Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Executives when they retire from large corporations most times receive golden parachutes. Police officers, humane, honorable and humble receive golden wings from God when they lay down their lives in the pursuits of peace and happiness. Life doesn't seem so kind or fair for that matter. You were a supremely loyal and trusted comrade, Officer Cook and Dade County residents reaped God's grace when you looked after them. No matter how police try, this never ending battle over violence still seems to escalate, its repercussions reverberating like no tomorrow. You were our hero whose professional demeanor saved the day on May 16, 1979, a day in Dade County history never to be forgotten. Only to be championed by those brave as you, Officer Cook, who both summon and muster the necessary character to press on. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your soul keeps rising higher and higher each day. That was your commitment to prosperity and preservation, its level rose and now the bar is set higher and higher. Hopefully the expectations can be felt by all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2016

While canvassing the streets of Dade County, Officer Cook, as all men and women, brave and humble should do, that is to make certain they have their wits and wisdom on their uniform and badge which represents the courage and commitment that is to be seen at all times. Never more cherished and respected, you stood for the face of law and dignity. Order and integrity navigated with you on your daily patrols. The citizens felt much more at ease and were at peace when you preserved the public interest. The severity of your missions called for drastic measures at times. You knew when to be firm and yet fair and unbiased. The complete and consummate public servant of grace and gallantry. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Legacy means finding yourself heroically dispensing goodwill and faith among all mankind. A great job. A blessed hero and Godsend. Evil will be eradicated all by your sacrifice to provide everlasting enhancements for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2016

The vibrations of vitality and the whispers of wisdom and yet, the knock on knowledge is having too much may not be so helpful when in the wrong hands. Police officers while maintaining honor and decorum on the streets still must deal with and be able to cope with vulgar and vile acts of violence perpetrated upon them and those they serve and protect. You maintained dignity while doing your job, Officer Cook. Sanctity and serenity walked peacefully together when you provided Dade County and its residents with quality care and concern. When a young man as compassionate as you, Officer Cook, began your career it was with the loyalty and faith, resolve in hand to safely complete your missions. Thirty-seven years later as your family and colleagues still comprehend the why part of your life ending as it did, make no mistake your humility, humble beginnings have all stood for bravery and courage from within your heart. You'll never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One sure way to anchor one's noble legacy is to perform actions over words that simply supply a much more deeper meaning. God pulls out His vocabulary book and culls the words we speak each day. We are given allotments. So wisely should be our tone of voice and what emanates from our lips. You spoke the truth, Officer Cook. Straight from your heart and very cherished soul.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 27, 2016

The ledger books of legality stay open as long as those who serve do so with honor and humanity shadowing one another. Even when officers make that ultimate sacrifice, God keeps His slates open for all to view. Your conduct and integrity, Officer Cook, are the ramifications of what we expect from duly sworn officers. You went after evil and chased with all your might as a humble hero would do. Citizens everywhere and in Dade County came to know you graciousness and kind disposition. Nothing would keep you down, Officer Cook, a comrade loyal and devoted to all your fellow officers. Keep watching over us with your beloved soul, its torches of tenacity still aglow, the lights will never be extinguished. They will now and for eternity burn brighter than ever as you comforted yourself vigilantly and with valor to remain the foundation of our fondest tomorrows. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2016

With astuteness and astonishment is it no wonder how some officers stay safe. Why with all the turmoil and violence today in our society, you managed, Officer Cook, to keep dignity and decorum, decency and integrity functioning together very nicely. One can only imagine what things would be like if you were here today toasting and remembering your humble successes. You accomplished and Dade County folks can feel much more at ease. A penchant for pursuing, there can be no doubt you'll not be forgotten. Bravery and honor are waiting at the gates for other loyal officers to open those doors so they may partake of its special qualities. You were quality no questions need asking, Officer Cook. Only why? Why with more admiration and commitment left to fulfill. Character and your devotion took peace and unity down the very same track. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One -hundred percent full effort, loyalty and faithfulness built to make others safer and more accountable.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2016

The day begins with desire and honesty and when we retire to sleep at night God takes our souls for judgment. If He deems us worthy, when we awake we can start the day refreshed, relaxed and with the passion to persevere. A pious man, Officer Cook, you spearheaded your department and colleagues through the journeys of unknown circumstances. That evil still rears its ugliness and the citizens of Dade County were the recipients of your resolve and bravery. Whatever it took to conquer this menace of society, it was your task to complete as your mission was to accomplish. You did this in an outstanding way, Officer Cook. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The lessons of decency are the legacies by which heroes such as yourself are fondly remembered. What was realized was that you were a class individual treasured and admired by all your family, comrades and friends in and out of your department.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2016

The possibilities are endless. From the perspectives of vision and valor, officers are placed in a position of trust and this sacred word must not be disturbed. Professionalism and protection is not to be taken lightly nor toyed with. The people speak. Officers listen. You listened, Officer Cook, each day to the words of wisdom spoken by Dade County and you answered calls reliably and with your humane integrity. For we know that honesty and dignity are two of any officer's best policies. A polite and courageous young man on a navigation to restore vitality and peace to a venue that cried out for assistance. You won't be forgotten, Officer Cook and neither will your grace and gentleness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Living each day of your life faithfully and with resolve to champion the cause of righteousness, your unwavering heroism is being heard by all today. God's eyes and ears send out those messages to us loudly and clearly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2016

In the clutch, humility and character will trump dishonesty and rudeness. What is always called for from officers is obedience to rules and regulations, as laws must be followed by those who enforce them. You were a follower and a good leader, Officer Cook. You took direction and were able to transfer its ability to other comrades as you fought these terrible battles over violence. Wanton, wicked and cruel, they leave marks that sometimes are difficult at best to remove. You helped take away evil in Dade County, Officer Cook, using your willpower and endless supply of resourcefulness. When danger lurks we look to our finest for service and protection. God takes the very best servants of professionalism and proficiency, He wraps His large arms around their humble souls and directs their patrols around His sacred streets where nothing will ever harm them forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your uniform and badge, Officer Cook, stood for character, conviction and desire over and beyond the calls of duty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2016

Checking and securing, the hope of our prayers lies in the skills and bravery of our committed police officers. We prayed while you patrolled, Officer Cook. Your family, your beloved wife, Karen, prayed for you her darling husband while you served the residents of Dade County. They were your dreams and desires growing up. When a brave soul goes out and leaves his family to preserve and to persevere the freedom and peace we are entitled to live by, we say thank you. Your dignity, integrity and maturity were the staples of a well lived life and a well productive professional career. Now as an angel in God's green pastures nestled with other brave warriors who sacrificed for the enhancement of mankind, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2016

So many to cherish. Those brave and valiant heroes and heroines of liberty, faith and decency. Their honesty was the personification of their service and preservation. And the citizens of Dade County were mighty happy you served them well, Officer Cook. A man of his word. A gentleman of humbleness. A servant of wisdom and ingenuity. The words of peace and dignity rang like a bell. Those were the days. Decades ago things were far different for public servants than they are today. You were an officer whose knowledge and compassion were among the finest out there. Your heroic legacy remains the class, care and consideration for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Desire, determination and devotion all deserve salutes of courage.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 26, 2016

For a humble hero of admiration and of compassion let us pray that your soul, Officer Cook, continues its ascendance to Our Creator's heavenly kingdom. Dade County was provided the decent and class representation by a most esteemed and beloved public servant. The peace and safety was distributed along with your honorable actions of mercy, integrity and dignity. One can only wonder along with your family has things would be today if you were with us? You will remain treasured and respected for an outstanding life and career of professional perseverance for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a man of character, grace and gallantry, Officer Cook. Class and diligence when it counted the most.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2016

Truculence is not called for from any public servant. Rather, tenacity in the fight against torment and terror. We live sounder lives when the dignity and honesty is mixed in during an officer's quest for peace. Precisely as Dade County and its residents wanted things done, Officer Cook. You handled them wisely and with great bravery. A Godly gift in the battle over evil. You'll be cherished for your unselfish sacrifice which has in turn led to enhancements through your endeavors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The consummate professional with the right personality to correspond to keeping danger away from us. Always fondly remembered.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2016

Six years of a man's faith, resolve and honesty, but even more than that, twenty-five years of fulfillment and memories of dignity and integrity guarding you, Officer Cook, each time you went out and served Dade County and its citizens providing enhancement and courage. The bravery to fight on with these wars of wickedness. One day because of your sacrifice and those of your colleagues, Officer Cook, may we live on in peace. May prosperity thrive. May God's grace shine down upon us like a morning sun. Let your heroic legacy stand as the honor and salutes of fortitude and nobility. Humanity is indebted to your humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2016

Working on all cylinders, police must incorporate the integrity for their profession in their patrols and strive to remain vigilant and honest at every corner. Dignity awaits their passions to preserve and protect our peace and unity which is what you excelled in, Officer Cook. The hopes and dreams of the residents in Dade County traveled with your every navigation. It also circled the venue with desire and the drive to accomplish your mission successfully. Though, you had more left to achieve. God has your wonderfully heroic soul in His shelter for eternal safekeeping. You kept your word, now those who have taken over your watch must do so relentlessly and humbly too. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2016

Recognizing the scope of your missions, Officer Cook, urgency and unwavering honesty was what you called upon to save and protect the lives of Dade County and its residents. Sure as your dignity and devotion, integrity which was blended in your patrols all made the difference. We live more constructively today rather than destructively. We cherish our freedom and right to choose as we please. All in the name of professionalism and your staunch bravery to duty. Whenever a comrades needed anything, there you were to back up and assist them. Heroism is born from a person's upbringing and morals by which they were taught and learned. Your teachers were the very best and most loving. Your parents who gave you and Nancy the opportunities to better yourselves and our society, now enhanced by your valiant actions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, you were and always our rock and savior. A blessed man and a gentleman of imagination and intuition.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 25, 2016

There are days we wallow in a mess of craziness. The mayhem and kayos that follows could blow our minds leaving us distorted and dizzy. Thank God you saved our days, Officer Cook, with the promise and renewal of better ones on the horizon. Hope does spring eternal and so does relief and peace because of your unwavering convictions and commitments to see things through. Your mission in a nutshell, to keep sanity alive and sanctity flowing within Dade County. No small task. One large undertaking by a gentleman of integrity, valor and honesty. There's plenty of humbleness, dignity and esteem written on your heroic legacy that will remain forever in the hearts and minds of family, friends and beloved comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those heavenly memorial walls sadly keep adding more angelic heroes of valor. At least God has plans for His righteous servants who now walk that heavenly beat. Nothing will stop them nor harm them ever. God's words are to be heeded seriously. If we listen and say our prayers, God will answer us with words of salvation and consolation. The healing process may begin in earnest. It's awaiting our response as soon as possible.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2016

Class and its reputation exude honor and dignity. A sure fire way to disperse wickedness. Dade County called upon your intellect and ingenuity, Officer Cook, to stem the tide of evil and your performance was outstanding and to be commended. It's the decent and deserving who get it. Police officers have to comprehend the scope of their service and take the appropriate action heroically and as humbly as possible to save lives. The lifeblood of those you saved, your colleagues and civilians shall always remember your kind heart, Officer Cook and your grace, it saved the day many times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God bless your soul as it flies high everyday. Legacies of heroes are the meanings behind life and those brave enough to serve a cause.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2016

In this world we make our breaks. We take our chances furthering ourselves. It is all accomplished by acts of kindness and love. You loved life, Officer Cook. You relished the opportunities God gave you to make us safer and more at ease. Exactly, what Dade County residents came to rely on. Your instincts and innovative approaches to resolving whatever needed your humblest of touches. When a young man is on a mission of peace and prosperity, we must let God's golden palms direct your hands and feet where they must serve and defend. Your colleagues of honor, integrity and dignity, the very same traits that spell out your courageous and humane legacy are forever to share with your family and those who knew to be a trusted and loyal gentleman and a valued public servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Gold is gold. Silver is silver. A righteous soul whose heart spoke of character, wisdom and maturity beyond your twenty-five years. Years of yearning to become the best servant God could have placed in our midst. A loss felt by all. You truly treasured and enjoyed life, Officer Cook. You did all you could to prevent more mayhem on May 16, 1979 and not to be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2016

For all your hard work and honesty back when you served Dade County, Officer Cook, it's sad to think that what officers are afforded now was not there in your day. Side panels for better protection. Your sacrifice, Officer Cook, brought about these changes. It is preached and stated no matter how hard you try, dangers seem to follow our beloved and courageous officers around. You were dignified, astute, bold and noble in your fights over evil, violence and its ugliness just seem to never go down and stay down. Public servants such as yourself, Officer Cook, had to dig deeper and be more accountable than ever before. The residents of Dade County have their enhancements and securities founded in the cornerstones of your intelligence and compassion you had for all mankind. You were travelling on a mission that was to yield success which you had. There was more left to imagine. God's eyes and ears watched you proudly wear a uniform and badge of honor with distinction never to be overlooked. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your life and career were well developed and its dignity was conceived solely to maintain fairness and justice for all. You were your family's hero, our blessed Godsend and a devoted representative of the Metro-Dade Police Department. If anyone is now wearing your badge with 1664 on it, let them do so humbly, nobly and with resounding resolve, faithfulness will follow its lead.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2016

Police officers have a penchant to preserve, protect and patrol for the peace and goodwill of all mankind. In Dade County where police travel far and wide to serve it is important that all men and women who serve the public interest maintain honesty, integrity and dignity. Any conversion from these characteristics may be viewed as a perversion of justice. You were just the right leader, Officer Cook, to seal the bonds of togetherness as one. Placing matters in their proper perspective, you afforded all citizens the right to live securely by virtue of your wisdom, vision and bravery. It shall never be forgotten. A humble man performing an important mission that was your dream and aspiration to become. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy, Officer Cook, just begins to tap into the resources of what it takes to be loyal and faithful, as you were to your comrades in arms.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2016

To live and let live, sometimes forgiveness helps in the healing process. With violence spiraling out of control lately we need some forgiveness. Though, those who commit these crimes in a wanton and heinous fashion, forgiveness is not always the right thing to do. You were a careful worker, Officer Cook. If you exerted an thing it was your humbleness and honesty. if you subtract a man's dignity and integrity from their labors, the resolve and result might not equal the accomplishment. But, make no mistake you achieved and were heroic in all your actions. A career and life well lived and a character founded upon behavior above reproach. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Shining ever so brightly is your beloved soul ready to do God's will in His heavens above. Keep observing us, Officer Cook, God blessed you with grace and valor, tools of your labors of love and esteem.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2016

The components of excellent service are as follows: honor, dignity and integrity. The opponent, the foe, enemy or adversary is violence and its evil. So to conquer its negative affects, one must be cautious and calm. You were a calming influence in Dade County, Officer Cook, sure handed and cautious in your work ethics. When honesty and nobility follow the same paths as accountability and responsibility, the end result is achievement. Well for those colleagues who worked and toiled feverishly with you, Officer Cook, they will not forget your humility or heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Decency and drive can take a person a long way in life and during their professional careers. Yours was carried with epitome of effort and enhancement. All founded by the boundaries of morals, care and concern for all individuals.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 24, 2016

The components of excellent service are as follows: honor, dignity and integrity. The opponent, the foe, enemy or adversary is violence and its evil. So to conquer its negative affects, one must be cautious and calm. You were a calming influence in Dade County, Officer Cook, sure handed and cautious in your work ethics. When honesty and nobility follow the same paths as accountability and responsibility, the end result is achievement. Well for those colleagues who worked and toiled feverishly with you, Officer Cook, they will not forget your humility or heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Decency and drive can take a person a long way in life and during their professional careers. Yours was carried with epitome of effort and enhancement. All founded by the boundaries of morals, care and concern for all individuals.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 23, 2016

A humble and faithful servant performs their obligations and is of sound honesty, unwavering dignity and stellar integrity. This was the only way you could have proceeded with your job, Officer Cook. Police officers don't wear blinders to achieve. They don pristine uniforms of courage and character. There is enough danger and peril that lurks in front of them. Dade County was well maintained by a man of ingenuity and intuition that is so revered and so saluted today. Your heroism helped citizens be afforded the rights to live in peace and quiet. You were a supremely loyal and cherished co-worker to your colleagues and won't ever be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 23, 2016

For some stopping at a stop sign is challenging. People slow up and roll past it. Police officers are people, citizens with rights that serve and defend our liberties. Yet, they too must obey the laws if not involved with an emergency situation. In Dade County as in other communities peace and unity must be held together firmly in order for evil and its violence not to go too far. You were the kind of officer, Officer Cook, whose loyalty and honesty matched up against those who wanted to perpetrate criminal activities. You'll be remembered for coming to the aid of all people heroically and never letting up in these war that takes the lives of innocent law abiding citizens. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

October 23, 2016

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