Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida
End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979
Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook
Desire and effort can overcome evil and violence. Only if those who participate in this fight stay dignified and keep integrity where it should be. You honor, Officer Cook, was placed on the line to save and secure the various areas of Dade County. Its unity and peace was a staple of your humility and cherished bravery. Mankind can fulfill its dreams and aspirations because of your character, commitment to excellence and the convictions to see professionalism carried out prudently. Never forgotten. Always saluted and revered for an outstanding job. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It's up to your fellow officers who took over your watch to steady this ship, one whose sailing can only be smoother if all aboard follow directions. That was precisely why your devotion to leadership, your wisdom and vision beyond your years allowed you to be successful in your achievements. Twenty-five years of calling and now when God brought your lovely soul back with Him, the purpose in mind was to watch over us, your family, friends and colleagues who nobly continue this battle which will stamp out violence one way or another.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 8, 2017
Sound mind. Sharp reflexes. They make any officer's job a little less stressful. Your mind and body, Officer Cook, worked well all because of your humble stature of securing our peace in Dade County. Your driven devotion and desire to do what was right and because of your honesty, integrity and dignity made for smoother moments. We shall cherish those moments and so will your loving family and comrades who fought this battle along with you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Intellect, innovation, intuition and ingenuity all helped you, Officer Cook, the hero in your spirit lives on. It flies higher everyday.Humanity will be grateful for your efforts on our behalf. Saluted and humanely honored for courage and commitment within the scopes of sanctity and civility.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 7, 2017
Suborning to perjury is akin to just being plain old dishonest and there can be no public servant patrolling any venue with this kind of character flaw. Integrity and dignity come from one spot, the heart. Those who are unable to live up to rules and regulations which enhance not only the people they protect, but themselves should choose another line of endeavor. Hopeful or wishful thinking will not carry one's career. That patrol unit must be filled with virtues that are beyond any doubt stellar. Your commitment to Dade County and its residents, Officer Cook, was of righteousness and faithful resolve. The influence people witness, one who is collected and calm usually results in positive outcomes. You were the best, humble, humane and most heroic. The valiant and brave leave their blueprints upon our society for those who follow in the paths of perseverance. You were efficient and deliberate, Officer Cook, the people knew you had their backs and would be loyal to your peers. Diligence and vigilance are rewarded when they function together as does peace and unity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 7, 2017
Applaud good work. Salute and remember the heroes and heroines who bravely embarked on missions of safety and serenity. We can proudly and yet humbly look back on your life and police career, Officer Cook and view for ourselves your marvelous attention to detail all while keeping your honor, dignity and integrity together. You could stay calm and be assertive in all your actions while have kept evil at bay. Colleagues and your family members have fondly honored your humility on behalf of humanity. The foundations of solid character and commitment you set down decades ago, Officer Cook, are there for other brave and noble officers to emulate. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 7, 2017
When deceit and its powers fan out over any community we must stand ready to quash its vengeance. The world can be cruel, cold and without any doubt very dangerous out there. On patrol in Dade County you protected and preserved our freedoms, Officer Cook, while keeping the peace and freedom intact. A courageous man of character, confidence and leadership, you will be fondly remembered for having endless integrity, honesty and the dignity to dig deep for solutions to the problems that confront our most esteemed and humanly humble men and women of the law enforcement profession. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 7, 2017
Substance and not fluff. Devotion and not dishonor. Concentration and not distraction. All in the name of our duly trusted and honorable men and women who solemnly serve and protect our causes. You were a dignified and humane servant, Officer Cook. Dade County and its residents will revere your name and the calling God had in mind for a class individual of character and ferocity. A call went out that day and you answered it quickly and did you very best shielding your comrades from harm while watching over those civilians embroiled in that tumult. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your professional resolve and resourcefulness never waned, Officer Cook. Loyalty and esteem flowed from your being when you poured your heart and soul out for our peace and unity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 7, 2017
Inspiration is that factor that serves as our motivator. It is our greatest friend and ally and should be utilized wisely. Your sage and humble advice, Officer Cook, now serves that role in this all important war on crime. If not for your honesty, bravery, integrity and outstanding and humane dignity, than no telling where our lives here in Dade County would be today. Your life, career and all the sacrifices you made for your family, colleagues and friends steered you right to where God needed you the most. To replace violence and hatred with peace and tranquility for all mankind. A cherished and treasured servant, a beloved gentleman with a kind heart and devoted passion for his work, you will be remembered forever, Officer Cook, for class and character that helped to make to commitments fruitful for others to follow in your trails of tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Commitment is everything in the eyes of God and in the good name of humanity. A person's humility reveals their true morals. You had the proper tone and conduct which reflected in your true work ethic. God's gift to us and you'll never be forgotten. You bore the brunt of evil to enable us the citizens to be safe and at peace with each other. Your missions and destinies were fulfilled, Officer Cook, now the Lord can watch over you for safekeeping, nothing will ever harm you again. We will pray for your beloved soul.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 7, 2017
The ringing of resolve and of hope shall bring the end to evil. Its wickedness shall never again blanket our world. Its ruination is ghastly and it disturbs that delicate balance between what we deem as proper and what is looked at as right. Those faithful and devoted public servants who have served and protected us as you did for a quarter of your life, Officer Cook, shall be commended and saluted, honored for bravery and dignity, the intellect to battle with all your might and wisdom, the integrity to enhance, the character to climb higher in the face of adversity until the end. Dade County and its citizens have you to thank for their peace and liberty to move about wherever they choose to go. It's about using logic and reason while staying within the morals of what we expect from police officers, so brave and yet where humility to all humanity takes its appropriate seat. God's heavens are filled many heroes and heroines full of wisdom and vision. Those serving us now can't go wrong with those who have sacrificed watching over them. Keep checking in on us, Officer Cook, your soul and that bright smile shining down upon us for eternity. Hope and optimism are there. We just have to maintain a semblance of order if we are to strike the proper connections. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 7, 2017
Fruition helps to deliver redemption. It brings with it all the good tidings that we can hope and pray for. For those women and men who serve a noble cause, that being to battle and fight off the wicked forces of evil, you did your job, Officer Cook, very well. All of your entire humility, decency and dignity combined with your outstanding integrity and character made Dade County and its residents stronger and more prosperous. Its peace and unity that have become a part of your heroic legacy. That was to have a conviction and make the commitments to loyalty and faithfulness in devoting full attention to your professional duties. Comrades, family and friends can fondly look back decades ago and realize all that you meant to our society. A blessed man and a truly fine gentleman, a young man full of aspirations who became one of the fine public servants and whose service and civility helped to maintain calm and sanctity during stressful times. Always cherished and admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, you taught other colleagues the ropes, tough at times to climb, but with your motivation, dedication and firm leadership, wisdom, vision and knowledge were and still are attainable for all to share. Enhancements, their cornerstones and foundations are firmly and justly in place, your spirit, firmly entrenched in our hearts and thoughts. Keep helping our Creator watch over those angelic angels of valor who too sacrificed for our nation to be greater and to humbly and humanely stand tall through it all, violence and its terror and in peace and solidarity.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 7, 2017
Benevolence can be a blessing as those brave souls who serve and defend us face the greatest of impediments in their battle over violence. Nothing truer can be said than you were a Godsend, a hero and a very personable, honorable and humble man. The kind of character and class that exudes leadership, wisdom and the knowledge that Dade County and its folks were made safer by your professional prowess and virtues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Assumptions, prepositions and hyperbole are just that . Facts and fiction differentiate themselves by the acts of brave souls like you, Officer Cook. A life well lived and a career reinforced by resolve and faithfulness.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 6, 2017
Profound and sorrowful. The power and meaning that words and the humbly heroic actions that follow us all the days of our lives. They accompany us through the wings of our wonderfully esteemed angels of valor of which you were one of the many, Officer Cook. Police must be forceful and yet maintain that delicate semblance of balance when to be aggressive and when to lay low, calming those who need calming and gentle persuasion down. You were a sure and confident, loyal public servant, Officer Cook. It was a life and career perpetuated by honor, dignity and integrity that saw you to your destiny. Those humble and humane accomplishments are forever what your family, friends and comrades will solemnly remember you for. You stood for class, discipline and leadership of other officers whose lives mattered as does those whom you served and protected. Those enhancements are the keys to the cornerstones that will remain planted and etched in our minds. You are always cherished and in our hearts and minds for a professional well constructed and excellently carried out. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Every step and breath you took, Officer Cook, represented one giant footprint on Dade County and its residents' quest for peace and prosperity to replenish itself. Your trails was for the serenity of mankind. Your humility and noble actions speak gently of all heroes and heroines. Your loss was tragic and yet somehow we must carry on with this war over wickedness. It must conclude mercifully and with no more bloodshed. Hate, bigotry, prejudice and anti-semitism has got to cease. Your role, Officer Cook, helped to sequester this major obstacle. God's universe is powerful and so are those who rest gallantly in His wings of mercy.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 6, 2017
A patriot serves mankind and brings compassion to their service. A humane and heroic public servant serves and protects us with the finest and most prudent degree of diligence and proficiency. You had a penchant for figuring out solutions to difficult issues, Officer Cook and you masterfully mustered up the valor and desire to see your missions through. A faithful servant one of pronounced dignity and integrity whose motivation to lead others through danger was humbly legendary and whose demeanor was your humility, your concern and caring was as focused as was your stellar character and convictions never to be forgotten. Respected and admired forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's honor roll of angelic heroes and heroines speaks of pious individuals who have walked vigilantly in those pathways of tenacity while fighting off the stiff breezes of evil. You fought for us, Officer Cook and Dade County residents have spoken. Your messages ring eternal. Humanity is indebted to you, Officer Cook, for your service and patrol of our freedoms and peace all brought about through your sacrifice, unwavering and unselfish. Walking that beat in heaven where God steers those bravest through fruition and fulfillment, keep watching over us, Officer Cook, a warrior and savior. You are missed very much. We will keep praying on your behalf Mrs. Cook.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 6, 2017
Trustful and trustworthy, all dignified men and women of the law enforcement profession must somehow drive home this point while maintaining integrity. Dade County as does all communities needs its finest and bravest officers performing at a high level of efficiency. You took your abilities, Officer Cook and made sure peace and unity would soon follow you down those paths of righteousness and virtual proficiency. All it takes unfortunately is for one man or woman to slip up slightly and where lives hang in the balance things can surely go south in a hurry. Your character and courage was never more present than on May 16, 1979 and all other times. You acted skillfully and in an unwavering manner to save your colleagues and the people of a community where you lived and have been humbly honored. Determination and dedication both call for a unique passion and an individual who knew his role and embraced whatever came into your paths of perseverance. You were an excellent officer, our humble hero and a blessed Godsend. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 6, 2017
Poised and discreet. All officers must keep in mind the needs of the general public. You kept your wits and calmness about you, Officer Cook. It was all class and decency that drove your life and police career with Our Creator being your humble navigator. When you properly harness integrity and honesty than the dignity is more properly magnified. All people's virtues are different and we must seek the proper channels as we travel down those roads of tenacity. Quiet and togetherness take great attention to effort, you made that commitment happen. Enhancement has limits. The right balance must be struck for success to occur. A man of character and conviction working with his peers to ward off violence. You did your part, Officer Cook. It is up to those who serve now to own up to those onuses all public servants take an affirmation to try and keep things moving along smoothly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 5, 2017
Deliberative and decisive, all anyone can ask is for that officer to maintain dignity and integrity while being devoted and honest in their pursuits of wickedness, Dade County requires a certain hands on individual of humility and kindness. And you were just that public servant, Officer Cook.Always polite. Always a gentleman. Always the persevering professional, unwavering and unselfish in completing those difficult and dangerous tasks at hand. Peace and unity come sometimes at a cost. You gave your cherished life, Officer Cook, your character and its courage revealed to us, your nobility and heroism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 5, 2017
The who what and why don't lie. They retell and remember the lives of our faithful and dignified public servants. You gave your life, Officer Cook, in the name of justice and peace. This humble reminder of how precious life can be. You made each moment count. Courage. Humility. Class and devotion. You were a cherished gentleman whose professionalism was the epitome of effort and energetic proportions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 4, 2017
How wonderful things would be if you were with us today, Officer Cook. Principles and perseverance carried your life and career to achievement in getting the peace and safety moving one way, forward. Dade County cherishes its heroes and heroines of destiny and your fruition, Officer Cook, provided the greatest resolve and resource we could ever imagine. You were contrite and personal man of character and courage all made by your terrific upbringing. The foundations your humane and well founded actions brought on May 16, 1979, won't be forgotten. Saluted and treasured forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 4, 2017
Wholehearted and thorough. You were that and more, Officer cook, the humble and legendary example of what heroism and dignity are all about. When police officers who are expected to be honest and have a large measure of integrity serve us, the thing we as citizens can do is be grateful and assist them whenever necessary. Peace and unity require our greatest attention and details are important. Your character and courage are what we will cherish and of course it goes without saying we all miss you. You were humanity's hero and your passion was without any reservations very proficient. You gave more than anyone could ever begin to ponder. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gentleman and a public servant who professionalism spoke as loudly as your morals. Something we can ascribe to be. You are our inspiration.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 4, 2017
Futility is the fork in the road to fruition. Fulfillment is accomplished when honesty, integrity, dignity and its humility to mankind are accentuated. I wonder, Officer Cook, if you were here today with your family and close colleagues that went out on patrol with you to battle those terrible forces of evil. You were humane, brave and most of all devoted and faithful, loyal to everyone. Never a bad word. Never any doubt nor hesitation. Always resolve. Manners and professional courtesies. Your character, courage and commitment, Officer Cook, was exactly what delivered peace and serenity to all Dade County and its fine folks. Tolerance and tenacity highlighted your heroic life and career, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 4, 2017
Assertive and yet unafraid, your career and life, Officer Cook, was the humble and humane example of integrity, honor and dignity. It's difficult to function as a police officer unless you have certain character and decency to maintain decorum and morals while out patrolling the streets. Surely, Dade County and its residents have been able to live more freely and peacefully by virtue of your unselfish devotion and unwavering comprehension of what needed to be completed in order for enhancement to enrich our society. You continue to be honored, Officer Cook, for the sake of society. You won't ever be forgotten, you were your family's hero, savior and a blessed Godsend.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 3, 2017
Mild mannered and modest, you allowed your talents to speak humbly and humanely, Officer Cook. Dade County and its people were bestowed with peace and a calming influence as long as you were out protecting and serving. It's integrity, honesty and dignity out daily grinding on. Your character, positive zeal should rub off on other brave servants who devote themselves to ridding us of wickedness. Saluted and treasured for nobly and with intellect and keen vision persevering through adversity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, Dade County relied upon your missions of effort and efficiency to pull them out of the doldrums.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 3, 2017
Easygoing, enthusiastic and tactful, you used your entire resources, Officer Cook, to help fend off evil. Sheer will-power carries any devoted and duly qualified public servant. Dade County experienced terrible times when you patrolled those streets, racial unrest and its tension, so having a gentleman of character and sage wisdom surely assisted in bringing the peace and harmony back to its citizens. Never forgotten and always remembered solemnly for a job well done. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your agility and acuity along with your morals and humane character shall be those cornerstones of your heroic life that will be honored and saluted. God rewards those who are faithful and you were, Officer Cook. His garden of heroic angels of valor seeks and helps those here who bravely protect us. All your missions were quite insightful and meaningful.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 3, 2017
Pugnacious and unrelenting, you were unwavering and undaunted to the challenges of keeping peace and prosperity tied together. When resiliency and efficiency march to the same beat, proficiency cannot be far behind. You maintained our serenity and safety, Officer Cook and because of your humble and unselfish integrity, honesty and dignity those whom you served were better protected. Always cherished and respected for humility, character and grace under fire. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your commitment and aspirations live on in your wonderful family, esteemed comrades and those friends who cared and treasured your kind heart. One of courage and gallantry.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 3, 2017
If you want excitement and have honesty and humility within you then police work may be in your blood. The preparations and plans are immense, no doubt about it. You poured your life and career into your entire body of work, Officer Cook, your integrity when combined with your inner spirit provided Dade County with its proudest moments. Officers must show concern and yet they must act compassionately with everyone they protect and serve. The balance of life, the barometers of peace and its prosperity hold their own weight when meshed together. No doubts regarding your outstanding character and the demeanor needed to resolve and to turn evil into harmony. Never easy to achieve. Actions and heroism speak louder than ever now in heaven my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace. Your gallantry and grit were just some of your excellent attributes which made you a better individual and an officer to be surely saluted for bravery beyond the call of duty.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 2, 2017
Guide and shielded by God's love and His wings, all of our most heroically brave men and women serve and protect by standards set forth by their departments. Rules are meant for everyone, nobody is exempt from obeying them. Police patrol areas making sure that peace and quiet resides among each person. In Dade County officers protect and preserve, you defended us, Officer Cook, a gentleman of care and concern, character and valor, class and decency, integrity with dignity, a mutual admiration and respect for all. Missions in life are surrounded by the foundations and cornerstones you laid down for other brave souls to follow in. A life is priceless. Your hopes and dreams, Officer Cook, rested in your motivations and desires to do good, to remove evil making way for more tranquil moments. Fruition is not finality, it is only the genesis of greatness to be perpetuated by other comrades with the similar convictions, commitment and character that enabled you to live and perform justly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Results are better than insults. You were a faithful and loyal servant, Officer Cook, God rewards those carry out His word and your department forever honors and salutes your sage wisdom, vision and ability to have led others through those perils that were out there. A total effort was delivered everyday. Your family was humbly proud of you, their loved one and warrior.
Rabbi Lewis S. Davis
April 2, 2017