Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The wars of attrition are just now beginning. It's the moment to seize your resources of faith and decency, start climbing that mountain of hope looking for answers. We, the ordinary citizens look for that advantage that will take us to the promised land. It's a place where God's blessings of richness and grace occur. And it was in Dade County, a venue well known to you, Officer Cook, in which you started your career as a police officer. I believe it was started at Jackson Memorial Hospital near 836 and the courthouses. Since honor, decency and class were all a part of your humbleness and upbringing by two loving parents, then when you began your patrols you had special qualities riding along with you. Now thirty-seven years later comrades have saluted and honored you for your gallant actions to restore peace and security back where it rightfully belongs. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 24, 2016

Free as a bird, those are the wings of God's loyal and devoted servants of faith and heroism. When justice prevails for all persons you know the tasks were handled properly and expeditiously. You arranged your professional tasks all in order Officer Cook. If you let Our Creator steer your integrity, dignity and honesty down the prime path of equality, then liberty, peace and unity will represent all those who wait for its acceptance. You were a cherished and dependable man of action, hope and character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 24, 2016

When this swoon of doom and gloom rocks our great land, the best way to counteract its affects would be to stay the course, keep honest, maintain a humble profile and with a sense of balance keep dignity and integrity planted at your side at all times. Police officers carry out important jobs, they cannot give in to temptation nor let evil escape their clutches. When violence and disputes crossed your radar screen, Officer Cook, you were ready to pounce on them and head off more imminent dangers. The seeds of violence in Dade County that awful day, May 16, 1979, when you gave your life and career for a common goal, that was for peace and liberty to set their sights upon those who desired to live more unified existences. Always the planer. Always prepared. Always remembered and so honored for unselfish bravery and valor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those who have taken over your watch, Officer Cook, do so cautiously and hopefully without trepidation. You were an outstanding and dignified young man with much more life left to fulfill Our Lord's wishes. You were devout and faithful, no one had to summon you twice. You comprehended your missions and God led you through the battles as our warrior, savior, hero and best friend to all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis,

September 24, 2016

The days of reckoning are closing in quickly. We better act promptly and proficiently. All public servants are expected to conduct their daily business within the borders of honesty, integrity, dignity and quite a lot of wisdom. Wisdom, like vision and know how are a gift given by Our Creator to those humble and humane individuals who know precisely how to use it, to share and spread the wealth of information with others in times of crises. You knew how to preserve, Officer Cook. You understood the meaning of peace and unity and how to gain this for residents of Dade County. A gentleman whose mission ran far and wide and whose lips, eyes and ears spoke the truth and carried out God's plans for us deliberately and with that naturally born driven desire you had. Officer Cook, you will remain a cherished and admired man of humility and the ability to communicate your messages to the public you served gracefully and very nobly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 23, 2016

There are several sayings that go like this, the lights are on but no one is home. There is no cheese on the cracker. Your two oars are not in the water. The elevator has not yet gone to the top. All fits this seemingly alarming and frightening pattern of wanton violence perpetrated by rogue officers. Wanton violence and its terror is supposed to be handled and resolved by honorable and dignified police officers like yourself, Officer Cook. You assembled astuteness, unwavering courage in the very face of danger and peril to others shielding them from harm. Never could Dade County and its residents have been any more happier with your brand of protection and preservation while on patrol serving their interests. You left a beautiful and wonderful heroic legacy of memories to be cherished and so saluted. You made your family members proud. Your uniform was your crowning achievement humbly accomplished and dutifully fulfilled. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 23, 2016

For as free a country as the United States is supposed to be we still have this inherent war not only against violence and terrorism, we have an environment challenged by the throes of racism and justice for all. If all man and women are created equal, the equation simply does not fit as its sum of parts are not shared by all. What was shared by Dade County and its residents, Officer Cook, was your integrity, dignity, honesty, sound and practical leadership. The ability to enhance, the capacity to mold and to shape other colleagues in the rigors of a profession so valuable, yet it can leave one who is not careful enough, very vulnerable. You did your job soundly taking peace and unity and building upon its cornerstones. The solid foundations that have other comrades saluting your gallantry and heroism summoned from your inner strength and your outstanding character. It all fits with your personality of commitment and conviction of faithfulness and resolve, all of which will not be be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The intrigue of policing was why you become the gentleman with a matching spirit, Officer Cook. That spirit now floats like a butterfly in God's enchanted skies where other comrades who made the ultimate sacrifice as you solemnly did, Officer Cook, rest gently against God's golden palms. The hands of the righteous perform the faithful work within Our Creator's master plans of this society. Humble and revered. Admired and loyal to all calls of duty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 23, 2016

Never giving up nor displaying pessimism, you always exerted one-hundred percent full effort in the wars over evil. Dade County and its citizens, Officer Cook, were the beneficiaries of your protection and service that spread its canvas of peace and unity upon them. Diligence and vigilance too go hand in hand coupled with honor, integrity and true grit assisted you greatly. You were a humane and humble gentleman whose valor shall never be forgotten. Heroism breathes its soul of brevity, in your soul, Officer Cook, decency, devotion and desire rest squarely in God's firmament. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 23, 2016

As we fight those battles over evil, we shall keep in mind our heroes and heroines of the past who laid down their lives and careers so we the people could challenge our aspirations and dreams to carry on. And carry on you did, Officer Cook, with the summation of honesty, intellect and dignity that was from desire, drive and determination. The dedication to reach out to all persons in search of freedom, unity and peace. Dade County reached out and observed a marvelous young man born of faith and hope leaving his mark on society that won't be forgotten. You pitched in and patched up the holes of humanity and struck a chord in terror which when not soon stopped may cause more harm. Our country needs decent public servants who are willing to put forth the effort and be able to lead others through these tests. Respected and treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and concern do work hand in hand when the pious look out for our safety. God watches over your soul now, Officer Cook, forever keeping its lights shining upon your family, comrades and close friends. You were their warrior and savior, most of all their hero. A blessed man with invaluable resources. That's why you accomplished. You knew the plan, take that baton, His blueprint and make positive decisions that would forever change the paths of mankind. All for the good.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 23, 2016

Being astute as compared to righteousness and honorable actions. If you are able to succeed, you have made an impression that society never forgets. They cherished your good name, Officer Cook, as you transferred dignity and integrity from one watch to another. That is exactly why Dade County and its residents cam live more passionate lives with the affirmations of another day. The sun rises and sets, what we accomplish between those hours is so very practical as it helps make this a better place for enhancements to settle in. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your heroism, Officer Cook, your bravery and character are the legacies we look up to. You were a humbly outstanding servant who relished serving your Creator. No letdowns or disappointments. Only the finest service and protection from Badge#1664.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 23, 2016

To reflect upon the heroism and dignity of one's life takes some purpose and effort to put forth the language that outlines and signifies their goals, dreams and ideals. You were a thoughtfully positive thinker, Officer Cook. Officers must be capable of pondering how to go about solve and preserving life and its honor and integrity. Dade County can only wonder if you were present today how you could effectively communicate the message of admiration, unity and peace. Take one subject, one topic and by your very wholesome and stellar character, commitment and conviction relay your point across to influence morally proper conduct not only from civilians, also those men and women serving and policing those streets that need a stern cleaning. A period of time used to weed evil off the streets and putting everyone back on the righteous trail. No one is perfect. You can't have too many choir boys and girls. You effectively achieved your missions of resourcefulness, reverence and reliability. Now comes the part of you, Officer Cook, serving Our Lord with all your spirit, one that now abounds around those celestial heavens above. Keep shining down with your grace and character. You wore your uniform proudly and humbly for humanity to catch a glimpse of. They did that for six years and for twenty-five years saw actions of righteousness and profound faith. A happy man more humbled to serve a gallant purpose in life. A career fulfilled though more was left to achieve, we attempt to carry on as soundly as you did, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 22, 2016

If seeing is believing, than those officers who are meticulously fair, honest and sincere will be rewarded for all their efforts put forth. When God created America in 1776, the United States constitution put forth rules and amendments ensuring liberty, peace and unity for all citizens. Unfortunately, today those doctrines have at times become unglued, the fragments of violence and racism still rear their ugliness. That is why it's so important to have dignified, decent , men and women of character protecting and serving our interests and the trust we place on them with such burdens, that at times are dangerous. You served Dade County with captivation and candor, Officer Cook. You brought wisdom, unwavering inner strength from your heart to all your professional roles. Relied upon to save lives, you did that ever so faithfully and humanely on May 16, 1979. Your heroism is bounded by the doctrines of rules and certain behavioral codes that all public servants are expected to keep and to uphold making those around your patrol safer and more secure. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a genuinely cherished and respected Godsend, Officer Cook and your absence is felt throughout Dade County, your loving family, colleagues and your close personal friends. Well liked, concerned kind and dedicated to enhancement while you endeavored to eliminate wickedness and its roots.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 22, 2016

Not being a good listener and not following proper directives can at times lend itself to disaster. But, you were meant to lead other comrades, Officer cook, because of your honesty and integrity which when blended in enabled you and your squad to remain safe, as surely as you patrolled Dade County streets, placing humble valor in your every move. Insubordination has no place in police work, it can bring the morale down and further cause harm to anyone not looking in front of them. You'll be remembered for your friendliness and frank assessments of all dilemmas looking for solutions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A hearty character now residing in Our Creator's exclusive shelter protecting and serving as your soul travels from point to point. The missions you chose to carry out were followed poignantly and precisely as any professional would.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 22, 2016

If police used the proper tact, put forth the honesty and dignity their positions call for perhaps innocent people would not be exposed to dishonest officers. Most police are decent, humble and do their jobs well. When a few stray, it can set back an entire police nation. Thank God you were an honorable soul, Officer Cook. Dignity and integrity never took a backseat. Your courtesy and morals were always front and center and you'll be fondly remembered for valiant and heroic actions to save and to protect Dade County, its citizens and your comrades from danger. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 21, 2016

Serene and secure that is how we would love to live. Dade County and its people loved you, Officer Cook and they cherished a man of faith on a mission of resolve. You were respected and admired by colleagues for your conventional wisdom and intuition that was of a humble nature and its essence was most heroic. Now and forever you will be saluted for your outstanding character, courage and commitment, the pride all officers should take when wearing their uniforms and badges of honor, integrity and dignity to decency hold the forts of unity and peace down. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You achieved and you enhanced our lives immeasurably.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 21, 2016

Elevate your life with energy, effort, efficiency and passion. To denigrate life would be to disrupt, destruct, desecrate the normal way of progression and be most diabolical. Very counterproductive to making this society as a whole better. Enhancement would suffer. Strides would take steps backward. Police officers just attempt to keep sanctity and unity aflame, while putting out those smoldering flames of injustice, bigotry, racism, et cetera, back during your watch, Officer Cook, while you patrolled the very venues of the Dade County community where you were hailed as a hero and admired by everyone from your family to your humble comrades who went to battle this negative force we brand as evil, you calmly and solemnly served, protected and preserved the vitality of the public interest and its trust as one entity. By virtue of your honesty, dignity, integrity and ingenuity through devoted and desirable leadership, the sounds of peace may at times be strained, yet they can be heard loudly and distinctively. The fragrances of barbeques and coals being stoked take on much more meaning as opposed to emotions burning like a wildfire. You have been saluted, Officer Cook, as a hero of character and one who consoled us in times of trouble. Your spirit has been kept alive today by the flames of your unwavering bravery. Bravery and valor are the best building blocks in unifying a community torn by tension, just the relief it requires. When we channel our passions and energies properly and most promptly we can function decently and devote our minds to the chores at hand. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. There are no vacations in heaven. Only the quiet that echoes from God's angelic heroes and heroines who exposed their lives to combat the dangers that lurked before us. You persevered, Officer Cook, through vision and a keen wisdom to make reality come to life. God has granted you eternal life where no more harm will come your way. It is now up to those who serve and to us who are the recipients of their bravery and service to utilize our time wisely. Indifference does not run by the clock. It can be halted once and for all by doing good deeds and making this world a better place to live and to prosper together.

Rabbi Lewis S. DavisElevate

September 20, 2016

Daring and bold, yet compassionate and caring, one man, the epitome of a humble and revered servant, yourself, Officer Cook. Dade County, its citizens and your department held you in high esteem. You were devoted to the causes of peace and its infrastructure, so long as you patrolled and protected us we could not be any gladder. The excitement you brought to your role, the engaging personality you delivered can never be overlooked. You have not been forgotten. Your loss left a hole void in your family and colleagues, as time marches on we continue with your sacred missions of faith, peace and unity. These words nowadays echo loud and clear, spoken back in your day to calm and to influence the folks to get along. Our society needs less strife and more affirmations of positive movements to co-exist. Violence and tension, torment and terror only serve to divide the masses. With your soul and God's hands, Officer Cook, perhaps the tasks here will be made easier and less complex. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Let your legacy of humility and grace find favor in those who seek to perform as righteously and as courageously as you did, Officer Cook. Lessons can get lost in their translations, let those you learned at home and at the academy stay implemented within our thoughts and hearts forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2016

One who keeps their control over situations and speaks the tones of truth, succeeds mightily in any endeavors they undertake to bring relief and freedom to the citizens. On May 16, 1979, it was your unselfish display of courage, boldness and commitment through honorable actions that made Dade County feel free again, Officer Cook. You stopped a scene of domestic violence from reaching severe proportions. We know police are trained for most any incident, you saved your colleagues and those persons involved in an ugly affair. When I say treasured and caring I mean you were a concise and considerate individual, Officer Cook, loyal and faithful where it mattered the most. Now as God has your being and legacy of character sheltered in His abode for eternal safekeeping, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It takes years of practice to perfect something special, though no one but God is perfect in all His ways, you were that very special servant who tones still resonate loudly and soundly today. Just look up to the heavens at night, your soul as cherished a sit was and will forever be, continues lighting up our blue skies. We just have to keep the faith and remain hopeful and optimistic as you were, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2016

One who keeps their control over situations and speaks the tones of truth, succeeds mightily in any endeavors they undertake to bring relief and freedom to the citizens. On May 16, 1979, it was your unselfish display of courage, boldness and commitment through honorable actions that made Dade County feel free again, Officer Cook. You stopped a scene of domestic violence from reaching severe proportions. We know police are trained for most any incident, you saved your colleagues and those persons involved in an ugly affair. When I say treasured and caring I mean you were a concise and considerate individual, Officer Cook, loyal and faithful where it mattered the most. Now as God has your being and legacy of character sheltered in His abode for eternal safekeeping, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It takes years of practice to perfect something special, though no one but God is perfect in all His ways, you were that very special servant who tones still resonate loudly and soundly today. Just look up to the heavens at night, your soul as cherished a sit was and will forever be, continues lighting up our blue skies.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2016

It seems lately that racism is running rampant in our society. police officers, those like yourself, Officer Cook, who stayed honest and dignified, dependable and devoted kept peace and togetherness on the same page. The residents of Dade County some who have higher profiles have been made safer because of your humane heroics. It's actions of a brave young man who was respected and loyal to his comrades that have made enhance stand up and be counted. You left behind wonderful memories of your life and a career where you were proud to serve and to wear the uniform that was the pristine image of a persevering man on a mission. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. History will record your primary purpose in this world, Officer Cook , was for you to be a professionally proficient servant. God appreciates and rewards those for effort and energy above and beyond the calls of duty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2016

Being sensitive to one's needs is how we can co-exist among one another. Dade County witnessed the good times when you served and patrolled the streets, Officer Cook. When honest and dignified officers are robbed of their lives what else can we think? You remain cherished and admired for heroically saving lives. A legacy to be preserved forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Courtesy and morals earmarked your life and watch. Keep looking over us. God has a tremendously humble gentleman policing His streets.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2016

I'm sure Officer Cook, you learned the story of Noah's ark. When God told Noah to build for the world an ark where animals and people would reside to protect them from the floods. While inside this ark all kinds of wildness were taking place. Today in our society we have loads of issues sadly cropping up and threatening the very fabric and its values. We want good lives for our children. We want them to be healthy, safe and educated.All any public servant wants is for peace and liberty to take its rightful direction and that 's where your honesty, class and valor took over, Officer Cook. A cherished man with a mandate to serve and preserve the lives of all Dade County folks. More outstanding work. More respect and admiration for a man truly heroic in all areas of morals and in principles. A legacy of humility spoken on behalf of humanity in the calmest and humblest of tones. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. In the end there was corruption in the ark. Corruption is the interruption that leads to destruction if not headed off at the pass. You stopped a scene from escalating, Officer Cook, your common sense, we all wished that troubled young man who took you from us could have breathed in some of that sense before causing more ruination. I can see why you had so many friends in and outside of your department. Police stop disruption before it destroys our sanity, one cannot function unless one's faculties are intact.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2016

The realization is the personification of you can achieve if the desire and honesty stays intact. The ideals and aspirations our most bravest men and women pattern themselves after is drawn up from their home environment. Was it decent? Was it a loving and nurturing experience? If you answered yes, then so long as integrity and dignity is driving that particular public servant the community where they serve and keep the peace will be fine. Dade County and its flock where safe and unified, Officer Cook, by your heroic efforts to maintain a balance that was ideal for all to prosper in. And you won't ever be forgotten for your commitment, devotion and conviction, to act accordingly and most prudently. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Today's world has changed dramatically since you left us, Officer Cook, to elucidate further, well you were a supremely confident gentleman in all your abilities. A treasured hero, a mission of love to perpetuate our ideas, goals and dreams. One can dream so long as there is endeavor incorporated within those boundaries.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 20, 2016

The ability to be sensitive to one's needs while maintaining calm and rational does require some endeavor. If that officer is honest, decent and dignified then it can make all the difference. Keeping a semblance of peace and liberty through law and order in Dade County was your onus, Officer Cook and you willingly accepted your professional roles clearly and make no mistake, your drive, dedication and determination were at the front. The residents realized your proficiency, efficiency and durability, as all officers must adapt to change. We, the residents have seen the changes brought about through your labor and sacrifice which has been saluted and duly honored. No one is invisible, you showed clarity in all your heroic actions my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace. The foundation of a person's inner strength can be revealed in their boldness and character, your legacy fulfilled your dreams, ideals and aspirations to make society more productive, for people to reach out and believe. Desire and drive can take a person a long way down the path of righteousness. A calm individual can achieve more than they could ever know. It's important to have the right fitting uniform and badge on a public servant who humbly exemplifies their role.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 19, 2016

In a world filled with everything from good and bad, it seems lately no matter how vigilant we are, something troublesome still happens. But, thank God for men and women brave sure as you were, Officer Cook. In times of distress, Dade County and its citizens at large relied on your instinctual good habits, Officer Cook to guide them with honor, decorum and integrity. When times got rough, you have to own up to responsibility and acquit yourself at the most highest professional level. You won't be forgotten for your unwavering character, bravery and class by which you served and protected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The desire of a young man's missions of peace and unity were steered by your faith, hope and devotion to all mankind. Ingenuity is the mother of being creative, thinking, pondering and wondering what you can accomplish when one sets their mind to do so.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 19, 2016

In police work there must be a sense of stability, not where things become untenable. You brought inspiration to so many people, Officer Cook and it was all done by the book with honesty, dignity and integrity highlighting each chapter of your life and career of courage. Many servants have risen and succumbed to temptation, you followed your instincts wherever they took you and for Dade County residents this was their blessings of peace and accomplishment. You will always be so honored for your undaunted effort on behalf of mankind and so will your excellent and humble character, the kind where conviction can sink its teeth into the heart of a matter. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God bless you and your family, Officer Cook, we shall sing the praises of your heroics and strive to carry on as gracefully as you so did.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 19, 2016

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