Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

I hope and pray we get though this holiday time without major problems. Officers and their families are safe and sound. The conventional wisdom would be that we should strive to live in peace and prosperity. Humanity awaits at the gate for its humble heroes to return safely to their loved ones. Dade County waited each day for you, Officer Cook and your honest and dignified mannerisms to help shape its venue. You were a peaceful man. A brave officer. Moreover, a righteous servant who led by example and worn his uniform with pride and excellence. Your department and comrades have saluted your inherent wisdom and calmness under pressure. A trademark of a man of integrity and intelligence. Today, we can look back, pause and reflect upon your life and career of morals and principles it made you the gentleman with a kindred spirit and a giving heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2016

Do we dare to dream? Do we remain honest and humble? As God's creatures we are exposed to unique circumstances. It is the very special hearts of our most valiant that we place our liberty and peace. All while they are exposed to danger and peril. From the eyes of the wicked, the righteous must be cautious. Every plan prepared. Every message communicated. The influence of the decent, desirable and dignified were in the visions and wisdom of the many who served Dade County. Your career and life, Officer Cook, was the genesis of grace and humbleness, the faithfulness to fairly and firmly execute the day to day rigors of your position. You'll be fondly remembered for having the passion to persuade and to be diligent to those who relied upon your vigilance. Cornerstones and foundations rest firmly within the beliefs that God looks after your special soul, Officer Cook, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You risked your life for our pleasures and purposes in life. For us to dream, to dare and to explore human nature, our heroes allow for our enhancements. Dade County will be forever grateful.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2016

We are held accountable for our actions. Police also are held responsible for maintaining the dignity, integrity and freedom of all residents while keeping their honesty intact. You kept peace and unity grounded in Dade County for six years of devoted and loyal service, Officer Cook. Men and women who have the commitment, the conviction and character are the ones who are saluted. It's honor and humility that when formulated correctly allows for the movement of one and all. Forever your legacy of responsibility points out why you were an outstanding public servant. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2016

I meant to say be bold, Officer Cook. Being brazen accomplishes nothing. Some officers are power hungry. You give something a badge and weapon, the next thing you know all heck breaks loose. The citizens of Dade County needed resolutions, resolve and honesty to a professional fraternity of integrity and dignity. You delivered the trust and truth, character and commitment. I would submit that your life and humility were indeed second to none. A decent man. A gallant gentleman with a passionate and compassionate heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's wings are taking your respected and much beloved soul from point to point protecting and looking after those who bravely serve their missions here.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2016

To serve, save and sanctify, that is this very special and yet challenging assignment which all officers must somehow face. Danger and violence have to be tackled aggressively and yet that officer must stayed within the framework of honor, dignity and integrity. They need to be decent people who are humble and humane by nature. In Dade County, you were this kind of devoted and loyal partner to all, a peer of perseverance and vigilance, Officer Cook. Needing to have nerves of steel, bending but not breaking you allowed enhancement to shadow those whom you served and preserved. Those shadows of freedoms can be felt here and far. A man of character, nobility and bravery who found the inner strength to carry out his roles justly and fairly. No one will forget you, Officer Cook. Heroism and determination throughout your life and career missions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2016

There can be no ambiguities, conflicts of interest or whatever when our most dependable and honorable men and women arm themselves to go out on patrol serving and protecting the public interest. You were a steady and reliable officer, Officer Cook. Always constant in perseverance and persistence. What Dade County and its residents can remember is that their heroes and heroines were blessed with an abundance of courage and valor not all are given. They are special folks who were brought here for a purpose, a reason of logic, dignity and sure fire integrity in this never ending battle over terror. Like a tree that topples, torment and turmoil leave a domino affect that can affect lives, property and whatever else lies in its path of destruction and ruination. But, you were supreme, Officer Cook, in your abilities to calmly and with a sense of sanity restore peace, unity, law and order. A legacy of fruition and character that made your professional roles here complete, though, there was more left to achieve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Put resolve, resolute, faith and hope together with trust and it made your humble life and its humility to humanity stand as the cornerstones and foundations of enhancement forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 22, 2016

Stay strong. Be hold. Hold your head humbly high. Keep dignity, honesty and integrity on your uniform of pride and accomplishment. The benefits for doing so are great. Your courage and heart, Officer Cook, was the very embodiment of skill, knowledge and wisdom you imparted to all Dade County and its citizens. Your peers and family knew you driven desires to become a police officer. You were treasured and respected. Always the consummate public servant. Now and forever a hero sheltered in God's glowing kingdom where your conviction, commitment and character hold a special place in the foundations of our society. A legacy to be saluted for its determination as our warrior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2016

The honor and security of our country and community are at stake, your service to all Dade County residents, Officer Cook, should be saluted for its integrity and dignity. Great people, humble people plan ahead. They don't wait until the enemy of evil comes charging right at them. Heroes who lead by example, are devout and faithful to Our Creator waiting for them when their missions have been complete. God's destiny is for all those who sacrifice their class, decorum and character on behalf of togetherness and peace. Your humility, Officer Cook, went beyond their professional calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2016

To love, honor, cherish and obey, some of the key components to an elementary sound life. Your home and upbringing, Officer Cook, was the very humble epitome of love and respect. The citizens of Dade County whom you served and watched over were given the best and most compassionate protection. The peace they enjoyed then and now can be directly attributed to your commitment, refreshing character and countless resourcefulness. Now and forever will you be so gallantly saluted for having the charisma to tackle big challenges the prudent and properly professional manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy of faith and hope circling around us at all times, your soul shining through the most darkest of days.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 21, 2016

Fair and impartial. In a world filled with many different ethic and eclectic folks, staying respectful of each person is important. Police officers function under the guises of honesty and dignity which must be paramount in their professional duties. In Dade County, you worked under the reliance of resolve and trust among your peers and those citizens you protected and served, Officer Cook. Today, you have been so honored and saluted for your bravery and commitment which has led to enhancements for all. At this time of year those memories of your wonderful life and humble career, Officer Cook, make it a bit easier, though the difficulty understanding your untimely passing leaves us pondering the question of why? You, your dad and family are in my thoughts and prayers. I will always cherish the letter you took the time to write me Mrs. Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy of courtesy, morals and character rests for eternity in God's palace where those who persevered and sacrificed are among the many angelic heroes and heroines.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2016

Being a diverse universe, it takes the sincerest of efforts from each individual to make things better. Police patrol their venues we hope with honor and integrity, the results of a dignified upbringing. You were a cherished warrior, Officer Cook, as all public servants are our ambassadors in the fight for freedom and peace. It's the unwavering commitment of these brave men and women of resourcefulness and heroism that sees them through. Your legacy, Officer Cook, is tied together with excellent character and the class, desire and devotion to have seen your accomplishments through. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 20, 2016

The goal in life is to persevere. To make it happen you must be willing to listen and make amends wherever needed. Police must adopt to change and stay the courses of honesty and sound judgment. Here in Dade County peace and togetherness are at times hard to come by. Officer Cook, with your character, courage and class, residents can live more safely and secure in the knowledge that enhancement may live on. Your heroic legacy is the very foundation of fairness, faith and decency that all public servants must be aware of and have squarely on their uniforms. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were treasured savior whose tenacity was indeed relentless. We all take chances, let us hope and pray for goodwill, peace and prosperity in the blessed name of your soul, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2016

Life is not a game, it is an essential part of one's breathing and thriving with dignity, the respect police officers are due. They are afforded this if they too are honorable in their pursuits of peace while trying to stem off violence. Here in Dade County you were one of the many talented and devoted officers, Officer Cook. You were a humble hero and a credit to mankind. You devoted your faithfulness and resolve to stopping a problem before it got worse. A happy man, a thoughtful individual and a gentleman of gallantry whose character and integrity led you through your missions of leadership and intellect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 19, 2016

We try to communicate in a civil and respectful fashion. Even police professionals are expected to conduct their daily affairs this way. If the peace and unity is to result by resolve and reverence, at least let it happen in an honorable and dignified way. Your best efforts, Officer Cook, brought fairness and faithfulness to a position that at times lacks morals. You centered concern, care and class squarely on your uniform and badge also known as a shield. When determination and character run in unison to fight crime the end result is usually one of accomplishment. And that is why you have been and will forever be honored for your heroic missions in life and the journeys of hope and optimism during your career. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Near and far, we depend upon the leadership, wisdom and vision of our public servants who enhance our world by virtues of vigilance and preservation.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2016

Dignity deserves justice. Fairness and firmness inspires a faith and resourcefulness within its honor and integrity. To become anything you want to be you just need a little push, optimism and hope. Well, you had the devotion, Officer Cook, to stick to detail and keep determination closely to your side. Dade County and those citizens were well blessed to have a servant of the highest magnitude navigating those venues where violence could rear its ugliness. Humility and the peace in knowing you performed a professional job at a high level and will be cherished by your peers for your unselfish and unwavering commitment, character and bravery that humbles the most humble of individuals. You were a special human being, Officer Cook. A hero and Godsend. God's blessings should shine down on us like your beloved soul. One that gave. A heart of fascination and of benefit to all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2016

People pitch their tents so to speak looking to make success wherever they live. It does not come easy. Sometimes it travels with a hefty price. Police work is not simple. It is not routine. It certainly can humble the most humane and caring individual. Your life, Officer Cook, was indicative of trial and hard work. Persistent and persevering. This was kept up for twenty-five years, about a quarter of your days spent canvasing Dade County streets looking to secure peace and safety for all. No one was happier. Your colleagues, friends and family, as they understood your dreams and aspirations to achieve something special. The valiant go out of their way to serve and give back to their communities. Here in Dade County, Officer Cook, you are forever our hero and friend. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Honesty, dignity and integrity were the characters properly adorning your badge and uniform. God has taken you and your humble legacy to a special spot in eternity reserved for angelic heroes. Angels whose mercy and compassion allowed them the chance to create special bonds within mankind and those continuing your dreams and ingenuity. Your wisdom and sage advice is surely missed today and everyday. As I peer out my window and look at your home where you grew up, I can only ponder what if you were here today. Friendship is a valuable resource. Its humility rests in those whose love and admiration measures up to Our Creator's expectations.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2016

Acuity requires a certain skill. Honesty and integrity come from the upbringings our parents give us. The opportunities to be exposed to nature and the outdoor world causes us to step back and reflect. Thankfully the internet give us the citizens to do just that. When someone puts their whole life, career and ideals on the line to serve and protect the public interest, if something heaven forbid happens to them it is tragic. Your life, Officer Cook, was reflective of a man whose dignity, morals and character humbly came before him. Dade County and its residents were assured of a day's effort when you patrolled. Nothing can tarnish nor take away you excellent service and preservation. Comrades, your family and many close friends have the memories, wonderful, yet, emotional of a happy man whose pride in wearing his uniform was his greatest joy. Since you were a young man, Officer Cook, you thrived on becoming a police officer. You bravely and gracefully provided the peace and quiet of life we have all come to expect. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those foundations and columns where your heroic legacy rests symbolizes the hope and prayers that enhancement will live on. It lives within your beloved soul which now travels around heaven watching over us and those who serve courageously as you did.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 18, 2016

A delightful and decent man called back by God to serve a mission as supreme as there is. You served Dade County with distinction and reverence. Honesty and integrity were worn by you, Officer Cook, everyday, every watch. The people were given their peace and liberty all because of your dignity and character, all when spoken and orchestrated in a loving and heroic manner. It leaves your life and career, Officer Cook, as the living example of what it takes to humbly make and to become a professional public servant. God's glory rests in those gallant enough to fight back against terror and its nasty evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I'm glad your old North Miami Beach home where you grew up, Officer Cook and spent an important part of your life is being fixed up. I think to myself if you were here the job would have been done. Your parents deserve that humble honor as they honored Our Creator and raised two wonderful children who honored society with their pursuits in life. You were a treasured gentleman and a Godsend whose humility won't ever be forgotten. You left behind wonderful memories, it's a tragedy how your life ended too soon, yet you gave Dade County a reason to forever salute your feats of courage.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 17, 2016

We call journalists who report the news and are not showy as meat and potatoes. Police officers who take their professions this way are the ones who get the idea. You knew, Officer Cook, where your life was headed. I'm sure if you stayed out in California with your family you would have made an excellent public servant there as well. Dade County needed your style of service and preservation more. From a drummer at Norland High School in Miami to a full fledged police officer with the Metro-Dade Police Department. An honorable and decent human being carrying out a central job with a theme of action, vigilance all in the good name of peace and freedom. No one will forget your character, legacy or commitment brokered by convictions of valor and courage straight from your heart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero among God's heavenly columns of angelic heroes and heroines whose legacies of bravery are firmly sleep soundly within the foundations and cornerstones of justice and equality for all mankind. Whatever endeavor you wanted to pursue, your choice would have been an excellent one making your parents real proud. Your sister, wife and rest of your beloved family also.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 17, 2016

You were a young man with a tender and gentle heart, Officer Cook. Kindness and mercy shall endure in My House, it shall live forever. A wonderful soul, a giving servant devout and faithful to the right causes, you saw to it that all Dade County and its residents would be at peace and unity would follow them through their days. Your honorable actions, your heroically humble missions were dignified by your class, persona and perseverance to have integrity guiding you like the gentle breezes. Life is a test, a measure of how we stand up to face our responsibilities head on. Keep hope and prayer close to our vests. Take each day, every moment and make them special in some regard. Well, you did, Officer Cook. A charismatic man who will be cherished by his peers and family members for all times. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero along with your brave legacy. One that detailed exactly why you were a determined and dedicated officer. The optimism today is our prayers for a brighter tomorrow.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 17, 2016

The arsenals to any public servant's success is the abundance of honor and unwavering character to face whatever danger that may lie ahead. Dignity and integrity still must be at the front of the line because when dealing with whatever issues officers need to solve, that resolve and faithfulness has too got to be present. You are going to be forever revered and admired, Officer Cook, you took responsibility to heart and acted loyally and in a dedicated manner. It leaves your humbly heroic legacy as one that other officers may look and take notice. Violence should be on guard. Your soul may neighbor, friend and hero watches from above bravery, courage and self-sacrifice hard at work.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 17, 2016

A police officer's dignity is supposed to help prevent detriments to society. With enough troubles in our land lately, professionals such as yourself, Officer Cook, persevered in the war over violence. Having superior integrity and outstanding character can only enhance the state of Dade County. Diligence and surveillance were the keys, Officer Cook, to your fruitful career. A life of public service graced by a very gallant and humane gentleman who lived up to morals and the principles that made up your resourcefulness to your comrades. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God calls home sadly those men and women of bravery, creativity and intuition, He gives them a most humble task and that is to observe those officers performing according to standards that each department sets for its heroes and heroines.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 17, 2016

Resolve not dissolve. Results not revolts. Honor and humility, not liability or failure. Police officers often have to make split second decisions that have bearing on the sanctity of human life. We sometimes are preoccupied with trivial matters. Dade County had your utmost and fullest attention, Officer Cook, practically thoughtful and faithful to those comrades who supported the eradication of evil. Those battles had to be some real wars. But, the peace and its unity must be there to flourish and to be successful. Your missions were deemed over and the legacy of character and concern will always be the forefront of the foundations you carefully and skillfully laid down here in a community where you remain saluted for your valiant endeavors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The emancipation of our society was the total breath of your excellent work, Officer Cook and its brilliance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 16, 2016

People are in control. Yet, we have to have police take control when desperation and doom seems to creep in. You did not creep, Officer Cook, nor did you crawl around Dade County. You humbly and honorably pursued peace and its wellsprings of serenity. When calm and reason mesh together its resolve and result can be really genuine. Though, it takes a passionate and yet compassionate public servant as you were, Officer Cook, to serve the trust and need of the public. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We'll let your dignity and humility speak from God's golden throne of justice.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 16, 2016

Celebrate. Pray. Learn. Connect. We salute the lives of God's most esteemed and fearless servants whose character, hearts and souls were bravely placed in jeopardy to protect and serve our ideals, aspirations and life pursuits. Prayer and devoutness too run together, one without the other helps but can be hindered by the interference of evil. You must learn your lessons well in order to function in today's society. The connection between the public, their communities and those who serve an integral role must never be overstated. Support from everyone is both vital and critical. Officer cook, we cherish your honor, your collaborative dignity and stellar integrity as it brought the much needed safety, security and serenity to all Dade County citizens. The belief was firm. The fairness unbiased. Commitment and excellence flowed like a stream. No backpedaling. You conquered relentlessly and were quite resilient. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The light switch was always on whenever you patrolled, Officer Cook. Confident and certain. Class and its convenience were with you as your partners, if only you were here today to continue your conversations of grace and gratitude.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 16, 2016

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