Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
The seeds of success have been firmly planted in all those who ever lived to serve the public. some way somehow their deeds must be honored. Their respect and admiration for their important duties shall never be far from our minds. Dade County is richer and better, Officer cook, because of your understanding on what it takes to have dignity, integrity and honesty in all your actions. Those peaceful moments, those unified today can do so because of your undying sacrifice. Your devotion, your knowledge and its culmination of being able to lead other fellow officers through danger, we simply cannot say enough. You did have plenty of courage, conviction and that word character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 6, 2017
Pain and grief are the two things in life many of us experience at some point. Your family, Officer Cook, experienced this as do many families of beloved and humble heroes. Here in Dade County you saved and served the residents with all your heart and the energy needed to extricate evil. The very thing our society does not need to be a part of. Courageous and caring, loyal and honorable, integrity and dignity never departed from your badge or uniform. One man's legacy of unwavering and unselfish esteem never to be forgotten. We can live in peace and enhancement by virtue of your morals and values, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The pain and anguish are still there, though, I know your family continues your foundation of hope and goodwill for mankind. Your gave the most humble and humane thing and that is life. The air we take in. Our lips for telling the truth. Our feet to walk or run, running to pursue happiness and joy.Our Creator enabled you to carry out righteous deeds for twenty-five years and now He is helping you walk that beat in His eternal home where the streets are filled with the many angelic heroes and heroines. The souls of decency and devotion, faith and resolve.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 6, 2017
The security of a community is supposed to be present at all times. No matter the time or day, peace and unity are what the residents live for. Their prosperity must be upheld. You worked and strove for greatness, Officer Cook. Your dignity and integrity were never challenged nor was your authority. A man of courage and character making a difference where it was needed the most. Cherished and brave. Bold and revered. respected and beloved. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 6, 2017
Uniquely special, those who bravely go out and save lives while trying to conquer violence deserve our salutes of heroism for jobs well done. You were a humane and devoted public servant, Officer Cook, so class and honesty drove your passions which in turn were fueled by integrity and dignity. Dade County and its venues were met by your desire and determination to achieve unity and peace enabling those folks to live solid and productive lives. Their happiness and your happiness were a byproduct of each other. You won't be forgotten for your professionalism and the hope and optimism you brought to your position that demands excellence and the character to reflect your resolve and convictions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, you were one humble man and a firm believer in having morals, humility and the presence of mind to act accordingly. Always the people you served and protected came first and foremost.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 5, 2017
Years of frustration and unrest, peace and the belief that it can last can be accomplished if our devoted officers plan, prepare and ascribe to morals and the code of honor, dignity and integrity. Dade County and its people relied heavily on your astuteness, Officer Cook and all the above. You were a wonderful man, a beloved son, brother, husband uncle and great-uncle who is loved and missed terribly. Though your pursuits in life carried you to newer heights, your career of character and heroism should stand as the cornerstone of courage and the very foundation of ferocity. You were fearless and relentless in securing peace and its pride among all people. Cherished and faithful, loyal and humble. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 5, 2017
Humanity records the humble feats of its most valiant and honorable public servants. These are the chosen and the very select few who pursue their dreams of happiness while searching for answers on how to secure the peace and liberty of a community. Dade County was the recipient of your unselfish and unwavering commitment, courage and character. To dream that never will come true, yours did, Officer Cook, all born from the desire to remain honest, dignified and to carry your integrity as you carried you badge and the pristine manner in which you donned your uniform of professional pride and ingenuity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your heroism and its legacy walked in perfect unison as you now walk that sacred beat in God's perfect shelter of sanctity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 4, 2017
Nothing in life is routine, mundane or just plain simple. The truth is violence, evil and wickedness scorches the serenity of those who desire to live and lead peaceful and taciturn lives. You desired freedom and peace, Officer Cook, you went hunting and taking breath taking pictures of God's land. The very same Creator who instilled the valuable lessons of faith and honor, decency and integrity while you were growing up in North Miami Beach, Florida. A community you celebrated milestones in your life and during a marvelous career that was cut way too short due to the very heinous actions of a cowardly and brazen young man bent on ruination. The very thing you took an affirmation to serve and protect us and all Dade County citizens looking for a measure of hope, prayer and the goodwill of all mankind. Today, your ideals and morals are being saluted as is the courage you had, Officer Cook, to diligently and most feverishly head off things before they got out of hand. A life and legacy of heroism at its most humane and humble capacity that persevered and in doing so allowed us to continue with our day designs for a better place to prosper and to reach our destinies. God has you in His palms for eternal safekeeping. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 4, 2017
Police cannot sit nor stand idly by when the sounds of silence and peace are being disturbed. Chatter and lack of action lead to who knows what? For the good of Dade County and its folks the gestures of grace came in the humble form of your fine character and commitment to excellence, Officer Cook. Seldom a day that passed without a greeting, for you always had that bright smile and common sense approach to solving any problem placed before you. Your docket was full of esteem and loyalty, class and concern for the citizens all while serving with integrity, honesty and the capacity of letting dignity patrol with you. Now decades later you remain a hero to all, your family, friends and those fellow colleagues who risked their lives and faced the same imminent dangers as you faced eye to eye. Remembered and saluted for a job well done as one of Our Creator's faithful servants. A very blessed young man with extra special maturity, leadership and the wisdom that took you to places we might not go to. Unselfish, unwavering and unquestionably a great and humane prince of a man. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 4, 2017
The source of inspiration comes from the solemn and loyal dedication to bravery and honor. That's what make heroes and heroines' lives so cherished. We honor the dignity and integrity, the character, its spirit and the commitment of yourself, Officer Cook, you were a top notch public servant of class and accommodation. You fought with all your sheer might on behalf of Dade County's residents being one of the many loyal and faithfully devout men and women from law enforcement. Staunch and sensible. Caring and valiant. Taking violence away while securing our peace and liberty. Your heroic legacy is being kept safe up in heaven where you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When compassion came calling you were present and ready to oblige giving more than we could ever ponder. Take care of those you welcome to join you in walking that sacred proverbial beat in God's exalted kingdom of kindness and mercy. You were and will always be a true warrior, savior and a very blessed gentleman. Twenty-five years of pride and excellence incorporated, humility was the very cornerstone of both your life and special career as a Metro-Dade Police Officer. Badge#1664 delivered results, resolve and true resourcefulness at all times. Very dependable and outstanding work on behalf of mankind.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 4, 2017
To be a coward is to hide and run from evil when you know it is your obligation to serve and defend our rights. Police officers who take a solemn oath must display this honesty, dignity and integrity as well. Our lives, their lives and the general population demand this. Giving your life and career for all Dade County, Officer Cook, you cannot be forgotten. You were a man of nobility and the humble grace to bless us with your guiding presence. Peace and unity could not be well rounded and still remain a vivid part of our lives if not for your unwavering bravery and fierceness in fighting a foe so determined to seek and to destroy. Your mission was to stop this very assault from unleashing mayhem and you succeeded and remain respected and admired for this cunning and the inner energy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy rests within God's wellsprings of enlightenment. Heaven shelters you and your fellow heroes and heroines whose passions took them on journeys where no other person dared to travel. Godsends are not just dropped off. They are placed on this green earth to protect and to secure security and safety for everyone. Your pursuits of happiness, Officer Cook, now are the aspirations for all men, women and children to keep living and keeping your beloved spirit alive each and every moment. The blessings of a good name shall last forever. Yours, Officer Cook, as with your pride and character and faithfulness too shall be one and live on forever within our hearts, minds and in our daily prayers.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 4, 2017
If the cream of the crop rises to the top, than so too will integrity and humility. Diligence, dignity and desire must take those who serve and make them even more humane. Society and the evil that still runs around madly wreaking havoc must be curtailed. The courage and tenacity were there, Officer Cook. Your confidence, voice of reason and passion were present. Public servants cannot place all their eggs in one basket. That basket must be balanced be the richness and goodness by which you lead your life. Sanctity and sanity enabled you to get a better handle on what Dade County and its unified people required. That day, that terribly awful day of May 16, 1979, you stood front and center in the Liberty City section of Miami, Florida heroically trying your utmost to quell a domestic situation with your partner, Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln and your two other brave comrades, Officers DiGenova and Edgerton who too were shot and almost killed. Your department will forever salute and continue to honor your memory and the career and life by which you composed yourself with compassion and passion. You tried your utmost, Officer Cook and gave something so revered and precious, your life and the zest by which your smile blanketed your entire community, family, friends and colleagues who served with you. This was your home and will always be. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 4, 2017
Racing and running is what we want our brave and loyal public servants to do in order to eradicate evil. Their pursuits in life and in the careers they chose to follow demand a special kind of touch. Honor, integrity and dignity shall never abandon those who justly, ably and smartly follow behind violence latching on to its clutches of vile and cowardly actions. Your devotion, Officer Cook and your dedication and determination have made life and its serenity here in Dade County one of enhancement. Your morals taught us to never give in to temptation. Stay the designed pathways of perseverance and preservation will arrive at same appointed time. A classy and honorably humble man serving with distinction and loyalty to be forever admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 4, 2017
Facing time and allowing time to pass you by without trying. All Our Lord expects is for us to put a little effort forward. Expend a bit of energy and use those resources which we were humbly given. There is a talent and a light that burns deep inside each one of us. Your skills and quests, Officer Cook, were met and answered promptly and prudently. It was your unselfish dignity, integrity and honesty that allowed you the chance to make a peaceful difference within the areas of Dade County and for its residents. No one expects more, you were that kind of officer, the consummate public servant who professionally utilized your blueprint of life to facilitate the quality of life we all look forward to living to to accomplishing. Never forgotten for your bravery and heroism, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God'as glorious throne has you and your dad along with all the angelic heroes and heroines who gave of themselves to make this country and community great again. You were a treasured and revered gentleman, individual and a man of kindness whose boldness helped to bestow the goodwill back where it properly belonged. Violence and its wickedness were given your every last ounce of breath and strength, Officer Cook. Hopefully, today's warriors will fight with all their might. Freedom will raise its voice and the winds of evil will vanish forever.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 4, 2017
Facing destiny, one never really knows when the time will come. God humbly instills the gallantry and ingenuity in all His special people. Those who serve and protect, He guides them in integrity, honor and with an amount of modest dignity which in turn allows them the chance to succeed. Peace and unity are hard to acquire as it takes the special blend of humanitarian to handle and to convince others of how things must be accomplished. You were that angel of heroism, Officer Cook, the eyes and ears of Dade County and its people got your full attention, hopefully the messages you were sending out were heeded. Sadly, your presence is missed today and of course everyday. I believe what you conveyed back in your day was the gift of grace and character that Our Creator Himself gives to those devout and righteous individuals who serve a unique role in our society. If humility and humbleness could speak, people would stop and ponder trying to comprehend its meaning. Your life and endeavors mattered. Your police career, the uniform and badge worn smartly and the way we expect our most esteemed leaders to act. Morals matter. Commitments to quality and excellence matter. Life may be cruel at times even vicious, but it matters. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a pillar of strength in which to draw from, Officer Cook, thirty-eight years later is a long time, it might be wise to begin drawing and in taking hold. Taking charge and responsibility of your life. Its value is too much not to care. You were caring and concerned with the decency of all others. Class and consideration helped to champion your causes of faith, hope and goodwill.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 4, 2017
There is a saying parents tell their children to finish what is on their plate before asking for more. Police officers have a lot to digest and to disseminate. All in a day's work does honesty and integrity shadow that public servant. After accepting the risks and rewards do they courageously go out on patrol and that was exactly what you did in Dade County, Officer Cook. You were valiant and full of vigilance. Talented and full of tenacity. Fired up and loaded with ferocity to handle the daily rigors and stress that your professional roles brought with them. All cherished and respected, you were the loyal and faithful comrade who saw to justice and fairness do ethically, morals and conviction delivered to the table. Now quietness and togetherness may settle in as one. Dade County and its residents were always in quality hands. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God holds those brave and humble legacies with the same extra special devotion and care as you, Officer Cook and your sisters and brothers who sacrificed so enhancement may continue its strides of fruition.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 4, 2017
Percolate. Perpetuate. Perpetrate. The first word is used when something gets a little out of hand. In other words you were excellent in calming down folks who became a bit agitated, Officer Cook. The second word means to carry on your ideals and values, your decency and devotion, Officer Cook and so must you honor and integrity be carried out by your family and those colleagues who went to battle this adversary evil. Your service and perseverance brought about goodwill and peace for Dade County and its citizens. They received top notch protection and professionalism through and through. The third word could be describing a person doing something not so good and the role of the police is to identify and intensify unity and the proper respect for your position. You will always be fondly admired, saluted and remembered for your unwavering commitment and the kind of quality character an important job demands. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Just at the time your life and career were peaking, just a tragic shame. There was much more for you to give our society, though your heroically humble contributions will never be forgotten.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 4, 2017
Those who dream may continue their dreams. It is this very violence which has caused many nightmares for a community yearning for peace. The prosperity and integrity of all Dade County was restored humbly and most wisely by your efforts, Officer Cook. The soundest of heroes, the finest character of morals and dignity. Those who respected and cherished you do so now with a heartfelt thanks. Boldness and concern, commitment to pride and excellence that blazed a trail for other brave souls to follow after. Big shoes to fill and the most humane and humble of steps of passion taken. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those legacies get God's everyday extra special attention for making this world one of contentment, enhancement and hopeful enthusiasm. Police officers must sort this mayhem out in a hurry and deliver decency and unwavering resolve to all.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 4, 2017
Wisdom and its experience can help to overcome lack of knowledge and the faith that things will work themselves out. What some of us are missing is the fortitude and the integrity to proceed ahead with our goals and their missions. If you have a little hope and optimism, then resolve and achievement will follow closely behind. Dade County has witnessed the greatness and the gallantry from many of its heroes and heroines, none though matched up with your sense of direction and pride for your position, Officer Cook. You kept cool and performed your roles all with dignity and integrity all straight from the character, commitment and concern you had for our society. Peace, serenity and the ability to go out and make our lots in life according to how we see the big picture. Never a wasted moment, always the consummate public servant, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Courageous and considerate can get things moving smartly as does having the calibrated intellect, ingenuity and intuition. Dot those I's and cross those T's. Tenacity and intelligence can at least make some dent into violence. You treasured your job, let us hope and pray others think along those lines.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 3, 2017
Remembering our devoted and most dedicated of heroes and heroines who shined as brightly then as they do now in God's eternal shelters of glory. Your days, Officer Cook, made our days more surer and safer all because of your unselfish humility, honesty and integrity. Dignity deserving of a hearty salute. You were an accomplished professional there can be no doubt. Your legacy rings a loudly as those drums you beat when you attended Norland senior High School in Miami, Florida. One smile, one life with a career that was just getting ready to takeoff. The very evil that took your young life was the very life and character that was utilized to restore peace and unity to Dade County and its residents. Now and forever you won't be forgotten for having the courage to instill action among those who admired and respected you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 3, 2017
Those who dream may continue their dreams. It is this very violence which has caused many nightmares for a community yearning for peace. The prosperity and integrity of all Dade County was restored humbly and most wisely by your efforts, Officer Cook. The soundest of heroes, the finest character of morals and dignity. Those who respected and cherished you do so now with a heartfelt thanks. Boldness and concern, commitment to pride and excellence that blazed a trail for other brave souls to follow after. Big shoes to fill and the most humane and humble of steps of passion taken. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those legacies get God's everyday extra special attention for making this world one of contentment, enhancement and hopeful enthusiasm. Police officers must sort this mayhem out in a hurry and deliver decency and unwavering resolve to all.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 3, 2017
The seeds of success have been firmly planted in all those who ever lived to serve the public. some way somehow their deeds must be honored. Their respect and admiration for their important duties shall never be far from our minds. Dade County is richer and better, Officer cook, because of your understanding on what it takes to have dignity, integrity and honesty in all your actions. Those peaceful moments, those unified today can do so because of your undying sacrifice. Your devotion, your knowledge and its culmination of being able to lead other fellow officers through danger, we simply cannot say enough. You did have plenty of courage, conviction and that word character. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 3, 2017
You were not a vengeful person, Officer Cook. So revenge was never on your mind, only your focus was in serving and in preserving the people of Dade County. The admiration and peace for an outstanding job rested in your morals, Officer Cook. The sanctity of your dignity, honesty and integrity went out on your patrols and pursuits of happiness. All your comrades and caring family members can look back and indeed see the moments when your leadership and wisdom shined clearly. You tackled wickedness the same way you embraced life, with a glowing smile and the privilege you were given to serve your community. One that bestowed humble honors to a man of grace, gallantry and the character to save those in peril. You faced danger straight up never turning your back. You were a hero and a very blessed Godsend. Twenty-five years of prowess and passion, professionalism through and through. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When terror strikes our most esteemed and bravest must be properly prepared. Those plans have been set in motion from the day you were conceived, Officer Cook. Your parents, sister and Karen were all proud of you. Humanity will never take a backseat. A hero's feats standout as their labors of love and affection for their job.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 2, 2017
Cool and calm does not always workout the way you plan. But integrity, honor and dignity when integrated together provide the greatest stimulus in the hunt for security and prosperity. That peace here in Dade County was attributed to your intuition, intelligence and the ingenuity to see quiet among its residents. When valor and boldness operate as one entity that brave public servant can at least be assured of some resolve. And it was your faith and fervent hope, Officer cook, that enhancement would stay with us forever. No doubt the humility and humbleness of your character, Officer cook, will be fondly noted, saluted and remembered by those comrades who served and protected the boundaries against evil. Cherished and loved by your family, that gaping hole left by your untimely passing has been slowly mended as your beloved family members have so much to be thankful for and the wonderful memories of your life and a career that had more left to achieve. God is the master planner. He knows the destinies of all His devoted servants. Nothing escapes His loving arms of mercy where His loving angelic heroes and heroines are cradled. You and your father, Charles are in very good hands and among the respected and admired company of those fellow officers who like yourself gave their lives for the public. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If legacies could speak, yours, Officer Cook, would communicate action and respect for all people no matter their plights. You helped all folks, your heart was gigantic and gave and gave.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 2, 2017
Police officers must maintain decency and dignity while staying on the trails of honesty and integrity. Dade County and its residents have come to rely upon their many humble, brave and loyal heroes and heroines. Dedicated and primed to succeed, you were a man of trust and humility, Officer Cook. Boldness when shaped by brilliance leads to accomplishment. Never one to shy away from a problem, you were the quintessential public servant whose sense of fairness led to the peace and stability in a community where you have been honored and saluted for valor and that inner strength of courage from your heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The carnage from evil leads to calamities that only can be stopped by diligent public servants.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 2, 2017
You shunned the limelight, Officer Cook. You were a humble and noted man of esteem and self-confidence. It was under your leadership, perseverance and integrity that all Dade County and its citizens were able to lead normal and structured lives of peace and unity. Dignity and honesty sometimes get lost in the fight for freedom. Your missions were destinies where no other person would dare to venture. You'll be saluted and honored for your reverence, Officer Cook, that carried your life and professional feats of ferocity and tenacity. Your heroism is the very humane cornerstone of why we have enhancement, your sacrifice was very unwavering, unselfish and humble above the calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
February 2, 2017