Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

A prince of passion who saw to it that ruination and its evil would not be destined for those you served, Officer Cook. Dade County and your diligence went hand in hand preserving and administering justice and fairness for all. Humanity's answer to peace and unity is in those who dignity their professions with honesty and a sure fire integrity. All must be summoned from the heart. Your heart and mind, Officer Cook, was astute in figuring out how to resolve problems that could fester and possibly cause more concern to the public. You'll always be cherished, admired and respected for doing an outstanding job of service. With character, boldness and convictions properly aligned, peace can become a term that lasts for a long time within the community of Dade County where you acted proudly and excellently. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 29, 2016

You were a prince of a man, Officer Cook. A genuinely gallant individual. A gentleman whose advice and ingenuity helped you take evil off the streets and pump peace, goodwill and prosperity back into the lives of all Dade County residents. Why is it that all officers who need to act properly, there are those who feel like doing whatever comes into their minds? Lately and sadly I have read on the Officers Down Memorial Page of too many officers female officers being ambushed and killed by their estranged spouses. Very sad especially where children are involved. One male officer was killed by his wife. As we end the year of 2016, where are we headed in 2017? Domestics were you specialty, Officer Cook, dangerous as is all police work, but with your savvy, sensitivity and perseverance, you were the right man for this delicate and difficult role. It's all about having morals coupled with good character, honesty and stellar integrity. Chief Bowlin had the right officer and colleagues relished and yet cherished the opportunities to team with you. Getting evil and its wickedness off the streets requires a total team effort. You'll never be far from their minds and hearts nor your family's. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You left a noble and treasured legacy behind for others including your family to exemplify. It was your humility and valor which God instilled in you, Officer Cook, that brought peace and unity to our doorsteps.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2016

We live and breathe in large part because of our duly devoted public servants who serve and protect. Justice demands promptness, courtesy and honesty all in the name of safety. You lived your life, Officer cook, by the principles of fairness and dignity. It was your humbleness and integrity which in part saw your professional missions through. Dade County and its citizens will never forget their heroes and heroines. You were our savior, our warrior, more importantly our hero. You saved countless lives that day on May 16, 1979 and times before that. Our peace, our liberty, our dignity and wisdom was from your intellect and sage wisdom. Leadership of others takes time, practice and just the right attitude. Character and conviction, boldness and bravery will be how we honor your memory, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 28, 2016

Certain items that are confiscated can be given back. One thing that sadly can't be brought back is a life that has been taken from this world. A man's dignity, integrity and honor snatched away at a young and tender age. Yet, you served all Dade County, Officer Cook, with the highest degree of perseverance and regard for life and property. No one forgets their beloved and cherished family members especially when their valor and courage meant all the difference in peace and unity making their grand entrance. Remembered and saluted for serving humanity with your heart and mind of leadership, knowledge and wisdom to see things clearly until the end. You left a legacy of heroism that is heartfelt by all your peers and friends. Ingenuity and resolve assisted you greatly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God gives and takes. He took you, Officer Cook, to His eternal palace for safekeeping where you can freely watch over us as your beloved soul travels and protects those sacred venues.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2016

Tenacity can travel down the street and where it stops, nobody knows. Treachery too can navigate, the thing you have to watch is where and when it stops. It must be wiped out just as violence and its terror must be relieved from our world. You were a police officer, public servant duly sworn, Officer Cook, to negate nastiness from Dade County, its venues, allowing its citizens movement to go from place to place in a peaceful and serene fashion. One can never forget your unwavering honor, integrity and dignity, the tools and traits all brave men and women need to properly serve and protect our best interests. When calamity came knocking at the door, there you were, Officer cook, to answer the call professionally, proficiently and with enhanced perseverance. A treasured and most respected officer, your comrades who went to battle this wickedness on a daily basis with you have not let up their crusades, nor have they forgotten your intuition, intelligence and insightful maturity. Surely, a hero and a very blessed Godsend whose legacy has reflected this character, decency and class. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2016

With all the heroes and heroines who bravely sacrificed their lives for our benefits, God certainly has a throng of tenacity and loyalty within His ranks. Our streets here can be once again peaceful and unified. You are among these angelic heroes, Officer Cook, for during your time you protected and served all Dade County and its residents with the proper measure of morals, character and dignity. It's a tragedy your integrity and honesty cannot be with us today. Though, it lives on in your family and their pursuits of happiness, in your friends and in your colleagues who have fondly remembered one of their own whose legacy has created the cornerstones and foundations of enhancement that will last forever. Your soul and those of your fellow officers who are in heaven walking that beat are shining on. There is no shortage of light, something we desperately need this time of year. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Peace and unity rested in your loyalty, trust and accountability, Officer Cook. The memories of your life, career and the wonderful human being who in his nobleness and humility saved and gave his community something to last forever. Whenever I see your big bright smile, Officer Cook, I know up in heaven my dad, your dad and yourself are having the most pleasant and warmest of conversations. Our fathers had they known each other would have made wonderful friends, along with our mothers. Your mom, Mrs. Cook, should live and be well. My mother, Bernice, should rest in peace. Our friendship would have been just the start.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2016

Your legacy, Officer Cook, like your brave and cherished soul always and will forever look over your loving family, friends and colleagues who tend to their lives of honor and humility. This was imparted to you at an early age and stayed with you for the duration of your life and police career. Dade County and its citizens hold you dearly close to their hearts, a man of remarkable courage, wisdom and integrity. It's dignity, class and character that help keep any law enforcement professional from straying while they are out patrolling the venues in order to keep peace and unity for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humble and gentle, kind and concerned, you did your job just right, Officer Cook. Perhaps, if those side panels were available, only we can postulate, ponder. You would have been sixty-three, a great smile and a loving and wonderful wife in Karen. Your mother, Mrs. Cook, is the epitome of devout, faithful and full of class and character just like yourself. That letter she wrote to me, I will always treasure it. Keep well Mrs. Cook. Happy New year. 2017 should bring you good health, peace and prosperity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 27, 2016

Relief and results. Police work is serious stuff. It demands precision and patience all while those devoted to service are staying honorable and dignified. You were a gracious person, Officer Cook, a man deserving the opportunity to further fulfill God's will. Man's destiny takes them to places one can only imagine. Dade County was in great hands when you were out patrolling and helping to rid the streets of violence and its nastiness. You were a treasured man and a very humane individual who life and career won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 26, 2016

People who are honest and sincere pour their sincerest endeavors in their chosen profession. People who are lacking in insight and ingenuity tend to be more lackadaisical. Nothing lacking regarding your effort, Officer Cook. Dade County got a full performance and endeavor in courtesy and class. Those who worked with you knew your vision, knowledge and seasoning to be above the norm. You will be saluted and fondly admired for having the desire, dedication and desire to see things through. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The cornerstones of morals and humbleness are forever etched on those Walls of Honor here in Miami and in Washington, D.C.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 26, 2016

The world at large is so diverse and yet its protection must be handled by officers who are reliable and resourceful. The dignified, the honest and those with superior integrity give us the safety, security and peaceful means by which we live and move around. Those officers such as yourself, Officer Cook, who served Dade County shared in the lion's share of its perseverance and preservation. No one was better able to carry out the duties of their position than you my neighbor, friend and hero. A trusted friend. A heroic Godsend and a very blessed soul of a gentleman. One cherished life sadly taken by your time. God does shield His angelic heroes as He watches over them. Your bravery and heart kept evil at bay. So much more to accomplish, it is in Our Creator's wisdom to see our missions as complete. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 26, 2016

You took pride in your professional role, Officer Cook. Dade County and its people were the most grateful. When a person shows their mettle of bravery and integrity how else can we remember them? The consummate public service professional primed and ready to tackle terror and its wickedness. Your comrades and friends have never forgotten your morals, character, decency and class with which you handled both your life and career. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The dignity of your humble legacy, Officer Cook, shall be noted and observed by other officers as a learning tool for their success.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 26, 2016

To skip the most routine of tasks would be like missing an important appointment. Police officers have lots on their minds and must tend to the people they know and protect with a high degree of honesty and humility. Families understand the value of life. They know their brave loved ones who serve, do so with the utmost respect and dedication that their profession expects. You were driven to succeed, Officer Cook, here in Dade County, where you service and diligence has been duly saluted. Men and women of outstanding character, conviction and the commitment to steer evil away from its residents. You excelled in all your missions. Peace, freedom and the pursuits of happiness were gained because of your valor and care. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 26, 2016

To share the joys of life, one may have to experience sorrows. Why we have hearts is to pour out our emotions, just as crying is a normal emotion, so too is laughter which is said to be good for the heart. You have to take care of your body, particularly your heart. Your heart, Officer Cook, was big and kind as was your gallantry in serving the residents of Dade County. Your humility, integrity and honesty, Officer Cook, is forever resting with Our Creator. You'll never be forgotten my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace. When class and decency merge it is the fruits of your labor that are enlarged as you were the exemplification of what we mean by being a loyal comrade to your fellow officers.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2016

The mind and heart must work in unison to serve and to protect the vital needs of any community. Peace and unity can only make themselves known when that officer keeps on the paths of honesty, dignity and integrity. How else could your career have worked out so well, Officer Cook, if not for your perseverance and pursuits of happiness for each resident in Dade County. The respected, they are those righteous and humbly brave men and women who give of themselves everyday to fortify our lives with prosperity and joy. We could not have joy in our live if not for you my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a very admired and diligent comrade to all who relished challenges and met them with the expectations that your professional status brought. Rest in peace. No person's quality of character, class and decorum should be forgotten. Your conduct and morals, Officer cook, made transparency more clearer. Clarity and alacrity steered you profoundly and most prudently.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2016

Police work is dangerous and yet rewarding in the sense that you can make a difference. These brave people volunteer their time and hours giving back that which they place back into their communities. You gave the world a special uniqueness, Officer Cook. This was your marvelous character and the humility of a devout servant of God. Where fairness, firmness and faithfulness were tied together, it was your approach to your profession, the dignity and ingenuity to see you through. Our destinies in life can directly be attributed to your help in acquiring the needed peace and unity to carry on. Colleagues, friends and family continue your aspirations, dreams and determinations, Officer Cook, while your soul gracefully watches over them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2016

Today being Christmas and Chanukah the world should be a more peaceful and stable environment. Our world should have tranquility, but, it can only happen when diligent and devoted public servants take to the streets to protect our liberties. The eyes and ears of Dade County with God's hands steering your navigation, Officer Cook, so that honesty and its integrity would grace each person you came across. We honor the memories in reverence of those who fought the wars of wickedness, yours, Officer Cook, will be treasured forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your heroism is the very foundation of kindness, care and character that when meshed together produced superb resolve.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 25, 2016

The courageous prominence of our beloved and bravest professional public servants who provide a wealth of peace, prosperity and unity for those they serve must never be overlooked nor forgotten. You are not forgotten here in Dade County, Officer Cook, where you stood tall in humbleness and blessed by a tenacious fortitude to keep people in line and the freedoms of each person moving forward. Today and back when you gave your life and career on behalf of society with integrity, honesty, decorum and dignity you continue to be saluted and so remembered for grace and your heroic humane actions on behalf of mankind. Your legacy of character and fruition, Officer Cook, was the accomplishments of your endeavor and the fabric of morals and desire crafted by your wonderful upbringing. You did your parents very proud. Though, I'm sure your mother misses you very much as does your sister, Nancy abd your beloved Karen, who has been remarried since 2009. Stay well Mrs. Cook out in San Diego, California. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2016

It seems like every time I hear the National Anthem I think about you, Officer Cook and even start to cry. Crying is a normal emotion especially when a young man like yourself wanted to become a police officer. You gave Dade County every last ounce of your effort, honor and dignity on its behalf and that of its citizens. No one finer or more humble, than yourself when you placed your life on the line to bring down evil and to stop a troubled young man as you so heroically did on that awful day of May 16, 1979. History recalls its most gallant and yet reserved men and women of distinction and decency whose character and commitment have stayed fixed within their legacies to be mourned and saluted for public service with the one sure thing we need more of and that is integrity. Officer Cook, you were the consummate warrior who concerned yourself with serving and providing adequate assistance for all mankind. Intuition, ingenuity and intelligence were reasons for your achievements and rationale in calming down those who needed a bit of pacifying. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I can only imagine what May 19, 1979 was like when Dade County and the whole police world said goodbye to a wonderful and darling son, brother, husband and uncle. The sounds of those bagpipes, the National Anthem and taps all being played. If they allowed drums to be beaten, those high school memories from Norland High in Miami would have brought a flood of tears from classmates such as Chief Geoffrey Jacobs and a host of the many close friends you worked for and with and shared many happier moments. By the way, if you read these reflections for your friend, Bill Cook, Officer William Coleman Cook, Badge#1664, Happy Holidays to you and your family Chief Jacobs. The invitation to meet you still stands if you come to Miami. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2016

The authority that is given to all law enforcement personnel comes not only from their individual departments, it is supervised by God's divine providence as He steers their pathways of perseverance and preservation in the name of honesty, decency and dignity for all mankind. The integrity by which you placed your life on the line, Officer Cook, was in the name of justice and its nobility. God sends His humble servants of character here for a reason. That is to distinctly prevent violence and its terror from tormenting citizens already suffering from turmoil and misfortune. All the residents of Dade County as those of all venues could ever ask from their Saviors is to be morally sound, proficient in diligence and vigorous in keeping up their flights of vigilance. The sound mind, strong hearts and the ingenuity to see conviction, commitment and excellence in character and pride through their missions. Your good work, Officer Cook and with your destiny complete very sad, my neighbor, friend and angelic hero, God needed you for a most humane and noble calling and that is to watch over all the brave souls of those who secure our liberty and peace. Rest in peace. Those foundations you laid, Officer Cook, have been supplemented and supported by your persistence in honoring Our Creator with your unwavering and unselfish resolve and resourcefulness, all while being the loyal and most trusted partner any comrade could work along side of. Reserve Officer Scott Lincoln was most fortunate to have worked with you on May 16, 1979. He saw firsthand it takes to become a first class officer, a gentleman with a spirit and heart of gold and an individual of humility which touched all those you came across. You were one sensational servant, Officer Cook and Dade County will never forget how you accommodated their needs.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2016

We seek the truth. We demand justice. Police officers should never subjugate their authority. Honesty, integrity and dignity is what the citizens come to expect. And here in Dade County, they got top notch service and protection from you, Officer Cook. If you dared so should we. Challenges must be accomplished and carried out with the highest regard for the professional position you held dear to your heart. That's why colleagues and friends, your beloved family members have saluted your courage, tenacity and class by which you performed with character enthusiasm and endeavor. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Though you have been taken to a safer place in God's heaven, the people here in Dade County will know peace and unity was delivered on a daily basis to them. Your legacy so humble and glowing is that of your cherished soul, Officer Cook, traveling from place to place eternally providing security for us. All your life and career successes were in the blessed name of Our Lord. You were our savior and heroic Godsend.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 24, 2016

For our heroes and heroines of the law enforcement profession who sacrifice their lives and careers for our benefits, heavenly rest awaits them at God's gates of heaven. We ask their blessings so that their families may carry on with the same level of responsibility, resolve and loyalty that they exposed themselves in the faces of danger. Dade County had lots of situations that occurred during your watch, Officer Cook and none were handled more prudently and proficiently then when you went out on patrols to stamp out kayos bringing in peace and liberty and taking them to a higher level. Same for your character, class and candor. The quality of a gentleman dedicated to the ideals of fairness and equality for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Deserving of salutes for bravery and boldness, your life, Officer Cook and its memories of a terrific upbringing all contributed to your success. You took your career quite seriously, Dade County and its residents could not be any prouder. Your soul steers your family, friends and those who serve today to newer aspirations, newer heights, newer enlightenment. Enhancement can stay forever anchored as those essential cornerstones of courtesy and consideration. Service and safety must be firmly structured within the guidelines of dignity, integrity and honesty. That is a must for all public servants, held accountable for their actions. Yours, Officer Cook, were the epitome of humility and nobility that shall be remembered.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 23, 2016

Everyday the memories of our beloved family members flood our thoughts, those tears are the years of sweat and toil they worked in putting tenacity before terror. Violence requires stronger measures and those who are bravely facing a diabolical adversary need their honor and integrity to march front and center. Dade County moved along fairly well with you in charge, Officer Cook. How else can sanctity and its everlasting unity and peace survive? We gather in the various houses of worship and ask in the name of Our father in heaven hollowed be His name that He keeps you and the many other superbly humane and humble servants in His thoughts and in our hearts. You meant the world to our society. Your service and its character represented your department and your colleagues quite well. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The legacies of our esteemed heroes and heroines is exactly what we mean by courage and valor from the heart.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 23, 2016

Pray. Perseverance. Resolute. Astute. Yearning. When God calls us, we yearn to listen. To open our ears and our eyes to focus on the big picture ahead of us. You were a devout young man, Officer Cook, piety and faithfulness were some of your best friends. They assisted you in protecting and in serving Dade Count and its citizens. You had the right stuff to serve, it was your humble nature to help others. It was all handled with integrity, dignity and honesty. And you won't be forgotten for passing those tests of which Our Creators exams us daily to see if we are up to the challenges. When a man has nobility and exhibits proper morals, it's their loving character that is blessed to rest within their heroic legacy. Yours, Officer Cook, rests squarely in God's eternal kingdom with the many other brave and courageous heroic angels who made peace and unity a living reality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 23, 2016

It is stated that we should arise like a lion ready to serve Our Creator. No doubt you served God with all your might, Officer Cook. You brought righteousness and justice along with integrity and honor to Dade County and its people. People are people they all have their moods. You were positive and upbeat. Passionate and yet compassionate. Persevering and diligent, devoted and loyal. Police officers acting as public servants must be conditioned to deal with the demands of their job. You paid the ultimate sacrifice, Officer Cook, so that violence, evil and its terror would not ever threaten anyone. May 16, 1979 shall be remembered for your character, class and decorum that must be worn directly on your uniform and badge centered over your heart. One of kindness, caring and heroic action. Your legacy of humbleness shall be anchored as the foundation by which all Dade County should live and yet stop and look back on your life and career. Hard work and vigilance pays off to those who toil and give the effort. You were a gentleman, Officer Cook, a treasured son to your parents, sister and a very beloved husband to Karen. You are missed very much. This time of the year is when a whole host of memories come by. Bravery and courage that you displayed each day shall not be forgotten. Humility served and preserved humanity the only way it could. By your examples of how to lead and to impart vision and wisdom to other comrades.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 23, 2016

The season of giving is the reason for living. We thrive on being able to freely live our lives as we see fit. Police officers live their lives too. Once they go out on patrol, safety and honesty are the rule by which they can perform their professional roles so bravely and humbly. You gave us and all Dade County, Officer cook, superior attention. A man of class, decency and driven desire to help broker and to keep peace and unity together forever. Those colleagues who worked with you have saluted and fondly remembered the kind of loyal and dedicated gentleman with a kind heart and engaging personality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your life and its generosity, it would take a thousand lifetimes to pay you back, Officer Cook, for your character, commitment and concern for all mankind. Your badge and uniform meant humanity was going to be properly served and protected. Its dignity lives on in your family, friends and comrades who battled evil with you on a daily basis.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 23, 2016

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