Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

To the simple individual who goes about their everyday business, they might not notice heroes and heroines protecting their safety and values. Most may even take it for granted that these men and women perform a role that has danger and peril written on it. You were that kind of humble servant, Officer Cook, never to take for granted a career you worked exceedingly hard to achieve. God may give us the tools, but, unless we know what to do with those cherished resources, it might not be what is meant for us to endeavor at. Police work requires so much time and effort, honesty, dignity and integrity, all the stamina from the body and mind, if certain parts to the puzzle are absent, the solution at hand will never come. But, you fulfilled your missions here, Officer Cook and you won't be forgotten for having character beyond reproach, care and consideration to match your driven desire and the decency to comprehend your challenges at hand. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A heroically humane legacy garnished by affection and admiration from all comrades and for your family they carry your messages loudly and clearly. Society's loss is God taking care of you now and forever, Officer Cook. Your wings can fly higher each day watching over those who now serve and preserve our unities and peace here in Dade County. They shall do so honorably and respectfully.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 8, 2016

To perceive is better than to deceive. Today, in times of crisis all duty bound officers are expected to act accordingly and professionally at all times. To keep peace, to preserve and to protect you must be honorable in action, dignified in diligence and stay the courses of integrity. Police know these rules and creeds and yet the points cannot be hammered home enough. Thank God most of today's brave and dedicated men and women are this and more. In Dade County, you were a very devoted and reassuring public servant, Officer Cook. The drive to solve crime and to clean up the streets from evil has left a charming feeling of renewed enhancement. It brought unity to an area already in the pangs of torment and tension. Forever will you be honored and saluted, Officer Cook, for fairness and justice for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 8, 2016

Precious and few are the moments I spend with you. If this sounds familiar it is because of the nature of the profession. Families never know if their brave and honorable loved ones will return home safely after their shift. Always well to share those moments of joy, happiness and pleasure. That's what you did with your family and Karen, Officer Cook. A happy camper growing up enjoying life and the things that accompany a good life. One made prouder by your decision to become a dignified public servant. Integrity incorporated around Dade County to anchor peace and its foundations. You'll be cherished and saluted forevermore, your character and legacy reflect the humbleness of protecting and preserving. You did so fair and faithfully, as your heroic actions dictated on May 16, 1979. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Deeds lead to deeds. Evil, terror and violence beget more heinousness and wickedness. You calmed those needing a little tough love. You influenced those to stay the courses of optimism, hope and enhancement.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 8, 2016

God is the blessed Lord of truth. He delivers us on our trips from one place to another. He steered courage and conviction just as straight as an arrow. For those residents of Dade County especially fortunate to see you day to day, Officer Cook, they were the beneficiaries of an honest and dignified gentleman. Your spirit floating above us at all moments, motivating and captivating our every pursuit in life. Your career, Officer Cook, repaid the people with with health, peace and goodwill to last for generations. A legacy of heroism to humanity that carries the weight of valor and heart wherever your soul goes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Boldness take the character of a true champion of peace. Your leadership, vision and good instincts, Officer Cook, saved the day on May 16, 1979. A day never to forget in police history. History shall not overlook this day to memorialize your achievements in life and during your professional pursuits.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 7, 2016

Whether it's an apple or an orange, fruit is delicious. But when it comes to honesty, dignity and integrity, it's more than a comparison to fruit. The fruits of your service to Dade County, Officer Cook, represent the huge strides made in order for citizens to see the vitality of their lives. Your career and professional life, Officer Cook, had more faithfulness, prosperity and stardom left to behold. God determines our lots in life, nevertheless, liberty and safety were properly put back together when you patrolled these dangerous streets which at times can be unforgiving. When a hero gives their all we salute their fulfilling lives. We so honor you, Officer Cook, your bravery and strength of character clearly never diminished. Your dedication and determination carried your department. the power of Our Creator was displayed loyally within your uniform. One with pride and humility pulling you through the turmoil and tension that gripped the community during your watch. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We will keep your legacy as your soul alive and burning forevermore. The darkest of hours will be lit by those brightest of flames. The ones of emancipation. They were what you toiled for on our behalf, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 7, 2016

With the permission of Our Lord do we heroically carry on with your life and its missions. Everyone shares in the burden to carry on with a hero's missions. Yours, Officer Cook, were done with expertise and extreme caution. It was all placed within your uniform donned with crisp perfection, devoutness, dignity and stellar honor and proper integrity. Loving life, that big wide smile told your story, Officer Cook. If time allowed, you'd be here with us today to continue your journeys of hope and relief in and around the Dade County area. How thankful the citizens were when you battled this enigmatic enemy of public service professionals. To the zenith, did you display zeal, a sense of resolve and the results of character, conviction and decency that have afforded us the right to live in peace and quiet each moment we breathe God's air. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a gallant man, Officer Cook, wiser and more mature than most your age. The pleasure of your vision, leadership and its courage from your heart cast no doubt that you'll not be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 7, 2016

The wells of profound sorrow fill quickly with our tears of sorrow. Our eyes welled up quite sadly when you left us, Officer Cook. A tragedy of a devoted young man who served Dade County residents with all his might, with all your honor and integrity. It takes the lessons you left behind, Officer Cook, to drive the point across as to how special, valuable and versatile public servants must be when protecting the public interest. You were loved by your family, cherished by comrades and revered by your friends. Loyalty and resounding faithfulness must both navigate down the same roads if officers are to fulfill their professional roles. They are made tough enough by the heinous actions of those whose callousness has escaped their rationality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A giant of a man, a gentleman full of compassion and humbleness, the rest of your accomplishments have been left to your colleagues and loving family members to achieve. With grace, grit and valor do they take the baton and carry on.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 7, 2016

You planted the seeds of success and goodwill in the eyes an dears of all Dade County citizens forever, Officer Cook. The security and serenity can be directly attributed to your endeavors personally and professionally. When protection and preservation came calling, you answered the calls of duty. The peace and unity were tied to you uniform and badge of pride and honor, with commitment to excellence anchored as one. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy of heroism and friendship will be our companions in our pursuits of life and its challenges forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 7, 2016

We show mercy for the unfortunate. They are the ones who need the services and protections from our beloved and bravest of officers. When Dade County needed everlasting resolve it fell humbly into your saintly hands, Officer Cook. The effects of your loyal patrols my neighbor, friend and hero are the enhancements that have lasted until now and will stay implanted for always. Your devotion, integrity and dignity which when mixed together with your honor made all the difference. Peace and prosperity, right and freedom can now abide here forever. A classy man of character of valor, commitment to his comrades, a uniform and badge worn wisely, the pride of your humility and its heroism resides forever in your family and their values and pursuits of life. Life and a career so precious. You won't be forgotten Officer Cook. Rest in peace. Truth be said you cared for everyone and championed a noble cause, peace, not wickedness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 7, 2016

Think positive and it shall remain that way. Optimism has its own unique way of serving as its own wake up signal. When planning for action, one must think a little, ponder and then they can realize why they are doing a certain action. Dade County just as any given community required the honesty and decency from its most esteemed police officers. You were one of the many humbled, yet brave gentleman who delved into the passions and pursuits of goodness over terror. It's when torment takes hold that you took hold, Officer Cook and stopped a violent situation from becoming worse. When you placed your freedoms on the line for our peace to carry on we call you heroic. You were, Officer Cook, you answered that call on May 16, 1979, just as any calls of commotion that came your way. Gallant and courageous. Commitment and conviction all for our sake. And now God has taken your gentle and caring soul to a higher place one in which you can patrol His streets of holiness without the thought of harm coming your way. Character and compassion, just as Our Creator wants it. You were supreme, yet your humility and nobility never hindered your pursuits of fairness for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Legacies stay enhanced so long as those who now carry on that battle stay the courses of bravery and integrity. You and your fellow angelic heroes and heroines are watching us, Officer Cook. Hopefully we are comprehending those messages you left thirty-seven years ago. They are life saving and bring the points home very succinctly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 7, 2016

Peace comes to those who loyally serve Our Creator's purpose. Persuasion can be gentle and still like the breezes that swirl around us. The time for perseverance and protection at times comes with a price. That price you paid dearly, Officer Cook, for the peace and safety of all Dade County residents was one that began with honesty, integrity and dignity. Those colleagues who served as gracefully and as heroically as you so faithfully did all have remembered your engaging persona. It was positive and cheerful, upbeat and accomplished. A treasured man with a mission so special one can never forget your savvy and serene manner. When courtesy and good morals are exhibited from our devoted public servants, the end result is usually going to be a success. You shared in that small yet humble feat of enhancement, Officer Cook, it shall endure forever. Dade County will be thankful for your service and bravery beyond the calls of professional duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 7, 2016

This world will never be as safe now, Officer Cook. You were one of the many guardians whose honor and dignity drove your passions. The power to pursue justice. The persistence to persevere in a seemingly never ending fight over evil. The universe is run by Our Creator who directs His beloved and humble servants in their daily battles over those who choose to make violence a way of their life. Dade County and in the North Miami Beach community where you grew up, Officer Cook, was the locale where you learned you greatest lessons. Our parents serve as our mentors, directors and those who show us the greatest love and affection. Your parents, Officer Cook, were loyal and faithful to you, so it is easy to see where you got your faithfulness and devotion. Prayer can serve us as a marvelous springboard to whatever dreams and aspirations that we intend to follow after. The messages of our righteous heroes, servants to God and their communities of which you were one of the many, Officer Cook. Unity and peace were delivered by a most thoughtful angelic gentleman of character whose vision, leadership and wisdom were exactly what was called upon to stem the tide of violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Loyalty and respect were afforded you, Officer Cook, as your labors of love will forever be so saluted and honored. Though the pain persists, we must somehow allow the process of healing to stir its power within those loved ones and colleagues left behind by your tragic death. Driven. Engaging. Astute. Thoughtful. Heroic. It can not be forgotten. It has to be humbly etched in our hearts and minds.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2016

Police work is a multi faceted profession. It rewards those humble, brave and honorable who continue on with pain staking work. Public servants just try to hold the forts of dignity and integrity down while searching for solutions to the many complex scenarios that may arise while on duty. While steering around the Dade County area, Officer Cook, it was your decency that allowed you to see the big picture of how peace and unity could be tied together as one branch. Comrades have respected your courage and fighting spirit, a special component needed to battle an adversary as large as wanton violence. The terror and torment, the tension that evil causes requires the supreme effort of outstanding persons of conviction, commitment and character. You had those qualities, Officer Cook, it's the kind of loyalty that is seen from most dedicated and deserving heroes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Foundations and cornerstones left by a serene and humane servant unafraid to face wickedness face to face.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2016

Vintage police work, Officer Cook. A consummate and compassionate job of protecting and serving the public. Dade County and its pathways were paved by your preservation and diligent dignity and an integral sense of integrity. But than of course, you were a caring and humble young man, Officer Cook. Loyalty and faith revolve around the same spheres of humanity where humility and nobility capture the responsibilities carried out by our bravest officers. You will always be cherished and widely respected for your efforts. The quietness and togetherness of Dade County residents was placed properly back into perspective by your heroism, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A well oiled engine functions very well. A well meaning public servant conducts their professional affairs only if the honesty, desire and drive is worn humbly with the highest regard for others within their badges and uniforms.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2016

To my old classmate, Mrs. Laura Estevill, I meant to say, Officer Cook, God bless you, Lori, your husband and two sons. I remember clearly you saying to me that you wanted to become a law enforcement officer thirty-six years ago. Just be safe and let God guide your paths of righteousness in a world now more violent and tense than ever before. It's Steve Davis. We studied together for an Astronomy final. The professor's name was Dayton. I believe Duke Dayton. Officer Cook ,I actually was very found of her. She married ten years to the month before me. October was when we both got married. In 1986, for the Estevill's. In 1996 for Holly and I. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A heralded man with a wonderfully compassionate soul. You were a very sweet young lady, Lori, never forgot you and my friend, Officer Cook, was a caring and dedicated officer like your friend, Mrs. Porcero's son, Sgt. Terrinoni. Both gentlemen, heroes of humility. Our loss is God sheltering them for eternal safekeeping. They are keeping those who now serve and protect on the straight and narrow paths of unity and peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2016

A smile to last a while. A job where a sob is a thing of normalcy. We cried our eyes out for you, Officer Cook, what else could your colleagues and Dade County residents do? It was what you meant in quality, integrity, dignity and in honorable actions. Those days seem like they were just yesterday. Truth be said, it was thirty-seven anguishing years ago. Your loving family, humble and loyal comrades in arms bade you a fond goodbye. Everything you could physically and professionally muster went to heaven with your beautiful soul. It has since kept its shining rays of hope, happiness, peace and prosperity affixed on us. It will never be extinguished. Your commitment, pride and character likewise will always be upon us. The cornerstones of the dignified stay enhanced within our community where you have been so saluted and admired for a job well done. Those missions, your tasks during your career so excellently performed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Bravery is a hero's manner of living, it is not just a matter of fact. Peace and freedom could not be spread if not for your unwavering and unselfish diligence to the calls of duty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2016

I'm convinced that if you did not become a police officer, Officer Cook, you would have made a wonderfully devoted and dedicated lawyer. Your friend and colleague, Lt. Sergeant Mark Seiden went to school during his time with your department. He delved into auto theft as did your friend and classmate from high school, Chief Geoffrey Jacobs. Mr. Seiden's wife, Lt. Cheryl Seiden was shot and killed in the line of duty, July, 1982. Any profession nowadays, you have to be intelligent, honorable, possess a large foundation of dignity and integrity. Lt. Seiden enjoyed her work, continuing her passion to become a very loyal and trusted police woman. She excelled as you, Officer Cook, in making people more accountable, enabling those residents to live peaceful and productive lives. She was a beacon of hope, faith and goodwill as you both were. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroism is the humanely humble character of a person's life and professional endeavors in which their courage, valor and bravery is put to the test each day, each moment, challenging us to persevere as you so solemnly did. Class. Dedication, Enthusiasm. Zeal. By the way, Officer Cook, Lt. Seiden taught at the parochial school at Visitation Catholic Church where you and Karen prayed.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2016

Today, Officer Cook, parts of South Florida and its three neighboring counties, Metropolitan Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach are experiencing Hurricane Matthew. Back in 1992, Southern Florida went through Hurricane Andrew and in 2005 South Florida experienced Hurricane Wilma. All we can do is prepare and plan accordingly. The men and women of the various law enforcement communities who took affirmations to serve and to protect do so with humility, honor and courage within their hearts. I don't know if you had to patrol during any hurricanes, it will sure test one's own resolve and faithfulness. You won't be forgotten, Officer Cook, it was during times of crises and tensions that you maintained your vigilance, calm and a passionate influence over Dade County and its residents helping unity and peace remain under the same shelter. Now as you are in God's heavenly kingdom patrolling His streets, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero of yesterday, today and forever. Legacies of sound character, class and decency stay within those foundations of morality and what is called professionalism from all public servants.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2016

Viciousness takes its toil. Indeed its violence represents what peace ought to signify. Our police officers today need to be trained and schooled as they are in most academies. It's that extra work in the classroom that can make all the difference. Officer Cook, you put your life on the line daily, yet you trusted your humble confidence and your vision and intuition that situations would turn out right. A man needing to center his humility, honor and integrity in the middle of these battles. It can exact its toll. The price one pays for unity and peace to stay alive, its flames never dying out were the direct results of your character, devoutness and pure desire all navigated by your driven and God given determination. You were treasured and remembered for your sense of fairness and ethics displayed at all times. Now as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, let it be known your humane actions spurred Dade County and its residents to be free again, living the lives of decency and enhancement that shall live forever. Your good name and its blessings too will last for eternity. God has His finest servants patrolling those golden streets, angels true and through. Their missions accomplished with valor and bravery beyond our wildest expectations. Yet, your absence make our hearts grow fonder, Officer Cook. There was much more left for you to fulfill. God saw the moment in time as He sees this for all His honest and dignified heroes and heroines.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2016

Ingenuity takes a certain kind of fortitude. Serving and protecting takes the brand of bravery through the guises of honesty, dignity and integrity. No disguises or masks, just an all out fighting vigilance to help keep our streets and citizens safer. Dade County no doubt was in excellent and caring hands when you patrolled, Officer Cook, your bright smile made all the difference. The real meaning of a true hero is one who accepts their tasks willingly and the true professional is the one exemplifies valor and commitment never letting up in this battle over violence and its terror that branches out of control. You were an admired gentleman, Officer Cook. Your mission statement was to preserve life, calm the masses and promote perseverance throughout your community. Well done. You were one of God's heroic angels of grace and courage all from your wonderful heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis,

October 6, 2016

You exceeded our expectations, Officer Cook and brought further proof that peace and unity for all Dade County was within reach when you maintained calm and civility. It takes a level headed authority of the most humblest of nature to restore intuition and ingenuity where it rightfully belongs. Salutes and dignified honors are now and forever afforded you, Officer Cook, a man of achievement who set the bar higher for other comrades to follow after. It's truly amazing when one thinks about it, you tackle a very demanding profession, one that does not slumber nor take vacations to properly motivate others by your guiding valor. Those who perpetrate evil don't rest, the righteous and astute may not sleep until the resolve has been recognized and the faith which was lacking is put back into the equation. Now with a model for law and order, with a semblance of servitude, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The cornerstones of your legacy to humanity remain the foundations by which humility must carry itself within an officers professional wardrobe. Yours, Officer Cook, was stellar in compliance, character and in excellence. All the noble pride and gallantry that's necessary to make our world safe again.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2016

The sweet embrace in the loving arms of your mother and father, it says all you need to say. The caress of a loved one is the most humane and humble fashion you can give love back to your children. Police officers came from this fabric and take it out on their patrols in their locales in hopes of securing peace and unity. It's not something that can be manufactured overnight or at the snap of your fingertips. You worked very hard, Officer Cook, toiling and laboring for unity and safety. Dade County and its residents paid the dividends, while you paid the ultimate sacrifice for our ideals and aspirations to reach their fruition. Now you have been and continue being saluted for honesty, integrity and dignity. The kind of personal character that enjoins pride and excellence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A healthy legacy for a heart warming hero. Your heroism, Officer Cook, ensured there will be a brighter today and an awesome tomorrow. You were an inspiration to your colleagues, friends and loving family.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2016

Tender love versus tough love. The tenderness of a parent patting their child on the back exhorting them to do better. Tough love would be I think a way of admonishing your child in an adult way instead of berating them causing shame and humiliation. Thank God your parents, Officer Cook, as wonderful and as loving to both you and Nancy taught you both the proper ways to conduct yourself privately and in public. An honest man with dignity and integrity who strove to do what was right for Dade County and its citizens. You brought effort and resourcefulness to a very demanding career where danger looks its servants as sure and brave in the eyes. Locking horns with evildoers takes heart, cunning and the initiative to complete complete your assigned tasks. You will never be forgotten, Officer Cook ,for the talent to cultivate, motivate and to be able to lead other comrades efficiently through it all. Boldness and commitment blessed by Our Creator to His heroic Godsend, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Encouragement and enhancement straight from your heart of humbleness directed to all parts of humanity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 6, 2016

I have a former classmate from Miami-Dade Community College North Campus. Her name is Mrs. Laura Estevill, she works as a U. S. Probation Officer with the U. S. District Courts and I worry about her safety. Though, I know her character to be impeccable as yours was, Officer Cook. You performed your professional duties with the high regard and the highest level of integrity and dignity. God she bless you Lori if you read any of these reflections. I leave them for you, Officer Cook, with the utmost respect and admiration for a job well done. A supreme servant whose service and protection of Dade County residents will live on for the sake of humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We attended that school in 1980. I graduated from there in April, 1981. The mother of Sergeant Alfred Terrinoni, a Coral Gables Police Officer shot and killed in 1980, she knew his mother, Mrs. Anna Porcero, may she rest in peace. I'll never forget the warm and touching letter your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook sent me. Stay well Mrs. Cook. The Estevill's, Miguel, his wife and their sons, Michael and Matthew should live and stay well. I studied for an Astronomy final with her. My mother, Bernice, she should rest in peace met her at the Publix on NE 8th Avenue where your family, Officer Cook went shopping We probably saw you there though we did not know each other. I'm sure dealing with individuals with long rap sheets can be exceedingly dangerous, I know she is faithful and loyal to her superiors and performs as skillfully and as diligently as you, Officer Cook. I did meet Lori there one night back in 1981 while shopping with my mother. It was where shopping was a pleasure.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 5, 2016

The gallant rest easy. The grateful relax solely behind the bravery, morals and honorably heroic actions of our dedicated heroes and heroines. Being one of the many outstanding heroes of class and character, Officer Cook, Dade County has many many strides for a positive benefit. You have been long remembered and saluted for integrity and dignity. The two remain together so long as that officer stays the courses of resolve, faith and determined resourcefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It is crystal clear that your actions saved many lives that sad and tragic day of May 16, 1979. No one will forget you, Officer Cook. You performed in an outstanding and supreme manner. One that honors Our Creator's wishes.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 5, 2016

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