Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The who what and why don't lie. They retell and remember the lives of our faithful and dignified public servants. You gave your life, Officer Cook, in the name of justice and peace. This humble reminder of how precious life can be. You made each moment count. Courage. Humility. Class and devotion. You were a cherished gentleman whose professionalism was the epitome of effort and energetic proportions. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2017

How wonderful things would be if you were with us today, Officer Cook. Principles and perseverance carried your life and career to achievement in getting the peace and safety moving one way, forward. Dade County cherishes its heroes and heroines of destiny and your fruition, Officer Cook, provided the greatest resolve and resource we could ever imagine. You were contrite and personal man of character and courage all made by your terrific upbringing. The foundations your humane and well founded actions brought on May 16, 1979, won't be forgotten. Saluted and treasured forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2017

Wholehearted and thorough. You were that and more, Officer cook, the humble and legendary example of what heroism and dignity are all about. When police officers who are expected to be honest and have a large measure of integrity serve us, the thing we as citizens can do is be grateful and assist them whenever necessary. Peace and unity require our greatest attention and details are important. Your character and courage are what we will cherish and of course it goes without saying we all miss you. You were humanity's hero and your passion was without any reservations very proficient. You gave more than anyone could ever begin to ponder. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A gentleman and a public servant who professionalism spoke as loudly as your morals. Something we can ascribe to be. You are our inspiration.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2017

Futility is the fork in the road to fruition. Fulfillment is accomplished when honesty, integrity, dignity and its humility to mankind are accentuated. I wonder, Officer Cook, if you were here today with your family and close colleagues that went out on patrol with you to battle those terrible forces of evil. You were humane, brave and most of all devoted and faithful, loyal to everyone. Never a bad word. Never any doubt nor hesitation. Always resolve. Manners and professional courtesies. Your character, courage and commitment, Officer Cook, was exactly what delivered peace and serenity to all Dade County and its fine folks. Tolerance and tenacity highlighted your heroic life and career, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 4, 2017

Assertive and yet unafraid, your career and life, Officer Cook, was the humble and humane example of integrity, honor and dignity. It's difficult to function as a police officer unless you have certain character and decency to maintain decorum and morals while out patrolling the streets. Surely, Dade County and its residents have been able to live more freely and peacefully by virtue of your unselfish devotion and unwavering comprehension of what needed to be completed in order for enhancement to enrich our society. You continue to be honored, Officer Cook, for the sake of society. You won't ever be forgotten, you were your family's hero, savior and a blessed Godsend.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2017

Mild mannered and modest, you allowed your talents to speak humbly and humanely, Officer Cook. Dade County and its people were bestowed with peace and a calming influence as long as you were out protecting and serving. It's integrity, honesty and dignity out daily grinding on. Your character, positive zeal should rub off on other brave servants who devote themselves to ridding us of wickedness. Saluted and treasured for nobly and with intellect and keen vision persevering through adversity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, Dade County relied upon your missions of effort and efficiency to pull them out of the doldrums.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2017

Easygoing, enthusiastic and tactful, you used your entire resources, Officer Cook, to help fend off evil. Sheer will-power carries any devoted and duly qualified public servant. Dade County experienced terrible times when you patrolled those streets, racial unrest and its tension, so having a gentleman of character and sage wisdom surely assisted in bringing the peace and harmony back to its citizens. Never forgotten and always remembered solemnly for a job well done. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your agility and acuity along with your morals and humane character shall be those cornerstones of your heroic life that will be honored and saluted. God rewards those who are faithful and you were, Officer Cook. His garden of heroic angels of valor seeks and helps those here who bravely protect us. All your missions were quite insightful and meaningful.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2017

Pugnacious and unrelenting, you were unwavering and undaunted to the challenges of keeping peace and prosperity tied together. When resiliency and efficiency march to the same beat, proficiency cannot be far behind. You maintained our serenity and safety, Officer Cook and because of your humble and unselfish integrity, honesty and dignity those whom you served were better protected. Always cherished and respected for humility, character and grace under fire. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your commitment and aspirations live on in your wonderful family, esteemed comrades and those friends who cared and treasured your kind heart. One of courage and gallantry.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 3, 2017

If you want excitement and have honesty and humility within you then police work may be in your blood. The preparations and plans are immense, no doubt about it. You poured your life and career into your entire body of work, Officer Cook, your integrity when combined with your inner spirit provided Dade County with its proudest moments. Officers must show concern and yet they must act compassionately with everyone they protect and serve. The balance of life, the barometers of peace and its prosperity hold their own weight when meshed together. No doubts regarding your outstanding character and the demeanor needed to resolve and to turn evil into harmony. Never easy to achieve. Actions and heroism speak louder than ever now in heaven my neighbor, friend and hero. Rest in peace. Your gallantry and grit were just some of your excellent attributes which made you a better individual and an officer to be surely saluted for bravery beyond the call of duty.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2017

Guide and shielded by God's love and His wings, all of our most heroically brave men and women serve and protect by standards set forth by their departments. Rules are meant for everyone, nobody is exempt from obeying them. Police patrol areas making sure that peace and quiet resides among each person. In Dade County officers protect and preserve, you defended us, Officer Cook, a gentleman of care and concern, character and valor, class and decency, integrity with dignity, a mutual admiration and respect for all. Missions in life are surrounded by the foundations and cornerstones you laid down for other brave souls to follow in. A life is priceless. Your hopes and dreams, Officer Cook, rested in your motivations and desires to do good, to remove evil making way for more tranquil moments. Fruition is not finality, it is only the genesis of greatness to be perpetuated by other comrades with the similar convictions, commitment and character that enabled you to live and perform justly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Results are better than insults. You were a faithful and loyal servant, Officer Cook, God rewards those carry out His word and your department forever honors and salutes your sage wisdom, vision and ability to have led others through those perils that were out there. A total effort was delivered everyday. Your family was humbly proud of you, their loved one and warrior.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2017

If one follows proper morals then seemingly it should stand to reason that dignity, honesty and integrity are following right behind them. For your whole life and career, Officer Cook, Dade County and its citizens observed a man of character, courage from the heart and wise and humble leadership. With that being said, how could things have gone wrong that sad day of May 16, 1979? But, we remember you always and cherish, respect and salute your undaunted heroism, unwavering convictions in battling evil and your unselfish sacrifice that has brought peace and liberty to our front doors. Forever. You were the total epitome of what we expect from a devoted public servant and the class and decency always afforded to everyone. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. It takes much preparation and thoughtful planing to actually make accomplishment a part of one's daily routines, we understand police work is not easy nor for everyone. It takes a very special and uniquely humane individual to conquers any fears they have and to display physical and mental proficiency while being efficient at what they are endeavoring to do. You had all the right tools, Officer Cook, God needed you for a special mission where destiny came calling. Regards to your family at this time of year and I'll keep praying for you Mrs. Cook. God bless you your husband and heroic son, "Billy," Officer William C. Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 2, 2017

The good Lord gives and the good Lord takes. Your family, friends and many comrades from the law profession all were extremely grateful to have known you, Officer Cook. Serious yet engaging always with that big smile. I never used the word grin, but that was your proudest moment when your chest of courage and conviction had that badge pinned on it. The fight in you, the character, the integrity and dignity never impeded your battles to see violence eradicated and for peace and unity to remain a mainstay of the residents of Dade County. For this bravery and humbleness towards humanity with inspirational leadership, vision and the fruition to see your missions and destinies through, you will be fondly cherished and saluted for gallantry above and beyond the calls of duty. A public servant trusted and known for unlimited and unwavering tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A heart of amazing resolve and resourcefulness. God's tent of ferocity is filled with many humane and honorable angels of valor and heroism. Your passions became realities and our lives, dreams and aspirations rest eternally where God holds you humbly for safekeeping. You are our inspiration, Officer Cook. We shall not fail. Your beloved soul is directing our every movement.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 1, 2017

Police connect the dots of dignity with the i in integrity and follow that up with an h for honesty. Nothing is perfect and neither is anything guaranteed. But safety and security are the issues that all law professionals are tasked with and tested in their skills and humble confidence. Dade County was offered solid service and policing by yourself, Officer Cook, a savior of consideration, determination and the very stellar character to achieve where others might not. Your family, friends and colleagues have remembered and so fondly honored your heroism, it is where foundations are fruitful and where cornerstones are etched for all time sake. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Convictions and their crusades will continue carrying on by virtue of your unwavering sacrifice, Officer Cook. You performed in an honorable and unselfish manner. Never forgotten. Always treasured and admired.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 1, 2017

Desire and dedication shall reign victorious in the battles of violence. The epitome of evil still spreads its wicked wings of worry. But when you protected and served us, Officer Cook, things were mighty fine. Your dignity, honor and humbleness still floats each and everyday above us. Your courage, decency and integrity have been instilled in those brave warriors who like you look to take a bite out of crime. Dade County and its citizens can feel the warmth of peace and unity spread over them like a cotton blanket. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Character, class and commitment like no other public servant. Keep watching over our fulfillments, those same dreams and aspirations you pursued vigorously, Officer Cook.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 1, 2017

Peace's symbol is freedom and liberty for everyone. Violence and evil stands for derogatory and conduct detrimental to our society's standards of civility. You stood up for us, Officer Cook, the bad people looked honesty, integrity and dignity straight in the eye, while your humility and decency stayed focused on serving and protecting our welfare. Dade Count enjoys its sanctity all because of your influence and calmness in dealing with issues and their problems. You looked for solution, Officer Cook, where character, conviction and commitment could partner together. They are a formidable trio in the war over wickedness. You were the best and a humbly proud hero. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The daily grinds of a demanding position required the uniquely special attention of a gentleman whose ingenuity and leadership were meant for the role. You will be saluted and so honored, Officer Cook, gallantry and grit so determined and so faithful to the causes.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 31, 2017

When one is ill we pray to Our Creator for a speedy recovery. When any law enforcement officer sacrifices their life and career for the calls of duty we also pray. We pray for solace and comfort for their loves ones who must carry on with their goals and aspirations. All performed under the umbrella of understanding, honor and integrity. Dade County prays for you, Officer Cook, you were a disciple of discipline and principle whose outstanding work ethic brought unity and peace to a community looking for sheer resolve and relief. Your character and charisma were essential in solving disputes and in fighting crime and its ugly elements. You were your family's hero and warrior. And a devoted and faithful servant of proficiency whose professionalism won't be forgotten. Saluted for bravery, one cornerstone and enhancing foundation of a gentleman and intellectual of wisdom and vision. You saw and conquered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You fought an unwavering and unselfish battle standing toe to toe with those forces looking to destroy us. This won't happen. Your soul will not permit this to occur.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 31, 2017

Men and women of noble distinction and character humbly are honored and saluted for having the class, consideration and unfathomable dignity and integrity needed to pursue violence and to make peace and freedom an important component of our world. Dade County has its heroes and heroines, you were one of them, Officer Cook. A man of devotion and faith whose primary job was to secure and preserve. You achieved more than we, the people could have ever imagined. Respect and affirmation were the portions of your life and professional career that have been fondly remembered. Always a friend to all. Always personable and engaging. Principles and morals allowed you, Officer Cook, to leave an indelible imprint in our world today and forevermore. Character and commitment meet up to deliver the resolve and resolution that all people wish to live their lives by. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 31, 2017

Police officers are not cheerleaders. They serve and protect us with honor and dignity, the integrity to battle through perilously dangerous times. Your mission here in Dade County, Officer Cook, was to provide relief, resolve and unwavering peace and unity for all its citizens. Today, we can enhance ourselves by the very virtues of your diligence and unselfish vigilance. A cherished man wit ha caring and compassionate heart, character, commitment to pride and excellence. You'll never be forgotten. Saluted and applauded for having the acumen to spread goodwill, hope and faith to all. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You were one of the many heroic cornerstones whose fruition now rests in those brave and humble men and women who serve a cause, that is for evil and its violence to be exterminated from our society.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 31, 2017

Calm, cool and collected. Never obnoxious nor rude and inconsiderate, always the perfect professional, Officer Cook, the wise and those who needed a little motivation always could share in your wealth of integrity and inspirational honesty. Its dignity was the sure fire way to strike a friendly medium in Dade County in order for peace and liberty to hit home where it was most desired. Your class and dedication, candor and faith will be honored at all times. Finishing what you started, Officer Cook, is now the awesome burden that all humane and humble servants must seize upon the opportunity to quiet evil down and laying new means for serenity and unity to blend as one. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 30, 2017

Police resort to legal means to quell any possible problem. Their integrity and honor are being tested at all moments, so dignity and character is always expected of them. Your morals and commitment, Officer Cook, to Dade County and its residents won't be forgotten. Sharp, yet commanding, humane and humble, yet loyal and devoted to your peers. Peace and perseverance may never take a moment off as violence lurks close by.Honored and saluted, Officer Cook, for knowledge and its keen core of intellect. Forevermore because of your sacrifice can cornerstones stay well grounded. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Always courteous. Always fair and firm when justice needed to be doled out.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 30, 2017

Solutions and their resolutions come at a cost of life. The price our dearest and most esteemed public servants pay for protecting and serving their communities. Dade County where you served, Officer Cook, was home for you and your beloved wife, Karen. A journey that began in Berkeley, California and ended in North Miami Beach, Florida was one of your family's proudest moments. The other was when you had your badge pinned on your chest. Dignity, integrity and humble honesty was your mantra as your foot was on the pedal of perseverance. Today, colleagues salute your valor, inspirational courage and the character needed to fight off the forces of evil. How proud your parents would be of Nancy, your big sister and her darling humane and heroic brother, Officer William C. Cook. The peace and unity all have become one symbol, one stone, one precious gentleman, yourself, leading the charges through turbulence and strife to save life and property. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Always fondly remembered for resolve and loyalty, a most devoted and faithful professional.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 30, 2017

Repetition is the key to gain more knowledge. Having honor, integrity and dignity can only enhance any public servants resolve in getting the message out that peace and liberty will be arriving soon. You performed courageously, Officer Cook, doing everything logically and by the book. You'll be forever saluted as a humble warrior of character, class and decency. You were the consummate professional of preservation and assurance, it our blessings to have you protecting and serving us. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 30, 2017

Tenacious means going all out in an effort to fight crime. Your determination and foresight, Officer Cook, spearheaded resolve and peace in the Dade County community that shall endure forever. When a gentleman places his wisdom and vision along with his honesty and integrity on the line we must be thankful.Blessed are God's angels of valor and character, their names of dignity and courage shall be remembered eternally. Cherished and beloved, adored and admired. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 30, 2017

Erudition is the art of studying and having the knowledge and the mindset to pass this on to others. Any additional principles or characteristics that police officers can utilize is of a great benefit to any community looking for peace, unity and prosperity. In Dade County the residents were concerned and caring. They look to those honorable and faithful men and women for their service and peace of mind. You gave your life, Officer Cook, the dignity to dig deep down for healthy resolutions and were successful. Evil terrorizes the most profoundly skilled and has us pondering the reasons as to why a cherished and gifted hero was taken from us? We know you are in heaven watching ferocity and justice carried out. Keep smiling and protecting us a s you walk that beat on those golden streets. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 29, 2017

The t of tenacity speaks loud and clear. The i for integrity stands tall and humble. The d for dignity expresses itself in dominance and determination. Your dedication, Officer Cook, was quite to the point in the matters of serving and protecting the preservation of all Dade County citizens. No sooner than when you received that call on your radio there you were taking heroic action on behalf of your comrades and those civilians involved in that ugly domestic dispute. Character and commitment exact a humane and humble price and that is the life and career of one gentleman determined to pursue the desire to relieve violence from our midst. Relive. Remember. Relate. All done, Officer Cook, with the keen vision, wisdom and leadership focus that was instilled by God in you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Fruition and fulfillment rest in the morals of those brave warriors who have taken your watch. Destiny and principle lead those devoted and righteous down the pathways of optomism hope and persuasion.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

March 29, 2017

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