Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Those who humbly speaking have the means should spread it around. After all, next Thursday is Thanksgiving Day, not just for football, not only for turkey and all its trimmings. It is a day of reflection for the many women and men of authority and honor who in deliberate fashion looked to slice and carve up evil from the streets. You did just that, Officer Cook and so much more. Every year your birthday falls around this season. I'm sure they are very thankful, yet sorrowful that you and your father, Charles, may he too rest in peace as you my neighbor, friend and hero are very much missed. You both lived along with your beloved mother, Mrs. Julia Cook and your sister, Nancy, with values and morals. A man of scruples who lived by God's testament and there is nothing that will change that humble fact. You were a righteous and a God fearing individual, Officer Cook. We allow people to be confident and sure of themselves. And because of how you lived and gave your life for your friends, God has set a table where only His angelic heroes and heroines can partake. He leads you as He guides your strolls on that proverbial beat on His streets paved with golden wings. A man's mission of mercy, hope and optimism carried out exactly as planned. We still don't know why, Officer Cook. We do know that justice and fairness will always prevail, it trumps wickedness. You did your part, now others must follow your lead as bravery and as clearly are can be expected. Police work demands total effort, it's a team of professionals who have taken on a new challenge. The test starts the moment you graduate from the police academy and begin patrolling, serving and protecting the people in your town or community. Diligence, vigilance and motivation are all called upon when duress and trouble rear their ugliness. Families gather to eat, drink, reflect and to reminisce. Plenty of memories. Just you should be there to smile and laugh. That you did. You were serious and took life and your career that same way. I'll continue praying for you, Mrs.Cook. Stay well and Happy Thanksgiving. Your son, "Billy" won't be forgotten. His acumen was outstanding as was his faith in handling life, its situations that were placed before him. He wore his uniform so proudly and smartly. He fulfilled his role to the letter.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 17, 2016

To state succinctly, whenever one gives his or her life, we give them the honors of humility and heroism they richly deserve. Bravery is not something everyone is born with. Neither is dignity and integrity. Those lacking in these areas, humbly speaking may need to look outside the law enforcement profession and surely gain their focus on being honest and dignified. It will serve them well when it's most counted on. You were counted on, Officer Cook, to pull Dade Count and its residents out of the doldrums. You more than pulled them out, your gained their trust and centered peace and togetherness where it rightfully belonged. The hearts and minds of your fellow officers had heavy hearts the day the came to say goodbye. God welcomed you with open arms as one of His angelic heroes. He gained an angel of humane resolve, faithfulness and devotion. Life is about concentrating on your goals, aspirations and dreams, taking the next step towards them becoming a reality. You were a man of decency, class and genuine leadership bringing your colleagues closer to the center of you many battles over evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Of courage and of unwavering valor you will always hold a special spot in the hearts and minds of family, friends and comrades alike.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2016

No officer should be without a humble mention of their dignity, bravery and humility. They are all the tell tail signs as to the behavior of that particular public servant. Serving Dade County as one of the many brave and intelligent souls, Officer Cook, your tasks that you accepted without reservation was to formulate a plan of focus, an action delegated to bringing prosperity and peace to those who yearned for it. You did and much more. Comrades have looked back on your career of deliberation and determination that has exacted what was expected of you. You met those demands, never complained and laid your life and career on the line for those of us to continue moving forward in our pursuits of happiness, hope and faith. We pray to the Almighty that those we love and car enough about come home safely. Six years of resolve and loyalty could not tarnish the uniform and badge you wore with pride. A professional with compassion, a gentleman with his senses directed on responsibility and resourcefulness. Never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2016

Truly terrific. Completely humane. Humbly honored. You were deserving, Officer Cook, to be here today and share the joys of your beloved family's accomplishments. An officer and a gentleman, you very spirit touched the hearts of all people, Dade County and its citizens and just about wherever else you traveled. Your pursuits in life and the professional prowess that chased away evil left your legacy of hope and faith, character and resolve looking more and more as the solid building blocks of enhancement and its foundations of fierceness in battling one large impediment, violence, its roots and branches of wickedness spread out so far and wide. Yet, you performed in an outstanding way everyday. History records and inscribes any hero or heroine' deeds for God to judge. His judgments are pure and serene. His fairness was just as your fairness and honesty, Officer Cook. A cherished and noble man who humbly placed his trust in God and now God has you in His arms for safekeeping as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. For the joys of your family, you'll be fondly remembered in name, in action and in your gentle soul which flies high each day looking over this land where you toiled with dignity and tenacity. God instilled His traits in your being, they made you the devoted public servant who was unwavering in courage and in passion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2016

Those officers who persevere are the living proof we shall be one in unity and in peace. Dade County witnessed greatness from its beloved and humble servant, Officer Cook, you wrestled with evil, fought as only a man should to conquer this terrible plague. Now, residents live more quieter lives while you placed your life and career in harm's way for resolve to roam as it should. An honorable and dignified hero of courage and conviction, you are now and forever being so saluted for bravery and the recognition to dedicate yourself to warding off violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It was your leadership, vision and knowledge that assisted you mightily. You never gave up hope. You were the consummately loyal and faithful colleague to all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2016

The hearts of steel and resolve are the ones deep inside our beloved and brave servants. They help seal our lives with more peace and unity through their own honor, dignity and integrity. You had a gallant heart, Officer Cook. It did not wait at the corner. It navigated quite vigorously around the different sections of Dade County. Salutes of character, wisdom and vision are and forever loud and clear. You were a trusted and reliable professional who made his achievements the living enhancements of a community where you grew up and were a humble individual. Your legacy of heroism is marked by your uniform and badge which have accompanied you to heaven where you now rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Donned with determination and experience. You'll never be forgotten. The call went out that day on May 16, 1979 and you were ready and prepared as best you could to save your friends of action and those civilians. Your life and career were carefully constructed and mapped out. Violence puts its callousness on those maps altering even the best laid hopes and dreams of those who aspire to become great. You dreamed, Officer Cook and made reality a factual destination for all Dade County. Our hearts will always be a little sadder, but, one day we will see you again serving Our Creator in His enchanted kingdom where your beloved colleagues walk that heavenly beat alongside of your beloved soul.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2016

Those officers who are truly dedicated to their craft are the ones who will get the job done properly. Their intellect, honesty and integrity are their wellsprings to a sound and we all pray a safe journey through the streets of the communities that they serve and protect. perseverance and preservation must start someplace and that venue is the home environment where they received their dignified upbringings. You were a devoted and loyal public servant, Officer Cook and those who you watched over were extremely satisfied with your outstanding service of character, pride and excellence in distributing the peace and unity where it was needed the most. A treasured man who was loyal to the and who battled evil until the end. You will always be thought of and saluted for valor and nobility beyond humanity's calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Comrades have remembered your smile and leadership abilities that helped to fight crime and its associated violence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2016

As I walk and drive by your old home in North Miami Beach, Florida, Officer Cook, I have noticed a Chevrolet Silverado with an Arizona license plate parked in the driveway. They are at your parents' home fixing up. I know if you were here, Officer Cook, you would have had that task completed long ago. Sometimes in life the best laid plans of mice and men can go awry. But, you answered a call of a domestic issue over thirty-seven years ago and paid the ultimate sacrifice. Our very peace and freedom do come with a heavy price and arduous burden. Your test, Officer Cook, was to translate desire and devotion, dignity and courage, honor and integrity, to bring the big picture into focus. Your family, comrades and friends have cherished your memory, as your absence only make sour hearts grow fonder of the hard work put into being a most loyal and reliable professional public servant. A salute for bravery and unwavering character, pride and commitment that was donned in a pristine fashion. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Back in your day, Officer Cook, police were not compensated as much as today, your effort was reflective of a job well done. You were a humble man who worked tirelessly for his wife and family. Parenthood would have only humbled your blessed heart more so. God determines our lots in life. You'll never be forgotten for endearment, engagement and enhancement. During my dad's day as a New York City police officer, there were no bulletproof vests and his take home pay was about two-hundred dollars a month. Rest in peace dad. We called him pop. I still wished they had those side panels, Officer Cook, your sacrifice brought about their usage. One inch. One lousy inch cost you your life, Officer Cook. What a travesty! What an indignation! You are and always will be our hero who saved the day on that awful day of May 16, 1979. No one overlooks pride and consideration. Your compassion and manner of speaking were extraordinary. Many hearts were sad and sorrowful because of your superb gallantry, Officer Cook, delivered with excellent eloquence and the examples of fine work. History that sad day brought victory and relief for citizens wanting serenity, safety and peace of mind. No small task. Challenges do mount. You fought hard, Officer Cook, to keep them from forming an avalanche of trouble. The snowball affect. Police deal daily with this common occurrence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2016

Nowadays, it hard so to speak to put all your eggs in one basket. You just count your blessings and lucky stars that we still have more honorable and dignified heroes who go out and risk everything for us. You were one of many, Officer Cook, diligently and vigorously serving to reign in terror and bring about peace and desire for all Dade County. Police work is never monotonous. You just have to persevere and maintain constant courage and calm while influencing the masses to do what is deemed correct. All anyone can ask is for each and every woman and man to pull their own weight. Tackle each challenge, each test as skillfully and as expeditiously as possible with your might. Keep in mind, haste makes waste. Never dilly dolly. Just stay within the bounds of proper morals, ethical behavior that make your department proud of your service and character. This is the communication. Keep focused. Pay attention. Try to stay safe and alert. Preserve the public trust the way you know how to. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, you were a noble and gallant young man. There was more left to fulfill. God's giant radar screen saw your life's accomplishments as concluded, Officer Cook and He in His glorious mercy needed you in heaven for an even more vitally eternal role. To walk that proverbial beat and overlook those who have taken over your watch. May real sure they are acting ethically and doing their utmost to stop this barrage of violence as it threatens the very fabric and core of our society. One marked by unity, peace and well founded prosperity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2016

For the people who put trust and bravery in the right place, they know the end results of a good man's resolve and faithfulness. They relished your open honesty along with your integrity. It brought the most desirable sources of peace and liberty. A comrade whose heroism struck down the core of wickedness. You were the personification, Officer Cook, of a meticulous and measured professional. There can be no doubts your commitment and convictions were squarely spot on. No task is ever simple for any righteous and oriented person. Common sense and rationale were part of the grand scheme of peace and satisfaction for those you protected. Nothing stopped you from doing your job. It was completed smartly, astutely and very wisely. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. History were remember your reverence, resourcefulness and relative effort always one-hundred percent. You were a Godsend, Officer Cook who delivered on your word. Your lips spoke the simple truth. Now if only we could heed those messages as your beloved soul travels throughout God's sacred skies. Golden wings for an angel with a golden heart of compassion and concern.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2016

An officer's best reply to evil is to stay calm, collect your thoughts and battle this monster as fiercely as you can with honesty, integrity, dignity and intense ingenuity. Prepare and have a plan of action. Dade County and its citizens' best plans for peace and welfare were driven by yourself, Officer Cook. A total gentleman and professional of consolidation, collaboration and coordination. All the proper morals and desire to see you through with your missions both in life and during your outstanding career. We'll always be indebted to you, Officer cook, for the fortitude and foresight to tackle challenging tasks. Comrades and friends, your loving family members all salute your bravery and grace. Nobility and humility as well as your heroic character which now and forever serves as your legacy of fairness and justice. The enhancements to last for generations. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You did your utmost and at least you acted as you were trained to perform.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 16, 2016

The insanity in this society and its sinister actions always need to be watched. It requires the surest attention from our brave and esteemed officers. They pour their hearts and souls, integrity and honesty into their labors of love. They speak for those they serve and protect. Their positions of desire and devotion put them front and center in the face of evil. Dade County and its residents could not have been in anymore loyal and faithful hands than yours, Officer Cook. Without your gallantry and humility, the tides of violence would have impacted those who want to live in peace and in unity. Kind of like being without a leader. You were that leader whose dignity uplifted the fallen. Your wisdom and vision were the helpers of sanctity among all people. Now as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, let it be known to your comrades and from those across our land that Officer William C. Cook, was a man of character, courage and conviction to all professional calls of duty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 15, 2016

It takes a certain comfort level to get used to the roles and its rigors as a police officer. Service and protection is not just given out with a firm handshake and an engaging smile. But, you comported yourself, Officer Cook, with a humble confidence and open and frank honesty. Sometimes if being blunt is required then such is the case. Nevertheless, your dignity and integrity allowed you the proper professional opportunity to bring together Dade County and its citizens as one. Public service requires peace and whatever is needed within the realms of the law you handled with assurance, class and reverence. Your goal was to promote goodwill among all mankind. having the character and concern for your fellow man certainly factored into your role. What a blessing! What a brave gentleman with a gentle soul that now flies higher each day on God's angelic wings. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Motivation and intuition assisted you greatly, Officer Cook. That sage wisdom is surely missed today and everyday. We will leave it up to your colleagues and family to pull their weight and to carry on with your missions that were fulfilled with love and admiration for all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 15, 2016

A serene and taciturn gentleman who battled against the sinister forces of evil and accomplished his missions faithfully and very firmly. You were the loving example of honesty and integrity policing and protecting life and property of Dade County citizens while staying on the trails of tenacity, loyalty and valor. Today, you are paid homage and tributes for trying your utmost to eliminate violence and its vindictive motivations. You were a savior, a hero of the highest level of humbleness while displaying the kind of character, conviction and commitment that is worn on everyone's police uniform and a badge pinned on one's chest signaling preservation, perseverance and persistence to occupy your thoughts with devotion and deliverance. It was brought honorably to your professional position on a daily basis. It is a recurring theme that is taken to work and brought back home safe and sound. It is not meant to be a broken record. Police work can be demanding. It can be a grind. In the end, it requires fairness, justice for all and a mentally acute and physically able body to produce the right results. The deliberate dedication to mankind, unwavering and unselfish. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy of heroism is the very embodied foundation of enhancement, engagement and enlightenment. Its flames shall never flicker nor be extinguished from our society. You were a blessing to your family and a truly humane Godsend to all. Peace and prosperity, unity and freedom shall abide in all houses because of your vision and knowledge, Officer Cook. A beloved peace broker and valiant public servant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 14, 2016

From the clouds of divine glory, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook. To see your revered presence patrolling the venues of Dade County had to be a welcome sight and relief to its residents. You placed your unique expressions of faith and humility, honor and integrity in the face of danger to procure the necessary peace, unity and dignity for all. No person shall live in fear. You gave the people outstanding professional effort and demonstrative resolve. You will always be treasured by your colleagues, friends and beloved family members who live on in your good deeds and aspirations. If we fail at first, do not be afraid to fall. God helps lift up our spirits. He has yours, Officer Cook, uplifted at all moments as it travels around His vast universe as does those brave and loyal brothers and sisters who too gave their lives for causes of goodwill and humanity. The reverent live on because of their righteous ways, it was in your blood and your family's.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 14, 2016

You were an engaging person, Officer Cook, a public servant with a yearning for restoring resolve and peace in its finality to all Dade County citizens humanely and humbly. Officers today must be more than just on the cusp of things as it takes lots of effort to grasp certain situations. When you kept honesty and integrity firmly entrenched on your uniform, your patrols were made that much better. those who valiantly serve and protect us do so with the greatest esteem that their professional position calls for. Your character, your vitality and vigilance were cornerstones of your heroic legacy of faith and unwavering diligence. The kind of work that has so honored your life and career at the tender young age of twenty-five. You are missed but you are not forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were on the front line defending our rights, freedoms and aspirations all through your inspirations to remove denigration from our society.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 13, 2016

A clear cut decision could result in anything. Nowadays, police must refrain from doing certain things which could give the impression of wrong. Dade County has been through a ringer. When you patrolled, Officer Cook, you sought to simply calm and deliver the good nature of peace and dignity to all folks. We cannot utter enough words to describe your life and career and fabulous achievements which were your humble virtues of honesty and integrity. You will be fondly remembered for valor and courage, keeping level headed people going in the proper direction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 13, 2016

Brave as you were, Officer Cook, you were the humble officer who dared to fight evil and Dade County and its residents were most appreciative. The loyal and honest professionals will all be saluted for having the due diligence to detail. With all the duress it can be hard to imagine the dignity and integrity that must follow these brave people on their missions. God plans. We can only be amazed. No surprise, you were a very blessed hero, Officer Cook, who brought peace and unity to all. Your legacy speaks of your valor and humility which helped you to fulfill your aspirations and dreams. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 13, 2016

Fascination versus fabrication. The last word could spell trouble for any officer. From a rookie on probation to a savvy and seasoned veteran. It's quite dangerous and even deadly on those roads and streets where an officer's greatest concentration is needed. Thank God and for Dade County residents the outdoors and taking photos of nature were your fascination. The ruination of careers in the making is when public servants don't behave according to department guidelines. Your character and morals were par excellence, Officer Cook. The creation of a hero's or heroine's life takes shape in the home where the foundation for commitment and conviction begins its roots. You will be cherished and saluted for having the distinct drive and dedication to persevere in times of trouble. Kayos and mayhem never knocked you off kilter, Officer Cook as they toughened your resolve to be the brave professional you were for six years of loyal and dependable service. Protection with pride. Humility to all humanity. Nobility mixed with determination and honor to properly don a uniform and badge and preserve as expected. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. the sanctity of life and property was in your capable hands. The truth was spoken from your righteous lips. An angel of God who lived life and went about his daily affairs with vision, wisdom and intelligence clearing the paths for calm and serenity among all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 13, 2016

You were not a person prone to curtain calls, Officer Cook. Your dossier spoke of eloquence and resolve. The firmness and fairness to mete out justice by means of wisdom, vision and honor. You shared your involvement with dignity, integrity and class making it a bit less complex for you and your colleagues to solve crimes and to take violence off the streets. Dade County and its residents have acknowledged your courage and belief that peace and unity was on the way. It was delivered with desire, decency and dedication to all. Your determination and character won't be forgotten. neither will your pride and ability to handle whatever was placed your way. it was achieved professionally and with great pride for your position. Rest in peace my neighbor, friends and hero. Ingenuity and humility represented important tenets in your life and career, Officer Cook. One day that phrase on your gravestone, "We Shall Be One," will live righteously in all our hearts. This land cannot afford complacency. It requires the gentleness of resiliency. Such as your golden angelic wings, Officer Cook, that take your beloved soul wherever it needs to travel.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 12, 2016

A signature on a promise to pay back a loan is a person's commitment to own up to their responsibility. So too whenever that officer goes out and patrol to secure the public peace. They have to be fair, loyal and honest. To stay within the bounds of integrity and dignity when dealing with any issue that involves their commitment, conviction and to stress again, character. You can't go anywhere without the fabric and its appearance of good morals. Otherwise, one's very own uniform they don along with their badge is meaningless. Your life and career of excellence, Officer Cook, offered a glimpse into how you were properly raised at home. For bravery, courage and valor, the long winding road begins in a hero's house. Now, Officer Cook, you are so honored for your fortitude and faithfulness to those professional calls of duty. Dade County looks much better in terms of class, peace and in decency by virtue of your noble actions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You guaranteed gallantry and grace. Your mission was fulfilled.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 12, 2016

Assigned to combat means just that. You have to pack your prudence, perseverance and commitment to integrity, dignity and honesty. A lot of other important items too. Police work all around our country means brave and valiant servants must stand between us and those who seize the opportunity to pull off evil. Good preservation and protection relies upon one's own basic instincts, the ones you had, Officer Cook. The wheels of ingenuity and intuition revolve so quickly, sometimes that is about all you have to react. Having a weapon doesn't mean just firing it for no purpose. It means using discretion as the better part of valor. The citizens of Dade County could relax and sleep sounder when you were out on patrol dignifying your professional convictions. A poignant man. A gentleman so cherished and respected for doing a unique service to our community where you are saluted for having the humbleness and knowledge to direct others through tough times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your heroism, Officer Cook, was the splendor of your life and career as our warrior. Without your efforts and skills who knows where we might be today? A quagmire of trouble. Your tenacity helped avert more trouble on May 16, 1979. You succeeded in saving lives that day where others may not have even dared to travel. Time parades on. You'll never be forgotten, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 12, 2016

The calendar inches another day closer to your birthday, Officer Cook. My oh my does time pass. It surely can pass us by when we least expect it to. Though, for those residents in Dade County who are fortunate to be here today, they surely remember your outstanding resilience to get things completed promptly and proudly. The satisfaction your family, colleagues and friends they have been the recipients by means of your bravery, honesty and integrity. It has unlocked so many entrances to the passage ways of peace, goodwill and prosperity for all. It takes a lot to make it happen. Good morals. Steadiness. Firmness and fairness afforded to all. Your life as a hero and savior was the results of a solid home environment. And the premise of better days ahead. Your humility in wearing your badge and uniform spoke to the heart and minds of those who relied on your personal and professional prowess. Commitment meets conviction as does politeness and precision right down the very same trail as does unity and quiet. Public servants careers rest upon many traits. Comporting oneself is the first hurdle to clear. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 12, 2016

All officers must be composed and collected whenever serving and protecting the public. There are those who still betray their badges, they must be taken off the streets at once. Dade County has seen many heroes and heroines come and go and with its rich history comes a young man of character and conviction who made peace and safety his utmost priority. You led other officers, Officer Cook, by virtue of your honesty, dignity and integrity, it certainly moves things forward much smoother and with less duress. Comrades who served alongside of you fondly remember your wisdom and vision that when utilized professionally it yielded positive results. The loyalty and faithfulness was always accounted for whenever you patrolled. No matter the place, time or day. Now you continue to be saluted for your heroism which has cemented your legacy to all humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Courtesy and effort poured into your labors of love and admiration to all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 12, 2016

Compromise takes ingenuity and a certain tact. The skills that officers must employ whenever they are on patrol. Peace and liberty require the usage of diligence and honesty. In any line of work, integrity and dignity are a professional's tools of disposal to be relied upon. What Dade County and its citizens were concerned with was its brave and courteous men and women like you, Officer Cook. You dared to explore. You dared to dream. You cared for your fellow man and showed the loyalty and respect that all are entitled to receive. When we think of our heroes and heroines we think of their class, decency and desire to advance the pursuits of mankind through their missions of character, caring and morals. You can never move forward unless all prudent traits are firmly in place. Enhancement stays cornered in the eyes and ears of your colleagues, Officer Cook, precisely because of your unwavering sacrifice. That included your ideals and values. They served as your core in protecting and in serving the public trust. A real leader goes over and above for his comrades and defends their zeal and honor. Something Dade County cannot ever forget, Officer Cook, you were confident in all your abilities, your capacity to battle with tenacity this torment, terror and violence shall be saluted. A most cherished and admired peer to all. Mankind will be grateful, Officer Cook, a legend of character and in humbleness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

November 11, 2016

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