Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Confession makes one's soul feel a little better. For what it is worth better to be dignified and make the most of your chances being a productive member of society. Police officers sweat and toil day and night to make communities rich in peace, resolve and in unity. Your professional feats, Officer Cook, were honest and forever cherished. You were a man with a plan, prepared to go out and battle enemies that looked to make peace vanish from our midst. But dignity and integrity stooped those marches of mayhem right in their tracks. A rich tradition was continued when you decided to enlist in the police academy. Realty and faith stepped in the quell a situation before its worsened. That word character, courage and precision are how you my neighbor, friend and hero will be so honored and saluted for humility and justice for all Dade County and its citizens. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 28, 2017

Dealing with problems does take a very special individual. One who employs honesty and loyalty among their pursuits. Dade County got the very best protection and service from you, Officer Cook. No questions asked. Integrity incorporated along with desire, devotion and dignity to methodically handle whatever calls you were given. Today, strife and mayhem because of your unselfish sacrifice, Officer Cook, has been replaced with enhancement and serenity. A man gives his life for his comrades and for those civilians involved that terrible day of May 16, 1979 and we honor your class, commitment and the swiftness of you professional character to react, to try and calm down those whose tempers may have gotten the best of them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Clearly, your legacy rests forever in Our Creator's divine embrace. The silence can be deafening at times, but we shall remember you performed nobly and very capably. The good names of our Godsends and heroes blessed. Their righteousness and faithfulness lives on forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 27, 2017

The wheels of justice keep moving forward. To go in reverse would be a regression of life and its ideals. Character and honesty stand for humility and peace. Where there is unity there is rest. What mayhem and turmoil bring is colossal trouble to the people who rely on good old fashioned police work. You brought the dependable skill and service Dade County and its residents relied upon. One can never go wrong with integrity and dignity following their every move. You were a humble hero, Officer Cook, And your peers and community will salute your bravery and heroic actions all a labor of life and unselfish esteem. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 27, 2017

The villains are out there. And so are the vigilant waiting to pounce upon those who dare wreak havoc on our streets Dade County and its residents were made much safer by your unwavering sense of commitment, Officer Cook, to cleanup whatever wickedness followed behind. A man of motion and morals whose integrity and honesty humbly followed you on your daily appointed rounds of resolve. Your courage and determination all stemmed for your excellent home life and devotion to all calls of professional duty. Nothing could hinder your journeys. Twenty-five years of boldness, bravery, wisdom and leadership with more left to achieve. God takes His pious servants and directs their hands and feet to a higher calling where no person may go. Eternity is where fruition is complete. Your aspirations now become even greater for those who are tasked with an awesome responsibility. Let us keep the faith and your dreams alive as your beloved soul continues its travels above us. Character breeds reliability and accountability, you, Officer Cook, delivered in all phases, never to be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 27, 2017

Those who run to commit evil will be chased down by the righteous and their virtues of vigor and vigilance. God watches over those brave and honorable souls who dignify our world with their lives of hope, peace and unity. Dade County was filled with your everlasting appreciation for life, Officer Cook and no matter the problem it was your humble integrity and loyalty that brought you out to save and enhance those lives in order for serenity and justice to go forward. You will always be fondly remembered, cherished and saluted for your quality of character, desire and dedication to persevere humility the way God's eyes see it. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's finest public servants now those sacred venues where nothing will ever harm you again. We hope and devote our lives to the causes of peace as you so faithfully did.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 27, 2017

The doors of freedom swing open. The opportunities are present to start making a dent for a positive result that will shape our world for good. Dade County and its citizens relish good honest and hard working men and women of honor and class. No doubt being devoted to the causes of goodwill contribute mightily into changing the landscape by which unity and peace can navigate their pleasant sounds. You were dignified, Officer Cook and brought leadership, integrity and much hopeful determination and dedication to a position of trust, loyalty and responsibility. You put on a uniform and don a badge, there must be reason of calm for fruition to reach a happy medium. It did for six years of excellent and quality service. God sent you here for a reason and that destiny was to follow your passions. Your parents approved and were never disappointed. Only the sadness of losing you at such a young and tender age with more left to accomplish. Those roles and tasks are left up to your family and colleagues to see your mission and their missions through safely and bravely. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God has you, Officer Cook and your companions of courage safely tucked in His eternal shelters while you watch over us for safekeeping.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2017

There can be no modifying morality for it has to be worn on the uniform of every police officer with dignity, pride and honesty. There can be no conceit nor deceit for each action heroically performed our esteemed and brave public servants must represent sound and sensible reason. Your professional conduct, Officer Cook, was the living example of how one grows up and lives with character, decorum and devotion trailing their every movement. Dade County was fortunate to have had you patrolling and protecting them. Their peace and sanctity was as result of your humane respect and humility for a position you were so passionate to have an opportunity to grow and to become a role model. Reclamation projects are for those who take desire and motivation and pilot them to another level. Your treasured legacy, Officer Cook, has and will always be the shining springboard for others brave officers of pristine character to blaze those pathways in life. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God has the whole truth and the justice system He rightfully needs in His angelic heroes and heroines of valor and excellence. They humbly produced and delivered the entire package to humanity with perseverance and relevance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 26, 2017

Tenacity and honesty can never tire one out. You must pace yourself in the daily rigors of police work. The pride and proficiency one brings to the table is there for all to witness. You were the salt of the earth, Officer Cook, your humility and dignity meant more to your family and to the Dade County community than you could ever imagine. A man of integrity and class whose positive influence brought the proper distribution of peace and prosperity to all mankind. Delicate when the situation called for diplomacy and firmness when it needed to take charge of any given dilemma. A legacy of bravery and conviction that are the cornerstones of your life and career. God gave us a heroic and blessed Godsend for twenty-five years of fruition, faithfulness and devotion. The consummate public servant with the care and kind heart that fulfilled Our Creator's master plan. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You blazed a trail of hope and goodwill for all, Officer Cook, never to be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 25, 2017

There can be no fluctuation in terms of ferocity. One must relieve tensions and deliver peace and unity with tenacity, honesty and boldness. Your commitment, Officer Cook, was the total embodiment of integrity and dignity professionally blended together to produce the resolve and resourcefulness that all Dade County residents have the right to expect. You will never be forgotten heroically and for the class of character and decency which was the very humble staple of your life and a career with more to look forward to. God determines our journeys in life and for some that trip may be a little further than we want to go. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 25, 2017

If repentance could revive the souls of the righteous ones our world today might just be a more saintly place by which to live and to prosper. Dade County just like any other community has good people who value life and live by their fabric of morals and integrity. You loved life, Officer Cook and lived each moment fully integrated with dignity and honesty. Needless to say you were a hero in character, class and humbleness. Your brave and humble actions reflected what we come to demand from our noble public servants. Professionalism, proficiency and pride delivered in the forms of life, respect and serenity for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's greenest of pastures has those dependable and deserving of honor sheltered for eternity to look down upon those who commit to seeing violence vanquished from our midst promptly and peacefully.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 24, 2017

Hoping to eradicate evil all we can do is to pray for the safety and welfare of our most beloved and esteemed public servants. You were sharp and decisive in your actions that day of May 16, 1979, as you were everyday, Officer Cook. If honor, integrity and dignity could be put in a bottle, then no telling if this might lessen the burdens that officers always face. They try not be be callous and confrontational and yet where force is required what needs to be done shall be executed. We of course don't mean shooting innocent people. You exercised care and great caution. The peace and freedom of Dade County residents is the very fact of your heroism, class and character. Decency takes practice and what starts at home translates into the streets where efficiency and diligence are meshed together. Unity takes time, though the moments cannot be wasted. Life is too valuable to fall apart. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, great people have come and gone. Your blessed name and life shall be what a legacy means to your community and to your loved ones.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 24, 2017

Walking on the moon is one thing, walking a beat serving and securing peace and freedom is another thing. You walked that fine line, Officer Cook, dispensing excellence within the realms of honesty, dignity and integrity. Your endeavor shall be remembered forever. No public servant whose character, commitment and common sense was outstanding when it was counted upon at all times shall be forgotten. A hero through and through with a heart of gold. God really knows His angelic heroes and heroines. They form that proverbial blue line to welcome those men and women who have given their lives of nobility and humility on behalf of all mankind. Courtesy, decency and faithful do reap their humane rewards. Those pearly gates are guide by your soul of unwavering and unselfish duty to inspire us to place our destinies in God's hands for love and enhancement. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Good manners and morals come straight from your home, Officer Cook, your parents had that master plan that enabled you and your sister, Nancy, to succeed throughout your lives and chosen professional pursuits. Police go to where danger lies hoping to its wickedness away from those who obey the law and are firm in their actions. Firm and fair is all we can expect from our men and women of valor and truth.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 24, 2017

When the sun comes up it is time to head off to work. You travel to where your passions lay and give your best effort. Your very best effort, Officer Cook, was devoutly directed at the citizens of Dade County where your protection and pursuits were appreciated by your peers and your family. A man of honor, humility and reverence doing what you loved doing. Yet compassion, integrity and dignity speaks as loudly as your humbly heroic actions. You won't be forgotten. Only cherished, respected and as courageous as the they come in character and in morals resolving and resurrecting the much needed peace and unity for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 24, 2017

Undaunted and unwavering. This will be no reservation nor doubt as to your astuteness and awareness to solve any problem that was placed before you, Officer Cook. The bonds of boldness, the honesty that never leaves one even after their passing, that is the cherished way to remember their integrity and dignity. The blessings of a good name and a life lived by exemplary character and the class of decency that saw Dade County and its residents through with their harmony and resolve. Now many years later the memories of an outstanding life and solid professional career are the markers by which humanity has judged you, Officer Cook. Humility and courtesy to all will be your heroic legacy that has forever enriched and enlightened your family and their continued pursuits in life, friends and colleagues who went to battle this enemy large enough to spread its mischief and misery. Misery needs no company. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 23, 2017

Intuition and intellect can not lead us astray. People who possess honesty and dignity deserve our heartfelt thanks for serving the public. We share in their grief when their loved ones give their lives in humbleness and humility in order for serenity and unity to take their proper spots within the framework of out society. Dade County received the finest quality of esteem and loyalty when you patrolled its venues, Officer Cook. Your family''s devotion and determination to serve Our Creator comes from the character that is expected of all people. Your commitment and its heroism is the very reason as to why we will forever remember you, Officer Cook. You were a blessed young man and an even more gallant gentleman with a kind heart and a beloved soul that still watches us from the heaven's above. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Our heroes and heroines require the utmost reverence and respect for their professional endeavors. God bless your family, Officer Cook. Considerate, Compassionate.. Courageous.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 23, 2017

Leadership is born from class, courage and decency. It is not easily obtained. One who is raised with morals and the mettle to act professionally will be the one who achieves. You kept your dignity and integrity about yourself, Officer Cook. Dade County was always in good hands when you protected its people. Peace and the pleasant scent of unity will forever prevail. It is the living enhancement that has stayed with us. You'll always be treasured for your humbleness and the bravery to go out and answer your calls with unwavering commitment, conviction and the quality of character that all public servants must possess. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The legacy you left behind heroically, Officer Cook, shall be continued by your loving family, friends and esteemed colleagues. Those who serve now do so with God's humblest of blessings. You were that Godsend and savior for us, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 23, 2017

By day or night you are never out of sight, Officer Cook. Your diligence and vigilance proved to be the difference maker in how we can live. Peaceful and serene, with integrity and prosperity. Your service to Dade County, Officer Cook, was exactly what all brave and courageous men and women should be like. Your tenacity and attitude was to be passionate, yet composed and calm even in the face of a police officer's greatest for, evil. You shall be so honored and revered for aiding and protecting with character and a warrior like persona. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 23, 2017

Diligence has its reward. That being the public servant who can be honorable and dignified, level headed and poised when resolve and integrity are called upon. All in Our Creator's name of respect and admiration. Police need cooperation from those they serve and watch over in order for peace and tranquility to become a reality. It was when you patrolled Dade County, Officer Cook. And decades later despite your tragic loss, enhancement and its endeavor still live on in the hearts and minds of those citizens you served with bravery and character. Saluted and paid the highest regard for your sincere professionalism. Let's hope and pray evil stays penned up and prosperity shines brighter than ever. Your beloved soul in heaven will see to that good deed. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A legacy that was the ideal humility preserving with unwavering perseverance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 22, 2017

Have a heart and find a passion. This world is made up of many individuals each with their own talents and skills. Police work, its service and dedication are not for everybody. The brave and the ones able to keep honesty, dignity and integrity perpetuating through their lives will in all matters succeed mightily. You were a humble young man, Officer Cook, with a gift of gallantry and valor. A gentleman with a cherished spirit and a kind heart, you could calm and be firm, yet that wide smile can still be seen. Character and class, devotion and loyalty never go away. God has taken these humble traits from a most faithful man and brought them to heaven to help you watch over us. Keep looking. We will keep the flames of your tenacity burning brighter than ever. Your unselfish legacy of heroism to humanity depends upon this. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A life of pride and joy you brought to your family, Officer Cook. No one will forget. The humane and decent stay with us as our foundations of security and wisdom forever.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 22, 2017

To apologize is to say you are sorry. If only more could have been done that day for you Officer Cook. You gave your life, your soul, humble esteem and respect for a profession you cared dearly about. It's about the dignity, morals and the fabric of integrity that sees our heroes through their assigned tasks. Now and forever you are being saluted for bravery and boldness so unwavering , we won't forget class, character and motivations on behalf of Dade County and its residents as you helped to restore the peace and togetherness back where it firmed rested. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We all have worry and concerns, police need to deal with the entire community and cooperation between public servants and the people would be the first building block where common ground can maintain all lives.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 22, 2017

The calendar for January is almost over. Time does fly and yet life carries on. The memories are always there of your wonderful and endearing personality, Officer Cook. It's Dade County and its citizens that gained the most. The quiet and security was given your best effort. A servant of faith and devotion whose class and decency always comported your navigation in and around a community where you were cherished and respected. Now and forever will you be saluted for the honesty, dignity and integrity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 21, 2017

Critical and crucial, the will of the people you both serve and protect must be judiciously carried out in a prompt and precise manner. Closure has to be concise and with the honesty and vigor of both integrity and the dignity demanded from all public servants. You served Dade County with distinction, devotion and loyalty, Officer Cook. And it's no wonder you were successful and accomplished. The peace and trust of the people has got to be priority number one, two, three and four forevermore. Your responsibility rested in your morals and the quality of character, conviction and humility which all professionals must function under. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 21, 2017

Ignite change. Fuel your passions. Funnel your passions and its ferocity into outlets of outstanding service and integrity. Dig deep down for that dignity and honesty needed to solve a problem. You were passionate, Officer Cook, otherwise you wouldn't have undertaken a career in law enforcement. It calls for the highest level of leadership, sanctity and humane actions. The heroic and humble kind that save and allow peaceful missions in life to carry on. Dade County and its residents march on by virtue of your valor and unselfish sacrifice. Colleagues salute your nobleness and loyalty bounded by the eyes, energy and effort carried on your badge and uniform professionally donned at all times. Your character and class, motivation and will is what now each officer who has taken over your watch, Officer Cook, focuses on. The moral and vision needs to be precisely on those whom you preserve, protect and serve. It is in your glowing and humble legacy, Officer Cook that decades later has persevered and left the wonderful memories of you, your life and career all taken too soon. Heaven's gift is your unmistakable smile and commitment to see pride and its excellence through until its fruition. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 21, 2017

Carelessness leads to calamity and possible tragedy is what all folks and police look to avoid. Just sometimes you cannot help but look into the faces of evildoers. Their actions of perpetration leave us shuttering to think what's next. What all humble and skillful men and women look to do is to be calm, stay honest and focus on maintaining dignity and integrity the most legal and prudent way possible. You were a caring person, Officer Cook. The gallantry and grace in you highlights your valiant and faithful life. If devotion and grit could return you to your family now how thrilled they would be. It's in the legacy of endearment and enhancement that you will forever be treasured. Respected and cherished for being the consummate and trusted public servant. I don't think God has any greater a gentleman of humanity in His shelters of eternal peace for safekeeping where no harm will ever befall you again, Officer Cook. The peace, unity and the realization of life so sacred was in your giant palms of preservation and maintenance. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 21, 2017

Dispatch your duties with determination, dignity and devotion. Act civil and humane whenever you are dealing withe public. Stay honorable even in the face of horror. So much rides on the unwavering and unselfish bravery we have come to expect from our bravest public servants. There was a lot demanded from you, Officer Cook and all you did was an outstanding job sorting through the kayos, mayhem and torment everyday and in particular on May 16, 1979. No more class and character was exercised, the quality of care and concern, consideration and morals that must be demonstrated by that officer's mettle and fabric. We here in Dade County can look back and so could those who were alive and prospering by virtue of your leadership and wisdom. It saw those through with their missions, the very special ones you undertook for twenty-five years. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your very humble soul resides in a specially designed place reserved rightly so for angels of mercy, goodwill and hope to live on in eternity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

January 21, 2017

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