Family, Friends & Fellow Officers Remember...

Police Officer William Coleman Cook

Metro-Dade Police Department, Florida

End of Watch Wednesday, May 16, 1979

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Reflections for Police Officer William Coleman Cook

The grass may be greener on the other side, that side is Our Lord's perpetual kingdom reserved for those humble and honorable heroes and heroines of the law enforcement communities. These various venues contain character, integrity and decorum that is central in the quietness and in the unification of all mankind. Dade County had your talents, Officer Cook, just waiting and available to hit the pavement running. Not walking. Speeding to where evil and its terror will strike, only you heroically were present to account for and save lives. A cherished soul of a man of wit, nobleness and the wisdom to lead other brave public servants through the forests of ferocity and through the terminals of tenacity. Enhancement can and forever be a staple of life for those who dare to achieve. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2017

Defiance punctures the balloons of dignity and integrity knocking the air out of what we consider to be honest and dangerous work. Police work like any job involves men and women going out and performing a job filled with peril and trouble lurking somewhere they let expect it from. You battled and absorbed situations of evil for six years, Officer Cook, violence should not have ended your life at twenty-five as there was more left on your horizon to accomplish. You built those roads of peace and its continuity for all Dade County residents to follow in. Today and everyday you have been so humbly and warmly received for your outstanding and unselfish bravery and the decency of character accentuated by the importance and prominence of morals. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Dearly admired. Greatly revered and treasured as a hero of true diversity. Calming, caring and influencing those who you took action to enhance their lives. Your service, perseverance and protection of our community will forever hold you in humane esteem. Those bridges of boldness are always open to pass through, they won't ever be torn down.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2017

If fear of violence shakes your very soul, it is better to try fruition elsewhere. Those who are humbly brave and honest know who drive their lives and those journeys through peril and resolve. humility, dignity and integrity are those heroic words that are acted upon by all respected public servants. You served Dade County with awe and nobility, Officer Cook and through it all you accomplished more than just drafting peace and prosperity for its residents. You have been honored and remembered for being there when the people called upon you and saved them and your comrades from even greater danger. Your character, determination and decency drove you down those trails of ferocity and tenacity better than most. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 23, 2017

People who succeed others must surely carry in them those same character and dignity traits that all loving and loyal officers must take with them on each patrol. Integrity may not, repeat may not get lost in the woods. Violence demands a credence and justice must be fairly, firmly and wisely dispensed. You delivered the results, Officer Cook, that made your superiors proud, your family delighted and proud and the many friends who associated with a man of devotion, class and achievement. Today, Dade County shares in the process of peace and liberty for all mankind that took its genesis over forty-three years ago when you began your career as a public servant for the Metro-Dade Police Department. With alacrity and clarity can we add that you were fiercely devoted to the entire welfare of your peers and would do anything for those whom you served and protected. May 16, 1979, holds that picture of a brave and decent man willing to calm and do his utmost for humility and character to matter. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Legacies are those focal points in a person's life shared by all who ever dared to dream. You did this, Officer Cook, and truly were a very unique, wonderful and special kind of human being. A man of his word whose resolve reached out humbly into the hope and optimism of our society. A lot ails this world. Evil and deceit are just a part of what needs to be finally extinguished by all concerned and caring men and women of the law enforcement profession. The key to happiness is to just endeavor and while doing that stay the courses of honesty and solid decorum. Morals are a big deal in police work as they are in just about everything we plan and think carefully about pursuing. The thought process maybe long and winding, arduous at times, it's worth exploring.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2017

A state of desperation heightens our awareness of what needs to be accomplished in this war over wickedness. It starts with bold, brave and courageously honorable public servants. Undaunted and unafraid to to go face to face with a foe whose ferocity is unrelenting. Your talents and qualifications, Officer Cook, helped you make certain your community of Dade County that you loyally served was under your watchful ears and ears. Brave men and women live and breathe life and its humble meaning. They get it. It's understandable. The powers of persuasion, the leadership capabilities, the wisdom and esteem enable them to carry out those of resolve like never before. You were a dignified soul, Officer Cook, your character and class took care of us, your family and comrades for six of your twenty-five years, all to short, too tragic and more left to fulfill. Your destiny its missions were considered complete. Fruition and those foundations were set down for other brave public servants to have a gallant chance to achieve in their own right. Time marches on as you rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2017

Hostility keeps under wraps those freedoms we as Americans have to live freely and to pursue our choices in life and the way we flourish. Violence holds back our enhancements that we set down by our forefathers of our great country. As great and as brave as you were, Officer Cook, you did all you could to humbly keep our peace continuing and this day, those changes brought about by your unselfish dignity and integrity, the politeness and its honorable actions have remained forever engraved in our hearts and thoughts. Never more treasured and embraced for professional character, class and devotion, the desire you had, Officer Cook, to see your life missions through until completion won't be forgotten. Only remembered for a kindred spirit and a gentle and loyal resolve to vanquish this unenviable foe. You performed in a quality and resolute way, your excellence the example of hard and demanding work that shall be talked about and regarded as your legacy of heroism and its righteousness that those ever so faithful possess. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. All of Our Creator's angelic heroes and heroine sleep soundly in the comforts of God's eternal shelters of serenity. You gave your career and life for Dade County and its citizens to rest their ideals and morals in your pathways of perseverance. May we be allowed the unique opportunity to look into those channels that helped you, Officer Cook, navigate your life around those you served, protected and relished being with. With every breath you took, Officer Cook, the reality of peace and its security were realized. You were the champion of calmness in the face of calamity. Tranquility and tenacity are those two common elements all public servants look to acquire on our behalf.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2017

We leave professional responsibility to our daring women and men of resolve to fight on through with these battles of evil. No one should envy nor delay this ever growing battle over a monster that is so adversarial in its pursuits of ruination. Its wreaking ball of havoc casts its evil eyes over us and you were there, Officer Cook, in Dade County pursuing with all your vigor and might trying to freeze its paths of ferocity. Tenacity, honesty and integrity are the ways to go about this perplexing solution. Our peace and quiet rode on a man of searching and character for the finality to a deep source of violence. Vigilant and unrelenting, undaunted and unafraid in the very face of the fear that gripped Dade and its residents back in your day. You were a humbly and humanely competent conqueror and will always be so honored and saluted for bravery, respect, cherished forevermore. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Officer Cook, you were an outstanding and well devoted public servant. The causes of evil and their affects were dealt with in a most proficient manner. Our hearts and prayers continue this day to go out to your loved ones who lost their beloved son, brother, uncle, husband and great-uncle to your adoring family. Commitment and its pride were always displayed on your badge and uniform. Civility and sanctity was your priority, the peace and welfare of all mankind. It got your full attention.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2017

Dare to dream, yet live every moment and realize the potential you have to make a difference. You dared, Officer Cook. You inspired as you aspired to become a studious man of character. Your destinies in life took you throughout the many venues in Dade County and wherever you needed to be to stop evil and cement prosperity and equity among all mankind. Honesty and reliability centered right where integrity and desire, the dignity to commit to fiercely fighting on for our realities to materialize. Think, but accomplish. Dedicate and be devout. Determination is largely a product of conscious motivation, having a mastery and the skills to carry on and to be able and available to lead other colleagues through turbulent times. I think, better yet, I know full well what your life and career meant to your family and those around you. No one was safer when you patrolled, a little less now that you have gone to heaven. Heaven is the rewards of righteous souls who bravely go out and travel the corridors of caring and concern. You were deeply rooted and involved in the welfare and goodwill of all Dade County residents and won't be forgotten for heroism and nobility. A man of class, decency and character coming through in the clutch when lives mattered. When dignity and its clarity of the mind and soul mattered. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. When violence finally is cornered, may it be escorted from our midst permanently. A gentleman of tenacity who convictions matched up with your inner body of courage.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2017

Human beings make mistakes and certain errors can be corrected. Today, the world is made up of many different people. Police officers who serve and protect us too come from many eclectic backgrounds. The one thing they all must have in common is honesty and integrity. That word dignity and the character to compose oneself is what peace and unity can do to shield us from violence and harm. You took your roles, Officer Cook, above and beyond what was demanded of you. Dade County was saved by your valor and humility. No matter the problem, you carried on with exceptional loyalty and professionalism. The hero in you, Officer Cook, is the young man with a charming smile and a bright future ahead of you. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Consecrated in those cornerstones you laid down for us is liberty and the freedoms to pursue our needs and passions as you so faithfully aspired in your travels and missions.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 22, 2017

Harming police officers today is for sure not a normal thing in our society. They need our assistance in order for peace and unity to stay put with the residents. You conducted your affairs, Officer Cook, with a genuine labor of love and ingenuity. To be a leader you must be confident, courageous and stayed dignified/ When a man of honor and integrity goes out of his way to preserve and protect us, we must be thankful, and salute their character, commitment and morals which go into this equation. Enhancement takes place only when devotion to duty and loyalty are exhibited at all times. Your colleagues have celebrated your life and career, humility and humbleness tied together to form a powerful duo. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. I'll always say prayers for your mother, Mrs. Cook. A darling young man and one heck of a warrior. You battled and acquitted yourself, Officer Cook, the way Metro-Dade Police officers should at all moments. Violence never unseats the unwavering accomplishments of the wise and articulate men and women of valor.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2017

The cages of sin are opened for those to leave and commit evil. We must keep career criminals locked up and never again allow them to view the light of day. You possessed a variety of skills, Officer Cook, no telling what integrity, dignity and good old fashioned honesty can do to resolve a dilemma. Here in Dade County where you were respected, admired and revered, your courage and clarity along with your stellar character was pristine. Your calming voice of reason and inspiration shall never be forgotten. Peace and unity live in the humble actions of the righteous. God guards those faithful public servants of which you were one of the most blessed heroes. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2017

For our heroes who give their lives, the days of old, each with a heart warming story to be retold. Though, I did not know you personally, Officer Cook, from what I heard about you from your family, your mother's beautiful letter she wrote to me and from your niece, Mrs. Gina Wilkerson telling me wonderful things about you, just wonderful. You were an inspiration to all who knew you. Your desire, dignity and dedication was par excellence. Integrity and character unquestionable, no doubt Dade County and its folks were well protected and serviced loyally by a most faithful gentleman with a heart and spirit to match. You were well received and very beloved by comrades, friends and your family. Peace and unity are the starting points in these battles to defeat wickedness. It must begin now. Those who fight on do so with your esteem and fruition in mind. Your bravery now becomes a part of them forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Mountains can be tough to climb. Your aspirations, goals and dreams now serve as motivating elements in our daily pursuits. Better utilize them wisely and soundly.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2017

As we get closer to May a flood of memories seems to overwhelm our thoughts. Always the what if this happened or if that happened. Nevertheless you gave your life and career, Officer Cook, with full devotion, deserved dedication, resourcefulness and the honor, integrity and dignity that's expected from all public servants in the face of evil. Evil seems to catch us looking and yet it won't ever beat us down. It's the one opponent police have to be cunning, yet courageous, keep peace and unity while maintaining a professional character, commitment and wisdom over things. You always had Dade County and its residents in your heart and mind, Officer Cook. You got it. The right tools of tenacity following you down those tracks of terror in an effort to stamp out violence. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Humble and well liked, well respected and admired for class and proper morals, they are always the best partners of any law enforcement official. Foundations and cornerstones well constructed and never to be forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 21, 2017

Momentum is a force to be reckoned with. Now whether that is a positive or a negative depends upon the role and performance of each officer. You made changes happen during your watch, Officer Cook, peace and unity was safely delivered by your cunning and courageously heroic actions. But then again, you went strictly by the book and your sincerity helped bolster the dreams and plans of those whom you served and protected. You put your life and career on the blocks for us, Officer Cook, no one could be any greater. You led by example, maintained good relations because of your composure, conviction and the drive to achieve. Comrades have remembered your style and principles entrenched in your work ethics. Never out of sight, never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A life of balance and common sense exercised by a thinking person's mind and the desire to grow within your responsibilities. It's a crying shame you could not be a part of today's enhancements, Officer Cook, some started happening while you were with us. Violence and its trails of terror, turmoil and torment need to be permanently eradicated from our society. You did your part, it is now up to those honorable and brave enough to battle its winds of rage.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2017

If any public servant feels a compulsion to break with tradition and with a cadence of honesty, dignity and integrity, then better leave the police department. You see clearly all loyal and devout officers, men and women must carry with them a cadre of courage and character. Character equals dignity, integrity and commitment. To police the streets and to serve the interest of all citizens certain characteristics must be enforce and they are what is spelled out above. You had morals, knowledge, maturity and leadership skills, Officer Cook and you were able to make a smooth transition from the police academy to the streets of a community where you have been paid tributes and salutes of sanctity and valor. A man of sure fire resolve, humility and the humbleness to accomplish your missions as faithfully as possible. Heroic, humane and most beloved, rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. A devoted gentleman cherished by all, your left a legacy of endearment for all to aspire to. You are our warrior and hero. May God's light shine brightly on your soul. Our freedoms and liberties depended on your reliance and those broad shoulders which carried onuses too great for us to comprehend. Just ponder and imagine what you had to go beyond to become the very professional that Dade County folks witnessed for six years of excellence and proficiency.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2017

Calamity and prosperity are the touchstones of integrity. In order to achieve one must first be honorable and dignified. And only then when integrity and loyalty are exercised then success can rise or fall depending on the exertion of fruition. Dade County prospered greatly under your spirited watch, Officer Cook and for your heroically humble endeavors were they able to stay unified and peaceful. Today and forever will your memory, its messages and your life and career be so honored. God's honor roll of humane angelic heroes and heroines sadly has grown halt this violence in His everlasting mercy. Their righteousness stays ingrained in our thoughts and hearts as does yours, Officer Cook. Your humane public service shall stand as the character, commitment of a truly valiant gentleman. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2017

The eyes and ears of Our Lord in heaven gaze at us as we pursue our loves and make hopefully wise decisions based on the positive outcomes they hope to yield. You were a relentless source of resolve, Officer Cook, the kind all humanity hopes to have from its bravest heroes in their fight over violence. Dade County and its residents were the ones who gained peace, prosperity and so much more. Fruition is only fulfilled if integrity, dignity and honor are so maintained. You kept your cool and wits about you, Officer Cook, in times of trouble and so was your unwavering tenacity to solve whatever problems occurred. You won't be forgotten as you served and protected us with pristine clarity in order to lead other men and women through times of duress. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2017

There are reasons for everything and yet understanding those explanations are seemingly far out beyond our wildest reaches. Today, we still cannot fully comprehend why your life was taken from us, Officer Cook. Dade County and your colleagues missed out all these years later in seeing and greeting you. Your soul of serenity floats high above us daily, your honesty, wisdom and dignity were the reasons why you succeeded in making peace and its unity a thing that has enhanced our venues forever. Humanity and hope if applied properly can have long lasting and very powerful effects within our society. You possessed the right character, righteous and devout, brave and bold. Your commitments, Officer Cook, were fulfilled, those who have taken over your watch proceed on with the greatest caution and consideration. A foundation of goodwill and hope have been spread throughout by your respected endeavors, Officer Cook. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2017

Bite off more than you can chew and you may encounter difficulties swallowing. Officers must accept risk, danger and who knows what else. Officer Cook, your dream was to become a police officer and an excellent one at that. A charming and handsome young man who greeted everyone with an engaging smile, a hearty laugh and a kind word. Maybe like my dad, Officer Cook, you were too nice to be a public servant, yet service and protection was in your blood. Your veins carried vigor and vitality while distributing resolve and fruition in all your missions. There was more left to accomplish. God directed your life and its fulfillment, now God has you and your beautiful soul sheltered for eternity in His palace with other brave souls who too sacrificed for mankind to aspire and endeavor to finish their assignments of astuteness. Your intelligence, maturity, integrity and dignity carried you from venue to venue in Dade County. Peace and calm was realized by your faithfulness, loyalty and devotion to your colleagues. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Heroism and humility are learned and practiced, yours, Officer Cook, was preached in your loving home and taught by your wonderful parents. We shall all ascribe to learn and live these lessons well. The golden rule in the Cook Household as in any house should be to treat others as you would want to be treated. Respect. Good manners and morally acceptable behavior. Not to be overlooked nor forgotten.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2017

Insightful and fulfilling. Your destiny, Officer Cook, was to lay down paths of protection and perseverance for all citizens in Dade County and there was no doubt your ferocity and tenacity opened many doors of opportunity for those to pass through. We may take for granted police officers. We should not, for their professions call for integrity, dignity and honor as much as other chosen endeavors ask of their employees. You brought a personable care and concern, Officer Cook, for your family, friends and those esteemed and humble cohorts who like yourself fought a daily battle in this wrath of wickedness. Thank God for your humility and tenacity. Missed everyday, but never forgotten. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 20, 2017

Proliferation. Penetration. Perpetration. Ruination. One's thoughts can be penetrating. I believe proliferate is to add on, the abundance of something. Goodness shall follow us all of our days. Honor comes to those who display display the loyalty, integrity and the unwavering bravery and courage to see them through on their missions in life. What saw your travels of success to completion was your dignity, character and the morals that mean something. Piercing through with perseverance and the resolve to act humbly and heroically to bring peace and civility to all Dade County residents. You'll never be forgotten for your wit, smile and engaging personality that led others through terror and turmoil. Remembered and so honored for class, devotion and dedication. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. With the right motivation and sheer determination one can accomplish almost anything they set their hearts and minds to do. Challenges are what make us more humane and tend to humble us.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2017

Patience. Perseverance. Professionalism. Of all the traits public servants need and much more. You place your humility and humbleness on the line, then only resolve and fruition shall follow you. Dade County allowed you, Officer Cook, the privilege to serve the. You kept the shelters of peace and security close to one another. Dignity and integrity deserve the sincerity of each other if we are to live our lives peacefully and fruitfully. You remain treasured and adored by all mankind. You made your parents proud, Officer Cook. Your concern, class, decency and character helped enhancements stayed forever etched into the landscape where you served. A hero is honored for their bravery, your courage, Officer Cook, will be revered forever. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2017

Police work requires at times sophistication, being subtle and the greatest care, concern and consideration for the public at large which is both protected and served by the many brave and honorable men and women. Public servants whose integrity, faith, dignity and unquestionable character are tested each moment of their duties. So its mandatory that they all stay abreast of the situations as they unfold. In Dade County you were up to snuff on all the pertinent information, Officer Cook, as you were a gentleman of commitment, conviction and the proper morals to deliver the peace and efficiency to all residents. More beloved, respected and cherished by your family, peers and friends. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 19, 2017

You are who you are if you are brave and honorable, devoted to the calls in life that may take us to places we might not want to go to. In Dade County, a man lays his character and life on the line as you did, Officer Cook, for the staunch realities of freedom and peace to take shape. Now many decades from that awful day you have been so fondly remembered for taking the corrective heroic action that saved your comrades and no telling how many other civilians. Domestic violence is terrible just as much as any other crime is so men and women like yourself, Officer Cook, who are honest, have dignity and integrity can fairly represent those of us who need assistance. Never forgotten. A blessed Godsend and a resourceful hero. Humbleness shares its roles in the chambers of all humanity. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 18, 2017

Fundamental and fair. Firm and yet unwavering in ferocity, you cannot ask for a more accomplished and humble public servant. Officer Cook, you were one of the many superb professionals who was relied upon for peace and liberty to march together. The essentials of good morals beyond question and the character that dignifies a beloved and faithful man in all his missions and journeys of justice. You'll remain cherished and so honored for your unselfish bravery and conviction, it was your leadership, vision and knowledge which in part led to the enhancements we can all share in today. Rest in peace my neighbor, friend and hero. Your deserved to live on, Officer Cook, it was Our Creator who took your treasured soul to a venue of golden streets where our angelic heroes and heroes sleep soundly in eternity.

Rabbi Lewis S. Davis

April 18, 2017

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