Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Words can create harm so caution and care when one speaks is essential. Good manners and politeness always make matters better. Softness helps pacify. Resolve is relevant when officers utilize the greatest consideration for all. Officer Cook, being the consummate officer, you were your department's hero of honor, dignity and integrity. It all led to the residents of Dade County being serene and sound. When an officer is loyal to the many professional calls of duty, things usually work out. Violence and evil may take lives sadly, they shatter dreams, it separates, over time the healing process may be slow, the hope and faith is for families to stay together in unity. Your loved one, Officer Cook, was a savior and hero. he was a blessed Godsend whose determination helped to dissolve disputes and raise the morale of all others. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 20, 2016

Precision means timing. And in any endeavor, time is of the essence. In your community, Officer Cook, timing was everything. Your integrity, dignity and honesty were always in sync. An officer who is not any of these may be sunk. Their ships of freedom must sail smoothly as they patrol their venues where their valor and gallantry are demanded. Seeing that you were a loyal comrade, Officer Cook, you will be saluted for preservation and creating the needed peace for Dade County citizens to prosper. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Clearly a hero whose legacy embodies enhancement, that which challenges mankind to persevere. You did, Officer Cook, our most beloved friend and treasured public servant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 20, 2016

In a past reflection I meant to say, Officer Cook, Dade County. You made your whole life and your professional pursuits count. Your dreams, aspirations and goals have stood the solemn tests of time. If a person places their hands in God's hands He will gently guide them in peace and as one. You exposed these characteristics everyday, Officer Cook and the fortunate ones were the residents. A cherished man whose heroism won't be forgotten. It's when integrity and dignity get placed in the very same equation that resolve and faith sort themselves out. Those missions and the tasks that awaited you, Officer Cook, were maintained scrupulously and done in an outstanding way. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Of nobility and humility does your legacy stay as the foundations by which other officers perform. Let them be blessed to carry on as bravely as you, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 20, 2016

Malice and adversity have no place in our world. The anvils of honest and most astute officers must be put down to quash this foe. The hammers of justice must too be put down fiercely over this adversary, one whose violence is like that of a hurricane. Officer Cook, you were the shining example of an honorable and dignified public servant. Dade County has sadly through the century lost too many servants to violence of which they seek to defeat in an effort to leave the citizens feeling good about themselves. Peace and the respites of resolve and dedication. A man of character and class, decency and devotion, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gentleman's legacy rests soundly in the hearts and minds of all mankind, his family and colleagues who too fought this war over evil.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 20, 2016

A word to the wise is sufficient. And that is to heed the dialogues of any police officer. If they ask you to do something the simple and safest thing is to comply, don't resist. After all what has been transpiring in our country is full blown wars of violence. The needs of the cities and their venues are met when together citizens and the police function in a peaceful and unified manner. The voices of both parties can be better heard and then served if co-existence can thrive as one. Back in your day, Officer Cook, sounds of tension and its ugly escalation could be seen making their journeys in and around the Dade County community. It was your honor, courtesy and courage that carried you to your accomplishments. Dignity and integrity lived as one making a gentleman, yourself, Officer Cook, more accountable and diligent to the people. When the time arises for resolve and loyalty to band as one it was there digging in and focusing in on what needed professional attention. All mankind was extended this olive branch, hopefully enhancement can step right up. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dade County's leader and champion of calm and the influence to further orchestrate your missions of fulfillment. All well done. Outstanding humility and bravery. When the heat was turned up, you did as you were trained to do, Officer Cook. Cooler heads must someway prevail these days.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 19, 2016

One who exerts and gives maximum effort shall reap their reward. One who slacks off and performs in a dishonest way shall too be punished. No one but no one is above the law and its letter. Clearly constructed, those whose work ethics are desirable and have integrity, the people can rest easy. Dade County and its residents relied on you, Officer Cook, to deliver the desire, devotion, resolve and everlasting faithfulness. Never a doubt. Never a discussion. Just a well performed role in a heroic way. Sleeping peacefully at night, those you served can justly look back on your career and its loyalty to all comrades. Death may separate us for a bit, it ultimately reunites you with your loved ones who endeavor to be as pleasant and as committed as you. Somewhere up above as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, that smiling character and its credentials of goodwill and bravery are too travelling from place to place giving those here who now serve the hope to carry on with your unfinished missions. God saw your life sadly at age twenty-five as successful and complete. Violence still meanders and menaces. Police today have their hands full trying to slow down evil's advances. You were instrumental, Officer Cook, in this fight for life.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 19, 2016

You scoured, Officer Cook, while we are left to ponder why? When good people go out and patrol for a sacred freedom, the question comes back, why do they undertake this calling? Devotion. Love for the job. Bettering society. They are all plausible and lucid validations for wanting to enter the profession channels of policing. No matter how much training, no matter their integrity and dignity they risk, it's for the people they serve, the departments they represent, it is hope, opportunity and resolve that sometimes looses its translation. For Dade County, its citizens at large, you were their hero, Officer Cook, shiny shoes, polished badge and a pristine and properly worn uniform and proper professional conduct, that denotes a graceful, gallant and faithful gentleman. Reaching for newer heights, you saved the day for your community, our venue with your vigilance. Vitality and determination unselfish and unwavering in danger's eyes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You'll never be forgotten, Officer Cook. No trepidation. The explanation all who ever live will know you were a very blessed man, a Godsend and a hero through and through. True to form, a balance of common sense and fairness to witness the missions of justice to their finality. God one day will answer our questions of why oh why? Greatness and humility lifted up to the heavens before your time. Why? You can help patrol His streets along with your dad, Charles, may he too rest in peace. Stay well Mrs. Cook, your family was the epitome of dignity and Godly devotion. Treating all others as they would treat you. The golden rule of the Cook Household.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 19, 2016

Since October the sixth, five more brave and dignified public servants have joined you, Officer cook, in God's heavenly honor roll of heroic angels. Two of these officers were killed out in Palm Springs, California the same day. One officer, she had just returned from maternity leave. The other was working on his day off and had put in his retirement papers to go out in December. It says a lot and speaks to the very heart and soul of what it takes to make an honorable servant. May 16, 1979, spoke and Dade Count citizens those still here remember a call that went out. You and your partner that day, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln went to Liberty City an area of your watch to assist your fellow officers. You took on your uniform and badge proudly and heroically tried with all your might to stop a crime from becoming more escalated. Tensions can cause most people to become frayed. Police must keep calm and their wits about them. You were saluted and honored for giving your life for others to survive. Your desire, dignity and devotion is now residing along with your fellow angelic heroes in God's deep blue skies. A legacy founded on the promise of perseverance. Cornerstones of achievement and astuteness stayed maintained by those who are tasked now with providing the quality service and protection mankind expects. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 19, 2016

People from different backgrounds who work together for common goals are those who realize achievement. No matter their education, race or affiliations, they look at America as the land of peace, freedom and opportunity. When it knocks at our doors we must be ready for its challenges. You were seasoned, Officer Cook and diligently prepared to tackle a career where highs and lows, peaks and valleys followed you through Dade County on your roads of navigation and resolve. A smile, yet all business when calls came out on your radio. No backing down. Humbleness and integrity, dignity and honesty ringing like a bell. You were a determined young man mature enough to handle the rigors and pressure that accompanies such a career. This is your charming persona, its character exposed in the face of evil serving and providing peaceful means for all to live. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Decency and desire that has endeared itself to Dade County forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 19, 2016

Through the gentleness of your beloved soul, Officer Cook, the lives and prosperity of Dade County citizens can now and for always be at peace. No more troubles. Your patrols of these areas were made possible by hard work and ingenuity through honor. When the dignity and integrity of lives so sacred are on the line, we look to our beloved to solve through understanding and a faithfulness that not all folks have. You must be concerned with caring and yet stayed focused on your professional roles ahead. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Where character, commitment to both excellence and pride mattered, you cared and you acted accordingly as heroes will do. It's nobility and humility that help create that public servant. And it was your valor, Officer Cook, that spoke among your colleagues in arms.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 19, 2016

This violence must stop. It must cease and desist. All any self-confident law enforcement professional can do is to perform their roles honorably, with dignity and a passion to what is right for the citizens with integrity. In Dade County, Officer Cook, you help to stop a domestic disturbance before it caused utter kayos and ruination to others. You were firm, fair and took the proper heroic actions to save the lives of civilians and those comrades who fought this battle with you, Officer Cook, with their commitment, conviction and character shining through. Today, many years later, you have been so honored and saluted for your unwavering bravery and courage to act when counted on. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humanity and its humane public servants stay centered in our hearts and minds forever. North Miami Beach, Florida where you grew up, Officer Cook, whenever I drive or walk by your home I'll tip my hat to you and offer a solemn salute. Your deeds were the humbleness of your soul, one blessed now by God as it floats high above us observing our coming and going, our pursuits that we choose to pursue as you dreamed and aspired.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 19, 2016

We insist on being consistent. Police officers must display the tenacity to battle the tensions, torments and terrors all spawning from the very violence that its sprouted from evil. While protecting and serving Dade County residents, Officer Cook, as a professional of perseverance you had to maintain your honesty, dignity and integrity to carry you through your missions successfully. Without resolve and loyalty, faithfulness becomes lost in the shuffle. This is the point, Officer Cook, where character and concern, compassion and commitment take their rightful places in a community where peace and unity were the basis of your life and career, Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Legacies are the humble beginnings of our lives that are full of meaning. Respect and reverence for the position you held, Officer Cook has and forever will stand those tests by which God puts us through. Evil is tempting, to triumph we must pursue our dreams with the fervent hope of fruition.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 19, 2016

A virtuoso is one who humbly masters an endeavor they were seeking to pursue. Whatever it was, being a doctor, a lawyer, a dentist or an architect, you just have to keep the faith and stay on it. Focus on the positive, but above all, be honorable and carry your class and dignity with stellar integrity. All in the good name of Dade County and its area were you, Officer Cook, were its friend and savior. Your passion and dedication to public service has leave no doubt behind that you will forever be revered and saluted for having the unselfish bravery and character in protecting and in saving lives. Those drums you beat in high school must have been a signal of what was ahead for you to happily pursue. Twenty-five years of life and a career of six years with more to follow. Violence took your beautiful young life, yet it did not snuff out the hopes and dreams of your family members and comrades who addressed this evil daily with you. Fierce and unrelenting, that was why your humility allowed you to become the leader of others, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The validity of your heroic legacy started in California and made its treks three-thousand miles east to sunny North Miami Beach, Florida. An area celebrates and pauses to remember a man of distinction and devotion to his professional roles of duty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2016

Having the ingenuity to progress through those moments of tension marked by violence is all that can be expected pf any officer. A community and its best resources of hope and healing begin right here with their bravest of souls, honorable and with integrity so intense they can keep fighting on. In Dade County, Officer Cook, you waged some wild battles through your six years of unwavering dignity and courage so fierce, most of us simply would simply not want to go there. But, honesty and character triumph over adversity. A brilliant soul taken way too early. A hero now residing in God's heavenly abode. Peace and liberty have and will forever continue their climbs here in a community where you were vigilant and valiant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The word legacy is given that much more of a special meaning by heroes and heroines so determined as you, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2016

Getting involved in community affairs, being entrenched in the lives of those you served and protected, it requires the mastery of those humbly brave and honorable public servants. Officer Cook, you held your dignity and integrity as high as Old Glory. Honesty such as yours took your comrades out into the battle over evil in Dade County and until this day has kept enhancement and its breaths of life still beating as one. As a hero whose career and life stood for courage and valor, one does not need to look very far. Your good name, Officer Cook, is etched on walls of remembrance and in the hearts and minds of your family, professional brothers and sisters and those who cared and shared the moments of a joyful life. One left with memories, yet one fulfilled by virtue of your success in becoming a police officer. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A friendly soul with goodwill towards all mankind. Reliability and resourcefulness like no other. Leadership and compassion when it was called upon at all times.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2016

Attention to details, astuteness to authority and integrity incorporated into your every endeavor, all a part of any police officer's duly sworn missions of peace and safety. In Dade County, Officer Cook, you were a dignified soul, the master of speech whose passion was to calm and carry a steady and yet a confident influence over all residents. They were never in better hands. A young man now saluted for his heroism and character, humility over and beyond the calls of professional duty. Your legacy of faith, hope and commitment, Officer Cook ,is forever sealed by your unwavering resolve and unselfish convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 18, 2016

Police officers need to be attentive to the growing needs of any given community. If their desire and decency are present the chances are good that peace and unity will be spread among all residents. Dade County was fortunate to witness your career and life behind their goodwill, Officer Cook. A man of accomplishment on a mission to fight the forces of evil. It leaves your heroic legacy of protection and character as something we will forever cherish. A loyal colleague and friend to all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 17, 2016

The art of retention is so important in the performance of their professional duties. Resolve and resourcefulness mean everything, you did your job very well, Officer Cook. Honesty and integrity stayed permeated within your uniform. Dade County can rest easier in peace and freedom thanks to you, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your were a first class servant of determination and decency.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 17, 2016

Apprehension is proper so long as it is done fairly and honorably. Dade County was in good hands when you patrolled, Officer Cook, loyal and faithful. Devoted to peace and unity. A cherished man with a legacy of love that has bonded those of us through the years. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 17, 2016

I think I meant to say, potholes, Officer Cook. twists and turns that must be navigated around diligently and wisely. The streets of Dade County were in your humble hands and heart. It was your courage, dignity and honesty that saw you through your missions. You were devoted to the cause and pursued peace and unity in a tireless fashion. Never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Courtesy and common sense salute those who fight like warriors. The champions of heroism now serving God as angels of valor.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 16, 2016

Escaping to tranquil surroundings, we seek the peace provided by the bravest and humblest of police officers. They must follow the letter of the law through their dignity and integrity. In Dade County as with all communities it goes without saying honor must be supremely the number one priority. For your career and life were led by morals and fine character, Officer Cook, you learned and then passed down these fine examples of what it takes to be convicted and committed to law and order through fairness. Some of us still seek to wonder why anyone would have hurt you, Officer Cook. Remembered and revered for resounding resolve and everlasting resourcefulness, a faithful servant to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 16, 2016

The knots of knowledge have tied together the bonds of integrity, honesty and dignity. The bonds police forge within the borders they patrol are placed by love of their job and a devotion that goes beyond comprehension. The desire to see Dade County citizens living in a peaceful and nurturing environment was placed in your humble hands and feet, Officer Cook. For these parts carry a career one whose genesis was from a loving home, calm and accommodating. We could not ask for more except for you to be here today with your family and close personal friends. These bonds are the toughest to break, they may bend at times, they'll never separate. And neither will your legacy of hope and a cherishing life, one that enriched everyone. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 16, 2016

Quartermasters are in charge of equipment. Police officers are in charge of serving the public promptly and with patience. A virtue that can wear thin real quickly. So can honesty, integrity and dignity if it is not kept in check. Any public servant must be aware of their communities and its surroundings as they lay the foundations of freedom and unity. It does take very special people, the kind of folks who are just tailored for their positions. You were just the right individual, Officer Cook, who was the prime example of what commitment, character and conviction is about. When dealing with Dade County and its citizens, it was your openness and candor, consideration and attitude that meant the difference. All too often being surly and nasty, you can't have any professional behaving in this manner. One bad apple among the ranks can spell possible trouble. You were one of your department's finest and will be saluted for your valor and nobility. A gentleman of humility, humanity's gift from God. You were a very blessed man, Officer Cook, a hero, a true inspiration that helped lay the cornerstones of enhancement throughout Dade County, a community where you lived with values and sacrificed your career and life for honor and peace to be able to reside beside one another. It took a hero's touch and affection to bring together those folks. Your class spoke of that and still permeates down from your humane soul as it lights up the skies above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 16, 2016

If tears could stop terror and its ugliness from falling down upon us we would be blessed. They can't stop bullets either. Prayer, faith and hope can surely help to heal the hurt. The pain and anguish that accompanies the loss of a beloved one. You were a friend not only to Dade County and its residents, Officer Cook, you were their hero, humble in honor, humane in service with dignity and in integrity. Loyalty, diligence and perseverance will be rewarded so long as a public servant stays with the program and sees their missions through to completion. You will always be that inspirational warrior, the savior who kept peace and unit flowing from the same channel. Always remembered fondly. Never forgotten for your courage from the heart and the courtesies you afforded mankind. It was service like yours, Officer Cook, that has set the example of what it takes and means to be an excellent servant to God. Your devotion and desire never waned in the face of danger. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 16, 2016

Green grass. Blue skies. If everyday could be a carbon copy of this day with no hot spots of danger, most police officers would take this in a heartbeat. But, unfortunately no matter the time or place diligence and protection is called for. You were right there, Officer Cook, in Liberty City on a hot and sunny day giving your honor for Dade County residents to be safe. You were a cherished and optimistic man whose legacy of dignity and integrity has stayed around forever. God has your humility and heroism wrapped in His arms for safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your character and resilience are looking down upon us as is your beloved soul.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 15, 2016

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