Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Showboating and bragging have no place in law enforcement. They should be replaced with consistency and diligence. If an officer keeps their composure and honesty together, the chances are better their integrity and dignity will guide them along in securing the needed peace and freedom the citizens require. Your due vigilance provided Dade County with a better chance at stardom, their relief was in sight. A man of infinite wisdom and character navigating his patrols where it was needed the most. A pro through and true. A hero humble and noble graces us with his bravery and gallantry. You'll not be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 8, 2016

The wells of justice seem prime for those who want to commit crime to just leap in. When they do jump, let that big hatch trap them and their rush to unleash violence. Police need to climb walls, fences or whatever to chase down these notorious individuals. In Dade County you have these scenarios and for your part, Officer Cook, dignity and integrity was quite relevant. You caught your share of evil persons and were praised as any officer should be. You were not like some sports officials who look for attention. rather, your humility allowed to accentuate your concentration on finding means to peaceful endings. Sanity and civility was the rule when you patrolled. And now because of your fine and upstanding commitment, conviction and courage colleagues all have saluted and honored a fine man of trust, responsibility and tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your work spoke loudly and rationally.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 7, 2016

This just seems incredulous, Officer Cook. Another hero taken from us in Georgia. Inspectors Funerals harden officers' resolves and honor in getting peace and prosperity connected on the map. The dots start with a little dignity and integrity. Your comrades witnessed greatness from your outstanding professional perseverance and dogged persistence with paid dividends to all Dade County residents. A gentleman with a kind and giving heart, a spirit of consideration and admiration which has been duly saluted for courage and character. The kind of humble heroic legend that has been stapled together with your unwavering desire, devotion and loyal faithfulness to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We got a very blessed Godsend. God holds you, Officer Cook, Dade County's own close to Him in those large palms for safekeeping forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 7, 2016

Could it be my whole world is only confusion? Could it be what I thought was God's world is not true? Yet, my dream is as bright as the brightest illusion and the sky in my dream is much bluer than blue. Could it be that I will not see the fruit of my yearning? Could it be that I may never rid myself of my load? What matters most is not the end of the journey, it is the journey itself and the bright sun lit road. First and foremost, Officer Cook, your road to humbleness was not tainted. Only honored with outstanding integrity and dignity. The truth came from your lips and it was in your gentle hands that peace was properly arranged for all Dade County residents to partake of its fruits of liberty of Thee we sing. Police often are given an abundant amount of professional assignments all of which you handled diligently and most courageously. The sun that day you sacrificed your life it was a hot day and yet you came to the aid of civilians and your fellow colleagues. The pathways to success are not always as perfect as we would like them to be. Your energy and effort, Officer Cook, relieved and resolved the dilemmas at hand. Thanks to your commitment, character and convictions we can carry on with the tasks that need to be accomplished. Our missions shall continue as God saw your missions as completed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A hero is the antithesis of a righteous individual. You'll be saluted and honored for unwavering and unselfish nobility which graced our society.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 6, 2016

Police take different courses in solving crimes. Though, the paths that are taken are ones that consist of dignity, honor and integrity, they can be long and winding. For those who think they can stray better ponder again. Our Creator is observing your every move. In Dade County your treks, Officer Cook, were made a bit smoother by your perseverance and vigilance. If only everyone were as perceptive as you. It goes a long as to why you were so admired and loyal to your comrades. It takes a team effort to accomplish. It's not a singular issue. When faithfulness and fairness to secure the necessary peace and togetherness bond as one entity, chances are looking good for things to happen in a positive manner. The enhancements of construction take on a newer meaning. Since wickedness is only destructive, public servants as brave as you, Officer Cook, had to dig in and channel your influence in a most calming and persuasive way. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your character and commitment to excellence and pride has made your legacy shine like your beloved soul now serving in God's eternal shelter where other angelic heroes and heroines walk that sacred beat.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 6, 2016

Today, we turn the clock back one hour. Time though moves on in life and after one has heroically served their missions. Through the devotion, hope and faith do we go about our businesses on a daily routine. Though, there is nothing ordinary about a young man who wanted to become a police officer. You trained and worked exceedingly hard, Officer Cook, to be the very best. For some it is difficult at best to keep their honesty and integrity intact. But they must, after all dignity too must take its professional appearance from those two important traits. It is why you had success in protecting an din serving all Dade County and its citizens. You have been honored and solemnly saluted for having the valor and ambition to take on major challenges which test any public servant's resolve. The war against evil has been started, now those flames of destruction must be extinguished, they cannot smolder anymore. It took your keen vision and unwavering intuition and leadership to make it happen. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. To spring forward and then to fall back has its repercussions. The ramifications of your solid performance, Officer Cook, have led to the enhancements of peace and solidarity for all mankind. Our community could not be more grateful. the gist is for officers to be aware and cautious when tackling crime and its sinister clutches.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 6, 2016

Samson versus Goliath. Good versus evil. Surely goodness and its goodwill to all mankind will triumph. When the righteous servants of Our Creator must deal with the indignity of the defiant, something must give. The earth shakes and then maybe violence with tumble. It can only happen if any officer's integrity and tenacity are greater than the sum of the terror, turmoil and torment. The sum of your work on behalf of Dade County citizens, Officer Cook, was stellar and supremely cherished. You have received the salutes of bravery and heroism from your colleagues, friends and family whose righteousness in their pursuits of life and its challenges has allowed your soul to lift itself higher each day. Their missions are a continuation of your endeavors of effort and energy that help make this world a better place to thrive in peace and to channel unity down the lanes of endowment. What more fitting a legacy than to have your foundations of enhancement stay as cornerstones of kindness, fairness to all and consideration, compassion and care for a community where you are respected and revered as a hero for the eyes of humanity. The ears hear. The vision is clear. The lips spoke the truth. An outstanding job saving comrades and civilians that awful day of May 16, 1979. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One huge loss for society. Though preservation and conservation stay well grounded in those who cared and watched your professional conduct of courtesy and morals mirror your terrific upbringing. Your folks have been and your mother will always be proud of her courageous and beloved son, Officer William Coleman Cook, Badge#1664.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 5, 2016

To live, all one needs is food, clothing and a shelter. But to become a duly professional police officer one requires skill, fitness, dignity, integrity and honesty. Hopeful optimism is nice but to do the job right and to promote peace and its stability you need everything clicking as one. The wheels of justice and fairness need to go in unison. You were a successful person, Officer Cook, because of sync. For resolve and its effect to happen the timing of situations must be right. In Dade County happiness and the gift of life were your inspirations and realities, Officer Cook, to see them through decency, desire, drive and determination was central to the chores at hand. Achievement breeds accomplishment. There was no talk of failure as heroes are expected to humbly and humanely deal with whatever comes their way. Colleagues salute your unwavering boldness to action, the conviction to excellence which was your life commitment. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Foundations can be torn down and rebuilt. Legacies from the courage of one's heart stay forever as cornerstones of a well lived life and a career shaped by ethics and morals. Scrutinized and well founded, you were the consummate public servant, Officer Cook. Your smile of hope and faith says it all. The persevering photographer you were all those pictures have been taken. Now God is developing them for us to see. An angel of valor whose wings spread far and wide. Having the sense to synchronize the tasks you were given gave you the best possibilities to be resourceful in your decision making processes.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 5, 2016

In life sometimes there are those who just want pleasure. You can't always have your cake and be able to eat it also. You receive what you deposit in the bank. Withdrawals only can happen if you give. You took life seriously, Officer Cook. You made people laugh. Yet, we cried when you were taken. I'm sure your family, your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook, she is a great lady, very devout and loyal to her Creator. God has plans for us all. He designed the trails for you to become a dignified and valiant public servant. Service and protection went along on patrol just as integrity and honor. No officer may leave without this. They are inseparable. They are the bonds that Dade County and its residents were acclimated to. Resourcefulness . Reliance. Relief and resolve. Peace and dignity for all mankind. Presented by a treasured and loyal comrade, yourself, Officer Cook. Those missions of hope and faith honored by unselfish humility to see your life and career through, though you had more left to achieve. God dictates, He directs our destinies each day through good and bad. Violence shall one day be cast aside as your beloved soul watches over those who now proudly serve their communities in respect and in admiration. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy of character and concern were heard through your soft tones of tenacity and loyalty. You were your parents' hero. They could not be any prouder of your life and what you meant to Dade County. I'll keep praying for you, Mrs. Cook. Take care. Still very upset I never met you. Two weeks. You were already out in San Diego, California. I should have looked you up after your beloved "Billy," Officer Cook gave his life for his friends and community. A righteous, truthful and pious gentleman with a kindred spirit that soars higher and higher on God's golden wings. Those wonderfully crafted wings given to all of His angels of heroism.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 5, 2016

To understand what needs to be under scored, police need to have the right attitude if they are going to be able to make a dent in the war over violence. Dade County just buried a police officer yesterday. In Iowa, two more officers will be laid to rest next week and in New York another of New York's finest paid the ultimate price for peace and unity. They are integral to life wherever one pitches their tents and puts down their families to live and to prosper. You committed to justice and fairness done properly, Officer Cook and completed without any hesitation. Your beloved character and dignity, honesty and integrity will be cherished forever as you were a champion of unwavering conviction and courage from your heart that comes from a most respected and loyal professional public servant. Service was diligent, prompt and with your passionately engaging smile. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 5, 2016

In anything one endeavors to become there usually is a means to the end. Police work is a never ending battle between good versus evil. So true and so too is there supposed to be a never ending amount of honesty, dignity and integrity exerted to bring about peace and goodwill for all mankind. You were a decent and honest human being whose service won't be forgotten. In a past reflection, Officer Cook, I think the word I meant to use was dignify. How can any community dignify officers being killed brutally and heinously by thirty to sixty rounds of gunfire sprayed in their patrol cars? We must stand united in our efforts to make lives matter and bring back sense to America as you did to all Dade County through fellowship, leadership and that word character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a patriot, Officer Cook, more than that a man of diligence and humility that tests the resolve of other brave souls to conduct their affairs that way too.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 5, 2016

One day violence will be wiped out. We leave it up to brave and honorable men and women to clean up the streets where peace and togetherness can march as one. For Dade County to live and to function according to plan they needed your integrity, Officer Cook, a man replete with humility and dignity daring to conquer those missions which are not of the norm. Evil never is. It interrupts the moments of laughter with sounds that can only scare us. You were a gallant and graceful man who stopped that situation from becoming much worse. It was real bad. Very sad. You paid the ultimate price, Officer Cook, for our liberties to carry on. Now those family members and colleagues roll on in their missions with the gusto and courage you displayed, my neighbor, friend and hero. A man of character serving with resolve and heroic humbleness that had benefited all of society. Rest in peace. A sound mind that led by example and spoke in a calming tone of voice. You did your utmost, Officer Cook, to rid wickedness from our midst. May 16, 1979 will be solemnly remembered. A true and genuine gentleman of peace and prosperity. What a Godsend! The beloved and darling son, brother, uncle, great-uncle and devoted husband. You are very much missed today and forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 4, 2016

More often if one completes their tasks as charged than the success rate is much greater. Those who lack the proper morals to conduct their daily business, you can only wonder what they will become. The gifted and blessed have that certain inane honor, integrity and dignity that instills good faith for that servant. Public service takes its toll for those who can't adjust to being a righteous individual. Protecting and serving was your passion, Officer Cook, those citizens relied upon your unwavering professional instincts to see them through. To see quietness, unity and fairness for all was your promise my neighbor, friend and hero. Your character and class, decency and devotion saw to that. Comrades salute and honor their brave and loyal fellow officers who place their lives in harm's way to preserve and persevere. It was your humbling diligence, Officer Cook, made possible by unselfish vigilance that allowed and continues to allow enhancement to flourish. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your concern and resourcefulness are what legacies do for the families who remember their loved ones. Your community, Officer Cook fondly acknowledges your engagement and your smile. It was that smile that was the hopes, prayers and faith that saw us through. it helped you accomplish. There was more left to fulfill. God knows His angels. They serve Him as they walk that sacred beat on His golden streets.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 4, 2016

The righteous are revered. The wicked wander and they can only wonder what they make of themselves. It is of course those who stay on the track of tenacity and honesty where their strengths lie. Dignified and full of integrity was how you could proceed, Officer Cook. It was the only way a young man of compassion and achievement could make his patrols around Dade County. Its freedoms and peace brought about through your unselfish understanding of what the residents required. A person of charm and character only works one way and that is as a professional. Public service is not for everyone. It takes a special breed of person sure in their commitments and convictions to tackle this rigorous and dangerous job. You were special, Officer Cook, cherished and respected by all your colleagues. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 4, 2016

The day to day grind of all police officers is geared to their valor and ambition to both serve and to protect the public and their property. Your life of dignity, integrity and honesty, Officer Cook, helped make you the gentleman and first class citizen and officer of professionalism and reliability. There can be no denying your intelligence, wit or wisdom which carried you through your missions during your career and in your pursuits of happiness in life. Life has its enjoyments. It also has its moments of sadness. Those times are used for healing and coping. Something your family continues this day as they continue your humble and heroic legacy. It left prosperity and enhancement right by our front doors. Those doors filled with peace, unity and admiration for a well lived life and memories to treasure forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The stellar character, commitment and courage you left behind is what all officers should compose themselves by. Kind of like looking in their rear view mirrors. Your beloved soul is watching them achieve on their own merits of honesty, humility and accountability. Officer Cook, you were a friend and a true hero to us all. Dade County has taken note of your exemplary service. True to form. One-hundred percent endeavor each and everyday.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 4, 2016

The dog days of summer may be over, the harshness of a cold winter for some of the country looms around the corner. when you turned the corner on your watches, Officer Cook, dignity, devotion and integrity circled with you as well. A most gallant man and beloved comrade to all his fellow sisters and brothers in the Metro-Dade Police Department, you will be fondly remembered for having the right motivation to be a leader and take direction that has sealed your heroic legacy. One where commitment, character and conviction was part of your wonderful upbringing. It was in a loving and nurturing environment a place you and your sister, Nancy, called home. two great and loving parents, two great children who made their parents very happy and so humbly honored. You'll never be forgotten for your unselfish and kind demeanor and dedication to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humility to all. Compassion for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 4, 2016

In any profession persistence pays off. Police work with all its details even the most minutest still requires that extra devotion and determination through honesty, integrity and dignity for one to succeed. Your style, Officer Cook, blended very well in Dade County and is the very realization as to why peaceful and unified enhancements have kept their place. A noble and treasured gentleman of faith, hope, leadership and optimism, your unwavering bravery and first class character will be saluted and so honored forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 4, 2016

As the police department in Miami, Florida gets ready to bury a fallen brother tomorrow, Officer Cook, violence in Iowa claimed the lives of two more brave and honorable men. When will it stop? Even after all you did on behalf of Dade County and its citizens, this menace seems unperturbed in its advances. So long as you kept your cool, your calm and honor together, Officer Cook, the plans of peace and unity could worship and stay devoted to one another. A man cherishes his life and a career where one never knows when destiny may come calling, you took your best effort and sheltered those who needed it the most. All through nobility and dignity, humility and the integrity that any officer must keep in their arsenal. A great man. A legend of character, conviction and commitment to set things straight, you will always be so honored for composure and compassion, fairness and firmness when it was counted on. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. when any officer is ambushed and shot between fifteen and thirty times in a brazen and cowardly manner, what more than can any community dignity as an answer to this most perplexing problem? I understand this man turned himself in to face his charges and justice. Better hope and pray justice does not pervert itself by turning a blind eye.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 4, 2016

There can be no denying your devotion, determination and dogged optimism, Officer Cook. Your hopes and dreams rested soundly in your honesty and dignity, they were part of your fabric of morals that are expected from all professional public servants. The peace of Dade County has been through your bravery and boldness, Officer Cook, its relevance all resourceful and resolving in facing the nasty perils of violence. We pay public servants to serve and to protect our best interests, we want quality performance and steady perseverance. You gave your best endeavors every watch and will be remembered for unwavering humility. A humble person knows their goals and aspirations and tries to fulfill as much as possible. Comrades have honored your memory, Officer Cook, as we do. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 3, 2016

Defying danger, all police officers must travel the open roads of their community of protection and service demonstrating bravery and integrity all while keeping the needed peace and unity as the citizens' foundation. You excelled, Officer Cook, in this very endeavor, as you love for people, respect for authority only broadened your horizons. Your courage and fortitude, dignity and honor have been and will be saluted forever. Your piousness and righteousness revealed what your family and colleagues recognized in you, nobility and gallantry as only a true professional and now a hero to all meant to his fellow man and to society. Dade County had your eyes and ears. They also had the messages of incorporation of ideas and morals which were emblazoned on your uniform and badge. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gentleman whose words were likened to milk and honey, sweet to those who listened and absorbed its communication.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 3, 2016

Honor, loyalty and duty constitutes the character of a person. For any dignified officer out now on those streets serving their community, a little integrity also goes a long way into one's service of peace and liberty. For Dade County, it was your bond, your commitment to succeed mightily, Officer Cook, in this difficult battle over wanton wickedness. You answered your final call on May 16, 1979, at around 2:10 pm and less than five minutes later sadly, a life of pious and righteousness, a career crafted within the foundations of faith and devotion, a cherished respect for your position and those you watched over was taken in one heinous act that nearly took the lives of your partner and your two other colleagues who were obliged to go to that dispute in Liberty City. Officer Cook, your heart was bigger than most in the sense of loyalty, professionalism and in giving back. Society go more than it could ever imagine. Your unselfish consideration. Your humility all to humanity. Most of all it had yourself backing up calls of assistance. I can see easily why you were years ahead of others. Now I can see why you would have made a great leader. Success did not get into your mind. You were thoughtful and astute. Charismatic and measured in your tones of voice and tenacity. They carried your heroic legacy by leaps and bounds. You'll not be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Problem solving is every police officers goal, but more than that it is their way correctly doing things right. Getting to the heart of the matter. Good versus bad. One day the evil and its odor will be eliminated from mankind so that they can live in unity and prosperity for all who ever live and walk the face of this Earth.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2016

Honor, loyalty and duty constitutes the character of a person. For any dignified officer out now on those streets serving their community, a little integrity also goes a long way into one's service of peace and liberty. For Dade County, it was your bond, your commitment to succeed mightily, Officer Cook, in this difficult battle over wanton wickedness. You answered your final call on May 16, 1979, at around 2:10 pm and less than five minutes later sadly, a life of pious and righteousness, a career crafted within the foundations of faith and devotion, a cherished respect for your position and those you watched over was taken in one heinous act that nearly took the lives of your partner and your two other colleagues who were obliged to go to that dispute in Liberty City. Officer Cook, your heart was bigger than mos tin the sense of loyalty, professionalism and in giving back. Society go more than it could ever imagine. Your unselfish consideration. Your humility all to humanity. Most of all it had yourself backing up calls of assistance. I can see easily why you were years ahead of others. Now I can see why you would have made a great leader. Success did not get into your mind. You were thoughtful and astute. Charismatic and measured in your tones of voice and tenacity. They carried your heroic legacy by leaps and bounds. You'll not be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Problem solving is every police officers goal, but more than that it is their way correctly doing things right. Getting to the heart of the matter. Good versus bad. One day the evil and its odor will be eliminated from mankind so that they can live in unity and prosperity for all who ever live and walk the face of this Earth.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2016

November is now upon us. Your birth month, Officer Cook. The what if and why, they creep into our minds and hearts, your love, your life and career where your honesty and embrace meant as much to the citizens of Dade County, whom you served and protected and more. Your dignity and integrity factored into all your sound decisions of common sense, diligence and intelligence. A smart thinking person knows from where they came. They are aware that Our Creator steers their every move. One does not need to look very far, for you are with us in spirit, a spirit full of eternal vitality floating high above us looking down on our missions. These same missions of faith, peace and unity were the fruits of your success in establishing comfort and enhancement for all. And now because of your character, boldness and commitment to excellence and pride, colleagues salute your unwavering bravery, courage and humbleness to preserve the dignifies of all mankind. Like your gravestone, it shines brightly when the sun comes up each day. You were entitled, Officer Cook, to be with us. Your absence only makes your family and colleagues, friends from all over, it makes their hearts grow fonder. You were their hero. Your legend is the embodiment of purpose, vigilance and astute perseverance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You would have celebrated your sixty third birthday on November the 30th. Violence took a great man. A gentleman of multi talents, a supremely faithful and caring public servant to his community and the nation. Dedication and desire, devotion and determination steered your rudders, Officer Cook. You faced destiny, your cherished life, you relished your career with a great big smile. Honor retained within your uniform and badge. It consummated your achievements morally and proficiently.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 2, 2016

There will be a change in leadership next week, Officer Cook. as people head to the polls to elect a new president. Change is not always easy. Letting go of the status quo is never simple. Two candidates with two completely opposite ways of looking at how to fix our country and the problems that still perplex, puzzle and confound us at times. You seasoning as a police officer was just the proper measure in assuring peace and serenity would be properly dispersed to all Dade County citizens. You did atop flight job, Officer Cook, a man of dignity, respect and authority. Your integrity, valor and character helped you conduct your professional actions. Gracefully and gallantry were riding with you on all patrols. Nothing would deter you from facing evil and engaging it, keeping it from spilling over on those streets where peril and pitfalls were lurking. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A polished legacy. A shining badge and shoes to match and a uniform worn pristine. Perseverance and accessibility like no other. Those comrades have remembered their colleague of admiration and genuine intuition. All that mud slinging and name calling between the parties should and must cease if our country is going to carry on with the lives of our children and their children on the line. Bygones should be just that. Wars and strife need to be substituted in the heavenly name of peace. God is indeed watching over us and so is your beautiful soul, Officer Cook. One of service, honesty and courage from your heart.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2016

Values matter. In our society it is cooperation, respect and responsibility that is cherished and can only be enhanced through future generations. We treat athletes like rock stars, when they go astray, use drugs, drink and operate vehicles under the influence or worse commit domestic violence against their spouse or a girlfriend, sometimes they are given a hall pass, in other words they dodge punishment. I'll bet you played baseball, football and basketball, Officer Cook. I know you played tennis with your colleague and friend who you saved that fateful day, Officer Keith DiGenova. Why can't people be held accountable for their actions? Police have to tow the line. They must be honorable, dignified and have integrity within their professional attire. One month ago on September 25th of this year, Miami Marlins star pitcher Jose Fernandez died in a tragic boating accident on his boat named "Kaught Looking." He was fond to have been over the legal limit and had cocaine in his system. Twenty-four years old. He saved hi smother on a boat coming from Cuba. She fell off and he rescued her. He left a pregnant girlfriend with a daughter to be born in February now without her dad. He made a terrible mistake and paid with his life. The county or city wants to rename a portion of NW 17th Avenue in his name. That same street bears your humbly heroic name. I totally understand. You were a Dade County police hero who brought honor to the people you served and protected. Their missions of peace and unity were delivered solely on your unwavering heroic actions of faith, hope and a driven determination to achieve which you did. You cannot be brought back, at least you will and have been saluted and rightfully honored these last thirty-seven and a half years later for your sacrifice. A decent man. A treasured gentleman of humility and character. That street as are all streets named for bravery and integrity should carry the messages loud and clearly, freely too. Freedom and liberty travel together precisely because of your conviction and pride in commitment to excellence, effort and endless energy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Jose Fernandez is not an evil person. Many Cubans admired his bravery years ago saving his mother's life. Sad his life ended too early in a boat at 3:00 am in Government Cut in Miami, Florida in those dangerous waters while under the influence of alcohol and drugs. That was a shame. Your life ending was a tragedy as you performed the way you were instructed to. You preserved and saved. Your legacy leaves us no doubt to wonder how much more you would have fulfilled? Never forgotten. You are to be praised. A truly humble Godsend. All public servants must and are held accountable for their professional and private conduct. The Internal Affairs Division is the backbone that serves as a check and balance for all its duly sworn and brave men and women of the law enforcement field.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 1, 2016

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