Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

There can be no contradictions when one places honor and integrity on the line to serve and to protect the public interest. Their peace and unity must be the focal point of their professional roles. Your tasks, Officer Cook, were wholly founded in the bonds of resolve, faithfulness and everlasting resourcefulness. Sadly, nothing can bring you back to be with us, your family, friends and comrades who went to work with you fighting off the forces of wickedness and the violence that comes from these heinous actions. You were cherished and admired, no question about that. Just as there never will be doubts of your upstanding character, convictions and commitment to humble pride and the high caliber of excellence expected of all public servants. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The lives and legacies of all police heroes last not for one hour or minute, they last for eternity where you now serve a more humane role steeped in humility. Those sacred trails call for perseverance and precisely high class service. Keep watching down on the brave who serve, Officer Cook, your treasured soul will be their light and blessing of faith and of goodwill.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2017

Police have to battle time, one of our society's greatest adversaries. Officer Cook, you battled and never gave in to temptation. Honor, dignity and integrity on your uniform as shiny as your black shoes and badge of tenacity. The heroes and heroines of Dade County who humanely brought forth freedom and peace while exposing their lives to violence. That predator that can consume those who stay clear of trouble. The devout and righteousness such as yourself my neighbor, friend and hero dove right in protecting and serving so we could remain focused on our endeavors in life. A marvelous human being and a respected gentleman with a kind heart and a giving soul loyal to his peers. Rest in peace. Your legacy has delivered visions of optimism, hope and goodwill to all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2017

No one can make predictions as to the outcome of events. The only sure method to promote and to garner peace, unity and prosperity in any community is for all police officers to stay honest and dignified. Harmony and integrity run side by side in the pursuits of happiness and good health. You did your part, Officer Cook, with quality service and valor only seen from heroically humble warriors. You'll be fondly saluted for having outstanding character and faith in resolving challenging problems. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy has kept the cornerstones of fairness and justice forever alive.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 15, 2017

Lending credence to your passions, those who serve and protect our rights and liberties must do so with an abounding honor and integrity. Intelligence and its foresight lends itself to accomplishment. Here in Dade County you were a most humble servant, Officer Cook. The respected and admired men and women of our various law enforcement communities deserve our support. If not for your heroic character and convictions, Officer Cook, peace and unity would not have been a reality where it has been kept alive by your beloved soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2017

Pride, honor and distinction really do rest humbly up in heaven. You were a classy man, a devoted public servant, Officer Cook, who seized the opportunity to enhance the lives of all Dade County all through integrity and stellar dignity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We have been deprived of seeing your smile and engaging personality, though we know your service and preservation won't be overlooked ever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2017

Fearless and protective. You were a warrior to all Dade County and its folks, Officer Cook. Your bravery and courage consummated your integrity and honor. Never to be forgotten. A cherished young man with a zest and passion for life. A legacy unbounded by none other than heroism and tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Peace and freedom come with an ultimate price that you paid for our lives of hope and desire to continue moving forward. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 14, 2017

Lack of respect, dignity and integrity are some of the danger signs that can lead any public servant into harm and peril. You must be dependable and honest and humbly confident in your abilities to perform your central roles. Never a worry, a concern or any problem tackling challenges that all police at some point must confront. You were humane and loyal, Officer Cook, confident and trusted to lead others through thick and thin. During your watch you were one of Dade County's finest and most astute officers. Today you have been so honored and saluted for courage and bravery so bold in commitment, it made violence think twice about coming out of its pit. Resiliency. Resolve. Effort. Energetic. All the traits of character that can only help a police officer motivate themselves to become the very best. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You are missed Officer Cook. There was no doubt you lived a righteous life of humility that befitted all humanity. Kindness and compassion that are God's traits certainly found their way into the Cook House and were utilized expertly and quite wisely.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2017

As I get older, one regret and that is not to have been able to meet and speak with you, Mrs. Cook. I do hope you are doing well out in sunny San Diego, California. I don't have to say, you know, your beloved, darling and heroic son, Officer William Coleman Cook, was a Dade County police hero. A life and career worn and spoken by the examples of fine character, commitment to excellence and pride, more importantly one created on the fabrics of ferocity and tenacity through honesty, integrity and dignity. Our Creator gives us the blueprints with which we can achieve our aspirations and goals. You were a consistently considerate individual, a gentleman loyal to the causes of proper behavior, morals and the mettle to prudently persevere. I missed you by two weeks Mrs. Cook, as I walk by your old home, the memories of your family and your son's diligence and vigilance seem to consume my thoughts and at times my emotions. Officer Cook, I'll remember your passion, your engaging smile which greets me each time I leave a reflection on the Officers Down Memorial Page. Badge#1664 spoke volumes. It conveyed hope, optimism and enhancement all now and forever your legacy etched on those walls of honor here in Miami and in Our Nation's Capitol. Rest in peace. I sure would love and cherish the opportunity to meet you, Mrs. Cook. You will be in my heart and prayers forever. So will your husband, Charles, may he too rest in peace along side of his beloved and brave son, Billy or Bill as you called him. Always Officer William C. Cook to me and my family. Two weeks too late. Sadly one inch and a lack of side panels for officers during your son's career. His sacrifice brought about those wraparounds or side plates. Protection for police is as essential as it is for those civilians who benefited from his unwavering regard and respect for them.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2017

Police officers and schoolteachers are those modest and honorable human beings who can teach and impart the greatest of lessons in life. There jobs can be thankless at times. They are at times berated and bombarded by the worst of circumstances. We surely can imply that violence is the rotten apple that can have the worst affect on society at large. But, when you have sound minds of those servants whose beings bring them to the epicenter of where they need to be present in order to serve and protect, then at least peace and unity do really have a chance to succeed side by side. In Dade County, Officer Cook, you served with great distinction teaching us how to forgive, to have and to maintain hope and to give respect in order to properly receive it. You gave your life my neighbor, friend and hero. It was given with reflection, faithfulness and the basic resolve to achieve a happy medium for all citizens. No more a fonder way to honor your memory, your missions from the heart, one that gave and cared while sharing your messages with all that you came into contact. Rest in peace. Your beautiful soul still imparts and instills the wisdom, knowledge and keen vision which brought reality into focus into your family, friends and those professional comrades who shared with you this burden of shielding us from evil. Violence is not to be condoned. It must be dealt with in a classy and considerate fashion. You handled life and what came before you, Officer Cook, with determination, distinction and a renewed sense of humility for your fellow human being.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2017

That eternal periscope of Our Creator is always on looking down on His flock of courageous and honorable servants doing a job, a profession where tasking has its challenges. Much is demanded from all police officers. Ingenuity. Intuition. Intelligence. The biggest word with the letter I is integrity which is also found in the word dignity. What you possessed, Officer Cook, most of all lay people might struggle to just measure up. It's tough. and the road to success in saving and keeping the peace, the road can be long and winding. Dade County has its in and outs. You just have to stay devoted, committed to excellence and its pursuit. Those windows and doors stay unlocked allowing those brave and well regarded men and women to walk through to check upon our welfare. Your demeanor, Officer Cook, has and always will be the shining light that exemplifies outstanding service and conviction in all that you delivered. Hope and faithfulness allowed you the satisfaction to accomplish your goals, though, there was more left to fulfill. God saw your missions my neighbor, friend and hero to fruition. Safety and security. Serenity and common sense made your life more meaningful and your heroic legacy a byproduct of positive influence with a voice of calmness during times of duress.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2017

Sensible and stable. All you can ask of any police officer. Being flamboyant does not cut it. Doing your job with tact, integrity and keeping the pedal on with the intensity of honesty and dignity which usually accomplishes that which one sets out to do. Dade County known as a big county has many different sights and venues some more safer than others. So each day, there you were, Officer Cook, present and protecting our liberties and unity. Never forgotten. You were a cherished man with a gallant heart and a giving soul. Friends, family and your esteemed peers have never forgotten their friend and colleague who endured and who out his life and career on the line to save them. Enhancement as does time it keeps moving forward as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. With desire, class and character do we fondly look back on your service to all mankind, Officer Cook, you went no pun intended by the book. Morals and meticulous service brought endearment to all. God has those truly righteous and humane angelic heroes and heroines patrolling His sacred gates. You all were Godsends and blessings to your families.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2017

You must have the passion to persevere. To pursue a career in law enforcement you must have the inner strength to bravely, honesty and routinely pursue evil conquering it to allow peace and prosperity to take its rightful place in our society. Officer Cook, you were a humane and devoted servant, a man of his word who brought joy and pride to not only to your loving family, but to those residents in Dade County whom you saved and served. A man and his friends are what kept you happy and healthy. When they gathered to say goodbye to you, that cathedral was filled with many moist eyes remembering a gallant man whose integrity and dignity brought you closer to all. When the character of the pious serves the needs of those who rely upon them, we must realize the humble heroes that they were in their lives and the careers they sought to fill. Tenacity and decency should be the trademarks of all public servants for as we know so much is expected of them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2017

Tension and stress can leave the most patient person at times a bit traumatized and confused. No officer can succeed in their endeavors when they are this way or dazed. Only one who is in control of their honesty, dignity and integrity can achieve any measure of accomplishment. You persevered, Officer Cook, you more than participated in the quiet and relaxation of Dade County by giving your life, your soul and your commitment. It's where you character resided and now up in God's heavenly shelters of eternity does your soul rest and go from place to place observing other officers as brave as you were policing and protecting the public interest. Loyalty and trust are a two way street just as faith, hope and optimism which at times like hope springs eternal. One determined and dedicated servant using his voice and influence to make a positive impression upon all mankind. All your life, Officer Cook, nothing spoken all your life but the truth and your righteousness lives on in your family's pursuits of peace and their aspirations forever. A legacy truly worth remembering and saluting for class, valor and humility to all of humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The thirst to learn, the quest to maintain stability was your professional role and the staple for which we can be extremely thankful to our hero, Godsend and warrior. Always tenacious in attacking violence and its evil. And now you have been rewarded for all your efforts, Officer Cook, that have your comrades cherishing and admiring your career and a most passionate life, one where compassion was exercised properly and most fittingly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2017

Once a bullet leaves its chamber it cannot be redirected. Only the loving and respectful resolve can be directed precisely where it can have the most powerful effect. And that's where your preservation and service took place, Officer Cook, right in the heart and soul of Dade County. Its citizens received nothing bur honorable and heroic loyalty from an esteemed colleague to all his peers. Professionally and personally you were a humble and humane gentleman, Officer Cook, with a strength of heart, courageous and bold character and the pride and commitment like no other. And you have been missed terribly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 13, 2017

Those who enter the police academy are the recruits who have the compatible skills to carry out a professional role of resourcefulness and resolve while staying on the paths of proficiency, dignity and integrity with honesty attached to their every patrol. You led other colleagues, Officer Cook, by virtue of being selected by your superiors as fiercely loyal and by being able to take charge of any situation that not officers may seem to be able to. When character and courage, class and decency were involved, it was your humble self, Officer Cook, who heroically persevered and enabled peace and stability to become a staple in the lives of all Dade County folks. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A man with a sound mind, a strong heart who fought the battles over evil with forcefulness and a ferocity like no other.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 12, 2017

Working fast and at a feverish pace is nice so long as the public is kept safe and that officer stays the same way. Missions are done with the greatest affection of respect, resolve and honesty. But, integrity and dignity must find its way in the answer in order for peace and security to shine its lights forever. Dade County received the finest quality of supreme and loyal protection. Your character and commitment, Officer Cook, were the perfect compliments to a successful career and a life cut way too short because of violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Decency and devotion were the professional feats that you humbly maintained and those who continue these battles must keep handy when on duty. For twenty-five years you gave joy to your family and brought happiness to your family and friends. Comrades never forgot your morals and genuine honesty and candor.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 12, 2017

Honor and reverence may never get lost in the shuffle or for that matter at anytime one is devoting themselves to saving and serving the public interest. You need strong bodied and savvy minds when dealing with any and all circumstances. You body and being, Officer Cook, possessed the unique qualities to go outside the boxes in Dade County to deliver relief, peace and quality of life for its citizens. Dignity and integrity, commitment and character all worn proudly on your uniform and badge that was pinned on your chest enabling you to perform in an outstanding professional manner. No one will forget your trust, faith and loyalty so long as God is watching over your soul as you now walk that heavenly beat patrolling God's sacred venues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your humble legacy has enabled enhancement and the lives of all people to live on in safety, prosperity an din righteousness. You were a devout and reliable man, a gentleman with a caring heart and compassionate spirit that now flies higher each day. If we pray and keep faith and its optimism flowing freely the channels of peace and freedom will be that much more meaningful. We won't ever forget your humility to all humanity. It was there in Dade County as you gave the ultimate value in life for not only your accomplishments, but for our missions to march on as does time. Sometimes it feels as if time just speeds along.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 12, 2017

Police officers must display finesse at times. And yet their unwavering tenacity and fierceness must be exhibited when battling an enemy such as evil. Its violence that can spread so quickly like a forest fire. You need a strong and bravely resourceful individual, honest, dignified and open to do what it requires to stop this monster from advancing further. Here in Dade County the citizens had your best effort, Officer Cook and your humble confidence to see things through until completion. If not for your integrity and stellar character, heroic endeavors and commitment, then the peace and its unity could not have been recognized. You will always be admired, respected and cherished by your family, friends and those courageous souls who worked and battled as warriors together in this seemingly never ending war. Wickedness has to be eradicated and you were among the finest who took the needed steps to ensure our lives would be freer from distractions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 12, 2017

With the caliber and class you grew up with and performed your roles, Officer Cook, you will be honored and remembered for coming through with your dignity and integrity succeeding when peace and liberty was on the line for all Dade County citizens. A man of determination, desire and dedication all placed in your courageous hands. Police officers are the heroes and heroines who display the drive, decency and faith to get things done. Your missions of admiration and respect, Officer Cook, brought the multitudes of folks together to continue their journeys of happiness and the pursuits of prosperity, all part of your sacrifice and valor that has validated your life and career, one born from love, humbleness and the humility to treat all mankind with character and morals so necessary to function fairly and firmly as a public servant, our savior and warrior. You were a very treasured gentleman, Officer Cook, with the loyalty and trust all your colleagues admired very greatly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A celebrated life of outstanding diligence that is very much absent today and everyday. Your soul and its beauty still remains a part of those who knew you and befriended a man with a big bright smile and very congenial personality. Never forgotten! Your messages must be shared and never lost. Calmness. Sensibility and logic along with a voice of passion and compassion made us all feel safer and more secure in our ways, we can thank you for that Officer Cook and so much more.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 11, 2017

When officers give their lives, a part of their honesty, bravery and integrity leaves those who continue to fight on. Dade County has lost too many good women and men who are now up in heaven walking and watching us as they patrol God's sacred streets. Never will any harm come to them. You were a large part of its landscape, Officer Cook and so was your faith and reliability. There was never a question of your unshakable character, desire and devotion. You performed your roles professionally, promptly and quite prudently. Lives were saved. Those comrades you saved and those residents were entirely grateful for your humility and zeal for life. You had a certain flair, not to be dramatic, just to go everyday and speak the truth while maintaining justice and decorum for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your heroism is very much found in your legacy. One that will be cherished forever. Your family always will have wonderful memories of their hero. Our warrior and guard of gallantry with the valor of a much beloved public servant.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 11, 2017

Thinking requires effort. Exertion too requires endeavor. All this and more needs to be started while one is learning the ropes in their respective academies. Hard work and perseverance usually pays off to those level headed and honest servants. The men and women willing to put in the time. You poured your heart and soul into your entire career, Officer Cook. The results and resolve were always present. As you were a loyal and trusted colleague with the unwavering decency, diligence, dignity and the integrity that saw your missions through. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character and courage to keep peace and unity running smoothly so that other officers who have taken charge may do so with the caliber of class that attended your every watch.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 11, 2017

Honor stands for giving respect and reverence to those who fight for a cause and pursue their labors of love bravely and most humbly. Heroes officially never out of our ranges of admiration and perseverance. You were a Dade County police hero, Officer Cook and a man who stood for integrity and dignity which your professional position expects. Demands are made of all officers and those who measure up in character, commitment and conviction are the loyal servants who heed and comprehend the messages of what it takes to maintain peace and unity throughout their given communities of protection. Faith, optimism and hope are the wings of sentiment by which all men and women navigate on their trails of tenacity. Your vigilance and diligence, Officer Cook, marked your legacy in life and in career where you were greatly admired and so saluted for having that unwavering resolve to get things moving in the proper direction. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those heavens above are always lit up by your beloved soul and that of the many humane angelic heroes. Law enforcement is for those truly devoted and dedicated to their craft. One that always needs constant honing, practice and another important word, precision. Review and study. It's simply put. At times it is hard to put in execution. The plan must be there and then thoughtful concentration and consideration for what you are going to do.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 10, 2017

Failure leaves violence where it can do the most harm. It must be abated at all costs. Success is the sense to be able to do right and where you remain honorable and dignified. You were a thinking public servant, Officer Cook. Your integrity and bravery were placed on each doorstep for those residents looking to take hold of it. In Dade County as in all venues the ability to recognize, process and to resolve a situation before it becomes worse is what is asked of our bravest and most humble men and women. A gentleman's legacy of character, faith and loyalty made your career and life, Officer Cook, a more accomplished one and yet there is always that belief and feeling that there was more left to fulfill. God's destiny comes calling and now that proverbial baton has since been passed to other comrades to take hold of with humility and a keen vision of what lurks ahead. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 10, 2017

Take heed. Those who pursue violence will be hunted down, captured and convicted. Not as simple as it sounds, but the righteous and bold, the brave and loyal public servants will track you down. You did plenty of policing and protecting, Officer Cook. Dade County has seen plenty since your sacrifice, now those with who have succeeded you have a lot to handle. You were fair and honest, dignified and a gentleman of integrity. What had to be fixed was taken care of. We can never forget a loyal and distinguished servant of God who understand his destiny and its calling. Morals and character lie in those who risk their lives for our behalf each moment. You did, Officer Cook and your humbleness and its humility will never go unnoticed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 10, 2017

We must not lose hope. We must keep the faith in our battles over violence. Two more officers from Florida joined you in heaven yesterday, Officer Cook. The brave, bold and honorable succeed where others may not. You were a valuable member of your department and one whose perseverance and persistence paid off. Dade County and its residents have been able to lead more peacefully thanks in large measure to your character, commitment and excellence in effort and energy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your legacy of heroism is forever founded in the columns of courage and admiration for your colleagues and all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 10, 2017

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