Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Tensions rise like the newly baked bread you smell coming from a bakery. We as citizens must remain on guard, never once letting down our hope. Never putting down our faith. Our constitutions must be as strong as our inner character. It is within that fervent notion that our bravest and most humblest of women and men will watch over us with God's hands directing their every patrol. And so it was, Officer Cook, for twenty-five years of life so wonderful, so unique, so very special that you served as a police officer with the Metro-Dade Police Department. Your uniform and badge of integrity and honor, decency and dignity represented the values we share and they were your essence. It was the essential reason your stayed the proper course preserving our liberties that we sometimes take for granted. Never did you take anything for granted. You enjoyed life. You relished the humble opportunity God gave you to serve and yes you did so faithfully and so devoutly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, your legacy of commitment to pride and excellence lives on those cherished to carry on your missions. They were humane and gallant, so graceful and considerate. A person born with manners lives their lives with these creeds. They never go away. God takes them to heaven as they direct other heroes and heroines so valiant who displayed these very same traits of diligence and desire.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 5, 2016

Thinking can be at times frustrating and yet hopeful contemplation can brings about newer attempts at resolve and its resourcefulness that comes from such actions. We must first stabilize our plans whether in writing or thought. A thoughtful individual such as yourself, Officer Cook, had the real goods to deal effectively with the problems that were placed in front of you. Dade County and its residents most of whom are decent like yourself, dignified and hard working expected intensified service and they most assuredly received such wonderful and respectable care back. Your integrity, Officer Cook, was admired far and wide within our country's police communities and their families. Your unwavering faith, hope and optimism led your pursuits of unity and peace in this war over wickedness and wanton terror. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The legacy you left for us to pattern ourselves after is what we come to expect from courageous people who care and place things in their proper perspective.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 5, 2016

The problems confronting our world today require more than simple fixes. The solutions are more vast and complex than we could begin to imagine. It will take a little more than philosophical thought. Even our most highly skilled and talented men and women of wisdom, vision and bravery have to dig deep within their honor, dignity and integrity for those resolutions. Their ideals, dreams, aspirations, motivations lie somewhere within the uniforms they don with character, commitment and the pride to see the job completed with proficiency and prudence. Your professional skills were on the line each day, Officer Cook, saving your best efforts on behalf of Dade County, its residents and those respected and admired partners who served and protected the public interest with you. The scopes of justice and unity run far and wide deep within a vast community. It was a community where you were so honored and yet humbled to serve, laying down your life and career for the enhancements of perseverance and diligence to continue taking shape as they do today. We, the citizens along with your esteemed colleagues wished you were among us to witness these changes for a better society made possible by labor of love and compassion. It was this passion you had, Officer Cook, to be the best at what you wanted to become and to be successful in this war over violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. So thoughtful and yet as noble and as gallant are they come. Your family's values we imbued so wonderfully within the framework of your vigilant life and a career of six solid years of fruition with more destined for you. Though, God saw your missions here as complete, He took you back to His kingdom for an eternal mission so humble, it fits your personality and its humane grace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 5, 2016

Respecting one's perspective is like free speech. Our Constitution guarantees such. You were a leader, Officer Cook, by your astuteness, intensity and intellect backing your every move. Dade County and its citizens saw a soft spoken gentleman with a spirit to match. If officers perform wisely, integrity and dignity can function rightly. They can solve and resolve issues which can threaten the security and unity of any venue. We listened to justice and fairness guided by reason and the courage of your heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroes and heroines follow paths of contentment built in them through commitment and character. Your legacy represents a capsule of humility to all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2016

No one can cure everything that violates our rights. Though, through the brave and humane efforts of our most beloved and esteemed officers can we march on and search for peace and its answers. There are still more questions than answers which seem to still perplex most. Officers go out and patrol in their communities as you did so well, Officer Cook. It extracted every ounce of your will, honesty and dignity to get things squared away. Now many years after you gave your life, Officer Cook, you remain treasured and beloved. All for the right reasons of resolve, resourcefulness and righteousness. You will never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Morals and stellar valor carried your career and a life exemplified by doing heroic deeds.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2016

We all face pressure. We face recognition from our peers on how we perform. Police face strutiny at all times. those dedicated and honorable men and women who could face reality are the ones who will succeed. In Dade County you achieved, Officer Cook, a mighty mission accomplished by integrity and dignity. No one takes a beating like a bragger, your demeanor was one of compassion, kindness and a love for serving and protecting citizens in times of tormwent and unrest. You have been remembered and so honored for your contributions to humanity and for what society expects from public servants. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2016

We delve into desire driven by fierce desire, devotion and a fondness for determination. For what Dade County and its residents were looking for wa sa humbly honest professional, a hero of humility, dignity and stellar integrity. Those lessons were well learned, Officer Cook, as sure as you were out patrolling the peace in Dade, we were sure you would succeed. Your missions were bounded by ethics and courage from your heart. Colleagues have saluted your warrior like mentality, one that never backed away from violence. You only knew one way, Officer Cook, commitment, pride and excellence in your performances of saving lives. The nation and your family are grateful. They carry on as well as you so faithfully did.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2016

We delve into desire driven by fierce desire, devotion and a fondness for determination. For what Dade County and its residents were looking for wa sa humbly honest professional, a hero of humility, dignity and stellar integrity. Those lessons were well learned, Officer Cook, as sure as you were out patrolling the peace in Dade, we were sure you would succeed. Your missions were bounded by ethics and courage from your heart. Colleagues have saaluted your warrior like mentality, one that never backed away from violence. You only knew one way, Officer Cook, commitment, pride and excellence in your performances of saving lives. The nation and your family are grateful. They carry on as well as you so faithfully did.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2016

We cherish our lives. You were heroic, Officer Cook, in all your endeavors in life and during your professional career. A man of honesty, integrity and gallantry who pursued peace and unity in Dade County for all shall never be forgotten. When preservation and perseverance called for certain measures you were there, Officer Cook, wearing your uniform and badge of faith, hope and bravery. As you now patrol God's heavenly shelters may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It was your character, ideas and convictions that delivered the necessary messages to all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 4, 2016

To cure what ails our nation we must first draw for an inner strength within our hearts and souls. We must be loyal and faithful to the causes of good and begin sharing and spreading that goodwill. Dade County realized its unity and peace, Officer Cook, by your perspectives of honor, dignity and integrity which accompanied you on your patrols. The mighty rise and quickly they may fall if they don't stay the courses of righteousness. An excellent public servant such as yourself, Officer Cook, gave your life so that evil may be stopped and enhancement shall forever live on. It lives and grows day by day, you made that much of an impact on our society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We salute your legacy of character, leadership and compassion to all that fueled your passions during your professional life and career as well. Your absence makes us stand up and take stock. Today, I visited your grave. Someone left flowers on your stone, thankfully the grounds around your stone are clean and the shrubs and grass was cut. No life shall be forgotten, your mission was as valuable as it gets. It got down to the roots of violence and torment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 2, 2016

The passage of time has a way of doing different things. To your service and career, Officer Cook, it meant the validation of Dade County and its residents being safe and secure. By being honest and sincere, loyal and faithful we could not complain. You were a hero whose devotion and genuinely friendly manner helped ease the pain of others. Colleagues have saluted your integrity and intelligence, valor and courageous heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God protects your legacy within the honorable deeds of your esteemed family members and colleagues who upheld their affirmations as you so loyally did.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 2, 2016

I meant to say that death is a night that lies between two days. It's been thirty -seven years since your heroic actions, Officer Cook, on behalf of Dade County citizens. When a pious man lays down his life for his friends with dignity, honor and integrity, we bless them and salute their resolve. Many restless nights since your sacrifice, we just try to pick up where you left off and carry on as skillfully and as bravely as you did, Officer Cook. You were a decent and humble man of mercy, hope and optimism. You set the example for other colleagues to follow after, that bar is set pretty high, hopefully they can achieve results in dealing with this battle over wickedness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those who have suffered from your untimely passing try to heal through your actions, heroic and all part of your legacy.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 2, 2016

Feeling incarcerated by problems with configuring the peace movement, that is precisely why departments and their communities utilize God fearing and wonderfully brave and honest women and men to get the jobs done justly and promptly. Not just by matter of fact, but by dignified action of a humble nature. Your central role, Officer Cook, was to share in the burden and yet be able to broker peace and unity for all people in Dade County. A cherished and revered man rewarded for his efforts, you will be high in the highest esteem my neighbor, friend and hero for your character and careful consideration for all humanity. Humility and gallantry can take a person places they have never been to. But, then so too can dishonesty and acts of improper conduct. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 2, 2016

Contemplation requires one put forth the mental effort while using one's physical efforts to move forward. Thinking for some is fairly easy, for others they must search deep within the crevices of their brains to fathom ideas which can be put forth to good usage. Since you were a caring thoughtful man, Officer Cook, there was no doubt whatsoever that you were going to be successful, integrity, dignity and honor humble saw to that notion. Dade County saw its hopes of peace and unity rise by your every movement. Unshakable calm, positive speech, resolve as only a true professional can deliver. We were happy. A gentleman on a mission made his impressions everlasting on the basis of his courage to fight through adversity, his charming character and boundless energy that woke up those slumbering. Hope does spring eternal. From a book I read, death is the night hat lies between two days. And now as a heroic angel rests in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, let us be reminded of your humane efforts to reach out to all who cared and of your supreme humility to all humanity. You'll never be forgotten. Between your soul in heaven and your family, colleague sand friends on this Earth is the light that will continue dispelling the doom of darkness. Evil will be wipe doff the face of this universe and your role, Officer Cook, was outstanding in this total endeavor. A mission of savvy and sound reasoning employed by you at all times.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2016

Solidarity calls for solemness in unity and in conformity. When you have a cause, you have the right to stand up and to be heard. Free speech is granted so long as violence stays away. Your job, Officer Cook, was to eliminate any threats of evil no matter what it took. No one wants to see violence and certainly no officer prefers to discharge their firearm. Dade County stood for a measured support from its residents and the men and women from your department where there to share, care and to resolve utilizing integrity, dignity and honesty. A faithful, righteous and optimistic individual knows what is needed to be concentrated upon to get things properly aligned. Peace and calm must prevail over torment and destruction. You'll always be honored and saluted for helping peace to take shape, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2016

Defeat, doom, gloom and negativity may never come into the mind and being of any police professional. Never. No one. Only diligence, desire, determination and honesty may come from their mouths. True optimism, resolve and faithfulness flowed from your lips, Officer Cook, sweeter than honey. Dade County was looking for a humble yet intelligent person to offer their services and you were their servant who relished a challenge, smiled and accepted your roles ably and prudently. It is why you have been saluted all these years later for clutch character, commanding valor and the passion to persevere through peace, unity, its calming effect and the sometimes violent moments of evil which can tear apart any given community. You enhanced, enlightened and educated the public. The masses mastered your messages of communication joyfully and proudly as you wore your uniform and badge with humane distinction and a humble purpose, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2016

The message is brief and to the point. The plans are humbly undertaken. Police departments need you if you are ready and able. When you bring your A game with honesty, dignity and integrity you may sign on the dotted line. But, signer beware. Danger and peril lurks for those bravest women and men who attempt to delve into crime and eradicate its ugliness. You patrolled Dade County, Officer Cook and endeavored with all your strength to head off violence. You performed as you were taught and instructed at the academy. Sometimes the best plans of our most beloved are taken in another direction by God. He observed your decency, desire and faith worn by a proud gentleman. You were the essence of a loving son, caring brother and beloved husband to Karen. Comrades respected and admired your grit, grace and gallantry. You were cherished as our heroic angel right until your last ounce of breath used to fight this very important war. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An accomplished legacy stapled within the confines conviction, class and candor forever to be remembered. You accepted your profession willingly, Officer Cook, with undaunted understanding and unwavering passion this was your courage, all from your kind and most compassionate heart. God has that heart and soul all driven by your ability to lead and to follow, one step at a time, all geared to success.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2016

One who composes themselves can rightly place their passions into a just and meaningful priority. Everyday, men and women of the most humblest of character, commitment and conviction place their honor of serving, dignity in devotion and intelligence and intuition in integrity on the line to properly secure our togetherness and peace. Of the many things you never ever took for granted, Officer Cook. You were a disciple of discipline, devotion and nobility to the causes of goodness, while keeping your eyes and ears on evil and attempting to tear it down. It was your humbly heroic legacy on the line for the benefit of Dade County and its residents. if there were bells in Liberty City they would have tolled that day. They rang out loud and clear that Saturday, May 19, 1979, at St Mary's Cathedral where you were mourned by your family, colleagues and friends and hailed as a hero, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God welcomed your valor and enhancement of mankind into His eternal chambers for safekeeping. You were a servant of excellence and remarkable resolution.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2016

Place your passions where your lips utter the truth, the voice of Our Creator will assist you in staying the courses of integrity, dignity and honesty. Police officers have to balance so many different problems and I can see why tragedies sadly happen. No matter the training and conditioning, when God looks at our missions in life and during our careers, our bodies of professionalism, He alone deems what is sufficient. Your energies, Officer Cook, were the spark plugs behind peace and safety channeling through Dade County and its road ways. Nothing can keep a good man down. You were hero, a gentleman with a kind heart and a generous disposition who handled adversity with astuteness, courage with humility and vigilance with everlasting valor. Now as you maintain a balance of order on God's heavenly pathways, may your soul encircle those who look up to its illumination, it shines brightly at all times of the day and night. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2016

A zoned in officer never dials it in. They never give up nor show fear even in the face of terror. This always seems to torment us when we capitulate. One should not back away, you did not, Officer Cook and neither did your comrades who served and protected with you. The peace and prosperity of the public at large demands the greatest amounts of compassion all the while its officers must be honest, dependable and loyal to their comrades. The integrity must demonstrated and adopted if safety and serenity are to bond as one agent. Make no mistake, Dade County was safer for all when you patrolled, Officer Cook, your gallantry and valor won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When character and excellence in commitment function together the end result is unity and liberty for all. We cannot give up the fight. Violence, terror, wickedness and evil cannot and will not destroy this world. it must be a twenty-four seven conviction to end these ignominious actions. Those who have taken over your watch, Officer Cook, brave and steady most take notice, prepare, plan ahead and be on the lookout. God is observing and so is your beloved soul. One of God's most important creations within the body of human beings. We can think, ponder whatever, the job needs to get accomplished.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2016

A man so robust, so passionate about life and so channeled in on becoming a top grade police officer, nothing stood in your way, Officer Cook, from becoming a hero to all, the personification of what dignity, integrity and honesty is all about. Your sway of compassion in Dade County was the fuel in helping you promote peace and goodwill among all citizens. Nothing can stop nor deter a determined and devoted man on a mission of character, commitment and courage. All the proper convictions worn on your uniform and badge. Nothing kept you from pinning down violence and attempting to weed it out. Its roots must be excised from our society if we are to stand for justice and a semblance of law and order for every person. You operated within your department's standards displaying proper ethical behavior at all times making conditions a little better for those who battled this wickedness on a daily basis. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were and still remain our savior, warrior and hero. Humility and nobility took their leads from your demeanor. One of resolve and resourcefulness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2016

The eyes of all look to Thee. They look to you God for advice and eternal wisdom. Those who serve You are the most humble of them all. Our police officials who troll the streets looking to assist others and trying to eliminate evil already have a difficult task ahead of them. Officer Cook, as one of Dade County's many fine officers of courage, honor and integrity,it was up to your competence to find the pathways of peace and unity through calm and dialogue that was backed with sense, logic and a positive influence. Nothing was ever left out. You were dignified and treasured among family members and your colleagues whom you were exceedingly loyal and faithful to. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were given a hearty goodbye, yet the pain and anguish remains for all that you meant as a humane and trusted servant of protection and in preservation. Mankind is grateful. Forever does humanity remember your staunch humility as it humbled all who came in contact with you.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2016

Destruction and disruption can be the ruination of our world's morals and their fabric. That is why we have brave and honest officers who display unwavering and unselfish courage and valor when confronting an enemy the force of evil. It's like having a nine-hundred pound gorilla on your back. It will always be your life and career story, Officer Cook, that made all the difference, humanely and emotionally. Coming to the aid and defending your comrades and your partner that awful day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln meant all the difference. It surely pays dividends to have a classy and decently devoted comrade loyal to the causes as you, Officer Cook. You were a respected professional, a treasured man and a most faithful servant brave and full of humble self-confidence. Now as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, like your life and career which was regarded for resolve and for peace to dance happily together in Dade County and for its people. That's exactly what you and Karen should have been doing for these last thirty-seven years, holding hands and dancing arm in arm. She knows where you are and the breath of your being was as her warrior, savior and heroically blessed husband. Your desire, drive and dedication left a legacy of welcome relief for all mankind. You were of course our hero, your family's hero and your department's hero of honor, distinction to humanity and packed with humility. Save some for your comrades down here, Officer Cook, they can most assuredly use some. and let your sage wisdom and intuition trickle down from heavens above like a sweet morning dew. I can see why St. Mary's Cathedral was packed to bade you a fond goodbye on May 19, 1979. Eulogies eloquently given for your effort and enthusiasm beyond those calls of duty. Never forgotten. Always the consummate companion to your colleagues in arms.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 1, 2016

In searing heat, there you were, Officer Cook, saving lives of colleagues and civilians while keeping the peace in Liberty City in Dade County. You kept your wits about yourself as you tried to calmly and proficiently get a troubled young man to surrender peacefully. When integrity, dignity and their honor are not upheld, bedlam and mayhem can then ensue and the results can be colossal. But, cherished and resourceful marked your career and the life of heroism that marched to the same beat. A gallant and valiant gentleman whose mission brought forth enhancement and change for the better, you'll always be fondly remembered, Officer Cook , for fairly handling your assignments astutely and with conviction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We spell learning, educated, graceful, accomplished, courageous and yearning, legacy. Your goals, dreams and aspirations of a well lived life, albeit with more to offer our society. God has allowed your spirit, Officer Cook, to humbly and with a renewed sense of humility to soar higher everyday.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 30, 2016

It's truly amazing what a simple act of honesty can bring. What a basic measure of dignity and integrity can accomplish to uplift one's spirits. It's shocking and tragic what a dishonest public servant can bring to their fellow comrades and department when they stray from morals so central to the very fabric of our society. It happens and for the unrest and tension that feeds off these atrocities, violence and terror don't need anymore byproducts to spread their wings of destruction. You spread the nets of safety and loyalty, peace and hope far and wide around the sectors of Dade County, Officer Cook. A righteous man with a heart of gold just there to do his best in this war we call evil. you performed your roles in an outstanding fashion, Officer Cook, never letting integrity and commitment slips through your hands. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those who have taken over your watch had better hunker down and prepare for a battle like no other. Thankfully God is watching and assisting those courageous men and women who excel in devotion and consideration.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

September 30, 2016

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