Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Delving. Driving. Desiring. All brave and dignified law professionals must somehow concentrate on the eradication of evil and what its presence means to the peace and unity process. Here in Dade County we need firm yet fair men and women of honor to sort out the kayos into a more nurturing environment. You accomplished this, Officer Cook, by being acutely aware of your surroundings. Now decades later you have been so humbly saluted for having the heroic skills and integrity to have kept people calm and informed. Nothing better than having the proper frame of mind and the morals to be able to find danger lurking and to lead other colleagues through these extreme dangers. Noble and never unselfish. Unquestionable character and commitment to excellence and pride. You took your duties seriously and fruition in all your missions was reached. God somehow needed your destinies to continue in heaven as you were our savior and warrior. A blessed man and a gentleman of genius and ingenuity. Situations call for special measures, your resourcefulness never shined more brilliantly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Loved and admired by all. More importantly, missed by all. Hope you are doing well Mrs. Cook and your grandson, Josh Hyatt received my Easter card. Your son was a darling young man and an even more esteemed human being who saved his friends and those civilians on May 16, 1979 from even more harm. He will never be forgotten. I try and visit his grave each year on that day and on his birthday and few other times as well. He meant everything to Dade County and its people in being able to enhance their peace and freedoms to live in humility and with a semblance of honor. Evil beware you will be hunted down.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 17, 2017

Carving out a career of courage and boldness you will be so honored, Officer Cook. Your loving and most proud family members can take comfort in knowing you served Dade County and its residents smartly, honorably and with unwavering dignity and integrity. Character and conviction must somehow travel down through the pathways of precision and perseverance. A humble man who protected with the heart of a lion. We shall salute your inane wisdom, leadership and the intelligence needed to battle evil. Violence must be cutoff before it mushrooms into more wickedness. Public servants give humility a ride through the corridors of resolve as you did ever so faithfully, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 17, 2017

No style points. Only the finest service and dedication to mankind that our society could ask for. Giving and protecting. Securing and keeping the crowns of peace and unity where they ought to be. That's right. You gave your proficiency and honesty for all Dade County, Officer Cook. A man of God, a most devout and proud servant, a gentleman with integrity, dignity and a wise heart. Humble and esteemed, one can always remember the days you served with commitment, character and distinction. The cream most times rises to the top. As all public servants in times of torment and turmoil must do. A shiny badge, polished black shoes, a personable demeanor that led others through peril and danger. The courage, Officer Cook, while keeping morally just. Fairness and firmness the way determination must travel, down the roads of resolve, ferocity and unselfish tenacity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. No points, only the rewards of Our Creator for a job well done and a life and career carried out with boundless humility.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 16, 2017

A wise guy is one who jokes about something. A mature and disciplined individual does something constructive to correct a problem. Deficiency occurs when extreme care and caution is not properly utilized. One has to have the humility first and then to trust their honorable instincts in order to succeed. You did achieve, Officer Cook, going over and beyond the calls of duty to secure and reign in terror. Your utmost integrity and dignity was enforced on May 16, 1979, Liberty City and for that matter all Dade County was well stabilized precisely by your leadership, character, courage and wisdom. The vision necessary to curb kayos and mayhem. Comrades from around the world and this country have all paid tribute to your memory and the foundations of fruition launched by your efforts of heroism and noble morals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.We lavish praise on sports heroes even ones who loose their lives over incidents that may happen and should not have happened. Boating and driving under the influence costs lives. Giving one's life in service to their community deserves all the humane salutes of honor, class and decency. Your life, Officer Cook, will always be respected, revered and remembered as the one of many brave Dade County Police Heroes and Heroines. Accomplishments such as yours, Officer Cook, shall never be relegated to the back burner. Those cornerstones you firmly and fairly set down are now front and center forevermore.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 16, 2017

Adoring and endearing, you were the honest and classical humble example of a hard worker, loyal and dedicated to the causes of peace, Officer Cook. It's heroes, those humane and gifted individuals blessed with an inner strength that carried you on your missions where destiny and peace came together. Now and forever does Dade County and its citizens share their thoughts and heartfelt reminders of what you meant to your family, peers and esteemed colleagues. It was your grace and sincerity along with integrity and dignity that fortified your faithful journeys coupled with morals and principles that all public servants must never lack. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 16, 2017

Determination and drive power all public servants who grace us with their bravery and humility. Humanity presents us with Godsends of gallantry, valor and honor who go out in their chosen communities and serve and protect us allowing peace and stability to be a staple of life. Precisely what you did, Officer Cook and very confidently too. All anyone can ask of all police officers is to just be fair, calm and level headed in making split second decisions. Keep dignity and integrity pinned to your badge and uniform. Take those dangers and their challenges in this battle over evil and turn negatives into positives. Character, class and decency all were a part of your righteous and devoted life. A faithful and treasured servant who relished giving back to his community where you have been so honored, remembered and saluted for courageously heroic actions that saved your comrades and civilians too. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 16, 2017

Easter and Passover coincide this year and with these holy days brings a renewal of spirit and giving. Your family, Officer Cook, gave and brought their community only peace and prosperity, hope and faith, integrity, honesty, humility and dignity. Your career and life, Officer Cook, were all because of hard work and a loyalty you had among your professional peers. And for this reason and your character, the residents of Dade County have peace and tranquility spread out among them. Enhancement can forever its journeys all because of your unwavering missions that were accepted and accomplished in a cherished and respected manner. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 16, 2017

Crime and evil just keeps getting worse and in doing so dares its perpetrators to commit more heinous evil. Violence stands up and dares those who serve bravely and with unquestionable honor and character to do something about it. No second thoughts, Officer Cook, no waffling, no hesitation. You just gave us and the good people of Dade County heroic service and laid the ground for enhancement to continue its steady elevation. The peak of perseverance and preservation all carried out by a loving and loyal comrade and friend to so many. So very many thought highly of a young and engaging man on a mission of achievement. You accomplished . In this war, Officer Cook dignity and honesty went hand in hand with your valor and integrity. The best result was for peace and calm to take shape. Though, you are missed very much by family, colleagues and the many friends you and Karen had from around this country. Gallantry and humility rest solely in God's loving embrace. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You have been honored and will forever be in Dade County as its hero along with other colleagues who led the way for others to follow in their steps of tenacity and unwavering ferocity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 15, 2017

If all we desire is peace and decency, then at least let those who serve with dignity accomplish their jobs without danger. That statement is not always plausible. Officers when they go to the police academy and then pass all their required tests recognize all too well the risks associated with their chosen avenues of astuteness and endeavor. You knew it, Officer Cook and yet this is what you wanted to do. To go out and serve a community, one that honors your bravery and courage, acumen and alertness, dignity and morals all a part of your conviction, commitment and stellar character. Dade County was protected and looked after very well under your leadership, vision and sincerity. Today almost forty years after your sacrifice you are being honored and saluted for bringing peace, civility and sanity back to those citizens who deserve the opportunity to reach fruition and to accomplish whatever they set out to do. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Clarity clearly was your main mission and your goals of focusing and deterring were not impeded. Violence one day will be escorted from our society. Keep observing us, Officer Cook. A humble legend of a treasured gentleman. Humanity's gift was your humility and heroic life and career shaped by the finest virtues a man could possess.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 15, 2017

Concealed in humility, conceived in liberty, police go out on their daily patrols under the watchful eyes and ears of Our Creator. It is after all He who bestows their honor and integrity within their beings. Their exploits are diligently observed and that is where their vigilance in gaining our unity and peace occurs. Dade County had the noble and gallant eyes and ears of its guiding hero, yourself, Officer Cook, a young man on a mission of hope and optimism. Those challenges that awaited you were long and perilous, but with dignity, courage and character you came through on our behalf. Your family and comrades have saluted, remembered and honored your valor which has brokered enhancement and those cornerstones of fruition and fairness for all mankind. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your beloved soul, Officer Cook, shielded in God's palms of mercy and faith will always hover overhead. Its light will always shine brightly as that glowing smile of pride when you had your badge pinned on your uniform. Worn and donned professionally and very humbly the way public servants are expected to dignify their official positions. Morals never to be forgotten. First class in decency and in leadership for all colleagues.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 15, 2017

Spring is the time of year when the grass seems greener. Though, we remember and mourn the losses of our faithfully devoted men and women in the law enforcement who paid the dearest of prices by virtue of their integrity and desire. Driven by bravery and a fairness in dispensing justice for all, you made us proud, Officer Cook, you promised loyalty and honor, Dade County was well served by your humility and noble actions. Colleagues and your beloved family try to march on with the pursuance of your aspirations, dreams and goals, a very tough thing to do, those burdens you carried on your broad shoulders enabled us to live more freely and peacefully. An earnest officer who knew right from wrong and just tried to calm down a crazed young man. You did your part my neighbor, friend and hero most excellently saving your comrades and those civilians in harm's way. No more a wonderful man and a blessed Godsend of a hero. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Fruition was carried out in a dedicated and dignified manner not to be forgotten. Officer Cook, as your family celebrates Easter Sunday, you won't be forgotten. The grass those eggs are on were the same ones you hunted for eggs on Easter Sunday as a young boy. Manhood and maturity for all humanity. Your esteem rightfully will be so honored. Life has its meaning. Your figured out pretty fast where your destiny lied. The truth was in your lips, your hands and feet that battled atrocities. Those efforts now are in the hands of those who have taken over your watch. Keep an eye on them from God's enchanted palace where only the angelic heroes and heroines rest comfortably in safekeeping where nothing will ever harm you and your colleagues again.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 15, 2017

Police fight through those battles of war and bloodshed. Their personality of perseverance and being prudent comes into focus each time they lay their bravery and honesty on the line for peace and prosperity to take shape. You laid down your life and career for all Dade County and its residents. As you were a fundamentally sound individual full of morals and character, the kind of boldness and commitment to excellence and pride that will be revered and saluted as will your integrity and dignity. Forevermore you were and will continue to be our accomplished and humanely humble warrior. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 15, 2017

The movers and shakers of peace and serenity move us along by virtues of their own compassion, honesty and decency integrity. If their dignity is lost, then perhaps those lives of the residents they serve may very well be lost. Officers must be prideful, mindful and thoughtful. You were just that, Officer Cook and so much more. You handled situations with a calming passion and a perseverance and faithfulness that was second to none. Dade County is a large community with many different foundations and cornerstones laid down by our past pioneers. You gave your life, Officer Cook, nothing to fool around nor joke about. A mission of character and fruition well worth honoring and so saluting for having unwavering and unselfish humility toward humanity while staying humble and engaging. Your personality and their morals spoke valiantly of your vigilance which turned violence into tranquil moments. Police careers are those destinies where satisfaction is not always guaranteed. You only try your best to maintain harmony and integrity while patrolling for quiet. You continue to be missed. My family wishes your family a Happy Easter and a Good Friday. To you, Mrs. Cook, all the best I'll keep saying prayers on you behalf. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. The earth may quake, violence and evil may not ever be permitted to destroy this calmness all people are entitled to live by.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 14, 2017

To fracture the peace and infrastructure of our society would be akin to kayos and bedlam being allowed to trample upon our tranquility. Police officers, devoted and skilled as they should be can never let this occur. They must be willing and able to put out the fires of war, the viciousness of violence, the mayhem created by evil. You did your part, Officer Cook, in an outstanding manner. Loyalty. Hope and honor. Dignity and integrity led you and so did morals and character. Determination is one thing, intelligence and diligence are entirely another. Your pulse was on protecting the citizens of Dade County, Officer Cook, with heroic actions and commitment like yours, it's plain to see why you were so accomplished. Those missions of resolve you undertook carried fruition and justice beneath their wings. Wickedness was captured, though at the dearest price, your life. A sacrifice never to be forgotten in Dade County nor by your colleagues, department and those folks you served proudly. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 14, 2017

To ensure integrity and morals stay firmly entrenched within all public servants, they must have the character and the commitment to be fair, firm and faithful in all their callings. Your calls, Officer Cook, came from the heavens above and you answered your professional business with only the desire, determination and dedication that has remained forever the reason as to why we in Dade Count salute your valor and pride in donning a uniform and a badge as shiny as your soul now illuminating our world. You fought, Officer Cook, long and hard and were steadfast in your loyalty and transparency. the wisdom, understanding and vision you possessed was why you were years ahead of the crowd in terms of maturity. And never overlooked nor forgotten. Conviction and endearment, enhancement and their foundations of ferocity and tenaciousness stay forever in our hearts and minds. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. god truly has the humbled and those humane men and women of humility sheltered for safekeeping. it was your actions, Officer Cook, that has allowed us to remain calm, cool and collected, peace and unity, liberty and serenity for all mankind.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 14, 2017

All in a day's work encompasses so much. Police officers as public servants place everything they've got on the line. The battle cries go out and brave and honorable women and men of resolve and diligence race out to save and to protect. You went out into a diverse area of Dade County and protected its citizens with all your power and humane resourcefulness, Officer Cook. Heroes and heroines like yourself, so faithful and devoted don't come along all the time. your missions though were of a constructive nature providing a shield when terror struck. You can be sure your good name, heroic heart and courageous and decent character won't ever be forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A deserving gentleman with exactly that humble spirit who dedicated his life and aspirations to our quality of life, its peace and togetherness so essential to our survival and continuations of those ideals and morals you fought for on our behalf.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 14, 2017

Public servants those battles of evil with energy, effort and unwavering integrity and dignity. It's the honesty that may get distorted and cannot get lost in the translation of giving one's best resolve. You gave Dade County your finest diligence, Officer Cook and for as vigilant as you were, perseverance and protection reverberated around the entire venue. Hope and peace could stay as one along with the safety and serenity that the citizens want to feel a part of. Those that act with courage, conviction and character shall be rewarded and regarded for making things better. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You shall be so honored and humanely saluted for valor and fortitude to fight with ferocity and for being tenacious God will watch over your beloved soul. Mercy and its messages have been passed on to future officers who bravely go out and fight wickedness. The wicked shall be dispatched and goodness for all mankind shall be spread out like a blanket covering the good of our society. Society is a little less safe by your absence, Officer Cook, you are missed very much.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 13, 2017

It is common sense to be courteous and thoughtful in whatever endeavors you pursue. In the wake of wickedness there must be a calming moment, you defined that moment, Officer Cook, with your supreme efforts of energy and an unwavering resourcefulness of honesty, integrity and dignity. Dade County and its people were well served and protected by your unselfish commitment and character to conquer this foe. Violence spreads like a wildfire and one must be prepared for its rage. Through your sagely advice, vision and leadership, those battles continue with those comrades who were as loyal as you now fighting with all their might to eliminate the worry, terror and torment. Peace and prosperity, right and liberty may finally march in sync, unison and united we shall stand. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Undaunted in your missions and their pursuits of peace, fruition came about through your life and professional accomplishments. We miss you Officer Cook. We honor and salute a gallant and brave soul of a gentleman with a humble, humane and kind heart. Always in our minds. Always a Dade County warrior and a Godsend of a blessed and devout man You taught the lessons, fought the fight until your final breath, hopefully what you imparted will remain an inspiration as we all humbly aspire to greatness through preservation, perseverance and hard work. Police work doesn't come easy, it all in one's attitude and their altitude of astuteness. God watches over us as He watches over you, Officer Cook, for eternal safekeeping. Nothing will ever harm you again. You were fair, loyal and honest with us, it's always going to be a two way street between police and those they watch over and place their lives on the line for our safety, security and serenity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 13, 2017

As a humble man of faith and resolve, you were, Officer Cook, that pillar of virtue and vigor who delved into affirming peace and unity for those whom you served. Your heroic actions on May 16, 1979, only began to retell the story of your life and professionalism. Boundless and full of energy, you had the support of your comrades in arms who went out on daily patrols of Dade County ensuring that hope and faith would be prominent. Seeing your humility, honesty and countless dedication, you will always be special, the humbleness etched into those Walls of Honor here in Miami and in Our Nation's Capitol. It was your tough love and gratitude for a job well done. Outstanding in performance and outstanding in service with a smile and a soul so beloved and beautiful. Never far from our hearts and thoughts. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. God's walls of resolve are lined by many humble angelic heroes and heroines of valor and vigor. Lives ended way too soon and suddenly. Public servants devote themselves to bravery and character, you were such a classy and decent man, Officer Cook. Badge#1664 spoke of resourcefulness and motivation to lead others through times of adversity and duress. It will not be overlooked.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 13, 2017

Sanity and civility must reign down over mankind. As violence and evil exacts the greatest toil, that being life. We must not tarry. The days while being a little longer this time of year, they give us the golden opportunity to make peace and amends with one another. Officer Cook, you gave Dade County and its residents every ounce of strength and vitality to serve and to preserve its peace and liberty. A man on a mission, your destiny was find ways to broker good healthy relations between all mankind. You succeeded as violence is still being fought by those brave enough as you were to conquer this opposing enemy. It takes a total team effort and you my neighbor, friend and hero gave your life of character and gallantry for a calling you had since you were young. Rest in peace.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 13, 2017

Diligent and decisive, you completed your life and professional career tasks, Officer Cook, by being the pillar of protection and perseverance for all Dade County. Its citizens came to admire your integrity and honor which brought them the peace and calmness they so richly deserved. If you compile a man's character, convictions and commitment as you were our brave warrior, then let there be no doubt you will be fondly saluted and remembered for fruition, devotion and dedication to all mankind. You are missed and thought of everyday. When public servants lay down their lives for a noble cause, your calling was to become a police officer and through hard work, sweat and persistence it paid dividends. You will always remain a treasured gentleman of faith, hope and optimism. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 13, 2017

A man of dignity and character ought to be honored and saluted for his reverent and heroic actions. Dade County humbly honors you, Officer Cook, for your maintenance of our peace and prosperity for all. You were that keen and kind gentleman of engagement whose vigilance of mankind has forever sewed the boundaries of boldness and bravery together as one. You can be assured you will not be forgotten. Humanity is grateful for your life, career and those sacred missions of decency and desire that has kept us happy. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Justice deserves swift accountability an don May 16, 1979, you delivered that to all Dade County saving your colleagues and those citizens involved in that ugly and evil domestic dispute. Life has meaning and peace is generally the most accepted way to live a life of fruition.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 12, 2017

Celebrated and saluted for valor and humbleness, you were Dade County's savior, Officer Cook, confident and courageous, honest and dignified. Those residents have something to look forward to afte rsuch a devoted gentleman like yourself provided them. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 12, 2017

We hope and pray that our most beloved and humble of public servants keep us safe. You were a most courageous and dignified human being, Officer Cook. Dade County and its residents were well served and protected by your character, class and faithfulness. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. We cherish those heroes and heroines who displayed the proper morals to keep peace and civility properly anchored down.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 11, 2017

To repel evil you must first have dignity and integrity within your humble and heroic actions. Your honesty, resolve and gallantry, Officer Cook, only assisted you greatly in all your pursuits of violence. You were a peaceful man whose role was to create unity and goodwill among all Dade County citizens. Police officers have the most challenging of professions where danger and peril lurk around and try to put people on edge with its terror. Always a man of character and courage, it was your decency and devotion that allowed cornerstones to be erected and enhancement to enter its proper venues.Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. You are deserving of all the salutes of honor, your memory and life will always be implanted within our hearts and minds. Common sense and safety were your ways of life.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 10, 2017

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