Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Police work because they love their professional roles. They resolve, must be loyal and stay the courses of honesty and integrity. They don't work for any gratuities. A polite smile and a humble thank you will suffice. Your smile, Officer Cook, began your day and set the tone of your tenacity and the unwavering tasks at hand, the challenges and dangers that must be avoided at any and all costs. The residents of Dade County received excellent service from a man cherished by all. Character, commitment and the steadfast determination that in large part motivated others to persevere and to stay diligent. All of that is sorely missed today and yet your beloved soul can see what is going on as we look up to heaven for some wisely advice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 3, 2017

Life teaches us many lessons and so do our beloved police officers whose bravery and honor impart an even greater message. The eyes and ears of the citizens are there for the citizens to react and if help is required to make that call which can be a lifesaver. Here in Dade County, you were an officer who answered your calls, Officer Cook ,with firmness and a resolve like no other. Your dignity and integrity just as your character and devotion shall never be forgotten. A likable man and a gentleman man who brought the desired peace and unity that will last forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 3, 2017

Faith is the ship that sails to paradise everyday. It's loyal customers are the ones who pay the supreme price of perseverance and honesty. From day one when you were born, Officer Cook, that ship took on a more Godly meaning, a sit added integrity and dignity to its ledger. Dade County's ledger's were kept safe and sound by your stellar resourcefulness. We, the people certainly can never forget your passion and also the compassion you had, Officer Cook, that helped in your navigation. A man who was treasured and noble deserves the full honors of our resolve to keep this fight over evil continuing until it is wiped off this world. Sanity and sanctity for all were your patrol partners and now that you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, let it be known we will pray for those humble and gracious servants who valiantly try to keep unity tied with safety. Our world demands it. You did your part and your roles were performed in an outstanding fashion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 2, 2017

Courage takes on a new meaning when the person displaying such noble action stays the courses of righteousness and decency. Conviction and commitment takes a certain fortitude to allow that officer to properly serve and protect. All police officers need these characteristics in order for calmness and peace to travel and to make their appointed rounds around each venue. In Dade County where you watched over us, Officer Cook, you were a humbly confident servant, loyal to the cause and faithful to those colleagues who fought evil with you. Enhancing any community requires the tools of tenacity and fervor to stay at the highest level to allow its trails to stay clear from any harm. You'll always be saluted, Officer Cook, for integrity and dignity all part of your legacy of action. When the calls came, there you were to back up and assist others. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 2, 2017

Free and clear. Most of us prefer to live without burdens that make life a bit more difficult. Your smile, Officer Cook, helped to brighten the most darkest of days. Those you protected and served had a real man of God who was faithful and devoted to his profession. Of course, staying honorable and dignified surely helped you solve and resolve any dilemmas which might arise. Dade County has many heroes and heroines who have given their lives for peace and serenity to continue its prosperous trails. Those paths of integrity, ingenuity and wisdom have been started and you made it occur my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace. Your heroic legacy and the valiant character, commitment to excellence will be saluted for generations to come. You are in heaven, Officer Cook with your beloved soul as cherished as you were, it keeps travelling from place to place watching over us. You made your family, comrades and close friends very proud to have known you. A gentleman with a kind heart that gave and gave.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 2, 2017

Our priorities in life can be accomplished so long as the peace and freedom of all people rests in the devoted hands of our bravest warriors. In Dade County, it was up to you and the many other diligent and honest officers who serve and protect us each day. Officer Cook, you were a very blessed man and an even more determined public servant. Special people whose dignity and integrity carries them through their missions come into our lives and really fortify all that we can pursue. You pursued evil, Officer Cook, giving your life and career so enhancement could continue. Your desire, decency and character will be forever remembered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 2, 2017

Emergencies happen daily. Police must work with contingencies to fight evil and to resolve conflicts. We never know when the end is near. God works in mysterious ways and yet as Master of the Universe, everything He does for us is for our benefit. You performed missions of respect and honor for all Dade County and its residents, Officer Cook, there were no two ways about your dignity and integrity. Straight and to the point. Caring and calm when danger approached you went face to face with such a confrontational adversary. You can be sure you will be so saluted and remembered for your grace and bravery. All your professional roles were handled with passion and the compassion to make things right. Peace and its unity come with a giant responsibility. That burden and its onuses fell upon your broad shoulders. They positioned excellent character and morals squarely where they were to be placed. Enhancement can live on as does your beloved spirit now in heaven as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God does protect His angelic heroes and heroines from any more harm. You gave your life and served the people the way you were trained to do and that was with abundant diligence and the astute vigilance to see things through faithfully and with loyalty to your colleagues.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2017

The trees sway in the breezes. The birds fly high. The waves of the ocean pound off the beach. And yet through it all, you maintained calmness and your wits about you, Officer Cook. Honesty, dignity and integrity cannot be put inside a bottle and just handed over to any officer awaiting its sweet smell. Perfume smells wonderful when dabbed on. Perseverance goes a long way if applied in the proper circumstances. Dade County had loads of authority, maturity and pure desire when you patrolled its grounds, Officer Cook. You were a highly respected and motivated man of success and intelligence. A humble man and a very blessed and courageous Godsend sent here to perform missions of faith, resolve and character. Class and morals by the book. Devotion and loyalty through and true. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy of labor, the fruits of your nature. One that gave and did not wait in line for a handout. Measure for measure is how public servants deal with all situations. We just pray everything comes out fine and outstanding.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2017

The eyes and ears see and hear everything. Nothing can get past God. In His wisdom and glory takes us day by day on journeys we may not understand. The trips in and around Dade County that you took, Officer Cook, on our behalf made things go more peacefully. Unity through proper decorum can only lead to honesty and integrity being taken to far superior areas. A gentleman with a special heart of compassion whose unwavering commitment and unselfish courage brought professionalism to your community and to your colleagues Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enlightenment and education can take people to newer heights. Your ingenuity lent itself to success.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 1, 2017

We survive and keep living the dreams of our beloved family members who served their community with humbleness, honor and dignified valor. You cannot place a value on courage. It is summoned from the heart of one whose integrity replicates their professional feats. You lived your dreams to become a police officer, Officer Cook and now that your young life had ended sadly thirty-seven and a half years ago, we keep pursuing peace and unity though the character that is consistent with a champion of commitment, knowledge and vision. Wisdom can lead us to trails of happiness if those pathways are paved by perseverance and diligence in all a person's heroic actions. They were. Today and everyday we remember your career and life, Officer Cook, which made Dade County and its residents more stable. The righteous pursue while the wicked flee. You can run but you cannot hide. Brave men and women will hunt you, track you and the violence and evil you perpetrate will be brought down. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You won't ever be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2016

Humility like humanity stays with us forever. A person who acts with honor and respect in all likelihood will be afforded the very same courtesies. You were saluted and so honored, Officer Cook, for your public service on behalf of Dade County and its citizens. A gallant man whose legacy of integrity and dignity still shine upon us each moment. Nothing can bring you back, Officer Cook, we all wish Our Lord can make that kind of thing occur. It can't and as you would want us to do, just try, choose a passion that will make you happy and pursue it with all your vigor and might. Protecting and persevering made you a stronger man than others your age. A good reason you were fundamentally sound, efficient and prepared for the daily rigors of your profession. Comrades and family said their goodbyes to you my neighbor, friend and hero on May 19, 1979, which turned out to be my parents last anniversary they shared and celebrated together. My dad passed away eleven months after your untimely passing. Again my I say I wished that our families had known each other. You made the word legacy represent heroic service, genuine trust and accountability in yearning to earn all that Our Creator gave you during your accomplished life and those faithfully devout missions of which you excelled in finishing. God has the rest covered by your role now in watching over us with your beloved soul keeping those brave peacekeepers safe and sound here. Rest in peace. Everything in moderation including humility and pure desire. You put your heart into all that you achieved, Officer Cook. You are missed very much. Your smile, laugh and most importantly your quality of character. It made justice that much more fair and consistent.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2016

To be virtuous you must be humble and receptive. Start off with a touch of honesty, mold and shape that trait into a little dignity. Then proceed up that so called ladder and delve into integrity. Shape and weave that into a pattern of tenacity and perseverance. Police officers are not by any means perfect and yet their daily patrols of any given community must be accomplished with these important characteristics trailing their every move. Dade County has observed many comings and goings and yet the appearance of those humble, respected and brave women and men have led to the peaceful and civil lives of its residents. All of which you were a central part of, Officer Cook. A gentleman with a big smile whose humane endeavors brought the desired results. The loyalty and faithfulness were all channeled into makings lives matter. Today in this country there is a slogan that reads: All Lives Matter." During your time and watch over us, Officer Cook, many things stand out, if I could pick two in particular, your honesty and bravery, not by a stroke of luck, rather by persistence and diligence to be the best you could be. Your loving family members, your close personal friends and those colleagues who worked with you at the Central Division all took pride and have much to be thankful and grateful for. That was to be blessed by a treasured man of humility, a charismatic individual of leadership capabilities and the innate wisdom to direct other officers through the not so easy moments. Police work, public service can quickly humble those who are engaged in providing the quality of life we all come to expect. You handled your roles very professionally, Officer Cook, never backing down nor turning away from violence. You just had unwavering courage and valor that will be something to revere forever. Your legacy blessed by an abundance of admiration from all mankind that has maintained the cornerstones of your convictions all worn smartly and proudly on your chest. Badge#1664 gave the effort, now hopefully those serving us will act the way you would want them to act. Embrace hope and faith as you would with desire, devotion, dedication and determination. The new year is almost upon us, that in and of itself should as our factors of vigilance and awareness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2016

During your day, Officer Cook, bullying was not the norm in schools. Unfortunately, I did experience this when I attended Sabal Palm Elementary here in North Miami Beach. The landscape of Dade County where you started out serving and protecting with honor and diligence was much different. it will never be the same without you my neighbor, friend and hero. You see morals and character come from the home, officers who are not bred with these traits tend to have a much rougher transition to public life. But, your career was the makings of sound integrity, wisdom and vision that spread itself out like a blanket here where peace and resolve ran side by side. Your heroism and humbleness stayed out in front guiding your navigation. The hope and loyalty, trust and tenacity never wavered. Nor did your compassionate character and commitment to bring excellence and pride to a profession where its saviors fight on. Rest in peace. I wished we attended schools together. I least I would have brought home ethics and class, friendship can last if honesty and proper conduct is present and accounted for. Your friends, Officer Cook, knew you as Bill or Billy, no falseness. Truth and sincerity straight from your lips and heart. God has one very special angelic hero tucked safely in His eternal shelter. May your soul continue shining down its good graces upon us.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2016

To comb the venues of Dade County, all its men and women of honor and courage must keep to their guns. Meaning stay focused have a master plan of action. Dedication and devotion always triumphs over deceit and disloyalty. If you are having a problem staying the courses of integrity and faithfulness, you need not look very far. There you were, Officer Cook, ratcheting up your resources and passion. The cherished and dignified they know what Our Creator expects from them. Public service demands swift and truthful mannerisms. It also demands compassion and yet resolve must bring exemplary behavior. Your ethics and conduct were pristine from the very start. Your legacy of humility has kept the fight over evil going in those loyal personnel who have succeeded you. Let us hope and pray for duty well beyond what is called for. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a gentleman of first class character, bravery and vigilance. All of this was brought about through your loving and admired upbringing. It has to take its genesis someplace. Why not at home? Your parents and sister were your motivations to accomplish, Officer Cook, no one was disappointed. Losing you was sad and tragic, yet the memories are forever to be shared. The nation and your community has to be extremely grateful. A hero and Godsend who left a wonderful name and the blessings of peace and enhancement to stay founded in the bonds of your courage and inner strength of your heart.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2016

To run and fight this enemy so large it does require lots of different skill sets. Though, always we look to those brave souls of wisdom ,courage and decency to stand up and to lead the way for others. Here in Dade County, you led the paths of righteousness, Officer Cook, by virtue of your sanctity and respect for your official position. By the dimensions of dignity, determination and fearless dedication our peace and security looks brighter each day. You'll be remembered as a humble man, Officer Cook, class and character instrumentally personified. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You would never let your comrades give up, knowledge and devotion always implanted by your morals of conviction and commitment to pride and excellence donned superbly on your uniform.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2016

The humble achieve. The wicked they fail. Why? Honesty and dignity must be at the epicenter of their actions. It served you well, Officer Cook and for all of Dade County it served as your parlor of protection and fruitful service. You helped to maintain peace and everlasting unity by reasons of your calmness, boldness and the righteous character to succeed where others may not have. You will be revered and so saluted for your bravery and valor as flowing as your decency and desire that helped you navigate to where violence need to be arrested. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 31, 2016

What a person does with their time can have a great effect on how they are judged. Police officers and their humble legacies rest in the very fact of how they compose themselves in times of crisis and strife. Evil and its violence can sometimes feel like a strangle hold on society. To battle this confounding adversary, you need women and men whose honesty, integrity and dignity shines through those windows where the darkness is most seen. You were visible in the areas of Dade County, Officer Cook, preserving, persevering and preventing calamity from reaching a crescendo. Never forgotten, your devotion and determination serves as our motivation to aspire to greater successes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 30, 2016

For all people to achieve the smart way, proper conduct and honesty is essential. To carry out their jobs police must be on the pathways of perseverance and humbleness. Your kept your cool, Officer Cook, even in the face of danger. Those who expose their lives shall be blessed by God and wrapped forever in His glory. Keeping peace and harmony close to your belt while driving away distortion and desperation, you will be so saluted here in Dade County where you lived and served a vitally important role. Men and women who like you, Officer Cook should always hold the that special place in our hearts. Those walls of honor stay as the motivation to enrich our lives and pursuits of fruition. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 30, 2016

People are planning their parties for New Year's Eve and new year's Day. While they are drinking and eating, stop a moment and think about the very reason why you can do this? Dade County can ponder too. You and the many other heroes and heroines from the law enforcement community, Officer Cook, were their shield. From daylight and until darkness did your integrity and dignity blanket the citizens. The many brave and marvelous public servants all sacrificed in the grand name of justice and peace. You patrolled and protected our dignities while your character was making its appointed rounds. You won't be forgotten for making the decisions that mattered the most. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Inside those hollowed halls of honor rests your good name, Officer Cook, a man of meaning and humane humility given back to the people of Dade County. There is a saying in bowling, trust is a must or your game's a bust. One can sink or swim depending on their actions to make our world better.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 30, 2016

Let's just pray and stay safe come 2017. Our bravest and most honored public servants need our support. Their integrity and dignity are what carries them through their missions in life and during their careers. To be able to serve and protect does take a certain individual. They need to be stable, confident and be able to maintain trust among the residents. In Dade County that is exactly what you did for six very accomplished years, Officer Cook. You were a man of character, resolve and responsibility who never let emotions distract you from your purpose. Quietness and remarkable togetherness rose from your resourcefulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You enriched society with your precision, prudence and credibility. All in the name of Our Creator. Humanity, Officer Cook, will forever be grateful.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 30, 2016

Sensitivity and yet honorable in all your ways, Officer Cook. You were acutely aware of what it required to take and unity to a higher level here in Dade County. Its people were treated and protected by a very devout servant whose badge and uniform meant all the difference professionally speaking. It is those humble and admired heroes and heroines such as yourself, Officer Cook, that comported themselves with dignity and integrity and made their loved ones and colleagues very proud. Sad and yet they as do we all appreciate your efforts to bring violence down from its heights. Terror and turmoil shall be vanquished and replaced with fondness and liberty for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 30, 2016

Class, concern, consideration and courage make up the decency that all police must serve and function by. Protection and perseverance cannot appear unless they are surrounded by these traits. You surrounded yourself, Officer Cook, with them and with respect and reverence for a position so demanding. Honor, integrity and dignity can always be found, though sometimes it takes awhile to bring it front and center. Your heroic legacy will always be there for those to read and reflect upon it. Your life and career in Dade County, Officer Cook, was spent growing up and discovering a passion you had to become a reliable and loyal comrade to those who served gallantly along side of you. Through it all, your mission was deemed complete, sadly, now God has you and your humbleness among His flock of the many angelic men and women of both character and distinction. The messages of faith, trust and goodwill must continue never stopping for a moment while evil lurks. You were the best of the best. You stood for intelligence, leadership and awareness when it was counted upon at critical times. The effort never waned. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 30, 2016

Frantic and fearful can never be the dialogue of any public servant. The approach would be tenacity and tranquility.Peace and its unity can only be delivered when calmness and sense meet as one. Here in Dade County where you served superbly, Officer Cook, being collected and staying honest meant the world to the people, for they had a loyal and trusted partner in their freedoms to move around as they should. You can not be forgotten for having bravery, integrity and dignity driving your missions here. Now we need hope, we have to be sincere and optimistic that those who have taken over your roles do so with class, character and the same decency you were raised with. Those morals and ethics we always speak of need to be magnified and utilized to their fullest and so for that matter a little humility would not hurt the situation either. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The epitome of a giver and you gave us the best you had, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 30, 2016

Take time to make time and achieve. Accomplish. Succeed in whatever endeavor makes you happy and fulfilled. Police work brought out the very best in your life, Officer Cook. Sacrifice and vigilance paid dividends when you patrolled and protected Dade County and its residents, Officer Cook. No matter the problem, dignity and class, the character and boldness to keep liberty and quiet maintained. All life has meaning. Yours, Officer Cook, started with a smile and decency and desire drove you to newer heights. Your career and life had more left to achieve. Destiny through God's hands took you to a higher place where you now serve by walking a beat on those heavenly pathways of eternity, nothing will ever harm you. You displayed more humility to humanity than we could have ever asked. The question will forever be why? Why at the tender young age of twenty-five did Our Creator need a gentleman of valor, conviction and all the morals that help keep our world free of harm from evil. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 29, 2016

As destiny comes calling, we must utilize all of our moments in an honorable and dignified way. Time is much too valuable to be wasted. Never one to waste a moment, you persevered and served all Dade County with your total heart and mind, Officer Cook. Police officers sometimes only have seconds to react and to resolve matters. In one's lifetime so much can be accomplished if one puts honesty and diligence together as one entity. Just like peace and serenity which you helped to deliver to Dade County, Officer Cook, all professionals serving with righteousness and loyalty must summon from their inner beings. Courage, trust and character must be brought into the picture, not conceit, failure and mistrust. Your heroic legacy of humbleness and respect will always be remembered and saluted mightily. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

December 29, 2016

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