Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Thank God we can breathe and flourish because of your professional acumen and exploits, Officer Cook, staying on track instead of being derailed. Evil and hate cause bloodshed beyond the normal limits and your good instincts, grit and steadfast determination saw to prouder days ahead. For when a man carries dignity, integrity and his most blessed honor by his side the results should be encouraging as you uplifted, embraced and enriched society with a mettle so morally correct. When sacred enhancement occurs our world can surely look different than one besieged by trouble and bedlam. You my neighbor, friend and hero should be here today to witness the humility and heart of a community that genuinely cared about you. Loyalty and lots of preparation for what was to come. A sinister man took a beautiful human being from his family and they won't forget "Uncle Bo." Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2022

As the day begins your soul and heart will forevermore be remembered and paid homage for its productive precision, honest intuitions and all the dignity that lies in integrity's fortitude. You gave so much, Officer Cook, it is difficult to know where to start. We know and try to comprehend that your scopes of onus assured Dade County of a brighter day now that is not something taken for granted. A gallant man who battled and fought long hard for an inner perspective of tranquility and purpose. The passion of a loyal and dedicated officer who stove for desire, decency and devotion in all your treks in life and during your six years of demonstrative effort and efficiency. Today, they overlook us in the deepest of blue skies. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2022

A light and easy day would be sure nice for every public servant. But, reality stares these brave angels in their eyes and hearts. Yours, Officer Cook, heroically spared Dade County more harm and for being loyal and dependable may God bless your soul and spirit while He watches over your family who carries your visions, wisdom and virtue forward in a most humane and dignified manner. so caring, considerate and most polite, certainly your integrity and badge offered us great service and excellence in pride and perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2022

Entrenched in humility and heart with a soul venerable and versatile that was your vehicle of honesty, dignity and integrity, Officer Cook, so heroic and humane. Dade County was where your life and career labored and brought peace of mind. A gentleman of character and commitment so treasured and trusted, a blessed name soaring higher and higher everyday. The foundations and cornerstones were your consummate crusades of hope and your fondest of aspirations now inspirations that lead your family's trials and trails of esteem and endeavor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2022

The sweat of toil, honor and bravery all were upon your solemn uniform and badge, Officer Cook, as a vivid reminder of the sacrifice you made on behalf of Dade County citizens forty-three years ago. Such a blessed, revered and dignified young man searching the streets for our very peace of mind. You gave hope, goodwill and faithfulness a cherished name now resting in heaven my neighbor, friend and hero. We salute your versatility, virtue and vision all from acumen and accountable trust and truth. Commitment and conviction all giving humanity a chance at stability and happiness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2022

If you drive, direction and pathways all contain a trail of trust and truth chances are you'll be successful. Your life, career and honesty, Officer Cook, filled the roads of Dade County with virtue, dignity and character. Integrity and heart that are with your beloved and heroic soul in heaven where heroes and heroines all rest in peace as you do my neighbor, friend and hero. A respectful human being all tied to tenacity and bravery that helped to calm and to protect our very lives of stability, happiness and harmony.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 24, 2022

One day, one day your loved ones will see you again. Right now Our King steers their lives of health, peace, stability and happiness in the general direction of what defines civility, sanctity and nobility. A most loyal and cherished young man in you, Officer Cook, making a heroic difference in how we live our very lives. You were proud and your humble and essential contributions cannot be forgotten. The valor and virtue of your heart and soul that now permits your esteemed spirit to climb higher every second it's safeguarded in God's perfect kingdom of acumen, awareness and integrity. The dignity of trust and truth finds the commitments of class and convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 23, 2022

Solemn and serene, that day that your family, peers and the entire police world paid respects to you one last time, Officer Cook, the salutes and humility were surely heart warming for such a dear and beloved hero and one excellent human being. Dade County was your purpose, poise and passion and nothing was going to interfere with your duties of heroic honor and integrity. Your heart and soul were consummate dignity attending to the calls where violence and terror struck a nasty chord. Badge#1664 was adoration, admiration and representation all combined with fierce loyalty and devotion to the difficult jobs at hand. They were sweat, toil and energy all stroking one another trying to formulate a peace plan. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 23, 2022

Your heroic life and career, Officer Cook, was measured by more than an ample supply of effort, honor and commitment. True character comes from the people's trust and boy were you so consummate and humble. Your soul and spirit remain blessed and rewarded by Our Master for their passions and perseverance as you preserved life here in Dade County where your cherished name continues its ascent up to heaven where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You made a bountiful commitment and your convictions of ingenuity, intelligence and intuition were all masterfully dignified and treasured with hope, faith and goodwill all integrity supporting your crusades of justice.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 23, 2022

With honesty comes integrity and dignity. With decency, desire and faithfulness comes devotion and dedication which you maintained and possessed throughout your twenty-five years, Officer Cook, only the highest regards for a hero so destined to achieve more. But, sadly that day of May 16, 1979 evil came calling and a most heinous young man took you from among your colleagues, family and endearing community here in Dade County. Everything was left on the pavements as a solemn reminder of your tireless efforts and ultimate sacrifice. A loss too big to endure even as your family continues guarding your legacy of love and affection. It has nourished their hearts and souls and nurtured both their trails and pathways of justice, liberty and the truth regarding a warrior so gifted and humanely acclaimed. Humanity misses you Officer Cook and all its virtuous and versatile flock of angels. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 23, 2022

The lenses of learning where always clear. Clarity was vision, virtue and versatility all specially packaged as your undying, unselfish and unwavering dignity, integrity and humbly heroic honor, Officer Cook. Dade County and its citizens have never overlooked nor forgotten your life, career and morals so righteous and resourceful. The streets and corners were kept free of harm and danger for the most part as your accountability and responsibilities were all centered upon your broadest of shoulders. Our tranquility and direction all were brought forth through trust, truth and tenacity. Heaven and eternity forever linked to your reverence and sheer energy from your caring heart and soul of esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 23, 2022

The goods of boldness, humility, heart and serenity were certainly delivered by a superb and honored warrior. Dade County received and got excellent care and protection under your watch over them, Officer Cook. Forever inscribed and enshrined as a dignified man with integrity and character complete with principles. A gentleman devoted to his profession and a man never more detailed when it came to the serious business of everything in the words of diligence and vigilance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. An angel of courage who commanded others by being succinct and wise.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 23, 2022

Like fish swimming in the sea, terror and wickedness engulf our very region and for heaven's name thank God we had your smile and serious attitude preserving the very honesty, integrity and dignity of life here in Dade County, Officer Cook, heroism and heart supporting humility and respect out of your home everyday to start your sacred and earthly journeys of faith and goodwill on the very streets where things came to a terrible and tragic end on May 16 1979, a day reserved to pay honor, homage and vision for your undivided sacrifice of virtue, courage and character all trusted and serene as they created the vibrations of inspiration and a man founded on sound morals, mettle and treasured work meaningful and efficient. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One scruple practiced each day yields more tender and undying enhancement to carry our very trails and pursuits of harmony and a stabilizing environment.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2022

The clock keeps ticking as time keeps on turning never halting. You are always going to be hailed as a hero, Officer Cook, for confronting and rescuing us and your fellow officers from peril and evil. Just sad to ponder that one man acting alone brazenly took your life and nearly the lives of your loyal and esteemed colleagues. Dade County shall forever revere and cherish your undying and inspiring work ethics of honesty, dignity and integrity all more than intuitions and more than ingenuity can deposit in the banks of bravery, boldness and character. With first class commitment to pride and excellence the missions were completed and God must have needed another sacred and blessed angel of versatility and wisdom to patrol His venues above. No vehicles are necessary only Our Creator gently guiding your eternal paths and trails of trust and humbleness. They could not have steered you wrong here. You surely deserved to live on. Sorry you could not be here. You'll always be remembered by me and my family. I'm humbled to speak with Officer DiGenova your friend and partner.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2022

Diligent and observant, your due vigilance was vital in the hunts for peace and security here in Dade County, Officer Cook. A never forgotten hero and friend to all those who befriended a warm and wonderfully adept young man. Your journeys of faith, hope and goodwill could not have been accomplished humanely if honor, integrity and dignity had no backbone nor fortitude. We and your family can only hope and pray feverishly that those who have taken over your watch are as deliberated and as calculated as you were with stellar and sterling character and the scruples of a high class man of virtue, valor and trust. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2022

Success, accomplishment and achievement are not measured in one action. Humility, character and heart of a heroic public servant are the truths and trustworthiness of tireless and unselfish warriors who given of themselves to shield and shelter mankind in the confines of everlasting stability and tranquility the public is entitled to live by. Our very freedoms, liberties and quests existed because of your acumen, awareness and assurances that we would be protected and safe here in Dade County, Officer Cook. The relevance of a most resourceful life of resolution, resolve and virtue patrolling your neighborhood and community with a constant heart and soul dwelling upon our very doorsteps. Honesty, integrity and dignity that stayed head on in evil's faces with tenacity, boldness and the essence of a humbly blessed and rewarded angel. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2022

Society owes you, Officer Cook, a humble debt of thanks and yet your family knows that they must carry on with your heroic legacy signed and stamped with your loved ones' endearing hearts and souls. A hero whose heart, soul and spirit were always caring, kind and sincere. A gentleman whose gallantry gladdened the hearts and peaceful pursuits for mankind and Dade County to live on. Fruition that was resourceful just as your humility and honesty so refreshing and vitally essential to our hopes and dreams, aspirations to make better use of time and direction. your steadfast dedication, dignity and integrity incorporated how our very streets would look like after your sacrifice. A terrible loss to those who loved and adored you and to all your peers of perseverance who cherished working with an esteemed and loyal comrade of character, truth and commitment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2022

After speaking and consulting with your family, friends and those who really knew you, Officer Cook, you decided from when you were a youth to become and train for public service. An admirable profession though one racked with peril, evil and violence that all who wear a badge and uniform must conquer if society is to be safe and clear of wickedness. Dade County was your domain where decency, desire and dignity fought long and hard to restore, calm and invigorate a sense of serenity, stability and some foundation of accomplishment. You won't be forgotten for a man of heart, soul and honest integrity all made that distinct impression to last forevermore. So much admiration, respect and thoughtful humility that continues to be saluted for its bravery and wisdom. The virtue of your earthly missions my neighbor, friend and hero take on new meaning as one of heaven's heroic angels. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 22, 2022

Courage that yields compassion is dignity's honor being lovingly applied to integrity's core. Your grace, character and heroic personality, Officer Cook, brought relief to the residents of Dade County to forevermore cherish. Yet, the pain and sorrow over losing you at such a young age will be felt for generations within your adoring family. As they go so does your heart, soul and humble spirit now floating high above as their angel of valor. Conduct and values always above reproach, your life and career exemplified why good men and women are sorely missed yet needed when protecting lives is at stake. You paid the ultimate price and you'll always be saluted as a most trustworthy and truthful gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 21, 2022

A smile with class is from a heart filled with humility and heroism. Yes, Officer Cook, Dade County was humbly, humanely and most passionately served by you. A gentleman who held his head honorably with a sense of pride as well as excellence in your performance of your duties. Eternity has your spirit safeguarded around your dignity, integrity and reverent character. They were all clear, precise and wise beyond your physical years. But then again you gave your life and career of trust and truth, resourcefulness and virtue while still young at heart. Simply put your soul worked unselfishly and most tirelessly on behalf of your community who salutes and pays homage to a human being, a public servant whose legacy remains strong and treasured. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 21, 2022

The ground you walked, the people you communicated with all have remembered the sincere and kind man who embraced humanity with an honored smile and the class that integrity,character and dignity yearn for. Dade County, Officer Cook, was where your heroism remains legendary and no one can ever tarnish what you represented. Society beckons for those who want to serve and you my neighbor, friend and hero exemplified the epitome of determination and devotion to all calls of duty and reliability. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2022

A public servant who deserves every ounce of blessing and salutes for living and performing as a valiant and vigilant hero every moment you worked for Dade County, Officer Cook. Endeavor and efficiency marked your spots where our very serenity and security belonged and we certainly cherish what you meant to your family and this world. Forever does boldness, dignity and integrity stand on the highest of mountains where morals, mettle and a most meaningful life existed for twenty-five years. More packed in those years than some pack in a whole lifetime. We pay honor and humble homage to your life and sacred journeys poured forth with grace and gumption. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2022

Sanctity and humility belong in the same line as one's own dignity and integrity which you possessed, Officer Cook, on the highest plateau of respect among the citizens and those brave women and men who patrolled the fields and doors as you so gallantly did. Dade County won't ever forget your charm, smile and charisma and neither will they forget compassion, heart and soul striving for excellence. A smile that has been very much missed but remains implanted in your family's trails and paths of wisdom, virtue and accountability. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2022

The pavements you pounded in search of tranquility, Officer Cook, have of course changed greatly all these decades later. Yet,the humbleness and blessings of your sacred life and career still carry humane pride within the hearts and souls of your loved ones and close peers who worked diligently with you for six years of excellence and dignity imparting integrity's special messages of why honesty and effort are essential to all the assignments that are handed to you. To resolve and restore calm in the very face of violence is always a difficult job. No better a man who donned badge#1664 with his vision, versatility and respect intact. Heaven is the venue where your sweet spirit continue sits paths skyward as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2022

A gentleman with class, desire and pure dedication to the tasks, roles and onuses at hand taking his humility out on the streets to battle adversity and evil. Sad that one man took your life, Officer Cook, you will always be a hero to your beloved family, esteemed colleagues and many grateful friends who understood what you meant to our very world and how your absence has affected the way we live. You provided a quality of peace, hope and goodwill for Dade County and its folks to revere.Dignity, integrity and principles learned their lessons from your unselfish, tireless and undying soul and heart. We salute your bravery, virtue and wisdom all way mature beyond your years of life and experience. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

May 20, 2022

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