Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Gentile and congenial, those words, Officer Cook, make up your humble demeanor and the character to carefully pursue the goals as laid out by your department. Dade County and its residents were restored in life as you were their humble savior. Dignity, desire and integrity should never take a backseat to anyone. A man of perseverance and persuasion whose personality was just right for the important demands of any law enforcement professional. You will saluted and so honored for keeping peace and its nobility stapled together. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your candor and determination led the way for other brave men and women to follow through in their pursuits of happiness while patrolling for violence which must be kept away from the public. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 16, 2017

Having character takes intellect and the right ingenuity to help effect change. Change is good for the people as it gives them options on how to live a better more peaceful life. We make decisions and sometimes for whatever reason we don't get a second chance to take back what we did. That is extremely crucial to every public servant to make wise decisions. The consequences can be quite serious. You were a true gentleman and hero, Officer Cook, the genes of your gallantry and courage, integrity and dignity will always shine through. Your missions were deemed accomplished and now as one of God's angelic heroes may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. His foundations are secure with you and your comrades who too sacrificed for enhancement to carry on. Dade County and its citizens can live and lead more peacefully because of your unselfish commitment to pride and excellence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 16, 2017

Courage and its bravery must aimed as high as one's honesty and dignity. Integrity must be integrated into all situations of which peace and unity stand as one. Here in Dade County, Officer Cook, your life and legacy meant so much to your family, friends and colleagues who pursued the same wickedness that you attempted to eliminate from our midst. You'll always be fondly saluted and remembered for having the decency and class, the faithfulness and tact to influence the people to do what was deemed fitting. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When safety and serenity came calling you answered your calls promptly and with the professional aptitude expected from all public servants.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 16, 2017

The trajectory of tenacity must be directed by good hard working and consummate professionals who serve and protect the public interest with every last ounce of honesty, dignity and integrity. Unless these characteristics are met violence sadly can continue its evil romp through society where our beloved and esteemed heroes have laid their foundations of courage and nobility. You were the rock of your family and department, Officer Cook, your heroism reflected what most of the people in Dade County and around our nation knew and recognized about you, you had the humble fortitude to make peace and deliver clear and unwavering commitment to all your actions in life and during your career. Character and pride straight from your heart. The circle of life never stops, though it pauses to salute a gem of a gentleman and a most revered soul. Yours can sing God's eternal praises forevermore. Humanity was guided by your brave and humane life and work dedicated to the goodwill of mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, North Miami Beach, Florida's warrior and hero. The purpose was stated. The mission fulfilled. Destiny has a peculiar way of calling us, though Our Creator is the master and director who needs no introductions. This is life with its tragedies that leave those gaping holes that are difficult to fill at times.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 15, 2017

We lay to rest our beloved heroes and heroines who give the most sacred and a basic tenet, life. Life and honor go hand in hand with courage and commitment. Your compassion and bravery, Officer Cook, opened newer leaves in life for all Dade County residents, Peace of mind and unity for all is how a man of unwavering action will be saluted. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dignity and integrity rest forever in eternity with those angelic men and women devoted and driven to accomplish.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 15, 2017

Let perseverance penetrate your brains and let those who cherish boldness in commitment keep our doors and gates of peace and quiet open at all times. You kept evil at bay in Dade County, Officer Cook, while maintaining a humble objective of integrity, dignity and honor as a public servant for your professional roles and their assorted tasks. Challenges are nothing unusual for police officers, it is in those brave and humane where character, courage and conviction steps out front and center. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cherished, adored and beloved, your life and career, Officer Cook, represented resourcefulness and the astuteness to correctly size up any given dilemma.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 15, 2017

Yesterday was another day. Today, let us pray our day is one of devout humility and safety in the trials and tribulations of those who dare patrol our peace. You were the consummate officer, Officer Cook, caring and concerned with your fellow man. Dade County and its citizens got excellent care and respect from you. Your badge and uniform stood for honor, dignity and the integrity to fight on our behalf keeping us going in the proper direction. Your character, your desire and loyalty are what upholds your heroic legacy of enhancement for all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Those cornerstones were well bounded by motivation and the public service that was outstanding in value and in diligence. Your aspirations and morals, those ideals are now being carried on and continued by your loving family and humbly esteemed comrades.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 15, 2017

I meant to say with eternal humility rests those faithful and dedicated servants who brokered peace and unity. Glory rests in those who toil in the pursuits of justice and don't look for notice. For God sees and hears their efforts put forth on behalf of all mankind. Dade County saw its uniquely skilled heroes and heroines like yourself, Officer Cook, laboring in dignity and integrity while protecting with reinforced honesty from your heart. One can never forget your valiant resolve and commitment, the humble character alone that is necessary for a demanding and perilous job. Always treasured and revered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 15, 2017

For the sake of God's kingdom, you were His humble and most faithful servant, Officer Cook. Unshaken, undaunted and unafraid to face whatever roadblocks endeavored to impede your progress to save and serve. The folks of Dade County have spoken and on your humble and honorable behalf, enhancement may forever carry on. Peace and unity may proclaim their voices of victory and the ever present dignity, integrity and vigilance you displayed, Officer Cook. A gentleman so dedicated to his profession, so courageously humane, your caring and character shall never depart from us. Your spirit will fly high above as you keep walking that sacred beat in God's solemn grounds where His angelic heroes and heroines sleep softly and will eternal humility. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 14, 2017

Working with unwavering wisdom and unselfish humility, your total body of professional work, Officer Cook, was delivered with promise and integrity. Those honorable and dignified servants patrol and protect for a reason. Dade County and its residents enjoyed living peacefully and most decently by virtue of your uncanny vision and keen leadership. You will be cherished as a loyal and fellow colleague to those who served and performed their duties justly. When a man of class and the caliber of character and courage commits himself to heroic actions, we salute their humble esteem. Enhancement can forever stay in the hearts and minds of all who ever knew you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 14, 2017

The tunnels of turbulence can be seen from miles ahead. It's the terror and torment that steer those who commit evil into their foundation. And why do we need honest men and women to fight this plethora of violence? In order for mankind to be safer and at peace with one another. You gave Dade County supreme service and satisfaction, Officer Cook, all through your integrity and dignity. Never anymore respected and admired for being a humble man of faith and character whose heroism shined more brightly than we could ever wonder. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. bravery and its inner strength helped you, Officer Cook, in this battle of evil that must be faced with grace and the knowledge that vision can look at. The eyes and ears must stay attuned at all times, yours never wavered. Just resolve and the proper motivation.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 14, 2017

If the building is stable and the efforts are efficient, then the plans of our beloved and esteemed law enforcement officers will reach fruition. Failure is totally unacceptable and never okay. In the grand scheme of justice and fairness, honesty, dignity and integrity must remain the loyal and faithful companions of those who face and expose their beings to danger. You gave your heart and soul for all Dade County, Officer Cook. You brought peace and its unity to the surface of service and sanctity. The holiest of things, life, yours and those colleagues who served with you fighting those wicked forces of nature. You left a heroic legacy of humility and love for everyone behind for your family to carry on those ideals you held close to your heart. If you were bold, they too must be bold. If humanity is to forever feel the winds of your devotion swirling, then your loved ones must abide by the righteousness that stayed on your lips. Ones that spoke the truth and situated the tenacity where it should be. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Cornerstones and their foundations are planted in the roots of resourcefulness and its resolve to change whatever needs to change for the better. People believe in it and deserve this to live and lead sounder and safer lives of health, peace and prosperity.You gave your all, Officer Cook, everything done right and correct the first time around. No backing down. No running away. No ducking. No excuses. Reason, logic and common sense from day one until your final breath fighting as a hero and a warrior for us. The humble don't need kudos, their care and concern speak loudly and proficiently.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 13, 2017

Dilapidated, disgusting and just plain old disrespectful, you cannot have that out on any street patrolling for peace and serenity. You have to assemble talented, functionally structured and honest men and women who dare to risk their lives by leaping into evil and its ugliness. Dade County had your charming personality and charming character, Officer Cook, backing up your integrity and dignity while preserving and defending our liberties. When we, your family and comrades remember you it will be for your humane and gentle heart and its compassion. Your courage and bravery etched precisely into those walls of honor for all to see. To view your mission and its destiny of desire and motivation, one can only imagine what if you were still alive and fulfilling Our Creator's will with your wise eye and leadership, your trusting tenacity and your imminent ingenuity. You can calm and influence people to do what was deemed right. Only God knows the answer as to why your beloved soul is in heaven tonight lighting up those darkest of skies. The moon and sun are aligned and so were your priorities and the awesomely humble astuteness to carry them out. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your sacrifice, Officer Cook, has increased enhancement and lessened the dilapidated state of affairs here in Dade County where you remain so honored and saluted for the common goal of gallantry toward mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 13, 2017

The Lord sets the heart and minds of His faithful servants in the directions in which the paths of righteousness travel. They travel well when those brave and valiant servants are dignified, honest and humble in all their pursuits not only of happiness, but chasing down crime and ending its run of ruination. Only your keen eyes, legs and lips that only spoke the truth, humility and fairness, Officer Cook, when you were serving and policing Dade County with your accomplished acumen and feverish fervor. Tenacity has to stay on that beaten track if success is to lead to resolve. Character, conviction and commitment in wearing your uniform proudly my neighbor, friend and hero will be how we salute your heroism. Legends start out as young children growing and maturing into men and women of vision, wisdom and intuition and from there it's where good steady leadership and reliability can make all the difference. It did during your watch, Officer Cook, in the affirmative and stayed strong and bold throughout your life and career filled with compassion, that passion to correctly process information and utilize it to the best of your God given abilities. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. If God ever needed anything, well He sure has a full and humble legion of angelic heroes, Godsends who now walk humbly performing those missions and watching those here stay smart and remain brave and committed to the causes of peace and togetherness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 13, 2017

What has to penetrate our minds is the very fact that all police endeavor to make our lives safer by their honorable presence When perseverance, dignity and integrity are able to permeate and perpetuate goodwill and hope among all people, we the citizens can be that much more grateful. Dade County was greeted by your engaging and genuinely sincere and humble character and courage from your heart, Officer Cook. Violence and its evil were dealt with in a very unwavering professional manner. You can be assured and so can your family and colleagues that your blessed heroic actions and good and cherished name will be remembered forever. You were that kind of studious public servant whose determination and devotion saw you through with your missions of life and the fighting spirit needed to ward off wickedness. A career that captured enhancement and delivered right back to the people with their peace and unity placed squarely where it was most comfortable. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 13, 2017

Winter is upon us. The snow and ice cover our streets and yet even during the worst of storms one thing for sure, you'll find humble, honest and brave men and women out on duty securing and protecting those residents who rely upon their virtues of vigilance and valor. You always did, Officer Cook, serve and preserve the fundamental things in life that all Dade Count asked of you. You wanted so much to become a police officer, you were bright and articulate, kind and compassionate, held your integrity and dignity close to your giving heart, what else could have been done to make your job safer? Cooler heads must always prevail. Badge #1664 and the gentleman of humility and determination whose solid character fit that mold carried on just fine as comrades would always attest to that fact. It is safe to say that God has you, Officer Cook, your leadership, motivation and dedication right where it will and eternally be kept safe and secure as you walk that sacred beat in His heavens above. You must watch over those other comrades who were as brave and a courageous as yourself, Their missions, destinies and dreams all ride together as they concern themselves with the demanding tasks at hand. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your heroic legacy has stood as the foundation of ferocity and the cornerstone of humane consideration for all mankind. You were a first class citizen, Officer Cook and a loyal and devoted gentleman whose spirit kept up the good fight over wickedness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 12, 2017

The darkness and gloom are replaced with bright sunshine when all police officers perform their assignments with acuity, honesty and the special devotion they are supposed to properly display. Dade County has had its moments, its good times and not so good when fear and unrest, torment and turmoil swirled around like a bad wind. You made certain, Officer Cook, that dignity and integrity would sweep that evil and its stench off the streets in which peace and quiet would plant the seeds of success. In all your endeavors, in life and during your career you always had that big smile and yet remained the consummate professional whose concern, care and character brought newer meaning to life and to its steady enhancements. Always cherished and treasured, beloved and bold, your commitment to morals and their ideals always delivered to humanity its humble humility. What all public servants must believe in and stride for. Comrades salute their heroes who have given their lives with distinction and faithfulness. You did and will never be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 12, 2017

If shame and disgrace are allowed to cloud the agendas of any public servant heaven forbid, our nation and society will really feel the worst for honor, integrity and dignity without interruption must be the ideals and morals by which these brave folks serve and protect our rights and their freedoms. Officer Cook, you delivered compassion, passion and the personal reassurance that Dade County's folks would be just fine. No matter the circumstance, your coolness and calming influence was always present and accounted for. So too was your unwavering and unselfish service to your comrades, those battles brought you together and when the time came to say goodbye at your Inspector's Funeral not one dry eye was seen, for your beautiful soul hovered above as did that police helicopter. Humane, caring and a driven desire like no other was felt that day at Saint Mary's Cathedral. Its proper name was the Cathedral of the Blessed St. Mary. I believe. Sorry I was not there, you'll forever along with your family be in my heart, thoughts and solemn prayers. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 11, 2017

The citizens of any community place their lives, hopes and dreams in the delicate hands of those humbly brave souls whose service, loyalty and honesty take them on their assigned duties. In Dade County where you patrolled its venues, Officer Cook, you can be sure of many things to name a few, your integrity, intuition and dignity will never be far from our thoughts, hearts and prayers. Because of your due and mindful diligence, peace and its unity will forever surround those who strive to commit their lives to the same pursuits of happiness as you so faithfully did, Officer Cook and then again the legacy of your heroic character will forevermore shine so brightly. Always cherished, treasured and admired for bravery and that special humble courage from your heart, may you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humble and beloved. Adored and very much missed. Keep looking down from God's tranquil trails of where those humane and decent angelic heroes and heroines now patrol. Our safety and serenity lie in the balance. Believe and it will happen. It's resourcefulness and reliable resolve that carry its weight most steadily.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 11, 2017

The sounds and sights are still there where you served and protected us over forty-four years ago in Dade County, Officer Cook. Names and places are very different, even the landscape where some of your fiercest battles took place and yet one cannot forget thinking of you. When brave and honorable servants lead others through danger and peril, you just stop, ponder and humbly marvel at their feats of fervor and ferocity. The humane young man doing a job, performing a profession you dreamed of becoming. It took a lot of work, learning, practice and training and when they are applied as one, success seems reachable. Integrity and dignity must first surface while one patrols any given community because of the stakes involved. Your valor and bravery, Officer Cook, your commitment and conviction, your passion and compassion to make peace a reality for all Dade County and its residents won't go overlooked nor will your heroic actions be forgotten. Only cherished, respected and admired as will the solemn salutes of nobility by your colleagues who served with you. You were that bright and shining legend of a man, Officer Cook. Your character is part of your legacy that will remain so honored by all who ever knew you and revered your devoutness and dedication to all professional calls of duty. You embraced life and loved your career, one with much more left to fulfill, God takes our destinies to a higher and more sacred place where you now are resting in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The stars and your beloved soul, Officer Cook, may they continue illuminating our society and community even in the darkest hours. Humility and resolve communicate well when the actions of a humble and righteous man permeate as well as they did when you served. What a warrior!

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 11, 2017

You served Dade County with verve and passion, Officer Cook, placing your heroic life in the palms of Our Creator. As a devout and humble man of faith, hope and justice, protecting us with unwavering and unselfish honor, dignity and integrity, this was the only way we could be safe, sound and secure with the much needed peace and unity surrounding our every movement. You were so loyal and beloved, Officer Cook, you fought for and championed our rights with tenacity and vigor that is expected from the quality of character, courage and commitment all public servants must wear on their uniforms and you'll never be forgotten. Humanity can continue its perseverance because of your sacrifice that has left enhancement here in Dade County a staple of vitality for all to partake of. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 11, 2017

I meant to say, Officer Cook, that dignity and integrity must follow an officer down the same trails of tenacity and then and only then can they be nestled with perseverance and resolve. It's astounding what good morals and character will do for an individual who already has quite a lot to contend with. The mindset and boldness must be razor sharp. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your comrades and family have honored your beloved memory as our hero and savior. Dade County's folks can live more enhanced lives on behalf of your exemplary service to them.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 10, 2017

As I leave these reflections for your sacred and honorable actions, Officer Cook, I am reminded of the life and character of my neighbor, friend and hero that you were. You exposed yourself to danger and its wickedness daily and no matter the time or place, you could always be counted on for reliable service and resolve to all Dade County and its people. These are the same citizens who help pay an officer for their perseverance, resolve and integrity which cannot be meshed as one unless dignity and honesty are not following down the very same trails of tenacity. You were a stellar gentleman, brave and valiant, courageous and congenial and now years, decades later after you sacrificed on behalf of peace and togetherness to come as one, you will remain in our hearts and prayers and so will your mother, Mrs. Julia Cook and your entire loving family and those brave colleagues who served with you. It's important that you make it home to your loved ones in peace, safe and sound. Your humility and humane actions to head off a violent and nasty domestic dispute won't be forgotten. You meant the world to us, Officer Cook. You were a master communicator and hopefully what transpired in 1979 on May 16th will serve as other officer's reminders to do your job right and to make sure morals and politeness accompanies you on your every patrol. Rest in peace. Cornerstones and their foundations rest in your boldness, Officer Cook and now in God's heavenly havens they rest within those sacred walls where your honesty and wisdom resides among the other heroes and heroines who gave their lives for justice to live on. determination, dedication and the self-motivation were all are part of your life and career done with class and achievement.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 10, 2017

Having class and the decency and driven desire to succeed, you will always be so respected and saluted, Officer Cook, for your humble esteem and preservation of Dade County's citizens. The proud and humane do their jobs, face the dangers and perils of their challenges head on and without the hint of doubt or reservation. Just honesty and integrity that dignified all your days and life of service to the goodwill of all people. Your heroic legacy today brings to mind the crystal clear character, class and candor by which all officers must function while performing their assignments. You were noble and never wavering keeping law and order squarely where it belonged, on the streets while helping to stop evil and keeping it off our roads. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The saying say a little and do much should be the motto for all who work under this umbrella of understanding and vision.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 10, 2017

It is fitting to pay homage to a loyal and faithful servant of God who devoted his life and career to principles and their fabric of morals. For they speak as humbly as did your honor, bravery and delegated dignity and integrity which in turn helped to spread peace, unity and goodwill among the residents in Dade County. You were a righteous and cherished gentleman, Officer Cook, whose professionalism and hope help to spur on the optimism of all. Mankind will forever be grateful for your expertise and efficiency. The effort and care was always there. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 10, 2017

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