, other officers take charge, take the yoke, your conviction, commitment to both excellence and pride, Officer Cook, this can never be replaced nor forgotten. Truly a legend, a hero of class and talent can be remembered for his grace and gallantry, intuition, ingenuity and intellect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2016

There are those who speak but don't do. There are those who get down to action and say a little. Better to be honorable, have integrity and dignity, strive to become the very best you can be. Officer Cook, you were a genuinely nice person, you could see class and commitment a mile away. Your visions of what Dade County should look like were fulfilled by your humble missions in life and during your career. We do not need to look much further to recognize your pride and excellence, it is all maintained by God and perpetuated as you now patrol His golden streets walking a sacred and supremely humane beat. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2016

To display a flair for the dramatic is one thing, to perform your professional duties with wisdom, keen vision and honesty is another thing. At least, Officer Cook, you had dignity driving your devotions and integrity incorporated within your leadership abilities. The residents of Dade County could not have been in better hands. You will remain cherished and admired for your heroic actions. A man of character and commitment honors his Creator and society with righteousness never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 16, 2016

Yielding to indifference would be compared to not making honesty, dignity and integrity a priority. There are agendas in life, police officers must make safety and ethics their leading force with which to go out on patrol to combat wickedness. You were one never to back down, Officer Cook, a gentleman who inspired and lived a good life while duly carrying out your professional roles which made Dade County residents feel better about themselves. You'll be admired for character, commitment and valor well documented as a hero true and through. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A resume with the humblest of faithfulness and resolve. Conduct above and beyond the calls of duty and class with all the acumen.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2016

The fruits of labor rest in the arms of those heroically brave and honest. It is in their labors of love and devotion that tackle violence, seek ways to unity and peace and pursue them. Dade County followed your lead, Officer Cook, the road map to success rested in your every patrol and service to those who needed it the most. A most gifted and God fearing man whose devotions were to his family, comrades and the citizens whose every fabric of being resided within your donning of a uniform and badge so proudly. You'll be saluted forever, your courage and convictions brought the results of thoughtfulness and determination. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The culture of today was from your pursuits of years ago. Enhancement really lives on as does your beloved spirit. You relished being a police officer, your community revered and respected your humility and humbleness. A blessed man whose mission carried the prospects of hope, optimism and all that we pray for.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2016

The fates of the faithful rest in the arms of God. One who delivers honor, dignity and integrity surely is heroic, thus worthy of receiving their due reward. Dade County reaped and sowed because of you, Officer Cook. Brave and certain. You were an officer of character and fairness who won't be forgotten. A treasured public servant whose being brought newer resolve and peace to a community that called upon your resources. Always saluted for intuition and leadership that had the right message. That is indeed where your legacy forever resides. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 15, 2016

We forgive. We can't forget. We can never gloss over what you meant in effort and energy to Dade County residents, Officer Cook. Born into an honorable and dignified home, you took your lessons well from your folks. Today you remain cherished and revered for your service and protection of mankind. Those who are still living today remember the wonderfully engaging young man on a mission of justice, peace and unity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One man's character, class and nobility. Humanity won't forget your actions on May 16, 1979. When the call came you were there to backup your fellow officers, saving them and those civilians who relied upon your decency and desire all driven to achieve.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 14, 2016

You cannot forget an honest and most humble hero no matter where they come from. Many heroes and heroines were born, those who seek public service such as police work do so for one thing, they chose to assist others. It is in their genes of honesty, dignity and profound integrity that you served all Dade County, Officer Cook, with such distinction and devotion to dedicate your life and career to professionally save other lives. The peace process still needs to roll on, your unwavering commitment to both excellence and the pride you took daily while donning your badge and uniform shows how passionate you were about getting the job doing proficiently and most prudently. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 14, 2016

The world revolves around the performance of good deeds, action, commitment and the character to serve and to watch over mankind. Whenever dignity and integrity come together at the crossroads we are certain greatness will happen. Dade County saw boldness, bravery undaunted passion displayed by you, Officer Cook. A gentleman concerned with the growth and progress of his fellow man. Colleagues today and forever will honor and salute your astuteness, convictions and communications which resulted in more peaceful and unified times. Your legacy of heroism was born from a wonderfully happy home, your parents could never be any prouder of their beloved son, Officer William Coleman Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You left behind so many welcoming memories for your family to pour through for generations to come.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 14, 2016

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