Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Peace preserves unity and does its best to untangle unrest and tensions within a community. First, though, you require men and women not just brave souls who plunge themselves into harm's way, but they must carry about them the necessary honesty, integrity and dignity. It must be unconditional, unselfish and unwavering. Just as you did for all Dade County and its residents, Officer Cook. Confidence and humility are one thing that is placed into the equations of resolve and resourcefulness and still there must be stellar character and that commitment to see things through. Police work taxes the most loyal and trained women and men, yet safety and serenity are within arm's reach if devotion and dedication are recognized. You'll always be cherished, Officer Cook, saluted as a hero of valor and prescribed excellence. The wars over evil and violence forge ahead we must be ready and willing to assist our beloved and bravest in this fight over a foe so domineering. There must be no concessions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We take solace, Officer Cook, you were our savior, blessed Godsend and treasured friend to all. Your family's pride and joy. Sometimes fulfillment and fruition have a price to pay. Life should never be that bargaining chip, tho ugh public servants realize its value.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 28, 2017

Installing intellect takes much practice as much as learning to better control one's emotions. Thankfully, Officer Cook, you kept your emotions in check. Domestic calls just as any other problems need a little cajoling an done who can properly communicate their thoughts and ideas with other men and women who take their onuses seriously. Stopping crime and protecting takes a certain level of humility to properly get the jobs done right. After all, Officer Cook, police work is not a race to see who crosses the finish line first. Your character, charm and boldness, the energy to accelerate your career and those talents needed took you many hours of study, practice and proper preparation. You will be remembered and honored for morals and courtesy, the roles of one another that help make police better suited for what they face ahead of them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 28, 2017

Enlightening and engaging, being a friendly person, Officer Cook, only assisted you in being able to get a better handle on the tasks that were central to your convictions. Courageous and calm under the circumstances can only make one a little more successful in their endeavors. Dade County counts on those humble and valiant souls of motivation and dedication to steer them away from the affects of crime. You helped take crime off its streets, Officer Cook, from what was demanded of you and to keep calmness, sanity and integrity it says a lot and goes a long way in deciding if the outcome and its conclusion are alike. People take different paths to perseverance, yours, Officer Cook, was straight forward and directly to the point. Peace and security rested on your every fruition, your ambitions to inspire greatness from those partners who had the good fortune to team with you, a man of character and desire. We should all aspire to be like you, Officer Cook. A wonderful life cut tragically short and yet dignity and resolve was achieved in that we have enhancements brought about through our heroes and heroines. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 28, 2017

Scrupulous and meticulous. It is every officer's duty to be just that. Sure being affable and amicable helps too, you must be focused on staying honest, dignified and having the integrity to concentrate on the matters at hand. Those are: peace and unity, freedom and serenity for all people. In Dade County you made that a reality, Officer Cook. You had a burning desire from within to become a police officer and a highly skilled and motivated public servant who was able to lead other comrades through danger by being thorough in candor, class and decency, all the proper morals to carry on and now you are being saluted for unwavering character, bravery and commitment. Never to be forgotten. Take care of those comrades who have joined you in honor and in humility in God's humanitarian shelters of eternity for an outstanding job of keeping violence and terror at bay. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 28, 2017

Humility demands simple honesty, unwavering integrity and the unselfish dignity to serve and to protect principles that we are supposed to maintain. Hard for some, those officers like yourself, Officer Cook, had the right genes to persevere and to preserve the public interest. You carried your character humbly and nobly possessed the caring and proper commitment to guide excellence and pride throughout Dade County and its streets where peace and serenity are the rule not just some fly by night notion. You remain cherished and respected by your family who loves you and those colleagues who have honored your convictions. The police officer and hero who took his job seriously. You are missed very much, Officer Cook. Rest in peace neighbor, friend and hero. God's fortress has the wellsprings of your wisdom, vision and leadership helping to guide those who serve the causes of peace as clearly as you did.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 27, 2017

Those who believe in God's divine reign of this world are the ones who understand honesty and faithfulness. Ingenuity is the by-product of wisdom and intelligence driven by desire and dedication. Police for what they must deal with on a daily basis must be physically strong and possess the mental aptitude to further the principles of peace and decency within all people. Officer Cook, you had both the clarity and its humane alacrity to handle whatever assignments came your way. There was no way to turn your back on colleagues, in light of what was transpiring that awful day of May 16, 1979, a sacrifice and lesson for all dignified and loyal souls to be learned for sure. Comrades and the citizens alike have saluted your inane passion and protection of our rights that are so very special. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A commander of conscious and unwavering commitment to see wickedness destroyed from our society.Officer Cook, perseverance must penetrate our thoughts as do the wonderful memories your family and friends have of you, Officer Cook. Dignity and integrity until the end, your achievements have been etched forever where they can be reviewed and noted for posterity. No bragging or boasting. Just valor and vindication for all mankind. Keep watching over us. We will never forget your righteous ways and unselfish unification of the community where you grew up and gave the most caring and kind service. Professionalism was your passion allowing you in turn to serve compassionately, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 27, 2017

Honesty and its sincerity can humble the most bravest of heroes. Police responds to all sorts of calls and the issues that are associated with them. A man of your personality, Officer Cook, defended Dade County and its citizens as well as any trained public servant. When humanity calls us we must be prepared to answer those callings, our destinies and fruition are on the line. You were a steady source of wisdom, knowledge and vision, Officer Cook, a gentleman of character and the humbleness concealed within your heroic actions. They will forever be revered as you were a most blessed hero as well as our savior. Violence is still being carried out sadly, your perseverance stays as grounded as does your soul in heaven. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 27, 2017

Experience expends energy. Progress keeps resolve and integrity moving forward. Honesty hones dignity and those loving and personable professional public servants who pursue peace deserve our thoughts and salutes of valor. You covered the landscape of Dade County as well as any officer should, Officer Cook. Through careful contemplation, consideration that has enhanced the venues of your patrol, we can be certain character and candor, class and devotion to duty won't be overlooked nor forgotten. Humane acts of nobility bring humanity to a much better place and where you now rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero, Officer Cook, you are eternally residing with those fellow women and men whose gallantry and courage personify your vigilance and faithful diligence. Cornerstones stay anchored as does your paths in life and during your travels down the roads of tenacity. Violence was met head on, face to face with only the best and most sincerest of service.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 27, 2017

The messages are delivered, now if the receiver responds in the affirmative. Affirmations are meant to be honored justly and to be judiciously carried out. You pursued peace, Officer Cook, with the fairest of decency and dignity, your honesty and integrity were what made up your fine character.Its consolidation and collaboration helped you to finish those tasks that laid in your pathways of prevention and perseverance. You will always be regarded as a Dade County hero to all you served wisely and proudly. Your kindness and boldness to act as decisively as you did that day and everyday. Your life and career, Officer Cook, were born of desire, dedication and the motivation to accomplish. Evil and its turmoil were handled justly and firmly by your humane and humble nature. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 27, 2017

A person who can motivate themselves can humbly lead others through peril and torment. Exactly, why you were a successful officer and a first class citizen, Officer Cook. Dade County can relish your integrity and honesty as it delivered the quality peace and liberty for its people. You were a well respected gentleman and a hero to all. Godsends and their character and convictions are sent here for a fruitful mission, that destiny is to restore calm and cool amid bedlam and terror. Sometimes we don't fully comprehend why things happened on May 16, 1979, when you gave your life for our missions of tranquility to further move on. Always treasured and admired for outstanding heroism and its resolve that took humility to all humanity on its journeys in life. The memories remain, Officer Cook, you won't be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. One can never go wrong with morals and principles. The messages you sent, Officer Cook, ring louder and clearer today.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 27, 2017

Danger can only be dealt with dignity and integrity by those brave enough to fight off its forces of evil. Men and women, public servants such as yourself, Officer Cook, understood your roles and relied upon your intuitive instincts to broker peace and serenity for all Dade County and its residents. A clever man of courage and character, you stood face to face confronting a realization o four society. You can be assured and so can your family and esteemed colleagues that you will be honored and saluted for bravery and boldness ,Officer Cook, the commitment to pride and excellence that can only come with training and much practice. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancement only can develop if desire and motivation are always present. Cornerstones and foundations stay together when the entire process is blended well.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 27, 2017

Lack of desire, empty consideration and no care or morals could spell disaster. There is already plenty of mayhem and violence without decent public servants who don't collect themselves and maintain composure, honesty, dignity and integrity. Dade County and its men and women who served the citizens and gave their lives of character ought to be so saluted for gallantry and courage. You were the consummate man of determination, effort and procuring enhancement, Officer Cook, the prime example of what it takes to lead other comrades through danger. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We deserve peace and civility. You deserved to live and to achieve more. God saw your fruition as finalized and took your beloved spirit back to His eternal headquarters for safekeeping as you now walk that beat on His streets of humility where nothing will ever harm you again. Officer Cook, you were a faithful and righteous individual of intelligence and conviction. Ingenuity.and compassion were some of the key ingredients in your life and career of perseverance.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 26, 2017

To save, serve and to protect, the purpose for which our beloved and most bravest of public servants fill our lives with peace and contentment. Officer Cook, you were a happy and charming gentleman. You brought Dade County and its citizens priceless and helpful assistance which will never be forgotten. When consideration and character come together at the proper moment peace and stability become a reality. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 26, 2017

Disloyalty and dishonesty can dig a deep trench for one who does not perform as such. Integrity and dignity along with humility must be poured into all officers' labors of esteem and commitment. You brought your energy and effort, Officer Cook, into the daily rigors and challenges of making Dade County a safe and peace minded community for all concerned. No matter, you will be fondly saluted for inner strength of courage from your heart, the class and makeup to valiantly battle this luminous adversary. Always you'll be cherished and admired for gallantry and heroism that cast an outstanding job of service over your humane legacy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The tables and chairs of foundations and their cornerstones were set by you and your leadership responsibilities. God brings those righteous servants to His eternal palace for safekeeping as they walk that beat above looking and observing those brave and honorable who are now protecting our freedoms.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2017

Police officers invoke integrity and ingenuity into their sacred labors. It's when dignity and honesty go astray that peace and civility are in dire straits. Nothing but hard work and perseverance carried you through your daily patrols of Dade County and its residents, Officer Cook. You were a man of desire and humbleness whose life and professional career were founded on the principles of good character and the bravery to commit to a worthy and a noble cause. Keeping us safe and secure is every officer's challenge, some make it happen, others don't quite measure up to the resolve and resourcefulness that is demanded from mortal souls of the brave and bold warriors. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancement lives on within your spirit, Officer Cook and in the pursuits of your peers and family members. A hero and a blessed and loyal gentleman of faith and hope. God's divine grace allows your decency to hover over those brave enough to handle the perilous rigors of a demanding position.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2017

Desire and dignity can offset doom and gloom? Why? Because those who sacrifice their honesty, humility and humbleness are assured of making inroads in the battle over violence and its evil. You fought and battled, Officer Cook, so Dade County and its citizens would get the opportunity on anew lease on life. Life, peace and the calming effect of a unified community where you have been so saluted for heroism, character and the courage in committing to do whatever public servants of loyalty are expected to do. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Today is now. Tomorrow is a gift granted by God. Yesterday is in the past and yet heroes and heroines of that time are not ever forgotten for their bravery and valor. Tradition tells us we must remember those peacemakers who valiantly pursued their passions and aspirations in life and during their careers of free choice. You willingly accepted the risks, Officer Cook and were unselfish and unwavering in your morals and leadership capabilities. All in the name of God. Your family, comrades and personal friends treasured warrior, savior and blessed Godsend.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2017

A person who stands by their convictions stands to reap success in the end. Your whole life and professional endeavors, Officer Cook, forever shaped how the landscape of Dade County and its residents would be able to live. The specificity of a man's character and integrity help to support their morals, honesty and dignity which in turn help lead to resolve. Seeing your calming nature and positive influence helped in part to turn violence away from us. You have and will always be saluted for your unwavering commitment to pride and humble excellence. Cherished and chipper. Admired and beloved by all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero . Contentment can cause one to lose their focus and so it is better to plan and to prepare earnestly. You took care of your life and position, Officer Cook, in a proper fashion, still it's sad that you could not be here today to witness all the changes that have happened.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2017

Police work is just that. For brave and able bodied men and women of character, decency and desire. Dade County received that and more from you, Officer Cook. You were a gentleman with a heroically kind and caring heart who won't be forgotten. Achievement and ingenuity must be utilized by all faithful and loyal public servants. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 25, 2017

To summarize a person's life you just need to look at their quality of work, its entire body, the scope of security and serenity for everyone and the performance of perseverance and protection offered to its residents. Were they honest and dignified? Did they carry their skills and integrity to the point of proficiency and was their effort immersed in their humane and humble accomplishments? If you answered in the affirmative you did a splendid job keeping Dade County free of mischief and only safer in peace and trust. We the people trusted your basic instincts, Officer Cook, all designed at bringing relief and resolve, calm and coolness to those shaken up by this very evil. You were the epitome of sterling character, pride in commitment and the support and esteemed admiration of your colleagues and all those who knew you and revered your compassion for mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It still was gut wrenching losing you when there was more left to fulfill. That word destiny and its desires took you, Officer Cook, to newer horizons. Now you are walking that proverbial beat in God's serene shelter with other brave and courageous angels of valor. Those affirmations have been completed and the tasks at hand now rest squarely on the broad shoulders of those heroes and heroines who display the same character to correctly keep moving things forward the just and fair way. Judiciousness means just that knowing when to answer, to be aggressive and when to refrain from getting into trouble as issues always arise. Humanity was well served when you defended us, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2017

Those near and dear to us as you were to your family, Officer Cook, never really leave us. For your spirit circles around those who loved and adored you. Dade County and its citizens, those you righteously served and preserved could always and forever remember your class and desire to allow peace and freedom to move about a community where you have been richly and humanely honored for heroism and commitment, the character and conviction we need to see from all public servants. When destiny comes calling, missions must be honored with dignity and the hope that integrity offers resolve and solutions to the many problems that plague our society. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Enhancement has balances and so does cornerstones and their foundations. Digging deep you came up with solutions, Officer Cook, that violence at bay.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2017

Those who love life pursue their happiness with the greatest sources of esteem and humble honor. For a job well done, Officer Cook, dignity from colleagues whose integrity helps them as it did for you keep peace and stability in the balance. Dade County and its people got the best service and leadership from you, unwavering and unselfish in your concern and care. It is now up to those who have taken over your watch to steer us away from violence and ring in quiet and serenity. Your demeanor, Officer Cook, took a bite out of crime along with stellar conviction and the humblest of character and consideration for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You embraced friendship the same way you enjoyed leading other men and women through thick and thin. Danger is what police tackle. They don't run and hide. They don't stick their heads in the sand. The confront and corral those who look to conspire to commit evil. You performed in an outstanding way on May 16, 1979 and not to be forgotten. Grace, grit and gallantry greeted the good people of Dade County when you were out on a mission of liberty. Officer Cook, you are sincerely missed by all.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2017

Dignity and integrity along with honor and humility serve as the greatest motivators mankind can ever have looking over us. They serve the brightest and most intelligent of public servants who go out and battle a fierce foe. You battled with all your might, Officer Cook and so resolve and character were among those partners who humbly shared fulfillment of God's blueprint. His plans motivate those who set out on destinies of danger hoping to restore peace and freedom to all. Those who serve and protect us deserve our accolades and when life is in the balance all the thoughts of faith, devotion and goodwill shall stay etched in our thoughts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were a man of pride and humble excellence, Officer Cook, fruition was God's crowning touch for a man of character and courage rich in supply. A gentleman and an excellent public servant. That brilliant smile, Officer Cook and a kind word rested solidly and securely on your lips. The truth was the golden rule of your career and life so faithful and incorporating.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2017

Violence and its evil require all loving and honorable police officers to stay one step ahead of this considerable adversary. Public servants deal with terror and torment, its turmoil should never interrupt the daily lives of those whom we share and love. Your duties, Officer Cook, were of a dignified nature and the type of integrity that is central to preservation taking its stand as it did in Dade County where you served and patrolled. The navigation of the pious are always in our rear view mirrors, they are out in force distributing diligence and resourcefulness ordinary people might not be able to do. When they leave their families police must divorce themselves from personal issues and be available to deal with the rigors and stress associated with treacherous individuals who seek to commit wicked acts. Your heroic actions, Officer Cook, were diligent and devoted to the common cause. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2017

One should exude class and confidence in all that they undertake and police work is no different. Officer Cook, the level compassion mixed with honesty, dignity and integrity were central in your efforts to clean up Dade County and its venues of this kayos, mayhem and much undo violence. Consideration for the welfare of the citizens who are both protected and served by thoughtful men and women of humanity such as you, Officer Cook, are never to be forgotten. Only respected, cherished and treasured for fulfilling God's precepts and keeping peace and its cornerstones stapled to the solid bases where they rightfully belong. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2017

We ask of the Lord's prayers that He watches over those serving their communities and protects the integrity of those brave and beloved souls who paid their ultimate prices for unity and peace to have newer meaning. It had momentous resolve here in Dade County where steered violence away from us, Officer Cook. Vengeance and disrespect have no place in police work. You were the consummate officer, cherished and admired for doing yeoman work. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, class and commitment resides forevermore in God's house of privilege and prudent performance. Your work, Officer Cook was outstanding and straight to the very base of evil where you tried to conquer this evil monster.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 24, 2017

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