Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

With a wave of terror, police must be unwavering in their battles where honesty and good morals must be wielded properly. You utilized your sources of dedication and determination, Officer Cook, to stay in the paths of protection and vigilance. We, the residents of Dade County can rest assured you were our hero and warrior who saved and fought evil with every ounce of stellar character,boldness and decency. Today, as your colleagues look back, they can solemnly remember you for bravery and the fierceness by which you led other officers. Destiny has its fruition. Your life and career, Officer Cook, a public servant and consummate gentleman and professional will always be cherished. Take time and observe the goodwill of people. Police already have a thankless job, the tasks are not mundane nor routine. You answered your calls with clarity and that keen sense of wisdom and maturity beyond your years, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. the wings of God are humbly able to hold all the heroes and heroines who courageously sacrificed on behalf of all mankind. yearning yields itself to conviction and commitment. Your part, Officer Cook, helped to revitalize Dade County a community where you continually are so saluted and humanely honored.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 22, 2017

Police must have a clue and display gumption and honor while pursuing evil. It is set in stone that integrity and dignity must follow them on their journeys of welfare and diligence. They did for you, Officer Cook and through Dade County for that matter.You were a man of candor, devotion and the right attitude to face whatever challenges in your oath. God guided you with knowledge and the sense of vision and fairness to do what was deemed proper. And now peace and unity may stand on the very same platform. The participation of all citizens is required in this endeavor to fight off wickedness. Your legacy remains saluted and so honored for courageous conviction and the commitment needed to carry on. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 22, 2017

The winds of God's gentle spirit blow gently and humbly upon the wise and honest people who yearn to perform the will of Our Creator. When we awaken from our slumber we do so knowing full well that our rewards rest upon the morals of dignity and integrity. Each day, Officer Cook, the citizens of Dade County were greeted by your ever present perseverance and protection with a smile. Today, colleagues salute your heroic actions of bravery and boldness, character and class all through what carried your missions in life and during your career to fruition. The word desire. The driven motivation and dedication to succeed in this brutal war of violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You served with faith, hope and the optimism that cooler heads, calmer minds would prevail. Just keep watching and looking down from God's shelter of eternal rest along with your fellow angelic heroes and heroines.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 22, 2017

Honor without dignity is somewhat like logic without commonsense. You were among the many fortunate public servants who humbly gave your effort, Officer Cook, in its entirely. Dade County and its residents were given prime and confident protection from a most loyal and faithful gentleman. Where integrity and dignity were located there you were my neighbor, friend and hero. A classy man of distinction, devotion and character leading other brave and convicted colleagues through the trails of tenacity. Rest in peace. Your heroic legacy will forever stand as the unshakable foundations here in Dade County. A Godsend and a tremendous fighter, a spirit of your resolve, Officer Cook, that will remain cherished forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 21, 2017

Honesty and humility can lead success and accomplishment down that long winding road. It's wickedness that must be ceased at all costs and that is why officers bravely sacrifice on behalf of society.You were fair and unbiased, Officer Cook, so humble and yet so caring. When men and women of stellar integrity and dignity patrol and protect our peace and unity for this we should be grateful as was all of Dade County. You remain the loyal and faithful servant who made life and inspirations matter. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 21, 2017

Obsession without exception one does not know where it may lead one to. But good manners and politeness can always assist in the battle over violence. Good old fashioned honesty, dignity and integrity the kind you maintained, Officer Cook, was essential in keeping the peace and unity sewed together. One never really knows where God may take them, those journeys must be performed faithfully and skillfully. Dade County and its citizens enjoyed prosperity and serenity because of your unselfish devotion, desire and dedication to all the calls of duty. Cherished, respected and accomplished, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, you were a truly humble man and one great and humane warrior on behalf of mankind. Better to be obsessed with doing God's will than being a loose renegade who ignores rules and standards. The rules are there to make each resident and public servant a little safer where they work and serve.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 20, 2017

Accelerating toward goodwill and peace for all Dade County, you were the humble hero, Officer Cook, all citizens revered. You put peace and reason back into society where dignity, honesty and humility belong. A man's integrity and virtue were being tested everyday by evil and you came through achieving fruition and relief for all. Character, conviction and commitment must always accompany a good hero's daily navigation. You remain cherished and won't ever be forgotten. Your journey continues now in heaven where you rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. The foot must be on that pedal of perseverance and proficiency. Yours was always, Officer Cook. A real gentleman with a most kind and compassionate heart.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 20, 2017

Where evil and its temptation lurked there you were, Officer Cook, to preserve and protect Dade County and its citizens. You were a steady force, loyal and faithful, liked and respected. That only comes over time with patience and practice. So too does dignity, integrity and ingenuity. Character, cleverness and desire must run together in order for peace and prosperity to become a reality. This is the goal of all law enforcement officers. God saw your pathways in life and during your career, Officer Cook, through. You made life and its relevance matter. Always saluted for bravery beyond the calls of duty. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 20, 2017

The wells of knowledge by which police serve and protect us have to be filled with love and honor for their positions. If integrity and dignity could flow like a river then no telling how things will turn out. You held your morals and quality of character close to your heart, Officer Cook and the residents of Dade County were never better. As always you will be cherished and fondly remembered for having the heroic courage and boldness, the astuteness and wisdom to see you through your missions Fruition and futility cannot get mixed together. One must triumph over the other. Your humbleness and its humility won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 20, 2017

The warmth and love a parent gives to their children serves as their unselfish and unwavering humility and the motivation for them to carry on in the pursuits of life and happiness as they grow older. Your git and unselfish commitment to serve us and all Dade County, Officer Cook, shall forever remain treasured in the bonds of honor, integrity and dignity. Wherever you went on patrol, it was always guided by the loving grace of God's gentle hands. Today, those same brave and loyal peers, comrades who fought violence with you on a daily basis raise their hands in solemn recognition of your humanely outstanding work. Class and character have their palms spread across your heroic legacy. Its foundation never more steady. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We condemn violence. We cherish you and the wonderful life and police career you enjoyed so very much. Life is a test as it challenges those so bold and brave to stay the courses of constant perseverance and to walk upon the trails of tenacity. You have to fight for what you believe in and those values and morals so important to our decency and very existence.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 19, 2017

Obviously the designs for life and its relevance are quite unique and yet quite different for each individual. Living in times of unrest and tension in this world, one must stay attuned to the happenings. From new leadership in Washington, D.C. and all abroad, things change constantly. One thing remained the same, your courage, command of a situation and integrity, Officer Cook, needed no hyping. A man's honesty needed no revelation, as it came into contact with all who ever met and conversed with you. Dade County and on behalf of its people saw humility and gallantry everyday. Each time you put on your uniform and badge, it witnessed sheer energy and effort the kind expected o fall officers. More action and less words usually help resolve a problem. If only that sad day, May 16, 1979, could more have been done to save you. You were our savior and warrior that day saving your fellow officers and those civilians involved in that domestic dispute. Your family and friends, Officer cook, understood why you became a police officer as this was your dream and aspiration. Now decades later after your unwavering sacrifice on humanity's behalf you continue to be so honored and fondly saluted for courage and boldness all in the name of heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Care and passion, consideration and concern never leave a person as they are passed down to your family's next generation. The Cook Family can be mighty proud as your broad shoulders carried a humble burden day after day. Our safety, security and prosperity traveled about as you served, protected and patrolled a community where you have been so admired and treasured.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 19, 2017

Those who persevere we remember. For they answer the call and rise humble and tall through it all. Commitment and character take practice, after all not everybody is cut out to be a police officer. Stay level headed and balanced and sooner rather than later the dignity and integrity will see you through your life's missions. Success comes to those who wait as honesty is the trait that helps those who are brave to ward off the forces of evil. Here in Dade County you were determined and driven, Officer Cook, to fight off wickedness, it's no wonder you have been heroically saluted for having that particular humility to smile and yet compose yourself with conviction and class along with the decency to make peace and unity a way of life for all. Things go on and yet we pause and reflect back upon your life and career, the consummate public servant to mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Someday may we gather the inner strength to understand why it is that good people are taken by God, heroes with humble valor and compassion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 19, 2017

Designs by deliberation must be implemented and thought out by all police officers before contemplating what to do next. Honesty and dignity are one thing just as bravery and valor, sometimes where decisions are made things cannot be done over, reasonable actions must be applied to every unique circumstance. Exactly, how you acted, Officer Cook. Thinking and rationalizing how to delicately handle your roles in particular the domestic calls that you humbly were good at resolving. All of Dade County could sure be mighty proud of your service and devotion, professionalism through and through. Your missions to bring peace and unity to this earth were deemed complete. Sad always very tragic. May 16, 1979 will be a day that while life goes on, your family and comrades shall salute and honor your character and boldness, the results of good morals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The right public servant seizing the opportunities given to you by God. Officer Cook, you will always be cherished and admired.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2017

Accomplishment is something to be taken seriously. If taken lightly it can lead to one resting upon their laurels. Morals and good professional conduct cannot begin to conquer evil if they are not orchestrated to function together well side by side. Thank the Lord most officers and public servants stay the courses of dignity, integrity and honesty. Heaven knows where our planet would be. Dade County and its residents were firmly entrenched in your capable hands, Officer Cook. A man of his word and bond who delivered all that you could in peace and in unity in order for prosperity to keep on marching down the road. You'll never be forgotten by peers, friends and of course your loving family members. Heroic and humble guided your missions and their destinies of fruition during your life and career. One bound for more humble and humane fulfillment. We leave our travels in Our Chief travel guide's hands. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heaven's doors and gates contain the pearls of passion, compassion and serenity wrapped closely together giving God His earthly class of angelic heroes and heroines. Their bravery and convictions, character and commitments to pride and excellence cannot be tampered with. God holds that spiritual key to His fortress of foundation and endeavor.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2017

Manpower can be depleted by violence a very confounding obstacle in the war of evil. Police weigh the gravity of every situation placing the lives of the brave and devoted in the areas where they are most needed. Dade County needed your stewardship, Officer Cook and your hands and feet, your lips that conveyed the truth and helped deal evil a swift kick in the rear while stationing peace and prosperity where they rightfully belonged. Firmly in the citizens grasps. Your faith and dignity, honesty and integrity allowed these breeches to occur. A man happy to do his job without fanfare, humble and courageous, you can be assured, Officer Cook, you are with us always. Your soul and spirit do fly high each and every moment as your beloved family members carry on with their pursuits of passion and happiness while keeping the flames of your morals and commitment with them all the time. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Class, commitment, pride and excellence in character and in achievement can be the key elements in determining whether one is successful and fruition is attained. Yours was Officer Cook, God saw to that the moment your parents brought you home after your mother, Mrs. Cook gave birth to you. You and your sister, Nancy, never let them down nor disappointed them. Karen too married a very humble and valiant servant who served with nothing but distinction and trustworthiness.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2017

Officers don't look to bask in glory for their sagas are of simple honesty, integrity and basic humility. It humbles the righteous and dignifies their destinies and fruitful missions in life and during their professional careers. Peace and unity are at times tough to bring together. Pulling them can be like pulling teeth. You placed your trust and honor in the glorious hands and feet of the Lord, Officer Cook and He never steered you wrong. Dade County was alive and accounted for during your days and evenings you delved into deepening their resolve and success. It hung in the balance and rested on your humble shoulders of sanctity and ferocity. To be able to lead others you must have the right temper and when you know the direction of where solutions may occur there you were present to lend a hand and save lives. A respected and cherished gentleman who rightfully did all you could. Never taking anything for granted, humanity will be indebted to you forever my neighbor, friend and hero. Character captured our hearts and now you'll always be an integral part of the landscape of Dade County and for that matter the entire nation. Your actions of honor and reverence broke new grounds for bravery and valor to travel through. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2017

Running on high octane, police must constantly refuel and recharge their batteries of bravery and boldness to get the right employment of dignity, integrity and honesty from their beings. Dade County got the most from you, Officer Cook, in effort, efficiency and energy like no other. Its unity and freedom, peace and prosperity can be directly attributed to your courage, loyalty and commitment you undertook when patrolling and in serving. Today, you have seen saluted and admired, honored and revered for your stellar character, class and candor. The very decency to handle whatever assignments came your way with knowledge, wisdom and the keen vision to determine, motivate and drive other colleagues to more fruitful outcomes. The resolve and understanding were there, just sad that day, May 16, 1979, the outcome was not what anybody wanted. You are always watching over us with your brilliant and shining soul. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2017

Young and humble. Brave and honorable. Courteous and committed. Officer Cook, you were one of Dade County's most gallant and resourceful public servants. No doubt about it. Peace and liberty, unity and serenity all went into your passions to become a very fine officer. A professional of the highest esteem, dignity and integrity. Now many decades later that bar you set has been humbly lifted for those men and women who go out and battle an enemy so great its relentless ruination seems to be growing. But loyalty, trust and accountability have every reason to continue in their pursuits of evil so that happiness may march down the trails of joy. Your convictions, Officer Cook, are all a characteristic of your heroic legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The world lost a very graceful and faithful servant whose humility has endeared itself to so many people. You are missed terribly, Officer Cook and will never be forgotten. Badge#1664 carried out precision and vigilance as it was meant to be. God has you in His hands for eternity where nothing will ever harm you again.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2017

Memories live on in the hearts of those who heroically served. you fought very hard for us, Officer Cook and on behalf of Dade County and its residents will you be fondly saluted and remembered for having the fortitude, courage and leadership to assist other colleagues through peril and danger. No matter what was happening you kept your wits about you, stayed cool, calm and collected and gave integrity and dignity their just meanings. No messing around. No games. Only safety and protection with a smile and the uniform you donned with excellence, pride and commitment to defeat evil. Those so inclined to commit violence had better think again and take a good hard look in that proverbial mirror, because those brave and honorable souls who have taken over your watch, Officer Cook, are out there persevering and exemplifying honorable and humane character as you so faithfully did. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A courageous man beloved and respected by all mankind. Central Division had a real true hero in their midst. Chief Bowlin had his best out there looking after us.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2017

Last night while I was eating my Sabbath meal with my wife, Holly, I started crying, she said you were thinking of Officer Cook, also my dad, I think of my mom also. You are all missed as I look toward your home on N.E. 170th Street. Your persona my neighbor, friend and hero was one of humility, honesty and the integrity to work through problems and to come up with a solution. Dignity affords those righteous and cherished servants of God to seek meaning and wisely advice from the people you trust. Dade County and its residents communicated and the message was and today is clear, fruition must be achieved, failure and futility are not an acceptable response to evil. You will be so honored and saluted, Officer Cook, for staying the trails of tenacity and forging new relationships among all people. It's your humbly heroic legacy that now and forever lives within the hearts and souls of your family, comrades and friends. Rest in peace. Your wonderfully beautiful smile can still be seen, so can your treasured soul, one of honor and pride, it too served with grace and gallantry. Twenty-five years of age was too young a time to leave us with more left to accomplish. Our Creator is the official timekeeper when destiny and fruition comes calling. You served your goals, dreams and aspirations, Officer Cook, properly and with a gentle persuasion and positive influence among society.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2017

Kind and gentle, polite and honest. These are the very brave and courageous souls of the police profession who serve and protect us. Cold and callous, malicious, these are the very people you don't want out on any streets patrolling and persevering. You were a humble and trusted comrade, Officer Cook, to your colleagues, friends and of course the glue that kept your family together after your father, Charles' sudden passing. Your personality and character, conviction and commitment went well along with your integrity and dignity. Peace and unity can only overcome violence and its associated wickedness when these foundations become a part of society. And for that the citizens of all Dade County could not be more thankful for your wisdom, knowledge, leadership and effort. It takes a real genuine man of devotion and faith to comprehend the causes of evil and to keep violence away. You firmly grasped that fact and on May 16, 1979 and on all points of your career endeavored as well as you could. Very outstanding and very commendable. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 18, 2017

You were our beloved and most admired public servant, Officer Cook, a man whose trust and loyalty helped to conquer evil. Passionate and yet very honorable and dignified, the Central Division had a man who had foresight and the vision to see those missions to fruition. Yet, we will always remember you for courage and kindness, character and the decency to properly motivate others through your cherished leadership. Those cornerstones in Dade County today are the enhancements where only those of intuition and the masters at keeping calm shall go. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When calamity needs fixing up, we turn to a humble man of tenacity and the unwavering fierceness that goes together in the battles over this puzzling foe.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 17, 2017

Everything you did during your life and career was clear and precise, Officer Cook. No wavering in boldness or being fair, honorable and loyal to your colleagues who too gave their every ounce of endeavor for the peace and unity in Dade County to surround its residents. When you give you usually receive. In your career and during your life you witnessed many things. Terror and torment. Happy times and not so pleasant moments. Nothing finer than for a truly righteous man to be so saluted for having heroic class, desire, dignity and character. This word can be the deciding factor in whether or not one is successful or not. A humbly nice man, you will be cherished and admired forever, Officer Cook. True to form and trustworthy to all your brothers and sisters who performed an extremely difficult task to bring peace and to remove evil from our midst. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero. God's eternal foundations are well rounded in the cornerstones of His most brave and heroic angelic heroes and heroines who fought the good battle and gave their most precious resource, life and its value which cannot be overlooked. Exactly why we must live for the moment and accomplish as much as possible to shape the future for our children and their offspring. You treated people fairly, Officer Cook. Enhancement can take its humble and solemn place among mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 17, 2017

The price we pay for our peace and freedom comes at a humbly noble time. The times now dictate and always have that we have brave and honest public servants doing a top notch job. Going out and seeking shelter for those less fortunate and in maintaining the promise of a new day. Dade County experienced quite the uneasy moments when you passionately patrolled its venues, Officer Cook. Police officers do try their best in making reality just that as a lot of expected fromt hem. Character. Conviction. Integrity and dignity in upholding the law and order they took oaths to protect. You'll not be forgotten, Officer Cook, for your humility and esteem, nor for having the courage and valor to fight on our behalf for what we believe is true. Always a hero and a very blessed gentleman and Godsend. Rest in peace my neighbor,friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 17, 2017

We aim our sights each day on goals, aspirations and dreams that are deemed proper for us to follow. Dade County just as any large metropolitan area needs the complete support and honesty from its brave servants. You delivered, Officer Cook, never letting your foot off the pedal of patrolling and persevering. Your legacy of humility and of heroism is what sets courageous heroes apart from the rest of the crowd. So too was your maturity, instinct and leadership which when combined with quality of character and morals makes for a successful life and career. The mission of fruition was founded in your integrity and conviction to handle whatever came to you for attention. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You set the bar high, let's pray that hope and goodwill abound like peace and unity for all residents. Your caring and easy touch has offered those a new lease on life, so important to get through each day as safe and sound as possible.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

February 16, 2017

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